The Vegan Spring 1979

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VEGANISM is a way of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, animal milk and its derivatives and honey. It encourages the study and use of alternatives for all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals.

The objects of The Vegan Society are to further knowledge of, and interest in, sound nutrition and in the vegan method of agriculture and (ood production as a means of increasing the potential of the earth to the physical, moral and economic advantage of mankind.

Acting President: Mr. J. Sanderson. Vice-Presidents: Mrs. E. Batt, Mrs. S. Coles, Mr. J. Dinshah, Dr. C. Nimmo, Miss W. Simmons, Miss M. Simmons. Council: Mrs. E. Batt, Mrs. S. Coles, Mrs. K. lannaway. Mr. A. Pay, Mr. J. Sanderson, Mrs. G. Smith, Mr. W. Wright. Treasurer: Mrs. G. Smith, but all subscriptions, donations, etc., should be sent to the Secretary, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. Hon. Secretary: Mrs. K. Jannaway, address as above. Subscriptions: £1.25 yearly. A d d i t i o n a l members at same address not requiring an extra Journal, pensioners and juniors, 63p.

THE VEGAN Quarterly Journal £1.25 per annum. 30p, post free. From the Secretary, address as abo\e. Editors: Mr. J. Sanderson and Mrs. K. Jannaway. All advertisements to Leatherhead Office. The Editorial Board does not necessarily agree with opinions expressed by contributors to this magazine, or endorse advertisements. Published: March 21st, June 21st. September 21st, December 21st. Copy dates: 1st of preceding months.




was termed in 1944 by a group of vegetarians who became aware of the suffering inseparable from the dairy industry. In 1964, it was recognised as an educational charity and is now growing rapidly in influence and membership, as people realise its importance for their own health and for the wise use of resources as well as, for the relief of cruelly exploited animals. Free from commitment to any religious, political, philosophical, social, dietary or medical goup, the Vegan Society endeavours to co-operate with all who are seeking a positive way forward for mankind. It challenges all those who preach love and compassion but still base their lives on cruel practices and the debasement of both man and beast involved in meat and milk production. WHAT'




EAT ? -


There is a great variety of vegan diets, from the very simpl'6'and truly economical, based almost entirely on food that can be grown on small plots of land anywhere, Or be bought in ordinary grocers, whole food shops and greengrocers, to those using the many vegan convenience foods sold irt the Health Food Stores. The Vegan Society helps with all types of vegan diet. MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTIONS are kept low - £1.25 or 63 pence for pensioners, juniors and those sharing a journal - so that all who agree with the importance of the vegan way of life can register their support. Overseas members are asked to send International Money Orders or to send extra to cover Bank Charges (which are now very heavy). FULL MEMBERSHIP is open to all vegans who live on the products of the plant kingdom only. (As honey is produced by insects, it was excluded by the Rules when Charity status was granted. Most commercial honey production involves ruthless exploitation, but since home production of honey need not involve cruelty and bees are. essential to fruit production, the 197.4, A. G. M. voted that the use of honey need not be a bar to full membership, but the Charity Commissioner has refused permission to alter the original wording.) ASSOCIATE ME-MBERSHIP is open to vegetarian sympathisers. JOURNAL SUBSCRIBERS are welcomed at the same rate, especially those who agree with the Vegan Society's aims but are not able to follow, fully.* the vegan or vegetarian way of life-. To the Secretary, Vegan Society, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead. Surrey. I enclose a Stamped Addressed Foolscap Envelope For Full Details. I am a practising vegan and apply for Full Membership I am a vegetarian sympathiser and apply for Associate Membership

I wish to be listed as a Journal Subscriber as I am not yet a vegan or vegetarian. Name ,,.

. .i



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(see above)

PUBLICATIONS VEGAN NUTRITION. T. A. B. Sanders, Ph.D. Nutrition, has revised and extended the articles written by him and Dr. Frey Ellis for the "Vegan" and added some very useful tables to produce a booklet which is the most authoritative guide to vegan nutrition yet produced. The titles of the tables reveal how useful this booklet will be in planning your meals; Energy and Carbohydrate Content of Some Plant Foods; Recommended Daily Intakes of Energy and Protein for Babies and Adults; Portions of Plant Foods that Provide 20gm. of Protein; and seven others. Also an essential aid for the education of your doctor, health visitor, hospital and school authorities, in-laws and others. Price only 60p inclusive of postage. VEGAN MOTHERS AND CHILDREN by 14 vegan mothers, 1940-1979. A revised, extended and improved version of this book will be available in April. Price 50p inclusive of postage. WHAT1 S COOKING?. Comprehensive cookery book and food guide by Eva Batt. E2.40 inclusive of postage. Over 250 recipes & many practical hints. FIRST HAND: FIRST RATE by Kathleen Jannaway. Five dozen recipes and ideas for labour saving, money saving, resource saving, vegan living. Revised issue 40p inclusive of postage. SALADINGS by Mabel Cluer. Useful notes on choosing and using the fresh foods around you in garden, field and hedgerow. Attractively and usefully illustrated. 65p inclusive of postage. VEGAN BADGES 60p + S. A. E.

PENDANTS 55p + S. A. E.

VEGETARIAN SOCIETY HANDBOOK Information about restaurants, hotels, guest houses at home and abroad, commodities, health stores, wholefood shops, organic growers, etc. El. 20 plus 15p postage. TO THE SECRETARY, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, England. Please send items ticked above to: NAME

I enclose Cheque/P. O. for


ALL PRICES INCLUDE POSTAGE. (They cover unsealed rate for abroad, sealed is very much more. Please use International Money Orders or send extra to cover bank charges, which can be 75% of the amount!)

INTO THE UNKNOWN ! Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

The choice of living safely in the midst of the herd or venturing forth on new trails is one that meets most of us at some stage on life's; journey. In more elementary forms of life, we have the phenomenon of the mutation, and at our stage we may meet the challenge of the new way - the new idea; The new way leads to unknown country - it may be hazardous and dangerous. There may be no trail at all and we shall learn as we go. It will require courage, and, patience and steadfastness, and perhaps faith in ah inner call or prompting. The A scent of Man has depended on this questing spirit. This spirit is part of the glory of man - it is latent or living actively within us. Each day is a new beginning, a new opportunity, another chance to serve life either in established ways or in new ways we have yet to discover. Look to this day In its brief course Lie all the realities and truths of existence The joy of growth The splendour of action The glory of power well used. For yesterday is but a memory And tomorrow is only a vision But today well lived Makes every yesterday a memory of happiness And every tomorrow a vision of hope' Look well, therefore, to this day. The vegan pioneers of the 40's and 50's trod where there were no paths, and we who become vegans i n the 70's follow the paths that they have made and benefit from their experience and the knowledge and wisdom that is available in their literature. The challenge now is to find new ways to br;ing the Vegan solution to the world's major problems to as many people as possible as early as possible, - to replace old, complacent, traditional ways of looking at animals (domestic or wild), agriculture and the earth which will swiftly lead to disaster, by new vegan ways which will ensure a viable, fairer and happier future for all life. Vegan Council members are pleased that new members are joining at 12 times the rate of 15 years ago, but when the Vegan idea really takes off as it will in the 80's and 90's it will begin to transform the world's


very mental atmosphere from a cold exploiting predatory tension to a warm, compassionate caring-for reverence for all earth-life. 1979 has been designated "The Year of the Child". The Vegan Society cares about children. Think of a child you love. 40 children loved by their families have died somewhere in the world since you began to read this article - died from hunger. That is why the Vegan Society pleads for a new way of agriculture, more trees, more food crops, vegan composting, no food animals, no factory farming. This revolution in thought and agriculture alone when practised, can feed all the world's children (and their parents) on a healthier diet and leave them more time to enjoy the earth as a garden, free from many of the fears and tensions which are inherent in our present methods of living. The future is with growing things and there would be a future to look forward to - current ideas and methods lead to a future that is uninviting and full of menace. We belong to a Society that has the key - only Veganism can feed the world. Stephen Gaskin and friends have started a community in Tennessee which practises veganism (see page 10) and another community has just started in the Shenandoah valley under the inspiration of Paul Solomon. Alan Chadwick is to be in charge of the gardens. Alan is one of the world's experts in this field and the gardens will be constructed with loving hands. From 7th-14th April a World Symposium on Humanity is to be held at Wembley Conference Centre, in Los Angeles and in Toronto, and linked by satellite so that some of the world's outstanding speakers can be heard simultaneously in all three countries. Our member Richard St. Barbe Baker and his right hand man Alan Grainger will be participating. (Details from Brenda Brett, London N. W. 1.) The Festival for Mind, Body and Spirit will be held again at Olympia this year, from April 19th - 28th. It will bring together a 100 societies who are taking various paths into the New Age. Those of you who did not manage to go in 1977 and 1978 are strongly advised to try and manage it this year. Some people can walk through such an exhibition quite unaffected by what they see but the majority of the 150,000 who have attended the previous 2 Festivals have found them interesting, even exciting, and for many (including a few know to me) it has been a major staging point in their lives. For you, or some member of your family, or for a friend, it might result in a change of consciousness that will re-direct your life along new paths into the unknown, or where there is no path - you will help to make one. Jack Sanderson.


