Partners in Moving Forward

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VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center 2011-12 annual report Partners in moving forward

V i r g i n i a

C o m m o n w e a l t h

U n i v e r s i t y

VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center From the director The Virginia Commonwealth University Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center is committed to partnering with you, our community, through our clinical care, research and education to halt the progression of Parkinson’s and related movement disorders. This partnership began with the Center’s creation three years ago by the motivated Richmond community group the Movers and Shakers. This group, co-founded by Charles F. Bryan and David C. Reynolds, successfully approached the university and the dean James P. Bennett Jr., M.D., Ph.D. of the VCU School of Medicine to advocate for a comprehensive movement disorders center. We continue to build on this legacy and rely on the partnership of financial supporters to pursue our quest. Your generous support has proved critical in establishing and moving the Center forward and has played a key part in helping us achieve our goals during the past year — from pilot investigations and innovative research to expanded clinical services and education and outreach programs. With your support, we will continue to make great strides in scientific understanding that translates into improved lives for patients and families coping with these diseases. Thank you for all that you have done and will do to help us solve these complex problems.

James P. Bennett Jr., M.D., Ph.D.

Virginia Commonwealth University | Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center P.O. Box 980539 | Richmond, Virginia 23298-0539 | Phone: (804) 828-3747 | Email: | an equal opportunity/affirmative action university 120509-04


Brain Tissue Resource Facility

James P. Bennett Jr., M.D., Ph.D., (left) talks with Virginia W. Stanley, whose family donated the brain of her husband, Peter Stanley, to advance the scientific study of Parkinson’s disease and other neurological diseases.

Partners in scientific advancement The VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center houses and manages the VCU Brain Tissue Resource Facility. The facility advances the research of movement disorders and related neurodegenerative diseases through the collection of autopsy and brain tissue donations from individuals with neurodegenerative diseases and their families, as well as healthy volunteers. Virginia W. Stanley said the donation of her husband’s brain provided her and her children with “hope that the research conducted using his brain tissue might help the process of enabling others to beat this disease.”

Peter Stanley was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in July 1997 at the age of 58. The couple learned at the time that brain autopsy provided the only way to confirm the diagnosis. Parkinson’s is a clinical diagnosis; there is no biomarker, blood test, scan, MRI or X-ray to verify it. “Peter and I had talked about donating his brain for research partly because, being of a scientific mind, he thought the brain autopsy report would be interesting and also because he thought it might be helpful to others suffering from Parkinson’s,” Virginia Stanley said.

VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center


From left: Peter and Virginia W. Stanley travel to Nepal in 1992; Peter Stanley holds his grandson in 1993.

The couple had considered other institutions and learned about VCU’s facility through a family member. “I called Paula Keeney [the facility’s coordinator] who could not have been more helpful throughout the process and provided information for both the nursing home and funeral home, which was a tremendous help for me in those first hours after his death,” Virginia Stanley said of her husband’s passing in February 2012. She received the brain autopsy report three months after the donation. James P. Bennett, M.D., Ph.D., the Center’s director, met with Virginia Stanley and her son, George Stanley, to further review the report and the findings in greater detail. “It was amazingly informative, even to someone not versed in the language, documenting the extent of both Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body disease, which helped explain the debilitating symptoms Peter experienced over the years,” she said. Brain tissue donation is vital to advancing the scientific study of Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease. The cell and animal models widely used to mimic these human diseases do not re-create the disease process precisely. The use of human brain tissue to validate findings from other lines of research results in more efficient verification and accuracy of data and development of possible therapies.


