Autumn 1981
THE VEGAN SOCIETY LIMITED Founded 1944 - Registered Charity
VEGANISM is a way of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, animal milk and its derivatives (the taking of honey being left to individual conscience). It encourages the study and use of alternatives for all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals. President: Jack Sanderson Deputy President: Serena Coles Vice-Presidents: Eva Batt, Jay Dinshah, Catherine Nimmo, Winifred Simmons, Mildred Simmons Council: E. Batt, S. Coles, K. Jannaway, J. Sanderson, G. Smith Treasurer: Grace Smith, but all subscriptions, donations, etc., should be sent to the Secretary, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey Hon. Secretary: Kathleen Jannaway, address as above Subscription: £2.00 yearly. (Additional members at same address not requiring an extra Journal, pensioners and other such £1.00.)
Quarterly Journal £1. 55 per annum 38 pence a single copy From The Secretary, address above Editors: Jack Sanderson and Kathleen Jannaway All advertisements to Leatherhead Office The Editorial Board does not necessarily agree with opinions expressed by contributors to this magazine, or endorse advertisements. Published: 21st of March, June, September and December Copy dates: 1st of preceding month
^ ^ W ^ T U E VEGAN S O C I E T Y ^ ^ P *
was formed in 1944 by a group of vegetarians who became aware of the suffering inseparable from the dairy industry. In 1964 it was recognised as an educational charity and has grown rapidly in influence and membership, as people realise its importance for their own health and for the wise use of resources as well as for the relief of cruelly exploited animals. Free from commitment to any religious, political, philosophical, social, dietary or medical group, the Vegan Society endeavours to co-operate with all who are seeking a positive way forward for mankind. It challenges all those who preach love and compassion but still base their lives on cruel practices and the debasement of both man and beast involved in meat and milk production.
W H A T T H E N DO V E G A N S E A T ? There is a great variety of vegan diets, from the very simple and truly economical, based almost entirely on food that can be grown on small plots of land anywhere, or be bought in ordinary grocers, wholefood shops and greengrocers, to those using the many vegan convenience foods sold in the Health Food Stores. The Vegan Society helps with all types of vegan diet. FULL MEMBERSHIP is reserved for practising vegans. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is open to those who support and sympathise with the principles of the Society. I \
MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTIONS are kept low - £2.00 yearly ( £1.00 for member at same address, sharing the Journal), £1.00 for pensioners, juniors or those otherwise on a restricted income - so that all who agree with the importance of the vegan way of life can register their support. BANKERS ORDERS and COVENANTED SUBSCRIPTIONS are especially welcome. Please send for a form. DOLLAR COUNTRIES - $5 (International Money Order, please). Subscriptions cover the cost of the quarterly journal. FOR INQUIRERS AND NEW MEMBERS (not renewals) To The Secretary, The Vegan Society Ltd., 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey (Please tick and sign appropriate item) I enclose 15 pence stamp for free leaflets and literature list I hereby declare that I am a practising vegan and apply and consent to becoming a member of The Vegan Society Ltd. I hereby declare that I support and sympathise with the principles of The Vegan Society Ltd. and apply to become an Associate of the Society Enclosed Cheque/PO for Send Bankers Order/Covenant Name Address . 1
Today has been one of the happiest days In our history as a nation - the day of the marriage of Charles and Diana, a day In which millions united in sharing the joy of the happy pair. In his wedding sermon Dr. Runcie struck the right note when he said, "There Is an ancient Christian tradition that every bride and groom on their wedding day are regarded as a Royal Couple. To this day in the marriage ceremonies of the Eastern Orthodox Church, crowns are held over the man and woman to express the conviction that, as husband and wife, they are Kings and Queens of Creation. As it says of human-kind in the Bible, 'Thou crownest him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the work of thy hands.' On a wedding day, It is made clear that God does not intend us to be puppets but chooses to work through us, and especially through our marriages, to create the future of His world." The Archbishop later said, "Those who are married live happily ever after the wedding day if they persevere in the real adventure which is the royal task of creating each other and creating a more loving world." This empnasis on human worth is farther illustrated by the following poem by T. H.E.A. A PRINCE With bearing manly, and eyes as blue As summer skies at noon, Striding down the road, intent On where his will may carry him; A boy well-favoured in the sight Of gods and men. Son of a king! every inch of him; Heart of a queen, beating 'neath the calm; A credit to his land and ancestry; And character of race within his soul, Royally beloved; worshipped of the people; This golden youth. Think ye this a prince of Pharaoh's-line? Think ye this his well-beloved eldest-born? Think ye this Is one alone in all the world? Ye little know, ye men. Ask each Fair Mother, who this song describes, And from her glowing smile you'll recognise Her son! Both Dr. Runcie and T. H.E. A. are concerned with the intrinsic worth of each human being, whilst the former particularly refers to our joint responsibility in, or out of, marriage for caring for God's creation as we find it and 2
for jointly creating the future. The kind of future we create depends to a great extent on what we eat and on ridding life of the various forms of violence that we tolerate today. It depends on spiritual honesty. To quote Raphael In Vera Stanley Alder's latest book "From the Mundane to the Magnificent", "It means facing a few simple commandments; 'Thou shalt not kill' for instance! That means no wars and no meat! and no furs or leather, and no animal serums. Then again; 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself'; that means no exploitation of animal, plant, soil, water and of one's fellow men - no slums or profiteering." Raphael goes on to say, "Usually wild animals have no reasoning individual minds. But when they are domesticated and cared for by human beings, they adore and admire them and strive to emulate them. The germ of mind is fertilised in them by their human masters. Each is becoming an individual and gaining an individual consciousness or soul, instead of or as well as sharing a collective soul with the rest of his kind. Now you can understand what a tremendously important function human beings axe meant to have in regard to animals. From humans the animals gain their embryonic minds. That is why so long as men kill each other animals will do the same. For the rays of human mind permeate the thickest jungle just like radio waves, and are registered by all living creatures." . A later article also points out the relationship between human and animal emotions. If one tries to live by the code referred to above, then sooner or later one will come up against the vested interests of those who grow rich through wars, alcohol, tobacco, meat, adulterated food, the dairy trade, leather and other animal goods. We must ignore them and carry on regardless, pioneering a new way of living and winning others to our cause. Forty years ago V. S. Alder wrote: "The human family is one body whose prime need is for an adequate headpiece. This headpiece should constitute a sort of world government or Council, formed of pioneer experts in every branch of living." We have not reached this stage yet but there are more thoughtful people in every country who are moving towards this way of thinking, more young people who are learning to think globally, members of the Vegetarian and Vegan Societies, Friends of the Earth, Ecological Groups, readers of New Humanity and members of all groupings who think beyond their own national and continental boundaries to see problems in terms of One Earth, One Humanity, One Life. You and I are privileged to play our part in this creative partnership which in a few decades of .serious and concentrated effort can transform the globe into an Eden, the beginnings of a Tree culture and new relationships between men and men and between men and animals. J. Sanderson 3
Time for Change... A love for animals and plants In my childhood led In later life to my becoming a biologist. How many other budding biologists, I wondered, found to their distaste and horror that they were required to dissect and experiment on animals as part of their training. Some 1 knew suppressed these feelings and got on with the job whilst others would go absent on dissection days. I decided simply to say that I objected to it and refused to do it, earning the contempt of the teacher for my "unscientific and unprofessional attitude". I could only point out that the same ethics which apply to experiments with human subjects should apply equally to animals, but this mainly fell on deaf ears. Some fellow students decided not to continue with biology after all. Do we lose as potential biologists the people most interested and concerned for animals ? It seems that our biological education methods as well as our agricultural methods need a big re-think. It is possible to gain conventionally recognisable high qualifications in certain branches of biology without animal experimentation and this I resolved to do. My studies of agricultural ecosystems confirmed my suspicions about the colossal waste of valuable food resources involved in Western agricultural practices. The grossly inefficient 10% conversion rate for plant to animal protein deprives hungry people and the cost of shipping animal feed halfway round the world adds to the squandering of energy and resources. We then proceed to debase ourselves still further by the callous treatment in intensive farming and slaughter of sensitive animals of the same evolutionary class as ourselves mammals - such as sheep, cattle and pigs. Few people realise that although animals are mostly considered less intelligent than humans, they are very similar to us emotionally. Indeed, animals are even more emotionally vulnerable than adult humans because animals, it seems, cannot rationalise and draw comfort from reason. Animals are emotionally very similar to human children. It is unspeakably cruel therefore to submit animals to the stresses involved in the intensive farming methods, deprivation and slaughter of the butchery and dairying industries. Konrad Lorenz, a most eminent and respe<Jted animal behaviourist, recognised that his greylag geese possess a veritable human capacity for grief'. So it Isn't only mammals that have emotions like our own. How can we ever justify the way we keep fowl In batteries for their miserable restricted lives, depriving them of all opportunity to follow their natural inclinations? As Spike Mllligan says If a robin redbreast in a cage Puts all heaven in a rage, How feels heaven when Dies the billionth battery hen? 4
