The Vegan Summer 1978

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ISSN 0307-481J


20 D


Vol. 25 No. 2

Summer, 1978


Jack Sanderson

Synchronicity (Editorial) Homo sapiens or Homo carnivorous The Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

Peter Roberts Richard Turner Kathleen Jannaway

" . . . . told you so !" Also

Shopping with Eva and Letters, Reports, Recipes, Etc.

VEGAN SOCIETY FOUNDED 1 9 4 4 — R E G I S T E R E D CHARITY VEGANISM is a way of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, animal milk and its derivatives and honey. It encourages the study and use of alternatives for all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals. The objects of The Vegan Society are to further knowledge of, and interest in, sound nutrition and in the vegan method of agriculture and food production as a means of increasing the potential of the earth to the physical, moral and economic advantage of mankind.

President: Dr. Frey Ellis. Deputy President: Mr. J. Sanderson. Vice-Presidents: Mrs. E. Batt, Mrs. S. Coles, Mr. J. Dinshah, Dr. C. Nimmo, Miss W. Simmons, Miss M. Simmons, Mrs. E. Shrigley. Council: Mrs. E. Batt, Mrs. S. Coles, Dr. F. Ellis, Mrs. K. Jannaway, Mr. A. Pay, Mr. J. Sanderson, Mrs. G. Smith, Mr. W. Wright. Treasurer: Mrs. G. Smith, but all subscriptions, donations, etc., should be sent to the Secretary, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. Hon. Secretary: Mrs. K. Jannaway, address as above. Subscriptions: £1.25 yearly. Additional members at same address not requiring an extra Journal, pensioners and juniors, 63p.

THE VEGAN Quarterly Journal £1.25 per annum. 25p, post free. From the Secretary, address as above. Editors: Mr. J. Sanderson and Mrs. K. Jannaway. Scientific Adviser: Dr. F. Ellis. All advertisements to Leatherhead Office. The Editorial Board does not necessarily agree with opinions expressed by contributors to this magazine, or endorse advertisements. Published: March 21st, June 21st. September 21st, December 21st. Copy dates: 1st of preceding months.




was formed in 1944 by a group of vegetarians who became aware of the suffering causcd by milk production (see over). In 1964, it was recognised as an educational charity and is now growing rapidly in influence and membership, as people realise its importance for their own health and for the wise use of resources as well as for the relief of cruelly exploited animals. Free from commitment to any religious, political, philosophical, social, dietary or medical group, the Vegan Society endeavours to co-operate with all who are seeking a positive way forward for mankind. It challenges all those who preach love and compassion but still base their lives on the cruel practices and debasement of both man and beast involved in meat and milk production. W H A T T H E N DO V E G A N S E A T ? There is a great variety of vegan diets, from the very simple and truly economical, based almost entirely on food that can be grown on small plots of land anywhere, or be bought in ordinary grocers, whole food shops and greengrocers, to those using the many vegan convenience foods sold in the Health Food Stores. The Vegan Society helps with all types of vegan diet. MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTIONS are kept low - £1. 25 or 63 pence for pensioners, juniors and those sharing a journal - so that all who agree with the importance of the vegan way of life can register their support. Overseas members are asked to send International Money Orders or to send extra to cover Bank Charges (which are often 70 pence). FULL MEMBERSHIP is open to all vegans who live on the products of the plant kingdom only. (As honey is produced by insects, it was included in the Rules when Charity status was granted. Most commercial honey production involves ruthless exploitation, but since home production of honey need not involve cruelty and bees are essential to fruit production, the 1974 A. G. M. voted that the use of honey need not be a bar to full membership, but the Charity Commisssioner has refused permission to alter the original wording.) ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is open to vegetarian sympathisers. JOURNAL SUBSCRIBERS are welcomed at the same rate, especially those who agree with the Vegan Society's aims but are not able to follow, fully, the vegan or vegetarian way of life. To the Secretary, Vegan Society, 47 Highlands Road, LeatHerHe¥J,"Surrey? I am a practising vegan and apply for Full Membership I am a vegetarian sympathiser and apply for Associate Membership I wish to be listed as a Journal Subscriber as I am not a vegetarian or vegan I enclose £ Name Address

(See above) 1




BUY AS MANY AS YOU CAN AND HELP YOUR FRIENDS AND THE VEGAN SOCIETY WHAT'S COOKING? by Eva Batt. Comprehensive cookery book and vegan food guide with over 250 recipes and many practical hints. £2.40 FIRST HAND: FIRST RATE by K. Jannaway. 5 dozen simple recipes and ideas for truly economical living plus self-sufficiency gardening hints. No sugar. Oil only fat. Savouries, cakes, puddings, etc. 40p INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL VEGANISM with basic recipes. 25p N. B. All three of above have the recipe for the sliceable, cookable vegan cheese. Takes 5 minutes to make. Keeps. High protein and fat. VEGAN MOTHERS AND CHILDREN by 10 vegan mothers. 35p PIONEERS by 12 vegans - their own ideas and practice. 30p IN LIGHTER VEIN by Eva Batt. Verses to amuse and arouse compassion 65p Sample Quarterly Journal "THE VEGAN" 30p List of VEGAN PRODUCTS 30p YOUTH HOSTELLING AND CAMPING THE VEGAN WAY 5p & S. A. E. LEAFLETS 1. Guidance for Slimmers 2. For Diabetics 3. Feeding Cats and Dogs. 2p & S. A. E. VEGAN SOCIETY BADGES Brooches 60p & S.A. E. Pendants 50p & S. A. E. ALL PRICES INCLUDE POSTAGE. (They cover unsealed rate for abroad. Sealed is very much more. Please use International Money Orders or send extra to cover bank charges, which can be 75% of the amount!) SOLD BUT NOT PUBLISHED BY THE VEGAN SOCIETY FOOD FOR A FUTURE by Jon Wynne Tyson. Paper back 95p & 15p CIVILISED ALTERNATIVE by Jon Wynne Tyson. Plea for the eclectic approach to world religions, philosophies and social theories. £3. 00 & 35p COMMON SENSE COMPOST MAKING by May E. Bruce. 75p & lOp CHILDREN OF ALLAH. Collected poems 1977 by Nina Hosali. £1 each. £2 for pack of 3. Post free STAND AND DELIVER by K. Brown. Lively guide to public speaking. 75p & lOp ANIMAL LIBERATION by Peter Singer - member of the Vegan Society. A powerful plea for the end of speciesism. that is bringing us inquiries from many countries. Paperback, priced at £1. 95 + 15 pence for postage and packing. TO THE SECRETARY, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, England. Please send items ticked above to: NAME ADDRESS

I enclose Cheque/P. O. for


Take courage, for the human race is divine. PYTHAGORAS This great teacher, who lived two and a half thousand years ago, sowed many seeds which have flowered in the centuries since. Many remember him only for his basic theorem on right angled triangles, and important as he was in helping to found mathematics, the basis of modern science, his philosophy was wide ranging and full of insights such as the one above. Just over a century ago, such a thought would have been very unfashionable in thinking circles. Under the wide spread attacks of agnosticism, atheism and materialism, old cosy ideas of churchianity have gradually crumbled and many of the vain repetitions and empty ceremonies and rituals have gone out of peoples' lives. Over a third of the world's population who were enduring squalid poverty and miserable living conditions, either willingly, passively or under coercion, adopted marxism to lift themselves to better material conditions. This they are doing slowly, but as this creed succeeds the cry for freedom rises like a phoenix and will not for ever be denied,by the forces of suppression. The reaction to this swing towards matter was a counter-swing towards finer values and spirit. On the one hand a saner and more compassionate impulse arose through vegetarianism and hygiene, and on the other, spiritualism, psychic research, theosophy, anthroposophy and many inner teachings from the East (and the West), suggested that man was not just a physical body. The importance of the emotions and the mind were stressed by a series of teachers such as Freud, Adler and Jung, whilst the latter and other more recent teachers such as Assagioli, have stressed the importance of the super conscious as well as the sub-conscious. Humanitarians, either singly or in various kinds of movements, have continued throughout, to alleviate the human condition. Although medical training has continued to focus on the body's symptoms, and to treat them by drugs, a small proportion of doctors are thinking along psychosomatic lines, and treating the mind-body relationship. A growing number of people are turning to therapies which are often called collectively "Alternative Medicine". This process of synchronicity - of things happening at the right time of a need being answered by a new impulse - can be observed throughout history. The violence of two world wars, and the subsequent expression of violence in civilian life, have coincided with the "still small voice" of veganism and allied groups, which are seeking to alleviate the suffering and maltreatment of the various kingdoms (human, animal and plant), and to promote a healthy, symbiotic relation between them. Love is the key. "The true progress of man on earth is the progress of an inner vision. We have a progress in science, but is it in harmony with spiritual progress? We want a scientific progress, but do we want a moral progress? It is not enough to have more, or even to know more, but to live more, and if we want to live more we must learn to love m o r e . . . . Contrary to the law of matter where to give more means to have less, 3