Bennett and his research team have used donated brain tissue to study brain mitochondria in both normal and diseased states. Mitochondria serve as power plants, creating energy for cells. Neurons in the brain use large amounts of energy compared to most other tissues in the body, so efficient functioning of mitochondria is critical to the neurons’ health. Center researchers are also using human brain tissue to study the messages sent from cells to mitochondria and to learn how these messages regulate mitochondrial replication and functioning. Another recently initiated project focuses on epigenetics, studying the changes in gene activity that result from environmental causes such as stress, diet or insecticides. The Center’s laboratories are using donated brain tissue to investigate whether epigenetics may contribute to Parkinson’s disease. The generous donation of brain tissue by individuals with movement disorders and their families allows the Center to conduct groundbreaking research. The important partnership between the community and the Center supports research that will lead to a more accurate and in-depth understanding of Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. High-quality scientific data, generated through the use of donated brain tissue, will give scientists the information needed to more quickly find targeted therapies to effectively treat these diseases.

Clinical research

Meme Bullard (left) and her brother, Paul Jalbert, take part in one of the Center’s initial clinical research projects led by Sarah Lageman, Ph.D., ABPP-CN.

Partners in improving care The VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center conducts clinical research projects as part of its efforts to better understand movement disorders and to evaluate new therapies and treatments for these diseases. While necessary to advance the understanding of movement disorders and improve patient care, launching and successfully completing clinical research projects requires significant investments. Volunteers willing to participate in these projects are equally critical. The Center works to forge partnerships with volunteers for various clinical research studies. These partnerships are crucial for the development of new and better treatments for movement disorders.

One of the Center’s initial clinical research projects, led by Sarah Lageman, Ph.D., ABPPCN, examines the effects of expressive writing interventions in people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers. Expressive writing has been associated with positive improvement in physical health in numerous chronically ill populations, but this is the first time the therapy has been used with Parkinson’s patients. Through these exercises, it is possible that those with Parkinson’s disease, and their caregivers, will experience similar physical health benefits, particularly with non-motor symptoms such as anxiety and depression, as well as possible reductions in levels of cortisol, a circulating stress hormone.

VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center


at the VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Paul Jalbert and his sister, Meme Bullard, Center have been very professional and very perparticipated in the study — their first experience sonable. The Center’s director, Dr. Bennett, and in taking part in a clinical research project. his staff have made a big difference in my life.” “I decided to participate because I felt this According to early findings, the most stressstudy might help in the search for the causes ful life experiences of Parkinson’s, in individuals with and because I was “All of the staff members that I have Parkinson’s and interested in how worked with at the VCU Parkinson’s caregivers’ lives Parkinson’s has and Movement Disorders Center have been are not related to affected me personthe disease. “We ally,” Jalbert said. very professional and very personable. The expected that a Bullard particiCenter’s director, Dr. Bennett, and his large proportion of pated because she staff have made a big difference in my life.” participants would wanted “to do what write about receiving I could to contribute – Paul Jalbert, participant in expressive writing research project a Parkinson’s diagto learning more nosis or coping with about Parkinson’s PD as their most stressful life event; however, and help improve the well-being of others.” so far very few individuals have selected to She found participation to be a bonding experiwrite about PD,” Lageman noted. ence with her brother that brought the two Stressors affecting participants who have closer together through the shared experience. Parkinson’s and their caregivers tend to be Both siblings said they benefited from parcommon life events independent of the ticipation in the study and would consider disease. This early finding will impact developvolunteering for future projects. ment of new strategies to help those dealing “I personally found some of the tests chalwith Parkinson’s live the best quality of life lenging, but I received the most value in the possible. Other outcomes will be analyzed and exercise where we wrote about personally reported once a larger number of volunteers challenging experiences,” Jalbert said. “All have completed the study. of the staff members that I have worked with


Interdisciplinary programs

Genetics research may lead to better treatments for motor and non-motor disorders such as Huntington’s and essential tremor.

Claudia Testa, M.D., Ph.D., leads the Center’s efforts to create and implement clinical, research, education and outreach services for the Huntington’s and essential tremor communities.

Partners in comprehensive care The VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center’s mission expanded this past year to cover the full range of movement disorders. This evolution resulted from a demonstrated need in the community and the desire to offer a comprehensive movement disorders training program for future providers. Individuals with Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia and other disorders often face similar challenges with motor and non-motor symptoms. Caregivers and families also tend to be affected in similar ways and our expertise and experience across the spectrum of movement disorders improves clinical care services.

