The Vegan 2023 Issue 1

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2023 Issue 1

2022: VEGAN ROUNDUP Our movement’s progress


When two subcultures collide


From Sally Butcher, Katie Beskow and Marie Kacouchia

Editor’s letter and contents

EDITOR’S LETTER Happy New Year, and welcome to the first edition of The Vegan for 2023. We’ve got a packed issue, kicking off with a feature from Melda Kelemcisoy on how the vegan movement progressed during 2022. Jess Saunders explores how vegan and punk ideals intersect in her piece on page 19. You can also find an interview with Bryony Miles, AKA Upside Down Vegan, an athlete and personal trainer. At the moment we’re truly spoilt for choice when it comes to new vegan recipe books. In this issue our recipe feature includes a delicious starter, main course and dessert from

three stunning new titles. Continuing our Deep Dive feature, this issue includes a piece from sociologist Lynda M Korimboccus all about veganism and language. Lynda unpacks how the way we are socialised into talking about animals entrenches a speciesist world view and offers some ways to counter this. You can find all of the above plus our usual Vegan Society highlights, nutrition feature, reviews, membership updates and more. If you would like to comment on any of the articles included in this quarter’s magazine, please email me at or contact me on our usual channels. The Star Letter prize is always up for grabs!


Highlights Essential updates on Vegan Society news

Vegan roundup 06 2022: Melda Kelemcisoy reviews

06 26





Deep dive





veganism’s progress






Vegan punks




Three recipes from three stunning new books

An interview with Upside Down Vegan

Veganism in the punk scene

New products to look out for

Elena Orde, Editor

Letters, discounts, updates and more

Leafy greens: benefits and tips

Veganism, speciesism and language


Volunteer Hub plus Volunteer of the Season

Vegan events across the UK

and 40 Veganism wellbeing


Our research report

Reviews A bumper review edition

Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 1

From the CEO

FROM THE CEO I would like to wish all of our members a happy and healthy 2023. Thank you for your continued support of The Vegan Society. Due to financial challenges in 2022 the society recently underwent a round of redundancies. This highly regrettable but necessary action allows us to move into 2023 with a balanced budget that puts us in a strong position to move forward. Much of the necessary change was achieved through not filling positions that had become vacant but unfortunately five people were made redundant. We are now back to a similar staffing level to early 2022, with the equivalent of about 72 full time staff. We are taking advantage of the success of remote working during the pandemic to leave the larger offices that we have

rented for the past five years and return to our old office building, which is owned outright by the society. This move should be complete by mid-February. January is always a busy time of year for the vegan community with the ongoing success of Veganuary. This year we held a parliamentary event during January, which highlighted the growth of the plant-based sector in the UK. We are proud of all that we have achieved as an organisation in 2022. We are currently compiling our Impact Report, which will be with all of you at the end of April, alongside issue 2 of the magazine. You can find details of 2023’s Annual General Meeting on page 27. Please do take part in the democratic process and have your voice heard on the work of The Vegan Society. I look forward to meeting those of you who are able to attend in person. Steve Hamon, CEO

Sustainable Printing The Vegan Society cares deeply about the future of our planet and all those we share it with. We are committed to operating as a responsible, sustainable organisation which means we are conscious of the social, economic and environmental impact in all that we do. With this in mind, we are very pleased to announce that we work with Seacourt to print and distribute The Vegan. Seacourt are the UK’s leading environmental printing company and work closely with their clients to ensure that all material is produced with the lightest environmental footprint possible. In fact: • Their presses are 100% free from water, alcohol and harmful chemicals

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• They use inks that are vegan and free from volatile organic compounds • They are powered by 100% renewable energy • They send zero waste to landfill As a result, they are Net Positive (beyond carbon neutral including the entire supply chain). Every time they produce a piece of print, they take responsibility for more carbon than they are generating – what they call Planet Positive Printing. We hope you enjoy reading this issue, knowing that it has been produced in line with ethical, sustainable principles.

© The Vegan Society Registered Charity No. 279228 (England and Wales) and SC049495 (Scotland) Registered Co. Nos. 01468880 and 12377572 (England & Wales). VAT Registration No. 361 7274 92.

Printed on recycled paper

Editor Elena Orde Designer Violeta Pereira Cover image The views expressed in The Vegan do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or of The Vegan Society Council. Nothing printed should be construed to be The Vegan Society’s policy unless so stated. The society accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. The acceptance of advertisements (including inserts) does not imply endorsement. Complaints should be made in writing to or or by post. Visit to find out more.

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World Vegan Month

In the news

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During World Vegan Month in November, we took the Our Media Team submitted a formal complaint to ITV after opportunity to shine a light on the compassion towards nonan imbalanced milk tasting segment on This Morning failed human animals which lies at the heart of veganism. to address the environmental impact of dairy milk. During We released the results of a new study all about the the segment, a consumer journalist ran through some of the public’s attitudes towards non-human animals. Our research positives and environmental drawbacks associated with each found that 71% of people in the UK have experienced guilt type of milk. Almond and soya milk were criticised for water about eating meat ‘some’ (49%) or ‘all’ (22%) of the time. We use and deforestation. also found that 9 out of 10 Brits acknowledge farmed animals However, as pointed out by frustrated vegans and eco experience the same emotions as cats and dogs. conscious consumers, the vast quantities of land, We released several new videos featuring water and feed needed to raise dairy cows was people who have cared for animals not mentioned. The segment also included rescued from the farming industry. unbalanced nutritional advice. Sanctuary volunteer Jody says Vegan Society Head of Campaigns, in her video, “I love interacting Policy and Research Claire Ogley with all of the different animals said, “Particularly in the face of at the sanctuary. They all have climate change, which is already such unique personalities.” She having a devastating impact on introduces us to pigs Mickey and communities across the world, Winston and a few other stars of it's irresponsible to omit any the sanctuary. mention of the high impact Clinical psychologist and dairy milk production has on the sanctuary volunteer Maureen environment. It is also misleading filmed a beautiful video in which for a journalist to make a claim she explains how rescued animals about the health impact of dairy and traumatised people need similar alternative milks during childhood is love and care to recover. which is contrary to guidance from h nT o Thank you to everyone who engaged expert dietitians. Fortified plant milks sed P lan t milks were discus with our stories on social media and shared are safe for anyone over one year of age to them with friends and family. consume as part of a well-planned diet.”

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Find Charlotte's blog about caring for ex-battery hens on our website

The Vegan Society on TikTok

Best of the blogs

We are excited to say that we have launched a Vegan Society TikTok account! TikTok is a social media platform for sharing short videos. Our TikTok account will share the latest Vegan Society news, campaigns, recipes and more. We have begun to create a series of TikTok videos sharing our nutritional information in bitesize videos. We’re very pleased to be sharing this invaluable resource with a whole new audience. Ensure you’re following @TheVeganSociety on TikTok to stay up to date with the latest!

Throughout World Vegan Month and beyond we shared a series of blogs all focusing on our connection with nonhuman animals. Chrys McLaren shared her experience caring for three beautiful pigs – Flora, Fauna and Fabulous – during lockdown. Chrys describes how the pigs provided her with companionship during what was a difficult time for everyone. Charlotte Houltram spoke about the joys of adopting ex-battery chickens and gave her top tips for happy hens. Charlotte shared her thoughts on coops, bedding, medical treatment and feeding chickens, including a table which outlines which food items chickens love, and also those which are toxic to them. Find all of these blogs and more at blog and please do share them on your social media platforms.