in the law of love the more one gives the more one has." JUAN MASCARO "He who loves does not dispute: He who disputes does not love . . . . The sage treasures nothing for himself; and yet The more he spends, the more he earns; The more he gives, the more he has . . . . " TAO TE CHING More and more people are seeking new ways of discovering and expressing the compassionate, "caring-for" principle, in their lives, and at the right time a new impulse of "coming together" has moved into life. Its recent expression was the Festival for Mind and Body, held in early May (at Olympia, London). About 130 groups who had stalls there represented most of the forward looking and serving societies concerned with man and his relationship to the earth, the plant, animal and human kingdoms, and seekers of all kinds could find something new and inspiring to gladden the heart, enlighten the mind and serve the body. Apart from continuous displays of yoga and dance and other arts there were over 100 lectures, all of them informative, many of them unique and inspiring, and a few, outstanding. It was estimated that over 70,000 attended. Cookery demonstrations, massage and demonstrations of healing, E. S. P. , and a gardening exhibit, all added to the variety of interest which made the festival so fascinating. Graham Wilson and his team who organised it. and Marie Louise Lacy who organised the lower lecture theatre are to be congratulated on a wonderful 9 day Festival, which included many improvements on the excellent first Festival, held the previous year. Plans are going ahead for Festivals to be held in Spring, 1979, in London, U. S. A. , Canada and Italy. The pioneers of this new type of group festival, where societies drop former rivalries and come together in a co-operative effort, - the Leamington group who held their first festival on a gorgeous weekend in September, 1976 are holding another, this summer, on 15th and 16th July. I do advise all members (and friends)- see page 15-who can go, to do so. These festivals are a wonderful experience, and are excellent places to meet new friends with similar interests and to promote the vegan cause. One of my outstanding memories of Olympia was of talking to a happy, active middle aged woman with a twinkle in her eye. She told me that she had been nearly crippled with arthritis while still a young woman, but had been cured by veganism and yoga, (see page 13) As we move into the coming age of self-help, we can each take up the study of one or two therapies and make up teams of healers to serve local areas. The 7th Annual Conference on "Health and Healing" arranged by the Wrekin Trust is most suitable for helping us to choose, (see page 15) JACK SANDERSON

Homo sapiens or Homo carnivorous

From a talk given by Peter Roberts of Compassion in World Farming and Direct Foods Ltd. Peter Roberts began his talk by describing his early days in farming, from boyhood through Agricultural College to acquiring his own farm in Hampshire. "There my wife grew concerned about the way we had to take the calves away from the cows in order for the latter to give milk. A cow has to have a calf every year if it is to keep in-milk and the calf must be taken away from the cow because otherwise her involuntary reflexes will not allow the milk to be given to the milking machine. When a cow has grown attached to the calf for 3 or 4 days and you then take the calf away you break a strong motherhood bond. This is very distressing for the cow. You turn her out with the rest of the herd Into the pasture at night and she will return to the farm gate bellowing and shouting all night for the calf and the calf answering from inside the building. Sometimes this can go on for two or three days. Another aspect that upset us was what to do about "barreners". In order to run an economic unit a cow must be put back in calf within 9 or 12 weeks of having her calf. If she fails to conceive, she is classified as a "barrener", although it may only be that nature has rendered her temporarily infertile because of the heavy drain on her resources by milk production. If your profitable dairy herd is not to become an animal sanctuary, barreners must be sent away to market for meat. It was just at that time that the live export of worn out dairy cattle was going on. We had grown attached to the cows in the herd and although we were forced to sell them for meat when they went barren, we were not prepared just to put them in the local market and see them sent across to the Continent by some dealer who merely wanted to make a fast fiver, and so I started taking them down to the abattoir to see them slaughtered, myself. The abattoir workers were quite used to farmers going there to see their cattle killed usually because the farmers, being of a naturally suspicious race, wanted to see the meat weighed out after the animal had been killed and the carcase dressed. It just did not occur to them that my motives might be slightly different and so I was able to see the abattoir working under its normal conditions which a visiting inspector is allowed to see. But I cannot say in all honesty that the animals I saw being killed were frightened. The stories that one hears about animals sensing death or smelling blood and panicking were not borne out by what I saw. There again that may have been because they know me and trusted me, a trust which of course I had to betray. The cattle were stunned 5

one at a time by a captive bolt pistol against the forehead, and while unconscious were hoisted by a backleg and the neck cut so that they could bleed. What I saw at the abattoir, however, made me turn vegetarian, which was perhaps illogical - since I should have given up milk. Not all farm animals receive the minimum blessing of stunning before they are bled and one Sunday a neighbouring farmer was in our kitchen just before Irnchtime and we were telling him about the Jewish method of ritual slaughter. I remember him changing colour and saying "oh for goodness sake shut-up, you'll put me off my Sunday dinner". This does typify the sort of reaction that you get from most farmers, they don't know and they don't want to itr i w. With knowledge comes either responsibility or guilt and they were not p epared to have the choice put upon them; they prefer ignorance. I want to emphasise that farmers, even factory farmers are not evil. It does not take and evil nun to serve an evil purpose - just a blind spot". Peti r Roberts then told how he gave up farming and founded the Corroassion in World Farming movement and launched the Direct Food Co. to supi i.y textured soya protein as an economic alternative to meat. THE EVOLUTION OF HOMO CARNIVOROUS "Whether you believe in the Bible or the "Origin of the Species" - whether you think that we came from the ape or from Eden it has to be accepted that our origin was not only vegetarian but also vegan. If we came from the primates we certainly evolved from vegan ancestors and if we came from Eden well there was certainly no record of meat-eating in Paradise. Modern palaentologists have pushed back the origin of man remarkably with recent discoveries and now believe that our genesis took place in perhaps the last interglacial period some 500,000 years ago. They say that this was a period of incredible beauty in which the earth was blessed by a benevolent nature and which period lasted 200,000 years. If this is so then we in our early development were certainly imprinted with harmony and peace as attributes of the developing human ego. Not only our anatomy and physiology but also the imprinting of our behavioural standards. This peaceful period ended with the coming of the last Ice Age about 50,000 years ago when the green world had turned white and when our ancestors had to take to caves for shelter and had to resort to meat-eating for survival. Sitting in his cave the lord and master feeling hungry would go outside and club an animal to death and drag it back to the cave and hand it over to the little woman who would skin it, gut it, bone it, bleed it and do all the other revolting things to it that needed to be done before the meat could be disguised by heating. All the great expenditure of time left the lord and master free to draw pictures on the walls of the caves. This all gave rise to two very interesting presentday customs known as housework and graffiti respectively. So if the genesis of our species goes back 500,000 years and we only turned to meat-eating at the onset of the Ice Age, 50,000 years ago, it follows that we have been vegan 6

54/60ths of our time, that is to say that If our whole history is represented by the one hour long face of the clock we have been carnivorous for the last six minutes of that hour. But then some 20,000 years ago the ice sheet receded and instead of turning back to our vegan culture we remained as carnivores and took to nomadic shepherding. The history of carnivorism has also been the history of war. The ancient sanskrit word for war meant also "the desire for more cows and more pasture". Egypt, for instance, was turned into a militaristic empire ly the Hyksos, the shepherd Kings. Slowly nomadic shepherding gave way to rotational farming and mixed farming. It was a stable type of agriculture but it fed only the rich and involved the inescapable cruelty of slaughter and exploitation of animals as described above. However, animal farming has never been world wide. In Java, unaffected by the Ice Age, the culture is still orientated on the plant not on the animal and in China for 50 centuries there was carried on a form of agriculture not dependent on livestock. Carnivorism was adopted In an emergency and the failure to return to a veganic culture led to cruelty, the debasing of the human spirit and wrong diet leading to degenerative diseases. Now we are confronted with a new factor - factory farming - and a new challenge to return to veganism." Peter Roberts then described the evils of factory farming with its wanton exploitation of the land, the animals and man himself and went on to present the challenge forthrightly. * THE CHALLENGE OF THE NEW AGE Do we carry on with the carnivorous habits we picked up in the Ice Age and the factory farming they have developed into, or do we go forward into the advent of a new age altogether? There is no other animal that has the ability through its intelligence to alter the course of its evolution. We can! By a multitude of individual decisions, we can make a change in the course of our evolution that would take several million years were it to be brought about by nature acting blindly. Our evolution is blocked until we make these decisions for one thing is certain, Homo sapiens cannot be Homo carnivorous. The essential human mark is nothing to do with our anatomy or physiology, it Is our sensitivity to love, beauty, justice and compassion. *












In the next issue we plan to give Peter Roberts's analysis of the evils of Factory Farming and his vision of the vegan alternative. 7

TOLD YOU SO! If the vegan pioneers were not such nice people, they would be saying constantly, "We told you sol" to the experts who are now busily discovering the truths that vegans have been living by for over thirty years. A browse through the journals of the Vegan Society, of the last 34 years reveals that vegans have been consistent in their claim that a diet of whole, fresh, plant foods, with a good proportion eaten raw, was best for the human system, that babies should be fed on their mothers' milk, that animal milk was not a suitable food for humans at any age, that meat and dairy products of all kinds far from being necessary, were sources of danger to be avoided for reasons of health as well as compassion. They were regarded as cranks, even by their vegetarian friends and those women vegans who decided to be guided by their moral insights and bring up their children without dairy products, were considered to be near murderesses. During the last few years, there has been a remarkable and rapidly accelerating change in attitude on the part of the experts who have been faced with compelling evidence, so that now nothing but ignorance, habit and vested interest, checks the growth of veganism. In an article in "Feeding Children Today", a supplement in "Nursing Times" of 30th March, David Potterton, Medical Editor of the General Practitioners' paper, "Doctor", sums up the position well. "The decision to exclude all animal products from the diet is usually taken for moral rather than for health reasons, the individual believing that it is wrong to kill for food, but clinical studies suggest that such a diet may well be healthier in many respects" He goes on to give details of the vegan diet, and to say that a child brought up according to such a regime "can expect to avoid some of the chief degenerative diseases of the Western world" . . . . "coronary heart disease"... "chronic renal disease" . . . . "diabetes mellitus" . . . . "cancer of the colon". He writes sympathetically of the difficulties over school meals and vegan parents might do well to send for the supplement to support their case when approaching school authorities. (N. T. ,4 Little Essex St., London WC2) Vegan mothers have consistently stressed the importance of breast milk for their babies, and most feed them for nine months or more. This they achieved during a period of world decline in breast feeding, and often in the face of considerable opposition from hospital and other authorities. Now the importance of breast feeding is being recognised, and as understanding of its merits grows, a very welcome swing is becoming evident. 8