Our whole agricultural policy is now completely out of hand. The established method of monoculturlng - growing large expanses of a single crop - encourages pest problems. So we use pesticides which have various deleterious effects not only on the pest but on other forms of life including pest predators. Workers involved In the manufacture and use of pesticides are also at risk as well as people eating foods containing pesticide residues. Pests tend to develop resistance to pesticides so new ones are synthesised. The whole system can become very unstable. Hedges are taken out as growers no longer need to protect their crops from livestock (now indoors in factory farms) and the land occupied by the hedge can be used to grow more crops. Removal of hedges means loss of species diversity, loss of windbreaks as well as loss of landscape character. Once the crop is harvested, artificial fertilisers are used to put back nutrients into the soil but use of these chemicals leads to loss of humus and soil microorganisms, destruction of soil structure, erosion, poor drainage and pollution problems, leaching and non-availability of nutrients. There is ever increasing dependence on fertiliser manufacturers and ever increasing costs in producing the same crop yield year after year. A minority of farmers are using older methods of mixed farming, using animal manure, crop rotation, etc., to replenish soil nutrients. This at least gets animals out of the factory farms. A better solution would be to grow crops using treated human sewage, crop rotation, green manuring, composting and other natural methods, dispensing with the need for manure from animals kept primarily for meat or other products. By writing for "The Vegan" I am of course preaching mainly to the converted. So what can vegans do to help others see the light? Most vegans live in groups of families or friends who are non-vegan/vegetarian. We can talk to them about the advantages, physical, mental and spiritual of being vegan. Let everyone see that by following the vegan way you have found a healthy, happy way to live. It is a beautiful way of life. By your cheerfulness, reasonableness, compassion and sheer joy you will influence others. It is tempting to withdraw from other people and set yourself apart; I have felt this but I am sure that talking with others and sharing our knowledge is vital. The myth that consumption of animal produce Is essential for human health must be exploded. It is often said by workers claiming higher wages, "We cannot afford meat every day of the week!" to help justify their claim. Recently a Polish woman wept on TV as she explained that her children had not had any butter for two months. Such appeals arouse sympathy but also reinforce Ideas that animal produce is a necessity. Food shortages in Poland as in other parts of the world are not helped at all by the direction of resources towards producing food of animal origin. Asa first step, we can encourage our meat-eating friends to cut down their meat Intake. This would make some contribution to ease the pressure on hungry humans and factory farmed animals. Any reduction in consumption of meat or dairy produce is to be welcomed. Friends might then progress through their own 5
reasoning and compassion to vegetarianism and veganlsm. They can be shown that it is now relatively easy to become vegan. All the spadework has been done by early vegans and backed up by scientific research. This knowledge could solve world hunger problems as well as stamping out forever the atrocities of animal husbandry. Richard Leakey, the anthropologist and palaeontologist, holds the view that our ancestors were not killer apes but lived in small groups on a largely vegetarian (vegan) diet, caring and sharing their resources. Only with settlement, acquisition of possessions, crops and animals and the development of large hierarchies did competitiveness, aggression and violence come to the fore. The vegan way can be a return to similar patterns of life as known by our earlier ancestors in terms of relationships with each other and the environment. Genetically we are not ruthless carnivores but more like peaceable herbivores. As new vegans joyfully experience the spiritual elevation of release from dependence on cruelty and deprivation, they are also saddened that the world is not yet ready to share their joy. But it is only through the effort of enlightened people that the human race as a whole, in addition to the wealth of knowledge it already has, will also gain the wisdom to bring in the New Age of Harmony for all life on the earth. Jacqueline Brown COW M I L K F O R C H I L D R E N Appeals to the D. H. S. S. from parents wishing to have help with the cost of buying soya milk for their children are calling forth longer and longer replies. As well as giving excuses on administrative and economic grounds, the officials continue to claim that "cows' milk is nutritionally better than soya milk". Yet the evidence against its use piles up. Dr. A. Strigner writes in a recent publication of the McCarrison Society: "We know now that lactase (one of the enzymes involved in the digestion of milk) disappears in approximately 50% of white babies and at the age of about 12 months; in 70% of black babies and 100% of Chinese. Because of the way in which we have been brought up and educated, milk is accepted as being a 'natural' food. If one assumes that man has been evolving for several million years and has been farming for only about 10,000 years, he has had access to milk for what, in evolutionary terms, is a very short time. Indeed, of all the mammals, man is the only creature to continue to use milk after weaning; milk which is not even human. " And, "Clinical evidence has been mounting, from the work of people like Dr. Theron Randolph and other pioneers in the United States of America, as well as that of Dr. Richard Mackarness in the U. K., and many other independent workers, that the use of milk and milk products, i. e., butter, margarine (containing whey), cream, cheese, yoghurt and any foods into which milk or milk products have been introduced, is harmful to health." Vegan parents are urged to continue their efforts and to keep i th ugh the Round Robin letter edited by Lis Howlett, Berks, RG3 IDA.. 6
There have probably always been people who have lived entirely on plant foods. The majority of the present population of the world have little choice about what they eat because they simply cannot afford animal foods. It is only within living memory, however, that people in the affluent West have decided to both practise and promote a diet which excluded all animal foods. The logic of this extension of the more established vegetarian diet has come to the fore how that animal farming has become so cruelly exploitive that it cannot be accepted by an increasing number of sensitive people. Past Ignorance about nutrition has been replaced by knowledge that is favourable to the vegan cause and many are now abstaining from animal foods on health grounds. The economic and ecological benefits of a vegan system of agriculture are now being recognised as a positive response to the world-wide problems of pollution, waste and hunger. The first reference to vegetarians who rejected all n^mal products, including butter, cheese, milk and eggs, was made by a Frenchman, Dr. Jules Lefevre, whose book "A Scientific Investigation into Vegetarianism" was published in French in 1920. In order to distinguish these strict vegetarians from the conventional vegetarians who simply refrained from flesh, fish and fowl Dr. Lefevre coined the word "vegÂŁtalien" and the French may rightfully ask what business the English had in coining another word for the same meaning! Perhaps the greatest "vÂŁg6talien" was Henri-Charles Geffroy, the legendary founder of "La Vie Claire", who died this year ab the age of 86. Henri-Charles Geffroy was a man ahead of Ms time. Gassed during the First World War, the conventional doctors had given him up before he made a miraculous recovery by following ancient methods of nature cure. From then on he devoted his life and fortune to the cause of sane eating. His first book, "Nourris ton corps", was published in 1941 and was the fore-runner of a whole series of books and pamphlets on natural health, wholefoods, pollution and nuclear power. The first edition of his monthly magazine "La Vie Claire" was published in August, 1946, and it is now a leading part of "La Vie Claire's" educational programme, which Includes free public lectures. "La Vie Claire" shops are found in every major town in France as well as in French-speaking Switzerland and Belgium. Their customers know that these shops guarantee fresh, organically grown wholefoods with the French equivalent of Tastex and Barmene being "La Vie Claire's" own brand of yeasty foods which contain vitamin B12. Isolated from France by Hitler's forces, people in England were responsible for, perhaps, the most significant event to further the cause of "vegetaliens" or, as they were first called in 1944, vegans. Donald Watson (to become the first secretary of the Vegan Society and the first editor of "The Vegan") wrote a letter to "The Vegetarian Messenger" in 1944 in response to which 30 readers sent one shilling to cover the first four quarterly Issues of a news-sheet on "non-dairy vegetarianism" which Donald had offered to publish. Donald soon coined the word "vegan" to replace this long, cumbersome title. Vegan was a contraction of 7
VEGetarlAN. This seemed a logical choice because veganism began i vegetarianism and carried all its arguments to their logical conclusion. Rather less logically, the new word was pronounced with a long E. In his first edition of "The Vegan News", in duplicated form of four pages, in November, 1944, Donald had invited his readership to suggest an alternative name for their new group. Replies included "Allvega", Neo-vegetarlans", 'Dairybans", "Vitans", "Benevore" and "Sanlvore". Not surprisingly, "Vegan" won the day! The early vegans tried at first to work from within the Vegetarian Society, but the latter decided that its full energies must continue to be applied to the task of abolishing flesh-eating, thus leaving the vegans the freedom of acting as an independent body. George Bernard Shaw wrote to the vegan pioneers to say that: "I can do without eggs, milk and cheese without being any the worse. They have never been an important part of my diet." One major obstacle to the acceptance of veganism even by vegetarians was that there was a question mark over the vegan diet's effect on health. The Government used this excuse to refuse to give extra rations of vegan food to the vegan pioneers despite allowing vegetarians extra rations of dairy produce in place of meat. The vegans rose to the challenge and worked out a diet that is now being widely recognised as in some respects at least healthier than the conventional diet and at the same time more economical in basic resources. Gandhi's example must have encouraged many to become vegetarian but when knowledge of the cruel treatment of cows and calves made him take "the further step" it was followed by illness and he compromised and took goats' milk. As if in answer to a prayer, the founding of the Vegan Society in 1944 was followed by the discovery of vitamin B12 by Lester Smith In England and by a team led by Folkers in the U. S. A. Dr. Frank Wokes, using his contacts in the Vegan Society, did much to further research into this important vitamin and it was made available to vegans in forms they could take (e.g., Barmene).. While some people may seem to need little or no dietary source, reports from those experiencing difficulty are frequent enough to make it wise to have regular supplies - or regular blood tests. If B12 products had been available to Gandhi he might have avoided the compromise that, as he wrote, caused him so much mental suffering. Similarly, George Bernard Shaw might have avoided the liver prescribed at the end of his life. Small in number, the vegan pioneers lived to bring up healthy vegan children and to encourage others by their example. Members were attracted from all over the world, for Donald Watson had founded "The Vegan Society" and this was never confined to Great Britain but was intended for all men, everywhere. An American Vegan Society was formed in 1960 by H. Jay Dinshah, to be followed by Vegan Societies in Sweden and in Australia, each with their own magazines and other publications. Vegan Society literature has been translated into n