Black History Month


Throughout October we celebrated Black History Month with some brilliant new content commissioned from Black vegan creators. This included recipes such as Pumpkin Fritters by DannyLongLegz and Fonio Porridge by Tomi Makanjuola, known online as The Vegan Nigerian. We invited chef Ngwafu Tansie and recipe creator and food photographer Livhuwani Tshikhudo onto October’s episode of The Vegan Pod, where they spoke to host Rachel New. Ngwafu and Livhuwani shared their insights into how veganism ties into their cultures and discussed some of od their favourite ingredients and dishes ph ot og to create and adapt. Visit Podbean to ra p o her Livhuwani Tshikhud listen to The Vegan Pod. at cre

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Veganuary parliamentary event On 11 January The Vegan Society held an event in parliament to celebrate the continued success of the vegan market and the opportunity it presents for sustainable economic growth in the UK. We were joined by some of our Trademark holders, as well as MPs, industry leaders and a few famous faces including vegans Paul Higgins, who recently appeared in Line of Duty, and Jasmine Harman from A Place in the Sun.


Vegan Education Conference Towards the end of 2022, The Vegan Society’s International Rights Network and Education Network joined forces to deliver the world’s first vegan-inclusive education conference. The conference took place in Liverpool and was attended by education and rights professionals who want to foster a vegan-inclusive

• Human rights law and the fact that ethical veganism is a protected characteristic • How many of the already existing educational resources perpetuate prejudice against other animals • Structural, educational and cultural challenges • The psychology of vegan children in education • What successful vegan-inclusive education looks like and how it can be achieved Speakers and attendees came from all over the UK and Europe, all contributing to make this groundbreaking conference a huge success. Jonny Way, a conference attendee and member of the Vegan Society’s Education Network, says, “Being a teacher myself, I believe the Vegan Education Network is one of the crucial elements in supporting not just vegans in education themselves but in educating the world about and growing veganism. The u Ar l conference was a fantastic, insightful ge An t s day which was organised brilliantly. vi A cti The conference also gave me an insight into other parts of The Vegan Society and the fantastic work you all do.” a

Our One Little Switch campaign aims to show environmentally conscious people how to take the first steps on their vegan journey by using plant-based alternatives. As part of One Little Switch, we joined activist Angel Arutura live on Instagram ahead of COP 27 to discuss the fact that we cannot fix the climate emergency without changing our diets. Angel was joined on the livestream by The Vegan Society’s Senior Policy and Campaigns Officer Tim Newthorpe. Together the pair discussed the links between food systems and the climate crisis, as well as taking questions from viewers. Questions included what the impact of individual actions can be, and what policy changes could be made to improve food production.

environment in schools and universities. Speakers presented on a variety of topics including:

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One Little Switch X Angel Arutura

Attendees of the inaugural Vegan Education Conference

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2022: VEGAN ROUNDUP Melda Kelemcisoy highlights the events, research, campaigns and milestones that brought veganism to the mainstream in 2022 From events to product launches and vegan milestones, the global popularity of veganism is on the rise. Let’s look back at some of the top headlines from 2022!

Record-breaking Veganuary campaign beats all previous years Veganuary is the global campaign encouraging people to try a vegan diet in January and beyond. 2022 kicked off with a strong start, with recordbreaking numbers taking part. 629,000 sign-ups from over 220 countries got involved, with the top countries including the USA, India, Germany, Italy and Mexico. More than 100 organisations participated in the Veganuary Workplace challenge, including many large UK-based companies such as Marks & Spencer, Harrods, Superdrug and Sky. Over 770 new vegan products and menu items were launched in January 2022 in the UK alone.

Veganism is becoming the new norm in Europe and the United States One recent study by the Smart Protein Project found that a significant shift towards plant-based eating is taking place across the European continent. The report found that almost half of Europeans are actively reducing or completely cutting their meat consumption, while 40% plan to reduce their meat consumption in the future. A study by Ipsos has also found that almost half of UK adults are considering reducing their intake of animal products.

One recent study by the Smart Protein Project found that a significant shift towards plantbased eating is taking place across the European continent. Photography by Dale Phelan

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Officially voted the UK's best vegan festival, 2022 saw over 12,000 people in attendance at Vegan Camp Out

In the US, New York City joined 100 cities through the Planetary Health Diet, a series of sustainability guidelines for food in schools, hospitals or other public institutions. Meanwhile, Vegan Fridays have become mandatory in New York City public schools. According to new research, plant-based meat alternatives are now cheaper than meat in the Netherlands. A study by market researcher Questionmark on behalf of the Dutch branch of ProVeg International showed how inflation and increasing costs of raw materials have caused meat prices to skyrocket compared to plant-based alternatives.

Increasing demand for veganism in Asia, Africa and the Middle East


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Research conducted by EAT, a non-profit organisation advocating for a sustainable food system, found that 42% of global consumers believe that plant-based foods will replace animal meat within the next 10 years. Almost 30,000 people were surveyed across 31 countries, and respondents living in Africa and Asia, particularly younger individuals, were most likely to state that, "Most people will definitely or probably" eat more plant-based food. The findings, published in the Grains of Truth 2022 report, also highlighted that Gen Z and Millennials are the most interested in veganism, with 40% and 43% respectively stating interest in vegan foods. The significant shift to veganism is widespread in the Middle East and ph Africa. For example, Didim has become ne r e Turkey's first town to endorse the Plantdh Th an eV r Based Treaty, a grassroots initiative that e ega ep n n Socie ty's Laura Ch promotes a shift to vegan diets in response to the climate emergency. In the Middle East and Africa, market research has found that the demand for vegan food and plant-based meat is growing, particularly in the United Arab Emirates. Triton's market research company predicts an upsurge in the Middle East and African vegan meat market within the coming years.

The University of Stirling becomes the first university in the UK to go 100% plant-based

The Vegan Society welcomes visitors at Vegan Camp Out

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Students at the University of Stirling in Scotland have voted to transition all campus meals to 100% plant-based by 2025 to help tackle the climate crisis. The University of Stirling's Student Union becomes the first Student Union in the UK to go 100% plant-based, following similar commitments by universities in Germany. The motion is a student initiative under the UK nationwide Plant-Based Universities campaign. Many famous environmentalists, including conservationist and television presenter Chris Packham and author and political activist George Monbiot, have supported it.


"This vote is a clear sign that young people are willing to take decisive action on the climate and ecological emergencies," said 21-year-old student campaigner Imogen Robertson. "We are delighted that our fellow students have decided to follow the scientific advice from world-leading academics and step into a brighter future. We hope this sparks a wave of bold action across UK universities to commit to just and sustainable plant-based catering."

Ground-breaking Oxford University study confirms that plant-based foods have the lowest environmental impact Researchers at Oxford University studied the environmental impact of 57,000 food products in the UK and found that plant-based foods have the lowest environmental impact. The Oxford paper also compared the ecological effects of meat and plant-based meat alternative products and found that many plant-based meat alternatives had less than a tenth of the environmental impact of meat-based equivalents. Professor Peter Scarborough of Oxford University said the study could help consumers make more environmentally conscious food purchasing decisions. Still, more importantly, "It could prompt retailers and food manufacturers to reduce the environmental impact of the food supply, thereby making it easier for all of us to have healthier, more sustainable diets." Whether the motive is to improve health, end animal suffering or save the planet, one thing is for sure – veganism is achieving new successes around the globe every year. As more people than ever are shifting to vegan diets, especially young people, I hope to see more universities worldwide deciding to go fully vegan in 2023!

SPOTLIGHT ON THE VEGAN EVENTS IN 2022 The 'first of its kind' European Vegan Summit The first-ever European Vegan Summit took place virtually in September, featuring activists, politicians, scientists and businesspeople. The virtual conference was organised by the Green REV Institute, a vegan think-tank in Poland and hosted by Beyond Animal, which specialises in ethical investment and vegan networking. The event partnered with 53 international organisations and businesses, and almost 1400 participants from around the world registered. The event website states, "Only an economy without animal exploitation can provide the answer to the challenges brought by climate catastrophe."

