Jh vej Hkkjrh
Jh vej Hkkjrh
Jh vej Hkkjrh ohjk;ru dh ekfld if=kdk
ekpZ 2015
o"kZ% 51
vad% 03
laLFkkid mikè;k;Jh vejeqfu
fn'kk&funsZ'k vkpk;ZJh pUnukJhth z
lEiknd lkèohJh lk/ukth
lc lR;ksa dk ,d lR; gS] lc rF;ksa dk ,d rF; gSA tS l h djuh oS l h Hkjuh] viuh djuh ikj mrjuhAA b/j&m/j ds }U}ksa esa D;ksa my> jgs gks] f[kUu cus gks\ vius & vius deZ lq / kjks ] Mq c fr uS ; k ikj mrkjks A A eu dks] rudks vkSj opu dks] djks fu;fU=kr vkSj la;fer fiQj D;k ihM+k] fiQj D;k fpUrk\ tks dqN Hkh gS Js"B] fo'o esa rqedks lc dqN izkIr lqYkHk gS lPps eu ls ] deZ { ks = k es a mrj iM+ks] rks rqEgsa u dksbZ dqN nqyZHk gSA
µmikè;k; vejeqfu
egkea=kh rulq[kjkt Mkxk Jh vej Hkkjrh
1- mn~cks/u
mikè;k; vejeqfu
2- vkRe&psruk vkuUn----
mikè;k; vejeqfu
3- ,d flDosQ osQ nks igyw----
lkèoh foHkkth
4- 'kkL=k vkSj 'kL=k
iañ lq[kyky la?koh
5- Írq vk;h olar lqgkuh
6- Jh pUnuk fo|kihB---
fo|kihB osQ fo|kFkhZ
7- lRladYi vo'; fl¼---
iksiVyky xqxys
8- vfgald lekt osQ fy,---
9- ykWMZ efŠukFk
MkWñ iQf.kdkar feJ
10- fo'o&ca/qRo---
iadt pkaney
11- e/qj ok.kh
egkdfo Hkkjfo
12- f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa esa-------
vkpk;Z pUnukth----
13- ohjk;ru dsU;k esa-----
14- i=k&i=kka'k
Jh vej Hkkjrh
vkRe&psruk % vkUkUn dh ryk'k esa " mikè;k; vejeqfu Hkkjrh; n'kZu vkSj rRo&fpUru us ,d ckr ekuh gS] fd bl fojkV~ fo'o dk vfLrRo nks izeq[k rÙoksa ij fuHkZj gSA nks rÙoksa dk esy gh bl fo'o&fLFkfr dk vk/kj gSA muesa ls ,d gS&'kk'or] fpUe; vkSj v:iA nwljk gS&{k.kHkaxqj] vpsru] :iokuA izFke dks] tho dgk x;k gS vkSj nwljs dks] tM+&iqn~xyA ;g 'kjhj] ;s bfUnz;k¡] ;s egy vkSj ;g /u&laifÙk] lc iqn~xy dk [ksy gSaA ;s dHkh curs gSa] dHkh feVrs gSaA iqn~xy dk vFkZ gh gS&¶iwj.kkr~ xyukn~ iqn~xy%¸ feyuk vkSj xyukA la?kkr vkSj fo?kkr] ;gh iqn~xy dk y{k.k gSA ;g fojkV~ fo'o ijek.kqvksa ls Hkjk gqvk gSA buesa ls gh dqN ijek.kq fi.Mksa dk feyu gqvk ugha] fd 'kjhj dk fuekZ.k gks x;kA ,d voLFkk ,oa dky rd bldk fodkl gksrk gS vkSj fiQj fc[kj tkrk gSA blh izdkj / u] ,s'o;Z ,oa edku gSA vuUr&dky ls ;s rÙo pSrU; ds lkFk fey dj ?kwe jgs gSa] lalkj dk pDdj yxk jgs gSaA vuUr&vuUr ckj 'kjhj vkfn ds :i esa ,d lkFk feys] u;s&u;s [ksy fd, vkSj fiQj xyus yxs] fc[kj x,A
Jh vej Hkkjrh
vkdk'k esa cknyksa dk [ksy gksrk gSA ,d le; ;g vuUr vkdk'k lkiQ gS] lw;Z dk izdk'k ped jgk gS] fdUrq dqN gh le; ckn dkyh&dkyh ty ls Hkjh gqbZ ?kVk,¡ ?kqeM+rh&epyrh pyh vkrh gS]a vkdk'k esa Nk tkrh gSa vkSj lw;Z dk izdk'k <d tkrk gSA fiQj dqN le; ckn gok dk ,d izp.M >ksadk vkrk gS] ckny pwj&pwj gks dj fc[kj tkrs gSa] vkdk'k LoPN gks tkrk gS vkSj lw;Z fiQj igys dh rjg pedus yxrk gSA ;g iqn~xyksa dk :i gSA ,d {k.k fctyh pedrh gS] izdk'k dh ygj mBrh gS vkSj nwljs gh {k.k cq> tkrh gS] lewpk n`'; vU/dkj esa Mwc tkrk gSA bl n`"Vkn`"V vuUr fo'o dh lokZReoknh O;k[;k lÙkk ij vk/kfjr gSA ^lÙkk* vFkkZr lkekU;] ^lkekU;* vFkkZr~ vfouk'kh ewy rÙoA lÙkk ds nks ewy :i gS&a tM+ vkSj psruA ;s nksuksa gh rÙo fo'o ds vukfn&fu/u ekSfyd Hkkx gSaA nksuksa ifjorZu'khy gSa] fØ;k&/kjk esa izogeku gSaA ,d {k.k ds fy, Hkh dksbZ fØ;k'kwU; ugha jg ikrkA dHkh LorU=k :i ls] rks dHkh ikjLifjd izHkko&izfrizHkko ls fØ;k&izfrfØ;k dk pØ pyrk gh jgrk gSA ge lc] tks ;g ifjorZu&pØ ns[k jgs gS]a og fdlh ,sls vk/kj dh vksj ladrs nsrk gS]a tks ifjofrZr gks dj Hkh ifjofrZr ugha gksrk vFkkZr~ viuh ewy Lo:i&fLFkfr ls dHkh Hkh P;qr ugha gksrkA vkSj og vk/kj D;k gS\ n'kZu dk mÙkj gS&^lÙkk*A lÙkk vFkkZr~ vukfn&vuUr ewy rÙoA lÙkk dk tUe ugha gSA blfy, mldh vkfn ugha gSA vkSj] lÙkk dk fouk'k ugha gS] u Lo:i ifjorZu gSA blfy, mldk vUr Hkh ugha gSA lÙkk] ftlds tM+ vkSj psru&nks :i gSa] vius esa ,d okLrfod 'kk'or rÙo gSA ;g u dksbZ vkdfLed la;ksx gS vkSj u dksbZ dkYifud lR;A ;g fdlh loksPZ p lÙkk ds :i esa ekus x,] bZ'oj] [kqnk ;k xkSM dh nsu Hkh ugha gS vkSj u ,slh fdlh rFkkdfFkr 'kfDr&fo'ks"k ls iz'kkflr gSA bl izdkj mDr v[k.M] vfouk'kh lÙkk dk u dksbZ dÙkkZ gS vkSj u grkZ gSA ;g vius vki esa 'kr&izfr'kr iw.kZ gS] LorU=k gSA iw.kZ vkSj LorU=k vFkkZr~ loZrU=k&LorU=kA bldh viuh fu;e&c¼rk Hkh fuf'pr gS vFkkZr~ LorU=k gSA blds vfLrRo esa dksbZ gsrq ugha gSA rdZ dh Hkk"kk esa dgk tk,] rks dg ldrs gSa& ¶lÙkk] lÙkk gS] D;ksafd og lÙkk gSA¸ Jh vej Hkkjrh
bl fojkV~ fo'o dh O;oLFkk dk ewy lw=k gS&^lÙkk*A blds vusdkusd egÙoiw.kZ va'k ekuo&cqf¼ ds }kjk ifjKkr gks pqds gSa fiQj Hkh ekuo dk rdZ'khy efLr"d vHkh rd fo'o ds vuUr jgL;ksa dk Bhd rjg mn~?kkVu ugha dj ik;k gS] u bldh fojkV~&'kfDr dk dksbZ ,d fuf'pr eki gh ys ldk gSA fo'o dh lw{ere lhekvksa dh [kkst es]a mldh vKkr vry xgjkb;ksa dks tkuus dh fn'kk esa ekuo vukfn&dky ls iz;Ru djrk vk jgk gSA mls ,d loZFkk vKkr jgL; eku dj vFkok vuko';d izip a le> dj] og dHkh pqi ugha cSBk gSA 'kks/ dh izfØ;k fujUrj pkyw jgh gSA blh vKkr dks Kkr djus dh /qu esa foKku ds pj.k fujUrj vkxs] vkSj vkxs c<+rs jgs gSa] vkSj og vusdkusd vn~Hkqr jgL;ksa dks jgL; dh lhek esa ls ckgj fudky Hkh yk;k gSA fiQj Hkh] vHkh rd fu.kZ;kRed :i ls ugha dgk tk ldrk fd&¶fo'o dk ;g vfHkO;Dr ekufp=k vfUre gSA bldh ;g b;Ùkk gS] vkxs vkSj dqN ugha gSA¸ lpeqp gh loZ&lk/kj.k tu&lekt ds fy, ;g fo'o ,d igsyh gS] tks fdruh gh ckj cw>h tk dj Hkh vucw>h gh jg tkrh gSA psru vkSj vpsru lk/kj.k ekuo&cqf¼ ds fy,] Hkys fo'o vkt ,d igsyh gks] fdUrq Hkkjrh; rÙo&n'kZu us bl igsyh dks Bhd rjg lqy>k;k gSA Hkkjr dk rÙo&n'kZu dgrk gS] fd fo'o dh lÙkk ds nks ekSfyd :i gSa& tM+ vkSj psruA lÙkk dk] tks psru Hkkx gS] og laosnu'khy gS vuqHkwfr&Lo:i gSA fdUrq tM+ Hkkx mDr 'kfDr ls loZFkk 'kwU; gSA ;gh dkj.k gS] fd psru dh vf/dka'k izo`fÙk;k¡ iwo&Z fu/kZfjr gksrh gSAaS viuh bl fu/kZj.k dh fØ;k esa] mi;ksx dh /kjk esa] psru LorU=k gSA fdUrq] tM+ loZFkk vpsru gS] psruk 'kwU; gSA vr% tM+ dh viuh fØ;k esa Lo;a tM+ dk viuk dksbZ gsrq ugha gSA tM+ dh fØ;k gksrh gS] lrr gksrh gS] ijUrq og dksbZ gsrq ,oa y{; fu/ kZfjr djds ugha gksrhA psru% vkUkUn dh [kkst esaµ psru] vukfn&dky ls vkuUn dh [kkst esa jgk gSA vkuUn gh mldk pje y{; gS] vfUre izkIrO; gSA psru dks viuh thou&;k=kk esa ru vkSj Jh vej Hkkjrh
eu ds pje vkuUn feys gS]a HkkSfrd lq[k&lqfo/k,¡ miyC/ gqbZ gSa vkSj og buesa my>rk Hkh jgk gS] vVdrk vkSj HkVdrk Hkh jgk gSA bUgsa gh og viuk vfUre izkIrO; ekudj lUrq"V gksrk jgk gSA ijUrq] ;g vkuUn {kf.kd gSA lkFk gh nq%[k&lai`Dr Hkh gSA fo"k&fefJr e/qj eksnd tSlh fLFkfr gS bldhA vr% tkx`r psru dqN vkSj >kadus yxrk gS] 'kk'or] nq%[k&eqDr vkuUn dh [kkst esa vkxs pj.k c<+k nsrk gSA mDr lPps vkSj LFkk;h vkuUn dh [kkst us gh eks{k ds vfLrRo dks fl¼ fd;k gS& ijEijkxr n`"V thou ls ijs vuUr] vlhe] vkuUne; thou dk ifjcks/ fn;k gSA tM+ dh Lo;a viuh ,slh dksbZ [kkst ugha gSA tM+ dh lfØ;rk Lo;a mlds fy, loZrksHkkosu fu#ís'; gS] tcfd psru dh fØ;k'khyrk lksí's ; gSA psru dk ije mís'; D;k gS vkSj og dSls izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gS\&blh fo'ys"k.k dh fn'kk esa ekuo gtkjksa&gtkj o"kks± ls iz;Ru dj jgk gSA ;g fpUru] ;g euu] ;g iz;Ru gh psru dk viuk Lo&foKku gS] ftls 'kkL=k dh Hkk"kk esa vè;kRe dgrs gSA vè;kRe&Hkwfedk T;ksa gh fLFkj fLFkfr esa igqp ¡ rh gS] lk/d ds vUrj esa ls lgt vkuUn dk v{k;&L=kksr iwQV iM+rk gSA psru ds Lo:i&cks/ dk ewyk/kjµ LFkwy n`'; inkFkks± dks vklkuh ls le>k tk ldrk gS] mudh fLFkfr ,oa 'kfDr dk vklkuh ls vuqekiu gks ldrk gS] fdUrq psruk ds lEcU/ esa ,slk ugha gSA psruk vR;Ur lw{e rFkk xw<+ gSA n'kZu dh Hkk"kk esa ^v.kksj.kh;ku* gSA lk/kj.k ekuo&cqf¼ osQ ikl rÙo&fpUru osQ tks bfUæ; ,oa eu vkfn ,sfgd midj.k gS]a os cgqr gh vYi gS]a lhfer gSAa lkFk gh lR; dh ewy fLFkfr osQ okLrfod vkdyu esa v/wjs gS]a v{ke gSAa blds ekè;e ls psruk dk Li"V ifjcks/ ugha gks ikrk gSA osQoy Åij dh lrg ij rSjrs jgus okys Hkyk lkxj dh xgjkbZ dks dSls tku ldrs gSa\ tks lk/d vUreZq[k gksrs gSaµ lk/uk osQ iFk ij ,d fu"Bk ls xfreku jgrs gSµ a psruk osQ fpUru rd gh ugha] vfirq psruk osQ Kku&foKku rd igqp ¡ rs gSµ a futkuqHkwfr dh xgjkbZ esa mrjrs gS]a os gh psruk osQ ewy&Lo:i dk fnu osQ mtkys dh Hkk¡fr Li"V ifjcks/ ik ldrs gSAa Jh vej Hkkjrh