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Swedish, Danish, Dutch and German, with some Danish vegans holding an International camp this summer (1981). Individual members are dotted around the globe in 36 countries, including such exotic places as the Seychelles, Tonga, Zimbabwe and Venezuela. Enquiries from universities, doctors and ordinary people are received from all over the world, while contact Is being made with other significant New Age movements which similarly don't allow political boundaries to restrict them reaching their fellow man. There has been a tremendous increase in interest in veganlsm in the last ten years, and the circulation of "The Vegan" has jumped from 500 to nearly 4,000. As Kathleen Jannaway, Secretary of the Vegan Society, wrote in the Summer 1981 Issue of "The Vegan", "Vegans have taken all plea of necessity from animal farming and thus introduced a whole new chapter in human history." And as Jack Sanderson pointed_out in "The Vegan" of Spring, 1974: ".. .because of what it /the word 'vegan'/ implies it will very soon become a word in common use. Those Who chose it chose well. It is perhaps not without significance that for the word 'vegan' one dictionary gives the definition 'an extensive, fertile and grass-covered plain' and another gives 'the brightest star in the constellation'." Laurence Main INTERNATIONAL VEGAN FESTIVAL DENMARK JULY 1981 During the busy week at the Festival for Mind, Body & Spirit at Olympia, I was privileged to receive an invitation to take the. Vegan Society Film, "A Better Future For All Life", to show at an International Vegan Festival in Denmark only a fortnight away. The event was being organised by our Danish member KIrsten Jungsberg and about 50 people were expected. How could I refuse ? Margaret PltJger, originally from Germany, and two members from Bath travelled from England and it was a great joy for us to meet the hospitable Danes, a lady from Finland, and Dee North and her party from Sweden.(The Swedish Vegan Society, founded by Dee in 1976, now has 673 members.) I think our greatest surprise and delight was when a French party of 14 arrived. They were from a 100-strong vegan co-op movement that runs a shop in Paris. They have two plots of land in the country outside, aim at being self-supportive and avoid orthodox medicine. They had been going for five years and seemed as surprised to hear of the Vegan Society as we were to hear of them. I was able to give a talk on the growth of the Vegan Society and many questions were forthcoming after the showing of the Society's film. Our thanks go to Kirsten and her Danish friends for their initiative and hard work. I feel that we shall be hearing much more about vegans overseas and, who knows, we may have a Vegan World Conference in the not too distant future! Serena Coles 9
Catering for anything between two and 11 people in a space measuring eight foot square can be difficult at the best of times, but the added problems of the room being tilted 30째 - or possibly even being joggled up and down - really do extend the abilities of the cook. However, we have found that vegetarian catering lacking in many smelly, rapidly decomposing foods - helps tremendously. Vegan catering is even better - without having to cope with milk, fragile eggs and mouldy cheese. Our home consists of 11 metres of plastic, shaped roughly like a pointed soap-dish. Various other plastic mouldings, fitted with windows, keep the rain and snow out, and a combination of wood and plastic divide the interior into compartments. Modern sailors call it a boat, posh people call it a yacht, rude old-timers call it a Tupperware tub. Whatever it is, we live on it - often with a number of "guests" who may or may not have inclinations towards vegetarianism or veganism. Our own reasons for being vegan are almost entirely "ethical", although we Inevitably take an interest in the value of the food we eat. About half of the people who visit us are either vegetarian or vegan, although the latter are less common that we'd like. The others are often Interested In the diet, but most are more interested in the boat or the places we visit or the fauna and flora we see. It is important to us that all of our visitors should go home feeling that veganism Is a completely acceptable and reasonable way of life and is not a cranky, limited, boring way of existing. Difficulties
The difficulties in preparing meals are fairly considerable. The cooker is a two-burner calor gas stove with small oven and grill. The work surface consists of an area five feet by 18 Inches (Including a small sink with a removable cover) plus the dining table which is two feet by four feet. Stowage space Is very limited but we have to buy much of our food in bulk at three or four month intervals. Fresh fruit and vegetables and some commoner Supermarket foods can generally be bought at weekends. Careful advanced planning Is essential, but we are very thankful for the tremendous variety and keeping-quality of so much of basic vegan requirements. We are also pleased to note the very rapid Increase in spread of wholefood shops and of "good" foods In some Supermarkets and large chemists. We even came across a butcher's shop In Ullapool which had a large rack of various soya "meats". A reoent cruise in Northern Europe has shown that the Interest in wholefoods and vegetarianism Is fairly widespread. Holland is possibly better off than we are. Northern Germany and Denmark are quite good. Norway and Sweden are not very good, In our own experience. At various times we have had to cope with gluten allergies, diabetes and 10
Crohn's disease (necessitating a fat-free diet) as well as a few fussy feeders which, fortunately, we don't often encounter. In all these cases (apart from one "cranky" meat-eater) the vegan, or vegetarian, catering has needed very little extra care to make It acceptable. In general, all of our food Is vegan but we provide some milk and cheese for those who want It. Where possible, we stick to wholefoods which are not often a problem (although the "continentals" eat some funny breads!). Apart from those who enthuse over every meal, from a bowl of All-bran to a five-course dinner, there are many who ask for recipes of this or that, and most people seem to be genuinely pleased with the food we eat. All of our main meals, the dinner or evening meal, are vegan so it is encouraging to feel that so many vegetarians are finding the "veganism for a week" so acceptable; and many non-vegetarians are also becoming more interested in a non-meat diet. Sources of help Recipe books make up a very small, but very important, part of the "ship's library", but the most useful of these are:What's Cooking? by Eva Batt; First Hand, First Rate (Vegan Society); Beyond the Staff of Life by Kief Adler (Thorsons Publishers Ltd., Wellingborough, Northants). This last book is particularly valuable to anyone wanting a gluten-free diet. Honey is used in some recipes. The following recipe is my own adaptation from one in the book â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Base: 3oz. soya flour, 3 oz. corn meal, 6 oz. oil Water to mix. Pinch of sea salt. Combine aU dry Ingredients. Work In the oil, then water until a "crumble" texture Is achieved. Press into pie-plate. Filling: 2 onions, 1 oz. oil, 1 oz. corn meal, 6 oz. lentils. Stock, Plamll and/ or water. Fry onions In oil until transparent. Mix in corn meal, then the liquid. Add lentils and cook until lentils have reached the texture you like. I judge the quantity of liquid as I go along - it should finish up as a thick sauce. Pour filling into base and bake in a hot oven for 20-30 minutes. If served hot, the filling will run out a bit. When cold, the pie is form enough to cut up for a packed lunch. Other fillings may include:Tinned tomatoes and pre-cooked chickpeas; onions, fresh or dried vegetables and vegan cheese; onions, red kidney beans and tomato paste; onions (we like onions!) T.V.P. and Tastex or Barmene; onion, apple, sage, ground almonds and Plamil; etc. Brian & Wendy Burnett. June, 1981 11
T H R E E THOUSAND M I L E S DOWN THE ROAD A recent news story In the national press highlighted the present African Women's 3,000 metre record holder. She is Justine Chepchirchir, a 13-year-old from the Nandi tribe In the Rift Valley region of Kenya. The story stated "she built up her stamina by running ten miles to and from school and her strength by a high protein diet of cattle blood and milk, a tribal favourite." There are some people who would attempt to claim this as evidence of the efficacy of animal-based foodstuffs In relation to athletic performance. There would appear to be at least two errors to this claim. First, it is an emphasis on the packaging of the nutrients, I. e., a confusion between form and content. Secondly It does not show that she could not have achieved this by following an alternative diet. Although my abilities and achievements fall far short of this I have managed without cattle blood and milk at least since I started to make a serious attempt at distance running. Last spring (1980) I decided to increase my running with the objective of running a marathon, having previously been a fair weather jogger. Shortly after (May-June) I switched to first a vegetarian diet followed a few weeks later by a move to the vegan diet. The menu I have offered myself has been, as I understand It, a fairly typical vegan selection with a few minor lapses. After having been running steadily for a few months (70 miles per week) I experienced symptoms which matched those described In a running book as due to Iron deficiency. These disappeared after taking an Iron supplement for a few weeks. They did however reappear later in the year and the same pattern was re repeated. I am now trying to increase my training for a marathon in August but I am hoping to avoid the need for supplements by increasing my consumption of iron-rich foods, notably soya. My intention is to guide my diet In a food reform direction but I am having difficulty in cutting out conventional desserts, i. e., those containing a high fat and sugar content. Since I can justify the calorie intake or most of it, they are harder to resist. When I first moved to a vegan diet I did experience some mild concern about the nutritional aspects, mostly it appears stemming from ignorance. Apart from the iron problem mentioned above which in any case is not peculiar to the vegan diet the situation seems to be dominated by a surplus of calories and no known deficit of nutrients at least in the short run. At the time I hypothesised that if there were any nutritional deficiencies in my version of the vegan diet they would show up more quickly and be more noticeable with the stress of regular training. It Is surprising how easy it has seemed. For those curious about the number In the title, It is the approximate number of miles rim during the 12 months ending May, 1981. Brian Wood (the vegan entrant in this year's London Marathon) /_Richard Carruthers also ran successfully In a Paris Marathon and collected money from sponsors to donate to the College of Naturopathy where he is a student/ 12
by Laurence
Marathon runner Brian Wood's article in this issue of "The Vegan" is not the only evidence of athletes thriving on a vegan diet. Older vegans will recall the Belfast all-round athlete and long-distance swimmer Jack McClelland. Jack, who now runs a health centre and three health food shops in Northern Ireland, made headlines in the 1960s with his swimming feats. His deeds spoke more than words, but Jack reacted like a true Irishman to a correspondent to "Health for All" in 1968 who had written that vegans were following a course of slow starvation! "The Vegan" of Autumn, 1968, reprinted, just as it was, a letter which appeared in the July, 1968, Issue of "Health for All" with the kind permission of the publishers: "We (vegans) who are about to die salute you! We are following a course of slow starvation, and it must be tragic for those of us who are aware of it. However, I am one of the most ignorant vegans one could hope to meet and my stupid body has refused to fade away by even an itsy-bitsy halfstone since taking up crazy, way-out veganism 16 years ago. Prior to becoming vegan I was a vegetarian from childhood. My chest measures 51 inches, biceps 16^ inches and thighs 26 inches. I scale 14 f stone at a height of 5' 8" and the only illness I have to deal with is amongst the patients who come to my clinic. "As a vegetarian I won an Irish (professional) wrestling title. In my seventeenth year I completed a non-stop swim in the sea of 17 miles and at the same period could run a mile in five minutes and cycle 25 miles in 1 hour and 5 minutes. Since seeing the light of veganism I have swum every bay and lough in Ireland, including the 24-mile fresh-water Lough Neagh. I have swum the Straight of Gibraltar from Spain to Africa and done several other long swims of up to 30 miles in the Mediterranean. Last year I managed to get within a couple of miles of completing the crossing of the Wash from Skegness to Hunstanton. This particular swim has never been accomplished yet, but my attempt is recorded as being the nearest ever to completion - and it too was done on a "fade-away" Vegan diet! Several years ago, in competition against 24 meateaters in the English Channel Race, I managed to collect the first prize in my emaciated condition. "This year 1 hope to swim Lake Zurich and also swim from Tory Island off the Donegal coast of Ireland to the mainland - still 100% vegan, Mr. Meyerson /the previous letter-writer/, and feeling great! Before rushing into print again you should consult sone athletes who follow a vegan diet, or at least a low-protein lacto-vegetarian diet, instead of quoting from the writings of some egghead who doesn't know what he is talking about. I have been in the company of several of the big names in the field of natural health literature from time to time and believe me they should be the last people to write on health subjects. Some of these people were showing symptoms of disease from catarrh through to vitiligo. I eat very little protein, certainly below 5%, existing on one meal a day, 13