Our clinicians and core programs, such as neuropsychology, rehabilitation and wellness, and deep brain stimulation, provide care for many movement disorders. In addition to ensuring clinical care for general movement disorders, in the past year we expanded disease-specific programs to include Huntington’s disease and essential tremor, as well as a dystonia program expected to launch in fall 2012. Claudia Testa, M.D., Ph.D., who joined VCU in September 2011, leads the Center’s efforts to create and implement clinical, research, education and outreach services for the Huntington’s and essential tremor communities. These new programs reflect the Center’s mission to integrate

VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center


the best clinical care and research practices and create partnerships in learning between patientfamily communities and medical professionals.

Huntington’s disease program Testa and her team are working to provide an integrated, seamless clinical care experience for individuals and families impacted by Huntington’s disease. The inherited neurodegenerative disease causes movement problems, personality and behavioral changes, and cognitive decline. There is no cure for Huntington’s, and while medications and non-medication modalities such as physical therapy are available to manage symptoms, these become more severe as the disease progresses. A team approach is needed to best address the needs of patients and their families. The interdisciplinary treatment team includes specialists with Huntington’s disease care and research experience in the fields of neurology, psychiatry, physical therapy, nutrition, medical social work, genetic counseling, neuropsychology and nursing. By bringing together these specialists, the program addresses the full spectrum of the disease, including presymptomatic, symptomatic and advanced symptoms in a personalized and coordinated manner. In addition to clinical care, the Huntington’s disease program will offer opportunities for participation in clinical research projects. Clinical care and clinical research missions inform and strengthen each other. The program is registered as a Huntington Study Group research site, allowing for data sharing and collaboration with other institutions that are also members of this international research network. The Huntington’s disease program also joined the Global Site and Investigator Database for Huntington’s that will facilitate the sharing of information and key resources available for


clinical research on a worldwide scale. Testa has established a relationship with colleagues at the University of Virginia and will partner with them to coordinate and maximize regional research opportunities. The Center’s location allows it to partner with groups throughout Virginia to advocate at the state level and with groups in the Washington, D.C., area to advocate at the national level. Through education and outreach efforts, the program will provide educational services and training for individuals and families impacted by Huntington’s disease, as well as for health care professionals working with patients. Training medical professionals expands the number of clinicians and researchers excited to make progress in the disease, and movement disorders in general. Outreach efforts in the community allow our Center to learn from patients and families and communicate new research findings. The program is working toward establishing partnerships with individuals and families as well as the Huntington’s Disease Society of America to learn how to best serve the community.

Essential tremor program In addition to the Huntington’s disease program, Testa is working to establish a program for essential tremor, the most common movement disorder, estimated to affect up to 4 percent of the population over the age of 60. This tremor occurs with actions such as writing, eating, drinking and typing; and can range from annoying to socially embarrassing to severely disabling. In establishing the essential tremor program, Testa formed an interdisciplinary team to address patient and family needs, including specialists from the fields of neurology, physical therapy, neurosurgery, psychiatry, neuropsychology, genetic counseling and

2.5 million Americans suffer from Parkinson’s disease or another debilitating movement disorder

by 2030 that number is projected to double to

5 million*

300,000 Virginians have a movement disorder or are at risk for diagnosis *Dorsey, E. R., Constantinescu, R., Thompson, J. P., Biglan, K. M., Holloway, R. G., Kieburtz, K., et al. (2007) Projected number of people with Parkinson disease in the most populous nations, 2005 through 2030. Neurology, 68(5), 384-6.

nursing. She also is establishing clinical research projects to increase understanding of the full range of symptoms of essential tremor and to explore the potential genetic causes and genetic risks for it. She submitted a research protocol to the VCU Institutional Review Board and expects to begin enrolling participants by fall 2012. The Center sponsored 10 educational events for the essential tremor community this past year in partnership with Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center, the University of Virginia, the International Essential Tremor Foundation – Richmond Chapter and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Central Virginia Chapter. The program will also continue education partnerships with both the community and medical professionals.

