Ink Magazine; Vol. 1.1

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Vol. 1 NO.1

December 2008


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Welcome to the first issue of Ink Magazine. We hope you enjoy reading our publication as much as we enjoyed creating it This publication was formed out of the ashes of a publ ication called • "Reflections in Ink" as well as the our former magazine "The Vine," with a little help from some staffers from a short- . lived publication known as "Monument Ink."




So put down you r homework, make your favorite beverage of choice and curl up with what we hope wi ll be a spunky, colorful, humorous and insightf ul read. Puppy dogs and ice cream,

Rich Griset Executive Editor

The revolution will not be televised


Our concept is to try to be a • ., .. • • magazine accessible to everyone, while still retaining the alternative • I feel that this publication has .....- ~had since its inception 35- " .. years ago whi le it stil l held the "Reflections" name. We hope to draw on our roots and will continuing to celebrate what perhaps is VCU's most alluring quality: it's diversity in every aspect Between preditory midd le-aged woman, pointers for aspiring male strippers, tear gassings at t he RNC and your run-of-the-mill VCU scandals, we hope to be an exciting and informative read.




WHIlN[Y SlmNS ~l[XANOR~ ROS[RO · . BRIHANY Wllll~MS \ .~ . O[N~ SPRUill ..~ Fashion Assistants


• (:. Fashion Editor


tetteyfioge@v(u .edu




RICH GRISn Executive Editor v(



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Copy Editor


ba rneskI 2@vcued~

[RIC Hill

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Staff Writer






~ Staff Writer

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Staff Writer

p. 4 - Ask Ch ristina" Watch the train wreck unfold as

Christina fields your queries. p. 4 - Welcome to the Fruga l Life: How to save a few

extra bucks when you're on a tight budget. p. 5 - 12 Easy Steps to Becoming a Better Male Stripper:

Ladies man Roberto Curtis gives us the skinny on shaking it for the females. p. 6 - Bonnaroo & MJ Too: Remember those four drugfueled days you spent in a field in Tennessee? Neither do We. p. 8 - The Zack Budryk Files: Rape/Cannibalism + Mickey Mouse = Box Office Gold! p.10 - Meeks' Rising Empi re: A VCU student launches his own dank clothing line.

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p. 12 - The Making of Frankzig: Richmond's metal and flamenco guitar god p. 13 - Winter Holidays: From Christmas to Festivus, there's something here for the rest of us. p. 13 - The Frugal Gift-Giving Guide: Sorry kids, Santa's going wholesale this year p. 14 - Election Day Cove rage: We let our liberal bias swing as freely as our staff. p. 16 - Volunteering for the Cam paign: News flash! VCU students are not as apathetic as we thought.1 p. 18 - Blowing Smoke: A look at o~f the scandals VCU has become known for. \



Staff Writer

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p. 20 - Is It Safe 7: The health code violations for VCU-area restaurants. Warning: You may find yourself eating at home more often p. 25 - In the Cougar's Clutch: This growing trend may have some VCU males hitting up their local Cougar Den. p. 26 - Books for Uganda: Invisible Children'S book drive. \ p. 27 - VCU's Fifth Hei r: The Search for ~resident Trani's successor. p. 28 - The Clash: Our Inker got tear gassed at the RNC to bring us this photo essay. p. 32 - Inked Artists: Ink's favorite artists.

ASK CHRISTINA already. Willi ever get engaged'

C: Does hewear skinny pants? Ifso, write a vague "Missed Connection" on Craigslist forhim. If not, proceed to ask him for his phone number so you can have text with him.

if he's not down, pick up a cabana boy at the resort.

Q: I feel like I need a car to get around campus these days, but parking is a bitch. What do you think I should do'

C: I usually recru it an innocent looking boytc va let my car to the nearest deck and if he's lucky I give him my phone number afterwards. If not, I call it in as stolen so the police can bring it to me when I'm ready to leave. Q: I think my boyfriend might be cheating on me, but


Q: I've been a bridesmaid in three weddings this year

Q: I'm really interested in a guy in my statistics class, but he doesn't even seem to notice me. What should I do to get his attention?

~~y~n~~ sure.

How do I find out for certain if my man is

C: Probably not. Which bride made you wear the ugliest dress? Crash that one's honeymoon, aim forthe husband, Q: I want to spruce up my apartment, but I don't have much money. Any thoughts'

C: Bedazzle EVERYTH ING. This might piss off your roommate, so replace her with a cat - it'll be happy with all the shiny objects.

Q: Why is my roommate acting like such a bitch' She acts like she's all perfect and gives me crap about my laundry on the floor. What do I do about it'

C: Ask her why she is fat. She is upset that her clothes are not as cute as yours and you should tell her that jea lousy is a disease and to get well soon, bitch!

While owning a credit card is good to build credit, find one with a low limit

and use it only for emergencies, said Vohwinkle. Companies tend to target the presumable financially irresponsible student. Vohwinkle also suggested taking


like that apply a Netflix-style approach to books. JeremyVohwinkle, retirement planning

Daniel Johnson posted hisCD collection on Craigslist to get money for a new

specialist at Diversified Investment Advisors, warns against frequent

computer. His roommates save their


beer cans to sell back to the recycling plant. Selling belongings for extra cash is common among college students. Although effective, experts suggest other penny-pinching tips for

students. The most common tip is to make a budget. While all expenses are increasing, "you can't really afford to slump on any of them," said Kelci Lynn, writerfor' s Guide to College Life. Use the budget to see how much you can spend and save, and where you can afford to cut back, said Lynn.

VCU Web site features an array of free

"Try not to keep up with the Joneses," said Vohwinkle. Some students avoid the temptation altogether. "I don't go to the mall because I don't want to spend money," said Emily

Mazich, a political science major. Lynn offers an option: "If you budget

out the money you can spend on yourself, you don't always have to say no The importance of saving is another common concern. leona Tam, assistant professor of marketing atOld Dominion

"Those $4 smoothies can really add

University, said students should begin

saving what they can now. Tam

living within your means."

warns that people tend to be "over optimistic about what will happen in the future." Vohwinkle and Lynn both said that another thing that can really affect

your future is a credit card. Both agree that they should be avoided.

board that connects student drivers for carpooling to local and long-distance

destinations. In the midst of all the pressures and responsibilities of college life, financial

activities for students, some including

management can seem intimidating

food. Getting involved in clubs and sports around campus will leave less free time up to boredom.

and overwhelming. Students should remember what Lynn said. "You got

With the skyrocketing gas prices,

up," said Lynn. "Make sure you are When it comes to more expensive items that are needed, Lynn advises that used items are often a cheaper yet suitable solution. As far as books, lynn refers to the option of borrowing them from the library or renting them from sites

advantage of "what your university has to offer." The events calendar on the

year, GRTC bus passes are available free to full- time students through the parking and transportation office. The underground level of the University Student Commons also offers the ride

students can save some money by taking advantage of free transportation. This

in because you're smart, so be smart about your money."


Move -

Your money maker isn 't going to get itself coordinated . You need to gyrate and body roll in front of every mirro r and on every dance floor you can. If you're not impressed w ith what you're seeing, odds are your clientele won't be eithe r.

Burn the love handles - Don't let the term fool you. Get on the bike, stairs, trea dm ill or whateve r you do to get that heart-rate up. A little spare t ire is not going to help you get tips, no matter how much you look like Fabio from the neck up.


Get ripped - While cardio alone will ma ke some guys more physically desirable, a lot of women will want some meat on that bone. Hit the gym and build those pectorals, triceps, biceps, t raps, lats, abs and of course ... the gluteus maxim us.


et groomed - Some


Scope out the scene - Ladies are out in droves on Friday and Saturday nights. Be where they are. Talk to the m. Find out how to make them smile. If you can keep the m laughing, you 're ensuri ng better tips and recommendations. You can't just give a dozen lap dances for an hour and expect to be able to hid e behi nd your gstring. Editor's note: Does not apply to lady dancers

punk, jazz, classical- they all have their value, but no birthday girl or bachelo rette is going to get moist to Mozart. Listen to pop, hip-hop and funk. Listen to your local DJs.