except at weekends when I eat twice; I run two shops and a clinic, swim 20 miles every week, and sleep a maximum of 40 hours a week. I believe that a baby is best fed on mother's milk without the addition of any of the so-called baby foods, at least until weaning has been completed. If we analyse mother's milk it will be found to be well below 5% In protein - and remember a healthy baby will double Its weight In six months and treble It in a year. "I apologise for having to write in the first person singular, but in this way, Mr. Meyerson, you can be assured of first-hand experience from someone who quotes his own way of life. Incidentally, my wife follows roughly the same pattern of eating and I have yet to meet a girl who suffers less Illness. She gets through a fantastic amount of work in six days a week, supervises my feeding on most swims, several of which have taken place in almost gale force conditions when meat-eating journalists (and some crew-men too!) have been prostrated in agonies of sea-sickness. "One of these days I hope to find the time to write a long artlole or maybe a book on my ideas of natural living. Then I'll be able to tell you about people whom I've been privileged to know - like Harry Bonnie, for example, a gentle, life-loving vegan giant who gave up professional boxing because he didn't have the heart any more to hurt anyone or anything. And I'll be able to tell you about vegan strong men I know who can lift an automobile off the ground, or who can push six railroad trucks along the track. "The Golden Rule of Life is to obey the Sixth Commandment and to follow the dietary teachings as shown in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 1 vv 29 and 30. "With best wishes for enlightenment of all true health-seekers. Jack McClelland (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
Extract from the Belfast Sunday News, July 14, 1968: "The 12 miles of storm-tossed Atlantic water between Tory Island and the Donegal mainland was conquered yesterday by Belfast long-distance swimmer Jack McClelland. For seven and a half hours McClelland fought against vicious ocean currents and tricky tides in his successful bid to swim the last unconquered strip of water off the European mainland. It was the toughest endurance test of the swimmer's career. He had to combat cross-tides and when he was half-way across a strong wind blew up, adding to the hazards. The worst moment came when he was caught in a whirlpool caused by opposed tides and was swept over and down. "The 12 mile swim, never before successfully conquered, has always been a challenge and Jack had been looking forward to. making the attempt for quite a long time. I say "making the attempt" but in fact Jack had no doubts at all that he would succeed, although It is known to be "very tough" water. So bad that in the winter Tory Island is often cut off from the mainland for weeks." L. Main 14
Welcome to the AUTUMN
The Autumn Meetings will be held on the weekend of October 17 and 18 at Friends Meeting House, Wharncliffe Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth. On the Saturday morning some of the Bournemouth Vegans will be leafletting in and around the Boscombe Shopping Arcade. Do join us if you can - we need all the help we can get to interest local residents and so get them to come to our meetings. At midday there will be light refreshments before the business meeting which Is timed for 1.00 p. m. sharp At 2.15 p.m. the public will be admitted. Jean Pink, herself a vegan, and founder of that very active and internationally successful organisation Animal Aid (many of you helped in the recent Revlon campaign), has very kindly agreed to speak about its work of calling public attention to the still little known facts about vivisection and the results achieved in a comparatively short time. Later, the vegan film "A Better Way for All Life" will be screened particularly for the benefit of non-vegans who, we hope, will have been enticed in, and Vanessa Munro of SPECTRUM will entertain with folk songs, one of which, 'Without a Voice", she has composed specially for us. She will be accompanied by guitarist Paul Darby. Somewhere in between - the timing will have to be a little elastic - refreshments will be served. (Volunteers will be needed to help with the serving to save precious time in queuing.) I am pleased to say that we have now been able to arrange with the proprietor of the vegetarian restaurant "Mr. Natural" (77 Southbourne Grove, Southbourne, a short bus ride from the Hall) for vegan refreshments to be available on Saturday and, for those able to stay over, on Sunday afternoon before leaving. The expense, including that of liquid refreshment, will be borne initially by the Society but members can help with generous contributions towards the cost or, as usual, by bringing home-made goodies to share. Small savouries and cakes, nuts and fruit are most acceptable, but please not anything requiring kitchen attention! Scrubbing and grating carrots, washing lettuce, etc., or making sandwiches for Instance will not be possible. Sandwiches will travel quite well if packed in plastic bags and the Bournemouth Vegan Group will supply all the saladings, some of which will be home grown - slugs permitting of course! Sunday morning will be free to enjoy Bournemouth and In the afternoon we hope that Vanessa and Paul will be free to entertain again with their special kind of music. This will be followed by an "Any Questions?" session which we think will be of particular interest to those who have only recently adopted the vegan way of living - and thank goodness there are many of them! 15
If time allows, some of you may be interested In hearing about the "fun and games" as well as the frustrations connected with the compiling of our Shopping News. We shall also welcome short reports of any unusual, humorous or outstanding experiences from other Vegan Groups. Pressure of time, not disinterest, will require them to be short. Eva Batt - on whom, with the help of the Bournemouth Group, the work of arranging the meetings has fallen.
DAY COURSE IN VEGAN NUTRITION - Richmond Adult College (a few minutes walk from Richmond Station), Saturday, October 24. Lectures, demonstrations and a chance to meet and talk with experts and other vegans. £6.50 including lunch and supper. Full details, S. A.E. to Vegan Society, 47 Highlands Road, VEGETARIAN SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM ON "GOOD HEALTH" at the Commonwealth Institute Theatre, Kensington High Street, London, W. 8, Saturday, September 26. Lectures on Acupuncture, Transcendental Meditation, Pregnancy, Cancer, Migraine. Tickets £1.50 and further information from Vegetarian Centre, 53 Marloes Road, London, W. 8 (01-385 2770). S.A.E. please. NATURE CURE CLINIC Lectures at Friends House, Euston Road, London, N.W.I. October 28, "Eyes and Vision", Walter Reeves, Opthalmic Practitioner. December 2, "Herbalism", Elizabeth Brooke, Herbal Practitioner. 6.00 p. m. for 6. 30 p. m. prompt. £1. 20 each lecture; £5.00 series of five. Tickets and further details from the Clinic, 15 Oldbury Place, London, W1M 3AL. ANIMAL FAIR 1981 Thursday, November 19, 11.00 a. m.-5.00 p. m.; Friday, November 20, 10.00 a. m. -1.00 p. m.; at Chelsea Town Hall. The Vegan Society plans to have a stand again. If you can help, please phone Serena Coles 8.009.00 a. m. or after midday, 01-660 7518.
RAST MEETINGS MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT FESTIVAL June, 1981. Our stand did well again this year, largely because of the tireless efforts of Serena Coles who sends thanks to all her many helpers for their "wonderful teamwork" and especially to Winifred Jones, vegan for 43 years, who "stepped into the breach at a moment's notice and kept the cheese tasters going all week. See page 25 for a report by Olive Jones. GARDEN PARTY June, 1981. About 100 adults and 25 children enjoyed one of the few fine days this summer in the garden of the Jannaways' home in Leatherhead. The chief interest of the day was undoubtedly - and rightly - the children. Their vitality and good humour were a marvellous advertisement for their diet. Thanks are due especially to Serena, Grace, Ruth and our other helpers in the kitchen and at the stalls and all who brought contributions to the much appreciated tea. 16
ANIMAL AID AND THE LD50 TEST Following on their successful campaign against cruel tests by cosmetics companies which have now given grants amounting to nearly £1 million for research into methods not involving animals, Animal Aid workers are turning their attention to the LD50 test. In this test drugs, weedkillers, detergents, fly sprays, cosmetics, paints, etc., are inflicted on groups of animals, dogs, rats, monkeys, mice, guinea pigs, and the dosage increased until 50% of these animals die. Animal Aid is mounting a major campaign against a multi-national company that currently uses this test. Doubtless Jean Pink will tell us how we can cooperate when she speaks after our A. G. M. in Bournemouth, October 17 (see page 15). LAMBS - HANDLE WITH CARE! Meat-eaters often deceive themselves that the animals that die to satisfy their unnecessary demand for flesh are humanely treated. A glance through farming journals would soon disillusion them. A typical example appeared this June in "The Suffolk Farmer" under the above title. The concern was not for the animals' feelings but for the need to prevent "carcase damages". So much harm is done by rough handling, "prodding with sticks", overloading and trampling, harassment by dogs,, careless vaccination, dosing, ear-tagging, that "10% of the carcases are devalued." SLIDE SET NOW AVAILABLE A new version of the slide set shown at last year's A. G. M. is now ready for circulation. It comprises 42 slides portraying the suffering of animals in factory farms and the vegan alternative with its healthy vegan families living with wiser use of land. It has been skilfully prepared by Raymond Hudson, who will sell a set to anyone who sends £9.00 to cover cost of production and postage to: "Allington", Newport Road, Great Bridgeford, Stafford, ST18 9PR. A set can be borrowed from Laurence Main (address above) on condition that a deposit of £9.50 is -sent, £8.50 of which will be refunded upon the safe return of the slides. B12 AGAIN While most vegans seem to manage well as regards this vitamin "essential for the health of every cell in the body", a few still report running into difficulties. As its value is decreased to a certain degree by heating, it is recommended that Barmene and Tastex be added at the last minute to soups and savouries. About a teaspoonful a day of-these yeast extracts should suffice. "The Vegetarian Baby" by Sharon Yntema, published by Thorsons, £3.50. We have had time to do no more than skim this book but it is clearly written and contains a lot of information that should be very useful to vegan as well as vegetarian parents. 17
SENT IN BY MEMBERS Please let us have yours.
