THE VEGAN SOCIETY Founded November, 1944
Veganism is the practice of living on the products of the plant kingdom— to the exclusion of all animal foods—proceeding from a wide consideration of man's true place in nature. The objects of the Vegan Society are to provide in thought and practice for the advance of veganism, and to relate veganism to every aspect of creative co-operation between man and nature. President: Mr. JOHN HERON, urrey. Vice-President: Mrs. E. B. SH y, Surrey. Honorary Secretary: Mrs. MURIEL DRAK , Bromley, Kent. (RAVensbourne 2809). Honorary Treasurer: Miss WINIFRED SIMMONS, , London, N . W . I 1. Committee: Mrs. JEANNE ARNALDI, Mrs. SERENA COLES, Miss CHRISTINA HARVEY, M r . JOHN MOORE, Mr. CHARLES PERRY, Mr. JACK SANDERSON, Miss MABEL SIMMONS, Miss EDNA TOWELL, Miss ANN WICKER. Minimum subscription, which includes "The Vegan,", 10s. Od. per annum, payable in January. Life Membership, £8 8s. Od.
Editor: Mr. JOHN HERON, ey. Assistant Editor: Mr. JACK SANDERSON, , Lawrence Street, London, S.W.3. Advertisements: H. H. GREAVES LTD., 1 0 6 / 1 1 0 Lordship Lane, London, S.E.22. Published quarterly: Annual subscription, 5/- post free: single copies, la. 3d. post free. Obtainable from the Hon. Secretary. BRANCHES OF T H E SOCIETY A N D SECRETARIES
MIDLANDS.—Mr. Don Burton, , Stratford-on-Avon, Warwicka. MANCHESTER—Mrs. Ann E. Schofield, , Wythenshowe. SCOTTISH SECTION.—Miss Dina M. Sutherland, , Liberton, Edinburgh, 9. (Please communicate with your nearest Branch Secretary)
THE V E G A N Journal of the Vegan Society
Vol. XI
Autumn, 1958
No. 2
EDITORIAL "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."—Gen., ch. 1, v. 26. Let us look at the man of the 20th century and see if the above be true for him. About one third of mankind is being indoctrinated into a philosophy which has no divinity, whilst of the remaining two thirds only a very small percentage are activated by the thought of their own potential godhood. Fortunately for them, the vast majority of the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air go about their lives hardly aware of man's lordship. Some exceptions are the whale, now in danger of becoming extinct, and the fish and other sea creatures whose edible values cause nations to argue over 12 mile limits and percentage kills ; and those birds concerned with the glorious 12th and the 25th, to say nothing of those from sparrow to hen to whom one day is as good or as bad as the next. Man's dominion over every creeping thing has been very doubtful up to now, but in recent years the large chemical groups have directed some concentrated research with the object of eliminating the myriads of insect pests and creeping things by poisonous sprays, whose ultimate effect upon the land and all the life coming from it may well be pondered. There can be little doubt, however, of man's lordship of the cattle, for modern methods of artificial insemination, feeding, milking, fattening up and slaughter enable the lordship 'to be calculated almost to the day and the shilling. However, this control does not extend so fully to the health of the cattle, for the amount of disease prevalent on the modern farm would amaze most meat eaters. Just as the regimentation inherent in a totalitarian materialist state gradually results in a cowed herd of dependent uncreative beings, so technical efficiency alone applied to animal farming gradually results in a depleted apathetic stock in which an even higher milk and meat yield is obtained at the expense of a weakening of vitality. Man's dominion over all the earth, which is daily before our 1
inward eye, being brought technically ever nearer, is bringing with it tremendous and awe-inspiring responsibility. For in the exercise of his dominion, if wrong choices are made, dire results inevitably follow. To-day, so mighty, and so wonderful or so dreadful are the choices that man individually and collectively is making that 2,000 A.D. may be the gateway into a new type of world of mutual personal, national and racial understanding, or a date that man on the earth does not live to see. The basic attitudes of man towards the animal and plant kingdoms, and towards those men or nations whom he regards as enemies are not as separated and unconnected as he may think. The editorial of the Summer 1946 issue of The Vegan contained the following: "The decision to use four thousand animals in the atomic experiments in the Pacific serves to emphasise the fact that the status of anything sub-human is, to most folk, still no higher than that of road stones. Governments dare act only after considering the possible reaction of public opinion, and as vivisection is legal both here and in America, the decision to use another 4000 creatures in this form of vivisection was one that both Governments thought they could take without risk of serious opposition." The governments have gone ahead with their tests and now the experts themselves are getting alarmed. Dr. L. Pauling, a Nobel prizewinner in chemistry, in his new book No More War ! provides irrefutable argument for the prevention at all costs of nuclear war. His arguments are based on published statements and the known results of tests. Many of them are confirmed in the recently published United Nations report on the effects of atomic radiation. Last year he presented a petition of protest of 9,000 scientists to the U.N. and in his book he now calls for a World Peace Research Organization within the structure of the United Nations. Dr. R. Scott Russell, of the radio-biological laboratory of the British Agricultural Research Council, speaking on the pollution of environment by man-made radio activity, said that " One of the most alarming aspects of radiation hazards is our comparative ignorance of them." Many people have vaguely wondered if the weather that Britain has experienced this summer is connected with bomb tests. Others have ridiculed the idea. The weather systems are so large and so many factors are involved that it is unlikely that the tests have greatly influenced the weather. But the fact is that though the weather experts may point to this or that year in the last century that was slightly worse in some way, it is doubtful if they can point to a series of summers in their weather records which can compare with the nine since 1949, a period which roughly coincides with the bomb tests. And another fact, reported by Dr. Russell, was that the most widespread hazards from nuclear tests and from some industrial uses of atomic energy would be through contamination of human food with iodine and strontium isotopes, and the pastures of Western Europe were particularly 2
vulnerable. Already it had been found that in Wales the ratio of strontium 90 to calcium (which effectively dilutes strontium) in grass and the bones of sheep now exceeded by a considerable factor those in other parts of Britain. Man was not apparently given dominion over the weather, and in assuming dominion over nuclear energy and in using it for destructive purposes he is coming very near to destroying himself. This is a form of " brinkmanship " he would do well not to try. Of what use the efforts of vegans and vegetarians and food reformers everywhere, if all food is polluted as it grows ? The darkest cloud has a silver lining, and the fact that Dr. Russell's information was given at an assembly of the International Union for the conservation of Nature and Natural Resources before 300 delegates from 40 countries meeting in Athens in mid-September is in itself encouraging. We believe with Richard St. Barbe Baker, that the key to world peace, world prosperity and world beauty lies in restoring the earth and sharing its bounty. Increasing population and diminishing food resources are causing tension between West and East. There are few further virgin lands left on the earth for the roundabout method of growing food to feed animals which we kill to feed ourselves. When man ceases to ask for his daily flesh, and truly prays for his daily bread ; when he exchanges the present cruel and uneconomic agricultural economy for a sylvan one ; and when man, the most advanced creature in the animal kingdom, partakes chiefly of the fruit of the tree, the highest development in the plant kingdom, there will be enough food for all, man will be healthier and the cause of many world tensions will be eased. " Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall be for meat."— G e n . , ch. 1, v. 29.