MY CDNimUWM... I was born in Chesbunt, Hertfordshire. My early childhood was lived there among wild and domestic birds, animals, flowers, trees,hedgerows and fields. My mother was gentle, compassionate and had exceptionally wellrdeveloped common-sense. Nevertheless, she had Christian beliefs of the Baptist sect. Much later, when she discovered I was Atheist, her religion was the cause of needless distress to her and to me. Sad circumstances necessitated our moving to London and I found it a bewildering and strange environment. There were- shops; X saw dead birds and animals displayed and vegetables and fruit were BOUGHT! In our Cheshunt home there was no evident connection between, meat and birds and animals around us; THE Y were; alive, busy like adults, playful like children. A t still a young age I developed spinal and bronchial troubles and was taken to St. Bartholomews Hospital, the last part of the journey being through Smithr field Market. The sights I saw were worse than the displays I was now seeing in local shops. A gruesome picture, haunted me of feathered and plucked birds hanging, head down, limp and bedraggled, dead rabbits and coatless bodies of pigs, lambs and bovines. I saw fish and eels in butts with moisture only sufficient, to keep them alive; there were shrimps, crabs and other shellfish. I discovered cooking procedures. My own malady aroused sympathy with the creatures pitifully gasping. These journeys had to be repeated; the emotional shock did not lessen. I would not eat creatures I had seen grazing or gamboling in meadows;, or birds like those who knew me in my Cheshunt home, who seemed (as I then thought)so willing to give me their eggs. I refused fish also. I had learnt the connection pieces of meat had with carcases in the local shops and the City market. Piecing together the jig-saw of food was bewildering at that age. Around the age of twelve I had begun to get, fiction books for my sister (four years my senior)from the local library and managed to use her non-fiction ticket to borrow scientific and philosophical books which were in far advance of school st udies. I was opening doors to knowledge for which my mind was searching. To aid understanding, a dictionary was my constant companion. In school my questions became disruptive. I had the audacity to challenge teachers and textbooks; I was not reverent in school Assembly. I was described as precocious and disrespectful; nevertheless the Headmistress and most of the teachers were tolerant and very friendly. One or two only, warned that I was dangerous: Fortunately domestic science (which included cooking)made me physically i l l . The Headmistress decided that I must take .other subjects in its place. Some years later, the then President of the National Secular Society, Chapman Cohen, invited me to the Society's Annual Dinner. It. was an introduction to a delicious vegetarian meal. I found a mission in life! I had to cut the 5

chains that held people in bondage and break the authority of the churches, especially that of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches. I organised meetings (open-air and in public lecture halls)which my atheist friends supported. They also appealed in "The Freethinker" and Rationalist Press for help that I needed to start an Ethical Sunday School. One reply received was from a young man, whose friendship has lasted until now. He introduced me to a philosophical and political group formed by teachers from the Walkemuehle, an international school, the Founder of which developed and applied the philosophy of Jacob Fries and Emanuel Kant. The Socratic principle of teaching and discussion was used in the school and in the Group. The objective was to develop "Ethics in Politics". Some of the young aspiring politicians have graduated into political life here and abroad, some into educational work. Important people well known in many countries came into the Group. To become a member one had to give evidence that one was living without exploiting the minds and bodies of others; all living creatures were included in this commitment so one had to be a vegetarian. I was already one. Walter and Jenny Fliess opened their Vega Restaurant for our meetings and jrovided excellent vegetarian refreshments. During the war we took part in "Underground"schemes to feed, organise escapes from Nazi occupied countries and to provide community homes for escapees. Those needing to learn English came to me. Members of this Group, multi-racial, are my friends to-day or have been until their death. Of these it can be said "To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die". I, whose demise the medical profession had five times predicted, still liveJ Frustrated and disappointed that inhumane traditions still persist and exploitation of sentient creatures is intensified, one must not give up, we have to keep the torch burning; "Vitai Lampada"! There is work to do between each Winter Solstice, preparation for the next "Christmas"which should be renamed "Christmassacre". Human and animal problems are created by man. In Parliament, the former are given priority. Is it not the outlawing of EXPLOITATION that should have priority, not the rights of homo sapiens at the expense of all other creatures? Tht- first battery system I saw was in old premises in Farringdon Street. There was an invitation to go inside; I went inside. The sight was nauseating. Mistakenly, I did not conceal my disgust. Later, Ruth Harrison's book "Animal Machines", was published. I obtained it and read It. I became an active member of an anti-factory farming society for which I did research, read Hansard, kept press-cuttings, followed the spread of enormous battery complexes, visiting newly appearing factory farms, abattoirs and agricultural exhibitions where I saw forerunners of things to come. In the early days of intensive food production, factory farmers invited inspection of their "3-star" livestock hotels. Later, because of adverse criticism in the Press, factory farmers and agricultural research centres were closed to "busy-bodies". All means of exposing these intensive systems of exploitation and their health hazards were used.


I endeavoured to promote co-operation and co-ordination of all societies concerned with animals, but my efforts did not mature. Now there is the All-Party Parliamentary Committee for Animal Welfare, but despite expensive campaigns within and without Parliament, the Live Export Trade in food animals has not been banned. A General Election Co-ordinating Committee for the Protection of Animals has been formed and the Labour Party has issued a Charter for Animals under the title "Living Without Cruelty". This must be widely distributed and read - only we, the people, can make Animal Rights more than words in print. As a member of the R. S. P. C. A. I had to do my share in overcoming the disruptive influence of those who could buy power in the Society to prevent it from functioning against their vested interest. Now good declarations of intent have been issued. Individuals and their organisations must make these more than "window-dressing". When I first participated in "Animal Welfare" campaigns, I thought it incongruous that so few of the campaigners were vegetarians. I had joined the Vegetarian Society but the use of dairy products seemed inconsistent with denunciation of "factory farming". My experience of intensive production made vegan living the only logical course. For years I was too busy disseminating facts, protesting at Government level, working in many ways, to find time to register myself with the VeganSociety: a procrastination I regret. I have been asked why I persist in attacking Christianity. A gBneral answer is that it propogates the idea that animals are lower than humans: they are 'different' but not lower. Like the Government, Christians assure me they are against inflicting "UNNECESSARY" pain, like some trade unionists, they uphold justice but do not demand justice for ALL sentient creatures. For me justice is indivisible - it is not logical to confine it to homosapiens. The Christian hierachy still claims to be the guardian of the nation's morals; it still has power to misuse. As an atheist I must attack its hypocrisy, its lack of consistency between words and actions and it Indulgence in barbaric tradition. Prayers for animals invoke their gods to do work that only man can do. Many qualities in human characters are more kindly than the tapestry of ideologies draping their personalities. Finally, dissatisfied with the fruits of a lifetime of work to eradicate exploitation of people and animals, I seek words of encouragement, but J[ have to make them meaningful. J must make "Every day is a fresh beginning" vitalise MY resolve. J[ must help to "ring out the old" unethical customs and to "ring in" a new day of non-violent living, must remind myself that the "future" is born to-day; that "now" passes as it is uttered; have to breathe life into these words, or they are mere cliches. Violet Mitchell

The end of predatory man PREDATORY - living by preying on others, by plundering. So runs the dictionary definition, and it is an apt description of the life of modern man. Change however is not far off. Predatory man is destroying himself and the world. Either he will turn from his predation and begin to live according to the compassion preached by many saints and seers for thousands of years or he will bring to an end life on this planet. Unlike natural predators man does not kill to satisfy hunger but from greed that like a consuming fire grows by that on which it feeds. The natural carnivore plays an important part in maintaining the balance of nature but predatory man upsets that balance by deliberately breeding in their millions ever more distorted forms of the animals that he butchers to stimulate his perverted palate. He condemns to starvation millions of his fellow men by his plundering of the resources that should feed them. He tears open the bowels of the earth to satisfy petty desires and leaves devastation in his wake. He wastes the stored wealth of ages for pointless profit. He brings about the rapid extinction of whole species while others he uproots and lets run riot. He sweeps the sea of its fish and pollutes it and the a i r with the excreta of his vain productions. He poisons the soil and through it himself. He fails to perceive that his survival depends on the forest whose activities in past ages created his fuel, his soil and the very a i r he breathes, so he fells it for pasture and newsprint. In the fear that is the child of greed, man perverts his intellectual prowess in the invention of ever more devastating weapons of mass destruction. Such depredation is possible because, although many years of living as a predator has done little to modify man's physique, they have had a profound effect on his psyche. They have brought about a schizophrenic condition - i . e . dissociation between intellectual and affective processes - that is regarded as normal. It is taken for granted in the Western ethos that to be effective one must be ruthless, that finer feelings must be given no part in practical living but kept for entertainment, for the trimmings of life. This has had particularly devastating effects on man's attitude to the living environment. Man is regarded as separate from nature, in competition with her, needing to dominate in order to survive. In his dealings with her, especially in agriculture, it is accepted as self-evident that violent, deathdealing methods are necessary for success. Predators would surely go hungry if they were gentle, guided by tender feelings and desire to preserve beauty. But man in his essential nature is not a predator! Predatory living that probably once secured his survival when the environment changed and he could no longer pluck his living from the trees, now threatens to destroy the very life system upon which he, in common with all living creatures, depends. 8