YEAST & TOMATO SPREAD | oz. yeast (dried or fresh) 4 tblsp. oil 2 tblsp. water 2-3 oz. Soyolk or 4 oz. tomatoes similar fine heatBarmene to taste treated soya flour Method Cream yeast with water. Fry tomatoes in oil. Add yeast and simmer and stir for five minutes. Stir in soya flour and flavour with Barmene. Use as sandwich spread. Will keep for about a week in fridge. Ann Shepherd HUMMUS SPREAD 5 lb. chick-peas 1 | tblsp. oil Juice | lemon 2 tbls. Tahini J clove garlic Seasoning or Barmene Well cook chick-peas and blend in other ingredients. M. Kinchin BAKED WHOLEWHEAT SPAGHETTI CASSEROLE 6-8 servings 1 lb. wholewheat spaghetti 1 cup raw cashews | cup onion (chopped) g cup lemon juice 4 cup celery (diced) Wholemeal breadcrumbs 1 clove garlic 1 cup tomatoes Salt, 2 tblsp. + if tsp. Oil to saute + £ cup \ tsp. paprika 2 tblsp. sesame seeds Cook the spaghetti in five quarts of water + 2 tblsp. salt. Cook until firm but tender (al dente) about 10 minutes. Drain. Sauce: saut£ onion and celery in a little oil + garlic. Blend these with the cashews, paprika, 1 cup water, lemon juice, sesame seeds, salt, \ cup of oil (added slowly), tomatoes. Mix blended sauce with spaghetti, place in a greased baking dish, top with seasoned breadcrumbs and bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Serve with a tossed vegetable salad. Hermione Gowland Hermione Gowland is teaching VEGAN COOKERY CLASSES in North London, this Autumn. Ring 01-340 1898.) APPLE "RINGS" Apples will probably be in short supply this winter so it will be well worth while to preserve all you can. Slice the firm parts of those that will not keep raw and dry slowly on racks over radiator or at very slow temperature in the oven with the door open. Land Cress sown now will give dark green salad during the spring "hungry gap". 18
BARLEY SAVOURY 3-4 servings 2 oz. whole barley flakes 2 oz. lentils 4 oz. tomatoes or onions
3 tblsp. oil 1 tsp. Barmene Basil or other herbs to taste Simmer barley in \ pint water until soft. Simmer lentils until fluffy and nearly dry. Fry tomatoes or onion in oil. Stir together, add herbs and Barmene and serve. Barley is a valuable food, whole flakes being more nutritious than pearl barley, and is insufficiently used. Try it as a drink (see page 81 in "What's Cooking?"), as a pudding with soya milk - home-made or Plamil - and in soups. Recipes for cakes, breads and biscuits would be welcome. Please experiment and send in your results for inclusion in these pages. K. J.
BANANA CAKE (or loaf) approx. § lb. ripe bananas 4 oz. Tomor 8 oz. S.R. 81% flour, or 8 oz. plain flour 2-3 oz. soft brown sugar + 3 level tsp. baking powder. (You can use wholemeal flour with bran sifted out - add this to your muesli!) Method Cream Tomor and sugar, beat in ripe bananas and add flour. Grease a 2 lb. loaf tin and bake at 375° for approx. 45 minutes. When a day old, if you can keep it this long, slice and spread with Tomor. N. B. Really ripe bananas, i. e., when you can smell the sweetness, help to make the loaf rise; this is due to the enzymes. Some will want to leave out the sugar. Dates and chopped walnuts are a nice addition to this recipe. Diana Edmondson BEWARE BEANS Members are reminded that all beans, and especially red kidney beans, should be well cooked or well germinated and that the water they are soaked in and cooked in should be thrown away. So add to your stews just before serving. An authoritative article on this subject has been promised for the Winter '81 'Vegan". It will explain why and how chemicals in the beans are harmful to humans while performing a valuable function in the life history of the plant. 19
of m ?
Leo Tolstoy had Invited to dinner a non-vegetarian lady who had stipulated that meat must be served. When he escorted her to the dinner table she found a live chicken tied to her chair. When asked the meaning of this the great man replied: "My conscience forbids me to kill it; as you are the only guest taking meat I would be greatly obliged if you would undertake the killing yourself." It is reported that the meal was strictly vegetarian. Comparatively few people would eat chicken if they had to kill the birds themselves, but many vegetarians even are happy to eat eggs because they keep comfortably unaware of the associated killing. In order to get laying hens you have to have fertile eggs and half the eggs will hatch into male chicks. These are killed at once or raised as table birds (usually these days in broiler houses) and slaughtered as soon as they reach an economic weight. So for every freerange hen happily scratching around the garden or farm who, if she were able to bargain, would probably willingly pay rent with her daily infertile egg, a corresponding male from her batch is enduring existence in a broiler house or has already been subjected to slaughter In a particularly nauseating fashion. Even the free-range hen will usually end up in the slaughter-house as soon as her egg production drops. Small owners, keeping for family use only, may be willing to feed them through the annual moult, but few will persist for many years if the hen really "goes off lay". Commercially viable concerns probably find it pays to cull at the second or third moult. Town dwellers moving into the country in search of self-dependent, nonexploitive life-styles find it hard to smother their compassion when they have to send for slaughter the birds they have treated as pets. Moreover they find It a difficult and expensive business to prevent their free hens ranging over their vegetable patches with disastrous results. In spite of the many advertisements with misleading "Farm Fresh" captions below pictures of happy, scratching hens, only 5% of eggs produced in this country are from free-range hens. Most of the other 95% are from battery houses though there are now welcome experiments in straw yard and deep litter projects. Few people now can be entirely ignorant of the horrors of the battery cage system. The hens, when they reach laying age, are crammed into cages, often four birds to a cage only 15 inches by 19 inches. They have not even room to stretch their wings. They cannot perch, scratch or even preen themselves properly. Their feet become deformed by constant standing on wire floors. Food and water is supplied mechanically and the eggs roll away down the sloping floors. They are often "de-beaked" lest the close confinement and boredom cause them to peck their fellow prisoners. Eggs may be a good source of well-balanced, easily digested protein but if 20
produced In battery systems, as they nearly all are, It is difficult to believe that they are not adulterated as a result of the frequent medication to which the hens are subjected in order to keep them alive and laying in basically unhealthy conditions, to say nothing of such refinements as the chemicals added to the feed to "Improve" the watery whites and pale yolks that are typical of battery eggs. Even "free-range eggs" from healthy chickens are very high in cholesterol excess consumption of which is widely recognised as associated with heart disease - a major killer of Western males in their prime. Vegans have proved that all animal products are unnecessary for the maintenance of health and their books have many well tried replacements for eggs in all kinds of recipes (see publications page). In cake-making, one teaspoonful of arrowroot, for binding, and one teaspoonful of soya, for food value, will replace an egg. Baking powder will be found to be a sufficient raising agent. Even light sponges can be made after some practice, using extra baking powder and oil as fat. For other egg recipes agar agar is a gelling and binding agent. It is made from seaweed and is a good source of iron and a very good source of calcium. One teaspoonful of agar simmered in half a pint of boiling water will set firmly as soon as it cools. For the not-so-health-consclous, ICI make an egg substitute suitable for meringues, macaroons, icings, souffles, etc. It is widely used commercially but can now be had in small quantities together with recipe sheets from 25 Burden Lane, Cheam, Surrey. Those who miss their scrambled egg might like to try the following recipe. INSTEAD OF SCRAMBLED EGG 4 tblsp. oil 2 tblsp. soya flour 6 flat tblsp. millet 1 dsp. Barmene and other flavouring pints water. Heat the oil in a pan and cook the millet In it for a few minutes until It begins to change colour. Remove from heat and add soya mixed in hot water. Simmer gently, stirring at intervals to prevent sticking. Add more water if necessary. Add flavouring and Barmene when the grain is soft. Serve with tomatoes on toast or as main dish with vegetables. (This recipe, submitted by Ann Shepherd, appeared In the Autumn 1974 issue of "The Vegan".) Kathleen Jannaway
We have three new Local Vegan Contacts this quarter, being:SUSSEX: DERBYSHIRE: SOUTH YORKSHIRE: Please note new addresses for the following Local Vegan Contaots: DEVON (NORTH): TYNE & WEAR: NEW ZEALAND:
Lists of Local Contacts - for those who have handed on their recent "Vegans" - can be had from me, Laurence Main (address below), on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope. (Please do remember to send stamps with all communications requiring an answer.) Some news from Groups has been received and is summarised below. Please let me know what your Group Is doing so that I can report it at the A. G. M. and include mention of it in the Winter "Vegan". BRISTOL
Serena Coles's talk In Bristol on June 11 was attended by over 30 people thanks to the efforts of Margaret Woolford and Claire Milne, our Local Vegan Contacts. It gave Margaret an opportunity to talk on veganlsm on Radio Bristol. THE MIDLANDS Our new West Midlands Group manned our stall at the Leamington Spa Peace Festival at which Kathleen Jannaway gave a talk. Full details of the Group's programme of events are available from Howard Rootkin (tel. 021 706 2987). Grace Taft, our Local Vegan Contact for East Staffordshire, had a vegan window display in her local library this summer and Helen Young Is to give a vegan cookery demonstration in Northampton on September IS. WALES AND THE MARCHES Joan Bryan, our Local Vegan Contact for Gwent, gave a talk on veganlsm at Ellesmere College, Shropshire, on July 8. Anybody interested in joining Joan's Wholefood Cookery Club (with the aim being to educate members towards 22