12 · 08 lM

Practice - What are friends for? Your routine may be practical in you r head, but logistics can only be worked out in a real life setting. It may not be as easy as you think to whip off your belt and crack it Indiana Jones style .

Get out there - Look through your phone book and see who hires male, exotic dance rs. Go to clubs and see what their routines are like. If there are no male clubs in the area , private pa rties can be very lucrative. Can you say, "amateur night"?

girls like scruff. But your bushy net her region isn't going to look too sexy pou ring out f rom beh ind your banana ham mock. We' re not inst ituting a "scorched Earth" policy here but waxing is always a good option. Back, neck and butt hair are beyond frowned upon.

• Get down with dance music - Metal,

Make your miX - once you have an idea of wh ich Prince song should come between Daft Punk's "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" and 50 Cent's "In Da Club," put them all together as seamlessly as possible. If you' re good with audio software, work your magic. Otherwise, have one of your friends mix the songs for you, eliminating fade-outs and awkward sections. Re member: your act should be as smooth as possible f rom start to finish.


Be professional - Look nice, smell nice, be nice and you w ill get called back. Be prompt. Bring multiple business cards. Don't do anyth ing you don't want to do You're in charge and you need to re mind them of that. Always ask before you do anything fu ll contact besides a lap dance. WATCH YOUR DRINKS. Jell-O shots vary in potency, so be careful. The Full Monty is never necessary but if tips are good and they're begg ing for it, give them what they want.

Contributing Writer So, you've been getting tra shed and dry humping your best friends at t heir part ies? The pictures are turning out okay and you're gett ing more and more requests w ith each coming weekend ? You actually have a few singles in your clothes the next mo rning and you do n't know how they got there ? Follow our quick and easy guide to turn those laughs into passionate gasps and those Georg ies into Benjies.

Assume an identity - Assume multiple identities l You're fu lf illing fantasies and as such, should be prepared to be that bad cop, construction worker, bookworm or just the stud in the sl ick suit. Pick a name that could insti ll a little fear but a hot thrill at the same time; Office r Trask, Professor Rockwell, or Rico Jalisco.


Don't sleep in the lion's den - Thelastthing you want to do is get wasted after your time is up and end up sleeping with the bachelorette. Waking up to an angry fiance is never a nnnrl t hinn

Bonn roo

& MJ too


The revolution will not be televised


lM 12 · 08


Itnbuting Writer

MANCHESTER, Tenn. - We arrived at Bonnaroo in the late evening, and, after a 15 hour journey, I was exhausted, sweaty and totally rea dy to spend the next four days of my life roughin it with 80, 000 awesome people. After unpacking, taking a few photos, and indulging in some good 01

Heineken, I was ready. The first bands I saw were Vampire Weekend, Battles and MGMT - and yeah, I danced like an idiot With the alcohol in my bl oodstream, I was invincible to exhaustion and embarrassment and the night carried on. My posse and I wandered around for the rest of the night, returning to ca mp only when we needed to renew our buzz.

Catherine Leth photos

We explored 400 acres of camping areas, a jungle of yarn (obviously a playground for people on acid), met lots of new people and eventually passed out I don't really remember what time it was w hen we finally went to sleep, bu t the sun was already coming up. The music continued to pump

from the festival area, and we were only out for about four hours. Tha t was the most sleep I got the re. The sun, hippies, loud

music and the irresistible charm of a good wake and bake session ke pt me up for the next three days with only an hour-or-two of sleep in between . Da y two's highlight bands were Tegan and Sara, M.IA, Wi llie Nelson and Stephen Marley. Zach Galifanakis, one of my favorite comedians, took the stage over at t he comedy tent as well. Waiting

for his show to start is one of my favorite memories from Bonnaroo. A few friends and I relaxed in the grass listening to Rilo Kiley perform. We smoked a few joints and just laid there in the sun. It was straight-up magical. It w as on this day that I discovered Bonnaroo's most convenient

attraction: a ridiculously large fountain that just spurts water into th e air whi le everyone stands/sits/

dances/makes out underneath .

12 · 08


Bonnaroo took place in the threshold of summertime, so having this was exactly what everyone needed. I think I even took a few gulps at some point when the cottonmouth began to take hold ... fucking gross, now that I think about it.

I'd have to say the second night was my favorite. DJ Tiesto went on at 1:30 a.m. and a huge rave immediately ensued. I danced barefoot for four hours straight, glowsticks and all. It even started to rain, and no one cared. The jams didn't stop until the sky was getting light again . Day three was just a blur of the same insanity. I saw Iron and Wine, B.B . King and Jack Johnson, just to name a few. This was also when Kanye West decided to reschedule his show to 2 a.m., and then perform two hours late. People

stuck around, but the booing was immense. He put on a great show, but the morning sun began roasting

us around 5 a.m. and that put a damper on the overall atmosphere. The next day everyone was wearing handmade ''Fuck Kanye" t-shirts. It was pretty hilarious. Death Cab for Cutie was the last band I saw, and it was the perfect closing . It was cooler on the fourth day, and I just laid in the grass and enjoyed the breeze, listening to Ben Gibbard's voice. We spent the end of Bonnaroo coming down off of various illegal substances, finishing off the beer, and checking out all the vendors. It's safe to say that if you go to Bonnaroo, you'll come back with at least one awesome smoking device. I've never seen so many bowls, bongs and pipes in my entire life. It was awesome.

Bonnaroo was awesome. I'd give the experience an A+. When the whole thing was over, no one wanted to go home. People are already counting the days until next June, and the internet world is abuzz with rumors of who will be on the lineup for 2009. And hey - even if it doesn't sound like your cup of tea, give it a go(oogle}, because it's really amazing.


Columnist + Illustrator

Disney's animated films seem to be the ideal way to entertain your child when you don't feel like it. They have simple stories, they're appropriate for kids and they move fast. But in accordance with the law of conservation of mass, you can't make something from not hing, and so a lot of Disney flicks borrowed therr plots and titles from folklore and fairy tales. I say 'borrowed' because there's a LOT of stuff in Disney's source material that wouldn't wash. More specifically, there's a lot of stuff of the kind that is usually found in shoeboxes under a serial killer's bed. With that in mind, I present some classic animated Disney films, and the freakish fat that had to be trimmed.

The Little Mermaid Disney's take: Little mermaid of the t itle falls in love with human prince, and, proving littleness doesn't equal jgnorance of the birds and the bees, makes a Faustian bargain with an evil sea-witch for more compatible anatomy in exchange for her voice. Said witch defeats the whole purpose of the deal by showing up and using the voice to seduce the prince. Merma id gets her voice back and marries the prince, which according to some sources gives the minister a boner. The original: The original was written by Hans Christian Andersen, who fans will know is kind of the Eugene O'Neill of fairy tales in terms of how much Zoloft one requires after reading his stuff. Andersen's story lines up pretty closely, except in this case the mermaid will die if she doesn't get the prince to fall in love with her. Since he's a fairy-tale love interest, the prince stays with her for a while before falling in love with a different woman, who he can sleep AND have meaningless post-coital small talk with. The mermaid is now given the choice of dying and ending up in limbo or murdering t he prince. Despite his lack of concern over abandoning the woman who loves him, our heroine decides to spare him, and subsequently dies and ascends to heaven instead. Um, yay? Disney's whitewashing and unfaithfu lness may get grating occasionally, but we must give them credit for concluding that the protagonist getting to go to the afterlife is not a happy enough ending .

The Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney's take: Quasimodo is a horribly deformed bellringer who is raised in the french cathedral by t he evil clergyman who, unbeknownst to him, murdered his biolog ical mother. When Quasimodo defies his surrogate father and leaves the cathedral,

he meets Esmerelda, a beautiful gypsy who stands up for him when he's mobbed by t he crowd. With the assistance of her soldier lover and Paris' gypsy community, Quasimodo discovers his own self-worth and helps save the city from his genocidal maniac/foster father. The orig inal: Victor Hugo's novel ranks somewhere between "Lolita" and "A Rose for Emily" on t he list of literat ure most ill-suited for Disney adaptations, but Disney still decided to give it a try. The result is probably the darkest animated film Disney has ever done, what with the vi ll ain's big musical number about wanting to rape Esmerelda and all, but the original book still makes it look like, well, a Disney movie. The villain, frollo, isn't as completely irredeemable as the movie version; while he's still the antagonist, in the book he actually adopted Quasimodo, who had been abandoned . A character excised from the film entirely was frail a's no-good brother Jehan, probably because drunken libertines aren't exactly stock Disney characters, and also because Quasimodo crushing his head against the wall of Notre Dame is lovingly described. The most dramatically altered character is probably Captain Phoebus, the dashing soldier who captures Esmerelda's heart; while he's a good guy in the film, in the book he rivals Simon Legree in the "fictional characters you'd love to kick in the face" category, seducing Esmerelda with no intent of staying with her. He allows for her to be executed for his attempted murder (actually Frollo's work, of wh ich Phoebus is well aware), and even acting as the officer presiding over the execution.

SOmetimes I . think I jUst don't can Ittt it

in amends the curse so that the princess will only sleep until her true love kisses her. Needless to say, all this happens. Yay. The original: The above summary is actually pretty faithful, but in the original Charles Perrault fairy tale it's only the first act In the second part, tre prince and princess marry and have kids, and the princess then meets her new mother-in-law, who her hubby conveniently forgot is a cannibal. Taking a common grandparently idiom a

Hercules Disney's take: The son of Zeus and Hera, Hercules was robbed of his immortality by Hades, the god of death, but Hercules retained his strength. Tasked by Zeus with proving himself a hero to restore his immortality, Hercules is trained by Louie De Palma, and soon falls in love with a beautiful woman who, unbeknownst to him, is a mole

for Hades. She comes around in time for Hercules to totally save the universe and stuff.

Theoriginal: Hercules isn'tthechild of Zeus and Hera; he'sthe illegitimate child of Zeus and one of his numerous extramarital mortal trysts. This gives Hera a burning hatred of 01' Here, leading her to possess him and make him murder his wife and kids in his sleep. In keeping with the ancient Greeks' immaculate sense of justice, Hercules' shenanigans earn him community service, in the form all of which are intended to kill him - except for has to get all the filth out of a king's stable .. AI'ter1comolleJi& he is accidentally given a poisoned shirt immolates to escape the pain, at which Mount Olympus. We apologize if you nnl· .~i,,,,,, rtF'n things we mJ;l!twned t~at would

Disney's a beautiful princess' birth, an evil fairy who wasn't invited (mostly because she's an evil fairy and all) crashes the party and proves why she shouldn't have been invited. She curses the infant to prick her finger on a spindle and die in several years. One of the fairies who DIDN'T knock over the velvet rope to get

I I the mother-in-law demands that the cook prepare or"norhildrf'nfor her to eat The cook naturally balks at this plan, Dahmer by giving her roast goat instead, proving that makes you both insane AND stupid. Realizing she's been apparently less hungry, she prepares a pit of poisonous the kids into, but the prince arrives in the nick of time, fea,dinlo hi<nomnlllp'F,lv-,npwPri mother to cast herself into the pit While obviously traumatize every child everywhere, it would be

of inleresting to see how the casting turned out. how quickly the prince all those tedious sticky in the back seats of . whileyoucouldonlydream


out. .. "

Disney's take: In a fictional Arab country, Aladdin, a charismatic, impoverished thief, discovers a lamp containing a genie, who helps him win the heart of the local princess and defeat the megalomaniacal prime minister, and simultaneously earning our hatred by opening the door for the Disney DTV sequel market The original: Set in China, in the original story, as in the movie, Aladdin recovers the lamp at the behest of the villain; however, he also ends up with a magic ring with its own genie, which comes in handy when the baddie reclaims the lamp, leading to the two genies having a massive genie throwdown until. .. aw, crap. We see no reason at all why this couldn't have been in the movie, and we're going to go cry ourselves to sleep that something this awesome wasn't committed to celluloid.

GODSG8ACf IfIlfYflO Esmel Meeks, a sen ior majoring in internationa l business management, entered college in hopes of fo llowing in his father's footsteps as

a currency trader. After watching "The Pursu it of Happyness," Meeks learned that becoming a

that the money is going towards helping out kids," Meeks said.

Within a year, Meeks started a T-shirt li ne named DANK, an acronym for Determined to Attain New Knowledge, which premiered in STRUT,

VCU's annual fashion show.

from his mistakes and made changes. outreach. As the only black player from his high school football team to attend college,

Meeks uses a portion of the profits to help underprivileged kids get into college.

was going to ma ke me money," Meeks said .

"Not only was I t rying to uplift myself, but I was

A trip to California on his 2 pt birthday inspired Meeks to pursue a high school dream of owning his own clothing line.


"Everybody out there was just motivated to do

and Urban Exchange, located on West Broad

something," Meeks said.

Street, Meeks has raised about $400 for a $500

W ith this new drive, he approached graphic

Meeks quickly learned the hardships of starting his own company, especia lly at a young age. Looking back on his first collecti on, he learned

Meeks used DANK as a platform for community

currency trader was not the path he wanted to

make me happy - not doing something that


"First and foremost, we want everyone to know

trying to do something," Winn said.

follow. "It made me realize what I wanted to do to

Ben Straight

stuff in order. It wasn't just talk. He was really

trying to uplift my community as we ll," Meeks

Selling in Rumors, located on Harrison Street,

scholarship to be awarded to a First Colon ial High School student. The shirts reta il for $32

designer Ryan "Rusty Watts" Winn and an investor with his idea for a T-shirt line.

at each location. He is also planning a book

" I could see the determination. He had all his


drive with Richmond County public schools next

Discovering that his company wasn't the only one named DANK, he decided to start over.

Using most of his savings he created a new

company, ATE, an acronym for Ancient Thread Empire, with the same idea and mission. He also hopes to start a nonprofit organization using the same in itials stand ing for Ach ievements Through Education . Although

his main focus is to give scholarships to underprivileged children, Meeks plans to do

more. He wants to host charity events, create free recreational sports teams, and speak to youth about unprotected sex, financial responsibilities and college preparation. The remaining sh irts from DANK Will be sold for $5 each. All of the proceeds will go toward the

ink 12·08

scholarship fund. Meeks has made his line more exclusive by only dOing three designs for his collect ion opposed to the previous 13 for DANK. He also expanded the collection to include hoodies and a line of girl's T-shirts. The collection is due out in December and draws inspiration from pop culture and Meeks and Winn's hometown, Virg inia Beach .

"It'd be like a producer sampling old songs and maki ng them new songs," Winn said. Although Meeks feels that he is at the perfect place for this time in his life, he eventually wants to open a store in Los Angeles. He also wants to expand the li ne to include more merchandise such as bags, jeans and dress sh irts. However, before he reaches that point, Meeks wants to launch a successful Web site, payoff

all his loans and give away as much as he can in sch olarsh ips. Rapidly expanding in the Richmond community, Meeks plans to "take it as far as God wants me t o. There's no limit!"

12 · 08 iM

Flamenco guitarist and Richmond metal musician

"Unlike a lot of flamenco guitarists I have heard, Frank has a more undeniably epic delivery," Tomlin said.

For more than five years, Rourk has made flamenco guitar his life by studying abroad in Spain as weI! as performing in Richmond.

Much of what is known about flamenco is a result of oral tradition passed down for generations in Spain. For Rourk, learning the art was no different.

"Essentially I was taught to play guitar, but if you dig a little deeper than that,

MARGE WEIMfB Contributing Writer Many students choose to major in music at VCU, but not many can do what Frank Rourk does.

I was taught a sense of traditions," Rourk said.