FREEDOM FROM PAIN AND SUFFERING It has been said we suffer of ourselves, none else compels and ancient scriptures and modern psychological writers are often quoted to prove that this is so. But it remains only theory and is put away on a shelf of the mind, where other idealistic theories remain, together with a belief in progress towards an ultimate perfection. Is it not time that we realised that there is no ultimate perfection, but rather that in any realisation of truth perfection is implicit, here and now ? It is known that pain is personal, that in different races and individuals pain is felt in varying degrees; that even in the same individual and from a similar cause, pain will vary in intensity according to circumstances, dominant mood or preoccupation. It 3
can even be held in abeyance, if the preoccupation of the mind is of sufficient interest. The world to-day is in the throes of acute crisis, the gathering of the storm reaches its climax, and this century has brought to the centre of the stage the agony of mankind, the widespread suffering brought about by man himself, through selfishness, greed, misuse of power and by all forms of exploitation—exploitation and cruelty not only to his own kind, but to the animal creation, entrusted to his care. The corroding poison of indifference spreads itself among people, and even affects those idealistic thinkers, who sit back believing in " progress," while still condoning means which are degrading to humankind, and in their vision of the ultimate lose touch with the staggering problems of the present. It is very interesting to find that the problem of pain is being investigated at a physio-psychological level, exploring the human equipment of mind and body to meet pain and the possibilities of transcending or changing the habitual channels through which the first sensory feeling of pain passes into consciousness. Can we say that in our own experience we know what pain is— very rightly no doubt we seek advice when sensory pain becomes acute, but have we any understanding of what is taking place ? If we had not a deeply-rooted inherent fear of pain, might we not explore in our own make-up the interaction which is taking place from the moment of the sensory shock to its registration in consciousness, when through pattern and memory comes the response ? Have we the courage to explore the sensory at its own level and so become aware of its ephemeral and at the same time precise value in our world of everyday experience and relationships? Modern healing methods are manifold from the spiritual to the physical, with operations on the increase and experiments on living animals in ever increasing multiplication. By seeking a way of escape from our diseases and disabilities through false and very often cruel means, dealing with symptoms rather than causes, we shall never arrive at wholeness or healthy life. To reach a wholeness or integration of the personality, we need to explore the entire approach to pain and suffering, not by any yogic method of discipline and control, but by a complete acknowledgment of our present state and an Exploration of our whole equipment of mind and body, a cleansing and insight into our personal storage of habit and pattern. We may find that suffering is not a necessary consequence of either sensory or psychological pain. Instead of permitting the immediate response of pain and disturbance to pass through its habitual channels to our consciousness, the transaction which with lightning speed registers in the mind, is it not possible in its first impact to explore to the root of the challenge before its passage to the mind ? This is what takes place at times of acute crisis, either through a physical or mental challenge, for the first impression is not pain, but a concentration or alignment of the totality of the life forces to meet the urgent need of the moment, and fear and pain 4
do not at once arise. Our consciousness at such a moment is working at a level beyond our normal experience. It has not been driven out of the body as it is by an anaesthetic, but is at pin-point, alert and attentive, free from disturbance. Perhaps those who go a little deeper into actual experiences of the mechanism with which we are equipped may find through a throwing out of old patterns and habits the way to a life free from pain and suffering, for the way is cleansing and brings about an entirely new approach to the subject of disease and healing. And also with psychological stresses and strains in all relationships, the more we become aware of our habitual reactions to these, the easier it will be to clear the line, so to speak, and realise the pure nature of the energising force at its inception, before it has sped its normal course into consciousness, registering as irritation, frustration, anger, jealousy, criticism, etc., according to our particular conditioning. It is by questioning and emptying the mind of all its storage of pattern and preconception, that it can undertake investigation along these lines. It is by a real plunging into the experience of pain of either one's own or another's that we are able to rid ourselves of our age-old habits and wrong methods of treating disease in any part of the body and dis-harmony in the soul—a new approach which is neither so-called spiritual nor so-called physical, but is essentially religious in its wholeness, and which will discard entirely and utterly all cruel experimentation on other creatures of the earth and air. Man will become the friend and protector of those other than human denizens of our world, they who have their own title to the heritage of the earth and are in our care. The " Vegan " way of life will then come as naturally to us as the air we breathe, and children will be born in ever increasing numbers who will respond to a pure diet and who will demand it. Living at peace with the whole creation, we shall pass out of this age of destruction, war and violence. When we no longer accept pain as our lot, but realise that the cause lies in ourselves and can be uncovered and removed, we shall rejoice and sing a paean of praise. Shaking off the trammels of the past, ceasing to inflict pain, we shall be free in ourselves and will develop a sensitivity and alertness of mind and body which will bring us into communion with the whole of creation and give freedom to adventure into those other realms which surround us and of which we are largely unaware. EVELYN CLEMENTS.