The World's Largest Vegan Festival: The Vegan Camp Out 2022 Officially voted the UK's best vegan festival, 2022 saw over 12,000 people in attendance at the Vegan Camp Out, with over 60 food vendors serving at the event. The line-up included famous names such as Earthling Ed, Evanna Lynch, Simon Amstell, Lucy Watson and Gaz Oakley. The organisers have announced that over 5000 tickets have already been sold for the four-day event from 28 to 31 July 2023.

The Largest Vegan Food Festival in the Middle East: Not Just for Vegans Market United Arab Emirates' first vegan market took place in Expo 2020 Dubai from 14 to 30 January. Visitors enjoyed a vegan and eco-conscious marketplace filled with vegan stalls, spas, entertainment and talks from chefs. With more than 60 local ethical brands selling hand-crafted fashion, jewellery and accessories, the market was the region's largest vegan food festival.

A c t i v i s t s at Sti r li n g U n


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RECIPES A starter, main course and dessert from three stunning new recipe books

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Ingredients 10 sheets of frozen filo pastry (1/3 average packet) Vegan butter, plus a splash of cooking oil 1 large onion, finely chopped 240 g mushrooms (around 3 standard supermarket packs), sliced 1 tsp Baharat 1 tsp ground black pepper 2 tsp dried tarragon (or 2–3 sprigs of fresh tarragon) 250 g whole fresh chestnuts, roasted and shelled (or about 180 g vacuum packed) 1–2 tsp dark brown sugar 1 tsp sea salt

Tip Baharat is an Eastern Mediterranean spice blend typically including black pepper, cardamom, cloves, cumin, nutmeg, coriander and paprika. It can be found in large supermarkets or online, or you can make your own substitute by mixing equal parts paprika, cumin and cinnamon.

Pretty much all of the nations of Veganistan have some version of the borek, or filo pie: they range from the North African brik, to Greek bourekis and the Israeli bourekas. But I think we have to give this one to the Ottomans – it seems very likely that it was those gourmand sultans and their superbly well-appointed kitchens that spawned this whole genre of cookery. Rumour has it that they even had their own borek kitchen, dedicated solely to the creation of new pastry delicacies fit for an emperor. We are using frozen filo pastry – of course we are – but if you are bored/very time-rich and want to make your own pastry, you can.

Directions Defrost the filo (it only needs about 20 minutes) and cover it with a damp cloth to stop it drying out. Heat a little butter and oil in a frying pan and add the onion; cook for a few minutes until more or less soft. Add the mushrooms and cook for another 8–10 minutes, or until they are also more or less cooked. Add the Baharat, pepper, tarragon, chestnuts and sugar, and fry for another few minutes, stirring well. Taste the mixture and add more salt if required – mushrooms vary but they all need salt to bring out their flavour. Cut each filo sheet lengthways into 3 strips. Take the first strip and brush it with a little oil, then place a dessertspoon of the chestnut/ mushroom mixture at the end of the strip nearest to you and roll the pastry away from you, tucking the ends in as you go. Brush the cigari borek with more oil and arrange on a tray. Repeat with the remaining filo strips. You can either deep-fry the boreki in hot oil for about 3–4 minutes or bake them on a greased oven tray for about 15 minutes (200°C/400°F/ gas mark 6). Serve with salad and your sauces of choice. Borek should be eaten within 24 hours or they go quite soft – but they do freeze beautifully.

Recipe from Veganistan by Sally Butcher (Pavilion Books, £22) Photography by Yuki Sugiura

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Ingredients For the chive dumplings 160 g (1¼ cups) self-raising flour, plus extra for rolling Generous handful of chives, finely chopped Generous pinch of dried rosemary Pinch of salt 50 g vegan butter 100 ml (scant ½ cup) soya milk, plus 2 tsp for glazing

For the filling 1 tbsp sunflower oil 1 leek, finely chopped 1 carrot, peeled and finely chopped into half-rounds 1 celery stick, thinly sliced Generous glug of red wine (ensure vegan) Generous handful of shredded kale, tough stems removed 1 x 400 g can of chopped tomatoes 1 x 400 g can of green lentils, drained and rinsed 2 dried bay leaves 1 sprig of fresh rosemary Generous pinch of sea salt and black pepper

Suitable for freezing

This supper is warming and filling: the rustic baked chive dumplings are almost like savoury scones, which beautifully soak up the rich juices from the cobbler filling. Make the base filling in a hob-to-table pot, then serve the baked dumplings over the top, and enjoy the supper family-style.

Directions Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/gas mark 6 and line a baking tray with baking parchment. In a bowl, stir together the flour, chives, rosemary and salt. Rub in the butter with your fingers until the mixture begins to resemble breadcrumbs. Stir in the soya milk to form a dough. Sprinkle a clean work surface with flour and flatten the dough roughly to a thickness of about 2.5 cm (1in). Use a scone cutter to cut out 8 dumplings and place them on the baking tray. Brush with a little soya milk, then bake in the oven for 10–12 minutes until light golden. While the dumplings are baking, prepare the filling. Heat the oil in a large hob-to-table pot, add the leek, carrot and celery and cook over a medium-high heat for 4 minutes, stirring often. Pour in the red wine and reduce for 1 minute. Add the kale, chopped tomatoes and lentils, stir, then add the bay leaves and rosemary. Cook for 15 minutes over a high heat, stirring frequently to avoid sticking. Remove the pot from the heat and discard the bay leaves and rosemary sprig. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Remove the baked dumplings from the oven and place over the filling just before serving.

Speedy tip Freeze the filling and the chive dumplings separately, then assemble after reheating to keep both elements at their best.

Recipe from Easy Speedy Vegan by Katy Beskow (Quadrille, £20) Photography ©Luke Albert

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Prep time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 25 minutes

Ginger and chocolate is one of my favourite flavour combinations. I think you’ll love it, too.

2/3 cup (160 ml) coconut oil, plus more for oiling the pan ¾ cup plus 2 tbsp (160 g) coconut sugar 2/3 cup (160 ml) plant milk ¾ cup plus 1 tbsp (75 g) unsweetened cacao powder 1 tsp vanilla extract ¾ cup plus 1 tbsp (150 g) crystallised ginger, coarsely chopped 1½ cups (205 g) all-purpose flour 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp baking soda 2 tsp apple cider vinegar

Directions Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Oil an 8-cup muffin pan. Whisk the oil and sugar together in a large bowl. Add the milk, cacao powder, vanilla and ginger, and mix well. Mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda and vinegar together in a bowl. Stir them slowly into the wet mixture and combine well to form a smooth batter. Fill 8 muffin cups of the muffin pan with the batter. Bake the muffins in the oven for 25 minutes or until a tester inserted into the centre of a muffin comes out clean. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Recipe from Vegan Africa: Plant-Based Recipes from Ethiopia to Senegal by Marie Kacouchia © Éditions La Plage, 2021. Translation © The Experiment, LLC, 2022. Reprinted by permission of the publisher, The Experiment. Available everywhere books are sold.

14 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023

VEG 1 BY THE VEGAN SOCIETY EXPLORE THE NEW MULTIVITAMIN RANGE A solution for the whole family, VEG 1 offers nutritional support to all. Now including those as young as six months with VEG 1 Baby and Toddler!

SHOP THE NEW RANGE NOW Also available on Etsy and eBay

Registered Charity No. 279228 (England & Wales) and SC049495 (Scotland). Registered Co. Nos. 01468880 and 12377572 (England & Wales). VAT Registration No. 361 7274 92.

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UPSIDE DOWN VEGAN Bryony Miles, also known as the Upside Down Vegan, is a personal trainer based in Bath, UK, and the founder of a fitness community spanning five countries. I chatted to Bryony about how fitness and veganism have changed her life, how she ditched calorie counting in favour of moving to feel good and how to keep exercising in the depths of winter. How did you become a personal trainer? Eight years ago, my mum passed away from cancer. I wanted to do something to raise money and awareness for the hospice where she died. So, even though I had no background in fitness and had been addicted to drugs for ten years, I decided to run a half marathon. Training for the race got me clean and sober, and I liked how exercise made me feel, so I kept doing it. I was so passionate that it felt natural to sign up for a personal trainer qualification when I saw one offered near me.