In the long story of the climb of life from the primeval slime, many a dominant species has become extinct, destroyed by its failure to free itself from the limitations of the very asset that brought them to dominance. Similarly predatory man, using his stupefying intellectual powers in the service of perverted predation will bring about his own extinction. Homo predatus will give way to Homo sapiens, and he has other assets, he is heir to other estates. He has the power "to look before and after" and to glimpse the principles and essential nature of the cosmic process. He realises that man's good does not consist in the number of things that he possesses,nor in any enlargement of his ego but in surrender of Self to be used by purposes beyond his understanding. In the nurturing of such a man lies hope for the future. There is much talk of the New Age but it cannot be founded on the slaughter house. It can only come in to being as we learn to live by the precepts of Lao Tse - "pity, frugality and refusal to be foremost," - by subjecting the dominating intellect to be the tool of compassion. "The meek shall inherit the earth." There are many hopeful signs that the human qualities necessary for survival and further evolution are being developed. They are the qualities valued by so many of the "New Age movements and the ancient; Eastern philosophies from which they draw their inspiration. At the same time the practical ecological organisations are gaining ground as the results of man's uncontrolled predation become obvious. What is necessary is a coming together of the two. The spiritual movements must accept the responsibility of bringing into being the New Age here on earth by using creatively the wondrous powers that predatory man has developed. By doing this and joining with the ecology movements they will be saved from delusory and stultifying pre-occUpation with their' own spiritual health and survival. "He who would save his life shall lose i t . . . . . . . " Similarly the ecology movements, rightly eschewing the superstitions that distort and clog so many religions, must draw strength beyond, the limitations of time and space so as to direct their activities aright. Both must recognise that in order to heal the schizophrenic condition that has brought Life to crisis point it is necessary to renounce the slaughterhouse and all its products^ The failure to admit the importance of what we eat is a symptom of the schizophrenia. "Eating and being fed are intimately connected with our deepest feelings. The eating experience conditions our entire attitude to the world." (Bruno Bettelheim). Failure to be honest with ourselves at this fundamental level poisons our whole spiritual life. Lacto-vegetarians especially must face this challenge because they pretend to themselves that they live compassionately while, in fact, in our society, their lives are based On the slaughterhouse, the live export trade, the veal calf and the worst aspect of 'factory farming' as surely as those of the meat-eaters. Heart, mind, body and spirit once developing in harmony, it will soon be discovered that that which is most merciful is also the most practical, that "the problems of evil have their solution in the eternity which men can if they so desire experience but never describe^'-' Kathleen Jannaway. 9


"If we can come up with solutions in our microcosm of society, perhaps we can make it so everyone's life is improved." Stephen Gaskin of the Farm - a spiritual community of around 1,200 people living and working on 1,750 acres in Summertown, Tennessee. With members of the Farm's rock-n-roll band, Stephen and his wife Ina May toured Britain and the Continent in September and October giving talk/ concerts to encourage others to start similar ventures. Although they describe themselves as vegetarians they are, in fact, vegans, relying rather heavily on soybean products for protein. They grow almost all their own food, have their own state-approved school system, their own midwives and health care, a construction company, a book publishing company and run a charity relief system called Plenty. At the Rainbow, venue for one of their two London concerts, Stephen told how the community really began in San Francisco where he taught a weekly class of 2,000 people in a rock hall. "Then we took to the road in renovated school buses and, after a tour round the country, arrived in Tennessee in May 1971 with about 270 people. We have been growing ever since. Now we have 17 sister Farms and City Centres in the US and around the world." Stephen is the spiritual teacher for all the communities. "We are more than just a community, for we are committed to each other and to a spiritual agreement. We've shared a vision of a world full of love, and we know that Spirit is real. Some of our agreements are pretty basic. We agree about being complete vegetarians, about being non-violent, about telling the truth. We agree about being collective and sharing fortunes. We are not just a religion. We are a living spiritual village/church. Teachings emerge continuously in our being here together. We have been developing village technologies based not on a profit-orientated system, but on what it takes to make it. A third of the world is starving yet, as is well known, enough materials and technology are available today to support everybody on the planet at a higher standard of living than anyone has ever enjoyed. We only need to muster the agreement. " Describing the Farm, Stephen says: "Most of us live in households of several couples, their children and some single folk. Our smallest household is two folks and our largest 50, with an average of about 30. Living closely 10

together keeps us from becoming selfish and is one of our strongest teachings; you learn more about yourself through living with others. This lets us share out the daily household jobs." They have a community kitchen preparing lunch for all the work crews during the week. A bakery produces about 280 loaves a day and a central soy dairy prepares soymilk, tofu, tempeh and ice cream for distribution to the Farm's store. The store also stock fresh and frozen produce from the Farm, flour from their own mill, dried beans and other necessary household items. Store goods are distributed according to the number of people in a household - and availability. No money or work credit systems are used. "We believe that work is the visible expression of love." "We try to use appropriate technology such as 12-volt trickle charge electricity, wood heat, compost piles for fertilizer, homegrown food, well water, our own telephone company - and we have decided to build all future homes to utilize solar energy as much as possible." Work is made an integral part of life on the Farm. Main occupations are farming, construction and book publishing. A large number also work specifically for the Farm - teaching in the school, in health care, and general maintenance. Farm Foods "our own food distributing soybean orientated cottage industry" has a produce market and store in a neighbouring town, which sells fresh pro duce and baked goods, and produces a variety of soy and vegetarian foods. The Farm construction company - the backbone of the basic budget - contract to do entire houses off the Farm, from the masonry to the cabinet work which is done in their own wood shop. The book publishing company is both a publishing house and a printing works. All books are written, designed and produced on the Farm. Among the titles in print are: The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook; Spiritual Midwifery; A Co-operative Method of Natural Birth Control, Volume One: Sunday Morning Services on the Farm, and This Seasons People; all obtainable from the Vegan Society, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. Ina May spoke of the Farm midwives and health care system. They have delivered over 800 babies (400 from off the Farm)by a natural and spiritual method of consciously guiding the energy that is present at childbirth. This natural method, without the use of drugs or anaesthetics, is aimed for whenever possible. Hospital is the last resort and spiritual healing often makes this unnecessary. The Farm midwives also train others who staff the Plenty centres around the world. Through Plenty they also offer free training to people from developing countries in different areas of village technology, including health care.


"We also have an alternative to abortion whereby any lady considering an abortion can come to the Farm and have her baby naturally, and we will take care of the child and raise it as our own, and if the mother ever wants her child back, she can have i t . " They also provide free medical care including an out-patients clinic, infirmary, a medical laboratory, a dental clinic and mental health care. Stephen explained that soon after the community started they found they were "strong enough to take care of some other people" and so they started Plenty. First projects were in the US cleaning up after hurricanes and tornadoes and distributing food. Now they are working in Guatemala, Bangladesh and Dacca.

After installing their own telephone system they also started using Citizen's Band radio to keep midwives in touch with the ambulance. This has now spread throughout the communities. "We stay in touch with all our sister communities and our Plenty medical relief network every day through ham radio." " I really know we're all One. And I really know if we're trying to do a good thing that we'll get a lot of help. We're standing in a really nice position to be a lot of help to a lot of people. And that gives me so much strength and so much contentment that, even with the condition the world is in, there's a certain amount of contentment. Not that it's all covered. Not that it's cool. But that there's something you can do, and thfct it's within your power to do it, and it makes a difference if you do i t . " Maggi Taylor

Animal Welfare is the main feature in the spring issue of Vegan Views; we've compiled a fairly comprehensive list of over 50 animal welfare organisations in Britain, giving basic details of each group, and hope that this will be useful to people helping in, or interested in helping in, this area. There are also other articles and letters on animal rights, and a review of a book on scientists and ethics - plus other articles, letters, artwork, recipes, poems, etc. all of which we try to put together in an informal and attractive way. Please do contact us if you're interested; the aim of W is essentially to increase contact between vegans and to act as a forum for readers' opinions, ideas and thoughts. A subscription to Vegan Views is ÂŁ1 for 4 issues, or, alternatively, send 25p (stamps will do) for the current issue. (We include all new subscribers on our Contacts List, updated in each issue, unless they wish otherwise). Onaddress is: 12 Wray Crescent, London N4 3LP. Malcolm Home.


THE HUNGER PROJECT " A H i r o s h i m a every three days'. - The twelve "to thirteen m i l l i o n children who die unnecessarily each y e a r , a m a j o r i t y from m a l n u t r i t i o n and hunger-related causes, is the equivalent of 120 "Hiro'shimas." During the last five years alone m o r e people have died as a consequence of starvation than from all the w a r s , revolutions and m u r d e r s of'tfoe past 150 y e a r s . With statistics like these the w r i t e r s of the "Hunger P r o j e c t " seeks to shock us out of the apathy that p e r m i t s — nay, that causes such tragedy. "As you read this 28 people a r e dying each" m i n u t e a s a consequence of hunger, m o s t of them c h i l d r e n " . 'The thought of one child so dying , if we. did not deaden our feelings .would m a k e food turn bitter in our mouths . Yet we suffer from the diseases of affluence I D a r e to feel, for just one minute'. "The a i r was heavy with odours of diarrhoea of unwashed children with washed out r i b s and dried up bottoms struggling in laboured steps behind blown empty b e l l i e s . But no Madonna and Child could touch the picture of one m o t h e r ' s tenderness for the son she soon would have to forget M o s t m o t h e r s were beyond caring but not this one, she held a ghost s m i l e between her teeth and in her eyes the ghost of a m o t h e r ' s pride a s she combed the rust coloured h a i r left on his skull and then began carefully to part i t . " Tne Hunger Project m o v e m e n t which began in A m e r i c a in 1977, places the responsibility fully on Our shoulders. "Tne source of hunger in our world is not to be found in the empty bellies of the starving but in the m i n d s of those of us, who have enough". "Hunger i s not the problem at a l l . Hunger is the symptom of a disease in our m i n d s and we a r e its v i c t i m s as a r e the h u n g r y " . "People don't die of hungar because there i s no solution — but because of the way the world w o r k s . Hunger is a function of the forces in the w o r l d , not a function of scarcity o r an absence of solutions'-'.