fo'o dh {k.kHkaxqjrk % Hkkjrh;&n'kZu vkSj Hkkjrh;&laLÑfr esa nq%[k vkSj Dys'k rFkk vfuR;rk vkSj {k.kHkaxqjrk osQ lEcU/ esa cgqr&oqQN fy[kk x;k gS] vkSj cgqr&dgk x;k gSA ;gh dkj.k gS] fd ik'pkR; fo}ku Hkkjrh; n'kZu dh mRifÙk vfuR;rk vkSj nq%[k esa ls gh ekurs gSaA D;k nq%[k vkSj vfuR;rk Hkkjrh; n'kZu dk ewy gks ldrk gS\ ;g ,d xEHkhj iz'u gS] ftl ij Hkjiwj fpUru] euu ,oa fopkj fd;k x;k gSA thou vfuR; gS vkSj thou nq%[ke; gS] bl pje lR; dks vks>y ugha dj ldrsA thou dks vfuR;] nq%[ke;] Dys'ke;] {k.kHkaxqj eku dj Hkh Hkkjrh; n'kZu vkRek dks ,d vej vkSj 'kk'or rÙo ekurk gSA vkRek dks vej vkSj 'kk'or ekuus dk ;g vFkZ dnkfi ugha gks ldrk] fd mlesa fdlh Hkh izdkj dk ifjorZu ugha gksrk gSA ifjorZu rks txr~ dk ,d 'kk'or fu;e gSA psru vkSj vpsru] nksuksa esa gh ifjorZu gksrk gSA fdUrq] bruh ckr vo'; gS] fd tM+xr ifjorZu dh izrhfr 'kh?kz gks tkrh gS] tcfd psrukxr ifjorZu dh izrhfr 'kh?kz ugha gks ikrhA ;fn psru esa ifjorZu ugha gksrk] rks vkRek dk nq%[kh ls lq[kh gksuk] ;g dSls laHko gks ldrk Fkk\ thou vkSj txr~ esa izfr{k.k ifjorZu gks jgk gS] n'kZu&'kkL=k dk ;g ,d pje lR; gSA Hkkjrh; n'kZu vfuR; esa ls] nq%[k esa ls tUe ysrk gSA Je.k Hkxoku~ egkohj us dgk gS&¶vf.kPps tho&yksxfEeA¸ ;g lalkj vfuR; gS vkSj {k.kHkaxqj gSA D;k fBdkuk gS bldk\ dkSu ;gk¡ ij vtj&vej cudj vk;k gS\ lalkj esa 'kk'or vkSj fuR; dqN Hkh ugha gSA ;gh ckr rFkkxr cq¼ us Hkh dgh gS&¶vf.kPpk la[kkjkA¸ ;g laLdkj vfuR; gS] {k.kHkaxqj gSA fo'kky cqf¼ egf"kZ O;kl us Hkh dgk gS& ¶vfuR;kfu 'kjhjkf.k] foHkoks uSo 'kk'or%A fuR;a lfUufgrks e`R;q%] drZO;ks /eZ&laxzg%AA¸ 'kjhj vfuR; gS] /u&oSHko Hkh vfuR; gS] 'kk'or ugha gSA e`R;q lnk flj ij eaMjkrh jgrh gS] u tkus dc e`R;q vk dj idM+ ysA vr% ftruk gks lds] /eZ dk vkpj.k dj ysuk pkfg,A Hkkjrh; laLÑfr ,oa n'kZu dk ;g vVy fo'okl gS] fd ekSr gj Jh vej Hkkjrh
bUlku ds ihNs Nk;k dh rjg py jgh gSA ftl fnu tUe fy;k Fkk] ftl fnu ek¡ ds xHkZ esa vorfjr gqvk Fkk] mlh {k.k ls bUlku ds ihNs ekSr yx pqdh FkhA u tkus] og dc >iV ys vkSj dc gekjs thou dks lekIr dj nsA thou dk ;g f[kyk gqvk iwQy u tkus dc lalkj dh Mkyh ls >M+ dj vyx gks tk,A thou] unh ds ml izokg dh rjg gS] tks fujUrj cgrk gh jgrk gSA Je.k Hkxoku~ egkohj us bl ekuo&thou dks vfuR; vkSj {k.k& Hkaxjq crkrs gq, dgk gS&¶;g thou dq'k ds vxzHkkx ij fLFkr ty&fcUnq ds leku vfLFkj gSA ej.k ds iou dk ,d >ksdk yxrs gh /jk'kk;h gks tkrk gS¸& ¶dqlXxs tg vkslfcUnq,] Fkksoa fpV~Bb yEcek.k,A ,oa e.kq;k.k thfo;a] le;a xks;e! ek iek;,AA¸ ftl 'kjhj ij euq"; vfHkeku djrk gS] og 'kjhj Hkh fofo/ izdkj ds jksxksa ls vkØkUr gSA ihM+kvksa vkSj O;Fkkvksa dk Hk.Mkj gSA u tkus dc vkSj fdl le; vkSj dgk¡ dkSu jksx blesa ls iwQV iM+s\ ;g lc&dqN gksus ij Hkh] Hkkjrh; n'kZu vkSj laLÑfr ds mn~xkrk ml nq%[k dk dsoy jksuk jksdj gh ugha jg x,A {k.kHkaxjq rk vkSj vfuR;rk dk mins'k nsdj gh ugha jg x,A dsoy euq"; ds nq%[k dh ckr dg dj] vfuR;rk dh ckr nqgjk dj rFkk {k.kHkaxjq rk dh ckr lquk dj] fujk'kk ds xgu xrZ esa yk dj mlesa thou dks /dsy ugha fn;k] cfYd fujk'k] grk'k vkSj ihfM+r tu&thou esa vk'kk dh lq[kdj mins'k jf'e;k¡ iznku dj osQ mls izdkf'kr&iziQq fYyr Hkh fd;kA mUgksua s dgk&¶ekuo] vkxs c<+rs pyks] thou dh {k.kHkaxjq rk vkSj vfuR;rk gekjs thou dk y{; vkSj vkn'kZ ugha gSA¸ vfuR;rk ,oa {k.kHkaxjq rk dk mins'k dsoy blfy, gS] fd ge /Uk&oSHko esa vklDr u Jh vej Hkkjrh
cusAa tc thou dks vkSj mlds lq[k&lk/uksa dks] vfuR; vkSj {k.kHkaxjq eku fy;k tk,xk] rc mlesa vklfDr ugha txsxhA vklfDr dk u gksuk gh Hkkjrh;&laLÑfr dh lk/uk dk ewy y{; gS] pje mís'; gSA Hkkjrh;&laLÑfr esa thou ds nks :i ekus x, gS&a eR;Z vkSj veR;ZA bl thou esa dqN og gS] tks vfuR; gS] {k.kHkaxjq gSA vkSj] bl thou esa og Hkh gS] tks veR;Z gS] vej gS] ve`r gSA thou dk eR;Z&Hkkx {k.k&izfr{k.k u"V gks jgk gS] lekIr gksrk tk jgk gSA ftl izdkj vatfy esa Hkjk ty cwna &cwna djds fjlrk pyk tkrk gS] mlh izdkj thou&iat q esa ls thou ds {k.k fujUrj fc[kjrs jgrs gSAa ftl izdkj ,d iwQVs ?kM+s ls cwna &cwna djds ikuh fudyrk jgrk gS vkSj dqN dky esa ?kM+k [kkyh gks tkrk gS] izk.kh ds thou dh Hkh ;gh fLFkfr gS] ;gh n'kk gSA thou dk eR;Z Hkkx vfuR; gS] {k.kHkaxqj gS vkSj fouk'k'khy gSA ;g ru vfuR; gS] ;g eu {k.kHkaxqj gS] ;s bfUnz;k¡ v'kk'or gSa] /u vkSj laifÙk papy gSA iqjtu vkSj ifjtu vkt gSa vkSj dy ughaA ?kj dh y{eh ml fctyh dh js[kk ds leku gS] tks ped dj {k.kHkj esa foyqIr gks tkrh gSA vki tjk lksfp, rks] bl vUrghu vkSj lhekghu lalkj esa fdldh foHkwfr fuR; jgh gS vkSj fdldk ,s'o;Z fLFkj jgk gSA jko.k dk ifjokj fdruk fojkV~ FkkA nq;ks/Z u dk ifjokj fdruk fo'kky Fkk] foLr`r FkkA fdUrq] mu lcdks èoLr gksr]s feêðh esa feyrs fdruh nsj yxh\ ftl izdkj ty dk cqncqn ty esa tUe ysrk gS vkSj ty esa gh foyhu gks tkrk gS] mlh izdkj /u] oSHko vkSj ,s'o;Z feêðh esa ls tUe ysrs gSa vkSj vUr esa feêðh esa gh foyhu gks tkrs gSaA Hkkjrh;&laLÑfr dk oSjkX; jksu&s foy[kus ds fy, ugha gS] cfYd blfy, gS fd ge thou ds eR;Z&Hkkx esa vklDr u cus]a vkSj thou ds fdlh eR;Z :i dks idM+ dj u cSB tk,¡A lc&dqN ikdj Hkh lc ds eè; esa jg dj Hkh] ge le>sa fd ;g gekjk viuk Lo:i ugha gSA ;g lc vk;k gS vkSj pyk tk,xkA tks&dqN vkrk gS] og tkus ds fy, gh vkrk gS] fLFkj jgus vkSj fVdus ds fy, ugha vkrk gSA Hkkjrh;&n'kZu vkSj laLÑfr dk ;g vfuR;rk dk] {k.kHkaxqjrk dk mins'k thou dks tkx`r djus ds fy, gS] thou dks cU/uksa ls foeqDr djus ds fy, gSA Jh vej Hkkjrh
thou dk nwljk :i gS&veR;Z] ve`r vkSj vejA thou ds veR;Z &Hkkx dks vkyksd vkSj izdk'k dgk tkrk gSA ve`r dk vFkZ gS&dHkh u ejus okykA vej dk rkRi;Z gS&ftl ij e`R;q dk dqN Hkh izHkko ugha iM+rk gSA og D;k rÙo gS\ blds mÙkj esa Hkkjrh;&n'kZu dgrk gS&bl {k.kHkaxqj] vfuR; vkSj eR;Z&'kjhj es]a tks dqN veR;Z gS] tks dqN vej gS] og vkRe &rÙo gSA ;g vkRe&rÙo] og rÙo gS] ftldk u dgha vkfn gS vkSj u dgha vUr gSA ;g vkRe&rÙo vfouk'kh gS] fuR; gS] 'kk'or gSA u dHkh bldk tUe gqvk gS vkSj u dHkh bldk ej.k gksxkA Hkkjr ds izkphu nk'kZfudksa us viuh lexz&'kfDr bl vfouk'kh rÙo dh O;k[;k esa yxk nh FkhA vkRek D;k gS\ og n'kZu gS] og Kku gS] og ohrjkx gS] og fpnkuUn gS] og fpr~&izdk'k gSA ve`r og gksrk gS] tks vuUr dky ls gS] vkSj vuUr dky rd jgsxkA oSfnd&ijEijk ds ,d Íf"k us dgk gS&¶ve`rL; iq=kk%A¸ ge lc ve`r ds iq=k gSaA vr% ge lc ve`r gSa] ge lc fuR; gSa] ge lc 'kk'or gSaA ve`r&vkRek dk iq=k ve`r gh gks ldrk gS] e`r ughaA bZ'oj ve`r gS vkSj ge lc mlds HkDr&iq=k gSaA ftu vkSj fl¼ 'kk'or gSa] blfy, ge lc 'kk'or gSa] fuR; gSaA bl ve`r&Hkkx dks ftlus tku fy;k] le> fy;k] ml vkRek ds fy, bl lalkj esa dgha ij Hkh u dksbZ jksx gS] u 'kksd gS] u {kksHk gS vkSj u eksg gSA {kksHk vkSj eksg dh mRifr thou ds eR;Z&Hkkx esa gksrh gS] veR;Z Hkkx esa ughaA ;fn fdlh dk fiz;tu ej tkrk gS] rks foyki djrk gS O;fÙkQA ijUrq] eSa iwNrk gw¡ ;g foyki fdldk fd;k tkrk gS\ vkRek dk ;k nsg dk\ vkRek ds fy, foyki djuk rks cgqr cM+k vKku gh gS] D;ksafd og lnk dky ds fy, 'kk'or gS] fiQj mlds fy, foyki D;kas\ ;fn 'kjhj ds fy, foyki djrs gSa rks ;g Hkh ,d izdkj dh ew[kZrk gh gSA D;ksafd 'kjhj rks {k.kHkaxqj gh gSA og rks feVus gsrq gh cuk gSA vuUr vrhr esa Hkh og vuUr ckj cuk gS vkSj vuUr ckj feVk gSA vuUr vkxr esa Hkh og vuUr ckj cu ldrk gS vkSj vuUr ckj feV ldrk gSA gk¡ rks ftldk LoHkko gh cuuk&fcxM+uk gS] fiQj mlds fy, foyki D;ks\a thou esa tks veR;Z gS] og dHkh u"V ugha gksrk vkSj thou esa tks eR;Z gS] og dHkh fVd dj ugha jg ldrkA vr% {k.k&Hkaxjq rk dh Jh vej Hkkjrh
n`f"V ls vkSj fuR;rk dh n`f"V ls Hkh foyki djuk vKku dk gh |ksrd gSA tks& dqN eR;Z&Hkkx gS] og fdlh dk Hkh D;ksa u gks vkSj fdlh Hkh dky dk D;ksa u gks] dHkh fLFkj jg ugha ldrkA pØorhZ dk egku~ ,s'o;Z vkSj rhFk±djksa dh fo'kky HkkSfrd foHkwfr] nsorkvksa dh lq[k&le`f¼ rFkk jktk&egkjktkvksa dk lkezkT;&oSHko dHkh fLFkj ugha jgk gS] fiQj ,d lk/kj.k euq"; dh lk/kj.k /u&lEifÙk rks fLFkj dSls jg ldrh gS\ bl thou esa ifjokj vkfn dk ftruk lEcU/ gS] og lc 'kjhj dk gS] vkRek dk rks lEcU/ gksrk ughs gSA bl thou esa] tks&dqN iziap gS] og lc 'kjhj dk gSA vkRek rks ewyr% iziap&jfgr gksrh gSA iziap vkSj fodYi ru&eu ds gksrs gS]a vkRek ds ughaA fdUrq] vKku&o'k budks geus viuk le> fy;k gS vkSj blh dkj.k gekjk ;g thou nq%[ke; ,oa Dys'ke; gSA thou ds bl nq%[k vkSj Dys'k dks] {k.kHkaxqjrk vkSj vfuR;rk ds mins'k ls nwj fd;k tk ldrk gSA D;ksafd tc rd Hko ds foHko esa viuRo cqf¼ jgrh gS] rc rd oSHko ds cU/u ls foeqfDr dSls fey ldrh gS\ ^ij* esa ^Lo* cqf¼ jgrh gS] rc rd oSHko ds cU/u ls foeqfDr dSls fey ldrh gS\ ^ij* esa ^Lo* cqf¼ dks&esjis u dh o`fÙk dks rksMu+ s ds fy, gh vfuR;rk dk mins'k fn;k x;k gSA tc eeRo dh jkf=k lekIr gksrh gS] rc vkRek vkuUn osQ vkyksd ls ifjiw.kZ gks tkrk gSA