Tell us about your vegan journey. What made you decide to make the switch? I’d been unconsciously making changes towards veganism for a while, like going to vegan cafes, switching to plant based protein powders and using vegan makeup. One day I received a message from a friend with a link to the ‘Dairy is Scary’ video by Erin Janus. I watched it, started bawling my eyes out, and went vegan overnight.

When I started working on skills rather than aesthetic goals, it felt like my mind was at peace with my body. That’s what I want for my clients.

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You were already a personal trainer when you decided to go vegan. Did you notice any difference in your performance when you changed your diet? Definitely! My first month of veganism was difficult, but I educated myself a bit more and started feeling good. I felt lighter and fresher, and I was thinking more clearly. When I started fuelling myself with plants, recovery became quicker and easier.

What are some of your favourite meals and snacks for refuelling between workouts? I like to eat fruit paired with nuts to make it more filling. After a workout, I have a fruit smoothie made with banana, peanut butter, frozen blueberries and oats to make it thick and filling. For dinners, I have a lot of vegetables, potatoes and rice. I’ve been eating a lot of stews and stir-fries, usually with tofu or tempeh.


What kind of workouts do you recommend for clients? The workout I recommend will depend on the client, but I generally focus on building skills. Body weight training is great for getting into fitness as it keeps it simple. I’ll use handstands for some clients, and for others we focus on the gymnastic rings. When I started working on skills rather than aesthetic goals, it felt like my mind was at peace with my body. That’s what I want for my clients.

How do you help clients stick to their workouts in the depths of winter when they’d rather be in bed? Some of my clients train online, so they don’t have to miss their workout if they’d rather be at home. I like to work seasonally, if it’s in line with the client’s goals. In the summer we’ll focus on flexibility, and over winter we’ll focus on strength to keep warm.

What would you say to someone who doesn’t think they’ll be able to learn to do a handstand? I would tell them to come and do a session with me, and I’ll prove them wrong! There are adaptations for everyone. Training with a coach is valuable if you want to work on handstands. You can go on YouTube and get the information, but a coach will tailor a programme to you.

How does being part of a community help your clients to reach their fitness goals? The most special thing for me has been how we make each other feel. When someone’s had a hard day and they’re feeling drained, they can come to class and pick up on the energy of the rest of the group and enjoy their workout. Everyone brings their strengths and weaknesses, and we learn from each other and pick each other up.

What kind of exercises do you most enjoy personally? What do you get out of them? Handstands are my main thing, as well as gymnastic ring flows and acro yoga – which is a combination of acrobatics and yoga, done with a partner or in a group. Acro is where I’ve seen people come out of their shells because they are working with a partner. I love it because it brings us together as humans, and that’s been taken away from us in the last few years. With handstands, I love how they challenge me. It doesn’t just involve holding a handstand – you can make shapes, and I like doing sequences of moves which flow together. There’s always something new you can work on. Interview by Vicki Wolfhart

Follow Bryony on Instagram @upsidedown_vegan

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Jess and her husband Dan together make up the Vegan Punks duo

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VEGAN AND PUNK Jess Saunders examines the intersection between two subcultures While the word ‘punk’ might evoke images of Sid Vicious’ spiky hair or GG Allin performing violently onstage, that no longer represents the scene that I belong to. There is a lot of crossover between punk and veganism. This can take many forms – from songs featuring vegancentric lyrics, to punk events such as Manchester Punk Festival and Wonkfest offering lots of plant-based options. I’ve personally met and become friends with many punks who live a vegan lifestyle, as well as people who are somewhere along the journey from omnivore to vegan.

Vegan punk artists I’m often pleasantly surprised to learn that some of my favourite punk bands have vegan members – from The Flatliners to Laura Jane Grace, little known bands like Goodbye Blue Monday to YouTuber Skatune Network, and breakthrough punk acts such as Meet Me @ The Altar and Bob Vylan. And then there are bands who are performing on the world stage – I’m looking at you Travis Barker of Blink-182 – who’s been making veganism cool for over 10 years. Travis has promoted the benefits of veganism in high-profile online publications. In a Men’s Health interview he says, “Honestly, ever since I found this way of eating I have endless amounts of energy. I can go all day, and after it all I never find myself getting tired. No matter what kind of shows I have done, or workouts I do on top of it, I still have to force myself to sleep at night.”

Punk and animal rights It’s not just my experience, though. There’s a documented link between vegan ideology and punk rock – and it’s not new. Punks have been standing up for animal rights since the 1980s. An essay on Consequence Sound states that there’s a "natural intersection between punk and advocacy." The piece goes on to say that hardcore band Youth of Today “led the charge, spreading the anti-meat gospel”, with lyrics such as “When the price paid is the life of something else / No more / I won’t participate” from their 1988 song, ‘No More’. Propaghandi moved the conversation forward throughout the 90s and went on to be called "The most renowned contemporary vegan punk band." They even included educational content about veganism with their album Potemkin City Limits.

Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 19


ut up

Back in 1998, melodic punk rockers Good Riddance TNSrecords says, "I think lots of people in the punk scene are released their song ‘Wasted’, which criticises the practice of drawn towards a vegan lifestyle. I certainly became aware killing animals for food. They sing: “Who will be their voice / of veganism through reading ’zines I picked up at gigs many Who will hear their cries / The ones who cannot speak / As years ago, way before it was in the mainstream. At MPF we've we dehumanise / Incarcerated innocents.” always tried to make promotion of vegan food options a A more recent song from Aussie punk rockers The Decline priority." questions the ethics of testing on animals in their 2015 Emma Prew, writer at Colin's Punk Rock World, a banger ‘Excuse Me’: “I understand necessity. / You’re not grassroots UK punk rock blog, has also spoken about the one in a factory, locked in cages. / Testing the DIY punk scene: “It’s a socially conscious and products we don’t need, / Manufacturing empathetic environment that I think goes pure greed.” hand-in-hand with veganism. I travel This led to not only more punk around a lot for shows, both within bands using their own music as a the UK and further afield, and it’s form of activism but also inspired great to have like-minded people subcultures, like some Hunt as well as accessible vegan food Sab groups all the way through options everywhere I go. No one to vegan chefs, such as Isa thinks it’s even slightly out of Chandra’s Post Punk Kitchen, the ordinary when they find out Bad Manners (previously known you’re vegan. If anything, I’m as Thug Kitchen) and even my surprised when other people small corner of the internet – aren’t vegan…yet!” – where my husband Dan and I share simple Intersectional activism vegan recipes with a pinch of punk While not everyone in the punk attitude. Sh scene is vegan, it’s clear that there is e h t Isa Chandra’s Post Punk Kitchen was d an open-mindedness in the community Mil s an lie, f a cooking show that aired between 2003– rom Millie Mander that might not be expected. The music that 2005 in the US, set to a backdrop of punk we listen to is advocating for a better world, rock music. The show embodies the DIY nature that and maybe that’s why vegans are drawn in, or why is associated with punk rock, with the presenters wearing the music helps people along their own vegan journey. band T-shirts while cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Overall, it’s clear that punk rock isn't just about the music.

An empathetic environment It’s clear that refraining from eating any animal products easily links with punk rock attitudes, and in itself is a form of protest – just like many punk rock songs. Millie, from Millie Manders and the Shutup, puts it best when she says, “Veganism is on the rise in a big way, and that includes in the punk scene. These days punk isn’t about smashing stuff and spitting at people. It’s anti-establishment, pro-rights and equality and that means, for a lot of us, being anti-speciesist too.” Andy Davies from Manchester Punk Festival (MPF) and

It's a subculture that stands up for what's right. There isn't just a crossover between punk rock and veganism, but it’s intertwined with intersectional activism – feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, human rights, political justices, environmental activism and much more. It's an inclusive community where the misfits fit in, and that often includes people with ideas that set them apart from the mainstream. Find Jess and Dan's recipes at and at @vegan_punks on Instagram.