"The Hunger P r o j e c t is not an o r g a n i s a t i o n , it is an opportunity for people to translate their c o m m i b n e n t s to a world without hunger into purposeful action, to create the context "The end of hunger and starvation by 1997." Tnis is an idea whose t i m e has now c o m e . A l l the forces in the world a r e not so powerful as an idea whose t i m e has c o m e . " If we c a r e enough, becom e aware enough, learn enough, teach enough, get involved enough, each in our own way, hunger on this planet can be ended in 18 years'. - and with it m a n y of the other p r o b l e m s (including that of over-population I) caused by predatory m a n ' s habit of suppressing his feelings of c o m p a s s i o n . The leaders of the Hunger Project have come a long way in understanding necessary solutions but vegans can help them to go f u r t h e r . They r e a l i s e - "that we could feed the hungry every year with the grain fit for human consumption that is fed to cattle in the United S t a t e s " - but a r e not apparently aware that the amount of land and energy and water required to feed people veganically i s m i n i m a l compared with that needed for a n i m a l p r o d u c t s . " Crop and Animal Production per Unit of Land The data are shown to indicate orders of magnitude: methods of calculation vary and the sources given in the original paper should be consulted before making detailed comparisons. Protein (kg/ha/yr)

Product Harvested

2,000 1,100 420 370 350 115 92 80 57 50 23-43 27

Leaf protein Cabbage (edible) Potato (edible tuber) Barley grain (UK) Wheat (edible grain) Milk (cow) Chicken (edible broiler) Eggs Beef (edible meat, mainly barley-fed) Pig (edible meat) Lamb (edible meat, UK & Eire) Beef (edible meat, mainly grass-fed)

Energy (MJ/ha/yr) 33,500 100,400 62,800 58,600 10,460 4,600 4,812 4,600 7,900 2,100-5,400 3,100

Source: Spedding, C. R. W . , and Hoxey, A . M . (1974), "The Potential for Conventional Meat Animals" in Meat, ed. by Cole, D . J . A . , and Lawrie, R. A. Proc. University of Nottingham, Twenty-first Easter School in Agricultural Science, London. Butterworths, pp. 483-506. 14

Support Energy Efficiencies for Dietary Protein and Energy Output Products

Dietary protein output (g) Support energy inputs (MJ)

Dietary energy output (MJ) Support energy inputs (MJ)

.14.8 23.8 10.,4

2.4 3.4 1.6 4.2 0.4 0.10 0.14 0.3 0.6 0.1

Barley Wheat Potatoes Sugar beet Milk Broiler meat Eggs Lamb Beef and lamb (extensive) Beef (18 months system)


4.8 3.5 ,2.8 2.7 5.4 1.7

Sources: Leach, G.(1975), Energy & Food Production:; Int. Inst. Env. & Dev., 27 Mortimer Street, London. 151pp.

They ask that we fast on the 14th of each month to "express partnership with each m e m b e r of the human f a m i l y who' doesn't have enough to e a t . " By beooml ng vegan we could show involvement m u c h m o r e usefUlly. The m a j o r i t y of the w o r l d ' s poor a r e vegan o r very nearly so because they cannot afford to be anything e l s e . Their veganism i s v e r y different from o u r s because they seldom get enough to keep them w e l l , but we get abundant vegan food and abundant health. One of the m a j o r causes of the persistence of hunger in m a n y developing countries is the behaviour of the western educated elite. They adopt the prestigious and wasteful habits df the "developed, w o r l d " . This takes m u c h of the scarce resources of their own people. Often the crops of the poor a r e taken to provide foreign exchange to buy inessentials from the W e s t . W e m u s t show them that real prestige attaches to the compassionate, health-promoting, truly economical vegan d i e t . Only if l a r g e n u m b e r s of our own elite adopt it voluntarily and publicise that they a r e doing s o , aod why, will its prestige be r a i s e d . They r e a l i s e , a s m a n y concerned people in the; early days .of the Freedom from Hunger m o v e m e n t failed to r e a l i s e , that g r e a t c a r e has to be. taken in any attempt to transplant western methods of agricultjure J but they do not sufficiently understand the dangers of thes violent methods o f the west that m a y feed the hungry in 20 years t i m e b u t m a k e things m o r e difficult later., F o r example they support the use of a r t i f i c i a l f e r t i l i s e r s and pesticides. Tnese use l a r g e quantities of irreplaceable fossil fuels in their


m a n u f a c t u r e and w i l l soon increase in p r i c e far beyond the m e a n s of m o s t . Their use can destroy soil life and structure and cause dangerous pollution. M o r e o v e r the increased yields from artif i c i a l s consist to a considerable degree of w a t e r , and analysis has shown i n f e r i o r balance of n u t r i e n t s . Vegan c o m p o s t , the careful re-cycling of all w a t e r , avoidance of m o n o c u l t u r e , help with storage and intermediate technology t o o l s , encouragement of peasant crafts and localised industries to keep labour from drifting to the shanty towns, peasant owned holdings co-operatively r u n , knowledge of a health g i v i n g , truly economical vegan diet suited to p a r t i c u l a r l o c a l i t i e s , knowledge of the s u p r e m e l y i m p o r t a n t contributions of t r e e s , above a l l ftjlly a w a r e , c o m p a s s i o n a t e , involved vegan l i v i n g , these a r e what i s required for the development of sufficient, sustainable, food production.

Nutritional Values in Crops from Organic Manuring and Chemical Fertilizing. As a result of twelve years experimenting, Prof. W. Schuphan found that with bio-dynamic compost the yields were less by 20% - 28% as compared with those when chemical fertilizers were used (N. P. K.) but the biological values were on average greater:Dry Matter Relative Protein Ascorbic Acid Total Sugars Methionine (valuable amino-acid)

+ + + + +

23% 18% 28% 19% 23%

Minerals Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Iron Magnesium

+ + + + +

18% 10% 13% 77% 0%

Also, undesirable constituents in crops were on average less:Free amino acids less by 42%; Sodium less by 12%; Nitrates (determined in spinach only, 1962, 1969, 1972) less by 93%. He emphasised the great importance of similar research so that knowledge obtained from thorough scientific investigation into this very important issue can be made available.

In m a n y ways the Hunger Project needs the insights and knowledge of vegans but they need the Hunger P r o j e c t to help them develop, the c o u r a g e , the selfless involvement, the c o m m i t m e n t to action on which the harmonious development of a l l life depends. Contact the "Hunger P r o j e c t "

81 Piccadilly


London W . 1 .

The Age of The Tree. The New Age will be the Age of the Tree. Man was cradled in the trees, and he will grow out of his painful, destructive, self-centred adolescence as he learns once more to value them. There have been many encouraging developments during the last year in the recognition of the value of trees. The eighth World Forestry Congress held in, Jakarta last November went; far beyond the usual consideration of forests as providers of timber and wood-pulp. Recognition was given to their ability to contribute many other products, and to their importance in controlling both flood and drought and in preventing soil erosion and erosion-caused sedimentation in reservoirs and hydro-power installations. The value of forests, especially tropical forests, as, genetic banks of innumerable plant-and animal species many of-unknown worth to man, was discussed , and plans considered for protecting representative samples of forest ecosystems. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation which sponsored the Congress and chose its theme - "Forests for People " , has launched a programme for " community forestry " by which people are to be encouraged and helped to establish and maintain their forests, The World Bank is to increase its allocation, of dollars more than five-fold mainly in respect of the water control services of the forest. An International Council for Research into Agro-Forestry has been set up in Nairobi and plans to give financial incentives to. shifting cultivators - 200 million of them are even more devastating than bull^-dozers- to plant trees. A new Agri-siviculture has been set up in Arizona to study and encourage the Afforestation of Food Crop Trees. This could make a great contribution to the ending of hunger. Our member., Robert Hart, in following pages writes Of the book he plans on the subject,and a research project in this country. Articles stressing the services of trees to life by Richard St Barbe- Baker and others appeared in the "Vegan" thirty years and more ago - further evidence of vegans beine not "way-out" but "way-ahead1'. At 89 St Barbe is still active in several continents in the service of trees and rejoices in the progress of his life's work.


3 1 8 4

oz. brown rice large onion oz. chopped root vegetables tblsps. oil

1-2 tsps. Tastex or more to taste. 2 oz. raisins 1 tblsp. soya flour

Simmer rice until soft. Cook vegetables. Slice onion and fry until golden brown. Mix all ingredients together retaining enough of the cooking water to make pleasantly moist. BEAN FLAN 4 portions. 8 oz. pastry 6 oz. well cooked beans 1-2 tsps. Tastex or more to taste 1 large onion

4 tblsps. oil 1 tblsp. soya flour l j oz. cornflour or fine oatmeal \ pt. stock or water

Make pastry by quick and easy "First Hand: First Rate" method and line deep sandwich tin with it. Fill with beans. Fry sliced onion in oil. Mix cornflour or oatmeal and soya flour into thin cream with little of the stock. Boll rest of stock and stir into cream until it thickens. Mix with onion and Tastex and pour on to top of beans, retaining any surplus to use as gravy. Bake 25 - 30 mins. at 375째. SOUPS Excellent soups can be made by whizzing cold potatoes, soya flour (1 dstsp. to | pt. water or stock) with onions or tomatoes and Tastex. SOYA CUSTARD. Mix 1 tblsp. of custard powder with 1 tblsp. soyolk and 3tbslps. water. p 0 u r on a pint of boiling water, stirring until the mixture thickens. (May have to heat in saucepan to thicken.) SUNFLOWER CUSTARD. Liquidise 1 tblsp hulled sunflower seeds with \ pt. water and use as cow milk. A P P L E "RINGS" There is still time to dry apples so as to have enough to bridge the gap before the next harvest. Simply peel and cut into $" thich slices and dry on a rack over radiator or in lowest possible oven heat, for about twelve hours, until the consistency of leather. There is no need to salt. - a piece of lemon on the rack will prevent undue browning. Store in jar or packet. To use simply soak in water for about 30 minutes. 18


SOYA MILK WITH SESAME 1 oz sesame seeds 2 oz. Soyolk warm (boiled)water to make 1 pt. when prepared.

approx. 1 tsp. or more Barbados sugar (optl.)

