The Vegan Summer 1988

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SUMMER 1988 New Series. Vol.4, No.2


under the spotlight

Green Guardians — trees and conservation Breaking S i l e n c e — o n a n e x p l o s i v e issue • Protein — too m u c h of a g o o d t h i n g ? Shoparound

• Summer recipes

- Reviews

a vegan stroll down memory lane

T h e W f f i n

Managing Editor: Colin Howlett Editor: Barry Kew C o m m o d i t y News E d i t o r : Lis Howlett Design by Identity Printed by K S C Printers Ltd., Tunbridge Wells The Vegan is published quarterly by The Vegan Society Ltd Publication Date: Late February, May, August, November Copy Date: 1st of month of publication ISSN 0307-4811 © T h e Vegan Society Ltd

The Vegan Society T h e V e g a n Society L t d Registered Charity No. 279228 33-35 George Street O x f o r d O X 1 2AY Tel. 0 8 6 5 722166 President: Arthur Ling Deputy President: Chris Langley Vice-Presidents: Eva Batt Serena Coles Freya Dinshah Jay Dinshah Grace Smith Council: Vincent FitzGerald Colin Howlett Lis Howlett Chris Langley (Chair) Arthur Ling Hon. Treasurer: Vincent FitzGerald Secretary: Barry Kew Publications Director: Colin Howlett Office Manager: Susan K e w A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Assistant: Jim Crawford 2

Information Veganism may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, the animal kingdom for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms, it refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce — including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, (non-human) animal milks, and their derivatives. The status of honey in a vegan diet has varied over the years; whilst remaining contentious, its use is currently left to individual conscience. T h e Vegan Ethic challenges all who preach compassion yet acquiesce in institutionalized animal abuse, especially the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming. Abhorrence of these practices is probably the single most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are also drawn to it for health, ecological, spiritual and other reasons. T h e Vegan Society was formed in England in November 1944 by a group of vegetarians who had recognised and come to reject the ethical compromises implicit in lacto-(i.e. dairy-dependent) vegetarianism and consequently decided to renounce the use of all animal products. Since those early days it has grown considerably in both size and influence, reflecting the increasingly wide recognition of veganism's ethical, health, ecological and other advantages. The Society now has the status of an educational charity, whose aims include encouraging the development and use of alternatives to all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals. If you would like more information on veganism a free Vegan Information Pack is available from the Society's Oxford office in exchange for an SAE.

If you are already a vegan or vegan sympathizer please support the Society and help increase its influence by joining. Increased membership means more resources to educate and inform. Full membership is restricted to practising vegans, as defined above, but sympathizers are very welcome as associates of the Society. Both members and associates receive The Vegan free of charge. Vegan Society Publications The Society publishes a wide range of free leaflets and lowpriced books and booklets of interest to the newcomer. See the section in the magazine entitled Publications and Promotional Goods. This Section also lists a number of works which although produced independently of the Society and not necessarily vegan in viewpoint are nevertheless felt to be useful and informative. Vegan magazines In addition to The Vegan — the official organ of the Society — the following independent publications may be of interest: Vegan Views 6 Hayes Avenue, Bournemouth BH7 7AD. An informal quarterly with articles, interviews, news, reviews, letters, cartoon strip. Subscription rate for four issues: £2.40 (Europe and surface mail overseas: £2.80). New Leaves 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8NQ. Quarterly Journal of The Movement for Compassionate Living — The Vegan Way (see below). Annual subscription: £3.00. Cheques/POs payable to: 'Movement for Compassionate Living'. Y Figan Cymreig (The Welsh Vegan) BronyrYsgol, Montpelier, Llandrindod, Powys, Wales. Bi-Iingual quarterly. Annual subscription: £1.25. T h e Vegan C o m m u n i t y Project, an organization independent of the Vegan

Society, exists to form a contact network between people who are interested in living in a vegan community and to establish one or more such communities. While some of its members seek merely to live close to other vegans, others wish to establish a vegan land project or centre for the promotion of a vegan lifestyle. Contact:

The Vegan Families Contact List provides a link between parents throughout the UK seeking to raise their children in accordance with vegan principles. To receive a copy of the list and have your name added to a future edition, please send an SAE to the compiler — Eve Gilmore — co the Oxford office, giving your name, address and names and dates of birth of children. The Movement for Compassionate Living — The Vegan Way, an organization independent of the Vegan Society, seeks to spread compassionate understanding and to simplify lifestyles by promoting awareness of the connections between the way we live and the way others suffer, and between development, consumption and the destruction of the planet. Co-ordinators:

Veganism Abroad There are active vegan societies in Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden and the USA, as well as contacts in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand. The views expressed in The Vegan do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or of the Vegan Society Council. Nothing printed should be construed as Vegan Society policy unless so stated. The Society accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. The acceptance of advertisements does not imply endorsement. Contributions intended for publication are welcomed, but unsolicited materials will not bereturnedunless accompanied by an SAE

The Vegan, Summer J 988 2

NOWTHEN ou look around and suddenly three years have gone. Three frenetic years since The Vegan appeared afresh — new format, new features: the Society's new face. Much of the Summer '85 issue's Editorial could be repeated here and not look out of place. "Vegan ism has come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1944. Interest in the ideals of this once-tiny, but never insignificant movement is at an all-time high." Three years on the all-time high is higher; we've never known such sustained seeking after vegan information. We've come a long way even since 1985. This biggest ever, computeraided issue (the first to apply the awesome power of high technology to the promotion of the vegan ethic) acknowledges those "humble beginnings". The past we're out of is featured herein (See pplO-12), with a keen eye to the future —which will no doubt be dogged, as it is even now, by bogus claims against vegan diet credibility. Such quackery has recently been given space again nationwide in local rags seemingly desperate to keep things 'controversial' long after the event. (It's a wonder we're not all dead from malnutrition!) Sometimes widespread enlightenment seems as likely as East Fife 4, Forfar 5. But older vegans are a testament and will us


The Vegan, Summer J 988

on in the face of those who, still clinging to worn-out prejudice, seek to mislead and misinform. And there's irony in it. Reactionary response is wider spread. Proper concern over the introduction of bovine somatropin, for example, can — according to Scottish Milk Marketing Board Director, Dr. Donald MacQueen — be described as "alarmist stories being spread in an emotional response by

an ill-informed public." The MMB is known for fully informing everyone about BST and matters nutritional. Not only is information manipulated. In relation to the creation of new animals (See News, 'Patent Nonsense'), Philip Paxman — a vet and Managing Director of Animal Biotechnology Cambridge (a conflict of interests there, surely?) is quoted as saying: "It has to be recognised that there is a balance between human public interest and the suffering of the animal".

It would seem as though a 'balance' can be struck between any two factors. It's the 'reasonable' approach, but rotten. As the poet said, "Like criminals they have choked the breath of conscience and good cheer." The pressure is on us, perhaps unfairly, to prove and prove again the viability of, above all, genuine justice, and live with every laugh undercut by the suffering of other species — "the degree of suffering which, although regrettable, is acceptable" and other

claptrap. It's a good job we're vegans, and part of that job is to inform and assist. Later this year further works on vegan nutrition a n d on pregnancy, children and vegan diets will be available. We need your help to continue just this essential programme. No other body is at present better placed than the Vegan Society to promote veganism, and no-one else is doing it with clarity. But we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place, between the nonsense and the lack of funds. The work isn't just for now, but until what's right (if veganism's wrong I don't want to be right?) presides over the inevitable demise of those who would pass off wilful ignorance as expertise and respectability.

• Green Guardians Trees and conservation • O u t of t h e P a s t 10 Taking a walk d o w n the Vegan Society's memory lane • Family Matters 15 Food f o r all • Shoparound 16 • Roll out t h o s e L a z y D a y s of S u m m e r 18 ...says Caring Cook Janet Hunt • 'Spices' 20 — Hitting a high spot with C o x and Brusseau • B r e a k i n g Silence 21 ...on an explosive issue

LYNX • Spotlight ...on L Y N X


• Healthwise 24 Protein — too m u c h of a good thing? • Reviews 26 • Postbag 28 • Noticeboard 30 • Publications & Promotional Goods 32 • Classifieds 34

Cover illustration by Jane Witheridge 3


Patent Nonsense In April the US Government's Patent and Trademark Office issued to Harvard University the first patent for a genetically-engineered animal — a mouse that carries the oncogene (cancer-causing gene) c-myc. The mouse and its offspring are genetically predisposed to breast cancer. New Scientist 21.4,88

hour while banner-waving protesters chanted, sang and distributed hundreds of leaflets. N E C security guards reluctantly protected protesters from angry butchers and slaughtermen.

"The EEC ban on the use of hormones in meat, which was

IV *

OttTUt DINNW Against the Odds On Sunday, 20 March over 50 Midlands Animal Rights Concern supporters staged a peaceful sit-down demo outside the Meatex '88 exhibition at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. The entrance was virtually blocked for an


overturned by the European Court in February, has been reinstated. The EEC's twelve agriculture ministers voted 111 to restore the ban, which was overturned due to complaints from Britain over the poor procedure in voting for the ban. Only Britain's minister, Mr. John MacGregor voted against


Success Thanks, Cambridge T h e Council and staff of the Vegan Society would like to express publicly their gratitude for a magnificent £500 donation from Animal Aid Cambridge, the longestestablished Animal Rights group in England. The cheque was presented to General Secretary Barry Kew at the g r o u p ' s 100th monthly meeting (since 1979) on March 2nd. At the same meeting cheques were also presented to the Tonbridge-based National Animal Aid and the Dr. Hadwen Trust for Humane Research. 4

Thanks to an overwhelmingly positiveresponsefromreaders,the Society's first-ever Grand Prize Draw yielded a total of £2,531.40. The funds raised will go towards the production of new vegan Society leaflets and Information Packs. The first three prizes were won as follows: 1st Prize (One Week for Two in Jersey): Max Door of Walsall. Ticket No. 008065. 2 nd Prize (Two Weeks for One on Skyros): Lucy George of Putney. Ticket No. 005417. 3rd Prize (Veganic Gardening Weekend for Two in Norfolk): K. McKinnon, Saltcoats, Scotland. Ticket No. 021824. Remaining prize winning ticket numbers: 4th Prize: 006160 5th Prize: 010290 6th Prize: 040745 7th Prize: 022253 8th Prize: 031186 9th Prize: 019627 10th Prize: 002862 11th Prize: 028502


Ban Back

Electronic First Albeit rather later than expected (alas, the path of progress is seldom a smooth one!), welcome to 'the electronic Vegan'! This issue of the magazine is the first to be produced using cost-cutting, high-tech electronic publishing methods. As reported in the last issue, the first benefit of the switch to new technology is the increase in the number of pages — from 3 2 to 36. And in future issues we will see many others, including the substitution wherever possible of highresolution digitized (electronically-generated) images for those traditionally produced by photographic means.

the re instatement of the ban" Farmers Weekly 11.3.88

12th Prize: 027640 13th Prize: 038601 14th Prize: 025456 15th Prize: 034760 16th Prize: 041116 17th Prize: 003831 18th Prize: 004566 19th Prize: 027304 20th Prize: 003217

VIP Initiative A meeting specially convened by Arthur Ling of Plamil Foods at the Health Food trade exhibition (Helfex) at Birmingham on March 6th gave birth to an independent new group dedicated to the promotion of veganism via the health-food trade. Adopting the name of VIPs (Vegan-Inspired Proprietors), the group's aims include displaying vegan literature, stocking as wide a range as possible of vegan products, and securing tighter labelling regulations to enable vegans to establish with greater certainty products' vegan status. Further meetings are planned and those interested in joining the 30 stores already belonging to the group should contact:

Circus Success A motion in favour of performing-animal circuses put forward by the Variety Advisory Committee was defeated by 75 votes to 70 at the Equity AGM in April. This followed a Virginia McKenna statement — supported by Penelope Keith, Ronnie Corbett, Ann Todd and Spike Milligan amongst others — and an Animal Aid leafletting session.