Spring, 1958, issue We have just heard that one member received a copy with some of the pages in duplicate and The Vegan Correspondence Bureau pages missing. The Secretary still has some copies of this issue left if anyone else who inadvertently received a faulty copy would care to write for one. 5
Since the first article appeared in the Spring, 1958, Vegan, correspondence with readers has made it clear that further information is desired on some aspects it was impossible to cover then. As the editorial of the Summer number puts it: "In its most general sense, energy may be described as the free force of the life that is everywhere present." The Exultation of Flowers contacts that free force and assists it towards harmony in all its aspects. Because discords disappear more energy is available for building ever greater perfection in all created things. Through its use true health, the "condition of sustained, exhilarating and creative energisation," becomes a practical reality, not an idealistic dream. The concept behind the preparation is a realisation of the wholeness of creation. Everything created is part of the One. Trees, flowers, animals, reptiles, fish, birds, vegetables, stones, fruit, mankind, the planets, the stars, the earth, the sky—all have their being in One. All are interdependent. Neither the mightiest nor the smallest can exist for a single moment without all the others. Damage to one affects all. For through every thing runs the stream of life that is everywhere present. Humanity, in the exercise of free-will, has, over the centuries, more and more mis-used its dominion over the animal kingdom and over the plant kingdom. The deaths, the terrible suffering, and the permanent injury to health which result from the employment of vaccines and sera derived from artificially diseased animals can be counted in millions. A terrible reflection on the state the world has reached . . . Vegans know we each receive energies appropriate to the way we conduct our lives. In defence of modern medicine it is said, " the end justifies the means." In the name of scientific research dogs have had their skulls opened, parts of the brain cut out, testicles crushed, gas flames applied to the posterior extremities, the skull fractured by blows, tongue crushed, boiling water poured on the intestines. Ulcers have been deliberately grown on the cornea of cats' eyes, corrosive gases used on the wind-pipes of animals, boiling water injected into the pancreatic arteries, adrenal glands removed and numberless other atrocities are mercilessly and ceaselessly repeated daily. But there are many of us who know the end can never justify the means—and we know further that the end will be of the same order as the means. It must be so ; for the end is the product of the means. With serum derived from deliberately diseased animals (and often extracted from their living and tortured bodies) humanity injects itself in the belief that by so doing illness can be cured— illness caused by the very actions that are thus perpetuated ! Could folly go further ? 6
The Exultation of Flowers demonstrates beyond a shadow of doubt that sera and vaccines are unnecessary. It goes further. It demonstrates that all illness can be cured without exploiting any living thing through the restoration of true harmony. It proves the validity of Vegan beliefs. The proof is absolutely conclusive, and all-embracing. Here are a few actual examples of the wide variety of dis-ease brought into harmony within recent months: A lady from the British Isles, bed-ridden for years with softening of the bones of the spine, hips and pelvis and with several collapsed vertibrae, is so very much better that she has been to Australia to see her grand-children, who she had not expected to see in this life. She had a glorious time—surf-bathing—and soon after her return to this country went off again, this time to the U.S.A. to see her brother who was ill. In this case Energy failed to make what was required. A little bitch had growths of a cancerous nature in the milkglands, another under the arm-pit, another on the neck and the vet thought that her difficulty in breathing meant there was one either on the lung or in the chest-cavity. He said it was quite hopeless and her mistress was warned that the little dog would suffer so terribly that she would have to be put to sleep in about ten days. She lay panting, struggling for breath and taking no notice of anyone. After her devoted mistress had given her the Exultation very frequently, a few drops at a time, for about ten days, the little dog ran, herding the chickens and ducks morning and evening, was running round the house barking at visitors, caught a mouse, could go up and down stairs alone, stayed with her master all the time he was lawn-mowing and jumped on her mistress's bed to give her her life-long morning greeting. Here we see Energy wrongly apportioned. Marrow-plants allowed to drink their fill of water to which the Exultation had been added (at the rate of 4 drops to the pint) by soaking the roots at the time of transplanting, bore a marrow in every leaf-axil. Each plant bore at least ten times what would normally be considered a good crop. This super-abundance is not due to forcing the plant in any way. The Exultation caused the in-flow of energies which rightfully belong to the plant-kingdom but which are usually appropriated by the rapacity of humanity, in endeavours to maintain itself in an untenable mode of life. A man 68 years of age had over-exerted himself carrying a heavy bee-hive up a hill. On the verge of a heart attack, he was given a few drops of the Exultation and recovered so completely he was able to finish every detail of a hard morning's programme. Few people realise that emergencies and accidents would never occur but for inharmonious relationships. This was caused by discord in Energy. Birth should be entirely devoid of pain and fear. The lack of Rhythmic application of Energy which makes it dangerous can be 7
resolved. While one knows there are serious objections to the exploitation of the animal kingdom yet even where that exploitation exists the Exultation does at least reduce suffering. For example, a hard-headed farmer in the bleak uplands of Banffshire writes: — " We wish you to send another bottle of the Exultation of Flowers . . . We found it very useful during the lambing season and consequently we don't like being without it." Here is an illustration of how the Exultation, because it is practical, enters into strata where idealism alone could never penetrate. Its tonic effect is one of its most important features. Its effect increases with continued use so that a " condition of sustained, exhilarating and creative energisation " is experienced by all living things. My own garden of half an acre, of which about half is lawn and flower-beds, supplies the entire vegetable and soft-fruit requirements of a family of six. This is possible because Harmonious and Rhythmic Energy is freely available. Grown with the Exultation, all plant-life, charged with its rightful amount of refined (and refining) energies is disease-free and harbours no pests,—these only appear where health is below par. The refining influence is very apparent in the quality of the flavour of vegetables. Since, therefore, approximately .04 of an acre of light sandy soil in the North-East of Scotland can so abundantly provide for one person, at so little cost and for so little extra work, one can only say there is no practical reason for the enormous amount of energy consumed by Humanity worrying about future food supplies. This unbalanced apportioning of the free force of life is responsible for greatly reduced productiveness in the Plant Kingdom. A truly sane and balanced outlook would be followed by superabundance. A truly sane and balanced outlook would result in complete Harmony and eventually lead to perfection in all created things. NUTRITION FORUM JACK SANDERSON, B.SC.