We make simple vegan recipes with a pinch of punk attitude Festival catering from Plantology

20 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023

Promotional feature


Shop with confidence for products registered with the trusted Vegan Trademark

Ration.L R-Kind Trainers Ration.L’s vegan, gender-neutral R-Kind trainers are made with non-toxic PU and organic cotton. Coming in an array of colours, R-Kind trainers are made for comfort and with sustainability in mind. For every product purchased from Ration.L, they plant a tree and give 5% of their profits to The Brain and Spine Foundation Charity. Ration.L use recyclable card and paper to pack your favourite trainers in. Available at

The Simple Root Truffle & Ch**se Style Sauce The Simple Root’s deliciously decadent cheese-style sauce with a hint of truffle is perfect for that mid-week pasta craving, or for a mouth-watering cauliflower ch**se to accompany your Sunday roast this winter. The Simple Root’s products are made fresh from British grown potatoes, parsnips and sweet potatoes, so make sure to put them in the fridge when you receive them. Available at

Myrtle and Maude Pregnancy Herbal Bath Soak Myrtle and Maude’s Pregnancy Herbal Bath Soaks have been specially formulated for those who are pregnant to help relieve itchy skin, aid skin elasticity and aid a restful night’s sleep. Their natural blend of ingredients has been chosen for their calming properties for both body and mind, and come in individual biodegradable bags. Available at Boots and

Josef Seibel Peyton 05 Josef Seibel’s vegan Peyton 05 is a boot with plenty of attitude! Constructed with a chunky lug sole with exceptional grip and shock absorbance, as well as removable insoles and an elasticated gusset, these boots are designed to provide comfort all day long. Plus, they’re made with a special waterproof membrane – so they’re perfect for winter walks. Available at

22 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023

Promotional feature

Eko Botanicals Amina Botanical Cleansing Oil Eko Botanicals’ Anima Botanical Cleansing Oil is curated with maturing and darker skin in mind. It gently removes dirt, makeup, suncream and impurities using nourishing plant seed oils, leaving your skin feeling soft, clean and revitalised. Amina Botanical Cleansing Oil quickly absorbs into the skin to work on gently cleansing skin impurities and is gentle enough to use around the eyes. It is naturally scented with lemongrass, rose geranium and petitgrain to uplift and cleanse. Available at

Holy Lama Naturals Soaps Handmade in Kerala, Holy Lama Naturals Soaps use extra virgin coconut oil as a base and are hand moulded into round bars, each with unique combinations of superior essential oils for a long-lasting fragrance. Holy Lama offers six varieties of soap, including Yogi which contains neem and tulsi, Kewra (containing coconut oil), Curcuma (containing turmeric), Rainforest (containing vetivert), Rose (containing geranium oil) and Lavender (containing ylang-ylang oil). Each soap is carefully wrapped in paper before being placed in a handmade shell, made from the leaf of the areca palm tree. Available at

Aqua Wipes Looking for a plastic-free and vegan alternative to baby wipes? Aqua Wipes use only ingredients you’d recognise and welcome into your home, with purified water and non-plastic fibres. Aqua Wipes also contain kinder, gentler natural ingredients, such as Aloe Vera and Camomile to hydrate and soothe. Not only this, but Aqua Wipes are biodegradable and compostable, making them an excellent sustainable alternative to their non-biodegradable counterparts. Available at

JAYA Prebiotic Multi Exfoliating Charcoal Scrub JAYA’s new prebiotic, multi exfoliating, activated charcoal body scrub works to detox your skin, buff and dissolve dead skin cells and help calm inflamed spots. This smoothie-style scrub has been designed to leave your skin feeling naturally soft, smooth and beautifully clean. It comes in a pouch that uses 55% less plastic than alternative packaging. 2% of sales are given to charities that empower women or our planet. Available at

Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 23

Title of Page

REVIEWS The Land of Ahimsa, documentary review by Chandni Bhudia The Land of Ahimsa is a documentary film exploring how the concept of ‘Ahimsa’ (a Sanskrit term translating to non-violence) ties into veganism. It follows activist Dolly Vyas-Ahuja as she travels through India speaking to doctors, environmental scientists, vegan entrepreneurs, nutritionists, athletes, animal advocacy organisations and religious leaders – who all share their views on the importance of Ahimsa and veganism, from various angles. Dolly documents her personal relationship with her grandfather, who was part of freedom movements in India, marching alongside Mahatma Gandhi in the nonviolent struggle for liberation from British rule. Inspired, she learned she needs to go back to her roots, follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and build strength in fighting for justice for all beings. The film hopes to serve as inspiration and encouragement for the people of India to adopt a vegan lifestyle, by showing its many benefits. As society becomes more progressive and more innovative, it is believed by many interviewed in the documentary that India will return to its roots as a traditionally vegetarian society, eventually becoming vegan. I would have liked to see more discussion on the inequality of the food system in India, which is also one of the reasons for an increase in health problems among low-income communities. Overall, I thought the film was brilliant in capturing the true and original essence of India (which has often been misrepresented in the West). The series of expert professionals sharing their thoughts on the topic was also well represented – showcasing many members of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) communities working for animal welfare, sustainability and health causes.

Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature-Friendly Future by Philip Lymbery, reviewed by Paul Appleby

Dolly Vyas-Ahuja, creator of The Land of Ahimsa

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Sixty Harvests Left is the third in a series of books by Philip Lymbery, Global CEO of the farm animal welfare charity Compassion in World Farming. The series documents the disastrous effects of intensive (factory) farming on farmed animals (Farmageddon, 2014), biodiversity (Dead Zone, 2017), and the environment. The book’s title comes from a prediction made in 2012 that with the current rates of soil degradation the Earth only has about 60 years of topsoil left. Two of the main causes of topsoil loss are overgrazing by livestock and the intensive cultivation of arable crops required to grow their feed, and the


author reports examples of these malpractices alongside the rise of ‘mega-farms’ (defined as those with more than 125,000 birds reared for meat, 82,000 egg-laying hens, 2500 pigs, 700 dairy cows or 1000 beef cattle) in countries as diverse as the US, China, Spain and the UK, where there are already well over 1000 such farms. This makes for grim reading, but the author finds reasons for hope in a range of solutions “including regenerative agroecological farming, plant-based diets, urban farming using hydroponics and aeroponics, [and] alternative proteins from precision fermentation and cultured meat.” These are considered in some detail in a chapter entitled “Rethinking Protein”, and the author recognises that “if we are to save the planet, by the middle of the century, we must reduce our consumption of livestock products globally by at least half.” Although this is not a vegan vision of agriculture (regenerative farming typically involves restoring farmed animals to the land to produce foods such as the organic, pasture-fed beef and lamb recently characterised as “the world’s most damaging farm products” by the writer and activist George Monbiot), vegans can be content in the knowledge that plant-based diets are a part of the solution.

Best of Vegan by Kim-Julie Hansen, reviewed by Ursula Watson Kim-Julie Hansen is the creator of the Best of Vegan blog where she writes about vegan food, restaurants and recipes from around the world. This is her second cookbook, featuring over 100 recipes from different vegan chefs and authors. It is a book for people with all levels of cooking experience with simple dishes such as lentil salad and soup to the more advanced such as mint choc chip baked Alaska and soda bread rolls. It has clear instructions and beautiful photography to whet your appetite and make you keen to start cooking. Best of Vegan showcases recipes from different continents and cultures, and vegan takes on traditional recipes. I particularly liked the recipe for Cacao Challah and the Tea Glazed Scones. Whilst some recipes call for unfamiliar ingredients, there are many that are familiar and simple. This ensures that this is a book that could be used every day rather than just on occasion. The author adds notes and useful tips alongside the recipes. I like the inclusion of recipes for vegan basics such as nut milks, vegan bacon, ricotta and parmesan cheese. I prefer to make my own rather than buy them and it is good to have simple recipes that work all in one place. What really makes this book special is having a song for each recipe. I love this idea! Making pão de queijo listening to the two songs suggested was an immersive experience and took me straight back to the time I was in Brazil. There is a song listed for every recipe, so even making the grilled cheese sandwich or a green smoothie can be an event. If you only buy one cookbook this year, this one is wholeheartedly recommended.