Jh vej Hkkjrh
,d flDosQ osQ nks igyw HkkX; vkSj iq#"kkFkZ ladyu& lkèoh foHkk vkpk;Z Jh pUnukJhth dk ekuuk gS fd ek=k O;k[;kuksa ls Kku dk izdk'k ugha gks ldrk] mlds fy, O;fDrxr ,oa lkewfgd fopkj&ppkZ vko';d gSA ubZ ih<+h dh ftKklkvksa dks tkudj muds lek/ku gesa [kkstus gksxa As vr% tc&tc ekSdk feyrk gS os fo|k£Fk;ksa ds chp igqp ¡ tkrs gSa ,oa muds lkFk ckrphr djds mUgsa fudVrk ls le>us] tkuus ds iz;RUk djrs gSa rFkk mudh ftKklk dk lek/ku djrs gSaA mudk dguk gS fd fo|k£Fk;ksa dks okLrfod thou f'k{kk izkIr gksuh pkfg,] ftlls muesa lkSgknZ o HkkbZpkjs dh Hkkouk fodflr gks ldsA muesa deZ ds izfr #fp txsA os le> lds fd Kku vkSj deZ ,d gh flDds ds nks igyw gSAa cqf¼ ,oa 'kkjhfjd ifjJe dk feyki gks vkSj ifjJe dh izfr"Bk c<sA+ blh lUnHkZ esa fo|k£Fk;ksa dh ,d ftKklk Fkh µ rhFk±dj egkohj iq#"kkFkZoknh gS vkSj mudk ;g iq#"kkFkZ bl mfDr dks udkjrk gS fd ^tks HkkX; esa fy[kk gS ogh izkIr gksrk gSA* D;k ;g lgh gS\ lek/ku& vkpk;ZJh eka us dgk] rhFk±dj egkohj dk gj dFku vusd fcUnqvksa dks Li'kZ djrk gqvk ;FkkFkZ lR; rd igq¡pkrk gSA tSls lw;Z dh gj fdj.k lrjaxh gksrh gS] tSls gj oLrq ds vusd ,axy gksrs gSAa tSls ghjs ds vusd igyw gksrs gS]a mlh rjg rhFk±dj egkohj ds iq#"kkFkZokn dk vFkZ gS& cht esa vaoQq fjr gksus dh {kerk] ekyh dk iq#"kkFkZ] le; dk ifjikd vkfn lcosQ lefUor gksus ij gh cht dk vaoQq ju laHko gSA vr% os dgrs gSµ a iq#"kkFkZ ls HkkX; dks izdkf'kr djksA ^vkt dk vkidk iq#"kkFkZ vkusokys Jh vej Hkkjrh
dy dk HkkX; gSA* vFkkZr~ vius HkkX; ds fuekZrk vki Lo;a gSaA tks ge cksrs gSa] ogh ge ikrs gSaA vxj cks;k gqvk ge dHkh Hkwy tkrs gSa] nsj gks tkrh gS dHkh iQy izkfIr es]a rc ge deZ djds gh mls mn~?kkfVr dj ldrs gSaA HkkX; dk fy[kk gqvk iq#"kkFkZ dh vka[k ls gh i<+k tk ldrk gSA blfy, HkkX; Hkh lp gS vkSj iq#"kkFkZ Hkh lp gSA vU;ksU;kfJr gS nksuks]a ,d gh flDds ds nks igyw gSa vkSj ,d&nwljs ds ifjiwjd gSA thou esa liQyrk feysxh ;k vliQyrk ;g thou thdj gh tkuk tk ldrk gSA blfy, thou esa ftruk egÙo HkkX; dk gS mlls vf/d egÙo iq#"kkFkZ dk gSA D;ksafd iq#"kkFkZ ds ckn gh HkkX; izdV gksrk gSAS HkkX; izdV gksus dk vFkZ gS bfPNr lq[k dh izkfIr gksukA tks ge lksprs gSa mldk fey tkuk ;k ftruh ge esgur djrs gSa mruk fey tkukA ysfdu dHkh ,slk Hkh ns[kk tkrk gS fd fcuk esgur fd, gh fdlh dks lcdqN fey tkrk gS ;k de esgur esas gh cgqr dqN fey tkrk gSA rc gesa yxrk gS ^HkkX; dk gh [ksy gS lkjk* HkkX; dk xw<kFkZ ge Hkxoku eku ysrs gSa vkSj lksprs gSa fd Hkxoku dh HkfDr djsxa ]s izkFkZuk djsxa s rks Hkxoku [kq'k gksdj gekjh lkjh bPNk,¡ iwjh djsaxs vkSj gekjs HkkX; dk }kj [kksy nsaxsA Hkxoku gh HkkX; fo/krk gSaA Hkxoku gh ml vUkUr 'kfDr ds Lokeh gSa] muds gkFk esa gekjk HkkX; cukus dh 'kfDr gS vkSj fcxkM+us dh Hkh 'kfDr gSA fdUrq rhFk±dj egkohj dgrs gSa lalkj esa dksbZ ,slk Hkxoku ugha gS] tks cSBk&cSBk vkids HkkX; dks cukrk gks ;k fcXkkM+rk gksA rqe gh Lo;a gks vius HkkX; fo/krkA tks Hkh rqEgssa feyrk gS rqEgkjs vius iq#"kkFkZ ds }kjk gh feyrk gSA vxj HkkX; dk vfLRkRo gS Hkh rks og Hkh rqEgkjs tUe tUekUrjksa ds dek;s gq, ;k xaok,¡ gq, vPNs&cqjs deZiQy gSaA os deZiQy dc] fdl ifjfLFkfr es]a dSls izkIr gksxa s bls tkuus ds fy, Hkh rqEgaas lrr iq#"kkFkZ djuk gksxk D;ksfa d HkkX; dk fy[kk i<+us ds fy, deZ dk p'ek iguuk gksxkA HkkX; ;fn lR; gS rks deZ ml lR; rd Jh vej Hkkjrh
igqp ¡ us dk lksiku gSA dYiuk djks nks O;fDr vius&vius [ksr esa dqvk¡ [kksnrs gSAa ,d dks ikap iwQV [kksnrs gh ikuh fey tkrk gS vkSj nwljs dks chl iwQV [kksndj Hkh ikuh dh ,d cwan Hkh ugha feyrhA eku yks fd nksuksa dk HkkX; vyx&vyx FkkA ,d ds HkkX; esa tYnh ikuh dh izkfIr fy[kh Fkh vkSj nwljs ds HkkX; esa ikuh fcydqy ugha fy[kk Fkk] tykHkko fy[kk FkkA eryc bu nksuksa ds HkkX; esa igys fy[kk Fkk fd fdldks fdruk] D;k vkSj dc feysxk ;k ugha feysxkA rks HkkX; esa tks fy[kk gS mls tkuus ds fy, Hkh mUgsa iq#"kkFkZ djuk iM+kA iq#"kkFkZ djus ds ckn gh mUgkasus tkuk fd muds HkkX; esa D;k fy[kk gSA iQfyrkFkZ gS fd vU/sjs esa jgs gq, HkkX; dks iq#"kkFkZ }kjk gh izdk'k esa yk;k tk ldrk gSA fcuk iq#"kkFkZ ds HkkX; ds }kj ugha [kqy ikrsA vr% iq#"kkFkZ djks vkSj HkkX; dks lkSHkkX; cukvksA ekxZ ds dkaVksa dks m[kkM+us ds fy, gkFkksa ds mi;ksx dh vko';drk gSA iq#"kkFkhZ O;fDr dkaVksa dks ns[kdj HkkX; dks jksrk ugha] cfYd ekxZ dks fu"d.Vd cukrk gqvk vkxs c<rk gSA cqf¼ vkSj deZ thou :i jFk ds nks ifg;s gSAa izR;sd O;fDr ds lEeq[k ekXkZ :ih HkkX; mifLFkr gS ml ij pydj eafty gkfly djuk iq#"kkFkZ gSA bl izdkj HkkX; vkSj iq#"kkFkZ nksuksa lkFk&lkFk pyrs gSaA
vkpk;Z Jhf'ko eqfuth egkjkt ds usr`Ro esa lk/q lEesyu gksus tk jgk gSA loZ=k mRlkg o/Zd g"kZ ygjsa mB jgh gSAa nwj&nwj ls iwT; lk/q&lkfèo;ksa us bUnkSj dh vksj fogkj dj fn;k gSA /eZ uxjh bUnkSj esa vkxkeh 20 ekpZ 2015 ls 26 ekpZ 2015 rd lk/q&lEesyu gksus tk jgk gSA eSa lHkh Jkod&Jkfodkvksa ls /eZ izfs e;ksa ls ,oa lekt izfs e;ksa ls fuosnu djrk gw¡ fd vki lHkh viuh O;Lrrkvksa ds chp Hkh bl ifo=k vk;kstu esa i/kjsa vkSj laxBukRed lkgl dks txkus vkSj Hkfo"; ds izfr lekt ds mRlkgo/Zu gsrq viuh mifLFkfr ls ykHkkfUor djsAa µlqHkk"k vksloky] jk"Vªh; mikè;{k Jh vkWy bafM;k 'osrkEcj LFkkudoklh tSu dkWUizsaQl Jh vej Hkkjrh
'kkL=k vkSj 'kL=k Hkkjro"kZ esa 'kkL=k dh mRifÙk] o`f¼ vkSj j{k.k djus okyk oxZ czkã.k leqnk; ds uke ls izfl¼ gSA blh <ax ls 'kL=k dk iz;ksx djus okyk oxZ {kf=k; dgk tkrk gSA izkjfEHkd voLFkk esa czkã.koxZ dk dk;Z 'kkL=k dh lgk;rk ls yksd j{kk vFkkZr~ lekt dh j{kk djuk FkkA {kf=k;oxZ mlh dk;Z dks vius 'kL=k ds iz;ksx ls djrk FkkA 'kkL=k ls lektj{k.k vkSj 'kL=k ls lektj{k.k ds Lo:i esa j{k.kkRed ,drk gksrs gq, Hkh ewy esa Hksn FkkA 'kkL=kewfrZ czkã.k ftl le; fdlh dh j{kk djuk pkgrk gS] ml le; ml ij 'kkL=k dk iz;ksx djrk gS vFkkZr~ mldks fgrcqf¼ ls] mnkjrk ls vkSj lPps isez ls oLrqfLFkfr dk Kku djkrk gSA bl <ax ls og foijhr ekxZ esa tkus okys dks vf/drj cpk gh ysrk gS vkSj ,slk djus esa vliQy gksus ij Hkh vius vkidks mUurkoLFkk dk lk/d rks le>rk gh gSA blls ;gh fl¼ gksrk gS fd 'kkL=k dk dk;Z eq[;r;k oDrk dk j{k.k djuk gh Fkk vkSj lkFk gh lkFk Jksrk dk Hkh j{k.k gks tkrk FkkA ;fn fdlh le; ,slk ugha gksrk rks Hkh Jksrk dk vfu"V rks loZFkk vlEHko FkkA 'kL=kewfrZ {kf=k; vius dks vU; ds vkØe.k ls cpkus ds fy, 'kL=k ls vkØe.kdkjh dk loZFkk uk'k dj nsrk gSA blh izdkj ;fn fdlh fucZy dh j{kk djus ds fy, tkrk gS rks Hkh ml cyoku~ vkØe.kdkjh dks e`R;q dh xksn esa lqykdj vFkok vU; <ax ls ijkftr djds gh fucZy dks cpk ldrk gSA rkRi;Z ;g gS fd 'kL=kj{k.k esa ,d dh j{kk ds fy, nwljs dk uk'k vko';d gSA ;gh dkj.k gS fd 'kkL=kdkj bu nksuksa dk vFkZ bl <ax ls djrs gSa&'kklu ls vFkkZr~ cqf¼cy ls fdlh dh j{kk djus dh 'kfDr dks tks /kj.k djrk gS og 'kkL=k gSS vkSj ,d dh gR;k ls nwljs dh j{kk djus dh 'kfDr ftlesa gS og 'kL=k gSA ;g Hksn lkfRod vkSj jktlh o`fÙk dk lwpd gSA bruk gksrs gq, Hkh czkã.k vkSj {kf=k;&izÑfr tc rd vius lekt j{kk ds è;s; Jh vej Hkkjrh
dh ;FkkFkZ :i esa j{kk djrh jgh rc rd nksuksa izÑfr;ksa us viuh viuh e;kZnkuqlkj fu%LokFkZ Hkko ls viuk drZO; iw.kZ fd;kA dqN le; i'pkr~ 'kkL=kewfrZ oxZ esa 'kkL=k ls izkIr gq, izfr"Bk ds iQy dks p[kus dh ykylk mRiUu gqbAZ blh rjg ls 'kL=kewfrZ oxZ esa Hkh 'kL=klsok ls mRiUu iQy ds vkLoknu dh {kqnz o`fÙk tkx`r gqbAZ ifj.kker% /hjs&/hjs lkfÙod vkSj jktlh izÑfr dk LFkku rkefld izÑfr us ys fy;k vkSj vUr esa ,slh fLFkfr mRiUu gqbZ fd 'kkL=kewfrZ oxZ 'kkL=kthoh cu x;k vkSj 'kL=kewfrZ oxZ 'kL=kthoh_ nksuksa dk izeq[k è;s; j{k.k ls gVdj vkthfodk gks x;kA 'kkL=k vkSj 'kL=k ds }kjk eq[; :i ls vkthfodk izkIr djus vkSj viuh Hkksxokluk dks r`Ir djus dh o`fÙk mRiUu gksrs gh 'kkL=kthoh czkã.koxZ esa Hksn gks x,A ,d nwljs ij nks"kkjksi.k gksus yxsA czkã.k oxZ us HkDrksa] vuq;kf;;ksa vkSj f'k";ksa dks vKku vkSj dqlaLdkj ls cpkus ds ifo=k dk;Z dks NksM+ fn;kA og vius gkFk esa iM+s gq, funks"Z k vkSj fu%LokFkZ oxZ dh lsok 'kfDr dk mi;ksx futh LokFkZ ds fy, djus yxkA f'kdkjh dh Hkk¡fr ,d 'kkL=kthoh vius 'kkL=ktky esa vf/d ls vf/d vuq;kf;;ksa dks iQ¡lk;s j[kus ds fy, nwljs 'kkL=kthoh ds lkFk fofo/ Hkkafr la?k"kZ djus yxkA vkpk;Z fl¼lsu ds dFkukuqlkj ,d ekal ds VqdM+s ds fy, yM+us okys nks 'okuksa esa dnkfpr eS=kh gks ldrh gS fdUrq nks lgksnj 'kkL=kthfovksa esa fe=krk dk Hkko mRiUu gksuk loZFkk vlaHko gSA nwljh vksj 'kL=kewfrZ oxZ Hkh 'kL=kthoh cu x;kA blfy, mlesa Hkh Hkksx oSHko dh izfr;ksfxrk vkSj drZO;P;qfr izfo"V gks xbZA ifj.kker% vukFk vkSj fujkfJr iztkoxZ ds ikyu esa viuh 'kfDr dk O;; djus ds ctk; ;g oxZ lÙkk vkSj egÙkk dh o`f¼ ds ihNs ikxy gks x;kA ifj.kke ;g gqvk fd ,d 'kL=kthoh vkSj nwljs 'kL=kthoh esa vkUrfjd }s"k vkSj oSj ds dkj.k ;q¼ 'kq: gks x,A bl ;q¼kfXu esa yk[kksa vkSj djksM+ksa euq";ksa dk gkse gksus yxkA dgka rks tu j{kk dh og Hkkouk vkSj dgka ikjLifjd }s"kkfXu esa bruk cM+k cfynku\ bl izdkj ls vk;kZorZ dk bfrgkl] 'kkL=k vkSj 'kL=k ds }kjk dyqf"kr gksus yxkA viuh v[k.M ifo=krk dk og vfHkeku vc bfrgkl dk fo"k; jg x;kA ;gh dkj.k gS fd ftl ns'k esa yk[kksa ugha vfirq djksMk+ as 'kkL=kthoh Jh vej Hkkjrh