We in the Northern Hemisphere are now in our harvesting season and as always, a particular type of weather has resulted in some crops being heavy and in good supply and others being poor and scarce. But year by year, one crop is unfailing and that is the annual harvest from the trees. Apart from nuts and fruit, the trees in their autumn glory have been shedding their leaves for thousands of years and helping to make life possible for man and most other forms of life upon the earth's surface. Each large deciduous tree may shed millions of leaves, and we can never give thanks for the trees too often, not only for their beauty but for their manifold services to mankind. Let us think on some of these services using a list compiled by a member of that remarkable organisation, " The Men of the Trees." 8
Trees conserve the water-table and keep it high. They conserve and regulate moisture. They augment the effective precipitation by collecting water from hill fog or mountain mist. Trees control erosion, maintain the top soil and prevent it blowing away in dry and windy weather. They are at the prevention end of many of our worst wind, weather and erosion problems of present-day husbandry. Trees purify the air, especially in industrial areas where air pollution in fog can be so serious. Trees contribute to healthy soil making. They have great value as long-term fertility builders and mineral balancers. They are balancers of rainfall and temperature. Trees are makers of humus and providers of minerals. The tree's ability to search ever deeper and wider for fresh minerals is no less an achievement than its power to dissolve rocks by the acid its delicate microscopic root hairs exude. There can be no mineral deficiency in a diet that can ensure healthy growth for hundreds of years on the same stance and no mineral deficiency in the diet (the annual leaf-fall) that is both food and raw material for the thousands of millions of humus makers at its base. There is no better balanced organic waste than that found in a mixed wood, either standing or recently cut. Humus-starved soil is a breeding ground for .germs of disease. Humus-ifich soil holds nature's secret of putting such germs in their place and ensuring that they do not get out of hand. Tree planting should be priority No. 1 in any long-term plans for health. Trees prevent flooding. The leaf-fall creates humus and this acts like a sponge, so that rain and surface water percolates slowly through, thus avoiding a quick run off, carrying soil away to silt up rivers and estuaries. When woods are felled, cleared and not replanted, there is a loss of animal, bird and insect life, which may upset the balance of nature in that area. The protection given by shelter belts, hedges and small woods to crops makes their retention or formation well worth while. It has been found that afforestation in upland districts has often brought benefits to the lower fields and increased their capacity. Hardwoods should be planted or at least mixed woods, for hardwood (or broad-leaved) trees possess many advantages that softwoods (and/or conifers) lack as fertility builders, and mixed woods are well known to stand up better than conifers alone to the battering gales to which our island is so often subject. Monoculture should not be advocated in the interest of ecology. The above list by no means exhausts the services rendered to us by the trees, but it at least helps to bring home to us the fact that we are tremendously indebted to them. Unless there is a tree coverage of about one third of the earth's surface then a healthy balanced life upon the earth is not possible. Let the falling leaves of autumn be a symbol to us of the Divine provision, and as we 9
watch the coloured leaves drift downwards to serve us, let us make a promise that we in our turn will serve the trees from which they come. You are now invited to think out your own answers before looking at the answers given. QUESTIONS
1. What is meant by (a) Agriculture (b) Horticulture (c) Sylviculture ? 2. What is meant by (a) a pinetum (b) an arboretum ? ANSWERS
1. (a) Agriculture. This is the science and art of cultivating the soil, including the gathering in of the crops and the rearing of live stock ; farming in the widest sense. (b) Horticulture. This is the cultivation of a garden ; the art or science of managing gardens including the growing of flowers, fruit and vegetables. (c) Sylviculture (or silviculture). This is the cultivation of woods or forests ; the growing and tending of trees as a department of forestry. 2. (a) A pinetum is a plantation or collection of pine-trees of various species, for scientific or ornamental purposes. (b) An arboretum is a place devoted to the cultivation and exhibition of rare trees; a tree garden. TO THE WAYFARER Ye who would pass by, and raise your hand against me, hearken ere you harm me. I am the heat of your hearth on the cold winter nights; the friendly shade shielding you from the summer sun; and my fruits are refreshing draughts quenching your thirst as you journey on. I am the beam that holds your house, the board of your table, the bed on which you lie, and the timber that built your boat. I am the handle of your hoe, the door of your homestead, the wood of your cradle, and the shell of your coffin. I am the gift of God and the friend of Man. Ye who pass by; listen to my prayer—harm me not. (The above was used by the Government of Portugal 30 years ago in parks and open spaces, and was translated for the Men of the Trees.) The British Vegetarian Youth Movement The new General Secretary is Leslie Hoyle, Rusholme, Manchester, 1 ditor of T tarian is Wendy James, " Grasmer Erratum In the Summer, 1958, issue of The Vegan, p. 8, Section III should begin: (1) Seventy per cent of the world's population of some 2£ thousand million is ill-fed. 10
It is said by observers whose authenticity can hardly be doubted that after centuries of aspiration and effort, in the age of unprecedented, material prosperity, civilized man, tempted by his senses, distressed by his sorrows and demeaned by his sins, is losing heart. It is found that in more and more people and earlier and earlier in their years, the hot hand of thrombosis is clutching the chest and the flaccidity of myocarditis is stopping the circulation of the fluid of life, in the aggressive and the successful in the economic field. These men, just as the much-desired, magic touch of Midas has been attained and the most fantastic dreams of economic supremacy are realized, in their mid-decades, suddenly find their foundations giving way and themselves tumbling into desuetude or experiencing the complete transference into eternity. Heart disease has become the most powerful killer among civilization's pathologies. These victims of unexpected and premature loss have all been subjected to the twelve fateful processes of modern life, factually and reputedly essential: they have been begotten, born, fed, clothed, housed, instructed, urbanized, mechanized, surgicalized, vitaminized, medicated and vaccinated—the direful dozen. They have all been subjected to the three fateful dangers: ambition, excitement and appetency. In an age of expanding possibilities for selfindulgence they found themselves lacking in the strength to implement the word—" refrain." Somewhere along this assembly line of civilization and science their doom was determined. Concomitant with this regrettable and unfortunate situation is the expenditure of 132 million dollars, yearly, in the land of the Children of Vespucius alone, for laxatives; so it may be said that modern, sophisticated man is not only losing heart but is also losing gut. Sequences do not stop here for with the failure of metabolic circulation and the failure of hemic circulation, there is also a failure of psychic circulation, as it is said that every fourth bed in the hospitals is occupied by an insane person. Again this is no culmination ; it does not count the uncountable " speedotics " that are free to infest and devastate the highways of the nation. This pitiful reflection upon the culture of mechanized industrialism must be further extended, for at the present rate of increase of mental disorders, by the year 2000, one person in every two will be confined in an hospital for the insane, at least part of their lives. In that hapless day will there be enough mentally oriented people to care for the mentally alienated? Which class will then dominate society, the sane or the insane? It is conjecture. It may now be said, without equivocation, that man is losing his head. Let the rhapsodying optimists contemplate. Let the beguiled idealists, enthusiasts and dreamers ponder. The past had its primitives, but paleontology is not decadent; it had its savages, but savagery did not stretch beyond the confines of sanity ; it had its barbarians, but 13