S. H. Katz and M. V. Young, of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Childrens' Hospital of Philadelphia, present the facts well in a paper reproduced in "The Ecologist Quarterly", Spring, 197& They write:"In the United States fifteen years ago, it was almost acceptable to suggest that modern technology had eliminated the need for breast feeding altogether." But now it is well known that "Breast milk is a highly evolved, species specific nutrient . . . It would be unreasonable to expect that the cow, or any other mammal, could supply the nutritional needs of the newly born human infant." The calcium content of cow's milk is often quoted as an advantage, but Katz and Young write:"Cow's milk with an almost equal ratio of calcium to phosphorous, has been associated with calcium deficiency in the young child . . . with resulting hypocalcaemic tetany, which is now thought to lead to other nervous disorders in later life." "One of the commonest dietary deficiencies among North American infants is lack of iron, which leads to anaemia. The breast fed child is given a certain amount of protection because the copper content of breast milk is such as to promote the transport of iron in the body. . . . The high sodium content of substitutes may be a factor in high blood pressure. " Katz and Young describe the more suitable protein content of breast milk and the higher proportion of long-chain unsaturated fatty acids. They stress the importance of immunological, other biological and also social and psychological factors. It is to be expected that research findings will continue to vindicate the vegan mothers' stand, and could well help the swing to veganism, so it is hoped that as many as possible will co-operate in the work of Dr. Sanders, at the University of London. VEGAN PREGNANCY AND LACTATION PROJECT TO VEGAN MOTHERS - The Maternal and Infant Nutrition Research Unit at Queen Elizabeth College, London University is studying the effects of a vegan diet on pregnancy and lactation and need vegan volunteers. A sample of breast milk (about 20 ml.) and a small blood sample would be needed. Collection of the samples will be arranged by the unit. If you are vegan and pregnant or breastfeeding and think you can help, please fill in the slip and return to: Dr. T. A. B. Sanders, Department of Nutrition, Queen Elizabeth College, Campden Hill Road, London. W. 8. 7AH. I am willing to participate in your Vegan Pregnancy and Lactation Project NAME Please tick appropriate box ADDRESS I..'. I am an expectant mother 1..! 9

I am breastfeeding

Even the shocking news from America that breast milk there has a dangerously high level of pesticides carries with it the encouraging fact that "levels among vegetarian women were as low as one third to one half of the national level. " Vegans have always opposed the use of pesticides and other violent agricultural methods. For the very few mothers who cannot breast-feed their babies as they would wish, and at weaning time, plant milks have now proved their worth. Of particular interest in this context are the Infant Feeding Records, compiled by workers of the Folkestone firm, Plantmilk Ltd., from answers to questionnaires sent out to parents feeding their babies and children on Plamil. Plamil is a carefully formulated liquid food, rich in balanced protein isolated from the soya bean, and in poly-unsaturated fat from sunflower seeds. Vitamins A, D2, B2 and B12are added. The sugar is raw cane, and there are no synthetic chemical additives. Parents who answered the questionnaire had used Plamil as a supplement to breast feeding, or on weaning, for both ethical and health reasons and generally expressed themselves well satisfied with results. All forty-one children reported on were doing well, and some had shown a great improvement in health after being fed on Plamil. Arthur Ling, General Director of Plantmilk Ltd., speaks of many other children who have thrived on Plamil and some, with animal milk allergies, whose lives have been saved by it. He will supply leaflets on Feeding Baby on Plamil, and will put parents interested In the product, in touch with Darents who have used it. As regards adult health veganism is fast being recognised as of great value. There is space to give but a few examples. Miss Davies, lecturer in Nutrition at the Polytechnic of the South Bank, London, 1s particularly interested in the high fibre content of the vegan diet. Most vegans use only wholemeal bread and other whole cereals, and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables: dependence on milk and refined cereals deprives the body of the fibre now recognised as important in lessening the likelihood of such disorders as constipation, appendicitis, diverticulitis and some cancers and also of heart disease. Miss Davies is introducing vegan cookery books into her college, vegan ideas to her students and through them to the children they will teach. The careful piece of work by Richard Brooks at the University of Nottingham helped to earn him his Degree of Medical Science (Honours) and his estimation of the diet is typical of its standing among the medical profession. Only a few years ago such a thesis would have been unacceptable. He writes "It may be concluded that the vegan diet appears to be able to meet the nutritional requirements of all adult age groups if reasonable care is taken in providing a balanced meal. Supplements of Vitamin B12 and possibly D may be necessary in certain cases. The reduced consumption of sugar, as well as the higher intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the vegan diet may reduce the risk of developing certain diseases. " Among the most important of these are diseases of the heart and circulation :10 r




From a talk given by Dr. R. Turner, Senior Research Fellow in preventive cardiology in Edinburgh University, to a meeting organised by the Vegan Society, 30th March, 1978. In his opening remarks, Dr. Turner explained that he would be talking from a medical point of view. He welcomed the growth in size and influence of the vegetarian movement, but he appealed to vegetarians to be well informed and encouraged them to swing from patronage of the Health Food Shop to that of the Whole Food Store. Too many Health Food shops mixed science with nonscience and encouraged people to spend a lot of money on vitamin and mineral supplements that they did not need. He welcomed the new periodical, "Alive", that would be launched by the Vegetarian Society, at the end of April and hoped that it would have a wide circulation and that inappropriate advertisements would be phased out. Dr. Turner emphasised the seriousness of the present situation: coronary heart disease was the commonest cause of death in men after the age of 35, the number of cases continued to increase in Western countries and more younger men were being affected. American research workers had made the longest ongoing studies and had found that one man in three had a heart attack before the age of sixty. Dr. Turner said that he was convinced that the high incidence of coronary heart disease was due to the way of life and especially, to dietary habits and the consumption of animal fats. He showed slides referring to the eating habits of various peoples and co-relating them with the incidence of heart disease. Particularly convincing were those relating to the Japanese, who were comparatively free of the disorder until they began to adopt American diets. Dr. Turner showed slides of healthy arteries and of those blocked with cholesterol, and of charts linking the condition with diet. Cholesterol only occurs in animal tissue: it is necessary for the integrity of every cell, but the body manufactures all it needs and excess can lead to trouble. The consumption of meat and dairy products encouraged the build up of cholesterol platelets, on artery walls, especially in certain individuals with a predisposition favouring this reaction. Eggs were very high in cholesterol and no less than 18 working parties had agreed that not more than 3 weekly should be eaten. Dr. Turner explained how saturated fats, i.e. those in which every carbon atom was linked with hydrogen atoms, encouraged the build-up of cholesterol. Unsaturated fats do no harm and poly-unsaturated fats helped to remove cholesterol from the blood stream. Most vegetable oils, e. g. sunflower, safflower, corn and soya, were poly-unsaturated, but manufacturers solidified them by bubbling hydrogen through them (hence the term hydrogenated). This turned them into margarinesand prevented them from turning rancid for a longer period. All solid margarines must have been saturated with hydrogen. There 11

was no doubt that a change of diet away from animal and hydrogenated fats, helped those suffering from heart and arterial diseases. There was considerable evidence that the thickening of arterial walls started in infancy and that breast fed babies were less susceptible. Human milk was four times as rich in poly-unsaturated fats as was cow's milk. In Sweden, only skimmed milk was now being supplied to children. In America, the cream on the top of the milk was being replaced by cream made from vegetable fat. Similar milk was now obtainable in Edinburgh, as a result of Dr. Turner's efforts and he hoped that it would soon be generally available. Dr. Turner stated that standard text books on nutrition needed to be re-written and the nutrition taught in schools, greatly improved. No warning against animal fat was given, and school meals often encouraged the idea that meat was necessary every day, and did little to help the formation of good habits. He encouraged parents to keep up the campaign for the right for children to bring sandwiches. It should be possible to give children what they liked but made with good ingredients. It is not only with regard to human health benefits that vegan pioneers are being proved right but also with regard to economic and ecological factors of the way of life. For example, Professor Watkin Williams, head of the Department of Agricultural Botany, University of Reading, gives interesting figures in an article in the "New Scientist" of 8th December, 1977, that substantiate the claim long made by vegans that only a fifth of an acre is needed to support a man on a vegan diet . . . He says that in the United Kingdom, with its present population of 50 million, "with the total exclusion of animal products" . . . "the production area required for huma food would be a total of not more than 10 million acres." This land-use factor may well prove to be the most potent in bringing about a swing to veganism for land freed from livestock production (at present 90% of Britain's agricultural land of 46 million acres, supports livestock:) could be used to grow trees and other crops that could supply, in a sustainable form, the raw materials to meet most of our needs, including our energy needs. For details send for our leaflets, "Man - Trees - Water" and "Trees - not Nuclear Power Stations". Our slogan at the recent Festival for Mind and Body was: "The New Age cannot be founded on the slaughter-house". Hopes for the New Age ride high, but success depends on the sensitivity, awareness, compassion and discipline that lie at the heart of the vegan movement. Without the guiding influences of those qualities, technological man will continue his Gaderene rush into the nuclear chasm. In a nuclear waste there will be no one to say, "We told you sol" KATHLEEN JANNAWAY 12



