The Commonwealth Times; Sep. 26, 2018

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Discussing Fear A night with Pulitzer Prize-winner Bob Woodward Story on page 2

Bob Woodward, an investigative reporter and associate editor of The Washington Post, covered his most recent book and President Trump’s political climate. Photo by Erin Edgerton

Virginia secretary of education visits with VCU veterans


CHIP LAUTERBACH Contributing Writer

the Year in 2016. Last year, Gov. Ralph Northam appointed Qarni as the 19th Secretary of Edhe Virginia Secretary of Education of the state of Virginia, ucation Atif Qarni spoke to a assuming office on Jan. 13, 2018. group of VCU military veterans “When I first came home, I was at Cabell Library Sept. 21. withdrawn and sometimes quick The event — organized by to anger,” Qarni said. “I do know Military Student Services Dithat without the prospect and the rector Stephen Ross — focused eventual structure of being an edon what veterans go through ucator, I would have struggled in when transitioning from their those first few months of returntime in the armed forces back ing to life and society.” to civilian life. Emphasizing the need for “This was a really wonderful veterans to reach out to those collaboration,” Ross said of the who came before them, Qaevent, which was a collective efrni said the governor tasked fort between MSS, VCU Military him with developing programs Veterans Alumni Council and the geared toward helping veterans Office of Government Relations. in transition at Virginia colleges “Without the hard work of all and universities. those involved we wouldn’t be “We owe it to our brothers enjoying this wonderful afterand sisters who have sacrificed so noon with Secretary Qarni.” Secretary of Education Atif Qarni. Photo by Chip Lauterbach much to secure our liberty here Qarni, a native of Pakistan, in America and abroad,” Qarni talked about his experiences candidly, more mature manner than an average said. “We need to let them know that we spanning from his 1996 enlistment in the 26-year-old man. have their backs.” Marine Corps after finishing high school “I made a deal with my parents, because Ryan Tompkins, a U.S. Army veteran to coming home from the invasion of Iraq my father was very proud of me and gung- at the event who will attend VCU next after March 2003. ho about me joining the military — he said semester, said he was happy to see the Sec“Coming home from Iraq I had to focus,” it was what an immigrant was supposed to retary of Education speaking to the univerQarni said. “My wife had just given birth do,” Qarni said. “But my mother was abso- sity’s veteran community. to our first child and I knew I was going lutely against the idea, so I agreed to join “I think it shows that Governor Northam to move on from the Marine Corps. It was the reserves and go to college.” and his administration are very understandthen that I decided that I was going go After pursuing higher education, Qarni ing of the challenges faced by the Virginia into education.” became a teacher in civics, mathematics veteran community,” Tompkins said. “And After leaving the military, Qarni said and U.S. history, teaching classes at Beville how supportive the Governor and his adthat because of his time in the service, he Middle School in Prince William Coun- ministration are of veterans finding a new was able to focus on his aspirations in a ty. Qarni was named Dale City Teacher of path through higher education.”


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