Dolphin Deaths Some six million dolphins are believed to have been killed in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) by tuna fishermen since ^ the 1960s, and on it goes: "I saw hundreds of animals being drowned, mutilated and butchered", said former US government biologist Sam LaBudde, who worked as a cook on a fishing boat for four The Vegan, Summer J 988 4

i j f owned testing company in New Jersey, rubbed on the shaved bellies of albino mice once a day for three days, and 10 days later the fabric is rubbed on the abdomen twice more. The 'Mouse Ear Swelling Test' (MEST) is used as an indication of whether the pH balance of the chemical residues in frosted jeans might cause a rash in humans. (ISAR Report Jan/Feb 1988). Protest mail should be sent to:

months taking dramatic video pictures of the slaughter resulting from the purse-seining technique of netting yellow fin tuna. Europe imports some 2,500 tonnes of the fish (£18 million worth) from the ETP each year. New Scientist 17.3.88

Sick Service This autumn Animal Biotechnology Cambridge — the commercial partner of the Cambridge-based Institute of Animal Psychology and Genetics Research — is to launch its technique of implanting cattle with embryos fertilized and grown in vitro from ova extracted from slaughtered animals. New Scientist 24.3.88

Comings and Goings Charlotte Edwards has resigned from the Vegan Society Council. The resulting vacancy has been filled, by co-option, by Arthur Ling, Vegan Society President and Director of Plamil Foods. Information Officer Ian Thompson has left the Society's employ after serving with distinction for six months. Former voluntary worker Jim Crawford has now joined the staff on a part-time basis as Administrative Assistant.

IV Bogus Release Vegan and vegetarian diets have come under attack in scare-mongering reports in local newspapers. A report on such diets commissioned by the British Nutrition Foundation and written by Dr. Tom Sanders appears to have been appropriated and misrepresented by unidentified persons in a bogus press release published almost verbatim by gullible editors. The Vegan, Summer J 988

WDLA Rally Over 2,500 people attended the World Day For Laboratory Animals Rally in Brighton on 24 April. The march, a full funeral procession with hearse and mourners, ended at a cenotaph for laboratory animals on Brighton's seafront, where 113 white crosses were planted to commemorate the number of years that anti-vivisectionists in this country have been fighting to free animals from laboratories. Brighton was chosen because of its proximity to Shamrock Farms, of Small Dole, Sussex — Britain's largest importer of wild-caught primates. The day's events ended with a candle-lit vigil at the seafront cenotaph from 9pm Saturday to 6am Sunday, 24th April.

Mucky Milk "Milk is a very strong pollutant: it's about 400 times more polluting than untreated sewage. To put it another way, 1,000 gallons of milk has the same polluting potential as the untreated sewage from a town of 7,000 people". — Morlais Owen, Chief Scientist for Welsh Water. North Wales Weekly News 24.3.88.

Jeans Off

Fish Fine Organizers of the 1986 Lippe river angling competition have recently been fined for cruelty after a West German court ruled that fish feel pain. The Guardian 19.4.88

Tragic Imbalance About 25 million dairy cows in the European Community were subsidized to the tune of £4 billion in 1987. Atapprox. £156 per cow, this is twice the average income of the Third World farmer.

Mike Storm 1916-1988 Mike Storm, one-time Editor of The Vegetarian and originator of the VSUK seedling symbol, died peacefully at his typewriter on February 12th. I was privileged to work as Mike's assistant on The Vegetarian for two and a half years. The amount I learned from him is in calculable. Mike came to the job from a background in the media — at one time he was employed as London Story Editor for Columbia Pictures, and later he did freelance scriptwriting, broadcasting, and directing for the BBC and various film producers and advertising agencies. A committed vegetarian, Mike gave his all — working literally round the clock — to making The Vegetarian newspaper (as it was then) into a journal with real impact. It paid off, for under his editorship the journal, and vegetarianism, attracted the serious notice of the national press. The two of his qualities which were almost unique in the vegetarian movement at that time were his sense of humour and his professionalism. He never stopped laughing at himself and at the pretensions of others, which made him a joy to work with. And his multi-talented professionalism was such that he looked after every aspect of The Vegetarian himself — design, writing, artwork and layout. Although not a practising vegan, Mike was always very strongly that way inclined, and he took every possible opportunity to put the case for compassion across in print — most recently in hisregularcolumn in Health Now. One meets only a few people in one's lifetime who stand out as 'special'. Mike Storm was a very special person. — Leah Leneman Ed. On behalf of the Vegan Society, as well as in a purely personal capacity, the Editor and Managing Editor would like to add to Leah's remarks their deep gratitude to one of the liveliest minds in the modern vegetarian movement for unstir.:' distance and moral support in the task of modernizing the Society's entire range of publications.

Samples of store-ready Lee jeans are shipped to a privately5

" W e are witnessing a tragic and harrowing imbalance in world food production and consumption", said Lord Plumb, President of the Euro Parliament and a former president of the National Farmers' Union. The Independent 19.3.88

They said i t . . . "If the experts are right, there will have to be some careful thought about next year's Celebration of Food and Farming, not least the ambition to get every school child on to a farm at least once during the year. That could be counterproductive in as much as the sight of live spring lambs could be enough to turn children against the sight of dead cooked ones." Farmers Weekly 29.4.88

Killer Concentrate

Price Rise A s a consequence of increased printing costs and a poor response to the Vegan Publications Fund appeal the cover price of The Cruelty-Free Shopper has been raised from £1.99 to £2.50 ( + 3 5 p p&p).

Industrial pollution from the Soviet Union's first bio-engineering plant, producing protein-vitamin concentrate for farm livestock is poisoning the 60,000 people of Kirishi, near Leningrad. 12 children have already died, there are over 100 permanent invalids and incidence of bronchial asthma has risen 35 times since the plant opened 12 years ago. The concentrate is now banned. The Guardian 16.3.88


Poorly Pigs Nearly 100% of finishing pigs bought from markets and 25% of breeding sows are infected with swine dysentry, according to Graham Hewett of Upjohn. Farmers Weekly Animal Health Supplement 18.3.88


"Records show rainfall has been higher in the past. Our problem is man-made. If you look at the areas affected in Rio, it was where deforestation has occurred that suffered the most." The Guardian 22.2.88

Grant Grabbers Soil Loss According to David Pimentel of Cornell University, Iowa has lost half its topsoil in 200 years; Kansas has lost 30% of its soil-bome nitrogen and over 30% of its organic matter in the last 30 years; India is losing 30 tonnes of soil per hectare every year, and in Africa the rate of soil erosion has increased 20fold over the last 25 years. New Scientist 18.2.88

Westsports have co-operated with a leading British footwear manufacturer to produce a synthetic walking boot with vegans and vegetarians in mind.

• Strong 'Klets' footpath-conserving sole unit • Soft ankle rolls • Lightweight - less than lib each • Supple synthetic uppers - little breaking-in needed • Non-water absorbent • Non-rot. maintenance free • Full sizes only 4-11 • Sand £24.95 plus £1.96 j * p and vra will rush you • pair on 14 days approval. I X r C C T C T V M J ' P C ff, Fleet St., Swindon, Wilts.

VV L O 1 d r \ J I \ 1 0 SN7 IRQ. Tel: (0793) 32588. • Personal shoppers welcome • VISA. Access •


Unigate plans to set up the U K ' s biggest factory farm enterprise — in Humberside — with the aim of producing a million 7-week-old chickens a week by 1989. Cost? — £ 5 5 million, including grants of 15%, or £3,000 per job created; rate exemption until 1993; and 100% corporation and income tax allowances. Eco News No. 37

Udder Costs



Man-made Problem The torrential rains responsible for the deaths of over 300 people in Brazil in February were the result of deforestation, according to Brazilian geologist Luiz Carlos Mollion:

Mastitis costs UK dairy producers £160 million per year. On average there are 50 cases in a 100-cow herd each year. Farmers Weekly Animal Health Supplement 18.3.88 The Vegan, Summer J 988 6








Don't Go Without It! ... the just-published, biggest- and best-ever edition of the standard guide to vegan holiday accommodation and eating places in the UK. 136 fact-filled pages, with just under 600 detailed and carefully classified entries covering a wide range of establishments (incl. cafes, take-aways, restaurants, guest-houses, hostels and hotels) in many of Britain's best-loved beauty spots — from the Scottish Highlands to the Channel Islands.

The Vegan, SummerJ988


Brian Burnett considers the role of trees in nature conservation ver the past few years there'sheen a battle raging between Government, the Forestry Commission, private land-owners, hill-walkers/ramblers and ornithologists about the increase in tree-planting in Britain's uplands. The Government wants cheap, homegrown timber because it's an expensive import we imported timber and pulp to the value of over ÂŁ1,500 million in 1986, while exporting only ÂŁ48 million worth. The Forestry Commision has been instructed to produce timber in the cheapest way possible, with only minimal consideration for the impact the


more forestry area than the Commission itself, but are subject to no controls on what or how they plant) use grants and tax-relief schemes to plant vast acres with fast-growing, foreign conifers. But hill-walkers and groups such as 'Friends of the Lake District/ Snowdonia' etc. are afraid that conifer forest will not only spoil the landscape, but will restrict access; and some ornithologists complain that many rare species will become even rarer. The issue is particularly relevant to vegans and vegetarians, since it is primarily about whether we plant trees or farm sheep.

Past and Present Historically, Britain was freed from the Ice Age about 11,000 years ago and by about 7,000 years ago it was clothed in mixed forest up to over 2,000 feet. The advent of cultivated crops (about 5,000 years ago) and metal tools (about 4,000 years ago) led to a rapid clearance of woodlands, and by one thousand years ago four-fifths of our natural forest had f j been cleared. The then has fluctuated

The Vegan, Summer J 988 8

but we are now left with only tiny remnants of natural forest, plus a few large man-made conifer forests in areas which are of low agricultural value. The high tops were, and are, of little use By one thousand years ago fourfifths of our natural forest had been cleared... We are now left with only tiny remnants. to farmers, animals or birds and have remained largely unchanged for7,000 years— apart from the added beer and coke cans of recent decades. Economically, the' uplands (c.1,0002,000 ft) are of little value as they support relatively few sheep and it is often difficult to plant, maintain and harvest trees. However, as a nation we are short of timber and have a surplus of sheep (with an increase from 28,000 to 37,000 animals between 1976-86, but a decrease in consumption from £4.2M worth to £3.01M). Timber production requires more labour than sheep farming, which increases costs but reduces unemployment. It does not produce quick returns, but it nevertheless has many advantages.