fo|eku Fks ml ns'k esa vKku vkSj vfo|k dk bruk fo'kky lkezkT; n`f"V xkspj gks jgk gSA bruk gh ugha fdUrq bl oxZ us vKku vkSj ikjLifjd dyg Hkkouk dks c<+kus esa vFkok mudk iks"k.k djus esa Hkh fdlh izdkj dh deh ugha j[khA 'kwnz vkSj L=khoxZ dks rks Kku ds vuf/dkjh ekudj muls fliZQ lsok gh yh fdUrq {kf=k; vkSj oS';oxZ dk vKku nwj djus ds fy, Hkh dksbZ HkxhjFk iz;Ru ugha fd;k] ftudks fd os Kku ds vf/dkjh le>rs FksA 'kL=kthoh oxZ Hkh vkUrfjd Dys'k vkSj }s"k ds iQyLo:i ijjk"Vª ds vkØe.k ls Lons'k dh j{kk ugha dj ldk] viuh tuuh dh ykt ugha cpk ldk vkSj vUr esa Lo;a Hkh xqyke&ijrU=k gqvkA iwot Z ksa ds ml fu%LokFkZ è;s; ls P;qr gksrs gh mldk ifj.kke vfu"V:i esa lekt ds flj ij vk;k] ftldks Hkksxuk lekt ds izR;sd lnL; ds fy, vfuok;Z FkkA 'kkL=kthoh oxZ bruk vf/d inP;qr gksx;k fd iSls vkSj lÙkk ds fy;s lR; dks Hkh cspus yxkA 'kL=kthoh jktk vkSj egkjktkvksa dh ;'kksxkFkk xkus esa gh viuh izfrHkk dh bfrJh le>us yxkA mldh lkjh 'kfDr tu lsok ls gVdj /u&lsok ds ihNs yx xbZA 'kL=kthoh oxZ Hkh drZO;iFk ls P;qr gksdj viuh [;kfr dh j{kk ds fy, czkã.koxZ dk nku&nf{k.kk ls [kwc lRdkj djus yxkA bu nksuksa ds iru dk tu&lewg ij D;k izHkko iM+k ;g rks ge ns[k gh jgs gSaA bl iru dk izHkko ;gha rd lhfer u jgkA ckS¼ vkSj tSufHk{kq Hkh blh ijaijk esa cgus yxsA fnxacj tSulk/q 'osrkEcj tSulk/q dks vkSj 'osrkEcj tSulk/q fnxacj tSulk/q dks ghun`f"V ls ns[kus yxkA ckS¼ksa dk ikjLifjd dSlk O;ogkj jgk] ;g Hkh muds xzaFkksa ls Li"V izfrHkkflr gksrk gSA izR;sd lainz k; esa mnkjrk ds ctk; ghurk izfo"V gks xbZA blh Je.koxZ dk izHkko lEiw.kZ lekt ij IkM+k vkSj lekt esa Hkh ,slh Hkkouk,a mRiUUk gks xbZ ftudk ifj.kke ;g gqvk fd lekt vusd VqdM+kas esa foHkDr gks x;kA ;g rks gqbZ Hkwrdky dh ckrA vc orZeku vkSj Hkfo"; esa D;k gks] ;gh ,d iz'u lkeus vkrk gSA D;k 'kkL=k ds }kjk iSQyk;k x;k fo"k vFkok 'kL=kksRiUu fo"k&'kkL=k vkSj 'kL=k ds uk'k ls gh nwj gks ldrk gS\ D;k blds fy, dksbZ vU; mik; ugha gS\ ugha] bu nksuksa ds èoal ls dnkfi dyg&fo"k dk uk'k ugha gks ldrkA ;wjksi esa 'kL=k de djus vkSj Uk"V djus dk fpUru Jh vej Hkkjrh
pyk fdUrq ;g /zqo&lR; gS fd o`fÙk ds lq/kj ds fcuk bu 'kL=kksa ds uk'k ls dnkfi 'kkfUr izkIr ugha gks ldrhA fdlh 'kklu ds èoal ls Hkh og 'kfDr izkIr ugha gks ldrh] tks fd ikjLifjd mnkjrk esa fNih gqbZ gSA D;k ge viuh vk¡[kksa ls ,sls O;fDr ugha ns[krs gSa tks fHkUu erkcyEch gksdj Hkh ikjLifjd lg;ksx vkSj lPph mnkjrk ds vk/kj ij vius 'kkUr thouiFk dk fuekZ.k djrs jgs gS\a tc rd ge viuh Hkkouk esa mnkjrk ds fy, LFkku ugha yk,¡xs rc rd gekjs 'kkfUr ds lEiw.kZ iz;Ru vliQy fl¼ gksaxsA 'kkfUr dk lPpk ekxZ mnkjrk gSA µiañ lq[kyky la?koh vuqñ Jheksgu yky esgrk fnlEcj vad ^Je.k* 1949 ls lkHkkj
Kku] vKku ls Hkh T;knk [krjukd fo[;kr fopkjd [kyhy&ftczku us vius ,d fo}ku fe=k dks fonk fd;k vkSj vkdj cSBs gh Fks fd muosQ f'k"; us dgk]¶tukc!¸ ;fn vki btktr nsa] rks ,d loky eSa iwNuk pkgrk gwaA btktr feÇus ij f'k"; us dgkµ¶vkius mu fo}ku ls ckrphr esa dgk Fkk fd dHkh&dHkh Kku&vKku ls Hkh T;knk [krjukd gksrk gSA D;k ,slk lpeqp gks ldrk gS\¸ [kyhy&ftczku us 'kkfxnZ dks ikl cSBk dj dgk&¶gka]------ Kku tc bruk ?keaMh gks tk, fd og jks u losQ] bruk xaHkhj cu tk, fd gal u losQ vkSj bruk vkRe osQfUær cu tk, fd vius flok vkSj fdlh fd fizQd u djs] rks og Kku] vKku ls Hkh T;knk [krjukd gksrk gSA Jh vej Hkkjrh
ÍRkq vk;h olUr lqgkuh
B.B ds ekjs fBBqjrh vkSj /qU/ ls /qU/yh cuh izÑfr dh n'kk cnyrh gqbZ Írq olUr vk;h gSA ukp mBk gS izÑfr dk gj miknkuA eLrh meax vkSj jaxksa dh cgkj fy, c;kj ygjkrh gqbZ cg pyh gSA dks;y] us viuh dwd esa e/qjl ?kksy fy;k gSA fp=k&fofp=k] pVd jaxksa dks ysdj iwQy f[ky mBs gSa vkSj isM+&ikS/ksa ij bBykrs] f[ky&f[kykrs lqxU/ fc[ksj jgs gSaA vkezEkatjh Hkh gkSy&s gkSys viuh Hkhuh&jlHkhuh lqxU/ ls okrkoj.k esa ekndrk Hkj jgh gSA i{khx.k viuh&viuh vnkvksa ls Írq olUr dk Lokxr djus esa e'kxqy gSA ysfdu u tkus D;ks]a ;g clUr dh cgkj ekuo eu rd ugha igqp ¡ ik jgh gSA mlds eu esa rks olUr dk vkxeu gh ugha gks ldk gSA mlds eu ij rks bZ";kZ vkSj yksHk dk dksgjk Nk;k gqvk gSA ?k`.kk vkSj }s"k dh fBBqju us mls psruk'kwU; cuk fn;k gSA ek;k vkSj diV ds edMtky us mls tdM+ fy;k gSA vr% u rks ogk¡ foosd ds Loj xwat ikrs gSa vkSj u ogk¡ la;e dh lqxU/ iSQy ikrh gSA og¡k u vkpkj ds iq"Ik f[ky jgs gSa vkSj u fopkjksa dh m"ekHkjh gok cg jgh gSA vkfndky ls euh"kh dfo clUr ds xhr xkrs jgs gS]a tks izes vkSj vuqjkx ds xhr gS] ijLij lg;ksx vkSj lg vfLrRo ds xhr gS] ijUrq dgk¡ Jh vej Hkkjrh
gS og isEz k\ dgk¡ foyhu gks x;k gS og vuqjkx\ D;ksa vkx;h gS fj'rksa esa njkjs\ dgk¡ [kks xbZ gSa os [kqf'k;k¡\ rhFk±dj egkohj us dgk] ^izes gj vkRek dk viuk LoHkko gS] bls pkgs leRoHkko dg yks] eS=khHkko dg yks ;k lg vfLrRo dk Hkko dg yksA ;g vkRek dk futLoHkko gSA bls gh uhfr dgrs gSa] tks lekt dY;k.k Lo:i gS vkSj bls gh leRo dgk tkrk gS] ftls /eZ dh laKk nh xbZ gSA bl Lo LoHkko dks ykSVkus ds fy, gh ekuks Írq olUr dk vkxeu gqvk gS ysfdu ysus ds fy, gkFk c<+kus gksaxs u\ ik=krk rks vftZr djuh gksxhA og ik=krk vk;sxh rc tc thou esa lPpfj=k vk;sxk] tc fopkjksa esa foosd dk mn; gksxkA rc vkSj rc gh mrj vk;sxh olUr Írq gekjs thou es]a gekjs ân; esa rFkk gekjs eu esAa rc f[kysxa s iwQy vfgalk ds] eS=kh ds] izes vkSj vuqjkx dsA vkvks] olUr vkvks! [kqf'k;k¡ ysdj vkvks! f[kyk nks izse ds iq"iA Hkj nks eS=kh dh lqxU/] ge lc ds thou essaA vkvks] olUr vkvksAA &lEikndh;
izÑfr ls lh[kks iwQyksa ls rqe galuk lh[kks] HkkSjksa ls fur xkuk] r# dh >qdh Mkfy;ksa ls rqe] lknj 'kh'k >qdkuk] pUnk ls eqldkuk lh[kks] galuk vkSj galkukA Jh vej Hkkjrh
Jh pUnuk fo|kihB osQU;k osQ fo|k£Fk;ksa osQ mn~xkj vkpk;ZJhth Lo;a ,d thoUr lkbDyksihfM+;k gSA muds thou dk ,d&,d izlxa izjs .kknk;h gSA LoYio; esa nhf{kr gksdj mUgksua s dsoy vius gh LokFkZ lk/us dk fopkj u djds lalkj ds ihfM+rksa dh lgk;rk djus dh fn'kk esa lkspk vkSj ml fn'kk esa vf/dkf/d iz;kl fd;k gSA bl izdkj mUgksaus fcgkj esa ohjk;ru laLFkku LFkkfir djds yk[kksa yksxksa dh us=k fpfdRlk ,oa yk[kkas vf'kf{kr xzkeh.k cPpksa dks f'k{kk nh gS vkSj bl dk;Z esa vkusokyh gj dfBukb;ksa dk lkeuk djrs gq, laLFkk dks xfr ns jgs gSaA dPN esa 2001 ds HkwdEi ds rqjUr ckn ogk¡ igqp ¡ dj ml vfrfodV fLFkfr esa HkxhjFk iz;Ru dj ogk¡ ds tu ekul dks lEHkkyk vkSj vkt ogk¡ foLr`r 'kSf{kf.kd laLFkku cuk gS ^ohjk;ru fo|kihB*] tks lEiw.kZ dPN esa f'k{kk dk egRoiw.kZ LFkku cuk gSA Hkkjr esa gh ugha Hkkjr ds ckgj Hkh mudk dke ^ohjk;ru* ds uke ls foLrkj ik jgk gSA bl izdkj gekjs ns'k dsU;k esa Hkh muds lRdk;ks± dk foLrkj gks jgk gSA muds }kjk LFkkfir Jh pUnuk fo|kihB dsU;k esa fofo/ izdkj ds f'k{kk vkSj lsok ds dk;Z vxz.kh Hkwfedk fuHkk jgs gSAa tSu/eZ ds eeZ dks cPpksa ls ysdj cM+kas rd vkRelkr~ djk jgsa gaAS Lo;a esjs thou dk vuqHko crk jgh gw¡ fd eq>s tSuRo D;k gS dqN irk ugha Fkk ysfdu Jh pUnukfo|kihB ds dkj.k eq>s lUekxZ dk Kku izkIr gqvk gSA vkpk;ZJh pUnukJhth esjs thou dh izsj.kk gSA µ[kq'kh v'kksd ekyns I began classes at SCVP [Shri Chandna Vidyapith] at youg age of 6. The teachers were very resilient and taught us patiently. after a while, we began to understand the importance of our religion and understood who Acharya Shree Chandanashriji actually is and what she does.