Images crowd In down avenues of the past. Vistas of memory are a Kaleidoscope of emotional colours. I can only recount my growing as it seems to have been. I remember my father opening windows on the world; teaching me to let the imagination move with songs, poetry; glimpses of the many cultures in the East End of London, where I was born in January of 1930. I remember September, 1939, sirens; the evening sky above the docks ablaze with red, awesome and beautiful - presaging times to come - gas masks the nauseous smell of rubber - my mother's tears, a label tied to my buttonhole evacuation. Later, after Dunkirk, I remember walking among the young French soldiers, stranded on Weymouth beach - sad, frightened boys, who lately had thought to be heroes. A pattern of return to London, of aerial attack; the Blitz, buzz-bombs, rockets, and sortees into various parts of the countryside of England; Dorset, Buckinghamshire, Bedford, until finally the revelation of the north coast of Cornwall I observed how it was to be a negro in the American army, awaiting D-Day in that war; put my fingers into the weals in the back of a laughing young Polish Jew, released from Auschwitz concentration camp at the end of it. Through the loss of family members and young friends I had experienced loss; I had seen the dead, and smelled destruction. The most important lesson - Know thyself: - is the most difficult. Coughing my way through adolescence, plagued with allergies, migraine, constipation; at 25 years old, I experienced my first acute attack of arthritis, after a fall and damage to my hip. Much earlier, I had set my face against pills and potions, and accepted the emotional implications of many of my symptoms. So when a young doctor suggested that diet was also implicated, I started my own investigations, heeding his advice, never to put excess weight on my joints and to try to keep moving despite the pain, or to look forward to immobility at 40 years of age. Avoiding junk foods, additives, extra salt, I felt my way. Through wholefoods, vegetarian diet and on to the vegan path, I found the foods for health. Mind and Body are one. Still on the downward path until my midthirties, I had many layers of the psyche to uncover, while striving always to keep my spirit soaring. Seven years to regenerate the cells. At 48 years of age, with help from Yoga, Buddhism, optimistic philosophy, I am regenerated. Giving birth; glimpsing the world again through my childrens' eyes; a disastrous marriage and the suicide of my eldest son, have been among my lessons. From crisis points we either grow or wither, and I have developed an overwhelming tast for this adventure. Good health and great energy have now become my companions on the path to peace, as I embrace the philosophy of compassion with joyful heart. KAY 13

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 34th Annual General Meeting of the Vegan Society will be held on Saturday, 7th October, at 2.30 p.m. at the Westminster Friends Meeting House, St. Martin's Lane, a few minutes' walk from Trafalgar and Leicester Square Underground stations. The business of the meeting will be to elect Officers and Council, to appoint an Auditor and to decide on any Resolutions received by 26th August. Nominations, which must be in writing, signed by two members and accompanied by a signed note from the nominee, stating willingness to serve, if elected, must reach the Secretary by Saturday, 16th September. After the business meeting, tea will be served. (Contributions of savouries and cakes, and offers of help to prepare and serve, urgently requested; please contact the Secretary.) There will be opportunity for members to talk with each other, and the Committee, and to visit the book stall. EVENING SESSION At 6.30 p. m., Stephen Clark, full member of the Vegan Society, author of "The Moral Status of Animals", lecturer in Moral Philosophy at Glasgow University - one of the young academics, who is doing so much to forward Animal Rights - will speak.



We have managed to get this issue of "The Vegan" to you early, so as to remind you of the party to be held in the garden of, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead. Surrey, on:SUNDAY, 18TH JUNE, at 2.30 p.m. Highlands Road is B2033, off A24, off the Dorking Road, out of town between St. Mary's Parish Church and the garage. (Where the churchyard ends. Highlands Road begins.) Bus routes, 470, 408 and 468, and coach 714, pass within five minutes' walk of the house. Ask for St. Mary's Parish Church or the Crescent. Trains leave Waterloo and Victoria, hourly, 40-45 minutes' journey, then 15 minutes' walk through the town and out on the Dorking Road, (see above) This is a mainly social gathering, but there will be stalls and we hope there will also be games for the children. Tea will be served at about 4.00 p. m. Contributions and offers of help in preparing and serving, urgently requested. There will be plenty of room and a warm welcome, for all, but, regrettably, we have had even less time than usual for gardening, this year. 14

VEGAN SOCIAL GATHERING social gathering at our home ( Lanes., BLO OJW) from the e Edenfield is about 15 miles north of Manchester and easy to get to by public transport. Please let us know if you would like to come, particularly if you wish to stay overnight (bring sleeping bags). If you can only come for part of the time, you are welcome to do so - we hope to have a talk or discussion on the Saturday afternoon. There will be a small charge for meals, and any food you can bring will help. Please send us an S. A. E. if there is anything else you wish to know. Some of us hope to go to the Chorley Folk Festival, the weekend after (4th-6th August), so do contact us if you are going too. Valerie Alferoff and David Barrett LAST TUESDAYS We plan to continue our social gatherings which are held on the last Tuesday of each month, at the Nature Cure Clinic, 15 Oldbury Place. W.l, behind Marylebone Church - five minutes' walk from Baker Street Underground Station. These gatherings just give a chance to talk and share ideas, and food. Contributions of food and help with serving, urgently requested. Please let the Secretary know if you would like an opportunity to introduce any topic of importance to veganism. FUTURE



15th & 16th July 2nd LEAMINGTON SPA HEALTH FESTIVAL A weekend for everyone to share, learn and enjoy the pleasures of health and natural living, in the Pump Room Gardens. Talks, demonstrations, participation, stalls, music, dancing, theatre. Details of programme, camping and hostel accommodation etc. , from:- THE LEAMINGTON SPA HEALTH FOUNDATION, 3B Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. 21st-23rd July WREKIN TRUST HEALTH & HEALING CONFERENCE at Loughborough University of Technology. Details from Wrekin Trust, Bowers House, Bowers Lane, Bridstow, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire. 25th-28th August WALCOT BEANO (Bath Festival), The Burial Field, RATH. The Vegan Society hopes to participate in the technology section, which this year is concentrating on intensive food production. 2nd-3rd September THINK '78, CHELTENHAM'S FESTIVAL FOR GBEATWIE THINKING AND LIVING, in the TOWN HALL. Demonstrations, displays, tallks, films on ecology, animal welfare, communities. New Age Thinking, Danoe, the Arts, and many other topics. Further information, P. O. Box 88 Cheltenham, Qlas. TeL 2782L. 15

PAST MEETINGS Our two special meetings in March, at the Westminster Meeting House, were most successful. Over one hundred people came on 16th March, to hear Peter Roberts of Compassion in World Farming, and nearly one hundred, with a good sprinkling of professionals, doctors and nutritionists, were at the lecture given by Dr. Richard Turner, only a fortnight later. On both occasions, high praise was given for the buffet meal, for which we have to thank many willing hands, but especially Lilian Jones, Margaret Ploger, Doris Kemp and Andrew Reah. THE FUTUREWith help from local members, we could have meetings in many parts of the country. We have our own colour copy of the Open Door film, now. A showing of this film (30 minutes, 16 mm.), with opening talk and followed by a food preparation demonstration and tastes of pre-cooked samples, makes a good meeting. Members of the Vegan Council will come for an audience of twenty plus, and ask only help with expenses. See if you can book us some dates. Adult Education Centres will often welcome suggestions. We can give references. Does your library. Health Store, Whole Food Co-operative, bookshop, stock our Journal and other literature? Why not approach them? Sale or Return scheme is available, for the Journals. RICHMOND ADULT SCHOOL MEETING - REPORT JUST RECEIVED - "The talk was such a triumph of logicality and deep conviction that it could not be other than stimulating. It was followed by a showing of the Open Door film, "A Better Future for All Life". Finally came the cookery demonstration, and the students literally eating out of the lecturer's hand as they sampled delicious "sausage" rolls, cake, vegan "cheeses" (both soya and almond varieties), and milks - Plamil. cashew nut milk and cashew nut cream. Many questions were asked. There could be no doubt that the message was needed and that it took root." Coelnik FRUITARIAN


Interest in fruitarian diets is growing, and there obviously remains much to be discovered about the subject. If you have any relevant knowledge, experience or observations, please send them to the Secretary. Dr. Frey Ellis's article is held over until the next issue. BOOK REVIEWS - held over until next time. We especially commend Philip Pick's publication in book form of leading articles from the Jewish Vegetarian Society's Journal. 16