From 2004 to 2006, Rourk studied the art of flamenco guitar in Seville, Spain at the Cristina Heeren Foundation for the Art of Flamenco, where he earned academic credit toward his VCU studies.

"I learned from great guitarists, and what I came to consider good friends like Javier Gomez, Javier Lozano and Raul Cantizano," Rourk said.

Rourk, a junior, is a flamenco guitarist whose talent is respected by both peers and instructors alike. "Frank is a fine guitarist, and it is my understanding that he is considered to be at the professional level with his flamenco guitar playing," John Patykula, head of the guitar program at VCU, stated in an e-mail. "He is an asset to our guitar program in the Department of Music." Better known to his friends as Frankzig - a nickname derived from the American heavy metal band, Danzig - Rourk also plays guitar and performs vocals for a Richmond black metal band called Neckbrace.

Alex Tomlin, Neckbrace lead vocalist and fellow VCU music major, said Rourk is capable of translating his flamenco training into playing metal.

After his Seville studies, Rourk took lessons in Madrid from Maestro Ricardo

Modrego and Maestro EI Viejin . "The winter months I spent in Madrid were driven by my personal interest in understanding the guitar, and I have to admit I never worried about its irrelevance to academics," Rourk said. Rourk can be found performing solo flamenco at Emilio's Restaurante Espanol every Saturday at 7p.m. starting in October. He also is recording a solo

flamenco demo E.P.

~tch neckbr.ace at ~ocks dec. 20 at 5:30 iM12·Q8

DANICA PRIm Staff Writer


Are you broke' If so, you


can still give your friends

and family more than a cheesy card and a candy cane. Here are some gift ideas that are practically free and easy to make.

R[CIP[ BOOK Collect recipes w ith

some kind of theme--like foods the person likes or holiday foods. At you can type in a list of ingredients you want or don't want and it will come up with recipes.

PHOTO tIlllhG[ Get a poster board (or if you are really cheap you can take apart a cardboard box) and glue pictures you have of your

gift recipient.

INSIO[ JOK[ BOOK Make a book of inside jokes and/or funny quotes from the person.

MIX CD Yes, this is an old one, but to make it unique

you can record intros to songs expla ining their significance.

STUD[NTS SP[AK UP Why they supported Obama

Photos by Sara D'Eugenio , Kathryn Glushefski and Kat Stewart Cove r photo by Mike Garrett

Joshua Maye (Political Science): "I supported Obama, because Americans need to feel like our country can be great again, and respected around

the World."

After the election Maye "(Obama's) grandmother, his mother, the civil rights movement, the women 's suffrage movement, it was all worth it for tonight. Everyone who paved the way for this night, that's who deserves the credit."

Why they supported McCain Serinda Patrias (Craft and Material Studies): "McCain has done the most bridge across the ... He works for the common good of the I don't want to be a socialist country."

Lee Vogler (Mass Communications and Political Science): "I believe John McCain is the most bipartisan candidate ... he has a lifetime of expenence

After the election Patrias: "I hope (President-elect Barack Obama) actually does listen to us, we need someone that can bring us together ... We're bummed because

Virginia didn't stay red. It was a lot closer than I thought it was going to be." Vogler: "It would be hard for any Republican. If it was any Republican other than John McCain it would have been harder. Hopefully we can put our differences aside,"

O@Q1) [Q)CIDW ~w~®@[fCIDUD@Q1) ~ RICH GRISfI ~

ExecutIVe Editor & Semor Reporter

dorms He waved an Obama campaign poster as the crowd stood below Police cars lined the edges of the crowd, Simply looking on

VCU students took to t he streets in the thousands Nov. 4 after CNN projected Sen . Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America.

Students from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds came together to celebrate America's first AfricanAmerican president.

The intersection in front of the Brandt, Rhoads and Johnson dorms was overtaken by spontaneous celebration.

"I look at what he can do for me and what's bigger than me is us," said Donald Knight, director of political affairs for the student government. "The word us is spelled with a 'U' and an'S' and that's the United States of America ."



The crowd then took over all six-lanes of Broad Street, from in front of the Siegel Center all the way to Old City Hall, where students danced and cheered on t he steps. Cars crawled amid the crowd, many of t hem blasting '-'- Young Jeezy's "My President is Black," while students ~ and Richmond locals danced atop. Obama supporters

carried campaign posters screaming "O-ba-ma" and "U-S-A," among other phrases. Supporters yelled, danced and cried.

Fireworks were lit in Monroe Park and throughout the downtown area.

Many in the crowd funneled out from the University Student Commons, after taking part in the election results party. The party had three different areas for students: the Commonwealth Ballroom for Democrats, t he Richmond Salons for Republicans and the Commons Underground for independents and members of both parties.

At 11 p.m . supporters erupted in cheers and cries as

Sen. Obama was announced the presumptive winner.

Supporters expressed overwhelming pride and happiness. "God Bless Ame rica. His grandmother is so proud of him right now," said st udent Joshua Maye. "His grandmother, his mother, the civil rights movement, the women's suffrage movement, it was all worth it for tOnight. Everyone who paved the way for this night, that's who deserves the credit."



RICHARD CROUSE McCain CAMPAIGN Ink: I'm sorry we were n't able to do this in person, but I really appreciate you taking the time to this anyway. Richard Crouse (RC) : Sorry about t hat, but I'm glad to help out. Ink: How long have you been working for the repub licans? RC: Ten years . Ink: What got you interested in the beginning? RC: I wanted to go to law school, but I

got involved in the mess of politics and I was meeting great people, so I stuck

ink 12·08


Obama CAMPAIGN Ink: How are you doing today) Chris Meier (CM): I'm super duper. Ink: Wonderful, so you went canvassing today? Where did you go? CM: Actually, I ended up not going. Ink: Well, when you do go what are people's typical reactions when you approach them? CM: On the telephone most people are pretty responsive, once in a while you get someone who adamantly supports Obama, but you also get people from the other side who can't believe you're call ing.

uug the campaign

~ uu~rere[j~ o

In an effort to know more about the people that support the current presidential candidates, Ink was able to talk to his M eier who has been working for the Obama and campaig n and Richard Crouse who has been working for the McCain campaign. Both have been involved with their respective parties for years. Here's what these VCU students had to say about their experiences .




Senior Reporter + Executive Editor According to a New York Times article released on May 22, it was unveiled that VCU entered

into a highly restrictive research agreement with Philip Morris USA, the nation's largest tobacco

company and a unit of Altria. The agreement, signed in 2006, called for VCU

to research early warning signs of pulmonary disease and data on nitrogen and phosphorous runoff from Philip Morris' Park 500 water treatment plant in Chester, Va.

At least 15 schools of major research universities, including Johns Hopkins University, have refused

The Park 500 plant, located in the Bermuda Hundred area of Chesterfield County, was built in 1975 to process leftover pieces of tobacco from PM plants and turn them into sheets of tobacco. According to Philip Morris' Web site, there was

to accept tobacco money. Ot hers, like the

concern in the Bermuda Hundred community about their drinking water, due to the plant's nitrogen and phosphorus runoff.

university maintains complete control over research and have patent and publication rights to the results.

"We learned that some had concerns about the potential impact to their groundwater because they use well water and currently do not have access to Chesterfield County's public water

VCU's ties to tobacco research date much further back than the recent controversy. Soon after PM announced they were moving their headquarters

system," stated the Web site.

University of Virginia, accept tobacco money funded research with the stipulation that the

to Richmond, they also revealed another plan to build a $350 million research facility.