Cacao Challah from Best of Vegan

Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 25

MEMBERSHIP Letters Star Letter The snow might have gone for now, but I’m sure I’m not the only member of The Vegan Society in high spirits during Veganuary 2023, enjoying a different kind of snowballing – the vegan kind. Last year I found vegan activism, sanctuaries and rewilding projects taking place everywhere I looked. As The Vegan Society say, a third of Brits this January are cutting back on animal-based products. The breadth of vegan products on offer, the innovations and the enthusiasm with which they are received is thrilling. We are about to see the dawn of the vegan menu as “normal”. Even in France, the supermarkets have an everexpanding aisle of vegan products and people have stopped looking at our family as if we are interplanetary visitors when we ask for vegan options. There is some relief to be had from the pain we feel in knowing that cruelty and injustice continue to be inflicted on animals around the world – and it is found by observing the dwindling of consumer demand for non-vegan food. One of the most exciting campaigns from the Vegan Society is Plate up for the Planet, as there is incredible scope for great change in the public sector, benefiting animals, everyone’s health and the environment – I just can’t wait to see how far we will go with this one! Happy New Year! - Alexandra Jemison Congratulations to Alexandra, who has won a gift pack from Soapnuts. Next issue’s Star Letter winner will receive an Aromatherapy Self Care Gift Set from The Little Peace Company (who offer a discount to our members). Send your letters to or post them to 21 Hylton Street, Birmingham, B18 6HJ.

RIP Neil Robinson (1957–2022) Professional footballer and committed vegan Neil Robinson sadly passed away at the end of 2022. Neil became vegetarian in 1970 at the age of 13, after watching a TV documentary in which a cow was sacrificed. In 1980 he became the world’s first professional football player to declare himself an ethical vegan. Neil played for Everton, Swansea City, Grimsby Town and Darlington. In the 1981/82 season he became the first known vegan to score in a topflight match. Before he passed away, Neil set up a website: which had the aim of promoting a vegan diet. 26 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023


Membership News

Annual General Meeting 2023


The 2023 AGM will be held at 1pm on Saturday 20 May. We will provide online access but will also have a physical venue in central Birmingham if appropriate.

The Supporter Services Team attended Just V Birmingham and VegFestUK London in November 2022. The team enjoyed speaking to the public and raising awareness of the society by talking about our work and promoting our multivitamin VEG 1.

Gift Membership Do you have any friends or family that took part in Veganuary? Why not purchase a gift membership for them, to help them on their vegan journey with our member resources, offers and discounts? We currently have an exclusive offer on Grubby vegan recipe boxes!

Discounts If you’ve not already done so, please register at to get access to your exclusive member discounts. This winter, why not have a look at our selection of exciting new discounts? They are all certified with the Vegan Trademark and make ideal gifts: 20% off at Love Raw yummy chocolate, 20% off at Mum&You plastic-free mum and baby products, 20% off at Tints of Nature natural and ethical hair colours, 15% off at The Little Peace company handmade aromatherapy products, 15% off at Milly and Sissy refillable range of beauty products and 10% off at Obvs skincare sustainable products for problem skin.

We value your feedback Don’t hesitate to contact the membership team with your comments on how you have found the last year of membership with us and any suggestions you may have for improving the membership experience. Contact us by email at, on the phone on 0121 523 1730 or write to us at 21 Hylton Street, Birmingham, B18 6HJ.

Election of Council members Applications for membership of the governing Council (board of directors) of The Vegan Society are invited by Wednesday 1 March. The role is voluntary but reasonable expenses can be claimed. Successful candidates will join those automatically continuing on Council: Paula Feehan, Donald Lee, Chris McLaren, Mellissa Morgan, Peter Smith, Amber Vincent-Prior and Jenifer Vinell ( council-trustees). Key qualities for all trustees are commitment, enthusiasm and the ability to consider issues thoughtfully, communicate effectively and work well with others. To ensure effectiveness and diversity, members from a wide range of backgrounds and with a broad base of skills and experience are sought. Experience in finance/accounting, audit/risk management, charity law or acting as Treasurer are particularly welcome. Currently, the time commitment is monthly meetings usually lasting three hours. However, this may change if it's deemed sensible to return to office meetings which would be less frequent but longer. Training would be approximately 1.5 days per year. Emails may at times take a few hours per week, particularly in the approach to a Council meeting or AGM. Candidates must have been full members of the society for at least a year and be aged 16 or over on the date of appointment. Candidates should support the society’s objectives and mission ( our-vision-and-mission) and be committed to a vegan lifestyle. For a candidate pack or further information about becoming a trustee, please contact the CEO ( or Council Secretary ( by email or by post (21 Hylton Street, Birmingham, B18 6HJ). The candidate pack can also be downloaded from

The Supporter Services Team

Our next Star Letter winner will receive a gift set from The Little Peace Company

Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 27


TOGETHER, WE WILL MAKE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE... As we reflect on our achievements from 2022, we can celebrate incredible campaigns like Plate Up for the Planet and Live Vegan for Less to name just two. Our Campaigns Team carries out vital work year-round to educate the public on the benefits of veganism, and without your support we would not be able to reach as many people with this message. We are hoping to make 2023 our brightest year yet. Will you help ensure that the society continues to reach people all over the world and influence long lasting change to create a kinder future? Together, we will make a world of difference. And the spark for change starts here. Donate today to support our work for a brighter vegan future at for regular and one-off donations. For assistance or more ways to donate, feel free to contact our Fundraising Team via or call 0121 507 9987. P.S. We know that these are difficult times for many but, if you are in a position to give, we would be

incredibly grateful for your support no matter how small or great it may be. If you are not able to donate at this time, please consider leaving a lasting legacy with the society and ensure that the work we started together continues for generations to come. Visit to find out more.

WILL YOU HELP MAKE 2023 OUR BRIGHTEST YEAR YET? Please consider regular, or one-off, donations to support our vital campaign work this year. With your help, we can remain an important influence to spark long lasting behaviour change and create a more compassionate, peaceful, and loving future for all. Donate now at For more ways to donate, feel free to contact our Fundraising Team via or call 0121 507 9987. Donate here

Registered Charity No. 279228 (England & Wales) and SC049495 (Scotland). Registered Co. Nos. 01468880 and 12377572 (England & Wales). VAT Registration No. 361 7274 92.

28 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023



Ever since we were young, we have been told to eat our greens. And for good reason – few foods boast such nutrient density as the humble leafy green vegetables. These foods are incredible, but how can we incorporate them into our diet in a delicious, balanced and sustainable way? First of all, we need to be clear on what counts as a leafy green. These versatile veggies extend beyond lettuce! As their name suggests, any consumable leaves of plants count as part of this group. There is such a wide range of greens, so everyone is bound to find one they like! A small selection of this diverse food group includes kale, spinach, Swiss chard, watercress, rocket, pak choy, spring onions, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and collard greens. Dark leafy greens prove to be some of the most nutritious foods on this planet. While I was studying nutrition at university, my classmates and I would often joke that if somebody asked you what food contains a particular micronutrient, you'd nearly always be right if you answered 'dark green leafy vegetables'! Dark leafy greens excel in both the vitamin and mineral department. In particular, they contain high levels of vitamin A, C and K with a wide range of minerals such as iron, copper, calcium and magnesium. They are also rich in antioxidants and fibre.