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Listening to our teachers telling us stories about her and different acts of kindness that she continued to perform on a daily basis inspired me. As a child she would ask her mum for dresses with large pockeys so she could fill them with whatever she could lay her hands on to distribute among the less priviledged children at school and near her home. She became this person that I look up to. I find it amazing that every day, Acharya Shree Chandanaji manages to put a smile on at least one person's face. The three most amazing things I find are Acharyaji's simplicity, compassion and courage. As time has passed, I have developed a lot of respect and love for our great religion and have reinorced values of Humility, Honesty, Ahimsa, Self Restraint, Respect for anekanthavad. I have learnt ahout how things work in the occur. I learnt that every singhle thing takes place for a reaseon. Today I stand before you filled with a deep sense of appreciation towards all that have taken me through this journey that has also shaped me. I have learnt a lot over the 10 years I have been at Shree Chandana Vidhya Peeth. -SITA RAJESH SHAH As Jains our primary purpose in life is to bring peace, help those in need and be a statement of compassion. Over the years I've had several questions about different aspects of Jainism, but when it comes to the work of Acharyashri Chandanaji, there is no doubt, no questions and simple amazement about how brilliant she is. Acharyaji took diksha at the age of 14, about our age. She knew what her destiny was and she followed her vision, and made the impossible, possible. At the prime age of 78 she continues this selfless work by planning to set up schools at jain tirths around the world! Acharyaji has proved that simplicity and charity are the keys to unlocking happiness and healthy living, she touches the lives of thousands of people yearly and yet has not tired, or thought of retirement. In the business they would call her a Go getter; similar to the likes of Richard Branson, but the
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beauty about her is that she has achieved all this with a heart full of love and compassion. Acharyashri Chandanashriji is my role model, not only because she is a living example of Tirthankar Mahavir's words, or because she has transformed the lives of thousands of people, but because she has shown me that to change the word you don't need weapons of mass destruction, or technology, or a million dollar account, you can begin to change the world with one simple act of kindness. -KRISHNA RAJAN SHAH Today I would like to share just one important lesson that I have learnt from Acharyashri Chandnaji that I aim to practice throuthout my life: 'live and let live'. What this simply means is that all living beings are equal and we should respect their presence and existence in our lives. If we all follow this basic principle, a lot of the environmental problems that we are facing currently would not have occurred. This principle has made me a better person and has helped me see the positive in every soul. I would like to thank Chandana Shreeji for her vision in setting up Shree Chandana Vidya peeth. If it was not for her, I probably would not be the person I am today. Thank you. -KEYA AJASH SHAH Acharyashriji, as we know, are our highest teachers today. They set the path for us and help us try to attain the ultimate destination, moksha. I feel Acharyaji fully represents how jainism is evolving. She is unusual in being the first Sadhviji to be elevated to the position of Acharya. Something that leaves me in awe about Acharyaji is her immense creativity. Her works of art, small pots, and decorative flowers, made from bread are truly wonders. It amazes me that she manages to carve time for each and every thing she sets her mind to. Although I've only met Acharya Shree Chandanaji a few times, to me she is a true
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angel and a beacon of light to people all over the world. She empowers us to bilieve in ourselves and makes us understand that we can accomplish anything as long as we put our mind to it. Acharyashri Chanadanaji is the living embodiment of tirthankar Mahavir's thoughts: 'the light of one cnadle can light the flame of many others. We, the 2015 graduates of SCVP Nairobi & Thika are honoured to have Acharyaji here today to bless us as we move forward as torch bearers of jainism. -SANIKA NARESH SHAH Today I stand here in front of you to show the great impact that Acharyaji & Veerayatan have had on my life. Acharyaji continues to inspire me every step of my life. She has devoted her life in doing selfless acts of love and compassion towards others. This encourages me to follow in her footsteps. With Acharyaji's incredible compassion, and dediation, today Veerayatan is a international organization. Acharyaji is my role model, her services, love, courage, compassion and dedication inspires me to try doing the same. She has provided hope to the hopeless and served as an inspiration to many people. -AKSHI NIRAJ SHAH Acharayashri Chandanaji has had a great impact on this world. Her determination to bring order in and restore places which are grief stricken is outstanding. Her belief is that religion is not only about finding and achieving Moksha: 'sanyas is not just about meditation' but it is also for resolving everyday challenges and bringing peace and bliss in day to day life has shown me that the problems we all face everyday are important to overcome, and that they help us on the path to Moksh. Through sheer determination, Acharyaji overcame huge challenges and refused to be turned away from the path of compassion. Acharayaji's ability to inspire people is truly amazing and I would like to learn more from her in the future. -TANIKA NISHID DODHIA
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lRladYi vo'; fl¼ gksrs gSa vtekdj nsf[k, vki Hkh tc ls ohjk;ru dh LFkkiuk gqbZ gS gekjh ekrk Jh clUrkckbZ gj pkSFks ikapos o"kZ ifjokj ds lkFk ohjk;ru dh rhFkZ;k=kk djrh jghA mudh vUkU; J¼k Fkh lkèohjRu Jh lqefr dqoa jth egkjkt ds Jh pj.kksa esAa os gh laLdkj ,oa og /eZ izjs .kk ifjokj ds lnL;ksa esa vadfq jr iYyfor gksrh jgh vkSj xqxys ifjokj ohjk;ru ds lkFk] ohjk;ru ds lRdk;ks± ds lkFk tqM+rk jgkA uoEcj 2014 esa Hkh eSaus ifjokj ds X;kjg lnL;ksa ds lkFk ohjk;ru ;k=kk dhA ohjk;ru vkdj tks vkUkUn eglwl gksrk gS og vo.kZ.kh; gSA thou ,d ubZ LiwQfrZ ikrk gS] lRdk;Z vkSj l/eZ dh ubZ fn'kk feyrh gSA bl ckj eq>s vkUrfjd [kq'kh gS fd ohjk;ru esa eSua s ^Jh vej Hkkjrh* ekfld if=kdk ds ^Lo.kZ t;Urh* fufeÙk bl if=kdk ds ipkl lnL; cukus dk ladYi fd;k Fkk vkSj ek=k rhu ekg ds vUnj eSa ipiu esEcj cuk ldk gwA¡ esjk iéïk vuqHko gS fd O;fÙkQ vxj lRladYi djrk gS rks fuf'pr gh mlds ladYi iw.kZ gksrs gSaA vkpk;Z Jh pUnukJhth gekjs lkeus ,d ,slk l'kDr mnkgj.k gS] ftUgs ge ladYi'kfDr dh n`<iz+ fz rewfrZ dg ldrs gSaA ge cMk ladYi u lgh] NksVk gh ladYi ys vkSj ml fn'kk esa n`<+rk ls pys rks fuf'pr gh gekjk ladYi iw.kZ gksrk gSA vki Hkh ys ldrs gSa ,slk lRladYiA &iksiVyky xqxys ikFkMhZ egkjk"Vª lRladYi dh eqëhò tc Åij mBrh gS rks Hkhrj dh 'kfÙkQ Hkh tkx mBrh gSA µvkpk;Z pUnuk Jh vej Hkkjrh
vfgald lekt ds fy, g"kZ lekpkj jk"Vªh; lgkjk 20 tuojh 2015 lqUnjrk ij ugha gksaxs dqckZu vc cstqcku [kqclwjrh c<+kus okys dbZ mRiknksa dks cktkj esa mrkjus ls igys mudh dher tho&tarv q ksa dks ijh{k.k ds rkSj ij pqdkuh iM+rh gSA bl rjg ds ijh{k.k dkiQh [krjukd gksrs gSaA lkSan;Z izlk/uksa esa iz;ksx fd;s tkus okys jklk;fud rRo ekuo 'kjhj dks uqdlku igqp a krs gS]a ftlds pyrs bUgsa igys cstqckuksa ij vktek;k tkrk jgk gSA blls va/rk ls ysdj mudh tku rd pyh tkrh gSA ysfdu vc bl vekuoh; d`R; ij fiNys lky cSu yx pqdk gSA vc ns'k dh fdlh Hkh dkWLesfVd VsfLVax ySc esa i'kqvksa ij ijh{k.k ugha fd;k tk ldrk] lkFk gh fons'kksa ls vkus okys ,fuey VsLVsM C;wVh izksMDV~l ij Hkh cSu yx pqdk gSA gekjs ns'k dh bl egRoiw.kZ igy ls mu eklwe thoksa dks jkgr feysxh ftudh cjlksa ls lqanjrk ds fy, cfy nh tkrh jgh gSA fdlh ds thou dh dher ij balkuh nsg dh lqna jrk c<+kus ls Hkkjr us rkSck dj yh gSA i'kqvksa ij Øwj iz;ksx dj lkSan;Z izlk/u cukus vkSj vk;kr djus dks izfrcaf/r dj Hkkjr us vesfjdk vkSj phu tSls vxz.kh ns'kksa ds fy, uk;kc mnkgj.k is'k fd;k gSA blh ds lkFk Hkkjr nf{k.k ,f'k;k esa de ls de lkSna ;Z izlk/u mRiknksa ds ekeys esa Øwjrk eqDr ns'k cu x;k gSA ^g;weu lkslk;Vh baVjus'kuy uke dk xSj ljdkjh laxBu vk;kr jksdus osQ ckjs esa dbZ fnu ls vfHk;ku pyk jgk FkkA ljdkj us MªXl ,aM dkWLesfVDl (ikapok la'kkss/u) dkuwu 135oha Jh vej Hkkjrh
uke dk ,d u;k dkuwu tksM+k gSA blds ckn ,sls fdlh Hkh lkSan;Z mRikn dk ns'k esa vk;kr ugha fd;k tk ldrk ftls cukus ds fy, i'kqvksa ij iz;ksx fd;k x;k gksA Hkkjr ls igys ;wjksih; la?k us Hkh ,slk gh CySadsV cSu vius lnL; ns'kksa ds fy, ykxw fd;k FkkA i'kq vf/dkjksa ds fy, dke djus okys xziq ^isVk* us Hkh bl iSQlys dk Lokxr fd;k gSA isVk essa foKku uhfr lykgdkj MkW- pSrU; dksnqjh ds vuqlkj] ;g iwjh nqfu;k dks ,d lans'k gS fd Hkkjr vc 'kSaiw] eLdkjk ;k fiQj vU; lkSan;Z mRiknksas ds fy, fdlh [kjxks'k dks va/k djuk lgu ugha djsxkA bl iSQlys ls ml m|ksx dks izjs .kk feysxh tks i'kqvksa ij iz;ksx ugha djrkA Hkkjr ls foifjr phu vkSj tkiku esa lkSna ;Z mRiknksa ds fy, tkuojksa ij VsfLVax djuk vfuok;Z gSA Þ;weu lkslk;Vh baVjus'kuy] bafM;k esa ^ch Øq,YVh izQh* uke ds vfHk;ku dh eSustj vkyksdi.kkZ lsuxqIrk us bl izfrca/ ij [kq'kh tkfgj djrs gq, dgk fd] bl ,sfrgkfld izfrca/] ftlesa tkuojksa ij iz;ksx ds ckn cuk, lkSan;Z mRiknksa dk vk;kr ugha fd;k tk,xkA vfHk;ku dks ykxw dj Hkkjr us nf{k.k ,f'k;k esa bfrgkl cuk fn;k gSaA* fdlh vkSj ds nnZ dk dkj.k ugha cusxk J`axkj& Hkkjr us dkWLesfVd mRiknksa ds fy, i'kq ijh{k.k ij jksd yxk nh gSA tkuojksa ij VsLV fd, x;s dksbZ Hkh mRikn vc ns'k esa ugha vk ldsaxsA lkSan;Z izlk/uksa dk tkuojksa ij ijh{k.k djus dks izfrcaf/r djus ds dqN eghus ckn gh Hkkjr us ,sls ijh{k.k ls xqtjus okys izkMs DV ds vk;kr ij Hkh jksd yxk dj equkisQ ij fVds djksckjh fgrksa ds ctk; tho ek=k ds thou dks vgfe;r nsus dk lan's k nqfu;k dks nsus dh dksf'k'k dh gSA lgh ek;us esa Hkkjr dk ;g iSQlyk u fliZQ tho fgalk dks jksdus ds fygkt ls egRoiw.kZ gS cfYd vk£Fkd dwVuhfr ds utfj, ls Hkh vge gSA cs'kd bl eqfge ds ihNs dsna hz ; efgyk ,oa cky fodkl ea=kh esudk xka/h dk lkFkZd lg;ksx gkfly gSA lEiw.kZ tSu lekt mu lcosQ izfr gk£nd /U;okn Kkfir djrs gq, g"kZ dk vuqHko dj jgk gSA ftUgksaus bl egÙoiw.kZ n`<+ dneksa dks mBkus esa lg;ksx fn;k gSA Jh vej Hkkjrh
Lord Mallinatha Respected Chandana jee, Pranam! I am enclosing you my articles entitled lord Millinath "19th Jain Tirthankar From Mithila" for publication in your Veerayatan Journal under intimation to me. Mithila area where 19th Tirthankar was born had a reference in 12 century Jaina Literature. She was the only female Tirthankar. Mahavir has even mentioned about her existence before his incarnation. We archaeologist have discovered few Jaina Sculptures and I would request to have a Jaina Temple at this place with great Saint "Upadhyaya Shree Amar Munijee".