Soil-destroyers... Environmentally, sheep farming is one of the most destructive of man's activities. The animals prevent natural tree-regeneration and cause soil erosion and impoverishment. Grass and heather take out nutrients from the surface of the soil. Sheep eat these plants and are then taken away; consequently the topsoil becomes poorer, so that grass and heather are replaced by bracken, which is no use to man or beast. Meanwhile, there is no replenishment of the soil itself, which is slowly eroded away by rain-water and sheep-tracks. Environmentally, sheep farming is one of the most destructive of man's activities. The animals prevent natural tree-regeneration and cause soil erosion and Impoverishment. Soil is produced when plants and weather act together on rock. Large roots will move and break up rocks (as can be seen in towns where tree-roots will lift paving-slabs and break down walls). Sunlight, frost, rain and chemicals from fungi and plant roots break down the rock. In time large rocks are broken down until, after many hundreds or thousands of years (depending on the type of rock), soil is produced. It is the soil which provides essential chemicals forplant growth. Some of these chemicals are the remains of decaying plant and animal material, but many chemicals are extracted from the rock itself. Herb plants, those without tough stems, do little to break down rock; and what effect they have is confined to the top few inches of The Vegan, Summer J 988 9

the ground. Trees and shrubs are not only very effective at producing soil, but also bring up nutrients from deep down in the ground to deposit them in the form of leaves, dead-branches, etc. on the surface. This decaying matter feeds the top-soil and makes it richer, so that more small plants and animals can exist.

...and Soil-makers Native broad-leaved, deciduous trees—such as oak, ash, beech, alder, willow and birch— are the most effective in this soil-making process, but they grow slowly. Conifers do break up rocks to form soil, but they produce a dense branch/leaf canopy which prevents sun-loving plants from developing underneath. It is also unfortunate that the most economical way to produce timber is to plant the trees in straight rows in large blocks of just one species. This system has three main negative effects: it is uninteresting to the eye; it is very susceptible to rapid spread of disease (or insect/fungal pests), as with any monoculture system; and ecologically itlacks the variety of associated species of plants and animals. With a change from sheep country to forest plantations, certain moorland species will decline but the actual variety of species (including some rarities) and numbers of individuals will increase. Let us consider conifer plantations which, as pointed out above, are ecologically less interesting than native broad-leaved trees. Young conifer plantations attract whinchats, wrens, some finches, skylarks, black and red grouse, buzzards, sparrowhawks, barn-owl, short-eared owl and occasional harriers — plus many voles, mice, shrews, foxes and, perhaps, pine-martens and a wide variety of fungi, mosses, lichens and flowering plants. As the trees develop to 4 or 5 feet we get occasional warblers, more finches, linnets, yellow-hammers, warblers, pipits and occasional tits, in addition to many of those species which lived among the younger trees. Then, as the bushes develop into small trees of 10-12 feet or so, the opencountry birds, such as barn-owl, short-eared owl, harriers, skylark and red-grouse, move out — but we get more tits, robins, thrushes and blackbirds. We may also see redpoll, capercaillie and ring-ouzel, woodcock and red squirrel. The trees go on to 15-20 feet or more by about the age of 10-15 years. By this time, dense inner areas become less interesting and many of the species mentioned will have gone; but there are others which like these forests — goldcrest, coal tit and crossbill, and in clearings and at the edges we will still find the species mentioned before, often in large numbers. Thenumberofspeciesand number of individuals on bare moorland or grassland cannot be compared — unless, of course, we only consider diurnal birds of prey (eagle, merlin, harriers) and waders

(curlew, dunlin, redshank, plovers etc.).

Unsightly There is no doubt that huge blocks of conifers, exotic or otherwise, can be unsightly and relatively uninteresting ecologically for the 30-40-years of their mature lives. On the other hand, with very litde economic loss the situation can be considerably improved. This can be done by planting smaller, irregular blocks of three or four different species with occasional smaller stands of slow-growing deciduous hardwoods, plus strips of mixed trees along the edges of the plantations and in rides where footpaths for walkers and workers can be maintained. A further improvement is achieved if the total forest area is subdivided into many smaller plots and each plot is designated for trees of different ages. Initially the whole area can be planted. Ten years later, when the trees are of a usable size, the trees from one plot can be taken out (for Christmas trees or pulp) and more planted in their place. A year later the trees from another plot are harvested and more seedlings planted in their place. This continues, so that there is always a mixture of trees of different ages. With the normal system, many men are required for a short period to plant out the seedlings; few are needed to maintain the growing forest for the next 50-60 years; then there is a further flurry of activity as many men and machines are required to harvest the mature trees. With the mixed plantations, a fairly constant level of man and machine power are necessary indefinitely. Timber production is maintained at a more constant level. Firerisk (the Forestry Commission has lost over 10% of its trees in some years through fire) and spread of disease are reduced considerably. Naturalists are delighted with the mixed habitats. And, of course, country-lovers of all kinds can be persuaded to support rather than oppose further tree-planting schemes.

Vegan Role Vegans have an important part to play in encouraging the planting of trees — not only to oust the stock farmer, but also because our world needs trees and our economy needs timber. The more timber grown in our own country, the less / i will be needed from areas of the which are being stripped of theirs. We should support any tree-planting schemes, but at the same time encourage the tree planters to consider mixed ages and species (with at least some native ones), as well as public foot-paths and irregularlyshaped plantations.


PAST A founding father takes us on a walk down Memory Lane

14th. December


Dear Sir, In reply to the request in the current issue of 'The Vegan' for certain back numbers, you may like to know that I have the complete series from the first issue of the duplicated 'Vegan News' which preceded 'The Vegan'. I do not wish to break up this collection but I find I have six copies of the Spring 1946 issue, sol enclose one herewith. This was the first printed issue, and you will see that it contains an Editorial I wrote giving the case for veganism. I am pleased to read that the baby I left on a London doorstep is doing so well and I look forward to hearing of its future progress. Please convey to your Committee my best wishes, though only Serena and Arthur [ E d . S e r e n a C o l e s a n d A r t h u r L i n g ] will remember me. I enclose a 77-year-old pensioner's mite for your funds. There is no need to acknowledge it. Yours sincerely,



°nald Watso, orchard

Shortly after the appearance of the Winter '87 issue of The Vegan, the letter opposite was received from perhaps the most illustrious of all our members — a man who has the unique distinction of having been one of the founders of the Vegan Society and the coiner of the word 'vegan'. (This latter achievement is recorded for posterity in the august pages of The Oxford English Dictionary.) His name? — Donald Watson. Then based in Leicester, but now living in Cumbria, Donald was the Society's first Secretary, as well as Editor of The Vegan News — the first regular publication of the vegan movement, whose duplicated foolscap pages were to evolve into today's hightech Vegan (See News, 'Electronic First'). A fruitful correspondence ensued between this representative of the Society's past and the Society's current General Secretary, Barry Kew — whose job it is to help the Society take its historic achievements into the future. Among documents in Donald's possession and made available to us in the period that followed was a copy of the first printed issue of The Vegan (Spring, 1946) and of the Society's first Balance Sheet — showing receipts totalling a princely £83.15.01, with members' and associates' subscriptions accounting for £47.12.03 of that sum. Grasping that this unexpected link with the past offered a not-to-be-missed opportunity to give our younger readers a glimpse of the history of the Society's formative years, and our older readers a chance to indulge in a little nostalgia, Barry asked Donald if he would look back again for us on those far-off days, and he kindly obliged. We publish his reply on the page opposite. The Vegan, Summer J 988 10

u.s- v e sions for vegans failed. There were few vegetarian guesthouses, and fewer still adept at providing meals for vegans. ad 1 »\te Ld I out • There were no vegan recipe books, and vitamin B12 had not yet been discovered. imb^yilV) Not surprisingly, some vegans who could not manufacture this vitamin in their own gut fell ill after a few years. Despite all this we went ahead and formed the Society. It was indeed a difficult In at the Birth birth, but following the publication of five he recent publication by the Vegan So- quarterly issues of the duplicated Vegan ciety of well-produced literature aimed News, the first printed edition of its at facilitating the practice of veganism, successor. The Vegan, in Spring 1946 ran to and the promise of more to come, must re- 1,000 copies. Correspondence escalated at mind all early vegans that conditions were an alarming rate, reaching 30 and 40 letters not always so good. As one who was at the a day. Frequently I worked all through the birth of the movement in 1944, and as the night in order to avoid a crisis the next day if person who introduced the word 'vegan' to they were not cleared. the language, I have been invited by the' Editor to write briefly on the theme 'flbok- A Remarkable Omission ing Back/Looking Forward.' Why did we do it then of all times? Perhaps For about two years previous to 1944 a it seemed to us a fitting antidote to the sickfew of us had been corresponding, and oc- ening experience of the War, and a reminder casionally meeting, to discuss the vegan that we should be doing more about the idea. I was delegated to write to Mr. James Hough, the then Secretary of the Vegetarian ... though nature provides us with Society to ask whether a non-dairy section lots of examples of carnivores and could appear in his monthly magazine, The vegetarians it provides us with no exVegetarian Messenger. His Committee, amples of lacto-carnivores or lactothough sympathetic, turned down the sug- vegetarians. Such groups are freaks gestion — so from that point on it was clear and only made possible by man's cathat any extension of the vegetarian ethic, as pacity to exploit the reprodefined in 1847, would have ductive functions of other to be expressed as a dospecies. it-yourself job. other holocaust that goes on all We had no funds, no the time. Or perhaps it was that private transport — we were conscious of a remarkapart from bicycles, able omission in all previous no precedents to vegetarian literature .— work on, no office, namely, that though nature little experience In provides us with lots of expublic speaking, and amples of carnivores and none in publishing. vegetarians it provides us with no examples of lactocamivores or lacto-vegeWe were few in number tarians. Such groups are and widely dispersed, and freaks and only made posall of us were heavily insible by man's capacity to volved in our own careers. exploit the reproductive We had no funds, no private (publ-19^6). functions of other spetransport — apart from biion K H cycles, no precedents to work by ~Fay- ( vegan cou cookbookcies. This, we thought, on, no office, little experience t h e ' x r could not be right either dietetically or in public speaking, and none in publishing. ethically. It was certainly wrong aesthetiThe War was ending, food rationing was at cally, and we could conceive of no spectacle its most severe and was to continue for an- more bizarre than that of a grown man atother seven years. There were few health- tached at his meal-times to the udder of a food shops, and even these had little to offer cow. in protein foods suitable for vegans. The vegetarians had been successful in obtain- The Devil's Trip-Wires ing an additional cheese ration in lieu of meat, but all my approaches to the Ministry We had few sympathisers. At that time of Food to obtain some comparable conces- nothing short of cannibalism would have


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The Vegan, Summer J 988

convinced the Church that morals and our choice of food were in any way connected. The situation is better today, but not much. The latest evidence of a fuller interpretation of the Christian ethic appeared in Andrew Linzey's recent scholarly work — Christianity and the Rights of Animals (FPCK, Cambridge University Press, £5.95). [Ed. Reviewed in the Winter '87 Vegan.] The good news certainly gets around. In the world of medicine in 1944 almost everyone classified dairy produce and eggs as 'first-class protein', and plant proteins as 'second-class'. Now dairy produce and eggs are Public Enemy No.l in the battle against coronary thrombosis. On this point we were right 44 years ago and almost everyone else was wrong. The reason was obvious: food values cannot be assessed purely on chemical composition. Will it take another 44 years before people ask whether the present explosion in a whole range of disorders might be caused by feeding children for half a century an ocean of milk long after the time when they should have been weaned and put on proper food? Mess up Nature's blueprint and who can say what might happen? The Devil certainly camouflages his trip-wires.