veganism) should telephone Usk 2429. The Ley-Hunters' Moot was held In Hereford this year In honour of Alfred Watklns (of "Old Straight Track" fame) and Valerie Alferoff was there to represent the vegan cause in what 1s a significant New Age gathering. Who knows what discoveries await us in the field of Earth Energies and ley-lines? It is now clear that pre-hlstoric man was more in harmony with his environment than we are and that he left clues for us to understand the significance of such places as Stonehenge. "The Ley Hunter" is another New Age pioneer and is available from P. O. Box 13, Welshpool, Powys. THE NORTH Our new Local Vegan Contact for South Yorkshire, Marie Hodgson, and Ann Barclay ran our stall at the Animals Rights symposium in Sheffield on June 27, attracting a great deal of interest and selling out of all their stock of books. John Strettle, our Local Vegan Contact for Tyne and Wear, is hoping to unfurl e has settled into his new home ( Please write to him offerin art of the North East. SCOTLAND Despite our best endeavours we are still lacking Local Vegan Contacts for Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow. We have a lot of members in these regions and would hope to be able to form flourishing local groups. LOCAL VEGAN CONTACTS are still required for other areas. We shall ask you to help further our cause in a number of ways but please don't be put off if you think you couldn't manage what we suggest. The most important way of advertising veganism is by personal example. As Dugald Semple, past secretary of the Vegetarian Society, wrote in "The Vegan" of Spring, 1948: "I can think of no better method of propaganda than showing that veganism means being better men and women." If we always remember that veganism is an expression of Compassion and Truth, upon .which the New Age must be based, then we should avoid the dangers of being discouraged by hostility and ignorance or of presenting our case by the wrong methods. A letter in "The Vegan", Spring 1959, has this passage "You will that persons who display compassion towards animals are always kind and gentle in their attitude to their fellow-man. For it is a law of the universe that the greater shall sacrifice itself for the lesser." Let's make it true. VEG wa considerably by following a vegan diet. He has offered his services as a Contact for other vegan diabetics and hopes that they will correspond with him. 23
THE WEST Jack Sanderson's tour of Devon and Somerset In July was very successful with a total of 102 people listening to Jack's talks and seeing our film In four d t e and Taunton. John Wakefield, of , is following up the Exmouth and Ex gular meetings in his own home. Vida Hall, our Barnstaple Local Contact (tel. Barnstaple 76304) also has the nucleus of a local group and planned to promote the vegan cause at her local RSPCA summer fete. The Taunton Local Group followed Jack's visit with a "taste-in" and full details of their other regular meetings, which are held on the last Thursday of each month in the Friends Meeting House, Bath Place, Taunton, are available from Robin or Veronica Dawson (tel. Taunton 75673). BERKS & BUCKS Our Reading Local Group ambitiously planned to have a stall at the R ding t. Regular meetings are still being held at Lis Howlett's, Reading. A member was attacked by farmers at the Hlllingdon Show because she was giving out vegan leaflets. She is an experienced campaigner, both for us and C. I. W. F. and Animal Aid, and knows not to incite violence but to peacefully present our case to those who have open minds. This dreadful exhibition of violence by some farmers only reinforces the theory held by some that the evils of factory farming and of other forms of animal husbandry must corrupt the perpetrators of such a violent system. As our message must be taken more seriously now by the farming community we must brace ourselves for more of these attacks. Greed caused by self-interest and heavy investment is bound to have its effect. We must never give them an excuse for their cruelty . Now, more than ever, is the time for calmness, wisdom, love and understanding. It is sad to record that there are also some, who claim to be vegan, who use violent methods. Let there be no mistake that such methods only do the greatest harm to our cause. The vegan message is unassailably right. It only needs people to practise It and not to defame it. FORTHCOMING EVENTS Edmondson plans a VEGAN EVENING at her home, Worcester, on Saturday, September 26 at 7. 30 ink and music welcomed. 5th Annual Ideas Fair, Broadway Adult Centre, North Herts College, Broadway, Letchworth, Herts, on Saturday, November 28, from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. The Vegan Society will be participating. BACK COPIES OF SOME ISSUES OF "THE VEGAN" are available from Laurence Main for 15p each plus S. A. E. Address - see Publications page 24
FESTIVAL FOR MIND-BODY-SPIRIT, OLYMPIA, JUNE 1981 This year I had the very enjoyable and rewarding experience of working at Olympia with fellow vegans In the friendly atmosphere of The Vegan Society stand. On entering the Festival hall I was delighted to see our small stand was occupying a prominent corner position on the right hand side of the main entrance with the front facing into the centre of the hall. To the right of the centre space the Friends of the Earth, 10th Anniversary celebration feature, a giant globe of Planet Earth suspended over an exhibition keyed to environmental awareness (the theme of this year's festival),dominated the scene. Our stand Is backed by an array of attractive posters proclaiming the vegan message. The "Vegan" journal, numerous books and leaflets are neatly set out. Food for tasting temptingly displayed. We are ready. It is 11 o'clock, the 6th International Festival for Mind, Body and Spirit is about to commence and it is the start of what turned out to be a very busy week. The Festival was a grand opportunity to meet other vegans; many came to the stand to support us, some bringing food for tasting. Our stand was never free from Inquirers. We had an enormous amount of interest from lacto-vegetarlans who are becoming increasingly aware of the cruelty Involved in milk production and the hazards to health in consuming dairy produce. There was also a lot of Interest in the raw food salads containing sprouted seeds and grains. On Thursday we are booked to do a food display and tasting in the demonstration area. At 2.45 p.m. we assembled in the wings of the demonstration area with small tables, each helper arranging their own table with food they had prepared. At 3 o'clock the tables were placed side by side across the stage and we stood behind them. We are announced. On hearing the announcement and seeing the mouth-watering display of food a crowd quickly gathered. Jack Sanderson stood behind us and explained over the microphone what veganism was all about, no one was in any doubt about the non-animal contents of the food, and then he Invited the crowd to step forward and sample our efforts. They needed no second bidding. For 45 minutes we stood handing out samples and explaining recipes. Many cookery books were sold on stage. Then to everyone's disappointment our time was up; we had to move back to the Vegan stand where literature sales were extremely good for the rest of the day. Special thanks must go to Hermlone Gowland, the only professional among us, for the wonderful display of food she prepared. The recipes prepared for the public to taste the whole week were mostly from the "Vegan" journal and the Society's cookery books. This resulted in a very good sale of literature. A great deal of effort was put In by everyone concerned to make our short stay at Olympia a success, and I think we can confidently say veganism is showing the way. Olive J ones 25
Revised and enlarged with over 300 recipes plus 30 pages of nutritional advice and helpful hints, "What's Cooking?" is a valued addition to every kitchen and is especially appreciated by newcomers to the vegan way of life. With its explicit and easy to follow directions it is already used in over 8,000 homes. £3.00 plus 50p - p&p FIRST HAND: FIRST RATE by K. Jannaway. Sixty simple recipes for economical, healthy living (savouries, cakes, etc., with oil and no sugar). VEGAN NUTRITION by Frey Ellis, M.D., F.R.C. Path., & T. Sanders, Ph.D. (Nutr.). Scientific assessment of vegan diet based on recent research. Easy to follow tables. PLANT FOODS FOR HUMAN HEALTH with reference to the diseases of affluence and the needs of the developing world, by Prof. J. Dickerson, University of Surrey. THE ROLE OF PLANT FOODS IN FEEDING MANKIND by Prof. A. Bender, University of London. VEGAN MOTHERS AND CHILDREN. Booklet by 10 vegan mothers plus reports of recent research. IN LIGHTER VEIN by Eva Batt. Verses to amuse and arouse pity. SALADINGS from the garden and hedgerow, by Mabel Cluer. VEGAN SHOPPERS' GUIDE compiled by Eva Batt - Spring 1980, food items Autumn 1980, mainly other items SOLD BUT NOT PUBLISHED BY THE VEGAN SOCIETY T H E V E G E T A R I A N HANDBOOK - guide to vegetarian (including vegan) nutrition by Amerian author Rodger Doyle
THE CIVILISED A L T E R N A T I V E by Jon Wynne Tyson - plea for eclectic approach to world religions, philosophies and social theories.
FOOD FOR A FUTURE by Jon Wynne Tyson.
STAND & DELIVER by Kenneth Brown, invaluable & lively guide to public speaking.
Shops, guest houses, health stores, health centres etc. U.K. & abroad
All prices include postage. Cheques payable to V E G A N SOCIETY. From L. Main, 9 Mawddwy Terrace, M I N L L Y N , nr. Machynlleth, SY20 9LW
65p 65p 35
45p P 65p P 65p 77p 6 5
7 5
SPREADING THE MESSAGE I have long considered Jon Wynne-Tyson's "Food For A Future" to be one of the best and most important books I have ever read. The writing is admirable in its simplicity and its logic is unanswerable. It cuts through one's double-think about animals, and all the emotional and selfish rationalisations with which people attempt to justify the unjustifiable. I have often said I would like to see a copy in every household in the country, and though this may be just a trifle unrealistic, we can at least ensure that it Is available to a much wider readership than at present. I have sent ÂŁ50 to the Society, to be used to distribute 24 or 25 copies to public libraries in the U. K. (the choice to be at the Society's discretion). Since I am sure no-one can read this book without seriously considering a change in their eating pattern, I feel such action could be a useful contribution to education and change, and if any other readers would like to join in we could increase its distribution considerably. Though we could not quantify the results, the implications could be far-reaching. G. McGleod Will members willing to help by finding out whether their local libraries have already got copies and if not whether they would accept copies (paper or hardback) please write to L. Main, address on Publications page 26. "THE NEW OWENITES" "The New Owenites" aim to build a world free of human and animal exploitation and oppression through any socially acceptable means possible, especiaUy cooperative, vegan communities. The communities will be based on the ideas of Robert Owen and other Utopian thinkers with the addition of veganism and humanism and other modern ideas. Marx and others caused Utopia to become a dirty word but how much happiness has Marxism brought into the world? It is now time to resurrect the Utopian dream and make it reality. Many will say it can't be done, but how many times have we heard that before? It's just an excuse for not doing anything. If man can fly to the planets and do a million other things that were once thought impossible, why should we not learn to live together In harmony? The least anyone can do to help in this task is to become a member (free subscription) in order to swell the numbers and as to the most you can do, even the sky Is not the limit but the first thing anyone should do Is go to the library and read about the ideas and communities of the O hinkers. S. A. E. for details to: Robert Howes, , Kent. 27