µMkWñ iQf.kdkUr feJ {ks=kh; funs'kd (iwohZ {ks=k) ,oa l{ke izkf/dkjh (izk-la-iq-LFk-vvf/fu;e)]Hkkjrh; iqjkrRo los{Z k.k] djUlh fcYMhax] 1&ch-ch-Mh- ckx] dksydkÙkk&700 001 (if'pe caxky) Lord Mallinath was the only female Tirthankara and was born in Mithila, on the eleventh day of the bright half of the month of Margshirsh. Her father's name was King Kumbh and Mother was Prabhavati Devi. It is said that Mallinath in her previous life was King Mahabal of Vitshoka. He had six other kings who were very close friends of his. All of them had led a close knit life together and they decided to take up ascetism.They took Shrmandharma Diksha from Sthavir Muni and began their spiritual penances sincerely. But Mahabal always wished to be ahead of his friends hence would secretly practice without their knowledge. When asked he would pretend otherwise. But he had reached a very high state of spiritual advancement and hence along with the other six friends reincarnated in the Anuttar dimension of Gods. But the soul of Mahabal being highly evolved descended into the womb of Queen Prabhavati who was the wife of king Kumbh of Mithila. During the pregnancy the Queen had a desire to smell flowers
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all the time so she slept on a bed of five different colours of fragrant flowers. On the eleventh day of the bright half of the month of Margashirsh, everyone was surprised to see that the Queen had given birth to a beautiful girl. Overcoming their surprise of the Tirthankar being a woman but bowing to the Supreme Divine will, they named her Malli Kumari due to the Queen's yearning for flowers during pregnancy. Once a female mendicant named Choksha came to the palace and when she was corrected by Malli Kumari on some spiritual matter she was enraged and decided to take revenge. She went to the six kings who were Malli's friends in the earlier birth and awakened in them a desire to marry the Princess Malli Kumari. When all six came outside her palace with their armies, the king did not know what to do to prevent bloodshed. But Malli Kumari being a highly realised soul asked her father to welcome the kings and leave the rest to her. In the palace garden she got chamber made with her life size statue which was hollow. She began filling the hollow with food. She constructed six chambers with windows and after many days she invited the six Kings to view the statue from their chambers after locking them inside. From the windows of the chambers the six kings viewed the statue mistaking it for Malli Kumari. They were smitten by her beauty. Slowly she opened the neck of the statue and the smell of putrid food enveloped the air. Now the six began to suffocate when they found themselves locked with the stench and began berating themselves. Malli Kumari asked the attendants to open the gates of the chambers. All the six Kings rushed out and were surprised to see each other. Finding the right opportunity Malli Kumari said to them, "The stench caused by just a few handfuls of food is intolerable. Mind you, this body is nothing but a statue made of bones and flesh and maintained by the same food. Why such infatuation for such a decomposed thing? You are all friends of my last birth. Rise above this infatuation and commence once again the terminted pursuit of purification of the self." All the six king acquired Jati-smaran Jnan. They sought
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pardon from King Kumbh as well as Malli Kumari. Resolving to follow the path of renunciation they left for their respective kingdoms. Malli Kumari also announced her decision to become an ascetic. After the great charity she became an ascetic along with three hundred males and equal number of females. Immediately after her Diksha, she acquired Vipulmati Manahparyav Jnan (the ultimate Para normal capacity) and started deep meditation. The same afternoon she attained omniscience. In her first discourse she discussed on the subject of philosophy of equanimity. The six king took Diksha during this first discourse. After enhancing the spread of religion for a long period she attained Nirvana on the fourth day of the bright half of the month of Chaitra at Sammetshikhar. Conclusion Her symbol is Kalash or jar. Bhagavan Mallinath was born to exhort mankind to strive for liberation giving up attachment and worldly bondage. She proved to the world that the path of self realisation was open to all irrespective of caste, creed and gender and a mind with determination and one pointedness could lead towards the Ultimate goal of Nirvana. Divine Beings like Bhagavan Mallinath are born to help mankind and their purity has sanctified the sacred land of India rendering it holy and sublime. Lord Mallinath was the ninteenth Tirthankar of the Present age (Avasarpini). According to Jain beliefs, she became a siddha, a liberated soul which has destroyed all of its karma. Symbol-Kalasha (Jar) Father Kumbharaja Mother Mata Prabhavati Clan Name Ikshvaku Place of Birth Mathura or Mithila Garbha Kalyanaka Falgun Shukla 4 Date of Birth (Janma kalyanka) Margshirsh shu. 11 Age -
55,000 Years
Height Body Colour -
25 dhanusha (Poles) Blue
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Date of Enlightenment (Keval Gyan kalyanaka)Date of Diksha (Diksha Kalyanaka) Diksha Tree or Vat VrikshaPlace of Nirvana Date of Nirvana Chief Disciple (Ganadhar) Head of Female Ascetics God of Organisation (Yaksh) Goddess of Organisation (Yakshini) Heaven -
Margshirsh shu. 11 - Margshirsh shu. 11 Amba (Mango) Sammed Shikharji Margshirsh shu. 10 Kumbha Rakshita Yaksheta or kendra Dhana or Ajita Graiveyak
Mallinatha or Lord Malli is the 19th of the 24 Jinas of the present cycle time. The word Jina means 'victor' in an enlightened human being who has triumphed over karma through practicing extreme asceticism and teaches the way to achieve liberation. A Jina is also called a Tirthankar or 'ford-maker' in Sanskritthat is, one who has founded a community after reaching omniscience. Like most of the Jinas, Malli is not an historical figure. Yet among all the 24 Jinas, Mallinatha or Lord Malli stands apart. The treatment of the 19th Jina in myth mirrors theological debates on women and emancipation, as the gender issue is central. The sect of the Digambaras holds that Malli was a boy in the last incarnation, like other Jinas. Bhagwan Mallinath lived for 55000 years of which she spent 54900 years as ascetics. It is believed that Mallinath prabhu was 25 measure of bow (at that time unit of measurement was bow i.e. bow of bow & arrow) in height. The Svetambaras state that in the last incarnation Malli was born a girl. They devote a specific chapter of one of their canonical scriptures to the full biography of this Jina.To Svetambara Jains, Malli is valued as because being born a
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woman is the consequence of partly negative behaviour in her previous birth. Svetambara Jains often write her name as Malli, with long final i, to indicate this feminine gender. On the other hand, the form Malli, with short i, rather points to a masculine gender and is used by the Digambaras. It is also used in Mallinatha, the name can be translated as Lord Malli, where gender is not an issue. The main characteristics of Malli as a Jina, however, are identical in both sects. This point suggests that this information belongs to a time which predates the separation of the Jains into two traditions. Svetambara life of Malli The earliest Svetambara biography of Mallinatha or Lord Malli is narrated in their canonical scriptures. It forms the eighth chapter of the sixth Anga, called Naya-dhamma-kahao in Prakrit or Jnata-dharma- kathanga in Sanskrit. The inclusion of Malli's story in a canonical scripture is probably a way to stress its importance and authoritativeness. Even so, this biography is not found in a work which focuses on the Jinas' lives, such as the Kalpa-Sutra. The account in the Jnata-dharma-kathanga has become the standard Svetambara bioghrphy. It is retold by later authors, Whether in comprehensive biographies of all the Jinas or in individual works focusing on this particular Jina. Hemchandra's 12th-century Trishashthi salaka-purusa-charitra is an example of the first kind. Mallinatha's biography is found on pages 52 to 71 in volume IV of Johnson's translation of Hem chandra's work. Vinayachandra's verse work Mallinatha-charitra is a representative of the second one. Digambara life of Malli The earliest and standard Digambara biography of the 19th Jina is found on pages 305 to 312 of the 1968 edition of Gunabhadra's comprehensive 9th-century work Uttarapurana. Another very similar version is that of Puspadanta's Mahapurana, written in the 10th century in Apabhransa Prakrit (Roth 1983: 51-57). As an individual biography, Sakalakirti's Mallinatha-purana
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can be mentioned. Written in Sanskrit in the 15th century, it is basically the same, but has an interesting passage. This describes how deluding karmas (mohaniya-karmas) can be beaten by worshipping the 'three jewels' with the help of a diagram-yantra. In all the Digambara biographies, the masculine gender is always used for the name Malli and the epithets that go with it. Iconographical evidence Represented in art as highly stereotyped figures, Jinas take either the lotus pose or the standing kayotsarga position. By default, features of masculine gender are conspicuous in standing Jina images. There is little definitive evidence of Svetambara artists presenting Mallinatha or Lord Malli as female. The question of the femininity of this Jina is addressed for the first time by Bhavasena, a 14th-century Digambara writer. He cites his observations of artistic representations of Malli to support his position that this Jina could not have been female: For example, no one in the world has ever perceived the [alleged] femininity of the images of the Lord Malli; on the contrary, those images are always depicted in masculine gender...... The Lord under debate must be a man, because he is never portrayed as female in his images. This is like the images of Vardhamana Mahavira, which are well known to be male in the tradition of both parties. Muktivicara, Stanza 20 Translation by Jaini 1986: 217 In reply to this, it could be argued that Jina images are meant as material aids for meditation and thus show emancipated souls, not their physical features. One author who discusses the Digmbara position regarding the impossibility of female emancipation remarks: 'The Siddhas are neither male nor female' (Strinirvana-Prakarana verse 26 in Jaini 1991: 70). This is echoed in modern perception. For example, Kelting (2001: 43) reports that when she asked one of her female informants why Physical evidence in art is not conclusive. There