Grind seeds. Transfer to liquidiser goblet. Add other ingredients and part of water. Liquidise. Transfer to jug. Add rest of water and liquidise again. Cool, then keep covered in fridge. Keeps for a few days. This is a palatable drink and is useful in tea, coffee, etc., or with a breakfast dish. Stir each time before using. Doris Celnik. CREAMY MILLET PUDDING 2 oz. whole millet 1 oz. sesame seeds 1 oz. washed and chopped dates

3 tsp. celery salt i oz. soaked raisins water

Wash millet, bring to boil and gently simmer 10 - 15 minutes until much of the water is absorbed. Grind seeds and stir into the millet, together with other ingredients. At this stage some added water may be required. Simmer for a few more minutes. The mixture should have a good consistency, not unlike rice pudding. Can be eaten hot or cold, perhaps with sliced banana and a little soyaand-sesame milk. Doris Celnjk APPLE PATTIES

(Breakfast dish or snack - makes about 8)

4 oz. S. R. wholemeal flour (or 3 oz. * 1 oz. soya flour) 1 level tsp. baking powder Beat all together. both sides.

1 gillwater 1 medium t o large cooking apple,unpeeled, thinly sliced

Fry spoonfuls in an oiled frying pan until deep golden brown Zena Kendall

FRUIT AND BRAZIL SLICE. 8 oz. dried fruit (raisins, sultanas and currants) 1 oz. sunflower seed 3 oz. brazils

2 oz. coconut Peel and juice of 1 orange Rice paper

Chop or grind all ingredients. Mix well. Spread in flat baking tray with a layer of rice paper, underneath and on top. Keep in fridge. Sue Stephens. 19

ma's mn


Menus are planned to give meals sufficiently conventional in pattern to be easily acceptable to those used to'hieat and veg; sweet and custard". They include a mixture of protein sources - cereal, soya and other pulses, nuts to give high biological value. Recipes on centre pages or in "First Hand : First Rate" (see publication page) give quantities for two adults with average appetites and leading moderately active lives. For those needing more give extra potatoes & whole cereals remembering that the body will use protein for energy if enough carbohydrates are not supplied. HEALTH points - no sugar except in custard - dried fruit should give enough sweetening; vegetable oil only used - acts against cholesterol build up; whole cereals give necessary fibre; vitamins and minerals supplied by:- raw fruit and vegetables (C), red fruit anddark green veg. (A), Tastex yeast extract B12 and for other B vitamins also soya;whole cereals and vegetable oil (E). ECONOMY. Day 1 is oven day for baking bread, cakes, biscuits, pies for the week. Other items use top of the stove only. Ingredients largely home grown and non-processed saving oil in transport and factories. Recipes from "First Hand : First Rate" specially composed to save time and labour. COST for each adult worked out at ÂŁ2.21 for the main meals for a week in February 1979, using stored apples , bottled tomatoes , home grown onions and cress for salad. Buying Soyolk and Tastex from the Health Store and everything else from Bulk Buy Supply or the greengrocer. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH MENUS with cost and recipes will be given in the Summer "Vegan". MAIN MEALS PLANNED FOR HEALTH & ECONOMY OF MONEY. TIME, LABOUR & BASIC RESOURCES Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. Day 7.

Bean flan, Baked potatoes. Carrots, Greens, Raw Fruit Salad. Home-made biscuit. Nut cream. (Oven Day) Tomato soup. Cold bean-flan, Potatoes, Salad, Apple crunch (cooked Day 1) Nut cream, or sunflower custard. Nut rissoles with peas. Soya gravy, Carrots, Greens, Potatoes. Apple pie (cooked Day 1) Soya custard. Onion soup. Raw nut loaf, Potatoes, Salad with carrots. Apple and dried fruit, Dumplings , Soya custard. Lentil stew with dumplings, onions and mixed root vegetables. Raw fruit salad and nut cream. Soup-lentil (stew remains whizzed up) Pancakes with beans. Potatoes, Salad, Dried apricots , apple, and custard. Savoury rice with onions and mixed root vegetables. Garnished with cress. Potatoes. Figs or Prunes. Soya custard. 20





? ? ?

A report in the British Medical Journal of February 3rd, 1979 on four babies suffering from malnutrition ended with the words "Vegan and the more extreme macrobiotic diets are obviously inadequate for growing children. " Of course the press, unaware of the many vegan children of all ages , some second generation vegans, who enjoy excellent health and development,picked up the phrase and under such titles a^'Child Abuse and Cult Diets" proceeded to give publicity to the word vegan without any understanding. More balanced people questioned the logic of a Report that could condemn a way of life on evidence from the one case that they described as vegan. Is the omnivorous orthodox diet condemned because it has many cases of malnutrition ? The family in question were on a very restricted diet determined by the father who had repeatedly resisted the advice of our President, Dr. Frey Ellis. Those who were able to get copies of the report were amazed at its illogical and self-contradictory nature. To quote :"The parents and a four year old male sibling had also followed an uncooked vegetable diet for at least one year. His mother had a low serum B12 (105 ng/1) and serum iron (13. 7 ymol/1 (76. 5ng/100mlÂť concentrations but all other investigations in the family were normal . " states, even on a very restricted vegan diet. We know that the older boy had suffered a lot and had been nursed back to health on a more balanced vegan diet. Similarly the 13 month old boy , the case in the Report, recovered in hospital on a soya based vegan milk and an adequate vegan diet. The Report itself states " At the age of 2 years he was well and his weight and height were within normal limits. Blood count and serum albumin, folate, and B12 concentrations were also within normal limits. He remained on a vegan diet . . . " Yet having said this the Report concludes with the statement quoted above about the obvious inadequacy of the diet J ! We have been able to counteract the bad publicity and consider that we are going to fcain in prestige from the incident. We have the support of nutritionists, doctors and other professionals. Letters have been published in our support and articles will be appearing soon in Journals circulating among General Practitioners. In Radio interviews writers of the Report advised vegan parents to consult their doctors. How many busy G. Ps have time to find out about veganism Members are asked to take every opportunity to present them with copies of our new booklet - "Vegan Nutrition" by experts of high standing in the field - see Publications, Page 2. - and with our leaflet "Vegan Mothers & Children" which has a summary of the findings of Dr. Frey Ellis and P. Mumford of Queen Elizabeth College. We are re-issuing our booklet written by vegan mothers who between 1940 and 1974 brought up children on the vegan diet. It will have 5 extra chapters from vegan mothers of today who are happy in the knowledge that their children are thriving on a diet that has much to commend it as superior to that generally followed. K. Jannaway. 21



LUISE DAVIS MEMORIAL MEETING Over ninety people, more than half of them new to veganism, attended the all day meeting held at the Mary Ward Centre, Tavistock Place, London, on Sunday, February 11th. The three films shown in the morning were judged by most people to be well worth seeing. The Vegan ยงpciety Open Door film "A Better Future for All Life" with its presentation of healthy vegans of all ages and its testimonies from scientists, did much to confute the false rumours circulating as a result of the self contradictory British Medical Journal report. The Scott-Nearing film further emphasised the fact that vegan living can give amazing health and vigour into old age. Scott and Helen Nearing certainly gave convincing evidence of this, but it was a pity that the film was so spasmodic. Interest was aroused in activities and ideas expressed only to be frustrated as the film whisked away to another scene. It was disappointing that so little was shown of the garden produce that had supplied these remarkable people with such mental and physical energy for so many years - Scott is now ninety-four and Helen seventy-six, and they have just finished building their own stone house with their own hands. They grow most of their food with their own labour and live a full social and professional life too. The Soil Association film "On the Edge of the Forest" proved to be a deeply disturbing portrayal of the destructiveness of modern man. We saw awe-inspiring Kauri forests with trees four hundred years old, one hundred and fifty foot high and of enormous girth, reduced to scenes of horrifying devastation. The wonderful wood, one of the strongest and most enduring that grows, was reduced to "chips" for the Japanese papermills: There could be no more convincing spectacle of the irresponsible activities of modern man bemused by his false religion of economics. The commentary of E. F. Schumacher made this clear, and he also explained the seriousness of depriving the world of the important services of the forests in maintaining the water cycle and preventing soil erosion. Thanks are due to David Head, the new principal of the Centre, for his welcome and his handling of the projector. Lunch of soup, rolls, savoury, salad and fruit was much appreciated , especially the beautifully prepared flans and pies, made by Margaret Ploger. Thanks are also due to a very small work force, Frances and Lelia Quinn, Dorothy Blanks, and Mary Ward Centre's Ruby Dingle. In the afternoon, Jack Sanderson, alerted his audience by a remarkable piece of film, and then proceeded to give an absorbing exposition of the bases of vegan thinking and practice.


Leonard Davis, Luise Davis's husband, expressed the feelings of the meeting when he described it as a truly worthy memorial to her, and one of which she would have approved wholeheartedly. Tributes to Luise Davis, who was Secretary of the Vegan Society from 1966-1971 and active in many other fields, were given by Jack Sanderson and Serena Coles, who chaired the meeting. LEYTONSTONE MEETING.

February 16th.

That forty-two people turned out on such a bitter evening was evidence of publicity work well done by Arthur Pay and his helpers. Great interest was shown in the films - the same as shown at the Mary Ward Centre - and it was decided to have regular meetings in the area. For information contact Arthur Pay, 45 Buiwer Road, Leytonstone, London, E . l l . LIVERPOOL GROUP Regular meetings are also to be held in Liverpool. Please contact Jean Maguire, 29 Marine Crescent, Waterloo, Liverpool 22 8QP. NORTH LONDON GROUP After two meetings, one public at which films (the Vegan Society's, Open Door, and Compassion in World Farming's "Don't Look now, Here Comes Your Dinner") were showri, and an informal follow-up gathering, considerable interest was expressed in promoting a vegan presence in North London with leafletting, demonstrating and perhaps establishing a vegan centre - or at least a market stall. For information contact Alpaye Tojrgut, 133 Owen House, Brecknock Road Estate, London N19 5AS. BARNET. Violet Mitchell,7 Langford Road, Cockfosters Tel. 01-440-3849 is willing to be a contact for the district. LEICESTER M r s M . B a r r , 30 Holyoake St. Enderby, Leicester (Tel. 863013) urgently appeals for active support from those who, on moral grounds, deplore the widespread suffering inflicted on farm and laboratory animals. MARCH and RALLY at CAMBRIDGE, SATURDAY 5th MAY, 1979. A protest against experiments on animals carried out in the university laboratories. Coach from central London - ÂŁ2 return. (Contact us as soon as possible to book your seat.) Those in other areas please get in touch with area contact re transport. For this event to be a success we need maximum support. Please book this day in your diary NOW. We shall assemble at Parkers' Piece, Cambridge at 1. 30 p. m. ANIMAL AID 1U Estridge Way, Tonbridge, Kent.