barbarism did not project rocketry, long range missiles or the atom oomb. There is an alternative to the terrifying prospect of the approaching age of humiliation: the planet Earth may not survive as a corporate entity to the year 2000. To do so it must run the gauntlet of the scientists, politicians and militarists; the inventors, authorizes and perpetrators of the seismic disorders it will be subjected to. The thinking of mankind has now been artificialized to engagements with obsessions which lead to addictions. One of the earliest in his life and very significant is the habituation to the use of tobacco without undergoing its initial deterrents, nausea, vomiting and vertigo. Tobacco has a far reaching potential for its users among mankind. Tobacco shrinks, shrivels, and withers green aphis, black aphis and human hemoglobin. One can safely say human hemoglobin because human beings are the only mammals that voluntarily and avidly present it to their bloodstreams. Up until the past two or three decades this has been, principally, a masculine feat, but with the masculinization of all categories women are now emulating men as tobacconists; this brings biological sequences. With contaminated, vitiated and crippled blood elements that are finding hard going in a medium containing nicotine, carbon monoxide, cyanogen and other furfuraceous toxics, when sperminal eluding of contraceptive barriers and the jeopardies of abortion has been successful, women are fructifying with progeny of increased vulnerability to nerve depletions, poliomyelitis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, fragility of the blood circuit— autointoxication designated by a various nomenclature—innocent victims of a double betrayal, sperminal and germinal degradation ; a measure of the innate human propensity to indulgence of appetite that begins in frivolity and ends in tragedy. This is the situation at the passive, feminine, negative pole of the reproductive duality. At the active, masculine, positive pole is manifested an overstimulated libido, enticing to repetitive, depleting and fatuous detumesence. In this age of restricted population and family decay, modern man performs like a tribal chief. Accumulated sophistication has failed to inform him that his tribal ancestors were not business men, were not subjected to the strains and stresses of profit taking and therefore could afford the expenditure of energies in the harem. He burns the nerve fat of his spinal cord at both its extremities; harassed by competitive excitements at the cephalic end and drained by pudendal thinking at the caudal end, that organ slumps under the abuse and weakens in its midsections: the thoracic and abdominal plexi fail. The observable effects of glandular exhaustion frighten the laity and challenge the experts ; between fear and expediency an opportunism arises for the organization of societies objectified to discover why man, becoming habituated to a self-asserting libertinism, promoting actions on all fronts that over-tax his intrinsic powers, 12
should suffer reactions of devastating disasters and by this means becoming the unwitting but instructive demonstrator that Nemesis is not mocked, that hubris does not go unwhipped. The apparent utility of these organizations is the collection of large sums of money. Money, the oleum aureum that is said to grease all hinges, open all doors. Can money cure the passions that it serves and that serve it? Money has become the idolatry of a super-selfhood ; self, pampered omnilaterally; self, detached, isolated, the part superseding the whole; the unit transcending unity; man over God ; mind superior to Mind ; an indirect existence ; living second-hand, life by proxy, delegated; a treadmill restricted to, by and for money. "Money answereth all things" (Ecclesiastes). When Solomon, the Wise, handed humanity a goblet of his sweet ambrosia he added that one drop of poison and, thus authenticated, ever since, mankind spends its days filtering for that drop. Now in the last desperate drive in the sweepstakes for success, higher standards of living (economic), a singular humanism, under the banner with the exciting device: " Excelsior," despite vainglorious appearances, man is suffering irretrievable defeats. Man losing gut, heart and head, the basic primitives, defrauds himself of soul. The soul of man, contrary to legend, is not a bestowal, but a propagation ; not given, but an acquisition; like knowledge it must be earned ; failure to cultivate renders the person soulless and since the sixteenth century when Europeans repudiated outward modes that more genially approximate to inward order, increasing numbers live without souls. The soul of man has its genesis and is maintained in aspiration, intention, yearning; a continuous, unremitting, never-flagging willing of the limited for the comprehensive, the particle for the whole, the individual for the Universal. It is the product of that approach of mind to Mind where auras fuse in a coaption close enough to form the mystic synapse across which is projected the illuminating spark, the divine Messenger—Whispering Intuition—the psychic catalyst that guides the outward modes to conform to inward order ; the pragmatic practice springing from the recognition of identity, that atman and Brahman are One. One man, in this age of gadgetry, speed and spending, has propagated a soul. Just one. He is the man who has woven his life-fabric from the warp and the woofs of applied physiology and its implications; ethical veganism and its implications; decentralised homesteading and its implications—a summation of criteria that validate the complete life, sequential to integrating mentalism, a supernal mysticism wherein is attained social independence through transensory dependence, life a process in the service of Universal Mind. Pilgrim, when you meet such a man spend time with him, cultivate him, make him your guru. You will be privileged to witness evolution at work; a son of God manifesting his pedigree, coming into his inheritance ; the emergence, from the conglomerate, of the SUPERMAN. 13
CRUSADE AGAINST ALL CRUELTY TO ANIMALS " Look through my Living Eye "—a dramatic presentation in pictures, words and music which has been created by the Crusade and is now ready for public performance will be of particular interest to vegans. It is the brief story of life seen through the eye of the heifer calf. To quote the words of the author, Antony Bates: " By what small yet significant modifications and adjustments do we come to know of the presence of life, and with life the accompanying light of consciousness and intelligence ? The difference when life has departed is so minute, yet seen with discernment so vast, so pregnant with meaning, that it makes us realise that in the presence of life we are in the presence of the greatest mystery of all." No charge will be made for this presentation but as with our film shows any donation or collection which can be made towards Crusade funds will be gratefully appreciated. The Crusade now possesses a copy of the short film sequence taken by an American school-teacher in this country depicting the last few moments in the life of a hunted stag. Stills from this sequence appeared in the Daily Mirror several months ago. The Crusade gave it its first public showing at Fourth Avenue Junior School, Manor Park, in July, when the Rev. Michael Fryer showed films interspersed with short talks to 250 children. We were left in no doubt as to their feelings about the hunting of animals for sport. VEGAN LITERATURE Our new leaflet entitled The Reasons for Veganism (the text of which was published in the Summer issue of The Vegan) has been enthusiastically received and many requests for further copies have been sent to the Society. The leaflet is really an expansion of the Declaration of The Vegan Society, and states in compact and easily assimilable form the main reasons underlying the adoption of a vegan diet. Apart from the free leaflet mentioned above, the following vegan literature is available, at the prices stated, on application to the Hon. Secretary: Vegan Trade List, compiled by Christine Harvey. 1/3 each, post free. Vegetarian Recipes Without Dairy Produce, by Margaret B. Rawls. 8d. each, post free. Aids to a Vegan Diet for Children, by Kathleen V. Mayo. 1/3 each post free. Vegan Viewpoint, by Fay K. Henderson. 8d. each, post free. An Address on Veganism, by Donald Watson. 8d. each, post free. 14
We also have copies of some of the early issues of The Vegan, which contain a large assortment of useful recipes and interesting articles on different aspects of veganism. These are 2/6 for six or 4/6 per dozen (including postage), and if anyone makes a request for articles on special aspects of veganism, the Hon. Secretary will be pleased to send appropriate issues. May we also suggest that these are very useful for handing on to friends and acquaintances who become interested in the vegan way of life. MURIEL DRAKE.