How can we eat more of these powerhouse vegetables? Perhaps you are thinking that the colder the weather, the less appetising salads become? Thankfully, the wide variety of leafy greens results in a diversity of ways to consume them. By mixing up cooking methods and dressing leafy greens in different flavours, the opportunities for including them in your daily diet are endless. Here are just some ideas on how to incorporate these mighty green vegetables into your diet:

• Spinach – This has a mild taste which makes it incredibly versatile! Blend it into smoothies, and stir it into curries or casseroles for an easy nutrient boost. You can buy spinach pre-frozen in chunks and keep it in your freezer for easy access. • Kale – An easy side dish for any meal is to chop kale into small chunks, and to stir-fry them with a red chilli and a couple of crushed garlic cloves until the leaves have softened. Alternatively, you can roast or air-fry kale to create a crispy texture. Top it with nutritional yeast, a small pinch of salt and black pepper and enjoy it as a healthy savoury snack. • Cabbage – Gut health has been in the spotlight for a few years now, which has increased the popularity of fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi. Sauerkraut is a German dish that is made from fermented cabbage. Similarly, kimchi is a Korean dish made from cabbage, other vegetables and gochutgaru (a type of chilli paste). Both are available in many supermarkets; however, they are surprisingly easy to make at home. These fermented foods can take flavour to the next level whilst adding extra nutrients and gut health benefits. • Brussels sprouts – Some may loathe them, some may love them. If Brussels sprouts are your thing, try roasting them until golden brown with vegan-friendly garlic butter.

Not keen on the texture? If you’re trying to eat more leafy greens but the texture simply isn’t working for you, consider blending your cooked greens to create a sauce. For example, stir fry onion, garlic and spinach and then blend with a handful of soaked cashews, water and a generous amount of pesto to create a creamy, tasty sauce that can be enjoyed with pasta or gnocchi. And check out Chantal’s delicious pesto recipe on the next page! These are just some ideas to spark creativity when trying to include leafy greens into your diet. Don’t be afraid to experiment with cooking methods and flavour combinations to fit your taste buds. By Manon Williams, Dietitian

Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 29

SPINACH PESTO PASTA serves 4 Try out this green-packed and delicious recipe, created by dietitian Chantal Tomlinson.

Ingredients 400 g wholewheat pasta (spaghetti works nicely) 100 g spinach 1 tbsp dried basil 175 g canned green peas 1 tbsp rapeseed oil Juice of ½ lemon 2 tbsp nutritional yeast 4 tbsp pasta water 2 cloves garlic Small pinch of salt Pepper to taste 200 g broccoli chopped into small florets

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Directions Start boiling the pasta, following the instructions on the packet. While the pasta is boiling, place all the other ingredients (apart from the broccoli) in a blender, and blend them until the mixture is smooth. Place the broccoli in a steamer or a colander over a pan of boiling water, cover with a lid and steam for about 5 minutes. Save energy by steaming the broccoli over the boiling pasta. Serve individual portion of pasta, desired amount of pesto, broccoli and combine. Enjoy!

Nutritional information per portion kcal 453 fat 7.1 g sat fat 1 g carbohydrates 67 g sugar 6.2 g fibre 15 g protein 22 g salt 0.7 g

Photography by Hannah Hossack-Lodge


Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 31


32 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023

Deep dive


Language is very Categorisation powerful. Words We organise species can cut like a knife, into different but they can be categories of a source of great utility, such as comfort too. ‘farm’, ‘pet’ or In sociological ‘zoo’, suggesting terms, every these nonhuman word is symbolic animals exist – representing ‘for’ this or that something or (and always for someone. We us), making our learn these words continued use of them and meanings from socially acceptable. We significant people in our give names to those we ry Su ua lives, such as caregivers and z th nct a are encouraged to know and S e pig l at Goodheart Anima teachers. We share these symbols care for as individuals: such as widely to understand each other as ‘pets’, cartoon characters, even ‘zoo we grow and learn about the world and our attractions.’ place within it. Shared understandings give us a sense of We number the nonhumans society keeps most belonging and allow us to communicate norms, values distant from us, such as those used as commodities: and ideas, including veganism. bred and killed for food, or experimented upon in The word ‘vegan’ has itself been the subject of much laboratories. We are less likely to view the nameless as debate, particularly with the recent phenomenon individuals within industrial systems of numbers and of more widespread ‘plant-based’ living. The Vegan profit. Some species do not even warrant individual Society’s definition clearly addresses the ethical basis numbers, instead described by mass nouns such of veganism: that it is not a ‘diet’, it is a way of life. as ‘turkey’ or ‘chicken’. Yet others are killed in such Nonetheless, it remains a minority way of life. This quantities they warrant neither their own plural nor even means that the common language of the everyday is to be individually counted, such as ‘fish’, their deaths not vegan, it is speciesist. measured only by collective body weight. Nonhuman animals killed for food or clothing are Speciesism disguised both by language and in more visual ways. Speciesism was first defined more than half a century Their skins are processed and sold to us as ‘leather’ or ago as the prejudiced attitude humans have against ‘fur’, their flesh referred to as ‘sausage’ or ‘steak’. This members of other species for simply not being depersonalisation is inevitable, but necessary, to distract human. This bias results in the mistreatment of us from what (or who) we are eating, wearing, keeping nonhuman animals across society for human gain, with captive or testing upon. divisions made between ‘us’ and ‘them’. Such beliefs are systemically taught to us from childhood, the Marketing socialisation process reinforcing a view of humans as Dairy and meat industries have frequently claimed superior to other beings and keeping us disconnected that the use of terms such as ‘milk’ and ‘burger’ should from most of our nonhuman kin.

Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 33

Deep dive

be limited only to products of animal origin to avoid consumer confusion. Yet at the same time they may market ‘happy eggs’ or ‘laughing cows’, suggesting these products have been willingly given to humans. Honey and dairy products are often promoted as ‘natural’, always with a positive spin. Marketing understands the power of language and seeks to exploit it to enable the continuation of animal exploitation. Many humans oppose cruelty, and are somewhat uncomfortable with eating nonhuman animals, but the language of ‘meat’ and ‘dairy’ allows them to remain dissociated from the origins of these products. These disconnects are vital to maintain the current status quo – a non-vegan norm. Even derogatory phrases against humans include stereotypical nonhuman animal analogies, such as ‘filthy pig’ or ‘lazy cow’. We use nonhuman species in idioms such as ‘killing two birds with one stone’, ‘being a guinea pig’, or ‘flogging a dead horse’, without giving them a second thought. Consider as well the implications of phrases such as ‘wild animals’ and ‘shark-infested waters’. Despite the power of speciesist language to shape our world, the speciesist hierarchy (as with other ‘isms’) is human-made, and so can be unmade. Language reflects life, but it can also alter perspectives.