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is only one instance of a sculpture that could represent Malli as female. It is a black stone statue from the 10th to 11th centuries kept at the Lucknow State Museum. It represents 'meditating female' in the lotus meditation pose (Peaceful Liberators number 26, page 139). The head is missing but femininity is clearly shown by the breasts, the morphology of the body and the long plait falling to the bottom of the back. The lady is sitting cross-legged, with the palms of her hands on top of each other and lotus flower atop them. The only sign suggests that lady could be Malli is the water pot in a square on the pedestal. The water pot is the emblem of the 19th Jina and the symbol is in the usual place where Jina's emblems are found on statues. Moreover, 'it is a rare instance of an Indian sculpture of a nude female seated in meditation' (Peaceful Liberators page 139). Other sculptures of Mallinatha are ordianry depictions of a Jina standing or seated in meditation with occasional representation of this Jina's emblem (Shah 1987: 160). They are available from all regions in India among Digambaras and Svetambaras alike. The same holds for the temples specifically dedicated to Mallinatha. Examples are: One of the Digambara temples at Melsittamur in Tamil Nadu. The image in the kere-Basti at Mudbidri in Karnataka The Mallinatha temple on Mount Girnar in Gujarat (Hegewald 2009: 242, illustration number 482). Hymns Single devotional songs dedecated to Mallinatha or Lord Malli seen to be rather rare. But the 19th Jina is included in all the hymns praising the 24 Jinas. One instance is the devotional song dedicated to this Jina in the Gujrati set of hymns composed by Yasho-Vijaya in the 17th century. This is a general praise of the Jina and does not refer to individual biographical features. Interesting Two Tirthankars, viz the 19th, Lord Malli Natha and the 21st Tirthankar took birth at Mithila. 20th Muni Subrata Nath
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was born at Rajagriha. 24th Muni Vardhaman was born at Vaishali (Mujaffar pur). Tirthankars viz. Ajit Nath, Sambhav Nath, Abhinandan Nath, Padma Prabha Nath, Suparshva Nath, Pushpadanta Nath and 23rd Tirthamkar Parshva Nath left their physical body at the hill of Parshva Nath near present city of Ranchi. 22nd Muni Vasupujya Nath expired at Champa City of Anga and last 24th Muni Mahavir left his body at Apapa Puri of Magadha. As per Jaina literature, the Jaina religion originated at Eastern India. All the Jaina Munis were Vratyas and not Aryans. They were never addressed as Munis and not addressed as Rishis of Aryan / Vedic style. Bihar has a great role to play in the history of Jainism. The last Tirthankara of Jainism, Mahavira was born in Bihar. His father Siddhartha was the kshatriya chief of Kundalapur in Videha which now stands identified with Kundalapura near Nalanda in the Patna district. Not much research is possible in the pre-historical age as to the role Bihar played in the history of Jainism but some of the ancient Jaina scriptures mentions that Jainism had been preached in Magadha by Lord Rishabha at the end of the stone age and the beginning of the agricultuaral age. Among the kings of Bihar who followed Jainism mention may be made of Srenika (Bimbisara) Kunika (Ajatasatru) Chetaka, Jitashatru, Nandivrdhana, Chandragupta, Samprati and Salisuka. The creed has left a large number of antiquities in Bihar. Many of them are now in ruins. In spite of this Bihar is very rich in Jaina antiquities. The temples of Parsvanatha and the Kuluha hills in the Hazaribagh district, the shrines of Pawapuri and Rajgir in the Patna district, Manbhum, Singbhum, Sahabad, Bhagalpur and other districts are sacred spots for the Jains. Many neglected Jaina statues, relics and pieces of architecture, scattered across the state of Bihar remind us of this glorious heritage.
gs euq";! thus dk vf/dkj ftruk rqEgsa gS] mruk gh gj izk.kh dk gS] vr% er Nhu mlosQ vf/dkj dksA µrhFk±dj egkohj Jh vej Hkkjrh
fo'o&ca/Rq o ,oa 'kakfr ds izoDrk jk"Vª xkSjo Jh ohjpUn jk?koth xak/h izfro"kZ ge 26 tuojh vkSj 15 vxLr dks egkRek xak/h vkSj Lokeh foosdkUkUn tSlh egku foHkwfr;ksa dks ;kn djrs gSa vkSj viuh fouez fou;aktfy vfiZr djrs gSaA jk"Vª o lekt dh laj{kk] lqj{kk o izxfr esa viuk ;ksxnku nsus okys dqN gh egkeukvksa dks mudk mfpr lEeku fey ldk gSA vU;Fkk vf/ dka'k rks dky ds xrZ esa lek x;s gSaA xr o"kZ lu~ 2013 esa Lokeh foosdkUkUn dk 150oka tUe fnol ns'k esa euk;k x;kA mUgsa lUk~ 1893 dh ,sfrgkfld f'kdkxks fo'o /eZ laln ds fy, ;kn fd;k tkrk gSA ijar]q cgqr de yksxksa dks bl ckr dk irk gS fd Lokeh foosdkuUn ds lkFk gh nks vkSj Hkkjrh; Fks] ftUgksaus bl laln esa Hkkjrh; /eks± dk izfrfuf/Ro fd;k FkkA os Fks Jh ohjpUn jk?koth xak/h] ftUgksua s tSu /eZ dk izfrfuf/Ro fd;k Fkk ,oa Jh ,p-/eZiky] ftUgksaus ckS¼ /eZ dk izfrfuf/Ro fd;k FkkA ;g ,d lq[kn la;ksx gh gS fd o"kZ 2014 bu nksuksa gh egku foHkwfr;ks]a ,p-/eZiky o Jh ohjpUn jk?koth xak/h dk 150oak tUe o"kZ gSA vkt Lokeh foosdkuUn dks Hkkjr esa ,oa ,p- /eZiky dks Jhyadk esa i;kZIr vknj ,oa lEeku izkIr gSA vc ;g vko';d gks x;k gS fd ge Jh ohjpUn jk?koth xak/h dks Hkh lekt] jk"Vª ,oa ekuork ds izfr dh xbZ mudh lsokvksa ds fy, mudk ;Fkksfpr lEeku iznku djsAa Jh vej Hkkjrh
og fczfV'k gqowQer dk tekuk FkkA vke vkneh ds fy, eqf'dyksa Hkjk le;A fons'kh blkbZ fe'kufj;ka if'peh ns'kksa vkSj muds tuekul esa Hkkjr dh Nfo /wfey dj jgh FkhA gekjh ekU;rkvks]a vkpkjksa o deZdk.Mksa dks gs; n`f"V ls ns[kk tkrk FkkA blh nkSjku dksyEcl ds vesfjdk igqp a us dh 400oha t;arh ds volj ij f'kdkxks] vesfjdk esa cgqr cM+s lekjksg dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ,d fo'o /eZ laln ds :i esa lHkh oSf'od /eks± dks ,d IysViQkWeZ ij ykdj cjkcjh dk ntkZ nsrs gq, lHkh dks viuh ckr dgus dk volj iznku fd;k x;kA ;g igyk ,sfrgkfld volj Fkk] tc varj&/kfeZd laokn dk vkjaHk gqvkA bl /eZ laln ds fy, Hkkjr ls TkSu /eZ dks izLrqr djus ds fy, eqfuJh vkRekjketh dks fuea=k.k feyk FkkA ijarq ,d tSu lar gksus ds ukrs] viuh lk/qp;kZ ds dkj.k os vesfjdk tkus esa vleFkZ FksA vr% mUgksua s vius vuq;k;h Jh ohjpUn jk?koth xka/h dks i;kZIr izf'k{k.k nsdj vius izfrfuf/ ds :i esa vesfjdk HkstkA rc rd Jh xak/h 14 Hkk"kkvksa esa izoh.krk vkSj lHkh oSf'od /eks± dk cqfu;knh Kku izkIr dj pqds FksA tSu ,lksfl;s'ku vkWiQ bafM;k ds izFke ekun lfpo ds :i esa xak/h rc rd /eZ] lekt o jk"Vª lsok ds izfr viuh dfVc¼rk dks lkfcr dj pqds FksA mUgksaus ikyhrkuk rhFkZ dk rhFkZ;k=kkµdj lekIr djokus ,oa JhlEesr f'k[kjth rhFkZ ls cwpM+[kkuk can djokus esa liQyrk izkIr dh FkhA f'kdkxks /eZ laln esa tSu /eZ ds bfrgkl vkSj mlds fl¼karksa ij fn;s x;s vkids oDrO; dh tksjnkj ljkguk gqbAZ blh nkSjku iQknj isaVsdkWLV }kjk Jh vej Hkkjrh
Hkkjrh; laLÑfr ,oa fgUnqRo ij dh xbZ vkifRrtud fVIif.k;ksa us Jh xak/h dks vkgr fd;kA vius 25 flrEcj] 1893 ds oÙkQO; esa mUgksaus mu fVIif.k;ksa dk ?kksj fojks/ djrs gq, vius jk"Vª /eZ dk ifjp; fn;kA viuh fons'k ;k=kkvksa ds nkSjku Jh xak/h us 535 oDrO; fn;s] ftuesa tSu /eZ ds vykok vU; / kfeZd] vkfFkZd ,oa lkekftd fo"k; 'kkfey FksA f'kdkxks ,oa vesfjdk izokl ds nkSjku rRdkyhu ize[q k lekpkj i=kksa us vki ds izopuksa@oÙkQO;ksa dks J`a[kyk ds :i esa izeq[krk ls izdkf'kr fd;kA Hkkjr dh vktknh ls ikap n'kd iwoZ gh Jh xak/h us Looa=k Hkkjr dk vkfFkZd ,oa jktuSfrd n`f"Vdks.k izLrqr dj fn;k FkkA &iadt pkaney th fgaxM+] eqEcbZ
vkneh tksMk+ s xq#th us fo|k£Fk;ksa dks oqQN dkxt osQ VqdM+s nsrs gq, dgkµ Çks bu VqdM+kas ls Hkkjr dk uD'kk cukvksA fo|kFkhZ ckjh&ckjh ls nsj rd dksf'k'k djrs jgs Çsfdu liQy ugha gks ik;sA ikl esa cSBk ,d nsgkrh ;qod fo|k£Fk;ksa osQ bl iz;kl dks ns[k jgk Fkk og cksÇk] ^vki btktr nsa rks eSa iz;kl d#a\* xq#th cksÇ]s ^gka] gka] t:j rqe Hkh iz;kl djksA* ;qod us oqQN gh le; esa mUgsa tksMd + j Hkkjr dk uD'kk cuk fn;kA xq#th us iwNk] okg! rqeus cM+h tYnh cuk fn;kA Çsfdu oSQls brus tYnh cuk;k\ ;qod us tckc fn;k] eSua s ns[kk fd bu VqdM+kas dh ,d vksj Hkkjr dk uD'kk gS rFkk nwljh vksj vkneh dk] eSua s vkneh dks tksMk+ ] ns'k vius vki tqM+ x;kA xq#th us dgk] ¶cl ;gh lh[k gS bldh fd ;fn gesa ns'k dks tksMu+ k gS rks igÇs vkneh dks tksMk+ ]s vkneh tqMxs+ k rks ns'k Lo;eso tqM+ tk;sxkA¸ Jh vej Hkkjrh
e/qj ok.kh ,d dfo vius ekxZ ij viuh dfork esa [kks;k vkxs c<+k tk jgk FkkA lkeus ls fHk[kkjh vk;k cksyk oqQN nksA eq>s 6 f'kfyax pkfg,A dfo us fHk[kkjh dh vksj ns[kk vkSj viuh tsc esa gkFk MkykA mls f'kfyax ugha feys isUl feysA isUl f'kfyax ls cM+k gksrk gSA mlus dgk] ^f'kfyax esjs ikl ugha gS] ;g cM+k fléïk gS] blds ckjg f'kfyax gksrs gSaA Ng f'kfyax rqe j[k ysuk vkSj Ng eq>s ÇkSVk nsukA rqeus Ng ekaxs gS rks rqe Ng ls vf/d ugha j[kksxsA ,slk dgdj dfo us cM+k fléïk mls fn;kA fléïk ysdj fHk[kkjh cksyk] cgqr vPNk] Çsfdu eSa tcrd vkidks f'kfyax u ÇkSVk nwa rcrd Hkxoku vkidks ftUnk cuk, j[ksA lqudj gal iM+k dfo vkSj cksyk] vks gksA rw rks cM+k fnekx j[krk gSA fiQj rw fHk[kkjh dSls\ okLro esa fHk[kkjh dks Ng f'kfyax ugha ÇkSVkus FksA vxj og dgrk fd ugha ÇkSVkÅaxk rks Bhd ugha yxrk ;k gka dgdj pyk tkrk rc Hkh ckr xyr gks tkrhA Çsfdu mlus dgk fd tcrd u ÇkSVkÅa rcrd Hkxoku vkidks thfor j[ksAa lqudj dfo [kq'k gks x;kA fgra euksgkjh p nqÇZHka op% µegkdfo Hkkjfo
dkxk fdldks nsr gS\ dks;y fdldk Çsr\ ehBh ok.kh cksÇdj] tx viuk dj ÇsrA
Jh vej Hkkjrh
1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678
ohjk;ru lekpkj
f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa esa ikjEifjd f'k{kk ds lkFk Hkkjrh; laLÑfr o laLdkjksa dk feJ.k gksA &vkpk;Z pUnukth ,oa fo/k;d fo'uksbZ vUrjkZ"Vªh; laLFkku ohjk;ru ,oa lkapksjh tSu la?k }kjk fo|ky; Hkou fuekZ.k dk Hkwfeiwtu dk;ZØe lEiµ e:ygj U;wtµ ¹e#/jk dk ,d izfrf"Br lekpkj i=kº lkapkSj] 29 tuojhA vUrjkZ"Vªh; laLFkku ohjk;ru ,oa lkapkSj tSu la?k }kjk uxj esa vR;k/qfud lqfo/kvksa ls ;qÙkQ fo|ky; Hkou fuekZ.k gsrq Hkwfeiwtu dk dk;ZØe ohjk;ru laLFkku dh laLFkkid vkpk;ZJh pUnukJhth o lkèoh f'kykihth osQ djdeyksa ls ,oa fo/k;d lq[kjke fo'uksbZ osQ eq[; vfrfFk esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LowQy osQ u, Hkou fuekZ.k gsrq xq#okj dks eU=kksPpkj.k osQ lkFk Hkwfeiwtu fd;k x;kA laLFkku dh laLFkkid vkpk;ZJh pUnukJhth us Hkwfeiwtu dh uhao j[khA ohjk;ru xziq vè;{k oqQ'ky Hkalkyh us dgk fd laLFkku }kjk ewY;ijd f'k{kk iznku dj Nk=kksa dk pfj=k fuekZ.k djus dk iz;kl fd;k tk;sxkA ;g fo|ky; vR;k/qfud lqfo/kvksa ls ;qÙkQ gksxkA ohjk;ru dk ifjp; nsrs gq, laLFkk osQ lfpo Vh- vkj- Mkxk us dgk fd 1973 ls bl laLFkk ds }kjk vkè;kfRed ,oa lkekftd {ks=k esa fo|ky; lapkfyr fd, tk jgs gSAa laLFkkiu osQ Hkwfenkrk euksgj ih- dkuwxks us crk;k fd f'k{kk osQ {ks=k esa ohjk;ru viuh vyx igpku cuk jgk gSA mUgksua s crk;k fd fo|k£Fk;ksa dh lksp dks mPpLrjh; cukus osQ lkFk gh muesa vkRefo'okl iSnk djsxkA Hkou esa lHkh vk/qfud lqfo/kvksa dk è;ku j[kk tk;sxkA Nk=kksa dh f'k{kk ij fo'ks"k è;ku j[krs gq, 'kkjhfjd o ekufld fodkl ij Hkh è;ku fn;k tk;sxkA lkapksj esa ;g fo|ky; Js"B ukxfjdksa osQ fuekZ.k gsrq ,d egÙoiw.kZ dM+h lkfcr gksxkA fo|ky; }kjk ,sls ukxfjd iSnk gksxa s tks leL;k ugha lek/ku iSnk djusokys gksxa As fo|ky; dk eq[; mís'; ckydksa dk pfj=k fuekZ.k jgsxkA mUgksua s dgk fd fo|ky; gkMspk jksM ueZnk ugj osQ ikl cuk;k tk jgk gSA Jh vej Hkkjrh
