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The Supreme


Jerusalem’s Luxury Residence

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The Heritage ˙ÂÎÈÈ˘‰†˙˘ÂÁ˙†˙‡†ÌȈÚÓ

The culture ˙ÂÏȈ‡‰†˙‡†ÌȈÚÓ

The view


The prime location ˙ÂÈ„ÂÁÈȉ†˙‡†ÌȈÚÓ


The Supreme


Jerusalem’s Luxury Residence


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The Supreme - Jerusalem’s Luxury Residence ¯˜‡Ò†˜¯‡Ùφ‰Ùˆ ÔÂÈÏÚ‰†ËÙ˘Ó‰†˙ȷφ˙Â΢·†The supreme

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It is hereby clarified that any advertisement, brochure, computerized simulation/ model marketing diagram of apartments and/or the project, including dimensions and details included, are intended for illustration purposes and general information only, and that they are subject to revision as directed by professional consultants and/or the authorities. They shall not be used for interpretation of the Sales Agreement, and are not binding upon the parties in any way whatsoever, and the Purchaser hereby declares that s/he has not been influenced by them, and they are not part of the Purchaser's considerations in entering into the Sales Agreement. It is hereby clarified that only the sales plans and the technical specifications appended to the Sales Agreement according to law, and which are signed by both parties, are binding upon the parties. Furthermore, the Purchaser is aware that the computerized simulation presented to the Purchaser already includes future planning for the additional floors, as a result of which there will be a change in the parking area. Said changes are conditional upon a change in the Urban Planning Scheme and obtaining a Building Permit.

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Sales Office: Tel: +972-2-6224547,, By the Crowne Plaza Hotel and The Supreme Court, Jerusalem, Israel, Cell: +972-52-4488114 Head Office: Yosef Hachmi 30 St., Jerusalem, 96428, Israel, Tel: +972-2-6426652

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