May we congratulate our friend and member, Miss Marie Dreyfus, on her new book (reported in this issue) and also Mr. Charles Witt for his most valued assistance in its publication. When selecting Christmas books we hope that our readers will place it high in their lists.—(EDITOR). REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATION " CRIMES AGAINST CREATION," compiled by Marie Dreyfus. This book is intended as a comprehensive exposure of cowardly exploitation meted out to defenceless fellow creatures. No attempts are made to veneer the facts. The extracts and articles have been thoughtfully selected in order that the plain Truth be presented in such a way that it will penetrate even into the minds of the cruel and apathetic. No one really gains by cruelty. For the cruel and the wilfully apathetic (the latter being the " don't tell me " people), there is only one answer to their shameful attitude: " As a man soweth that shall he also reap " for wrong doing whether it be direct or indirect, is " like dust against the wind." It therefore follows that the Great Law (love and compassion for ALL Life— and all life is ONE) cannot be defeated however long the waiting period may be, when man, collectively and individually, is bound to suffer the result of his misdeeds. The following crimes are exposed: Butchery deals with the agony of cattle transported by land and sea involving suffocatingly packed conditions, lack of water for long periods, tail twisting in order to force the animals into trucks, broken limbs and often burst eyeballs—all this preliminary torture BEFORE the final ghastliness and terror of the slaughterhouse ! Why not a humane diet which is free from blood-shed, and carries with it the reward of better health and a clear conscience ? Veganism (non-dairy vegetarianism) is the REAL vegetarianism because this way of life excludes ALL forms of exploitation of animal life which includes clothing and articles of use. The cow (often artificially inseminated) is fed on substances forcing her to produce (against the law of Nature) a super-abundance of milk, thus causing her to be in a state of misery. Nor must it be forgotten that the cow is kept in a continual state of pregnancy until she can no longer remain as a milk machine! Her reward is then death in the slaughterhouse! Most of the bull calves are slaughtered 15
and sold as veal because they cannot eventually yield milk, but the cow calves are allowed to grow up only to continue the business of supplying an article of food which is not necessary for human consumption. A plant milk will be on the market in the near future, which will be disease free and not involving exploitation. Great cruelty is also connected with the Hen Battery System. Bees are exploited for their honey, and the seemingly harmless conditions inseparable from the wool industry are also exposed. Medical Research and Vivisection is laid bare in all its varied hideousness, which the Devil himself would be too tender-hearted to perpetrate! Fur-bearing Animals are caught in steel-toothed traps which cut into flesh and bone. In many cases the animals gnaw the leg off in order to get free! They are left for days and sometimes weeks before the trapper releases them from the traps, the animals dying a slow torturous death. Fur is an unhealthy article of clothing. Artificial fur, which is now on the market, is healthy, warm and attractive—the wearer having a conscience free from guilt. Performing Animal atrocities: Animals are forced to perform unnatural silly tricks—NOT BY KINDNESS—in order that the senseless human animal may gape, giggle and be amused at the expense of other creatures' misery ! Those who really THINK suffer with the creatures concerned. (That is the true meaning of compassion.) Sport! A creature tearing away in terror for his life with a heart on the point of bursting and eventually torn to pieces is called " Sport"! The inhuman lust for blood in bull-fighting is also exposed. Various other cruelties are dealt with: Birds in cages, rabbits in hutches, fishing, fish in bowls, shell-fish (boiled alive), creatures skinned alive for fur and skin, whaling, so-called " pets," etc. Insects, too, and other despised creatures, such as snakes, rats and mice (mis-named " pests " and " vermin ") are not forgotten, nor is the exploited plant world, resulting in deserts, etc., for in everything that exists there is that mysterious something we call LIFE. It is therefore a heinous crime to exploit SENTIENT life for material gain—the gain of this world being merely transient. " This publication is made boration of the author. Miss Marie Dreyfus, Sussex, with Mr. Charles Witt, h, Avenue, Portsmouth, who will make an announcem date of publication. Any enquiries may be addres the author or Mr. Witt (order from him). Probable cost, 12/6d. Co-operative action by members and friends in Animal Welfare Groups (each undertaking the purchase of one copy) would help the cause of suffering animal creation throughout the World. J . CAMERON, Canadian Anti-Cruelty Society. 16
ANNOUNCEMENTS The Annual General Meeting This will be held on Saturday, November 29th, 1958, at the Friends' International Centre, 32 Tavistock Square, London, W.C.I, at 2 .30 p.m. Members are encouraged to attend and meet friends from many quarters and to exchange news and views on this most happy annual occasion. Interested friends who are not members are most welcome to join us in refreshments at 4.30, and also at the social evening which follows at 5.30 which will include music and a " Any Question Session " in which questions will be asked alternately by the audience to the panel and then by the panel to the audience. Some Forthcoming Dates Oct. 13.—A.G.M. The Vegetarian Slociety„ Wilmslow, Ches. Crusade filmshow. Oct. 23.—Nat. Soc. Abolition of Cruel Sports, A.G.M. Conway Hall. Crusade filmshow. Nov. 4.—Birmingham Vegetarian Society, Winters Veg. Cafe, Corporation St., 7.30 p.m. Crusade film meeting. Nov. 10.—Ilford Town Hall. Nov. 14 and 15.—Crusade stall. Animals'Fair. Gifts welcome. MARGARET A . COOPER, Secretary. , Hendon, London, N.W.4. FOOD NEWS SUNPROD SALES—Sunflower seed oil new prices: 10£ fl. oz. can, 5/3 ; 2 f l . oz. can, 12/-; 1 gallon can, 70/-. It is guaranteed cold-pressed and unrefined, not bleached or steam treated, or otherwise chemically handled, as is the case with many vegetable oils. CAFDAN—Vegans should note that this new dandelion coffee also contains LACTOSE, a milk by-product. RATIONAL DIET PRODUCTS—Juice extractor is now 72/6. GOLD SEAL MARGARINE is now entirely vegetable, manufactured by C.W.S. They will let me know if animal fat has to be used, as it was when Suez crisis was on. HEALTH SUPPLY (HATFIELD) Ltd., have these sweetmeats suitable for vegans: Date and Brazil, 5d.; Choc. Fruit Delight, 7d.; Fruit and Nut Dessert Cake, 8d.; Apricot and Currant Fruit Slice, 1/-. Members near Harrow will find an excellent shop at 41, College Road, and a most interesting catalogue may be had from Mrs. Bridget Amies, author, dietitian and herbalist. Her aim is to supply pure foods. 17