Here to Stay Now that all the early food shortages for vegans are a thing of the past and that our choices are continuing to widen it is clear that, given the support it deserves, the Vegan Society is here to stay and that it will serve a purpose not duplicated by any other movement. It is superbly well-managed and it has remained impeccably faithful to the As great movements go [veganism] is still but a child, needing all the support we can give it to develop still further and take a prominent place among other reforms that are so essential to strike at the roots of all that is wrong in this sad world. concepts laid down by the founders. As great movements go it is still but a child, needing all the support we can give it to develop still further and take a prominent place among other reforms that are so essential to strike at the roots of all that is wrong in this sad world. It was not part of my brief to appeal for funds, but I can think of no better way to end.

Donald Watson 11

After learning of Donald's unsolicited appeal for funds to assist the Society's work, Vegan Society Hon. Treasurer, Vincent FitzGerald, requested an opportunity to add the following remarks.

As a special tribute to those who helped lay the foundations of the modern vegan movement, while remaining stocks last copies of the Vegan Society booklet Pioneers of the New Age — Reminiscences of Twelve Early Vegans may be obtained free of charge from the Oxford office. Those wishing to take up this offer are asked to supply a 9" x 6" SAE.


the most visionary of the Society's founders could have dreamed. To take a concrete example: thanks to the farsighted generosity of the late Roy Mclntyre Smith, early last year the Society was able to invest in the computer equipment used to such gratifying effect in the production of this magazine and other attractive and low-cost publications, as well as in streamlining its office administration. A plaque acknowledging this



aving just had a fascinating glimpse of its 1 early history, I now want to enlist readers' support in seeing that our still-infant Society has the bright future it There m u s t b e m a n y readers who w o u l d like to offer deserves — one in which the financial s u p p o r t to the Vegan Society in its u n i q u e skills and vision of its Council w o r k but h a v e limited m e a n s at their disposal. There is, and staff can find full expresh o w e v e r , a n easy w a y of helping regardless of present sion, free of the constant anxicircumstances — b y including a legacy t o the Society in ety that goes hand in hand y o u r Will. Great o r small, such legacies can m a k e a real with chronic underfunding. a n d e n d u r i n g contribution to the promotion of vegan As many of you will be ideals. aware, the raising of the Society's profile in recent years For those w h o w o u l d like to make a bequest to the has increased dramatically the Society t h e f o l l o w i n g f o r m of words is suggested: number of requests for infor"I bequeath to the Vegan Society Ltd, Registered Charity no. mation about our work — around 20,000 thousand en279228, presently at 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY, quiries a year at the last count. the sum of £ , and declare that the receipt of the As the Editorial puts it: Treasurer or other authorized officer of the said Society shall " w e ' v e never known such be good and sufficient discharge of such legacy." sustained seeking after vegan information". But meeting Property left t o t h e Society is a n o t h e r valuable this explosion of demand for contribution to o u r cause. If y o u wish to will land or information is draining us — p r o p e r t y to the Society, please write for details of h o w physically, mentally and fito a r r a n g e this. nancially. 'Softer-option' animal charities can take the provision of such a service in their stride, since they have staffs of gener- only the most threadbare of shoe-strings. ous proprtions and enjoy massive legacy inAnd yet generous donations and even come — frequently running into hundreds modest legacies can work miracles in a of thousands, even millions, of pounds a small, efficiently-administered Society like year. But fate has thus far cast us instead in ours, making it possible to extend our the r&le of pauper and over four decades achievements in this fifth decade of our exforced us to carry on our unique work on istence and beyond into areas of which only





deep debt of gratitude now hangs in the Oxford office. I hope that it will be the first of many. To assist those interested in helping to forward the Society in this way I am now working on a special Vegan Society booklet. In addition to explaining in the simplest possible terms how to remember the Society in a will (or how best to contribute financially to its work in the here and now), it outlines the practical ways in which such income will be put to use — so that a potential benefactor can satisfy him/herself that it won't be squandered on some ill-conceived scheme or pointlessly duplicating the work of a kindred organization. If you'd like a copy just as soon as it's available just drop me a line c/o the Oxford office. I very much look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,

THE CARING COOK Cruelty-Free Cooking for Beginners by Janet Hunt Written by top cookery writer Janet Hunt, The Caring Cook represents a double breakthrough: on the one hand, it makes an ideal first vegan cookbook for beginners and on the other, it is just the thing for older hands wishing to offer friends and relatives a low-cost guide to the art of compassionate eating. Its comprehensive and varied range of everyday and special-occasion recipes, wealth of practical advice and helpful hints, and sturdy, wipe-clean cover make an unbeatable combination.

Orders to (BLOCK CAPITALS THROUGHOUT PLEASE): The Vegan Society (Merchandise), 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY. Cheques/POs payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd.

All you could want — for less than you'd expect.

The Cruelty-Free Shopper An information-packed 124-page guide for those seeking assistance in choosing 100% animal-free products (no animal ingredients and no onimal testing) as part of a cruelty-free lifestyle. Thousands of entries organized into clear, easy-to-consult sections — 'Food & Drink', "Toiletries & Cosmetics', 'Remedies & Supplements', 'Footwear & Clothing', 'Household Goods' and 'Gift Ideas' — along with useful background information and appendices. Printed in a handy pocket-sized format, complete with sturdy, wipe-clean cover.

A must for the compassionate shopper! Orders to (BLOCK CAPITALS T H R O U G H O U T PLEASE): The Vegan Society (Merchandise), 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY. Cheques/POs payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd.

1 The Vegan, SummerJ988 13



N O a g e limits. N O experience necessary. ALL catering vegan — with vegetarian option. M y 1 1 t h s e a s o n , 1988, w i l l a g a i n b e o n t h e W e s t C o a s t of S c o t l a n d , w h i c h is r e n o w n e d f o r its b e a u t i f u l s c e n e r y , m a g n i f i c e n t s u n s e t s a n d w o n d e r f u l wildlife. I f s a n i d e a l h o l i d a y f o r t h o s e w h o w a n t to relax a n d get a w a y f r o m c r o w d s , cities, cars, c o o k i n g , h o u s e w o r k , w o r r i e s — a n d t h e clock! I h a v e h a d p e o p l e f r o m 4 t o 84, a l t h o u g h m o s t a r e b e t w e e n 2 5 a n d 50 — a n d s i n g l e . F o r t h e n e r v o u s , w e c a n p o t t e r a r o u n d t h e i n s h o r e lochs a n d , i s l a n d s , w h e r e w e c a n w a t c h seals, d e e r , otter a n d m a n y b i r d s . O t h e r w i s e w e c a n sail o u t r o u n d M u l l t o Staffa, Iona, Skye, M u c k , Eigg, R h u m a n d see the s e a b i r d c o l o n i e s . Y o u c a n sail, w a l k , p a i n t , r o w , b i r d w a t c h , b o t a n i s e . . . o r just sit. I f s u p t o y o u . W e don't have a schedule. C o s t : £170 p e r w e e k p e r p e r s o n f o r f u l l b o a r d — w i t h n o h i d d e n extras a n d n o w h e r e to spend any money! For full details, please 'phone or send an SAE: Tel: 0244

O o

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The new, all-vegan design company specializing in the use of the most modem computer hardware to provide the animal rights movement with a top-quality, keenly-priced design, typesetting and pagemakeup service.

For details apply to: Sun-ey KT1 1JT. Tel: 01 541 5817 Clients include: The Vegan Society, Animal Aid, Oxfam, HSA


PLAMIL's policy is to cater for vegans' nutritional needs, selling exclusively through health-food stores. This new unflavoured version of PRODUCTS PROVIDE VE- VEEZE — the GANS WITH IMPORTANT vegan cheese CALCIUM AND ESSENTIAL spread — is VITAMINS B2. B12 and D2 V^scrumptious!






The Vegan, Summer J 988 14

Family Matters Lis Howlett continues her regular column on everyday aspects of vegan living.


ake a look into a crystal ball. What would you like tosee—apart from a world in which all races and nations were living in peaceful cooperation and harmony? Focus in a little closer—into the market places and shops, into the store cupboards, and onto the dinnerplates. I, for one, would like to see a world where all the food was vegan. A pipe-dream? — Maybe, butneverthelessaworthy goal towards which vegans, and all true humanitarians, should be ever striving.


Pipe-Dream? I'd like to draw to your attention evidence of progress that has been made in translating this 'pipedream' into reality, as well as some aspects of the work currently in hand and ways in which we can all contribute to the furtherance of that work. Substantial progress has been made in one area of mass catering — vegans in prison can now receive a vegan diet with little or no difficulty. In hospitals the situation is rather different, however. Despite the appearance in 1981 of a DHSS document entitled Catering for Minority Groups, there is little evidence of a general ability of hospitals to cater adequately for vegans. Those of us obliged to stay in hospital for any length of time usually have to rely on supplies being brought in by relatives and friends. (There are, however, the occasional positive reports that come in and we like to give credit where it is due — so hats off to St. Thomas' Hospital, London. A Vegan Society member recently had to spend nine weeks there before the birth of her twin The Vegan, Summer J 988


daughters, and described the food provided as "excellent".)

First Step As a first step towards remedying this situation, the Society has just commissioned a booklet which will spell out for the first time how large institutions can successfully caterfor any vegans in their care — whether it be an enforced stay, such as in hospital or prison; semi-enforced, such as in a school, college or works canteen; or somewhere where people choose to go for a holiday or a meal out Already available and selling well is the latest, expanded edition of The Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide. Anyone using this guide can contribute to the spread of vegan catering simply by patronizing the establishments listed, letting proprietors know that theirefforts in this area are appreciated, and by drawing to our attention any unlisted establishments serving vegan food. In the pipeline is another work — Vegan Nutrition [Ed. Previewed on pp24-25]—which will greatly contribute to the understanding of vegan food requirements, and consequently the greater availability of good vegan food. We hope that members and, others will purchase this booklet not only for their own information, but in ordertoshowittotheirGP, health visitor, works catering officer, mother-in-law or any other doubting Thomases of their acquaintance. With these three booklets in our armoury, not to mention others already published and still more which are only at the planning stage, we can go out with

our heads held high to help build another corner of this vegan world.