According to the agreement, Philip Morris must review and approve all research results prior

"To address the questions raised by the

By the fall of 2004, the two candidates were

neighbors," the Web site continued, "we have

to publication, for potential patent or other

arranged (for Bermuda Hundred) to extend

Richmond's Virginia Biotechnology Research Park and the Research Triangle area in North Carolina. The idea of having a major research

proprietary problems. PM can review information

access to Chesterfield County's water system at

for up to 120 days, with the option to continue for 60 days more. The contract prohibits

PM USA's expense."

researchers from publishing and discussing material.

created a "task force" to explore issues related

In response to the developing controversy, VCU

and development facility in downtown Richmond interested VCU President Eugene Trani and other top VCU administrators.

to corporate-sponsored research. The task force held several meetings that were open to

The Biotech Park near VCU was launched in 2004 but was slow in taking off. In fall of 2004,

the public. According to a member of the task

Richmond business leaders launched a secret initiative called "Operation Peat Moss" (the

force, PM is within their rights to hold research information from publ ication indefinitely. Evidence has come to light in lawsuits and Congressional committees over the years suggesting cigarette companies were excessively secretive in their research, suppressing findings they

do not agree with.

"P" and "M" in "peat moss" standing for Philip

Morris"), as reported in the article "In Pursuit of the Golden Leaf" released by

Operation Peat Moss would attempt to convince Phillip Morris to invest in Richmond's Biotech Park. Sources told that the VCU president Eugene Trani, Dr. Tom Huff, VCU vice provost for the life sciences, and Robert Skunda, president of The Biotech Park led the initiative for VCU. At the same time that VCU was working on this,

some researchers were confused by the perceived increase in Ph ilip Morris' presence. "Philip Morris people started showing up in

our offices," one VCU administrator told the Richmond Times-Dispatch. VCU has received only $286,000 in research grants from PM in the past year. Altria, however, has given a "philanthropic" $87 million to VCU

in the last year for "university advancement," according to the Sept. 3 town hall meeting of the task force. This money has been used to fund

projects like the schools of Business, Engineering, Arts, University College and Life Sciences.


























o. o. o. 0





I 1~ Have you always worked here in Richmond? R' It's w here I started, but I've also worked on campa igns in Oklahoma . What is it exactly that you do, you're not a volunteer. R I do everything . I'll go canvassing, do administrative work, organize activities, whatever is needed at that time .

Ir How do you fee l about McCain> R( I w as originally for Romney, but since McCain was chosen 1do believe that he will represent me better than Obama would. In~

How did you feel about the election prior to the Vice President nominations? R( On the Repub lican end, it was pretty slow, people weren't enthusiastic. 1was lucky enough t o attend the Republican National Convention, and as soon as Palin was nominated, that energy has stuck.

II How do you fee l about her> I like her. I think She's going to do an excellent job. She's unique, electable, well liked, interesting ..

Inl The media has called her a "puppet," what are your thoughts on thaP ~C She is not a puppet. She is an excellent pick.

II How does your Job help you> RC It creat es t ons of opportunities . I get to influence policy, make a difference; I meet all kinds of people, especially in rura l areas. I've met most candidates, most mem bers of t he House. I get to travel across the state and interact with people in the most rural communities. It's a great environment. I work with activist s. It's fun, excitin g, it's great f or networking and I've met so me really great people.

Ink: How did you get involved with the campaign> CM : I've been volunteer ing for a few years, and I saw that the office was rig ht by campus, so I walked in one day and signed up and started making phone calls. Ink: Were you for Obama in the beginning? CM : I was really undecided In the very beginning, as t he field was so broad it was hard to just pick one, I did support him over Clinton.

Ink: How has volunteering helped you> CM : I've met so me pretty cool people over the years, and it feels good to know you're affecting the outcome of something that's going to directly impact everyone. I guess I rea ll y feel a sense of duty when I volunteer, I fee l like that get s lost with a lot of people my age. Ink: How well do you think the campaign is dOing currently> CM : Well, I feel like it's very close, and Obama could use all the support he can get. The Convent ion went really well, his speech was pretty epic, I must say. Ink: How do you think the nomination of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate has affected the Obama campaign? CM : I feel like it has been controversia l, a lot of people question her experience, and McCain's motives for making Palin his running mate. Ultimately, it's helped Obama.


~WE 'j.REtFoRMAT:A'iL·itoLuNTiEii:-s;u~DEr;T:RuN:·AND EVER CHAN'


INDSYSTEM. WILCD , THE WHiTE STRIP~S. A ....~ES IN STEREO. BLOC PI RHOOF. IRON "t.lD WINE. PI51fER B.J:<}RN Jl.ND .JOliN. FEIS1', INTERPOL. I SAQA. BRIGHT FY~S . Tl;U !,l'~ :m .. THI' 'PIfAICIlr.ACISTS. RILO KILEY. I MI'<L COLLECT(·J~. I1IE.J T'(r,;r;<:Il'l'lp.'tlrItS, milo:). 'rH~ BAD. AND THE' 10NAL. BI O,.OE ~.~r:N"[h,,)~ .,\ r-.~: .,: r.l , a1,~~ , :~ ~.'r·.C MONKEVS. I!!. MIA. II. ANQRltIV JIJn, ",,,: ..-; ,. .• :,' " .W :1"lI!;~,S. LILY A~LEN. J IZALEJ:. ~"'"~i 'l. J.n ~."' . : '._ ~"'tr.!tI!I$ TICE SEAR. AI! E IN IlELSINIU. t . . . !·;I,H. !'!InRIC. PAND STiE BOYS. i'l'<, , . , ; •• ' ~m OSAUR .JR•• CK REBEL"II: I t " '.~ V:lA~fj. RYAFt '·,i~'. J"NS LEKN IGEN. , i , "lllr~;;)ERMA LOQDS• .3l,· 'c'J.ns. LAU~ ;OL BORt>" . .' n'~lI1:LLI! EHO"S~ , \, . LES , THIlR~~. ·' .JOI DAC"="r:-.:.;;-· IDRE L:<o1 '. ' r. JARVll MiCjI.~. ;)7) ~ S!.!PER A 0"0511: , " ,./JlifNS ~ NE AGE; '" ~'1~ r;;QNDI: I TROT. C:' " " . ,; .1';~, DAe A us WAI~'t": ·· ~; a;NACI:S.! :E. IMPEIlI~'~ ,·/1!E!\I, FOO FI' ERT HAM~';~" .. ,,''r ElF!UT. TW~ I LANTS. DI\I'I~L, ;, " o~!'ns. BEN I I THE INII:OC""I , _ " 'I .... OF HUSTLE • MIVAGI. CRUJJ. oft " . , " ,;f.~~. AKRON/FAN .IV. MUM. MAlNtfo 1': ' ' ·'~Z"s rt ~ ~. DAN DEACO~ EMA'ICS. ELECYII'~ : ,.;. r , j , ; ''''. "lOST SERENE REI :E. CHROMEO. 11IE"" Y'!hi/1 ,; . . ' '. ,. '.', '" ,: li:'INfiS AND THE SOFT N. EL-P. LU~.NDA WILU~M~·. :."'j~ i~'. J ; , '.: ,.: J .~/Illi.'l - MARITIMiE. CALVIN Hj rYE LAVETTE. SAGE FRANe, • ~;!!>'" t.'i~!;. 7. 1M ARMSTRONG. MEW. CJ CURA. ENON. MAVIS STIOPI ~. €;ORWELIUS. AOUALUNG. NOISETTES. I J HARVEY• .JIMMV EAT wei AQUEDUCT. AN BERLIN. PIPETTES. "RI lOP ALLEN. PATICICK WOLF, rZEN TRAPPER. VEILS. STEREO TOTAL, rER. TURBO FRUITS. MATT 1', .D PA. SAY ANYTHING. SIGUR ROS. MI~ R. ALKALINE TRIO. BEIRUT. BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME. BIG BANG I WHITE YEARS. BLACK KEYS. BLACK KIDS, BLACKMARKET. BLOC PAl INIE "PRINCE" BILLY. BRIDGES. CAT POWER. THE CITY VEINS. COLD W DPLAY. COLIN MELOY. COMEBACK KID. CONOR OBERST. THE CORAL. t 'W S. CRIME IN STEREO. DAATH. DAFT PUNK. THE DANDY WARHOLS. D RT BLOOM. DEAD MEADOW., DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE. DECEMBERISTS. I

Listen, Damnit. WVCW.ORG

Health code violations of VCU-area restaurants


RICH G81SEI Executive Editor

environmental degradation. "While

health, we have compiled the health

critical violations might sound

code violations for restaurants

dangerous, it is rare for a food

surrounding the VCU Monroe Park

establishment to not have a few.