THE VEGAN CORRESPONDENCE BUREAU Co-ordinator: Miss Edna Towell, Moors, Wimborne, Dorset. Will all t with the Bureau and thus contact other vegans through it, r who wish to be included on the list for receiving circular letters by Bureau Members, please send their names and addresses to the Co-ordinator. Dear Members, The Correspondence Bureau would like more readers to register, as several have fallen out, and many have found pen-friends and therefore have not so much need to keep in touch. The chief aim is to link up lonely Vegans and to make them feel that there are others thinking and working on the same lines. Circular letters are very welcome, on any subject, so please keep sending them in, as there have been very few lately ; this is such a fine way to keep members in touch and discuss new interests. Naturally, non-Vegans are welcome to write to ask questions, and I have had some enquiries lately about our way of life. I will put these names at the end, so that if anyone feels the urge to write these friends, who are interested in Veganism, they can do so without contacting me. Welcome to the V.C.B. Mrs. BETTY AUSTIN, London, N.W.3, who writes: I was intere Food rs' Community ... I will see I g. (Write Mr. Corke, as date not fixed, y, Didcot, Berks.—ED.). I have recently read Prof. Arno t's MUCUSLESS DIET HEALING SYSTEM, a truly wonderful book, which has ended my search for the correct diet, and my bewilderment at all the contradictions of modern nutrition ; so I would be very interested to correspond with anybody who lives on fruit and vegetables alone—which I am now aiming to do myself. Change of Address: Mrs. Winifred Jones, Wilts. Mrs. Sholto Douglas Norfolk, Norwich. Mr. and Mrs. Rory Brierley, Letchworth, Herts. MISS MARIE DREYFUS, , Burgess Hill, Sussex, would like to meet mem he has no time to write, owing to the imminen r book Crimes Against Creation. Charles Witt, another member, is helping in the publication. For a full review see page 15 (Crimes Against Creation). 18
MONSIEUR PAUL JAUZIN, , Montrouge (Seine), France, writes: I s I receive, to exchange later on with people abroad. (He will give money received to aid the blind ; please send stamps direct to Monsieur Jauzin—ED.). If sometime you happen to discover ONE English person living on a small income, ready to join us for 12 months time, I shall be glad to contemplate help for that experiment about Vegan food. Perhaps I could find pupils who wish to learn English, so as to increase the income of the English person . . . if a book exists about Veganism in athletics, I should like to read it, as the only one I know of is How to Swim Crawl, by Johnny Weissmuller, published 20 years ago. Mr. H. G. FOOTER, Barnsbury, London, N.l, has recently sent me ters, which are going round, concerning his ma to do away entirely with milk. He finds that sometimes he just has to drink some. Perhaps some members can help him ? When the new PLANT MILK comes on the market, let us hope this difficulty will disappear. He is interested in astrology and herbs. DOUGLAS RAMSAY, Sgt., R.A.P.C., R.M.A., Camberley, Surrey, writes: I have been very interested to see the growing number of people interested in a different kind of world society wherein love, true love, forms the basis of our lives. If the kingdom of heaven is to be realised upon earth it must surely be revealed amongst those who seek perfection in the whole of life and as our society becomes more and more conscious of the meaning of full love for all things because they are of God so I pray that slowly we shall begin to understand the meaning of living more abundantly. We can anyway only do what each of us can do in our own environment to bring such a world of peace and goodwill into our lives and into our relationship with those around us. Words are easy: to live up to them more difficult! I have spent Easter and Whitsun at " Woodcote." It is such a change for me to get away from a military life to the real thing and realise why I am in the Army. After some years of personal internal conflict I felt that if we wished to build a form of society in England wherein our ideals may be reflected it was necessary for us to assist those whose right to their form of society was being threatened—Korea is in my mind. Nevertheless I am not so happy at the state of the armed world to-day and complete pacifism still seems an alternative. " My kingdom is not of this world, if it had been then would my servants have fought for me." Miss G. LAMBERT, Brailsford, Derby, writes that I did not put in correctly what she wishes. I printed that Miss Lambert 19
wished to correspond on the Bible and Animal Welfare. Miss Lambert writes: This is not so. Will you please correct what you have written about me, viz., that my interest is in " the Bible. Animal Welfare." If my words as above do not mean that I am interested in ALL the Bible. And all Animal Welfare what else do they mean ? Certainly not the meaning you have invented for them. Replying to your query re Mr. Heron: He is " specially appointed " because he is the President. The " Animal Welfare Society " is (as you are aware) the Vegan Society. I apologise to Miss Lambert. In her first letter she wrote: " I am specially interested in the Bible. And in animal welfare." Therefore I thought she wished to correspond on these two subjects. I did not know that the Vegan Society was the Animal Welfare Society and asked Miss Lambert why Mr. Heron was " specially appointed " and by whom. Her reply is above. Mrs. EVA BATT came to Bournemouth recently and we had three lours' talk together, when we discussed all that we have been corresponding about. Mrs. Batt is a tireless worker for Veganism and Crusade, and we have many ideas which we hope to put into action shortly ; more details in the Winter Issue. It is indeed a great treat when I meet a member of the Bureau personally, and only wish some of them lived nearer each other. One day I hope to have a Centre of some so n Here are the na o have written me: Lawrence Pearson, 37, New York, U.S.A. Mr. a , Exeter, Devon. They are both " staunch" specially interested in the vegan way. Mrs. te of our Society. As they are both elderly they have been advised not to change over to veganism yet. THE YOUNG VEGETARIAN, the monthly magazine of the BRITISH VEGETARIAN YOUTH MOVEMENT, is well worth reading. It is only 4d., contains interesting articles, news and views, and is very wi wings. The retiring editor. Alan Goodwin, London, N.W.2, is a vegan but not yet a y ! This movement needs help, as it is ru ople in their spare time, and should be greatly encouraged, as it is these people who will carry on our work later. CHARLES PERRY'S magazine NEW BEAUTY is now published, 5/- p.a. This issue contains several articles which will appeal to vegans. He also has written for the Young Vege. an article A SKINFUL OF WHALE, and lists TWELV men use, containing harmful ingredients. Address: Lane, Ealing, London, W.5. 20