Tribute While some of us have been working away at the centre of operations, others have been very active out in the field. I would like to pay a particularly warm tribute to those who write so assiduously to manufacturers about their products. Very often it is our older members who have the time to engage in this work, for which we all owe a debt of gratitude. Their persistent requests for clearer labelling, for the removal of non-vegan ingredients in a particular product, and for wider availability of vegan foodstuffs have undoubtedly produced results over the years. It's been a slow and often frustrating process, but our combined efforts are bringing us ever closer to a situation that they could scarcely have dared hope for back in the early days of the Society's history. What we are now seeking to achieve (and, properly resourced, confident of achieving) is the ready availability of high-quality vegan food in all mass-catering establishments in the country — so that should our members require hospitalization, or perhaps find themselves moving into a home or sheltered accommodation, they will not be forced to compromise the dietary principles which they hold so dear.

Long Way Off The time is still a long way off when a vegan diet will be universally recognized not only as more health-giving and nutritious, and as the only consistently humane diet suited to mankind as a species, but also as the only regime that allows scope for feeding all of the world's population at the same time as being a cornerstone to the building of that vision of universal peace and harmony. It's a case of "little drops of water, tiny grains of sand", as the saying goes. But every little bit helps and here in the society's offices, with the limited means at our disposal we are working flat out to turn vegan food for all from a 'pipe-dream' into a reality. And there is something you can do. Different people and different generations might express itdifferently: bear witness, stand tall, fly the flag — call it what you will, it means making your requirements as a vegan known and understood. Politely — but not apologetically (nobody should have to apologise for seeking to follow a way of life that causes less suffering); forcefully if necessary — but not aggressively. Make things easier for people by giving advance warning of your requirements, presenting them with appropriate support materials — be it a cookbook or a leaflet. This is a positive and painless way we can all work together to bring the dream of food for all closer to being a reality. 15

Shoparound Lis Howlett surveys the latest vegan products

f^gg' Illustr. Juliet Breese hank goodness for the extra pages in this issue — I ' m going to need all the space I can get to tell you about the new vegan products that are coming onto the market! In March the health-food trade held its major international exhibition — Helfex — at the National Exhibition Centre near Birmingham, and yours truly was there as one of the representatives of the Vegan Society. This was a useful opportunity to meet in the flesh many people involved in the marketing of some of the growing variety of vegan products now available, to thank them for their efforts, and to encourage them to keep vegan requirements in mind when developing new lines. I took two of my children along with m e as fellow tasters of the various samples on offer, and also as fine examples of how fit and healthy vegan youngsters can be — without recourse to the dietary supplements displayed with such irritating prominence on the shelves of so many health-food shops.


Vegan Victor It was gratifying to see the award for the best new product exhibited going to a vegan item, and indeed to a firm whose whole range is 16

vegan. Whole E a r t h came out on top with their Pasta Pots — billed as 'The hot and healthy anytime meal'. There are two varieties — Pesto (Basil Sauce) and Napoli. Just add boiling water for an instant snack. The same company now also does Hummus Tahini in cans — ready-to-eat and with no preservatives. As market-hungry foreign companies looked for UK distributers of their products, I was also given a glimpse (or rather taste) of the future — in the shape of samples of experimental, but very promising, hard vegan cheeses from the American Soyco company. It can only be a matter of time before improved, production versions are

available in the UK, so Plamil, Kallo Foods and others — beware, and readers — watch out for news of this in future issues.

Name Change The Granose stand was especially busy, with samples of a wealth of new lines being given out. Their soya milk yoghurts in four varieties — Peach Melba, Blackcurrant & Apple, Apricot, and Strawberry — are well worth trying, but you'll have to wait a few weeks before you get the chance, since their launch has been delayed until early July by a last-minute change of name — to Soya Yogherts— following a challenge from a competitor to the

company's use of the word ' Yogart' to describe the product Banana-flavoured soya milk, with no added sugar, is a welcome addition to the company's range of flavoured soya milks. (Note, by the way, that the strawberry soya milk and dessert made by Provamel is coloured with the insect derivative cochineal. The company is said to be looking into this apparent oversight.) And to keep in step with the trend towards things organic, it has launched an organic sugar-free soya milk — and a very fine one it is too, proving an instant favourite in my own household. Tightening its grip on the soya milk market still further, Granose has also made a powdered soya milk available again — this time in a packet and called Soyagen. It's so useful when travelling to be able to take such a staple in a compact form, and it obviously has many culinary uses too.

From the same wideranging company comes a Spanish Savoury Sauce and a Mexican Spicy Sauce, both suitable for serving with rice or pasta. And, believe it or not, there's more — a whole T t

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range of frozen meals, called 'Vegetarian Wholefood Kitchen'. Three in the range are vegan — Celery Burgers, Nut & Sesame Burgers and Muesli Fritters. Look out for these in the freezer section at your health-food store.

Banger Boom And while you are delving amongst the ice crystals you may find some frozen sausages that I would particularly recommend: called Skinless Vegetable Sausages and made by Link Wholefoods, they are enormous — definitely in the banger category. Another sausage success story is that of the small Dorset-based firm Vegetarian's Choice, whose excellent sausages have now been repackaged in a box and have been joined by a pack of Vegetable Burgers — soon to be renamed Vegetable-Protein Burgers. On this occasion, however, the change of name was prompted by the Trading Standards people, rather than a competitor. The Vegan, Summer J 988 16

More of the Same Each time I write there seem to be more bangers, burgers and a new margarine! Bangers I've covered, but the new margarine on this occasion is Vitelma 66, made by Vandemoortele. Although it has no added salt it is really full-flavoured. The 66, by the way, refers to the low level of saturated fat it contains. Don't be put off if you find packs with vitamin D3 rather than the vegan D r listed among the ingredients — this is a labelling error, soon to be corrected. And the burgers? Anew Vegetable & Tofu Burger from Cauldron Foods, to add to their existing range. And from Hofels a new mix called Rollerburgers. The pack makes eight two-ounce burgers.

Celery. Look out also for their Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce and Tray-Meals, two of which — Aduki Pot Roast and Brazilian Nut Bake — are vegan. And from G.F. Dietary — a company which specializes in products for particular diets, with a wide range of glutenfree items — we have 'Menu Meals' — meals in a foil


Pass it On! Haldane Foods's Tofeata Tofu — one of the best around in my opinion — is currently being sold with an excellent free recipe leaflet. With the exception of honey in a few cases, all 20 recipes are vegan. If you're a regular user of this brand, keep any spare copies and pass them on to friends. container that are ready to heat and serve. The Vegetable The same company has a Casserole in this range is new range of ready-to-mix vegan, as is the company's new meals called 'Easy Cuisine' comprising: Vegetable Cuny & Pizza Mix — which comes with its own baking tray. Brown Rice Mix, Vegetable These are low-protein and Goulash & Potato Mix, gluten-free products, made to Spaghetti Vegetable Bolognese suitPKU and coeliac patients, Mix, Vegetable Ragout & but they are tasty and useful in Dumpling Mix, Vegetable their own right. Cottage Pie Mix, and Vegetable Burger & Couscous Mix. All are quick and easy to Discerning Trends prepare and very useful to have in the larder. They provide It is sometimes interesting to enough for one generous servstand back for a moment and ing, but by using some of the* try to discern major trends in recipe ideas on the back of the the current vegan commodity packets would easily stretch to boom, which not only benefits two. the vegan customer but makes Suma Wholefoods have • it easier for those on the fringes launched a whole range of atof the movement to take further tractively packaged foods steps in the right direction. under the name Triangle. One such trend is that These include: ready-cooked mainstream manufacturers are beans, mixed bean salads in producing products which are dressing, and organic soups in vegan not out of deep ethical four varieties — Mushroom, concern for animals, but Mixed Vegetable, I^ek & because continuing to use Potato, and Parsnip, Potato & ingredients on the everThe Vegan, Summer J 988

growing list of nutritional 'baddies' means a drop in sales to an increasingly nutritionconscious public. And this is true not only of new products, but of old standards — many of which are being reformulated in line with new thinking on diet. Great news. Take biscuits, for example. Two new sorts that I have recently spotted — Jaspers from

Sales of The Cruelty-Free Shopper (£2.50 + 35p p&p) have broken all Vegan Society records, topping 5,000 copies since publication in late December. Notwithstanding this commercial success, p u r chasers a n d users of The Cruelty-Free Shopper are asked to d r a w any apparent inaccuracies or major omissions they have noted to the attention of its Editor c / o the Oxford office. Feedback of this kind can help ensure that the next a n d subsequent editions of the CFS set the highest possible standards for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

McVities and Snapjacks (in two varieties — Fruit and Country) from Burtons — are both vegan and very tasty too. Then from Mitchelhill, who not so long ago were the only makers of a vegan digestive biscuit, a new range in which two are vegan: Muesli Cookies and Carob Chip Ginger & Orange Cookies. The latter, whose carob chips are (unlike some) milk-free, definitely fall into the scrumptious category. Finally, that old standard — Ritz Crackers — is now available in a vegan version. Take a pack of Ritz or other savoury biscuit and try out the new 'Soyacheese' from Marigold Health Foods, who launched another new product at Helfex — Braised Tofu, which comes in a tin. If you would like a sheet of recipes for the latter or for the same company's Engevita Yeast Flakes, write to them at: Unit 10, St. Pancras Commercial Centre, London NW1 OBY.

Summer Snacks Now for some ideas for those summer picnics and (hopefully!) warm days ahead. Living Foods, the Bournemouth-based organic food company, has just launched a whole new range of pat6s in jars, with Mushroom, Chestnut, Onion, Hazelnut, and Carrot to choose from. Try them also wanned up with French Toast as an entree. Talking of pat6s, the Mushroom Pat6 and Pat6 with Peppers flavours in Vessen's Tartex range are now available in tubes. Useful for a snack, picnic or a packed lunch are two items from Country Fitness Foods — Wholemeal Fruit Slice and a Flapjack, both of which are tasty and substantial. And for the real heatwave: from Walls, some new ice lollies called Snofruit & Juice in packs of six from freezer centres — these are Orange Juice Ices with Whole Chunks of Fruit.

No Go Finally, some warnings about products that are not vegan (despite appearing to be so) or are no longer vegan. Quorn, a myco-protein being used in savoury pies, contains egg albumen, as do all the meat-substitute products in the Tivail range. Prosobee — Bristol-Myers's soya-based infant formula — now contains Vitamin D 3 "obtained by extraction from fish oils". And Realeat have informed us that it has come to light that there is a small amount of lactose used as a 'sub-ingredient' in their instant soups. They are in the process of rectifying this and we will be informed when the new vegan formula is available. In the meantime you can safely keep on using Vegeburger and Vegebanger Mixes and try and devise a winning recipe (see Noticeboard). A 15-year-old Yorkshire schoolboy has just won £200 for his recipe, called Welcome Warmer, using Spicy Vegebanger Mix. Why not get in on the action and try winning some holiday spending money? 17

ummer. In Britain it's often sweet but usually short — too short, some might say, to waste in the kitchen. And I tend to agree with them! There are other reasons, too, for not spending those precious days cooking. Shops full of fresh young vegetables and fruits mean that there never was a better time for salads. And as the weather hots up, many people find their appetite naturally diminishes. So if you aim to reduce the time you spend in the kitchen this summer, here are three important things to remember S I M P L I F Y . The more complicated the dish, the more time you'll have to spend preparing it. Rely on wholesome ingredients at their best, cook them for the minimum time — and forget about the gourmet bit! Stirfrying is an ideal technique for cooking those vegetables. Instead of making pastry, use a crumble topping on your bakes and pies. Serve salad as a side dish instead of an extra vegetable. CHOOSE Q U I C K - T O - U S E I N G R E D I E N T S . There are a whole range of items that are ready in minutes. Bulgur cooks in no time and is a good alternative to rice. Pasta is another quickie. Small new potatoes take a fraction of the time needed for jacket potatoes. Tofu is an excellent summer protein—fry or grill tofu cutlets (especially good if first marinated in a mixture of soya sauce, garlic and ginger). Or add a sprinkling of nuts for extra protein. Tahini is another nutritious, quick-to-use ingredient. Tinned beans save so much time (try to buy those tinned without sugar and salt, and in any case drain them well). Some of the savoury packet mixes are amazingly versatile. Sosmixis a particular favourite of mine — I make it up into small balls and serve them with spaghetti and tomato sauce, or on a risotto, or use them to fill pita bread. With salad they make a well-balanced meal.


