Dear fellow VEA delegates, I am writing this letter to you to introduce myself, and ask for your vote to be your next VEA President. I am a graduate of V.C.U. having received a BS in Science Education, and went on to begin my teaching career in Chesterfield County. Later I earned a MEd in Instruction, from UVa. I grew up in a military family, where I attended 5+ schools, eventually graduating from Fairfax County. With an ever-increasing military presence in the Commonwealth, I believe I have a perspective that is necessary to assist the VEA in understanding the complexity of military children and families. I have lived in many areas of the Commonwealth, from Winchester to Tazewell and Buchanan counties in southwest Virginia to Richmond and Virginia Beach, giving me an insight of regional needs. I know that the struggles of one region are different than those in another. I believe the most important goals of the VEA President is to grow membership, improve communication between the state and local associations, and demand respect for education personnel. The key to membership building is valuing everyone’s unique skills. I have built several grassroots organizations and raised millions of dollars for them. E ffective communication from the State level to the individual associations is essential to build the strength of the Association. We must have a unified voice that shares the common theme of building respect for the profession of educating children. I have a deep understanding of the General Assembly, having served in the House of Delegates. I have the support and endorsements of both Senator Lucas and DelegateTyler, chairs of their Education Committees. The way to demand respect is to construct legislation that requires school divisions to give it. It will be a true honor to serve you as your next VEA President. Thank you for your time and your vote. Sincerely, Cheryl Turpin