(0732) 364546.

May 13th, Sunday, DEMONSTRATION against the meat trade. Assemble at Harrogate Rail Station. Contact Animal Activists P. O. Box 1, Biggin Hill, Kent.




MARCH 29th, Thursday. 7.30 for 8.0 pm. Dr. Frey Ellis Memorial Lecture to be given by Dr. J . W. T. Dickerson, Professor in Human Nutrition, University of Surrey, on Plant Foods for Human Health with special reference to the Disease of Affluence and the Needs of the Developing World, at Friends Meeting House, 52 St. Martins Lane, Westminster; few minutes walk from Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square underground stations. Vegan buffet from 7.00 to 7.30 pm. Collection in aid of the Dr. Frey Ellis Research Fund. APRIL 21st - 29th Festival for Mind, Body and Spirit. Olympia. Details from the Secretary, Vegan Society, 47 Highlands Rd.,Leatherhead,Sy. S.a.e.please. APRIL 28th, Saturday. Intensive Day Course in the Practice and Theory of Vegan Nutrition at Richmond Adult College. Fee ÂŁ3.50 including meals. A few places are left for this course which has been planned mainly for professionals such as teachers, dietitians and health visitors. JUNE 10th, Sunday, 2.30 pm. GARDEN PARTY at 47 Highlands Road,Leatherhead, Sy. B2033 off A24. Bus routes 470, 408 468; coach 714 (ask for St. Mary's Parish Church). Highlands Road is between the church and the garage - bear right at the fork. Half-hourly trains from Waterloo and Victoria, 15 minutes walk from Leatherhead station, through the town centre and straight across at the traffic lights, second turning on the left - see above.

A.G.M. 1979

will be held on October 20th at Friends Meeting House 52 St. Martin's Lane, Westminster. Ideas for evening session 6.30 - 9.00 and activities for Sunday before May 1st please.

LAST TUESDAYS of the month - There will be no meeting in March and April. Thereafter it is hoped to use the gatherings at the Nature Cure Clinic, 15 Oldbury Place, W. 1. (5 minutes Baker Street Underground - behind Marylebone Church) 7.00 - 9.00 pm for speakers training sessions. Volunteer speakers please! All welcome for audience and social time. Drinks provided. Anything you bring to eat: MEETINGS




APRIL 11th, Wednesday 6.30 p. m. Philip Langton-Lockton and Eileen LangtonLockton on "The Relief of Tension and the Freeing of Energy". Arranged by the Nature Cure Clinic, 15 Oldbury Place, London, W . l . Tickets 75p. JUNE 2nd, Saturday. Symposium on "Rights for Animals". Commonwealth Institute, Kensington High St., London W. 8. Full details from Vegetarian Society, 53 Marloes Road, London W. 8. S. a. e. please. JUNE 15th, 5-8 p. m. and 16th, 10 a. m. to 5pm -the Nature Cure Clinic will welcome visitors on the opening of the Allinson Rooms. Demonstrations and discussions of therapies and chance to talk with practitioners. Vegan and vegetarian refreshment. Further details - N. C. C. 15 Oldbury Place, London W l . 24

LETTERS THERE IS NO LINE (from one of our oldest vegans.

91 years old and vegan 67 years)

The following I shall write in the greatest humility, knowing how very much I want to learn and PRACTISE. Having a wise father, who did not teach, but LIVED the Virtues, some principles were born within me. I was always most concerned with the poor and the sick and all animals, as they have few friends. As consciousness grew, I became a vegetarian 67 years ago and soon after a VEGAN, long before the English Vegan Society started, to my great happiness, in 1944. But a real test was in store, which began 40 years ago. In Los Angeles I had a vegetable garden, attracting countless snails. As I cannot kill any animal, I picked 65 snails every early morning and put them in a large space between my two garages and back fence; plenty of grass and freedom; no trouble. But when I went to Oceano, California, 32 years ago, on large virgin grounds, it was a different story. First year the 9 fig trees and 35 dahlias I planted were all taken by the gophers, the vegetable garden overrun by snails and all the food I stored in a two room Ahimsa House eaten by the rats and mice. The second year , the same. What to do? Having large grounds and doing nothing is also wrong. Everybody uses snarol, so I put a little near the vegetable garden. The next morning I was deeply disturbed by the sight of all those poor half-dead snails, which I had betrayed, as they thought it was something nice to eat. How ashamed I was and deeply touched. Of course, I burned the box of snarol. I know that when one really tries the right way, the answer comes. So, I thought and thought about the Theosophical Principles, and the answer came. LOVE LIFE. So I began to talk to them all early each morning. I say: I thank you all: gophers, rats, mice, moles, snails, etc. because you did not take all my vegetables, roses and flowers. I promise you, that, as far as I now know, I never will trap, poison, kill or hurt you in any way or even say an ugly word about you. But for that honest promise I feel that you should take as little as possible from my part of the Vegetable Kingdom and the food I store in the Ahimsa House. I thank you and I bless you. This was repeated with feeling and truth every morning for a few years, till they all and their babies knew it. There Is nothing better than to be in LOVE with LIFE. It is a marvellous feeling. We must also think of the ATMOSPHERE AND OUR WHOLE ENVIRONMENT. When we talk, think, buy poisons, we also decrease the purity of these two.

All is well for all these years. The gophers are helping me by raising the grounds at some places, so that I can get the sand easy for the compost. Then I thank them. How Glorious LIFE is. TWO WARNINGS: 1. Be absolutely honest; promise only what you KNOW that you can fulfill. For instance, if some plague came to our neighbourhood, no doubt the authorities would send poisons or fumes to the street and I could do nothing about It. Therefore I say: AS FAR AS I KNOW NOW. 2. Never ask them to go away. They may and do go to the neighbours; that is very unkind for all. Let us CARE, SHARE and TRY. Then all goes well. I do not have so called wild rabbits (nothing is wild). Some of my friends in another state had them and they planted two extra rows of lettuce for them, and it worked fine. I am constantly learning and trying. If we LOVE LIFE and try to prove It, all becomes more inspiring. In the approach of the new Cycle, we have the greatest opportunity ever. Dr. C Nimmo.

OTHER METHODS The only way to keep slugs etc. off plants is to use boards or glass panes painted on the outsldw with a salt and creosote mixture and stuck sideways into the soil, completely enclosing the area. Laborious but the only effective way. For fly on beans etc. - throw a dusting of dry sand or soil on the plants at intervals. This will strictly restrict their numbers. For carrot fly - walk heel to toe a couple of times along the row when the plants are an inch or two high. This hardens the soil: the carrots soon recover.




ON THE DIET OF OUR HUMAN ANCESTORS In the "Vegan" (1978 No. 2 ) Peter Roberts writes that " we have been vegan 54/60ths of our time. " This opinion contradicts all recent scientific literature I have read about human evolution. The genesis of our (sub-) species Homo sapiens took place some 50,000 years ago. His ancestor Homo erectus hunted big game. The hominid forbears of Homo erectus-Hvomo species ( i . e . Homo habills) and Australopithecus ate for the most part vegetable material , but not exclusively. All evidence points to man as an omnivore. Hunting was an important factor In hominid evolution indeed. 99% of our time we have been hunter gatherers. It may be argued , however, that the vegetarianism or omnlvorlsm of our ancestors never can be an argument for or against vegetarianism ( or veganism ) here and now. Frank Zeiss Netherlands 26



I have been doing a lot of reading and researching, for several years now, trying to work out the ideal way of life for mankind so that we can fit in to the environment without spoiling or even destroying it, following the ideal of "Reverence for Life" (meaning all life, not just human life.) The answer seems to be the simple rural life with a diet of fresh, organically grown fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables; grown as far as possible on trees and bushes with as little soil disturbance as possible. Clothing of cotton or other vegetable fibres, basket ware for all manner of things including tables, chairs and beds, gourds instead of pottery, boats' of reeds as in the case of "Ra" In fact everything from the vegetable kingdom thai can return to the soil when finished with to rot and grow again. But it would all be much, much easier in a warmer climate. In England the spring and winter diets would be very monotonous without imported foods. We are also not too happy about the vitamin D question. Do we get enough in the Winter months. My wife and I try to get out in the sunshine as much as possible but- what about our son of eleven who catches the school bus in the dark and comes home when it is almost dark again, having spent ,most of the day indoors. Several problems facing vegans in this country are much easier to deal with in a warmer climate. Shoes for instance. Here you need warm, waterproof shoes, rubber boots etc. Leather is the best for feet, but means killing animals. Synthetics do the job but pollute the environment i n manufacture, and when fini shed with. In a warm climate you wear flip-flops or go bare, foot. Much the same applies to clothing: Fuel for heating is another problem. We burn wood here for cooking, water heating and heating the house and it works very well and is cheap , about threequarters home grown, but if everybody did it the country would, soon be. denuded of trees and covered in smoke. I just don't know the answer to this One. In a warmer climate on a raw diet you would need little or no fuel at all. 째

Geoffrey Molineux.

SAVE THE WHALES:! A special new display in the Whale Hall at the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, S. W. 7 shows the jojoba plant with full details of i ts growth and use, and explains how the wax from its seeds could be used as a substitute for sperm whale oil. Visit the Exhibition which lasts until May 31st and inform yourself so thst you can inform others.