P L A N IN ADVANCE. If you're going to cook anything more complicated, cook twice as much as you need and keep the surplus in fridge or freezer. In fact, it's a good idea to do this even with the less difficult dishes. A supply of tomato sauce, for example, gives you the makings of an instant meal, as do cooked beans and grains. The following two menus are both simple and quick to prepare, and they make use of the ingredients that are in season. Use them as guidelines but if you don' t have (or like) everything listed — be imaginative and try alternatives. All recipes are for four servings. An asterisk before a dish indicates that a recipe is supplied. 18


Spaghetti with Tofu & Peanut Sauce 12oz (340g) spaghetti (wholemeal or mixture of green and white) For sauce: 10 oz (285g) tofu, well drained 1/2 onion, finely chopped 2 tbs peanut butter water to mix seasoning to taste pinch chilli powder (optional) extra salted peanuts (optional) fresh parsley Cook the spaghetti in a large pan of boiling water for the time indicated on the packet. Meanwhile, mash the the tofu and set aside. Fry the onion in the oil until beginning to soften then stir in the tofu, peanut butter, and enough water to make the mixture into a sauce consistency. If you have a blender use The Vegan, Summer J 988 18

Spicy Cauliflower Crumble 1 large cauliflower 2 carrots 2 tbs vegetable oil 1/2 tsp coriander 1/2 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp turmeric good pinch cayenne p e p p e r seasoning to taste 1 onion, peeled a n d coarsely sliced water 2 tbs tahini, or to taste For crumble: 4 oz (115g) wholemeal f l o u r 2 oz (55g) margarine 2 oz (55g) sunflower seeds seasoning to taste Illustr. Juliet Breese

says Janet Hunt, the Caring Cook

Menu 2 this to make the sauce extra smooth. Add seasoning and chilli powder. Drain the spaghetti, divide between four plates, top each with a portion of the sauce. Sprinkle with extra nuts if you like. Parsley adds colour.

Italian Salad 1 small endive lettuce 1 medium chicory 4 oz (115g) firm white mushrooms, washed handful of black olives garlic dressing Wash andcoarsely break up the lettuce. Chop the chicory into wide rings, slice the mushrooms. Gently mix all the salad ingredients together and serve the dressing at the table.

•Citrus Starter *Spicy Cauliflower Crumble New potatoes Watercress Salad *Banana Cream Citrus Starter 2 large ripe g r a p e f r u i t s 1/2 small red pepper 1/2 small green pepper stem ginger (optional) 2oz (55g) walnut pieces, chopped

Russian Fruit Salad Approx. 11/2 lbs (680g) mixed red f r u i t in season (choose from strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, nedcurrants) 4 tbs liqueur, concentrated f r u i t juice or maple s y r u p Granola or roasted flaked almonds Concentrated Plamil or soya yoghurt to serve Wash the fruit and stir together in a bowl. Cover with liqueur, fruit juice ormaple syrup and chill briefly. Divide between four dishes. Serve sprinkled with granola or almonds. Put concentrated Plamil or soya yoghurt on the table for those who want it. The Vegan, Summer J 988

Use a sharp knife to halve the grapefruits then carefully remove the flesh. Chop this coarsely and mix with the finely sliced peppers, ginger (if used) and the nuts. Pileaquar ter of the mixture back into each of the grapefruit shells. Serve chilled.

Chop the cauliflower into large, even-sized florets; clean the carrots and slice. Heat the oil and add the spices. Cook gently for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the cauliflower, carrots and onion with just enough water to cover. Cook for five minutes, or until vegetables are just tender. Stir in the tahini. Meanwhile make the crumble by rubbing the margarine into the flour, stirring in the seeds and seasoning (breadcrumbs dotted with margarine would make an even quicker topping). Put the vegetable mixture into an ovenproof dish, top with the crumble. Bake at 400°F/ 200°C/Gas Mark 6 for 20 minutes, or until the top is cooked. Serve with potatoes and a watercress salad.

Banana Cream 4 ripe bananas 1/3 pint (200ml) concentrated Plamil squeeze of lemon juice 1-2 tbs syrup or m a p l e s y r u p plain chocolate Mash the peeled bananas and mix with the Plamil, lemon juice and sweetening. A blender is ideal for this. Divide between four bowls and chill. Serve topped with grated chocolate.



PETER: One of the best things to have happened on the London restaurant scene in the past five years is the emergence of the Indian Vegetarian Restaurant. By offering good, cheap food they've done much to make meatfree cuisine accessible and acceptable to vast numbers of ordinary people. 'Spices'is one of the brightest new stars on this scene. PEGGY: Yes. My first impressions were of a very smart, up-market environment, with none of the tacky flocked wallpaper and garish decor so often associated with 'traditional' Indian restaurants. There's a great feeling of light and space — you can My first impressions were of a very smart, up-market environment... you can bring carnivores here and say, "Look, this is what you've been missing!" actually see the food on your plate and you don t have to apologize to the next table to get in and out of your seat. I like this new direction, because you can bring carnivores here and say, "Look, this is what you' ve been missing!". PETER: That makes a nice change. But a problem with most Indian vegetarian restaurants is that you can't always be sure which dishes are vegan and when you ask the waiters don't seem to know what the term means. 'Spices'clearly marks all the vegan dishes on its menu, so there's no problem. What's more, there's a good selection to choose from. Spices clearly marks all the vegan dishes on its menu... and what's more, there's a good selection to choose from. PEGGY: Let's talk specifics. I had Vegetable Cutlets to start with. Not very daring, but I wanted to put myself in the position of someone who is unfamiliar with vegan Indian food and might wish to 'play it safe'. Two attractive, spicy cutlets were served with a small garnish, chutney and a pretty, stuffed tomato—all within ten minutes of placing our order. For a main dish I had the Kofta Curry. This consists of little gram flour and spice balls in a rich sauce. They were a new experience for me and I had them with the lemon leaf flavoured rice. I was especially glad that the waiters don't try to rush you: this dish is filling and I needed to take my time! PETER: I started withA/oo/faWi'.acold savoury dish made from potatoes with tamarind sauce, cumin, green chillies and fresh coriander leaves. It was well presented on a pretty white plate—very nouvelle cuisine. It tasted light, but was quite heavily spiced (what d'you expect from a place called 'Spices'?). Then I had the speciality of the day — Spicy Soya Curry with Potato and Pillau Rice. This was obviously a bit of an 20

SPICES 30 Stoke Newington Church Street London N16 0LU Tel: 01-254 0528

In the first in an occasional series of restaurant reviews Peter Cox and Peggy Brusseau compare notes on a London restaurant which brings a special flair to vegan catering.

experiment for them—TVP soya chunks are not exactly the stuff of classic Indian cooking. To be honest, I wouldn't go out of my way to order it again. I think it's probably a 'dish of last resort' for nagging carnivores. PEGGY: I noticed that vegan dishes outnumber vegetarian ones in the starters section and the Manager, Atique, promises a changing menu that will include more vegan main courses. He is obviously a good listener and a professional restaurateur, and I think he'll be very successful. I'd like to return in a few months to see how he's advanced the vegan part of the menu — and to try the special lunch menu that he plans to introduce, along with a children's menu. Moving to the prosaic, the restaurant's loos are the cleanest I've ever seen. And there are two for each sex — a relief when you think that the establishment seats about 60 people with a pri vate dining/function room planned to seat 15 more! There is also a wellequipped toilet for the disabled with very easy access for wheelchairs—another indication of the care that's gone into the place. I was also very impressed at how clean and hygienic the kitchens were — everywhere. PETER: Yes, I used to work as a waiter for a holiday job many years ago, and it nearly pu t me off going to restaurants for life! The kitchens here are really first-class. Something I particularly liked was the intelligent and creative choice of seating areas — not just smoking and no-smoking, but the way the restaurant was divided into the' smart' side, which rivals many West End eateries, and the 'alcove' section, where you can sit on cushions around a low table, with subdued lighting in your own little chamber. This area is very popular with families who have young children. PEGGY: Our bill came to £22 for three courses, including a bottle of wine, and the 10% service charge. Considering that they have a car park at the rear, take reservations for large parties, and give ahappy and friendly service, I didn't begrudge the cost. I like the food, I like the motivation of the people, and their awareness of vegan requirements.

'Spices' is just one of more than 300 eating places (more than 70 in London alone) catering for vegans listed in the new Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide (£2.50 + 35p p&p).

PETER: Vegans have never had so much choice for eating out as they do now in London. We're starting to find ourselves in a buyer's market, which is just how it should be. In view of this increasing competition, a question to ask about 'Spices' is—Is it worth forking out five quid for a taxi to get here from the West End, even if they do give a discount to Vegan Society members? Iwould say that it is. I like the food, I like the motivation of the people, and their awareness of vegan requirements. I've got a feeling that, if it keeps evolving, 'Spices' may find itself becoming seriously trendy in the next 12 months or so. So do yourse 1 f a favour, and discover it before the rest of the crowd do. The Vegan, Summer J 988


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E Nc

Jackie Short takes a light-hearted look at the anti-social effects of eating high-fibre foods. D o you too have trouble w i t h . . . e r . . . Oh dear, the polite word is flatulence. What I mean is, with all that healthy fibre and those lovely soya burgers, mung and butter beans, are you frequently troubled with 'wind'? Rest assured that this enquiry is made purely in the spirit of scientific discovery. Does a healthier, compassionate vegan diet really have the one unfortunate anti-social repercussion of which it is frequently accused? Does a healthier, compassionate vegan diet really have the one unfortunate antisocial repercussion of which it is frequently accused? "Ah!" you cry, "But doesn't any diet? Isn 't gas a product of digestion regardless of what is consumed?" And of course you are right. "Besides," you insist, "the gaseous products of a carnivore's digestion are far more offenthose of any just sniff round the inmates True,