The Center is excited to offer clinical care services for all movement disorders and to cultivate integrated programs in Huntington’s disease and essential tremor. These programs pair outstanding clinical care with clinical research and education, allowing the Center to positively impact more lives and serve a larger community. The Center will continue to nurture partnerships between the Huntington’s disease and essential tremor programs and individuals and community organizations to address unmet needs and to target new diseasespecific program development. The hope is that knowledge developed in one area will lead to further advances in the study of all movement disorders. We want to see better care now, advanced understanding of the diseases, improved new treatments and ultimately cures.

VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center


Mentorship programs

Sarah Lageman, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, director of the Center’s neuropsychology program (left), serves as a mentor to two clinical psychology doctoral students, Therese Verkerke Cash (center) and Melody Mickens.

Partners in training the next generation As the U.S. population ages, the number of people impacted by movement disorders will continue to rise. The VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center prioritizes training the next generation of clinicians and researchers. We feel it is our responsibility to meet the needs of future patients by mentoring and developing specialists with the education and experience to adequately provide quality patient care and implement sound research agendas.


Sarah Lageman, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, director of the Center’s neuropsychology program, has partnered with the VCU Department of Psychology to serve as a mentor for two clinical psychology doctoral students, Therese Verkerke Cash and Melody Mickens. Lageman said she finds serving as a mentor to be one of the most inspiring aspects of her career. “When you interact with students, you are continuously learning from each other, which is both personally and

caregivers from the beginning and has helped intellectually very energizing,” she said. “Discusme to build my research skills through this sions about new ways to improve quality of life collaborative effort.” are always more developed and diverse when The doctoral students have also had the mentors and students work together compared opportunity to learn about the complexity to when individuals work alone. It is through of movement my mentorship disorders and of students that I “It is through my students that work directly hope the focus of I can significantly impact patient care with patients in my life on improvthe clinical setting. ing people’s lives to a much greater degree than what I can “Through Dr. will continue well personally do. It is through my mentorship Lageman’s leaderbeyond my perof students that I hope the focus of my life ship and mentoring, sonal lifetime.” I’ve been able With Lageman’s on improving people’s lives will continue to learn more guidance, both well beyond my personal lifetime.” about Parkinson’s students have – Sarah Lageman, Ph.D., ABPP-CN disease and how developed research it affects the cogprojects focused nitive, social and emotional health of our patients on improving quality of life and describe their and their support persons,” Mickens said. research projects as invaluable experiences Lageman personifies the Center’s mission in both their graduate studies. of training: “I hope to ‘pay-it-forward’ and “Partnering with Dr. Lageman on my impart knowledge, skills and wisdom to my own clinical trial has been one of the most students so that my own knowledge and the important opportunities that I have had in knowledge of my mentors helps them benefit my graduate career so far,” Cash said. “Dr. from our various experiences and develop into Lageman has been supportive of my interest excellent clinician researchers in whatever in quality of life enhancement interventions discipline they pursue.” for individuals with chronic illnesses and their

VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center


Education and outreach

The Center partners with local organizations to produce the Parkinson’s Community Education Day each October, providing people and families living with Parkinson’s disease information sessions, networking opportunities and practical tips.

Partners in the community The VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center’s education and outreach program actively engages with the community in multiple regions across the commonwealth to positively impact the quality of life for those affected by movement disorders. In the past year, the Center partnered with support groups, nonprofit organizations, churches, universities and government agencies to produce or present 54 events reaching more than 3,000 participants. These events contribute to the improved quality of life by teaching individuals, families and health professionals strategies to address both motor and nonmotor symptoms of movement disorders and advocate for better care and treatment.