PLAMIL FOODS LTD. is the new name for Plantmilk Ltd., and the change has been made to avoid confusion with the Plantmilk Society and also focus emphasis on the foods it now produces and those it plans to develop, quite apart from its soya plantmilk. At its recent Annual Meeting its Objects Clause in its Memorandum and Articles of Association was defined as "to promote and carry on the business of producing vegan foods, beverages and any other products made exclusively from plant and/or mineral sources and to carry on business as specialists in vegan products". It has doubtless made history in being the only firm to define its function as "specialists In vegan produots". All the full time members of its staff are vegan and it has now appointed Mr. John Telford, a food scientist and also a vegan, as its Technical Consultant,. Your attention is drawn to the classified advert whereby the Company requires an Engineer. The latest addition to the Plamil range is PLAMIL CAROB-EAN, which is a blend of soya and carob. Please ask your Health Store for it. The Company asks me to draw attention to the calcium content of its soya plantmilk because the Milk Marketing Board has been heavily featuring dairy milk as a source of calcium. A report from an independent laboratory on three tins of Plamil says "these gave fairly consistent results at about 850 parts per million c a l c i u m . . . . so you can safely claim 800 ppm, which for all practical purposes is the same as 800 vng per litre or 60 mg per 100 m l . . . the average content of calcium in human milk is 330 ppm and in cows' milk about 1,250 ppm. Plamil undiluted contains therefore approximately l\ times the amount of calcium in human milk, but naturally when diluted the calcium content would be satisfactory for the feeding of neonates and more mature babies and far nearer to human milk than cows' milk". Folkestone has need of a Vegan Guest House. Arthur Ling. VEGAN LAND PROJECT The people involved in the land project near Ipswich have now moved into a house in Ipswich. 37 Hampton Road, Tel. 43674. If you think you might like to live and work with a group of folks who are doing their bit towards a vegan world, why not write for more information" ? Our main objectives are 1 2 3 4

As far as possible to attain self-sufficiency in food grown by veganic methods. To become involved in other ecologically sound enterprises. To develop through art, music, crafts, yoga etc. a true sense of unity, harmony and responsibility within the community. Through the ideals of the New Age of Consciousness to promote veganism and show that our lifestyle is enjoyable, spiritually stimulating and satisfying. ,<; 0 Members of the * Ipswich Vegan Community 28

THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE HERE FOR I "That's what they are there for. Aren't they?" So said a friend to me when I expressed my disgust at seeing a boy hooking a fish out of a pond and killing it. I find it difficult to get omnivores interested in veganism. We who are inside the movement cannot adequately understand the condition of mind of those outside. The vegan leaflet recently produced regarding the Christmas Seasonal Slaughter of Creatures evoked re-actions which I had particularly arranged to study. One friend of mine who is by no means a Philistine on my asking his opinion of the leaflet said, 'They (the vegans) are tilting at windmills". Another said, when I asked for his frank re-action on being handed a leaflet "It doesn't call any re-action from me at all. It leaves me cold. What's it all about?" When he said, "What's it all about?" I think I began to understand the mind of the ordinary omnivore. They haven't the remotest notion that the eating of animals by humans may be anything but a natural condition of Life. They accept it as a natural condition. "That's what they are there for. Aren't they?" When I ponder on the best way to get a start into the mind of an omnivore I beware of causing antipathy. The moment I see signs of resentment 01 irritation I shut up. I know I should be kuocked down for the count in the first round, because there are none so blind as those who won't see. Even the sympathetic slaughterman who expressed his revulsion at killing baby calves, said "It is something that has to be done". How to get through to the average omnivores without arousing their rancour or derision is difficult. It is the general attitude. That creatures are to be eaten. To be used or treated just as we like. "That's what they are here for1.' Donald Stewart.

PRIORITIES Feed people oranimais?

\T6QfAH Feeds the hungry without exploiting animals.


Finances irrigation, supply of seed, plant protein, etc.

A. Johnstone 38 Albert St. Cheltenham Glos.

The Sanctuary, Lydford, Okehampton, Devon. Tel. Lydford 203


Robert Hart, co-author of Forest Farming, is working on a new system called Ecological Perennial Horticulture - "EPH" - which could be entirely veganic and organic, extremely economical and labour-saving and highly productive, enabling a family to be wholly self-sufficient in food and partly selfsufficient in fuel on a small acreage. He is preparing a book on the system, to be entitled PERENNIAL CROPS FOR SELF-SUFFICIENCY. He urgently needs volunteers to participate in research; anyone with access to a small plot of land could assist. He would also welcome a keen, hard-working couple to run a market-garden and help with research on EPH at his farm on Wenlock Edge in Shropshire. Valuable research could also be done by people living overseas or travelling abroad into methods of intensive, symbiotic cultivation practised by peasants in certain areas, especially, perhaps, parts of Africa and Central America. EPH is envisaged as a worldwide system, with local modifications, covering the entire inhabited globe, except the Arctic. Hunger, already one of mankind's major problems, may well by the year 2000 be the world's supreme problem, as it is predicted that by then there may be another 3000 million mouths to feed. Moreover, the present rich world will not remain unaffected. As the balance of power switches more & more to the 3rd World, the industrial countries will find it increasingly difficult and expensive to obtain food, energy and other raw materials from the poorer countries , many of which they are now unmercifully exploiting. Having lost tens of thousands of square miles of agricultural land to factories, airfields, motorways and other relatively or completely unproductive uses, and largely deprived of the oil on which their highly mechanised agriculture depends for fuel, fertilisers and pesticides, the industrial countries will find great difficulty in feeding their own growing populations. In these circumstances, an entirely new system of food production, such as EPH, may be the only comprehensive answer. Briefly, EPH envisages the replacement of the present agricultural system which is mainly dependent on livestock products and annual cereals, vegetables and fibre crops, by a system comprising trees and other perennial plants, grown in symbiotic association with each other, which would not demand laborious annual cultivations and would be less vulnerable to the vagaries of weather, pests and diseases. "KATE who was called Toubiba" by Nina Hosali. This fascinating bode tells the story of how Nina Hosali and her mother formed SPANA - Society for Protection of Animals in North Africa. Humorous and lively as well as moving. Well illustrated. Attractive gift book. ÂŁ6 from SPANA, 15 Buckingham Gate, London SW1. All proceeds to SPANA.


SHOPPING WITH EVA Our main purpose in these pages is to assist those just changing over from a conventional diet to find foods which contain no ingredients of animal origin. We would like, as has been suggested to us, to leave out all processed foods which may contain sugars refined with the use of bone charcoal. Unfortunately, this is not feasible as manufacturers are not able to supply this information because their company will purchase sugars according to availability at the time. In the future, we plan to mark those foods, such as Plamil, which contain only unbleached sugar as and when confirmation is received. We ought also to mark in some way the foods which we are happy to recommend, for health reasons, to distinguish them from those which are merely animal-free. Many items on which we have assurance that they are suitable for vegans are not included in these lists. If they were, it would appear that vegans must live largely on boiled sweets and pickles! A wide range of additives are tested on laboratory animals to evaluate possible harm which could come to humans from their use. We would like to avoid using all foods with such additives but it would leave us with little save homegrown, home-processed foods and those guaranteed additive free sold in health food shops. Occasionally, we receive letters from readers, saying that their local baker, for instance, does not use lard in his bread. While news of this kind is welcome, it does not appear in the Journal as it would be helpful to just one or two vegans who might live near there, and space in The Vegan is very precious. But do continue making your enquiries, it all helps to draw attention to our needs and aims. Thank you for all your letters, we appreciate your interest and welcome your suggestions - even if you do not get a reply for some time! We are delighted to announce that we have received an offer of help with letter writing in answer to my recent appeal. ( At the end of April Eva is moving to Bournemouth, so please send all letters about commodities to her at : Bournemouth. NOT TO THE SECRETARY AT LEATHERHEAD. )






It is with great regret that we have to announce the closing of the Enfield Vegan Boutique. We should like to thank all those who have supported this venture - which was just a little ahead of its time. We shall greatly miss your visits and your letters. We have tried to notify all our mail order friends. If you have been overlooked, please write to my new address,as above. Eva Batt. 31




MARGARINES. Sainsbury's and Waitrose's and Outline low fat spreads are no longer guaranteed as completely vegan, so that leaves just TOMOR and the CoOp's SUMMERS SPREAD which you may be able to get from your local branch. Van den Berghs TOMOR Margarine. Some stockists are discontinuing this line, but if a few people in a district write to Van den Berghs & Jurgens Ltd., Burgess Hill, West Sussex, expressing their disappointment and desire to obtain this product, the makers have been known to persuade a local grocer to stock it for them. On one occasion only two people wrote but their letters resulted in TOMOR appearing on the shelves (Liptons in Barnstaple. Also, one member reports success from approaching her own grocer on this issue. If only we could persuade Sainsbury's or some other big chain store to stock TOMOR. Some vegans are discriminating against Tomor because it is hydrogenated, but that degree of saturated fat is not likely to be important unless you are a heart case. Those who say margarines are "unnatural food" are quite right in one sense of the word, but in that sense our lives to-day are largely "unnatural". If we lived "natural" lives we would be in the open air most of the time and not need a dietary source of vitamin D. Vegans can manage perfectly well with home-made spreads made from oil and grated nuts, seeds or soya flour, providing that they get enough sunlight for their vitamin D. VITAMIN B12. Glaxo CYTACON LIQUID is still vegan, but the tablets now contain lactose in their coating. G. R. Lane Health Products L t d . , Sisson Road, Gloucester, and Rayner & Pennycook Ltd. , Rayvtt House, Govet Avenue, Shepperton, Middlesex, will send through the post B12 tablets that they state are completely vegan. (Ilealthilife, Bradford, no longer make them.) Part tablets should be taken daily , not at intervals, so as to ensure a regular daily intake of 3-5 micrograms. TASTEX & BARMENE yeast extracts and PL A MIL are probably the best sources of this essential vitamin. A teaspoonful daily of the former in soups, sandwiches, savouries or as a hot drink should suffice. There are no animal ingredients in these products - do not be misled by the faulty statement in March "Alive". VITAMIN D. We are sorry to have to report that Adexolin drops (Farley Health Products) may no longer be vegan as the vitamin A may be from either fish or non-animal sources. We would remind readers that all capsules are made from animal glycerine. We are searching for other suppliers of vegan vitamin D drops or tablets. Meanwhile, we can recommend only Plamil.and Tomor margarine and sunlight. The latter is of course the proper source.