VEGUS HOUSING CO-OP Over a year ago I had the idea of starting a vegan co-op using short-life property in Islington on much the same lines as Wray Crescent with the help of Alpay Torgut (North London Vegan Contact). But alas, I could find neither the house nor its members. About five months ago I was cycling over Blackheath where I live thinking how to start a South London vegan community when, as if in answer, I passed three Victorian houses, two of which were obviously unoccupied. I stopped and made inquiries as to the owner and found that they belonged to Lewisham Council who had neither the money nor resources to maintain them and that they were also on ,he short life housing list. I then made inquiries as to the best means of acquiring them. I was told I needed seven members to form a housing co-op and to affiliate with an established housing association. This involved a mountain of red tape! After negotiating with three housing associations without success, our present housing association contacted us to say they would act on our behalf on condition that we undertake all repairs and general maintenance. This entails a great deal of work and the state of the houses are as follows â&#x20AC;&#x201D; No. 61. The middle house is in good repair as tenants still occupy the ground floor and are moving shortly. All the rooms in this house have been allotted to the present members of the Co-op. No. 59 requires work on the roof, re-plumbing and re-wiring. So far we have cleared out the rubbish from the house and frontage and begun work on the garden. There are two or three prospective members for this house. No. 63 has some of the roof missing which we intend to repair with glass or perspex and turn the attic into a greenhouse. Ceilings need repair due to water damage. Re-plumbing and re-wiring is required. We have not touched this house yet and the front door is still bricked up. It must be obvious from the foregoing descriptions that anyone wishing to join our venture will have a lot of work on their hands in helping to restore these beautiful buildings. However, if you are active and wish to meet us and to see the houses you will be amazed at their potential. They are listed buildings worthy of conservation in a beautiful spot on the edge of Blackheath with a good view over London and only five minutes from Lewisham train and bus stations. The licences on these properties could extend for five to seven years. Rates are payable which, if divided between six people per house works out at just over ÂŁ3.00 per week each. It was through attending the monthly vegan socials over the last 18 months (on the last Tuesday of the month at the Nature Cure Clinic, Oldbury Place, N. W. 1) that the members were found. All seven present members are active vegans who share the wish to live together and promote an active Vegan Centre. We will be establishing an office which will deal with veganism and all animal rights activities, i. e., anti-vivisection, factory farming, bloodsports, etc. 28
We intend to hold public meetings where these topics will be discussed and relevant films shown and vegan food sampled. Our interests and skills include Healing, Yoga, Tai Chi, Reflexology, Painting & Drawing, Dance, Music, Alternative Technology, Do-tt-Yourself Repair, Wholefoods and Raw Foods, Gardening, etc. The benefits of living as a group are enormous - cheap food through bulk buying, sharing skills, co-ordinating activities, and pooling our energy and resources. There is the possibility of moving out to Cornwall as a group and starting a Vegan Community in the country - if this small venture works it could extend with us being totally self-sufficient on a vegan farm. This is a hope for the future when we have developed as a group and wish to take the next step in years to come. Chris Hall, S. E. 13. COMMENTS ON FESTIVAL FOR MIND, BODY fe SPIRIT 1981 I spent seven days on the Vegan stand at this year's festival and people in general seemed more aware of what veganism is all about as compared to the people I met last year. I managed to have a corner of the stand devoted to anti-vivisection leaflets and petitions as I find it easier to bring people one step closer to adopting a more humane diet through their concern for animals, and many people who came up just to "sign against vivisection" also went away armed with vegan literature, and hopefully it has made many of them further re-think their way of life. Sadly, the food which was for sale at the Festival was not vegetarian as last year, but included much sea-food and even meat burgers. Fortunately, we managed a vegan food tasting event on the demonstration area which created much interest plus extra sales of our cookery books. I wish there were some way of preventing people who are actively involved in animal exploitation from being able to have a stand at the Festival. Last year the orthopaedic bed stand was run by a vivisector (who was attacked verbally by all the members of the animal organisations there and luckily he did not return this year!) and this year we discovered a British Field Sports Society member running the Dorwest Herbs stand! This is inconsistent to say the least with the whole concept of such a festival. Any ideas on this would be welco Kath Manners, S. E. 13. "I must never cause an infliction, death or injury to any flesh or blood, be It animal or man. I must not partake of animal flesh, blood or fats during times of prosperity, neither resort to it in case of famine or torture to save myself from starvation; for he who clings to life shall lose it". from MAZDAZNAN Statement. 29
SHOPPING WITH EVA Vegan Food News Allied BakerleB This company Is considering using only 100% vegetable fats in their wholemeal bread In future. We can look forward to hearing when they have taken this course of action and hope It will encourage others to follow suit. Britvlc Juices A member points out that when I wrote ALL BRITVIC FRUIT JUICES I should have excluded the Tomato Juice which, as I mentioned quite some time ago, contains some Worcester Sauce - definitely not vegan. I hope I have not seriously mislead anyone by this oversight. Cadbury' s The latest list from this company, kindly forwarded by another reader, includes CHOCOLATE SPREAD. It would be advisable to read the label though, just in case this is an error. Crosse & Blackwell Canned SUPER SALADS - pasta shells with various salad ingredients in a creamy dressing. I have assurance that the emulsifier is of vegetable origin In this case. Elite SESAME HALVA. The very nicest - though rather expensive - vegan after-dinner sweet I have tasted. Granose Add liquid SOYA MILK to page 14 In your Vegan Shoppers' Guide. Imperial Bakeries Vegans In Manchester will like to know that this company uses no animal product whatever and they add the information - before I could ask for it - that bread tins and trays are also sprayed with vegetable fat. Their FRUIT MALT LOAF and JAM/TREACLE/FRUIT ROLLS are particularly recommended as examples of what can be done commercially, but, our member adds, " . . . white flour and sugar though, but still..." Lofthouse FISHERMAN'S FRIEND LOZENGES. Lucul CAULIFLOWER SOUP MIX (can still be found in some stores). Osem (Tel Aviv) The following Crackers: SESAME, CREAM, BRANNY, GOLDEN, SUNNY WHEAT, GOLDEN DAFDAFIM, SUNNY WHEAT with BRAN. Biscuits and Cookies: COCQUETTE, PETIT BEURRE, MARIE, CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR PETITE BEURRE. Soup Cubes: CLEAR SEASONED BROTH, VEGETABLE, MUSHROOM. Soups: TOMATO, MEXICAN STYLE, SPRING VEGETABLE, CHAMPIGNONS, GARDEN VEGETABLE, MINESTRONE, MUSHROOM b BARLEY, GREEN PEA, CELERY, CONTINENTAL MUSHROOM, TOMATO h RICE, COUNTRY VEGETABLE, NOODLE, ASPARAGUS, ALEPHBETH, ONION, POTATO & VEGETABLE, CLEAR SEASONED BROTH (BEEF FLAVOURED), CLEAR SEASONED BROTH (CHICKEN FLAVOURED). OtherB: READY MEALS, SAUCES, JELLIES, BISSLI SNACKS, FRUIT SOUP, SOY SAUCE SEASONING, HUMMUS with TAHINI. 30
Homepride COOK-IN-SAUCES, CLASSIC CURRY SAUCES, TOP 'NÂť FILL. Supercook GRAVY SAUCE, SUPERCOOK COMPLETE, ONION GRAVY MIX. John West UNSWEETENED FRUITS IN NATURAL FRUIT JUICES (no added sugar or preservatives). Now available: SLICED PEACHES, PEAR QUARTERS, FRUIT COCKTAIL, PINEAPPLE RINGS, GRAPEFRUIT, MANDARIN ORANGES. Correction In your last "Vegan" I wrote that Fuller's Chocolate Bars were vegan but this applies only to the MARZIPAN and COCONUT bars; the other bars all contain albumen. Please correct the Summer issue. Not vegan Terry's Chocolate Orange and Chocolate lemons. I am told these now contain added butterfat although for the time being they are packed in the old boxes on which are listed the original -apparently vegan - ingredients. Salnsbury's Imitation Cream and Low Fat Spread. No Sainsbury's product containing emulsifiers can now be recommended as this company is unable to give an assurance that it would be entirely vegan, though it might be. (This may well apply to other companies using stock emulsifiers in foods, but Sainsbury's and Lyons have been good enough to explain the position.) What we badly need now is for one of the very clever chemists to come up with an emulsifier which does not require the animal ingredient. Possibly the new Min. of Ag. Regulations, expected in 1983, will help vegans in this aspect. We shall see. At least the heading "Edible Fats" will be out, and high time too. The proposal is that all fats should disclose the origin - animal, vegetable, fish or mineral. Vegan non-food products - Vitamins and Remedies Arthur England THALGO is a seaweed product, as you will realise as soon as you open the packet, for use in baths or as a mud pack for relief from arthritis, rheumatism, skin and circulatory problems. Details from 5 Brook Road, Fallowfield, Manchester, M14 6UE. Larkhall Labs. ALL TISSUE SALTS. These are based on FRUCTOSE and sugar in place of the lactose and sugar normally used. Lane's BREWER'S YEAST TABLETS, VEGEVIT B12 TABLETS. All the SYNERGISTIC FORMULA tablets (except the protein one) have been formulated specifically for vegans and vegetarians. Many other tablets are based on magnesium stearate which is commonly derived from animal sources. Miscellaneous Ampex MAGNETIC TAPES.. Levi's The "leather look" patches on some Levi's jeans are synthetic. 31
George Rowney ALL PAPERS and SKETCH BOOKS, GOUACHE PAINTS, WATER COLOURS, POWDER COLOURS, PVA's and PRINTING MEDIUM. ARTIST'S OILS and GEORGIAN OIL COLOURS. COLOURED PENCILS. The toxicity tests referred to in the Rowney catalogue do not Involve animals but an acid solution similar to stomach acid is used. Tiki ELDERBLOSSOM TOILET SOAP. Inadvertently omitted from your Winter '80-'81 Vegan Shoppers' Guide. Please add. Footweai The Oliver's shops have some very good simulated leather walking shoes for ladies at the moment. I have ensured dry comfort for the Autumn by investing In a broad-fitting, low-heeled, lace-up pair. Sorry, they do not have a part number but there are many branches of Oliver's Shoe Shops around, as well as Freeman, Hardy & Willis, True Form and others where one can usually find something suitable, if not exactly the style we are seeking. S. A. E. s for replies please NEWS FROM PLAMIL