The Vegan, Summer J 988

and nutritious bean does have a somewhat explosive reputation. Is it all a myth? Shouldn 't we find out and if it is false, lay the old canard to rest? I read recently that the human alimentary canal produces, on average, the equivalent of a pint bottle of gas each day (how did they measure it?), all of which has to be expelled. Old grannies used to say, "Better out than in" — a very compassionate attitude, seeing as one' s nearest and dearest don't always see it that way! Yet, where else should one feel atease.ifnotintheprivacyofthehome? Are we not taught from the cradle that it is the gravest social crime to give way to internal pressure in public? Yet in this, as in so many things, the flesh is weak. John Aubrey's famous anecdote sets an historic precedent: Edward de Vere, when bowing low to Queen Elizabeth I, inadvertently voided some gas. Being a gentleman and courtier, he was deeply embarrassed

dishonour before his monarch. So deep was his humiliation that he voluntarily exiled himself from England's shores for seven years. At last his friends persuaded him to return. Good Queen Bess, all regal benevolence, was pleased to see him after so long an absence and greeted him warmly: "Welcome back, my Lord, we have forgot the fart." There is also an apocryphal story of the present Queen. It is said that while riding in an open carriage with a visiting African dignitary, Her Majesty was embarrassed to hear a horse break wind with extreme force. She coloured a little and turned to her companion. "I do apologise," she said. "It's quite alright, Your Majesty," the good gent assured her. "If you hadn't spoken, I'd have thought it was one of the horses." Children have a much more rumbustious attititude towards bodily functions, don't you find? My brother, to whom I am indebted for the information that charcoal tablets assist the control of wind, was a particularly uninhibited child. Before school he used to breakfast on large quanties of garlic bread and sulphur tablets, especially on those days when Latin was on the timetable. The resultant 'fall out' was beyond description. My sympathies lay entirely with his teachers. But none of this furthers our investigation. What is needed is a volunteer family which has recently given up meat and a control meat-eating family who are prepared to be monitored. Are we not taught from the cradle that It Is the gravest social crime to give way to internal pressure in public? How would the monitoring be done, though? And who would do it? Who, indeed! One couldn't make use of sniffer dogs —the animal rights lobby would be outraged, and who could blame them? What is needed is a computer with olfactory functions, but I don't think such a thing has been invented yet Ah well, the riddle of the windy bean will have to remain unsolved a little longer. Meanwhile, please pass me the charcoal tablets, will you?


campaign was not just continued, but extended by Lynx. So, whereas Greenpeace had confined itself to wild trapping and to the UK, Lynx also addressed the issue of fur farming and made its advertising and campaigning material available to similar organizations abroad. (Its 'Dumb Animals' posters and cinema commercial have so far been seen in nearly 20 countries.)



Almost everyone must be aware of the image of a woman dragging a fur coat with blood spewing from it, reminding usthat "It takes up to 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat, but only one to wear it."


BothGloverand Kentish felt that by presenting the public with the reality behind the glamourous image of fur, the majority of fur wearers would think at least twice before parading about in their status symbols. The high-profile advertising campaign which literally pointed the finger at these people was therefore of enormous importance. A great deal of the money that had been raised was spent on getting posters displayed and the cinema commercial shown ((luckily, a major poster contractor was sympathetic and gave Lynx preferential rates and many independent cinemas agreed to show the commercial for free). David Bailey...agreed to help produce a powerful new poster showing a salesman with bloody hands preferring a silver fox jacket to a customer and asking If she would like her fur "gassed, strangled trapped or electrocuted?"

t is hard to believe that Lynx has been in existence for only just over 2 years —almost everyone must be aware of the image of a woman dragging a fur coat with blood spewing from it, reminding us that "It takes up to 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat, but only one to wear it."

Hard-hitting images such as this, combined with a highly professional and innovative approach, have made Lynx one of the fastest growing animal rights groups around. Formed in October 1985, it came into being literally to save the anti-fur campaign that Greenpeace had launched and then dropped. Mark Glover, then director of Greenpeace and responsible for initiating the anti-fur campaign, felt that the issue was too important and the strategy being used was too good to simply let fade away. Thus he left Greenpeace after completing a speaking tour of the country with author Richard Adams, spreading the anti-fur message far and wide. Having inherited all rights to the 'Dumb Animals' advertising material, Mark and his partner, Lynne Kentish, had a ready-made campaign. Much was still lacking, however: an office, the infrastructure essential to run a campaign, members and — above all — money. Everyone who had attended the anti-fur tour was contacted and through donations and support from this core of people, Lynx made its first tentative steps into the fray. Naturally, the fur trade tried to rubbish the organization, claiming that its leaders had been thrown out of Greenpeace. (Lynne had never even worked for Greenpeace!) The abandoned Greenpeace anti-fur

Pointing the Finger

LYNX The second in an occasional series on the history and activities of kindred organizations

David Bailey, who had been involved with the 'Dumb Animals' initiative, also agreed to help produce a powerful new poster showing a salesman with bloody hands preferring a silver fox jacket to a customer and asking if she would like her fur "gassed, strangled, trapped or electrocuted?" After such a flurry of activity during its first winter Lynx was beginning to attract a great deal of public and media interest, and its representatives were in almost constant demand for television and radio interviews. Mark was invariably faced with a barrage of different fur trade representatives, who regularly went pale when confronted with a steel-jawed leg hold trap! (Many of the apologists for the fur trade had never seen such a device before.) On one memorable occasion Lynx was pitched against against Anne Mundell, Chairperson of the Fur Breeders Association Animal Welfare (!) Committee, and Gwyneth Dunwoody, an MP paid by the fur trade to look after their interests in parliament. Both women said that the leg hold trap was a perfecdy harmless device, and that they had both put their hands into one without any ill effects. Mark promptly pulled such a trap out of its case and challenged them to do so again. Offering many excuse?, neither was willing to oblige, however!

Consolidation Over the year that followed, Lynx consolidated its position — raising money by various methods, lobbying the government to ban the import of wild-caught furs from leg hold traps, and making every MP aware of The Vegan, Summer J 988 22

the facts. By winter 1986, the first ever antifur rally was organized in Trafalgar Square, with over 2,000 people attending. Many more posters were put up around the country and the cinema commercial was doing the rounds of a great number of cities. Lynx also commissioned an opinion poll, which showed a massive 74% of the population to be against the wearing of fur. The highprofile campaigning continued over the summer, with Lynx collaborating with Sharp Practice, an illustrator's agent whose artists were keen to help with the campaign. Given the theme 'The Roar of Disapproval' three of their top illustrators came up with superb designs, which were then printed onto T-shirts. Several high street shops (Dorothy Perkins, Top Shop, Virgin, Coles, Cecil Gee, Collets) were persuaded to distribute them — with phenomenal results. The shirts were an instant success and sold in their thousands.

Banned The success of the T-shirts meant that more funds were available for advertising, but it was felt that fresh material was needed to keep ramming the message home. Ridley Scott Associates were eager to help the campaign and a new, more aggressive advert— 'Scavengers' — was made, equating those who buy fur coats with the flies and maggots that feast on the discarded carcasses. The end result was a stylish 90-second film with a very punchy end sequence. But although the British Board of Film Censors gave it an' 18' rating, the advert was banned by the Cinema A new, full-colour billboard poster has also been produced with the a s s i s t a n c e of t o p f a s h i o n photographer Barry Lategan. It shows a woman wearing a fur coat with 'matching accessories' — a bloody chewed-off foot ear-ring and a silver leg hold trap brooch. Advertisers Authority, which described itas "too offensive". Lynx iscurrently trying to get the ban overturned, but the advert can be seen at many independent cinemas which are not covered by the CAA's censorship. A new, full-colour billboard poster has also been produced with the assistance of top fashion photographer Barry Lategan. It shows a woman wearing a fur coat with 'matching accessories' — a bloody chewed-off foot ear-ring and a silver leg hold trap brooch. The Vegan, Summer 1988

Hard-nosed As the campaign gathers momentum, the fur trade is beginning to realize that its arguments are ridiculous in the face of the cruel facts. In pathetic attempts to prevent the subject being aired, once-vociferous fur trade apologists are now even refusing to contribute to radio and television discussions. When they do appear they are most likely to be

by a similar order). This initiative has triggered a massive lobbying effort on the part of the fur trade, which has jetted in people from all over the world to try to dissuade the Minister and his staff—even threatening the Government with legal action should the order go ahead. In spite of all this activity, Lynx's staff still only comprises Mark Glover (who directs all the campaigning), Lynne Kentish

But only one to wear it."

hard-nosed professional lobbyists specially flown in from Canada, whose only strategy is to introduce red herrings such as the question of indiginous peoples, whose actual involvement with the fur trade is negligible. Leaked Canadian documents have shown that this is a deliberate ploy to gain public sympathy and divert attention from the real issue. Another body blow has recently been dealt to the fur trade by the success of Lynx's intense lobbying efforts to secure a ban on the import of wild-caught furs. Following a well-supported Early Day Motion in the House of Commons, Minister of Trade Alan Clark has proposed that a labelling order be imposed for coats from certain species that are caught in leg hold traps. Such an order represents a tremendous step forward (the death knell for the baby seal trade was sounded

(administration) and one part-time secretary, since the organization prefers to keep overheads and wages to a minimum and spend the bulk of its income on campaigning.

The Future Lynx plans to spread the anti-fur message far and wide over the coming year. The ambitious programme it has set itself includes much more political lobbying, opposition to Sunday trading by fur shops, an advertising blitz around the country this winter, plus a massive fur coat bonfire at the start of the fur season. More top illustrators have donated 'Roar of Disapproval' designs which will be keeping the issue alive over the summer. All of Lynx's campaigning material, leaflets, mini versions of all the posters, itl7-minute video showing the truth behind the fur trade, badges, stickers and, of course, the designer T-shirts are available by mail order from: Lynx, PO Box 509, Dunmow, Essex, CM6 1UH. Membership costs £10 per year (half rate for UB40s, students and OAPs).



' i s

1988 will witness the appearance of important additions to the growing body of scientific and popular literature on vegan nutrition. The article on these pages is a preview of what promises to be the pick of the crop — a brand-new and much-expanded edition, authored by Dr. Gill Langley, of the Vegan Society's now out-of-print Vegan Nutrition.

TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? 'hen eaten, proteins are digested in the stomach and small intestine into smaller molecules, the component amino acids, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. The body synthesizes the particular proteins it needs for maintaining tissues and sustaining growth from the amino acids made available by digestion; amino acids are also vital building blocks for hormones and other physiologically active substances. There are eight essential amino acids which must be present in the food we eat as the body is unable to make them, and these are isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Histidine is only an essential amino acid during infancy. If one of these essential amino acids is not available in adequate amounts, the ability of the body to use those which are present can be limited. So if the proportions of amino acids in our food arenotideal for our requirements more protein in the diet may be



necessary to ensure that our requirements for the essential amino acids are met.

How much protein? Experts are still not entirely sure exactly how much protein we need, so estimates made by nutrition authorities in various countries vary, and also have a wide in-built safety margin. In 1985 the World Health Organisation (WHO) published recommended protein intakes which translate into 56g (2oz) of protein a day for an average man, and 48g (1.7oz) for a woman. The UK recommendations 1 are slightly higher, at about 68g (2.4oz) a day for men, and 54g (1,9oz) for women. Both these official recommendations suggest that eating 10% of our daily calories as protein will provide an adequate amount. T h e NACNE report2 proposed a protein intake of 11%. These recommendations for

protein intake are based on animal sources of protein—such as meat, cow's milk and eggs. Plant proteins may be less digestible because of intrinsic differences in the nature of the protein and the presence of other factors — such as fibre, which may reduce protein digestibility by as much as 10%. Nevertheless, dietary studies show the adequacy of plant foods as sole sources of protein, as does the experience of many thousands of healthy vegans of all ages.