bl fo|ky; esa vaxst z h ekè;e ls f'k{kk nh tk,xhA ;gk¡ ckydksa dks lsok] f'k{kk o lk/uk osQ fy, rS;kj fd;k tk,xkA fo/k;d lq[kjke fo'uksbZ us dgk fd f'k{kk laLFkkvksa esa ikjEifjd f'k{kk osQ lkFk&lkFk Hkkjrh; laLÑfr o vk/qfudrk dk feJ.k djsa] ftlls vk/qfud f'k{kk o laLÑfr dk csgrj laxe gks vkSj cPpksa esa vPNs laLdkj iSnk gksA mUgksua s dgk fd cPpksa dks f'k{kk osQ lkFk&lkFk laLdkjksa dk Kku Hkh t:jh gS rkfd fdrkch Kku osQ lkFk ,d vPNs ukxfjd cudj ns'k o lekt osQ izfr viuh ftEesnkjh dks vPNh rjg ls le> ldsA bl lekjksg esa uxj osQ izc¼ q ukxfjd ,oa ohjk;ru rFkk tSula?k osQ inkf/dkjh ,oa lnL;x.k ekStnw FksA bl volj ij lqxkypUnth psÂbZ] v'kksd dVkfj;k ukfld] izdk'kpUæ dkuwxks ,oa lkèoh f'kykihth us Hkh vius fopkj O;ÙkQ fd,A lekjksg esa Hkwfe nkunkrk ,oa vk£Fkd lg;ksx iznku djus okys euksgj ih- dkuwxks dk lkiQk igukdj Lokxr fd;k x;kA bl volj ij Hkojyky xka/h] 'kkafryky cksFkjk] ?ksojpan la?koh] lksgujkt esgrk] osQoypan cksgjk] MkW- mnkjke oS".ko] vf'ou HkkbZ iVsy] izdk'k dkuwxks] jktey cksFkjk] ikjley cksFkjk] ftrsUæ dkuwxks] xksj[kpUn la?koh] v'kksd dVkfj;k] oqQ'ky Hkalkyh] lqjs'k cqjM] lh- ch- tSu] jes'k iqjkfgr] osQoyjke iqjkfgr lfgr lSdM+kas yksx mifLFkr FksA
f'k"; us xq# ls iwNkµ ¶xq#oj! ufn;ksa dk ikuh rks ehBk gksrk gS] fiQj mUgha ufn;ksa ds ikuh ds laxgz .k ls tks leqæ curk gS] mldk ty [kkjk D;ksa gksrk gS\¸ xq# us mÙkj fn;kµ ¶oRl! unh dk LoHkko] nsuk gS vkSj leqæ dk ysukA mnkjrk] nku vkSj lsok dh viuh feBkl gS vkSj ogh ufn;ksa dks ehBk cukrh gSA leqæ ysrk gS vkSj laxgz ek=k djrk gS] blh Ñi.krk ds dkj.k mldk ikuh [kkjk cuk jgrk gS vkSj fdlh ds ihus ;ksX; ugha jgrkA¸ Jh vej Hkkjrh
ohjk;ru osQU;k esa mRlkgiw.kZ mn~?kkVu Cerebral Palsy
,d ,slh fcekjh gS] tks bUlku dh cksyus] pyus vkfn {kerkvksa ij vk?kkr djrh gSA ;g xHkkZoLFkk ds nkSjku tUe ds le; ;k tUe ds rqjar ckn fnekxh {kfr ds dkj.k gksrh gSA ohjk;ru vius fu%LokFkZ dk;Z ds fy, fo'ofo[;kr gSA ohjk;ru us gkWfLiVy] Ldwy vkSj dkWyt s ksa dh LFkkiuk jktx`g] dPN] ikokiqjh tSls Hkkjr ds vU; dbZ LFkkuksa ij dh gSA ijarq ;g igyh ckj gS fd ohjk;ruus ns'k dh lhek ds ckgj vius ia[k iSQyk,¡ gS]a vkSj iwT; vkpk;Z Jh panukJhth ds 79 osa tUefnol ds ikou volj ij ohjk;ru dsU;k esa ;g mn~?kkVu gqvk gSA ohjk;ru dsU;k loZiFz ke loksÙZ ke [Cerebral Palsy Center] dsU;k esa LFkkfir djsxkA 'kfuokj 24 tuojh 2015 dh lqcg iwT; vkpk;ZJhth] lkèohJh f'kykihth] lkèohJh la?kfe=kkth vkSj lkèoh Jh euLohth dk ohjk;ru ls dsU;k esa inkiZ.k gqvkA vkus ds rqjUr ckn gh os Jh panuk fo|kihB Ldwy (SCVP) i/kjs tgk¡ ij cPpksaus mu ds le{k dbZ vn~Hkqr lkaLÑfrd dk;ZØe izLrqr fd;sA ;s dk;ZØe vkpk;ZJhth dh dbZ egku~ ;ksX;rkvksa tSls izse] d#.kk] fu%LokFkZrk] mnkjrk] lsokHkko] jpukRedrk] xgu Kku] lqanjrk] uktqdrk] mudh nwj n`f"V vkSj mudh miyfC/;ksa dks n'kkZ jgs FksA ogk¡ mifLFkr fo|kFkhZ vkSj 30 f'k{kd vkpk;ZJhth dh bu fnO;rkvksa ls vfHkHkwr FksA cPpksa ds fy, mudk lans'k FkkA ^izse ls ifjiw.kZ jguk gS] lHkh thoksa ds fy, d#.kk ds dk;Z djus gSa vkSj tks Hkh vkids laidZ esa vk,] mlds mRFkku ds fy, rRij jguk gSA* mUgksua s dgk fd os fliZQ lHkh dks tksMu+ k tkurh gS vkSj ;gh izHkq egkohj dk lan's k gS ftls gesa vius thou esa mrkjuk gSA mlh fnu nksigj dks dbZ laLFkkuksa] tSls folk vksloky la?k] vksloky efgyk eaMy] fgUnw ifj"kn~ dsU;k] Jh LFkkudoklh tSu la?k] tSu lks';y xziq vkSj ;ax tSUl uSjksch ds dbZ ofj"B izfrfuf/;ksa ds lkFk esa mudh lHkk gqbAZ mifLFkr lHkh yksxksa us [Cerebral Palsy Center] dh LFkkiuk ds lac/a esa viuk iw.kZ leFkZu fn;kA dbZ yksxksua s vius ?kj esa jgs ,sls ejhtksa Jh vej Hkkjrh
ds fo"k; esa vius vUkqHko crk, vkSj lkFk gh ifjokj dks ,sls gkykrksa esa ftu eqlhcrksa dk lkeuk djuk iM+rk gS] mls Hkh crk;kA jkr dks SCVP osQ cPpksa us uodkjea=k vkSj ueksFkq.ka ij u`R; izLrqr fd;kA xq#nso mikè;k; Jhvej eqfuth egkjkt }kjk fyf[kr&¶tc cksyks rc lp&lp cksyks¸ bl xhr }kjk O;fDr dks fdl rjg cksyuk pkfg;s] bls cPpksa us viuh eèkqjok.kh esa izLrqr fd;kA cPpksa us iwT; vkpk;ZJhth vkSj vU; lkfèo;ksa dk osQU;k yksdxhr ¶dfjcquh dsU;k¸ ls vfHkuanu fd;k] ftldk vFkZ gS& ¶osQU;k esa vkidk Lokxr gSA¸ ,d NksVh&lh ukfVdk& ^i'kq* izLrqr djosQ ,slk eslt s fn;k fd ;g txr mudk Hkh gS vr% euq";tkfr dks i'kqtxr dh lqj{kk djuh pkfg;sA ,d lqUnj Lof.kZe lekjksg esa SCVP ds tSu /eZ vkSj laLÑfr esa 10 o"kZ ds f'k{k.k dk;ZØe esa 30 fo|k£Fk;ksa us xzsT;q,'ku fd;kA mUgsa xq# iwT; vkpk;Z JhpanukJhth }kjk vk'khokZn izkIr gqvkA jfookj lqcg 25 tuojh 2015 dk fnu ohjk;ru ds Lof.kZe bfrgkl esa ,d vR;Ur egÙoiw.kZ fnu cu x;k D;ksfa d bl fnu ohjk;ru dsU;k dh LFkkiuk gqbZ FkhA ;gh bl ;k=kk dk egÙoiw.kZ Hkkx FkkA iQjklh ysu izkbejh Ldwy tks uSjksch CBD ls 10 fdñehñ nwj gS] ds lqna j gjs&Hkjs izka x.k esa ^Hkwfe iwtu* lekjksg gqvkA vusd Lrks=k rFkk Íf"keaMy Lrks=k dk ikB gqvkA ftlesa Hkwfe ij dke djus dh Hkwfe ls vkKk ekaxh xbZ vkSj lkFk gh dk;Z ds le; gksuos kyh vfuok;Z {kfr ds fy, Hkh {kek ekaxh xbZA ;g iwtu ohjk;ru dsU;k ds VªLVh Jh Hkjr nks'kh] Jh fuys'k nks'kh] Jh vt; 'kkg vkSj Jh fou; la?kjktdk ds }kjk iwT; vkpk;ZJhth vkSj lkèoho`Un ds lkfuè; esa gqvkA blds mijkar ohjk;ru dsU;k dks vf/dkfjd :i ls LFkkfir djus ds fy, dk;ZØe esa izLrqr 200 yksx vksloky lsUVj vkWfMVksfj;e esa vk,] ;gha ij vU; fof'k"V yksx Hkh mifLFkr FksA vfizQdk ds LFkkuh; cPpksa us vR;ar e/qj Loj] Li"V ,oa 'kq¼ mPpkj.k esa ^ohj dh lUrku gS ge* xhr izLrqr fd;kA vk'p;Z dh ckr gS fd bls mUgksaus egt rhu fnuksa esa gh fl[kk FkkA iQkjlh ysu izkbejh Ldwy ds cPpksa us Hkh vkpk;ZJhth vkSj Jh vej Hkkjrh
lkèoho`Un dk yksdu`R; }kjk Hkkoiw.kZ Lokxr fd;kA ftu lTtuksa us ohjk;ru osQU;k bl LoIu dks lkdkj djus esa lgk;rk dh] mu lHkh dks vkpk;ZJhth us lEeku ifêð;¡k nh vkSj vk'khokZn fn, fd ,sls lRdk;Z os djrs jgaAs buesa Jh euq panfs j;k] izfl¼ ijksidkjh O;fDr Jh jktq la?kk.kh vkSj Jh euh"k 'kkg ftUgksua s tehu izkIr djus esa cgqr lgk;rk dh vkSj Jh [ks;Eck tks flVh dkmUVh vkWfiQl esa dke djrs gS]a mUgksua s bu lkjh izfØ;kvksa dks 'kh?kz iw.kZ djus esa lgk;rk dh rkfd ohjk;ru dsU;k ;g LoIu 2 o"kks± ds vYi dky esa gh iw.kZ dj ldsA bl lsUVj dh dsU;k esa vHkh vR;ar vko';drk gS D;ksfa d (CP) ls ihfM+r cPps vius bykt esa ,d fnu Hkh x¡ok ugha ldrsA vkSj lcls egÙoiw.kZ O;fDr gS&Jh Hkjrnks'kh ftuds fcuk ;g laHko ugha FkkA lekjksg ds mijkar lHkh us xkSre yfC/ dk izlkn xzg.k fd;kA lkseokj lqcg 26 tuojh 2015 dks iwT; vkpk;ZJhth ds tUefnol ds ikou volj ij Cerebral Palsy unit dk mn~?kkVu MkW- jhcsjh;ks ikdZl~ ys.M Ldwy esa gqvkA bl Ldwy dks ;ax tSUl cPpksaus fiNys ik¡p lky ls xksn fy;k gSA vkSj Cerebral Palsy ls ihfM+r cPpksa dks ?kj ls Ldwy vkSj Ldwy ls ?kj ys tkrs gSaA mUgsa ikSf"Vd Hkkstu nsrs gSaA muds fy, vuqHkoh iQhft;ksFksjkfiLV dh O;oLFkk djrs gSa vkSj lkFk gh muds fy, Wheel Chair dh Hkh O;oLFkk dj nh gSA rkfd mUgsa pyus fIkQjus esa lqfo/k gksA bl jksx ls ihfM+r cPpksa dks ns[kdj fdlh dh Hkh vk¡[ksa ue gks tkrh gaS vkSj ge cgqr vkHkkjh gS fd ge muds fy, dqN dj ik,A vkpk;ZJhth dgrs gSa&vxj rqe nwljksa ds fy, lRdk;Z djrs gks vkSj muds thou esa [kqf'k;k¡ ykus dk iz;kl djrs gks rks fnO;rk Lor% gh rqEgkjh gks tk,xhA ge lHkh iwT; vkpk;ZJh pUnukJhth ds ,sls dbZ tUefnolksa dh ,oa muds lqna j lq[ke; thou dh 'kqHk dkeuk djrs gSa rkfd os ,sls dbZ yksxksa ds thou dks vius fu%LokFkZ d#.kk ls Nq lds] ftldh vkt dh bl nqfu;k dks furkUr vko'drk gSA µohjk;ru] dsU;k (vfizQdk) Jh vej Hkkjrh
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i=k&i=kka'k vkn'kZ T;ksfrLrEHk ohjk;ru laLFkku ds laLFkkid vkpk;ZJh pUnukJhth ds 79 osa tUeksRlo 26 tuojh 2015 dh eaxyosyk esa muds rikse; 'kjhj LokLF; dh eaxy dkeukA vkidk eaxye; vk'khokZn ;qxksa&;qxksa rd lkjs fo'o ds izk.khek=k dks feyrk jgsA fo'o dY;k.kkFkZ tks lsok&f'k{kk lk/uk] lg;ksx ,oa lqlLa dkj dk vkidk fe'ku gS fujUrj&fujUrj izxfr djrk jgsA ,d nzeq ftlds yxk, yx lds] dkO; ds tx dk ogh xk;d gSA dksbZ izjs .kk ftlds txk, tx lds] ns'k dk lcls cM+k uk;d ogh gSA µfnudj bUgha 'kqHkdkeukvksa ds lkFk &f=kyksdpUn vk'kknsoh ?kkMhoky dh dksVh'k% oUnuk
ohjk;ru dh fueZy] LoPN] 'kkUr] ikouHkwfe ij ;qokpk;Z lkèoh Jh 'kqHketh ,oa lkèoh o`Un ds lRlax rFkk f'k[kjth dh ;k=kk djds vR;Ur izlUurk dk vuqHko gks jgk gSA ohjk;ru esa lsok] f'k{kk vkSj lk/uk dh fofo/ izo`fÙk;ksa dks ns[k &le>dj tSu /eZ dh vuU; izHkkouk dk vuqHko gqvkA us=k T;ksfr lsok eafnj esa gksrh lRkr vkSj fof'k"V lsokvksa ds }kjk tks eksfr;k fcUn ls ysdj jsfVuk rd dh rdyhiQ nwj djds vU/Ro fuokj.k fd;k tkrk gS og okLro esa ljkguh; dk;Z gSA us=k n`f"V ds lkFk&lkFk eu dh n`f"V dk /q/a ykiu Hkh feVkus dk tks vkidk HkxhjFk iz;kl gS og fuf'pr gh izsj.kk ds ;ksX; gSA vkidh ;g lsok f'k{kk ,oa lk/uk lpeqp izHkq egkohj dh /eZ izHkkouk gS lE;DÙo lk/uk gSA µjs[kk] cdqy] lksuy] fdj.k] uUnyky xka/h dh dksfV'k oUnuk
Jh vej Hkkjrh
Lukrd tSu Nk=k&Nk=kkvksa osQ fy, Nk=ko`fr ,l- ,- tSu dkWyt s VªLV ,oa esut s esVa lkslkbVh] vEckyk 'kgj (gfj;k.kk) dh vksj ls l=k 2014&15 ls Nk=ko`fr dh ?kks"k.kk dh xbZ gSA ,sls lHkh tSu Nk=k] Nk=kk;sa ftUgksaus Lukrd fMxzh dkslZ (ch- ,-] ch- dkWe] ch- ,l- lh] ch- Vsd] ch- Vsd] ch- ,M vkfn) esa de ls de 50 izfr'kr uEcj izkIr fd;s gks vkSj laLFkk }kjk pyk;s tk jgs Jh vkRekuUn tSu bLVhP;wV vkWi esut s esVa ,aM VsDukykWth (AIMT) vEckyk 'kgj esa (MBA)] ,e- lh- ,(MCA) dkslZ esa izos'k ysuk pkgsa bl lqfo/k dk ykHk mBk ldrs gSaA ;ksX;rkµ Lukrd fMxzh esa 50 izfr'kr uEcj bl lqfo/k ds varxZr laLFkk }kjk iQhl esa nl gtkj #i;s dh eqÝr jkf'k Nk=ko`fr ds :i esa nh tkrh gSA ;g lqfo/k f'k{k.k l=k 2014&15 ls nh tk jgh gSA µMk;jsDVj] MkW- ih- osQ- esgrk Jh
[Ph.D (Retail), MBA (Mktg), MS (DCG & B), BS (Bio)] vkRekuUn tSu bLVhP;wV vkWiQ esut s esVa ,aM VsDukykWth (AIMT)
tSu dkWyst jksM] vEckyk 'kgj & 134003 gfj;k.kk MkWñ fnyhi /hax lEekfur varjkZ"Vªh; izkÑr vè;;u o 'kks/ dsUæ osQ funs'kd MkW- fnyhi /hax dks Jh tSu lsok la?k] eqEcbZ }kjk 15 iQjojh jfookj dks ^lsokjRu* vyadj.k ls uoktk x;kA eqEcbZ esa nknj fLFkr ohj lkojdj lHkkx`g esa vk;ksftr lkrosa vfHkuUnu lekjksg esa eq[;kfrfFk jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; ds U;k;k/h'k euh"k Hk.Mkjh] fo'ks"k vfrfFk eqEcbZ lsokdj vk;qÙkQ lq'khy lksyd a h] vè;{k 'kkfUryky dokM+ ,oa inkf/dkfj;ksa us mUgsa lEekfur fd;kA lekjksg esa MkW- /hax dks ^tSu lekt ds yky cgknqj 'kkÏh* lEcks/u fn;k x;kA µ,l- Ñ".kpUn pksjfM+;k] (egklfpo) Jh vej Hkkjrh
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Le`fr iq"i vR;Ur [ksniwod Z fuosfnr fd;k tkrk gS fd gekjs Hkzkrk Jh lqHkk"k /hjtyky t'kk.kh dk mez 52 o"kZ dh vk;q esa rkñ 28-01-2015 dks LoxZokl gks x;kA NksVh mez ls gh os ekrk egkrifLouh Jh eaNkcsu ,oa firk /h:HkkbZ ds /kfeZd laLdkjksa ls vksr&izkrs FksA LkUrlsok esa os vxz.kh FksA Jèns; xq#nso mikè;k;Jh vejeqfuth egkjkt ,oa iwT;Jh t;fUr eqfuth egkjkt ds pj.kksa esa JènkfUor jgs rFkk vkpk;ZJh pUnukJhth ds vxzxkeh fopkjksa ds lkFk HkfDr Hkko ls lefiZr jgsA mudh] ikap Hkkb;ksa esa bdykSrh cgu Mk- lkèoh Jh psrukth ds n'kZu gsrq os lnSo ohjk;ru vkrs jgs vkSj ohjk;ru ds ije lg;ksxh jgsA mudh /eZHkkouk gh Fkh fd os ikap o"kZ rd fcekjh esa leRoHkko vkSj /eZHkkouk ls fopfyr ugha gq,A vius vUr le; dk mUgas Kku gks x;k FkkA vr% /eZiRUkh] iq=k rFkk ifjokj dks cqykdj uodkjeU=k dk ti vkSj Lrqfr ikB cksyrs gq, ,oa lqurs gq, 'kkfUriwod Z mUgksua s nsgR;kx fd;kA 'kklunso ls izkFkZuk gS fd mUgs izdk'k dh vksj xfreku j[kasA µt'kk.kh ifjokj
23 tuojh 'kqØokj 2015 ds fnu lw;ksnZ ; dh csyk esa clUrkckbZ :ipanth xkfn;k dh 95 o"kZ dh nh?kZ thou egk;k=kk lekf/oj.k ls iw.kZ gq;hA vr% J¼katyh :i 'kCn lqeu lefiZr gSA opuksa dh lhek esa ek¡ dh /oy dh£r dk o.kZu vlaHko gSA vkiJh dk lexz thou leRo ;ksx dh lk/uk :i FkkA vkids fopkj ,oa deZ esa vkn'kZokn lefUor FkkA /eZe; J¼k dh vVwV iwath izkIr FkhA vr% ri R;kx Lokè;k; ,oa nku ls lnSo vkRe fparu dks ltkrh jghA vuqoQw y izfrowQy nksuksa fLFkfr;ksa esa vdEi jghA vkidh Lusg eeRo Hkjh ok.kh ge lHkh ikfjokfjd lnL; gh ugha vfirq ?kksMunh fuoklh gj O;fÙkQ vkSj ftrus Hkh laidZ esa vk;s os lHkh] dHkh ugha Hkwy ldrsA vkiJh ds thou ls izkIr laLdkj gekjs thou ds fy, egRoiw.kZ lan's k gSA µc`tckÇk JhJhekÇ Jh vej Hkkjrh
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