Fink LINUSIT OIL, LINUSIT GOLD, GRANUFINK Frey BRAN BREK. S. Maya 11 MUESLI & MUESLI BASE Nestle Co. -NESCAFE GOLD BLEND and all Nestles INSTANT COFFEES. Osem No milk etc. used in any of the OSEM BRAND foods. A few contain egg but this i s clearly marked on the label. Prewett's


Not other Prewtt's mueslis. Colman Foods GALE'S PEANUT BUTTER

Just arrived, a letter from a member letting us know ' that Chef Tomato Soup is no longer vegan. (Send your note of disappointment to Crosse & Blackwell.) Products - Household. Brillo CLEARWAY, BRILLO SWISHCLOTHS. (Not Brillo Soap Pads now.) Burmah-Castrol Our thanks to all of you who wrote to this Company expressing their concern about the use of whale oil in Engine Oils. We have definite assurances that this has now been replaced by a vegetable-based oil and that no animal or fish oils are likely to be used by this Company in the future. Reckitt's HOUSEHOLD POLISHES with the exception of Favour, which contains


Holidays SOUTHPORT Delicious vegetarian meals and accommodation in modern bungalow. Guests welcome March onwards. Southport 78776 or Box No. 35 PENZANCE. Self-catering accommodation or vegan/vegetarian meals by arrangement in home 2 miles from Penzance with large garden, sea and country views. Car-shelter. Tel. Penzance (0736) 2242. DEVON, Ilfracombe - "Fairwynds" Vegetarian Guest House offers healthful holidays with natural whole foods, compost grown produce and home baking. Vegans are welcome. Elizabeth Burton (V. C. A. Member). Tel. 62085. NEWQUAY. Accommodation and self-catering facilities are available for up to three vegans/vegetarians in a cliff-top cottage overlooking the harbour. No vacancies August. Newquay, Cornwall TR7 IEZ. INVERNESS. Vegan/vegetarian accommodation in charming cottage on high road between Inverness and Nairn. Good tourist centre, walking, golf course, sea, beach near by. Guests welcome all year. Croy 352. VENTNOR, Isle of Wight. We have rooms to let in our house overlooking the sea and beach. Friendly atmosphere, & good food on request. Ventnor, Isle of Wight, (0983) 852112. SEE ALSO PAGE 36


.& B A B Y


It is important that we have knowledge of people brought up on a vegan diet. Please send us details about yourself and your children. T h e y c a n be very brief but we would like them soon. They will be regarded as confidential - numbers K. Jannaway. only will be quoted. VEGAN





To Vegan Mothers - The Maternal and Infant Nutrition Research Unit at Queen Elizabeth College (University of London)is studying the effects of a vegan diet on pregnancy and lactation and needs vegan volunteers. You would be asked to record your food intake for three days, to complete a questionnaire and to provide a small milk sample (about 10 ml.). If you live in the London area you might in addition, be asked to provide a small blood sample (10 ml) and a one day urine collection. Collection of the samples will be arranged by the unit. It you can help please send for a form to fill up to the Secretary, The Vegan Society, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. (Dr. T. Sanders) SC H O O L


TEACHERS Dr. Turner is investigating into the value of school meals. Will teachers willing to give detail of menus please write to me for a form. No names of schools to be mentioned. Kathleen Jannaway




Please send to the Secretary, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, by May 1st.. for the next issue. Rate - 4p a word. Box Number lOp extra. AUTHOR of forthcoming book on biorhythms available to give evening talks on the subject - illustrated with slides. Details: , Sheen Road, Richmond, Sy. TW10 5AT. HILARY'S VEGAN COOK BOOK- New, fuller edition. Over 60 recipes, many original, for 40p including post and packing: Hilary Craddock, Reading RG4 9AU. INFORMAL MEETINGS will be held at the home of Winifred Winton, , for Sussex members of the Vegan Society in the afternoon of the first Saturday in the month. Vegan refreshments will be provided. "AHIMSA" - quarterly magazine of the American Vegan Society. Veganism Natural Living - Reverence for Life. Calendar year subscription - $8 or ÂŁ4 includes 5 issues of North American Vegetarian Society's "Vegetarian Voice". 9

MAKE BREAD WITHOUT YEAST? Read: THE PRISTINE LOAF. The therapeutic benefits of Sourdough Bread. With recipes. From Healthfood Shops or: LEEDS 8. Send 50 pence inc. p. & p. PLASTIC CARRIER BAGS with slogans: If you like animals, why eat them. Also anti circus and real furs. 3 for 20p. ANIMAL ACTIVISTS, P. O. Box 1, Biggin Hill, Kent. WHY NOT DO SOMETHING about circuses, fur shops, vivisection etc. Actively fight all animal abuse with ANIMAL ACTIVISTS, the only animal welfare society to restrict membership to vegans and vegetarians. P. O. Box 1, Biggin Hill, Kent. TRAINING COURSES IN SYSTEM 3 VEGANIC GARDENING. The 1979 training sessions begin this spring and continue throughout the year. Take this opportunity to learn a unique and easy system of growing your own vegetables and fruit without digging. Use of vegetable organic compost ensures clean soil and crops. No organic wastes used. Short or extended Courses available under the guidance of Instructors at Hatherop, Gloucestershire and Great Linford Manor, Milton Keynes. For prospectus and scale of fees send s. a. e. to: System 3 Veganic, 36 Granes End, Gt. Linford, Milton Keynes, MK14 5DX, Bucks. ETHICAL VEGAN - and adorable dog seek accommodation, self-contained or share with other(s). Preferably London but anywhere considered. Please write Box No. 33. ENGINEER required to enter into tha dally processing operations of Plantmilk and derivative products with special responsibility for machinery maintenance. Happy atmosphers with fellow vegans providing considerable work satisfaction. Plamil Foods L t d . , P l a n i l House, Bowles Well Gar Jens, Folkestone, Kent. STAFF REQUIRED, vegetarian or vegan, for Animal Rescue Centre. Must be non-smoker, car driver, able to deal with people, all types of animals and general maintenance. Caravan accommodation. Long hours. Phone. Biggin "3 5 Hill, Kent- 72386



\A i

with Wendy & Brian Burnett on their 6-berth ketch 'Peanut'. / Vegan/vegetarian diet.



NON-RESIDENTIAL under the personal supervision of the I'rirtcipal



Optional instruction in Sea- J manship/Navigation, Photo- Wtm wmmmi graphy, Natural History, ^ ^ ^ Painting/Sketching.

i he clinic specialises in the Naturopathic approach lo health problems including: Gynaecology Arthritis Skin complaints Gastro Intestinal Degenerative Diseases and all forms of disease affecting the Nervous System.

Visit Iona, Staffa, Skye and other beautiful islands. See Dolphins, Porpoises, Seals and Seabirds. Sleep on board in secluded anchorages. Sea-sailing for the adventurous or canal/ loch cruising for the sea-wary;

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for an

E 50- £70 p. w. Children welcome. THE NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 133, GATLEY ROAD, GATLEY, CHEADLE, CHESHIRE SK84PD. Telephone: 06M28-4980

S.a.e. 51 Main Road, Kinnerton, Chester CH4 9AJ.





Vegetarian/Vegan Holiday Centre overlooking Hayle Estuary.

* *


Tel: HAYLE 3147 • *

C. H. and H. & C. in all rooms


SPIRITUAL HEALING by arrangement * (John Blackaller D. C . H . A . ) Brochure etc. from vegan Proprietors- John & Miss Hazel Blackaller.* *






+ • * *

















Tel. 7508

Open May 27th 1S79. Christine & Christopher Phillips,active members of the Vegan Society, specially welcome vegans. Wholefoods. Homebaking. Safe sandy beach, fine for children. Send S. A. E. for brochure.




Obtainable-from Health Stores or Beauty without Cruelty Boutiques in: ENFIELD . LEEDS . LONDON . EDINBURGH . DUNDEE & STANFORD (Lincolnshire) BWG, 1 CALVERLY PARK, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, KENT


It's 100% vegetable ... made from the soya bean and packed with protein and goodness. Its production involves no exploitation of animals. The flavour is quite delicious—all the family, particularly tiie children will love it, You can drink it on its own as a super health drink or use it on breakfast cereals, in coffee or tea ' or in dishes such as milk: puddings and custards., What's more it will 'keep in tiie can just as long as you want to keep it. A wonderfully versatile and nutritious food Golden Archer. Beanmilk by Itona. It's at your health food store.,

'Golden Archer'

BEANMILK The Milk That's .100% Non-Animal

CRANKS • H6ALTH FOODS Williamr^Hm»» ^ianha\[Stntt'liinim Wl 35 Castle Stmt -^wldjori - Sumy

13fi*s5tnrt' D<trtnurutk"IVnm 35 HujHStrtet'Tctras 'Dtvm




range is exclusively vegan




R I C E P U D D I N G with S U L T A N A S : and new CAROB-EAN ( C A R O B S O Y A


Please place a regular order with your H E A L T H STORE. Literature available—S.A.E. please.

P L A M I L F O O D S LTD. . 'j Plamil House, Bowles Well Gdns. Folkestone, Kent

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