Campus. All of the information

"In our experience," states the VDH

found within this report was culled

Web site, "it is unrealistic to expect

from the Virginia Department of

that a complex, full-service food

Health Web site (http://www.

operation can routinely avoid any The record of any

violations. "

licensed food establishment can be

Also listed in the report is the

checked there and the records are

number of inspections that

freely accessible to the public.

happened within this time frame.

report is a 'snapshot' of the day and time of the inspection. On any given day, a restaurant could have fewer or more violations than noted

EXPLhNhTlON OF TERMS: degradation. Examples of critical violations include poor temperature control of food, improper cooking, cooling, refrigeration or reheating temperatures." Non-critical Violations; Defined by the VDH Web site as "violations not directly related to the cause of food-bome illness, but if uncorrected, could impede the operation of the restaurant. Improper temperatures: Hazardous food should be held at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower to stop harmful bacteria from growing on it. Hair restraints: Any hair that could come in contact with food should be covered.

Improper Dating: Perishable food must be labeled so that it may be discarded when it has spoiled. Drinking from Uncovered Containers: Employees may only drink from covered

containers to prevent contamination . Non-food Contact Surfaces: Areas that food does not come in direct contact with.

problems could "directly contribute to food contamination, illness, or

In the interest of our readers'

The Web site states" any inspection

Critical Violations: Defined by the VDH Web site as violations that are more likely "to directly contribute to food contamination, illness, or environmental

A critical violation is one where the

This number depends on "the complexity of the menu, how much food is made from raw products, and how much is made in advance rather than cooked-to-order."

in the report." To try and give a

It is important to keep in mind

better overall view of the safety

that most household kitchens

of these establishments, we have

would have a multitude of critica l

compiled all critical violations of the

violations, and that just because a

establishments from August 2007

violation occurred does not mean

to August 2008.

that it has not been rectified.

EXPLhNhTlON OF RhTlNGS: Raw: Raw meats stored improperly. Temperatures: Some food was not stored at cool enough temperatures to avoid spoilage.

Rodent/Insect: This establishment had signs of a rodent or insect problem. Bug spray/Cleaner/Paint: This establishment had insecticide, cleaning products or spray paint cans adjacent to where food is prepared.

Wow !: This establishment has an amazing record. Tomatoes: Not to be confused with the tomato salmonella outbreak earlier this year, these are places where tomatoes were improperly stored. Dates: Some food in the fridge was either expired, or had no date assigned to it. Dirty Equipment: This establishment had soiled or broken food handling equipment and/or dirty food contact surfaces. Employee Behavior/Dress: While the inspector was in the establishment, they witnessed an employee committing a health code violation or the employee was dressed inappropriately to handle food.

ink 12-08


821 W[



82 1 W Cary 51.

900 W. Fran klin 51.

Critical violati ons 8/07-8/08

9 6

9 6

Soiled food contact surfaces, lasagna is improperly dated

Raw shrimp stored over prepared food, raw chicken kabobs,raw

Number of inspections Examples of violations

pork, raw lamb shanks and cooked meatballs held at improper temps ., expired soup in fridge Special Ratings

Dates ' Dirt y Equipmentl

Dates! Raw! Temperatures!





801 W Broad 51.

26 N. Morris 51.

Crrtical violatio ns 8/07~/08



Number of inspections Exa mples of violations

Hummus and raw stea k stored

"rodent droppings & excreta.

at improper temperatures,

(and on) bagged food items," sliced tomatoes, pasta salad, tuna

on lids of canned food items,

uncovered tomato sauce in fridge

sa lad, hummus and coconut m ilk stored at improper temps.

Special Ratings


Dirty Equipment l Employee l Tomatoes l Rodent! Temp i





1845 W Broad 51.

Critical violat ions 8/07~/08

1319 W. Main 51. 2

Turkey stored at improper temperatu res, broken door gasket to

~oil ed pizza prepa rati on table, "outer

pizza preparation area

opening of food estab li shment is not


Dirty Equipmentl Rodent !





203 N. Lombardy 51.

1 N. Morris 51.

Number of inspections

Examples of violations


11• • •. ' . . ._1

protected against entry of insects and rodent s"

Special Rati ngs

Criti cal violat ions 8/07-8/08 Number of inspections


Examples of violations

Raw chicken stored ove r ready-to-eat soup and chips in fridge

Dirty non-food contact surfaces

Special Rati ngs


Wow !





1110 W. Ma in St.

4 11 N. Harrison St.

Critical viola tions 8/07-8/08


Number of inspections

Exa mples of violations

edds. sqUid

4 Unlabe led sugar and flour containers, dirty wa ll

Raw duck breast and oysters, and cooked onions and pancetta held at improper temperatures, cooked okra and gazpacho improperly dated, metal fryer basket broken w/fragments

Special Ratings


Dates! Dirty Equipment! Raw! Temperatures!





12 11 W. Main 51.

Critical viola tio ns 8/07-8/08

1100 W. Cary 51.


Number of inspections Examples of violati ons

Tuna sa lad, chopped tomatoes and chicken salad stored at

Employee caught drinking from an uncovered conta iner in the

improper temperatures, unlabeled f lour bin

food preparation area, utensil without a handle, improperly dated Peking and Curry sauce

SpeCial Rati ngs


Tomatoes ! Temperature !

Dates ! Dirty Equipment ! Employee!



734 W. Broad 51.

727 W. Broad 51.

Critical violat ions 8/07~/08



Undated turkey, ham, and roast

Turkey in fridge that expired four days earlier, clogged dish

Number of inspections Examples of vio lations

Special Ratin gs

beef in the fridge, chlorine

sink making it impossible to sanitize dishes, "White Lightning"

sanitizer not st rong enough

cleaner/wax stored directly on top of a sugar dispenser


Dates l Dirty Equipmentl


mR GRm


612 W Grace St.

917 W. Grace St.

Critical violations 8/07-8/08


Number of inspections Examples of violations

8 6

Possible cross contamination

Soup stored at improper temperatures, undated food (unspecified)

Special Ratings

of raw foods and cooked chicken, soiled food handling utensils, soiled food contact surfaces, dirty walls, cleaning solution too strong Dirty Equipment! Raw'


RESTAURANT Location Critical violations 8/07-8/08 Number of inspections Examples of violations

1215 W. Broad St.


4 6 Dish spray hose in sink basin, missing

Dirty food contact surfaces, mislabeled cleaning supplies Dirty'

f loor and ceiling tiles, dirty walls





1201 W Main St.

Critical violations 8/07-8/08



J[RS[Y MIK['SSUBS 927 W. Broad St.


3 Capacola, salami and raw


"Numerous dead or trapped flies were found in the control device in rear of facility," tomatoes at improper temperatures Tomatoes! Temperature! Rodents!


hamburger patties held at improper temperatures, unlabeled spray bottle Special Ratings


941 W Broad St.

Special Ratings

Number of inspections Examples of violations

Dates! Temperature!




931 W Broad St.

1601 Park Avenue

Critical violations 8/07-8/08



Number of inspections Examples of violations

Debris on filter

Special Ratings


5 Raw chicken stored over coleslaw, roasted pork in fridge undated, dirty food contact surfaces Dates! Dirty! Raw!





931-933 W Grace St.

920 W Grace St.

Critical violations 8/07-8/08


5 3

Chicken and beef held at improper temperatures, utensil without handle used to dispense food (allowing bare hands to contact food), unwrapped/uncovered food in freezer, walls in kitchen have

Roast beef, ham, and turkey stored at improper temperatures, dirty food-contact surfaces, glass cleaner stored next to honey

Number of inspections Examples of violations

an accumulation of food debris and grime Special Ratings

Dirty Equipment! Cleaner! Temperature !





402 N. Harrison St.

STRm COff[[ SHOP 946 W. Grace St.


