1 minute read
REA members first to successfully negotiate and ratify Virginia public school employee contracts in nearly a half-century.
Editor Tom Allen
VEA President
Dr. James J. Fedderman
VEA Executive Director Dr. Brenda Pike
Communications Director
Kevin J. Rogers
Graphic Designer
Lisa Sale
Editorial Assistant/Advertising Representative Kate O’Grady

Michele Wickman David T. Marshall
Rhonda Lancaster Bruce Ingram
ChèRee Wiley
James Graves
Tim Pressley
Vol. 116, No.5
Copyright © 2023 by the Virginia Education Association
The Virginia Journal of Education (ISSN 0270-837X) is published six times a year (October, November, December, February, April and June) by the Virginia Education Association, 116 South Third Street, Richmond, VA 23219.
Non-member annual subscription rate: $10 ($15 outside the U.S. and Canada). Rights to reproduce any article or portion thereof may be granted upon request to the editor. Periodicals postage paid in Richmond, VA.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Virginia Journal of Education, 116 South Third Street, Richmond, VA 23219.

Article proposals, comments or questions may be sent to the editor at tallen@veanea.org or Tom Allen,116 South Third Street, Richmond, VA 23219, 800-552-9554.
Member: State Education Association Communicators
VEA Vision:
A great public school for child in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
VEA Mission:
The mission of the Virginia Education Association is to unite our members and local communities across the Commonwealth in fulfilling the promise of a high quality public education that successfully prepares every single student to realize his or her full potential. We believe this can be accomplished by advocating for students, education professionals, and support professionals.
Want to Share Your Thoughts?
Our members are great writers! We’re always happy to review your submissions for the Virginia Journal of Education, whether they be about something going on in your classroom or school, something humorous (we all could use more good laughs), an opinion piece, or something inspirational. If you’re interested in sharing your ideas and experiences, send your ideas and manuscripts to TAllen@veanea.org l