In developing education and outreach programs, the Center relies on the movement disorders community to provide information on what is needed or lacking. For example, the Center created and facilitates a young onset Parkinson’s disease support group to address the previously unmet needs of those dealing with young onset Parkinson’s in the Richmond area. This group meets on a monthly basis and provides a forum to share information, challenges, possible solutions and compassion. Linda and Paul Warner actively participate in the group. Attending a meeting proves “very helpful because it provides an opportunity to meet other couples that are balancing family and job responsibilities while living with the

impact of a chronic disabling disease,” Linda Warner said. “It also provides a forum for the members to share information about challenges and resources. Attending a support group with other people who understand your day-to-day struggles helps one feel less alone.” The Center looks forward to seeing new partnerships grow out of a robust education and outreach program, including expanded offerings that will meet the needs of the essential tremor and Huntington’s disease communities.

Annual fundraiser

On April 19, 2012, the Center hosted Shakin’ Not Stirred, the first of what is destined to become an annual signature fundraiser. Guests enjoyed tastings of martinis created by notable local bartenders, a silent auction and live jazz. The world’s most alluring secret agent, James Bond, made an appearance for photos with guests, and celebrity judges honored the top martini maker.

Community program participants, 2011-12

9% Health professionals

4% Other

8% VCU students

79% Lay community

VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center



Partners in investing for better care The VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center directed 91 percent of its 2011-12 spending on mission-related activities, as broken out by program area, illustrated below.

Operating expenses (Total: $2,521,605)

26% Clinical research

4% Education and outreach

9% Administration

19% Clinical care*

42% Translational laboratory research

Operating budget (Total: $2,521,605)

22% Research grants

3% Clinical operating revenue*

75% Philanthropic support

* As of May 31, 2012


2011-12 Honor roll of donors

Partners in progress The VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center gratefully acknowledges the following individual, corporation and foundation partners who provided resources necessary to advance research that improves care. We are grateful for and honored by their commitment. This list includes those whose memory and spirit inspired tribute gifts. Mrs. Frances S. Adamson-Reed Amgen Foundation Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Baker Mr. Jonathan S. Baker Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Barnes Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Baron Mr. John W. Barrows Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Baskerville III Ms. Jennifer M. Beckett Ms. Madge W. Bemiss Mrs. Margaret Page Bemiss Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Bemiss III Dr. and Mrs. James P. Bennett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Blair Jr. Dr. Cecelia H. Boardman Mr. Alexander H. Bocock Frederic Scott Bocock and Roberta Bryan Bocock Trust Mrs. Roberta B. Bocock Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Bond Mr. and Ms. James N. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. McGuire Boyd Mr. Carrol P. Bradford Jr. T. Nash Broaddus Charitable Lead Unitrust Mr. Neal N. Brock Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brockenbrough III Jane and Austin Brockenbrough III Fund Mr. Preston Brown Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bullard Dr. and Mrs. S.A. Burnette Mr. Robert L. Burrus Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Butler CA Inc. Eda H. Cabaniss Charitable Lead Unitrust Mrs. Melissa McPherson Canavos Ms. Courtenay W. Cann Mr. Richard H. Carlton Mr. and Mrs. Drew St. J. Carneal Mr. and Mrs. Cecil S. Carpenter Mrs. Elisabeth Reed Carter Mrs. Sharon S. Catlett Mr. and Mrs. William B. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Chase

ChemTreat Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon W. Christian Mr. David Coiner Commonwealth Foundation The Covington Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. James E. Covington Jr. Mr. Robert L. Covington III Mr. Mark Cox Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Craigie Mr. and Mrs. James B. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Art D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis III Mrs. Julia Dillon Mr. Wayne E. Dillon Ms. Eloise S. Durrett Ms. Dorothy Edwards Mr. and Mrs. J. Morton Eggleston Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Claud V. Eley Ms. Ann O. Farnsworth Mr. and Mrs. John Faulconer Ms. Wendy Fewster Fife Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Murray Fisher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fitch John C. Fitch Family Fund Mr. Carroll H. Fowlkes III Ms. Florence Bryan Fowlkes Mrs. Marjorie N. Fowlkes Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Fox Carol and Carter Fox Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter Fox Ms. Cherri D. Fuhrman and Mr. George A. Carneal III GE Foundation Ms. Jennifer M. Gerlach Ms. Mary McGuire Gilliam Dr. and Mrs. R. Kennon Guerry Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Hack Jr. Mr. Bill Hanky Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Hanshaw Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hill Mrs. Adrienne G. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Hitz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Hoder Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Howerton Dr. and Mrs. Adam Drew Huggins Mr. Dennis C. Hughes