J Z J T ^ & K








Sally Shrigley who served the Vegan Society as Secretary and President, and in many other capacities, from early days until a few years ago, died on 13th May. We plan to print an appreciation of her work in the next issue. W E L C O M E to Seonaid Celona, daughter to Marijke and Kevin McCartney, and to a daughter to Mark and Audrey Thompson, and to Jonathan Parr, three more vegan babies! Margaret Gunn King was a finalist in the first Ulster Television Hostess of the Year Competition, and attracted much interest with her vegan menu. Laurence Main of the Swindon Ramblers Association, has published a guide and route maps for a 54 mile long walk i nce, plus 10 pence postage and packing - from him, at e, Swindon, Wilts. Bournemouth Group If yo or living), in the area, do not forget to contact Wilfred Crone, Boscombe, about the group's regular, interesting meeti s' Meeting House, Bournemouth, the third Thursdays of each month at 7.30 p. m PLANTMELK LTD report that with every post an increasing number of enquiries arrive with requests for literature on Baby Feeding from parents, health visitors, hospital dieticians etc. A record vegan birth explosion appears imminent and this augurs well for the Society and for mankind in general. The National Society Against Factory Farming has launched a prosecution against one of the country's largest poultry producers. Information from Smith East Ass. Ltd. Estate Office, Park Farm Centre, Allestree, Derby. WOOD BURNING STOVES According to the"New Scientist" the popularity of wood burning stoves is advancing at a great rate. While they have much to commend them the pros pect for the tree cover of this country is grim if control of felling and a determined and energetic policy of replanting is not adopted at once. VEGAN LAND PROJECT MEETING We had a very useful meeting, 20th-21st May, with 15 of us coming to a high degree of understanding and agreement. The experience will be repeated fairly soon, so send a S. A. E. for details of the next meeting and a full report of the last meeting. I will be travelling the country to talk to people soon, if anyone wants to talk about this thing, who cannot manage to get to Ashton. We will soon, with luck, be a Registered Charity. All donations gratefully received. Thanks. Love and Peace. Bob Howes 17

Summer delights l our ideas for what to serve with summer salads and new potatoes. NUT CHEESE 4 oz grated nuts 5 tsp. Tastex (see p. 31) 4 oz Tomor (Fresh or dried herbs optional) Melt Tomor, stir in nuts and Tastex. Beat smooth. Put in dish to set. (Fresh herbs will prev ent it keeping long.) PEANUT & POTATO SHAPES (for 2 or 3) 4 oz peanuts, grated, roasted 1 tbs. oil 4 oz mashed potato salt to taste Mix all ingredients to a smooth firm dough. Roll out between sheets of greaseproof paper. Cut into rounds about J inch thick. Peanuts can be roasted in the bottom of the oven when making bread etc. the darker the colour, the stronger the flavour. SUNFLOWER OR SESAME BALLS (for 2) 2 oz sunflower or sesame seeds 1 tbs. Oil 1 oz porage oats Tastex or salt to taste v,rtnd seeds and oat flakes. Mix with oil and Tastex. Roll into little balls. MTSHROOM FLAN (for 3 or 4) " oz mushrooms 3 tbs. oil 2 oz grated cashew nuts ' flat tbs. cornflour .' tbs. soya flour ÂŁ pint water Simmer mushrooms in oil. Mix cornflour to a smooth paste with 1 tbs. water. Put mushrooms on a plate to cool - shaking off fat into the pan. Boil up the rest of the water in the pan and stir into the cornflour. Return to the pan and stir until mixture thickens. Fold in grated cashew nuts and beat smooth. Leave long enough to cool but not to set. Arrange mushrooms in a shallow dish lined with wholemeal pastry. Pour over the sauce. Cook in hot oven until pastry ready. Serve hot or cold. ?



Miss G. Walker sent in the following recipe which she says has been in her family for 60 years. WALNUT ROAST S oz. lentils 4 oz chopped walnuts 8 oz brown rice or barley. 2 tbs sage & onion 2 pints cold water stuffing mix 2 large onions grated rind of 1 lemon 4 oz bread crumbs or or orange porage oats. sea salt to taste. Clean lentils and rice, add water and bring to the boil. Add chopped onion and simmer until tender. Mix with other ingredients and bake for 1 hr at 425 or Gas 8. until golden brown on top. Good hot or cold. Ingmar Seidl sent the following in response to a request for a vegan yoghurt recipe. (We asked a nutritionist about the possibility of harmful bacteria getting in the mixture and he assured us that we need fear nothing but a minor stomach upset. ) NUT YOGHURT Fill a large cup 1 inch high with whole organic wheat. Top it up with 3 times the amount of water and leave to stand for a day. Pour off the water into another cup and leave to stand at room temperature for 4 days. Add enough water to make one pint and add 10 oz. of cashew and brazil nuts in the proportion of approx. 3 to 1. Put in blender for 1 minute or longer. Leave overnight in an electric yoghurt maker or heat it to a temperature not so hot to be uncomfortable and leave for 24 hours in a thermos flask. CREAM, CUSTARD & ICE CREAM To serve with your dessert fruit make nut cream by whisking ground cashew nuts to desired consistency with water, or make Plamil custard, or whisk cashew nuts into thin Plamil custard and put in the freezing compartment for 12 hrs. For other ice cream recipes see "What's Cooking?" our super cook-book - and for ideas for exciting salad combinations. t


j^fel On trees felled for print



The sacrificial page is opened; Now bring the brown benediction of coffee And the sepia toast, The domestic pair that await Their regular consummation at nine. Now the persistency of print Pushes all else aside; The black upon white And the whip of words That scourge the heart; The dark diversity on the pure Homogeneity of light. The potency of print Breeding secret fears That flee like fauns From the stealthy leopards of the mind; The pitiless prying print For which the tortured trees Trembled their life away As the shark-toothed saw Made music in their wooden flesh While from the great green galaxy above Came the soft sea sigh As the leaves sent their petition to the clouds That gazed inquisitively down Upon the ringed secret of its quiet heart. The serpent swallowing its own tail. DOROTHY THOMSON

Uf J*


24th WORLD VEGETARIAN CONGRESS, INDIA Nov. 1977 Our last issue had a report of the Congress by Serena Coles. This further report is from Margaret Gunn-King, our other delegate. Her husband, Brian, is Honorary General Secretary of the International Vegetarian Union, which organises the International Congresses every two years. The 1979 Congress will be held In England. "Brian and I and our two daughters, Sita, 8 years and Venetia, 6 years, arrived in Delhi just in time to attend the final session of the Third Indian National Conference on Animal Welfare, which had been opened by the Prime Minister, Moraji Desai and attended by Lady Dowding of Beauty Without Cruelty. One of the achievements of the Conference was a ban on the export of monkeys, finches and frogs. Brian was busy at the I. V. U. Council and General Meeting, in Delhi, where many resolutions were passed. The following are probably of most general interest:4. This Congress urges that aU steps be taken to publicize the fact that cheese in India is commerciaUy made using animal rennet from the slaughter-house and hence is non-vegetarian. The development and utilisation of alternative vegetable setting agent is to be encouraged. 5. This Congress urges the Government of India to investigate, undertake research and educate the Public to the many benefits of a vegetarian natural diet (a) from the standpoint of better health (b) the more efficient use of natural resources of land, water, fuel etc. (c) ecological and economic considerations on a scientific and nutritional basis. (d) from the ethical and moral considerations (e) to draw the attention of the Public to the great loss of nutrients in the refining and devitalizing of foodstuffs. The L V. U. was urged to proclaim a World Vegetarian Day - October 1st and to publish a newspaper. A highlight of the Delhi sessions was the banquet attended by the Prime Minister, he had only his usual fruit fare. We next flew to Jaipur and both Brian and I gave talks to staff and pupils on vegetarianism/veganism at various colleges where we were made most welcome. We visited the Amber Fort, stayed at Agra and saw Taj Mahal and Red Fort. At Varanasi (the holy Hindu city), we took a boat trip on the Ganges, saw burning ghats and temples and visited a sari retail warehouse and bazaar. 21

At Calcutta we had several days of meetings and Conference sessions and were able to take the children to the lovely Botanical Gardens, Zoo and Birla Planetarium. We also met the Governor of West Bengal. When we reached Madras we were delighted to see again our friends, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shah, whom we first met at the 1967 India Congress and we enjoyed a very pleasant stay at their home during the Madras sessions of the Conference. Brian appeared on a pre-recorded 15 minute T. V. programme, "Man and Matters", interviewed by Mr. N. Nial. I spoke at the Congress on rearing vegan children and also on healthy vegetarian diet. The talks created much interest and requests for copies, some from the press, which I was able to SUDPIV later.

We were up at 4 a. m. next day, to fly to Bangalore for a two day stay. Here, we visited a large fruit market and the Botanical Gardens. Brian attended a Press Conference at Federation of Chamber of Commerce & Industry, at 12.30. In fact the Vegetarian Congress received very good publicity in the Indian newspapers - both English and Hindi versions. After lunch, Brian was one of the speakers on "Eating for Health", at the Food Craft Institute, S.J. Polytechnic. An evening meeting was also held at Bangalore. The final sessions were held at Bombav. where we flew on December 7thI spoke at the Youth Session then, on "Veganism and Children" and Brian spoke on "Economics of Land Use" in the evening session, and again, on "Energy Sources", another day. There was a wonderful exhibition and Food Fare, with stalls under canvas, which was open to the public, showing Indian vegetarian dishes, some using peelings, which are usually thrown away, but here put into attractive meals. Another speaker with me at the Youth Session was Miss Diana Ratnagar, representing B. W. C. (India), and we are pleased to hear that she will be coming to England in May. She showed the B. W. C. film about whaling, and also one about cruelties in preparations of cosmetics (at the Delhi session), and held an interesting display and sale of cosmetics and synthetic silks. In India, many young people are following Western customs and turning to meat-eating, and we hope we were able to show them, through our talks at schools and colleges, that Western people are becoming more vegetarian, and that it is the necessary diet for the future of our planet and its resources. Certainly, we aroused much interest and surprise at the increase in vegetarianism in the West. At some of the sessions, many people were moved to change to vegetarianism, on the spot. Certainly, veganism aroused great interest and discussion, particularly at meal time, amongst our hosts and guests, so we hope we have inspired our Indian friends towards a better way of life, in the way that we have been inspired by the marvellous hospitality, friendship and goodwill, bestowed on us during our 3-i. weeks in this great country. It was also marvellous to meet again, delegates from so many other parts of the World, e.g. Japan, Thailand, Panama - in fact, 19 countries were represented. We look forward to meeting again at the next I. V. U. Congress, in England, in 1979." MARGARET GUNN-KING 22