DANDELION COFFEE Delicious caffeine free ' Cafdan ' does away wilh all the trouble of making ordinary Dandelion Coffee. It made in a moment with boiling water or hot milk. It is the ideal bedtime drink for it's not a stimulant as it contains no caffeine to keep you awake. ' Cafdan ' is not only delicious but good for all the family, especially when it is drunk after meals and at bedtime. Try ' Cafdan ' to-day — the instant Dandelion Coffee with the coflfeee aroma. 4 OZ. t i n 4/Obtainable from Health Food Stores and all stockists of Heaih & Heather Ltd. HEATH & HEATHER
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MICHAEL FRYER is hoping to have Sword and Shield printed instead of duplicated soon, thus enabling him to print more news. Donations are still urgently needed to help him and his colleagues to go about the country showing his films of ghastly cruelty to animals, notably sealing, and scenes in a French abattoir. This is so dreadful I could not watch all of it—but the sounds were almost as bad! Mr. Philip S. Chen, Ph.D., Prof, of Chemistry, Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster, Mass., U.S.A., writes me that his book SOYBEANS FOR HEALTH, LONGEVITY AND ECONOMY, can now be obtained in England through B. Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford. American price is $3. Published by Chemicals Elements, Co., South Lancaster. THE HAPPY BREED DOG CLUB is a very small Club, with not even hundreds of pounds in its bank balance, let alone thousands running into five figures, which some other societies have! The Hon. Sec. has been in touch with me for a few years, when she wished to become a vegetarian. Mrs. Eva Batt is now helping her with information about veganism and Miss Hervey is now a subscriber to our Journal. The Club rescues strays, runs training classes, and ha w and Gymkhana. Nancy Price is Patron. A s. eir Sixth Annual Report. Miss Marjorie Hervey, Cuckfield, Sussex.
(2/- per line: minimum 2 lines ; 20% discount on four consecutive issues.) DIFFICULTIES IN WRITING & SPEAKING.—Help given through correspondence and and adults. Dorothy Matthews, B.A., , N.W.3. PRI 5686. ENGLISH and Continental Scooters and Mopeds, most makes. Motor cycles, new and used. Three-wheelers, Powerdrive, Bond, Reliant. Exchanges. Terms. Models bought. Please write, 'phone or call. Your own dealer, RON McKENZIE (Proprietor: R. McKenzie Butterworth, Vegan Food Reformer), 961 Chester Road Stretford, Manchester. Longford 2100. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! Try Ofreta Healing Oil for your rheumatism and kindred aches and pains and see for yourself. Only 2/9 per 1-oz. bottle from Graham Dene, Ltd., 26, Peterborough Road, London, S.W.6. HEALTH from Consultants' wonderful private herbal formula. " Vitalax " purifies the system. Prevents constipation. 3/5 post free. Dept. V.G. Ash & Rogers Ltd., Bentley Lane, Walsall. 23
" N E W BEAUTY " brings you the new, natural and humane conception of feminine beauty. Issued quarterly. Prospectus and brochure of our pure beauty products, 6d. Charles Perry, Phyto-Cosmetics (VE), 155 Pitshanger Lane, W.5.
SCHOOL of the Rose Cross, 262 E. Wetroore Road, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A., teaches vegan and true Rosicrucianism. No dues or fees. Free books and monthly letter-lesson. We welcome all questions. W O R L D FORUM. The leading international Vegetarian quarterly. Advocates the vegetarian way of life for physical health and a true relationship between the human and creature kingdoms—without exploitation and cruelty. l/6d. plus 4d. post per copy. 7/6d. per year, post free.—GEOFFREY L. RUDD LTD., 106/110 Lordship Lane, London, S.E.22.
( l / 3 d . per line ; 20% discount on four consecutive issues.) BROOK. LINN.—Callander, Perthshire. Vegetarian and Vegan meals carefully prepared and attractively served. Comfortable guest house. Near Trossachs and Western Highlands. Mrs. Muriel Choffin. Callander 103. EDSTONE, W O O T T O N WAWEN, WARWICKSHIRE (near Stratfordupon-Avon). Modern house with every comfort, and compost-grown produce. Telephone: Claverdon 327. H I N D H E A D , SURREY.—Mrs. Nicholson, ; garden adjoins golf course. Children welcome. LAKE DISTRICT. Rothay Bank, Grasmere. Attractice guest house for invigorating, refreshing holidays.—Write Isabel James. Tel.: 134. LONDON.—Small vegetarian 0 mins. London. Terms moderate. Mrs. M. Noble, , Wimbledon. CHE. 3587. N O R T H WALES.—Vegan and vegetarian guest house, nr. mountains and woodland garden. Brochure from Jeannie and George Lake, Penmaen Park, Llanfairfechan. Tel.: 161. SPEND worst months in sunny climate. Economical accommodation offered. " W O O D C O T E , " Lelant, St. Ives, Cornwall, is a high-class Vegetarian Food Reform Guest House in a warm and sheltered situation overlooking the Hayle Estuary. Composted vegetables ; home-made wholewheat bread ; vegans catered for knowledgeably. Mr. and Mrs. Woolfrey. Tel.: Hayle 3147. Early bookings for Summer very advisable.
EXULTATION OF FLOWERS The means to health and happiness. Restores harmony to plant, animal, man. Is ethically unassailable. Is incapable of doing harm to any form of life. Is absolutely safe to use in sA\ circumstances. Its balance and its power to re-adjust itself to individual needs is delicate, accurate and unfailing. Its action is effective no matter what the circumstances, what the form of life, or what the adjustment required. Banishes illness, pain, cares, fears and worries. Equally valuable for animals of all kinds. Increases both quantity and quality of fruit, flowers, vegetables and field crops. Particulars and supplies at 12/- a bottle. £ 9 / 6 / 8 farmer's polythene container, post paid in Great Britain from— BRAEFACE, AULDEARN, NAIRN, SCOTLAND Specially concentrated bottles are made up to reduce the cost of air mail for those living abroad.
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