We have a constant scream of inquiries for information on our products from people who are advised by their doctors to give up dairy products. What a far cry from the accepted opinion at the time when the Vegan Society was formed, and then appointed a vegetable milk sub-committee to endeavour to see that a vegetable milk was formulated to provide adequate nutrition. Prices unchanged Despite not enjoying a penny from any form of subsidy (the dairy industry benefits to the tune of millions of pounds per annum), Plamil prices have remained unchanged since April, 1980, in spite of continuing high inflation. Prices have been held because of increased sales due to the support of vegans. With rising costs of raw materials, rates and indeed every article we handle, the Company may not be able to hold the 1980 prices much longer. Vegan A. G. M. launch There has unfortunately been a delay in marketing the new non-dairy, carobcoated fruit and nut bar but it should be launched in time for the Vegan Society A. G. M. on October 17. Arthur Ling, Plamil House, Bowles Well Gardens, Dover Road, Folkestone, Kent. 32
Please send to the Assistant Secretary, 9 Mawddwy Terrace, Minllyn, near Dinas Mawddwy, Gwynedd, Wales, by October 26 1981, for the next issue. Advertisers are asked to note that we shall be unable to deal with box numbers in future. Rate: 5p a word. AHIMSA - quarterly magazine for the American Vegan Society. Veganism - Natural Living - Reverence for Life. Calendar year subscription $8 or ÂŁ4. Address: 501 Old Harding Highway, Malaga, N. J. 08328. "THE NEW OWENITES" aim to build a vegan com our co-operation. S.A.E. for info, to Robert Howes, , Kent. RAW FOOD. For free leaflet describing its great value as part of diet, send S.A.E. to Vigilex Publications, Vega House, 18 Bar Street, Scarborough, YOll 2HT. etic. MAKE BREAD WITHOUT YEAST? Read "The Pristine Loaf'. Details to make piquant so much-deserved revical. Send 7Op: . VEGETARIAN MATCHMAKERS. Inexpensive yet personal introduction service by post, exclusively for unattached adult vegetarians and vegans. No endless lists of inappropriate "soul-mates" to sift through; we will utilise our professional judgement and expertise to narrow the field on your behalf. Bring your dreams a step nearer today by sending for details to: V. M. M., Freepost, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8BR (no stamp needed if postcode added). Find happiness through V. M. M. THE HUNGER PROJECT invites you to join with other members in the developed countries, and millions, involuntarily, in other parts of the globe, to fast on the 14th day of the month to align yourself with the hungry of the world and to create the context of ending starvation on our planet before year 2000 A.D. Ask about Hunger Project. Tel. 01-373 9003 (77 Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7). HAMPSHIRE VEGANS who enjoy walking in the countryside have a long-distance footpath on their doorstep. "A South Wessex Way" runs for 117 miles from Petersfield to Poole via Butser Hill Iron Age Demonstration Farm, Winchester Cathedral, Broadlands House, Salisbury Cathedral, Breamore Mizmaze and Badbury Rings. Full details in the guide-book available for only ÂŁ1.08, including postage, from the Vegan Society, 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, Machynlleth, SY20 9LW. T-SHIRTS in superior white cotton material with the Sunflower emblem and slogan in green will be on sale at the A. G. M. and thereafter through the post from Laurence Main (address on Publications page); three sizes. 33
LONDON BIORHYTHM COMPANY. Details biorhythm research, biorhythm kits (£3.30); computer biorhythm charts (90p month, £4.50 a year; Send date/time of birth). Ideal gift. P.O. Box 413, London, S.W.7 2PT. WHAT ARE LEY-LINES ? How do they affect man and his environment? Can we learn to live more In tune with Nature by studying how the Life-Force is channelled around our planet? The men who erected Stonehenge left valuable messages for us. Read about these and other Earth Mysteries in: The Ley Hunter, P.O. Box 13, Welshpool, Powys. Send £1.00 for the current issue or £3.80 annual subscription. VEGAN DIABETIC (juvenile onset), who is trying to control his diabetes by diet alone, w write to . WOULD EXCHANGE IDEAS, problems, hints rega e. Please write LIQUID CONCENTRATE produced by JANCO SALES is a biodegradable liquid soap very good for many purposes, derived from coconut oil, and free from animal products and animal testing. Full details on receipt of S. A..E. direct from Janco Sales H Seymour Road, Hampton Hill, Middlesex, TW12 1DD. CIRCUS. Support the Hassani Circus, run by the daughter of Coco the clown who left money in his will for a circus WITHOUT ANIMAL ACTS. Details from Mrs. T. How, 0403 68401. DEVON, Lympstone. Attractive 2-bed modernised house. Large lounge, open fire. Small garden. Sought-after olde worlde village. Estuary sailing. £26,500 o.n.o. Tel. (03952) 70244. THE NATIONAL EQUINE (& smaller animals) DEFENCE LEAGUE, 138 Blackwell Road, Carlisle, CA2 4DL, badly needs donations to continue their rescue and shelter work. ffiiSDHiflSm The 25th issue of V. V. features readers' articles on Family Planning, Science & Ethics, Science Fiction and Our message. New subscribers will be placed on our Contact List unless they wish otherwise. 40p a copy, £1.20 for 3; prices include postage, from 1 Glncroft Lane, Edenfield, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lanes, BL0 0JW. LONDON VEGAN NEWS will give opportunities to share experiences and knowledge of veganism to the benefit of all life! The first issue in June was a great success. The second out in August will bring news of an exciting get-together planned for September 19 at 2 o'clock at Film Makers Co-op, 42 Gloucester Ave., N. W. 1. Make sure of your copy by sending a sub. now. £1.00 for 3 or 4 issues. Alpay Torgut, 133 Owen House, Brecknock Road Estate, London, N. 19. 34
BREAKTHROUGH TRUST - Deaf-Hearing Group - plan another Vegetarian Weekend, October 2-4, at their Roughmoor Centre, Shaw, nr. Swindon, Wilts. Basic menus are vegan. Apply: Breakthrough Trust, 66/68 Greenwich South Street, London, S. E. 10 8UN. Tel. 01-691 6229.
INVERNESS. Vegan/vegetarian accommodation in charming cottage on high road between Inverness and Nairn. Good touris e, .
CORNWALL. Self-catering luxury first floor flat for vegans/vegetarians overlooking Hayle Estuary. Sleeps 4/6. Vegan meal available. S. A.E. please to Blackaller, "Meadowlands", The Saltings, Lelant, St. Ives, TR26 3DL. Tel. Hayle 0736 752418. PENZANCE. Self-catering accommodation or vegan/vegetarian meals by arrangement in home two miles from Penzance with large garden, sea and country views. Car shelter. Tel. Penzance 2242. VISITING INDIA ? Vegans are very welcome to be the guests of Swami Nirmalananda for a week or so at Viswa Shanti Nikethana, B. R. Hills - 571 317, Karnataka, India. SNOWDONIA: Six berth caravan, all mod. cons, including heating, carpeted, newly decorated, H. & C. (spring water). Beautifully situated in secluded position adjaeent to "olde worlde" cottage in 3-acre grounds. Ideal vacation for peace, wildlife, walks, climbing, spectacular s for full details. North Wales.
BOOST YOUR HEALTH! EASTBOURNE HEALTH HOTEL Sauna, solarium, etc. Vegan full or slimming menus 17 Burlington Place, Eastbourne, BN21 4AR Tel. (0323) 23604 Once or twice a year we all need true relaxation to ease away stress' 35
RAW FOOD COMPENDIUM Its value as a substantial part of diet Practical Hints, Principles, Extracts from Medical Opinions £3.50 post free, from VIGIL EX PUBLICATIONS 18 Bar Street, Scarborough, YOll 2HT
VEGAN HOLIDAYS with Brian & Wendy Burnett on yacht 'XIM'. No experience necessary. No age-limits. Canal, coastal and/or offshore cruising. Bird-watching, botany, painting/ sketching, hill-walking, photography, rowing, exploring or pottering. October Four-week, 500 mile French Canal cruise to the Mediterranean from England or Le Havre via Paris, Lyons, Avignon, etc. Special price of £300 Includes return 24-hr. coach from Marseilles to London. November and December Short or long cruises In Mediterranean waters including special Xmas Period with vegan fare. 1982 Full programme out soon with details of cruises in Europe and the U. K. Prices from £70 to £120 per week including full board and all necessary expenses. Please send stamp for details to Brian & Wendy Burnett, c/o SI Main Road. Kinnerton, Chester, CH4 9AJ.
GREENWAYS GUESTHOUSE 24 Marian Ave. Mablethorpe, Lines (Tel. 7508) Chris & Chris Phillips members of Vegan Society welcome vegans. Home baking, wholefoods, safe sandy beach. Send S A E for brochure.
WHY NOT GET AWAY FROM IT ALL and spend a few days with us in the relaxed atmosphere of the West Country ? We cannot always guarantee the weather but you are assured of an IMAGINATIVE CUISINE PLUS GOOD OLD FASHIONED SERVICE at a price you can afford! Woodcote overlooks the TIDAL ESTUARY AND BIRD SANCTUARY of Hayle. Also available SELF-CATERING CHALET, sleeps four. S. A. E.' for brochure. John & Pamela Barrett, Woodcote Vegetarian Hotel, The Saltings, Lelant, St. Ives, Cornwall, TR26 3DL. Tel. 0736 75147. TORQUAY Member Vegan Society. Brookesby Hall Hotel. Member Vegetarian Society (U. K.) Meadfoot Beach. Tel. 0803 22194 Peacefully situated among the trees in the loveliest part of Torquay and overlooking the sea towards Brixham and Berry Head, the hotel offers wholefood Vegan and Vegetarian meals which are interesting, satisfying and well balanced. The town centre is two bus stops away and Meadfoot Beach 350 yards. Some rooms private showers. Full central heating. Open all year (Including Christmas). Colour brochure from Res. Props. Mr. & Mrs. E. D. Baker. 36
Lakeland's strictly Vegetarian Guest House offers a warm and hospitable welcome to Vegans. Come to us to relax, to walk and climb, to absorb the tranquility of Orchard House and the Lake District. We have'a peaceful garden, a warm and comfortable home, delicious and different food and we are situated in superb Lake District country. We ask .Vegans to give us a week's notice if possible.
Brochure from (Stamp appreciated)
Monty Alge and Keong Wee, Orchard House, Borrowdale Road, Keswick on Derwentwater, Cumbria Tel.(0596) 7 2 8 3 0
It's 100% vegetable ... made from the soya bean and packed with protein and goodness. Its production involves no exploitation of animals. The flavour is quite deliciousâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;all the family, particularly the children will love it. You can drink it on its own as a super health drink or use it on breakfast cereals, in coffee or tea or in dishes such as milk puddings and custards. What's more it will keep in tue can just as long as you want to keep it. A wonderfully versatile and nutritious food ... Golden Archer Beanmilk by Itona. It's at your health food store.
'Golden Archer*
The Milk That's 100% Non-Animal
C R A N K S HCALTH FOODS William Blake House, Marshall Street, London W1
C R A N K S at Heat's, 196 Tottenham Court Road, W.1 C R A N K S at Shinners Bridge, Dartington, Devon C R A N K S at Peter Robinson, Oxford Circus, W.1 C R A N K S at The Market, Covent Garden, W.C.2 C R A N K S at 3 5 Hiah Street Totnes. Devon
not to be used instead of breastmilk a varied diet. Provides important digestible
but as part
High in polyunsaturates
added B12 but no
All Plamil products are guaranteed exclusively vegan. List and recipes (SAE please) from Plamil Foods Ltd. Plamil House, Bowles Well Gardens, Folkestone.
in easily