E A T I N G O U T IN L O N D O N We have checked with the following Restaurants and they tell us they can provide vegans' meals. Beverley, 11.30-3.30, tel. 629 7123, closed weekends. They do use white sugar and white flour. Prices reasonable. Cranks, William Blake House, Marshall Street, W. 1, tel. 437 9431, open 10. 30-8. 30 Monday to Friday, Saturdays, until 1.00 p. m. Cranks, 4th Floor, inside Heal's Store, Tottenham Court Road, W. 1, tel. 636 1666. 10 am - 5 pm Mon.- Fri. 10 am - 4 p.m. Sat. Earth Exchange. 213 Archway Road, London N. 6, tel. 340 6407. Cafe, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 12.00-10.00 p. m. Food for Health, 15/17 Blackfriars Lane, E.C.4, tel. 236 7001, and 85 London Wall, E.C. 2, tel. 588 3446. Both open Monday to Friday, 8.303.00. Prices quite low. Gaylord, 79/81 Mortimer Street, W.l, tel. 580 3615, and 16 Albemarle Street, London W.l, tel. 629 9802. Open 12. 00-3.00 and 6. 00-11. 00, 7 days a week. Indian food and salads. Highways, 273/287 Regent Street, W.l, tel. 629 5389. Open 11. 30-3.00, Monday to Friday. Reasonable prices. Nuthouse, 26 Kingley Street, Regent Street, W.l, tel. 736 7373, 11.00-6.30, Monday to Friday, 11.00-3.30, Saturday. Good selection of vegan dishes, prices reasonable for the West End. Raw Deal, 65 York Street, W.l, tel. 262 4841. Open 10.00 a. m. -10.00 p. m., closed Sundays. Two main vegan dishes and choice of 12 salads every day. Sharuna (Indian), 107 Gt. Russell Street, W. C. 1, tel. 636 5922, 12 noon-10 p. m., Monday to Saturday, 1.00-9.00 p. m., Sundays and Bank holidays. All cooking vegan except for some sweets and milk in tea and coffee. Rather expensive. Rosalie's Kitchen 136 Marylebone Road, tel. 486 7415. Open: Mon. 9. 30-6. CO, Tues. -Fri. 9.30-8.00 and Sat. 10.00-6.00 p. m. Almost entirely vegan. Hot food all day, and vegan ice-cream. Visions Catering 147 Archway Road, London N. 6, tel. 340 3349. Reasonable prices and unusual, varied cuisine. Visions caters for parties, conferences etc. Also BOURNEMOUTH - Earth Foods, 37A Ashley Road, Boscombe, tel. Bournemouth 302 302. Open 12-2.00 p. m. and 6.00-10.00 p. m., Tuesdays to Saturdays. Good - and reasonably priced. (We would like information about other places catering for vegans.)

"I for my part marvel of what sort of feeling, mind or reason that man possessed who was first to pollute his mouth with gore, who spread his table with the mangled forms of dead bodies and claimed as his daily food what were beings endowed with movement, with perception and with voice " Plutarch - 1st Century 23





N A T E X 2 - a concentrate of raw vegetables to help purify the blood stream. Taken regularly is a prime aid toa healthy blemish-free skin. Particularly useful if your diet lacks fresh fruit and vegetables.


have a sensitive skin, what could be better than this lovely soap, manufactured from vegetable ingredients! Helps remove i mpu rit ies excreted via t he pores, and is a wonderful aid to a soft and healthy skin.

NATEX 5 - helps your slimming programme by adding good wholesome natural ingredients to your diet to aid elimination, improve oxidation and glandular function. And effective when taken in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet.

Enjoy life to the full with


LETTERS FREE PLAMIL? As I have three children under school age, I would normally be entitled to free milk, so I wrote to the local Health Authority, asking if I could have the equivalent in money, to put towards Plamill Of course, you can imagine the answer! I'm wondering whether to take it further. Shall I write to my Member of Parliament? D. G. (Yes, and to the Minister of Health, David Ennals, Dept. of Health and Social Security, LONDON S. E. 1. If enough people write, it might have an effect. I suggest you quote the passage from the 'Nursing Times' supplement, given in the "We told you so!" article, on a previous page of this issue of 'The Vegan'. K. J.) ANIMAL ACTIVISTS 1. I feel that I must respond to the concern felt by Bob Pinkus over the activities of those who by direct means, be they legal or otherwise, save animals' lives. Like Mr. Pinkus, I am a vegan, and would love to think that one day we may live in a world where all life is cherished and respected. Whether we as human beings will ever attain that perfect state, I cannot say, but surely in the meantime we cannot allow such obvious suffering as that rife in batteryfarms, animal experimentation laboratories, blood-sports, fur-trades etc., to continue? Now I do not advocate force, and believe in the sanctity of life, but cannot respect those who perpetrate such needless misery on helpless, sentient creatures. So what do I do; sit back and wallow in a state of self-righteousness, hoping that by example alone, I may influence others? Or do I join the ranks of those who are and have been for years battling for legislation to stop animal abuse ? Well, I believe in doing both, to help future generations of animals. But what about the animals of today? Are we to do nothing but exude pity and lobby our M. P. 's, so as to keep within the law and hang on to our high principles of spiritual improvement? Will the battery pig, or the smoking beagle, appreciate that he must be sacrificed for the greater goal of enhancing human evolution? I doubt it. Gill Thatcher 2. We as saboteurs do not go round brandishing blunt instruments to attack the red coats. No, we spray the countryside with anti-mate, call the hounds by


use of voice and horn to gain control of the pack, so a kill does not take place. Talking to these sick people, just does not do anything at all, except waste our time in the 'field . The only answers we get to our questions are, "Go back to your city slums", "Do you eat meat?" "Who's paying you lot?" or "Students on the dole!" To these people, foxes, stags and hares, are vermin. If we, as saboteurs, could get results by talking, we would all of us change our tactics straight away. Instead of carrying hunting horns, we would carry soap boxes. But, alas, our methods are the only way to save a life in the field. Our methods are non-violent, and we have a strict constitution to set our methods by. I would like to Invite Mr. Pinkus on one of our hunts, so that he can see for himself. Geoff Reynolds 3. If one is vegan or vegetarian because one believes in animal rights, abstention from animal products alone is good, but not good enough. One must fight for those rights, like every liberation movement has done in history. The formation of an animal welfare movement needs activity on ALL fronts, whether it be legal or non-legal. The B. U. A. V. fete, for instance, is no more important than a hunt sabotage. They both make in-roads against the 'speciesists' and help animals in differing ways. Mr. Pinkus's analysis is somewhat superficial. Surely a 'naive hunter' is a contradiction in terms. Most huntsmen and women have had an excellent education, welfare and security. Yet they still kill animals for sport and amusement. To approach hunters with "appeals to the heart", would fall on stony ground. Laying disinfectant-based concoctions, to confine the hunt, is not by any stretch of the imagination, meeting "force with force". How can a researcher be naive? Spending eight hours per day in contact with animals he or she, will eventually experiment on, they are fully aware of what they are doing, and to call them naive is an insult to their education. I agree with Bob Pinkus that it is with the 'naive carnivore' that the establishment of animal rights lie. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the Daily Mirror Pet Club, all of them revealing some level of compassion towards non-humans. We must here make in-roads with our arguments and compassionate diet. Philip Windeatt WHAT TO DO ABOUT FOXES AND RABBITS 1. In the Winter edition of "The Vegan", Cleveland Hood despairs over the fact that, on occasions, we have to compromise our principles and take life. There is an element of truth in this, of course, but nothing like so much as he supposes. "Necessity" invariably turns out to be no more than laziness or greed. What would you do about foxes (who kill our livestock) and rabbits (who eat our crops)? Shoot them? he suggests (strange question). No. In the case of the fox, we only have to act morally in the first place and the problem solves itself. Act morally and there would be no livestock for foxes to kill. We would all be vegan. Rabbits pose more of a problem. If we stop killing them, naturally their 1