Non-speciesist language It is vital, then, that we engage in non-speciesist language wherever possible. Avoid using speciesist categorisations such as ‘pet’ or ‘farm animal’; challenge the words ‘meat’ and ‘dairy’; refer to nonhumans with individual pronouns of he, she, or they, rather than ‘it’; say the plurals ‘chickens’, ‘turkeys’ and ‘fishes’ in discussion; encourage others to use the reality of these nonhuman lives in their choice of language, and lead by example. Even the straightforward addition of ‘nonhuman’ before the word ‘animals’, to remind others that we are animals too, may shift consciousness. For many vegans, the connection between themselves, other humans, and other animals is one of belonging. There is more uniting than dividing us as living beings. If we wish others to extend their moral circle of compassion, then we must fully utilise the power of language to help them do so. As the politically progressive, environmentally conscious Generation Z come of age, they are more accepting of diversity, less tolerant of injustice and have started to move society to new ways of thinking and speaking to create a new narrative. To them, plant food is becoming normal. ‘Vegan’ is a recognised word. And whilst language is indeed very powerful, so too is hope. By Lynda M Korrimboccus

Many humans oppose cruelty, and are somewhat uncomfortable with eating nonhuman animals, but the language of ‘meat’ and ‘dairy’ allows them to remain dissociated from the origins of these products. 34 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023


WANT TO ADVERTISE HERE? For advertising in The Vegan, contact Wendy Kearns at:

Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 35


36 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023



I’ve been running The Vegan Society’s Community Network for the past 18 months, and it’s been such a joy. The Network is made up of a bunch of incredible and dedicated volunteers, who all care deeply about society’s values. They bring our campaigns to life in their local communities and provide invaluable work, helping us to reach more people than ever with our message. If you’re interested in joining the Network, please visit our Community Network webpage in our ‘Get Involved’ section of the website. At the moment, we’re especially looking for new Organisers in Cardiff, Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, York, Plymouth, Birmingham, Sheffield, Bristol and Nottingham. Rich Hardy, Community Network Coordinator

Meet a couple of our wonderful Community Network members Deborah (Community Network Organiser from Burton) Since beginning my role as Community Organiser in September, being a volunteer has exceeded my expectations. I love sharing information about veganism with the local community. It is a great opportunity to meet people in your community and other vegans, of course. I’ve really enjoyed helping to promote Live Vegan for Less. I distributed recipe cards and information in Burton town, and also at an event called Apple Day at our local historic Sinai house. The people I have engaged with have been interested, curious and happy to

receive information. I am a member of Vegan Runners. I ran my first marathon last October for the NSPCC. My career is as a Transport Director and recently moved into public transport services. I am also a qualified gym instructor and I have a house rabbit called Jar Jar Binks! I am really looking forward to having our Vegan Society stand at local events in 2023. There are lots of events in and around Burton. I would love new volunteers to join me in Burton and I have great plans to be active in the area in 2023.

Abi (Community Network Organiser from Manchester) I have been a vegan for over 10 years and have supported many of the people in my life in adopting veganism. Justice for animals is urgently needed, and I felt that it was time to reach out beyond my circle to make a bigger difference. I have been moved by the warmth and flexibility of other members in the Network. People are energised and empowered to express their ideas. Seeing people care, have courage and choose compassion is the best face of humanity and gives me faith for tomorrow. I’m impressed by how driven people are, and I feel optimistic about how we can make a difference in Manchester. My motivations as a vegan are most rooted in animal rights although, during the Live Vegan for Less campaign recently, I found that people living on challenging budgets really appreciated the consideration. It is painful that people can feel alienated from their own ethical ideals due to economic pressures, and campaigns like this can really help people individuate themselves from their circumstances. If you’re interested in joining the Network, I really doubt you would regret it! If you can only spare a little time, we can work with that. Don’t let hesitation limit how you want to give yourself to this world.

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VOLUNTEER OF THE SEASON Meet Ursula Watson, a talented volunteer who has assisted in the creation of this magazine.

Tell us about the two volunteer roles you hold for The Vegan Society I have been a volunteer proofreader for The Vegan Society for two years and just recently I have taken on an additional role as Editorial Assistant for The Vegan magazine. The Vegan was one of my first proofreading tasks when I started volunteering, and I loved getting a sneaky peek at the magazine before it was published. I love the variety of articles, recipes and finding out about new vegan products so when I saw the opportunity of helping on the magazine I jumped at the chance.

What is the most interesting task you have done for us so far? I learn a lot from the articles and reports I proofread which often makes them memorable and meaningful to me. I proofread a report on vegan dog and cat food at the beginning of this year and it led me to make changes to my dog, Millie’s, diet straight away. I had wanted to make the transition to a vegan diet for her for quite a while but reading through the scientific research and benefits gave me the confidence I needed that it would be healthy and beneficial to her. She is full of energy and her coat looks great so I can happily say that she is thriving on a vegan diet.

How do you balance volunteering with your personal life? Volunteering is very flexible, so it is an easy balance. I am a 38 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023

supply teacher so if I have a busy week coming up, I won’t take any tasks on and when things are less hectic, I can volunteer for more and accept longer tasks. As a volunteer and a member of The Vegan Society, I am armed with much more knowledge which I now take with me into the schools where I work. I proofread a selection of letters written by Laura Chepner, The Vegan Society’s Education Officer, for parents to send into school if they would like to make their teacher aware their child is vegan. The letters help teachers understand how they can ensure their activities and teaching are inclusive of vegan beliefs. Also, they introduced me to a series of children’s books, Vivi the Supervegan, which are a great resource.

Where is your ‘happy place’? I love to cook. I am happiest when I have a new vegan recipe to try – especially cake! I started eating a vegan diet seven years ago when I was teaching in Portugal, and it wasn’t easy to get a lot of vegan products there at the time. The only solution was to cook and bake from scratch. I really enjoy veganising meals and recipes, and I love reading new vegan recipes for ideas. Last year I had an allotment plot, through which I discovered many new varieties of vegetables. That gave me an additional impetus to find new recipes to use them in! You can read Ursula’s review of the Best of Vegan recipe book on page 25.


EVENTS Eaglescliffe Vegan Fair Saturday 4 March (10:30am–4pm) Eaglescliffe Community Centre, Durham Lane, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees, TS16 0EH

Scottish Vegan Festival Sunday 2 April (10am–5pm) Corn Exchange, 11 New Market Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH14 1RJ

Irish Vegan Festival Sunday 16 April Europa Hotel, Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7AP

Issue 1 2023 The Vegan | 39



Can veganism provide a pathway towards a greater sense of wellbeing? This question is explored extensively in Wellbeing and Veganism: A Concept Report – the first concept report produced by The Vegan Society’s Research Team.

Values, meaning and purpose People are drawn to veganism for wide-ranging reasons. Some people become vegan exclusively for ethical reasons, or perhaps for environmental arguments or their physical health. A less well-understood reason is the impact that veganism may have on our ‘eudemonic wellbeing’ – defined as our sense of fulfilment and deep happiness. To experience a strong sense of eudemonic wellbeing, we must live in accordance with our values and in a way which provides us with a sense of meaning and purpose. Veganism is a moral belief that goes beyond a diet. As vegans, we reject animal exploitation and promote compassionate living and empathy for others. We often see the natural world and our place in it differently from the rest of our society. The natural world, including non-human animals, does not exist solely to meet the needs of humans. Those that feel this way and commit to veganism are fulfilling a key aspect of eudemonic wellbeing – living in accordance with one’s values.

Research methods To better understand the links between veganism and wellbeing, we brought together existing research on individual wellbeing and veganism. The research presented in the report comes from a range of academic disciplines including psychology, philosophy, spirituality studies, eco40 | The Vegan Issue 1 2023

psychology and health promotion. By gathering the relevant literature we can begin to understand this topic better, as well as determine knowledge gaps and identify areas for future research. In addition to reviewing the literature on this topic, the concept report draws from a research project carried out by a Researcher Network member, Summer Phillips. The project was a case study into the relationship between veganism and wellbeing. Some case study participants described veganism as a lifestyle which gave them more confidence, satisfaction and happiness. However, others highlighted how veganism opened their eyes to the cruelty of animal agriculture resulting in a sense of hopelessness or apathy.

Evolving emotions Transitioning to veganism isn’t all blue skies and happiness. Most of us are all too familiar with the feelings of hopelessness, or even anger, at the status quo of animal abuse. However, as the concept report details, we believe these feelings are felt most intensely during the initial period of transitioning to a vegan lifestyle before giving way to a deeper sense of fulfilment which comes from living a life of compassion. The report explores the literature on spirituality, mindfulness and the joys of connecting with nature. We found that as a lifestyle choice, veganism is well suited to complement personal efforts to feel more authentic, at one with the natural world and to flourish as individuals. By Alex Huntley, Research Assistant To read Wellbeing and Veganism: A Concept Report please go to Email Alex at if you would like to learn more.

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