Gifts given in memory of: Mrs. Anne Forbes Bell Mr. FitzGerald Bemiss Cmdr. William T. Chipman Jr. Mr. Jack Miller Clements

Mr. Leonard A. Purdy Dr. Sidney Sellers Mr. Peter Von S. Stanley

Mr. and Mrs. Seth D. Humphreys Dr. Fredrika and Mr. Paul Jacobs Maj. and Mrs. Walter T. Judd Kanawha Capital Management Inc. Mrs. Kathryn H. Kent Mr. Richard A. Kern Dr. and Mrs. William P. Kotti Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kusiak Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ladd Dr. Sarah K. Lageman Ms. Becky L. Lakey Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Lane Jr. Ms. Stephanie E. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Leppert Mr. Richard M. Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Livingston Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Mac Ewan Ms. Cheryl Majeske Markel Corp. Massey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. E. Morgan Massey Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McFall Mr. Robert R. McKaig Mr. Raymond McNughon Medtronic Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Meyers Mr. Dennis W. Mountcastle Ms. Cindy L. Neuschwander Mr. and Mrs. George W. Norris Mr. Zachary Norton Mr. Robert B. Nowicki Dr. and Mrs. John S. Oehler Jr. Ms. Margo J. Olsen Mrs. Mary Tennant Bryan Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Todd B. Perseghin Pescados China Street LLC Philip Morris Co. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Larry O. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. C. Cotesworth Pinckney Ms. Jenny W. Powell Mr. William P. Price Mr. Georgie B. Pugh Mr. Gilbert K. Queitzsch Mr. and Mrs. Hampton C. Randolph Jr. Mrs. Frances S.A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds Mr. R.S. Reynolds III Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Rezek Richmond Magazine Miss Elizabeth Riedel Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ritz Mr. and Mrs. Karl Robb Dr. H. Shepard Rowland Jr. Safe Harbor Title Co. Mrs. Sue S. Sampson Mr. C.C. Satterfield III Ms. Heather A. Scott

Mr. and Mrs. R. Strother Scott Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Scott S. Bailey and S. Scott Endowment Trust Mr. and Mrs. S. Buford Scott Mr. and Mrs. Syred Scott Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Seaton Ms. Nancy P. Sebren Mr. Kevin R. Selders Mrs. Anna Seymour Mr. Robert T. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Singleton Mrs. Hallie D. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Snead Sons of Confederate Veterans Inc. Mr. John Spurlock-Brown Mr. Patrick Stamper Mrs. Virginia W. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. Starke Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stimac Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Strauss III Dr. Amy Sullivan and Mr. Alexander H. Bocock Mr. Dennis J. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Szymanczyk Ms. Erin N. Tatum Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thomes Mr. and Mrs. William Taliaferro Thompson III Tilghman Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Tilghman Tobin Family Education and Health Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tomko Dr. Patricia A. Trimmer Ms. Stacy Tuohy Mrs. Leigh Twiford The Villas at River’s Bend Association Mrs. Vanessa I. Vozza Ms. Rebecca A. Wall Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warner Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Waterman Ms. Judy Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Marcus M. Weinstein Westminster-Canterbury Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. White Mr. and Mrs. Fielding L. Williams Jr. Mr. John Williams Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Witt III The Woman’s Club of Richmond Dr. and Mrs. Fred P. Woodlief III Dr. Anne R. Worrell Miss Lauren E. Wright Dr. Mary Ann H. Wright Miss Preston Wright Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Wyckoff

List includes gifts received between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012.

VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center


A VCU University Relations publication


Virginia Commonwealth University Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center P.O. Box 980539 Richmond, Virginia 23298-0539

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