population will increase and they will take a larger percentage of our food than they do at present. This increase, however, need not be very large. It is unlikely that the rabbit population would grow out of all proportions. Natural controls, other than food supply, operate, such as disease, over-crowding etc., and in any case, to a certain extent, the increased fox population (once we stop killing them) would take over from the farmer and his gun. There are also, of course, various methods available to protect crops, e.g. netting, scaring rabbits off etc., and, no doubt, once we set our minds to it, cheaper and more effective methods will emerge. Of course, there will be problems. It is not quite as simple as I make it sound, but nevertheless, in a society in which most of us eat far too much anyway, in which vast quantities of food are wasted both in the home and during processing, in which we have food mountains, actually destroy food for various economic reasons e.g. apples, and above all, in which we waste millions of tons of grain every year in the extravagant process of producing meat, to embark upon the wholesale slaughter of rabbits, merely to reduce the relatively small percentage of food lost to them annually, is quite indefensible, and certainly, by no stretch of the imagination, "necessary". T. M. Coverley Richard Watling, in another letter, suggests that hilly areas which are unsuitable for crop production, should be given over to animal farming (for wool, leather, etc.). However, Richard makes a wrong assumption in stating that these areas are unsuitable for crop production. Let us not think only of edible crops. Trees are a most necessary part of our existence - especially if we want to revert to natural materials, where modem non-biodegradables are used. Two thousand years ago, almost the whole of the British Isles - apart from the highest mountain tops (which are unsuitable for animals anyway) - were covered by trees. This country imports over 90% of its timber requirements. The Forestry Commission will not significantly alter this unless more land is given over to tree production. Largely due to the tremendous quantities of timber we import, Finland is losing its own tree cover at the rate of an area the size of an average English county, each year. Animal farming impoverishes the soil. The grass takes the surface goodness from the soil. The animal eats the grass. A part of the goodness is returned, but a large part is removed for man's use. On the other hand, trees send their roots deep down. They help to break up rock well under ground and they bring up water and nutrients, some of which are returned to the surface soil. Our hills now grow heather where once grew grass - because sheep have removed the essential nutrients for grass growth. In time, even heather ceases to grow - or is at least severely stunted. Our hills could once again be clothed in trees - including native hardwoods - and we would all be better off. Employment could be given to thousands. Trees act as a natural filter of polluted air. Wild life would benefit. Soil erosion would be reduced; soil rejuvenation would be increased. Trees have a greater amenity value than barren moorland. Brian Burnett 27

Longer standing readers of "The Vegan" will know that we have regularly given space to the value of trees and to Richard St Barbe Baker, the Man of the Trees, who has recently been awarded the O. B. E., in recognition of his work. Richard St Barbe Baker, now 87 years old and a near fruitarian, thinks as little of travelling from continent to continent in the service of trees as most of us do of going to the shops! The following is selected from a recent letter from him, giving news of his activities in 1977. 1977 A V I C T O R I O U S




ARD ST BARBE BAKER, O. B. E. , "The Man of the Trees". After getting to know my grandson, David, in North Queensland, enjoyed Christmas at Mt. Cook in New Zealand. Worked hard on new MS of 275 great ones and friends who have inspired and helped me and Men of the Trees. Have accepted Catriona's suggested title: "TALL TIMBER". The promise of $10,000 alerted Christopher Chapman, Canada's famous producer of documentary films, to start first shots and recordings of a ONE HOUR DOCUMENTARY on my life's work. Spent Easter at Rancho La Pureto, Tecati, Mexico, as guest of Prof. E. Bordeaux Szekeley, author of "Discovery of the Essence Gospel of Peace" and seventy other inspired books: ACADEMY BOOKS, 3085 Reynard Way, San Diego, California 92103. Was met at Los Angeles by Editor of Vegetarian World, 8235 Santa Monica Blvd, California 90046, who is publishing my new book, "Trees for Health and Longevity". The Baba'i Community of Toronto arranged for me to give four Radio and T. V. interviews in two days and I had the bounty of attending a midnight celebration of the anniversary of the Ascension of Baha'u'llah. Visited Cecil Andrews, Secretary of the Interior Washington, D. C., to discuss my report on Redwood National Park (threatened by plans for a motorway). In New York on 9th June, the Baha'i International Community, arranged for me to take part in a gathering of Non-Governmental Organisations at U. N. Headquarters making final arrangements for the first U. N. Conference on DESERTIFICATION, to be held in Nairobi, 29th August to 9th September, and was appointed Senior Advisor to the Baha'i Delegation. 1500 Delegates from 110 countries attended. I have never worked so hard in my life, keeping in touch with all these countries' many leaders, whom I had known intimately through the years, and had been working with them for Desert Reclamation by tree-planting. This historic Conference was held at Kenyatta Centre, only 18 miles from Muguga, my old forestry station, where with my old interpreter, Chief Josiah Njonjo, I had started the Men of the Trees 55 years ago. Had good news of extensive tree planting schemes in Kenya and by Vegfam. (see Classified Advertisements) 28

Back in England on 15th June, I lunched with my old friend Leonora Cohen, in Colwyn Bay, on her 104th birthday! She was the person who did more than anyone to get recognition for women. She joined my deputation to the Redwoods in 1939, helping me to save the first 9000 acres near Cresent City. I shared my own birthday, 9th October, with my old friend Josiah Njonjo, at Kibiohlko Farm, Kabete, Kenya, before setting out for the first World Wilderness Congress, Johannesburg, where I was one of the forty speakers, my subject being "The Wilderness and Trees". In India, in November, I spoke at the 24th International Vegetarian Union Congress on, "Feeding the Millions . . . Forward the Trees". I was instrumental in getting a Government injunction on felling all trees above 4,000 feet. I was back in New Zealand for Christmas, and heard that my name appeared in the New Year's Honours List. I gratefully accepted the O. B. E., as an honour to the Men of the Trees. I have been invited to be first patron of the International Tree Crops Institute, promoting the growing of trees for food. Do write a letter of encouragement to the Secretary, I . T . C . I . , Alan Grainger, Convent Lane, Booking Braintree, Essex."


HA LSOFRA MJANDET the Swedish Vegetarian Health Movement invite you to share with them at TALLMOGARDEN in the heart of Sweden a week's activities. Special terms are available for the week July 1st to 8th or join the National Camp arranged by the Keep -Fit Movement Frisksportarna in SKANE, the southernmost part of Sweden. Full details from Ingrid Born c/o Sandberg, Slalom v 12 13300 Saltsjobaden.


under the personal supervision of the Principal


The clinic specialises in (he Naturopathic approach to health problems including:

Gynaecology Arthritis Skin complaints Gastro Intestinal Degenerative Diseases and all forms of disease affecting the Nervous System. HVir not write or telephone our receptionist for an appointment :-


! 29

THE ENFIELD BQUT10UE •h-Sr: ' • "• 123/5 Baker St . Enfield EN1 3HA (01 363 2982) YOUR OWN STORE FOR VEGAN COMMODITIES where you will find hundreds of REAL vegetarian products including TOILET SOAPS. SHAMPOOS & COSMETICS of all (vegan) kinds made bv AI.O. BEAUTY WITHOUT CRUELTY. CHARLES PERRY. DEIMEL. JABLEY. LUSTY S. McCLINTON S. MODERN HEALTH. NATURAL WOMAN. PURE PLANT PRODUCTS VEGECOS WELEDA. YIN YANG etc AND CLEANING MATERIALS such as WASHING-UP LIQUID, HOUSEHOLD SOAPS, SPONGES, DUSTERS, TEA TOWELS, CAR POLISHERS, and the popular ENFIELD PLUS CHAMMY which does all that an animal washleather will do, wears better and costs far less. (NO price rise in five years! Probably a record?) AND VEGAN COOKERY and other BOOKS. AND A selection of HEALTH FOODS (no pills or potions). AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES. AND EDUCATIONAL, self-adhesive signs for Home, Shop, Club or Car "NO SMOKING PLEASE. PEOPLE ARE BREATHING" (3 for 25p and stamp). AND




IN THE FOOTWEAR DEPARTMENT A good selection of completely non-leather, British Made, Shoes, economically priced and designed for COMFORT - no 'high fashion' styles. PAY US A VISIT Try on Shoes and test Cosmetics, Creams, Soaps and Perfumes without obligation. Browse among Books, Journals and free Leaflets. We are over ENFIELD TYRE CO. on the W8 'bus route, or 6 mins. walk from ENFIELD TOWN stn. - going North. The BOUTIQUE is OPEN on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. (CLOSED on Tuesdays and Wednesdays). If you cannot call, shop at home in comfort and with confidence. Just send 15p (stamps will do) and a largish 9^p stamped addressed envelope for illustrated leaflets, price lists and order forms. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Why not help yourself and the cause by supporting this VEGAN ENTERPRISE, all the profits from which help the Society to spread the message of veganism. 30

SHOPPING WITH EVA TAKE-OVER CONFUSION With the present trend of amalgamation and 'take overs', it is often difficult to keep up with which company owns what, and where 'Holding Companies' begin and 'Amalgamations/Groups/Partnerships', end. What seriously concerns us, is that the 'Holding Co.' may not trouble to get the facts from the Manufacturer, which would explain why so many replies of late, have been conflicting - to say the least. BARMENE Of particular importance to vegans is the fact that Mapletons' Barmene is now being made by the Bovril Company (who also make Marmite), and marketed by Granary Health Products, Wetmore Road, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire. To date, no assurance has been given that the ingredients, in particular the Vitamin B12 content , are unchanged. Moreover, the price has been increased by about 50%, and the glass jar replaced by an inefficient plastic and cardboard container. We recommend that readers ask their Health Stores to stock TASTEX , produced by Granose Health Foods Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Hertfordshire. This is a small company, associated with the Seventh Day Adventists, one of the earliest groups to experiment with the vegan diet. They assure us that the B12 content is he same as was in the Mapletons' Barmene. This means that one teaspoonful, daily, in drinks, spreads, or savoury dishes, will normally supply adequate B12, even if no other source, such as Plamil, Protoveg etc., is used. The price of TASTEX is similar to that of the old, Mapletons' Barmene. SUGAR REFINING We wrote to the Sankey Refinery, to ask for confirmation that their white sugar is still refined without the use of bone charcoal. The reply, which came from Tate & Lyle, assures us that the sugars from the Liverpool Refinery have been 'decolourised' with a synthetic carbon, in place of bone charcoal. How the consumer discovers in which town his sugar has been refined, we have no idea. Of course, we are not particularly concerned about white sugar. Thankfully, we can still get unbleached, if we really want sugar. But it is just one example of the ramifications in the food production industry, which we have to try to untangle. FOOD LABELLING The Advisory Committee to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, have suggested a number of changes in the 1970, labelling regulations. Of particular interest, to vegans, are the recommendations referring to fats used in flour confectionary. If the recommendations are accepted, 'Shortening', 'Edible Oils'and'Fats', will be qualified by, 'Animal', 'Vegetable', 'Fish' or 'Whale'. To quote the paper: "With the increasing public interest in the use of these ingredients, we consider that information about the . . . . source should now be required. f