Critical violations 8/07-8/08

Number of inspections Examples of violations

Special Ratings

Dirty food-

Soy milk, whole milk, tempeh, falafel and cream cheeses stored at improper temperatures, open drinking containers near food, employees without hair restraints, soiled silverware bin, insecticide stored adjacent to food and oven cleaners and detergents, Quaternary Ammonia applied to food contact surfaces

contact surfaces, undated Kimchi

Dirty Equipment' Employee! Cleaner! Temperature!

Dates! Dirty!





733 W. Cary SI.

1200 W. Main SI.

Cntlcal violat ions 8/07-8/08

1 4


Number of inspections Examples of violations

Special Ratings


Employee failed to wash hands after picking up a pepperoni off the


contact surfaces

floor, employee drinking from an uncovered container in food prep area, chicken strips held at improper temperatures, sanitizing solution not strong enough, metal shavings on blade of can opener

Dirty Equipment l Wow!

Employee l Dirty Equipment! Temperatures!



1100 W Main SI. 5 4 Feta and mozzarella cheese held at improper temperatures in the front kitchen prep fridge, grime and debris in door track of fridge and inside ice machine Dirty Equipment! Temperature!


1106 W. Main SI.

Critical vio lations 8/07-8/08


Number of inspections Examples of violations

3 Cheese cake held

SpeCIal Rating s

at improper temperature Temperatures! Wow!




1323 W. Main SI.

818 W. Broad SI.



I Location Critical violations 8/07-8/08

I Number of inspections Raw steaks, raw beef patties, raw shrimp, sliced

Unwrapped food in the

tomatoes and pork barbeque held at improper that expired 3 days earlier

freezer, undated ham in the freezer, dirty food contact surfaces

Special Ratings

Dates! Tomatoes! Raw! Temperatures!

Dates l Dirtyl


Exa mples of violations

temperatures, Cajun Rice & Pork Barbeque in the fridge I




1309 W. Main SI.

1104 W. Main SI.

Crit ical violat ions 8/07-8/08



Moldy mushrooms in the fridge, can of spray paint in food prep area, raw beef stored over an open container of butter, insecticide on floor of prep area, soiled food slicer, several soiled food containers and pans on shelf Dirty Equipmentl Bug spray I Raw!

Ham and sliced tomatoes in fridge held at improper temperatures,

Number of inspections Examples of violations

Special Ratin gs

improperly dated chicken in fridge, dirty floor and wa ll of kitchen

Dates! Tomatoes! Temperatures!





309 N. Laurel St.

813 W. Grace SI.

Critical violat ions 8/07-8/08

• Number of inspections Exa mples of violations

1 Tuna in fridge that should have been discarded four


days earlier, cooked peas, soup, cooked lamb, raw tuna,


cooked ribs and dinich wat, raw beef, and raw chicken


all stored at improper t emperatures, ready to eat lamb, ribs and lent il soup in fridge not dated. Special Ratings

Dates! Temperature!




948 W. Grace SI.

Crit ical violations 8/07-8/08 4

Number of inspections Exam ples of violations


~ @':':;; . --


Duck sauce, mock chicken, and noodles stored at improper temperatures, unwrapped lomein in fridge, and food stored on the floor in the hallway

Special Ratings


Wow! Dirty!

ShlGON R[SThURhNT 903 W. Grace SI.

4 4 Food contact surfaces soiled, improperly dated beef in fridge Dates l Dirty Equipment!

RESTAURANT Location Critical violations 8/07-8/08 Number of inspections Examples of violations Special Ratings

RESTAURANT Location Critical violations 8/07-8/08 Number of inspections Examples of violations

Special Ratings

SH~f[R COURT DINING C[HIm - C~MILL[S SIO[W~LK W[ • VCU C~TmING 810 Cathedral Place 7 Improper use of dishwasher (dirty dishes, utensils, and food surfaces), dirty mixer, broken eggs in fridge Dirty!


- M~Rm 810

810 Cathedral Place 6 Raw shrimp, raw beef, soups and cooked taco beef stored at improper temperatures, two broken temperature gauges in fridges, dented canned goods, improperly stored knives Temperature !

VCU COMMONS W[ 907 Floyd Ave. 1 3 Chopped tomatoes held at improper temperatures Tomatoes ! Temperature! Wow!


STRm C~f[

30 1 W. Main SI. 1 3 Sushi in fridge held at improper temperatures

Temperatures ! Wow!




810 Ca thedral Place

Critical violations 8/07-<3/08 Number of inspections Examples of violations


1111 W. Broad SI. 1

Special Ratings

"Person in charge failed to explain the correct procedures for cleaning and sanitizing utensils" Employee l

A spatula needs to be replaced Dirty Equipment! WOWI

RESTAURANT Location Critical violations 8/07-8/08



411 N. Harrison SI. 3

904 W. Grace SI. 7

Number of inspections Examples of violations

4 Raw steak stored above cooked sausage patties and

Special Ratings

tomatoes, sliced tomatoes at improper temperatures Tomatoes! Raw! Temperatures!

Peppers, ham, sliced tomatoes and cheese held at improper temperatures, knifes on knife rack and meat slicer were obselVed soiled Dirty Equipment! Temperature!


~ T~m Of F~R [~ST



911 '/2 W. Grace SI.

Critical violations 8/07-8/08 Number of inspections Examples of violations

4 3 Mushrooms, soy, oyster and teriyaki sauce were found uncovered in the food prep unit, raw shrimp and noodles held at improper temps, Quaternary Ammonia stored adjacent to bean sprouts Cleaner! Raw! Temperatures!

1001 W. Grace SI. 9 4

Special Ratings

RESTAURANT Location Critical violations 8/07-8/08 Number of inspections Examples of violations Special Ratings

RESTAURANT Location Critical violations 8/07-8/08 Number of inspections EXi)mples of violations Special Ratings

m COMP~NY 902 W. Broad SI.

Raw steak, raw chicken, raw hamburger patties, pastrami, chopped tomatoes, and falafel patties stored at improper temperatures, potato skins in fridge that should have been discarded 2 days earlier, raw pooled eggs stored over an


open container of lettuce in the fridge

Unlabeled chemical spray bottle r.a~~ip.=~~ Wow! ~~

Dates! Raw! Temperature!

OD08~ M[XIC~N GRILL 935 W. Broad St. 3 Sliced tomatoes held at improper temperatures Tomatoes! Wow!



for her prey, otherwise referred to as Cubs., a Web

at least 10 years older. With such

would be remiss if I didn't mention

compelling evidence that this is more

the sexual compatibility of an older

site created In 2003 that is devoted to Cougars and their Cubs, defines a Cougar as "a sophisticated species of fema le who seeks the pleasure of younger males. She avoids the entanglements of a 'relationship' in favor of the freedom of the hunt"

than Just a passing Hollywood fad, it's difficult to imagine that all these

In other words, she is looking for a playmate. There are opposing

PIPPA CU886N Iriter Without q uestion, women have

made leaps and bounds in the past few decades. The realm of female sexuality is no exception. Women have become more independent

and sexually liberated. Women have more choices in who they date and how. ThiS has lead to rapidly changin g dating trends and a shift in social attitudes. Nowhere else can

positions regarding the use of the term Cougar as either positive or negative and many people misuse the term to describe any woman is older than her partner. Despite the lag in social acceptance, the May-December phenomenon has blossomed. According to the Census Bureau, in 1997 nearly 3 percent of all unmarried couples where the

woman was older had an age gap of at least 10 years. That jumped to 9.12 percent in 2003. That's more than a 300 percent increase in only 6 years. As a result of the

women are after is a hot boy toy.

