scheme about cooperative housing
Ordinary housing
ownership agreement
rental agreement
Cooperative Housing non-equity or continuing share purchase
equity or strata occupancy agreement
share purchase
purchase agreements
Voting for the board of directors Rochdale Principes
Limited stock companies
share purchase
Financing methods market rate share purchase
votes for the Board of Directors
share purchase
votes for the Board of Directors
research into the relationship of public and private in the urban fabric
Communitie jard There is created a passageway between Bergen Street and St. Marks Ave, which is the modern interpretation of the historical Hunterfly Road. But this passage is not continuausly open. This is only used for major activities in the community jard. The outdoor area around the historic houses are enclosed. The openings can be closed by large pivot gates. Into the gates are at the outside banks incorporated. They can also serve as a announcement board. The communatie garden is very functional constructed with large seed trays. They also make clear the difference between the historic houses and the grid.
tours in the houses
Berger St
Community center
exhibition gallery
community yard
auditorium with stage
research center
exploded vieuw