A declaration of the presence of dairy fats, for instance, would be useful to some consumers. We also considered the need to refer to hydrogenation, where this has taken place. We will deal with the whole subject of polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid labelling in a later report." (From F. S. C. / REP/69B) We are getting through to them at last, but we still have to convince them that it is not just fats, but all dairy produce, which ought to be listed. Anyone writing to the Ministry or to manufacturers, should emphasise this. Many people are still being misled by advertisements claiming, 'no animal fats' or 'only vegetable oils' or 'non-dairy', which can mean that the fat in the milk content has been extracted and replaced by vegetable oil, but the milk solids, retained. The sooner we all decide to live on first hand (unprocessed) fruit, vegetables, nuts and grain, the better! Until then, the clear and ADEQUATE marking of all products, cannot come too soon!


<* * PLEASE NOTE * In the list that follows, anything printed in CAPITALS is ******* ******** VEGAN as far as we can ascertain. The list has been compiled from information supplied by companies listed on the left. Brand names when different, are given with the commodities and underlined. It is necessary to continue to check labels for ingredient changes. Allinson Batchelors Bonne Sante Cadbury Typhoo

Col man Foods Co-Op

NATURAL MARZIPAN, CAROB COATED BISCUITS. 5 MINUTE SOUPS:- GARDEN VEGETABLE, THICK FARMHOUSE. CUP-A-SOUP:- GOLDEN VEGETABLE, MUSHROOM, TOMATO. Surprise PEAS, BEANS, CASSEROLE VEGETABLE. OAT CRUNCH, BREAKFAST MUESLI, ASSORTED FRUIT CAKES, YORKSHIRE FLAPJACKS, PLOUGHMANS BREAKS, INFANT CEREAL. CHOCOLATE SPREAD. Not vegan Cadbury's biscuits, Bournvita, Compliment, Smash, Snack soups, Soya Choice, Hartley & Moorhouse Lemon cheese, Lemon curd, mincemeat, Xmas puddings, Chi vers jellies and jelly creams. SEMOLINA, GALES PEANUT BUTTER, Robinson's PATENT BARLEY, JIF TOPPINGS. BLENDED VEGETABLE COOKING OIL, FRIARY COOKING OIL. Not vegan Co-Op luxury soft margarine, Good Life margarine. Golden Soft margarine, ail Co-Op cooking fats. 32

Dempster & Co. Crosse & Blackwell

Direct Foods

Golden Wonder Jus-Rol Kerryredd Lindt Lyons Maid Marks & Spencer

Modern Health Osem Prewetts Rowntrees


Smiths Princes Foods Wander D. Politi

NON-FLAVOURED CRISPS, TWISTS AND CHIPSTICKS. TREX is now vegan. DRINKING CHOCOLATE. TURKISH DELIGHT, ALMOND DELIGHT, CREME de MENTHE DELIGHT, COCONUT BARS. REMEDIES Lanes QUIET LIFE TABLETS, P. P. (pain relieving) TABLETS, Regrettably, Maxivit B12 tablets and Triovit tablets are not vegan and Velm toilet soap is no longer available. All HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES other than ointments Nelsons which contain lanolin. Dr Metz PRO-CAL MIN PROTEIN & CALCIUM TABLETS, Power Health ACTIVE CALCIUM. Pommler Diet SPECIAL HERB TABLETS. Welda ELIXIRS:- BIRCH, COUGH, BLACKTHORN, SANDTHORN.




We regret that we have no information about new models, at the moment, but are pleased to inform readers that in both Kay and Freeman & Hardy & Willis, shops, shoes are now being marked, "man-made uppers man-made soles". Curtess shoe shops also, are now similarly marking their shoes.

Our summer issue of VEGAN VIEWS includes a new up-to-date contacts list of readers all over the country and also there is a vegan mums and dads page, and an article on Africa (a continent rich in vegan foods but one where harmful eating and drinking habits introduced by the settlers seem set to stay, at least for a long time). There is also a description of a home birth without drugs, plus other articles, news, letters, art work, poems and recipes. We try, in an informal way, to give individuals the opportunity to express their ideas and thought, on veganism and related topics, in some depth. So please contact us if you are interested: A subscription to Vegan Views, which comes out quarterly, is 90p for 4 issues or, alternatively, send 22p (stamps will do) for the current issue. Our address is 12 Wray Crescent. London N4 3LP. Malcolm Home 34

PERSONAL ADVERTISEMENTS (Please send to the Secretary, 47 Highlands Rd., Leatherhead, Surrey, by 1st August for next issue. Rate 4p a word: box nos. 7p extra.)

CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIP/Marriage introductions. All ages. Nationwide. Confidential. Also free singles holiday/houseparty list. (s. a. e.) - Christian Friendship Fellowship, Dept.B74, Edenthorpe, Doncaster. WANTED URGENTLY, clothes, soups. Mother Sala, Canossion Convent, Cherukunnu P.O., CANNANORE DIST., KERALA, INDIA, and Mother Annette, Canossa Convent, Vypeen, Cochin 682001, KERALA, INDIA. Send unsealed letter post.

YOUNG, ETHICAL VEGAN and adorable dog (house-trained bitch), seek accommodation, self-contained or share with other(s), preferably London, but anywhere considered. Please GROUP OF MANCHESTER VEGANS, with catering experience, want to start a vegan restaurant but lack the cash to do so. Anyone intere nancially assisting our venture, write to:Stockport 3. PERSON INTERESTED IN VEGANISM seeks accommodation with vegan(s). Bedsit or single room. Hom g, Guildford, Chertsey, Dorking. Redhill area. Leatherhead, Surrey. VISIONS CATERING: vegan, whol conferences, etc. reasonable prices, unusual varied cuisine. , London N.6. Tel: 01340 3349. VEGFAM feeds the hungry via plant-based foodstuffs, leaf protein, seeds, irrigation, etc. Trustees, The Sanctuary, Lydford. Okehampton, Devon. Visitors welcome. Tel: Lydford 203. HEAVY HORSE PRESERVATION SOCIETY. Since the onset of farm mechanisation, 999 in 1,000 of our farm horses have been slaughtered and, their employment being considered uneconomic, the slaughter still continues. The Heavy Horse Preservation Society begs for donations for a rescue fund to buy and care for a few of the survivors. Gifts of jewellery old coins, used stamps or anything else for sale ^ In the Society's shop are also welcome. So far, the Society has bought nineteen horses. This is the final hour of need for animals that have served us all so faithfully and so well. Help is now urgently needed and deeply appreciated. R. G. Hooper, Treasurer, Heavy Horse Preservation Society, Old Rectory, Whitchurch, Salop. SY13 1LF. „,.

HOLIDAYS oliday flatlet. Sleeps two.. Self-catering Folkestone 0303 56327 • — ynds" Vegetarian Guest House offers healthful holidays with natifti, whole foods, compost grown produce and home baking. Vegans are welcome. Elizabeth Burton (V. C. A. member) Tel. 62085. NEWQUAY. Accommodation and self-catering facilities are available for up to three vegans/vegetarians in a cliff-top cottage overlookin ur. No vacancies August. , Cornwall TR7 1EZ. VEGAN/VEGETARIAN ACCOMMODATION in charming cottage on high road between Inverness and Nairn. Good tourist centre, walking, golf course, seabeach new:by. Guests welcome all year. Box No. 17 SAILING CRUISES with vegan couple on 6-berth ketch. Families or unacc panied children welcome. N.Wales, Scotland, Shetland. E50-E85p.wk."" ^ S.a.e. to Brian & Wendy Burnett, Min-y-grug, Llandegla, (Nr. Wrexham), Clwyd LL11 3AA. PERTHSHIRE. Brook Linn, CallandtttfMfcgetarian and Vegan Meals carefully prepared and attractiv House - near Trossachs and West Highlands. 30103 (SDT 0877). BRANKSOME, POOLE, Dorset. Accommodation offered to vegans/vegetarians, liday or permanent, self-catering or half board. H. Mather, Branksome, Poole, BH12 1BG. CORNWALL. * * * "WOODCOTE", THE SALTINGS, LELANT, ST. IVES. Tel: HAYLE 3147 * * Vegetarian/Vegan Holiday Centre overlooking Hayle Estuary. * C. H. and H. & C. in all rooms ^ * SPIRITUAL HEALING by arrangement * (John Blackaller D. C. H. A.) * Brochure * * * etc. * * from * *vegan * *Proprietors* * * * John * *& Miss * * Hazel * * Blackaller.* * * * NEXT "VEGAN" due out September 21st. Autumn issues are specially concerned with animal welfare as Summer issues are with human health. Copy date AUGUST 1st. Please supply carbon copies of articles. If you have finished with your copy of the "Vegan" please leave It around where possible new subscribers may see it. 36 +






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