Tina Tessina, PhD, a psychotherapist in Long Beach, Ca. and author

of 13 books on relationships, has stated that these May-December relationships can and do work, often

very well. A 10 year age gap is not overly difficult to bridge. Both are from the same generation, albeit opposite ends. It is often easy for these couples to find common

ground. While common knowledge tells that an older woman with a younger man simply wouldn't work out in the long run, the evidence

points to a different truth. Women tend to become more adventurous as they get older, and younger men tend to be more open-minded and eager. Younger men are attentive

woman and a younger man. It is true

that women begin to peak sexually in their early 30's. This peak plateaus and coasts for approximately 20 years before beginning to decline. In contrast, a male sexually peaks in his early 20's. Older women and

younger men do find themselves intensely sexually compatible, and this element of their relationship can be immensely satisfying. Young men often appreciate the older woman's

experience and knowledge, and the older women love the eagerness and dedication that younger men

employ. Age is of little concern, ultimately. The indicators of a healthy

and involved. Older women find

relationship are far more important, including common ground, love, and communication. If personalities match, then it's ridiculous to allow a number to stand in your way of

this incredibly attractive. Dr. Laura Berman, a sex therapist and one

happiness. Married May-December couples report that once they were



these progressions be seen more

2000 Census, it was discovered that

of the count ry's leading experts on

clearly th an in the May-December

at least 14 percent of all married couples involved a woman who was

women's sexual health, stated in an interview for a CBS News Special Report that one of the elements of attraction for an older woman is that

relationships that have become Increasi ngly popular and visible . Yet, desp ite the elevation in social

thou ght, many stereotypes linger and people are still shocked to see

older than her male partner. In 2003, the AARP conducted a study that found that 34 percent of women aged 40-69 were involved with

being the object of a younger man's affection makes them feel beautiful

a you ng er man dating an older woma n.

men at least 10 years their junior And most recently, Match .com

and attractive. An older woman loves "being appreciated as a woman for

conducted research that found that

all that you are and all that you've learned and all that you've become."

With the ever popular celebrity May-December relationships,

most people have heard the term "Couga r." Relationships such as Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, who

have a 15 year age gap and have been married for 3 years, still cause excitement and water cooler chatter. By curre nt definition, a Cougar is

generally considered to be a wealthy, beaut if Ul, intelligent woman over

the age of 40 who is out prowl ing

12 · 08


30 percent of women were willing to date a man at least 5 years younger

than themselves, Between 2002 and 2005, the number of women who were willing to date a man at least 10 years younger rose from 7 percent to 13 percent. It's interesting to note that for men, 39 percent are willing to date a woman who is at least 5 years their senior and 20 percent are willing to date a woman

Younger men are often attracted

to the intelligent, directness, and strength that an older woman possesses.

wed, the age gap nearly disappeared and was of little consequence. And hey, you can always tout yourself as an uber-chic urbanite should anyone question your love So, Future Cubs of America,

should you find yourself longing for the warmth and comfort and mind-blowing sex only a Cougar can provide, hop on the internet

and peruse one of the many Web sites devoted to Cougars and their

Cubs, including and . Both provide

From a pragmatic perspective, women live on average 8 to 10

information, tips, and personal ads. also provides an ever growing list of Cougar Dens.

years longer than men . By coupling with a younger male, they have a greater chance that they will live their

and clubs that serve as their hunting

lives out together. And, of course, I


Simply find your city on the list and you will be taken to a list of bars

The revolution will not be televised

:2 5

Books for Uganda KhIH8YN GIUSHffSKI

For the past 23 years a war has raged in Northern Uganda.

Public Relations Director

As this semester comes to a close, students are anxious to sell that outrageously expensive textbook that some did not even use. The worst part about these books is that by the end of the semester, they are sometimes no longer current editions.

Now that $200 book is worth $40 or maybe nothing at all. In the case that your textbook no longer has value, you are given the option of just leaving the book with the vendor. Students don't know where those books go; maybe they are sold, maybe they are donated. With the help of a nonprofit organization named Invisible Children, students can ensure that their books will go to a worthy cause. This past summer, 22-year-old Sarah Knowlton, a graphic design student and President of Invisible Children at VCU, traveled through Africa for two months. Knowlton's journey brought her to Lacor Secondary - a srnall school in Gulu, Uganda. "After being there and realizing that they don't have the basic necessities to have an education, I recognize the excess of

educational fundamentals that we do have," Knowlton said.

In 2003, Invisible Children was established to bring Northern Ugandan issues to world-wide attention. This year, Invisible Children began the Schools for Schools program to support education in Northern Uganda. Invisible Children representatives have trave led all over the country, ra ising money and raising

awareness. Through Schools for Schools, Invisible Children at VCU is collecting books for Lacor Secondary School. Caroline Sumner, 20-year-old English student and member of Invisible Children at VCU, hopes to collect 10,000 books. "I rea lly thin k we can do it, but it wi ll take a lot of work and generosity," Sumner stated . "If every student donated just one book, we would achieve triple that goal." So far more than 1,000 books have been collected, and the program ends January 30.

For more information


Photos taken by Sarah Knowlton in Gulu, Uganda

iM 12·08

, v U'S firTH H~IR HfRMFIINOA CORIfS Nriter Eugene P. Trani: historian, scholar, developer, VCU president extraordinaire.

1997 to $230 million in 2007. Holding true to their promise, the Board, Trani, and his 19-year tenure have unflaggingly built the research enterprise, bringing otherwise unavailable opportunities to VCU students.

Prior to May the mention of Eugene P. Trani's name

But Trani's tenure has also seen VCU's student body increase to nearly 32,000 and a 9.4 percent increase

largely rang bells of success for VCU students and faculty, and the Richmond elite, but the past six months have morphed those praising undulations into cries of confusion. Confusion, based in rumors of scanda ls (Philip Morris and ex-Richmond Police Chief Rodney Monroe), that translates into frustrations for those invested both financially and altruistically in the selection of VCU's next president.

in tuition and fees from Fall 2007 to Fall 2008. For the average student that means increased class size, longer lines at the financial aid office, and hundreds of out-of-pocket dollars spent on the costs of higher education. For faculty and staff it means more strange faces and fewer resources to accommodate the number of students in their classrooms and their dining halls.

The succeeding president will be selected with the

With President Trani's resignation in late June 2009

assistance of a search committee that will include six Board of Visitor members, the largest group represe nted in the committee. In 2006 the Board

and the selection of a new president, the 2008-2009 academic school year is the stage for st udents, faculty, and staff to participate in molding their learning community into the vision they are seeking. For more information about the VCU presidential selection process or to submit a presidential nomination visit

approved the VCU 2020 Vision for Excellence. The vision dedicated to "enhance the student experience and aggressively build the research enterprise." That research enterprise has grown from $90 million in




BUY & SELL TEXTBOOKS EVERYDAY Your new alternative for the highest buyback prices. We will be selling books starting with the Wintersession '09 and Spring '09 semesters. 906 W. Grace St. next door to Vito's

ABOVE: Protest actions around the RNC were targeted at preventing buses full of Republican delegates from entering the Excel Center. Ramsey County sheriffs hold back the crowd as they attempt to create a blockade.

THE CLASH Protest Nat"

Photos and reporting by


the pepper spraying, a man in a w heelchair is treated by street medics. Minutes later, both the attending medics and their patient would be arrested as police cleared the streets of St. Paul.

and youth form a blockade to prevent Republican delegates from Connecticut from entering Excel Center grounds on day one of the RNC.

form a line between protestors and the arresting offi cers on the capitol grounds minutes before the start of a student anti-war march to the Excel Center that would result in the final mass arrest of the week.

arriving, the National Guard units began pepper spraying and tear-gassing the crowd.

weapons to break up lines of protesters. In this photo a protestor sits down in an attempt to prevent the horses from moving through the crowd.

ABOVE: As local law enforcement proved unable to stop the protest actions, the Minnesota National Guard were ca lled in to break up the mass of protestors just outside the Crown Plaza Hotel where the Texas delegation were housed for the week.

the clash

Photos and reporting by

Protesting the Republican National Convention

JAKf CUNNINGHAM LEFT: Members of local law enforcement attempt to hold protestors back while they remove two a rrestees snatched off the permitted state capitol grounds on the last day of the RNC, Thursday, Sept. 4.

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