Vegan sources The main protein foods in a vegan dietare the pulses, nuts, seeds and grains, and all these foods are relatively 'energy-dense'. Plant foods in a vegan diet can supply the recommended amount of protein as long as energy requirements are met. This has been shown by 12 studies of vegans conducted in the period 1967—1987 which measured an average protein intake of 10.8% of their energy intake, well within recommendations, while vegetarians (and omnivores) exceed these levels. A diet with too much protein has been shown to cause calcium loss from the body and may contribute to osteoporosis (thinning of the bones) in middle age—a disease to which vegans and vegetarians may be less s u s-

ceptible than omnivores. A diet with too much protein has been shown to cause calcium loss from the body and may contribute to osteoporosis

People aren't rats Plant proteins are generally thought to be of poorer quality than animal proteins, because the eight essential amino acids are present in proportions which may not be ideal for human requirements. This belief sprang originally from experiments with laboratory rats, which showed that giving extra amino acids improved the growth of weanling rats reared on a plant-protein diet, and the same was assumed to be true for humans. But the parameters of the experiments were set in such a way that differences in the quality of plant and animal proteins were exaggerated; also, rats and humans have different nutritional requirements, since weanling rats grow at a much faster rate, relatively, than human infants and therefore need more protein. A comparison with human milk makes the difference quite clear: protein comprises only 7% of the calorie content of human milk, while rat milk contains 20% protein. If weanling rats were fed only human milk, they would not thrive. If we used the same logic of extending animal test results to humans, it could also be argued from this that breast milk is inadequate for human infants!

Proteins — myth or necessity? Although t h e terms 'firstclass' and 'secondclass' pro-

The Vegan, Summer J 988 24

teins are no longer used, in some circles the belief persists that, since it contains only plant proteins. a vegan diet may be inadequate. This is because cereals, nuts and seeds contain less of the amino acid lysine, while being high in methionine; and pulses are rich in lysine but contain less methionine. This has given rise to concern that the lower amounts of these amino acids may limit the availability to the body of the other amino acids, as well as to the suggestion that complementary protein foods, such as beans and grains, should be eaten at each meal in order to improve amino acid availability. Even vegetarians are sometimes advised to complement vegetable proteins with dairy foods. Are these precautions necessary? Protein complementation may reduce the amount of protein required to keep the body in protein balance, but some research has shown that this is not always the case. Perhaps the most startling was the investigation of six male volunteers who ate experimental low-protein diets, either with rice as the sole source of protein, or with some of the rice protein replaced with chicken3. The protein balance of

the volunteers did not improve significantly when chicken was added to the rice (in contrast to experiments with rats which ... experiments with human volunteers showclearly that diets based solely on plant sources of protein can be quite adequate, even when a single plant food, such as rice, is virtually the only source of protein. showed that a rice diet did not sustain normal growth). Rice as the sole source of protein provided between 2 and 6 times the WHO recommended amounts of all essential amino acids, except lysine, of which it supplied the recommended level. Other similar experiments with human volunteers also show clearly that diets based solely on plant sources of protein can be quite adequate, even when a single plant food, such as rice, is virtually the only source of protein. Of course, the typical vegan diet does not comprise single plant sources of protein, but rather a well-balanced mixture of foods, so vegans need not (and should not) force themselves to consume a pound of rice each day!

From Infancy to Old Age Studies of the protein requirements of infants have shown that, as long as they receive enough energy (calories), they will thrive on a diet in which protein comes from a mixture of plant foods, and indeed many hundreds of healthy babies have now been reared as vegans from birth. A report from America on 48 vegan children aged 2-5 years old showed that they consumed more than the recommended intake of protein each day—in some cases double the amount4. All the children were well, as were those studied in Britain5, aged 1 -5 years old, where results similarly showed that protein intake matched the British recommended amount and exceeded that of the WHO. From the studies conducted so far it seems that vegan children up to the age of 5 years tend to be of slighter build and a little shorter than average children—perhaps no bad thing, since many omnivore children are overweight even at that age. There have been a very few reports of small children receiving insufficient protein after

Portions of some plant foods that provide 10 g of protein Food type


Weight in grams

Nuts (shelled)

Almonds, cashews, pistachios Brazils Hazels

50-59 83 131


Soya flour Soya beans, raw Haricot beans, chick peas, lentils (raw) Tofu, steamed Haricot beans, boiled Peas, boiled

25 29 39-50 135 151 200


Wholemeal wheat flour Whole barley, raw Wholemeal wheat bread Wholemeal rye flour Brown rice, raw Sesame, pumpkin & sunflower seeds (shelled) Spinach, boiled Dried apricots, raw Potatoes, baked + skins

76 95 114 122 149 38-44 200 208 480

Seeds & others

l oz = 28.4 g. In each food group shown the foods near the top contain more protein than those lower down the list. The Vegan, Summer J 988

weaning onto all-plant diets, but these have been either the more restrictive fruitarian and macrobiotic diets or cases of parents having over-diluted food and not provided enough calories for the growing infant. The latter problem is easily avoided by ensuring that weaned infants receive suitably prepared beans, grains, seeds and nuts, as well as fruit and other vegetables. A varied wholefood vegan diet contains enough protein to sustain good health from infancy to old age, as shown by studies of vegans across the world. A varied wholefood vegan diet contains enough protein to sustain good health from infancy to old age, as shown by studies of vegans across the world. The main plant protein foods — pulses, grains and nuts — are energy-dense, and use of these ensures that vegans receive plenty of good-quality protein.

References 1. DHSS (1979). 'Recommended daily amounts of food energy and nutrients for groups of people in the United Kingdom'. HMSO. 2. NACNE (1983). 'Proposals for nutritional guidelines for health education in Britain'. Health Education Council. 3. Lee, C. and others (1971). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol.24, pp318- 323. 4. Fulton, J.R. and others (1980). Journal of the American Dietetic Association, vol 76, pp360-365. 5. Sanders, T.A.B. A Purves, R. (1981). Journal of Human Nutrition, vol 35, pp349-357. Incorporating easy-to-follow tables, chapter summaries and full bibliography, the forthcoming edition of Vegan Nutrition aims to be the most authoritative and up-to-date work on the subject and to meet the needs of the interested layperson and healthcare professional alike. It is expected to be available in October at a price of £3.50, plus 60p postage and packing. Advance orders may be accepted. 25



1 florals, Reason and Animals

Morals, Reason & Animals S. F . S a p o n t z i s T e m p l e University P r e s s USA $34.95 •

In this latest philosophical defence of animal liberation, S. F. Sapontzis defends a moderate position rooted in everyday moral thinking and practice. In P a n O n e he argues that reason has been generally overvalued in the Western philosophical tradition. In P a n T w o Sapontzis claims that although we are rational beings in w a y s that animals are not, this does not justify our exploiting them in the ways that we do. Part Three responds to various objections to the animal liberationist position and in Part Four Sapontzis develops some of the consequences of his view: animal liberation does not in principle entail either vegetarianism or veganism but in practice the one or perhaps the other is morally required. This book is pleasantly written, often focussing on stories, examples or anecdotes. A s a 'second-generation' contribution it discusses most of the important theoretical controversies that have emerged since the publication of Animal Liberation nearly fifteen years ago. Most importantly, Sapontzis develops a point of view that has been neglected. While Singer and Regan emphasize the revolutionary dimensions of animal liberation, Sapontzis suggests that its 26

makings can be found in our ordinary moral consciousness. Although this book is relatively 'user-friendly' it may still seem remote and academic to the general reader. On the other hand, philosophers are likely to think that Sapontzis's own positions and arguments are not developed in enough detail. My main question concerns the viability of Sapontzis's project. Whilst there are strands of everyday moral thinking that can be deployed on behalf of animals, other strands seem to support the dominant speciesist outlook. I believe that common-sense morality is ultimately incoherent. If this is true, what we may need is a radical reconstruction of the sort attempted by Regan or Singer rather than Sapontzis's intuitive 'bits and pieces' approach. Although Morals, Reason and Animals is not the last word on the subject it is a welcome contribution which should be especially effective with those who are more drawn to homely morality than to revolutionary or political appeals. • Dale J a m i e s o n


diet Si health

? ** IKHAH|<,IH\IY

Nutrition, Diet & Health Michael J . Gibney C a m b r i d g e University Press £4.95 P b k This book is designed to "introduce the science of nutrition to anyone who is concerned to know the facts behind the controversies" and these include the coronary heart disease/diet link, food allergies and food 'fads'. T o

this end the author is partially successful — the chapters on dietary components, protein malnutrition, metabolism, vitamins and trace elements are well written, concise and on the whole balanced. The benefits of a vegetarian diet are, for example, presented with little bias. Dr. Gibney says with regard to the problen>of Third World malnutrition that its resolution "won't be a technological solution. There is no miracle pesticide or strain of rice or fertilizer. The solution will be political. We in the West squander the Earth's resources" (page 63). This I think we would all agree with, but it is nowhere made obvious that a key factor in Third World poverty and starvation is the bizarre dietary habit of the West — and the attendant wastage of available protein. To be fair, the author does go on to say: "many people have adopted vegetarianism because of a distaste of animal exploitation". Although there is much to welcome in the discussion of controversies Dr. Gibney retains the scientist's dispassionate approach and utterly fails to see why change in diet and lifestyle are vital for the future of the Earth and humankind. I find this lack of perspective lamentable. I cannot agree with the author when he says "each of us, within our own social, economic and domestic constraints must find our own way to wellness " (page 150). This is, of course, partially true, but our habits also influence the whole world — the consumption of beefburgers from fast-food outlets not only involves animal suffering but also destruction of the rain forests and depletion of the ozone layer. None of this is touched upon in the book. A further grumble I have is the exasperating lack of references for the reader who wishes to trace the sources of various statements made: from a scientist this will simply not do! All in all a good starter for those who want to know more

about the connection between nutrition and health. • C h r i s Langley Tlir ENCYCLOPEDIA 01 THE





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The Encyclopedia of the Environment Colin T u d g e (Ed.) Christopher Helm £19.95 This is an imposing work. Its 240-odd richly-illustrated pages document humanity's interaction with and exploitation of nature, and end by reviewing various threats to the environment and the ways in which these are being tackled. Each of the 21 chapters consists of a central text interspersed with various 'perspectives' giving greater detail on relevant topics, with annotated photographs and diagrams. Whilst adding visual interest, this makes reading the book a somewhat disjointed affair as the reader is never sure when to leave the main text for the perspectives and vice-versa. Chapters 12-17, collectively titled 'Support from the Land' (12-15) and 'Support from the Water' (16-17), were of most interest to this reader. What would the authors have to say about our sources of food in a crowded and hungry world? The answer was precisely what one would expect from a mild 'green' perspective. Whilst acknowledging that "livestock farmers are hopelessly inefficient producers of both carbohydrates and protein", animal fanning is 'justified', both nutritionally — as a source of high-quality protein and certain nutrients — and agriculturally — / o r animals' ability to convert waste products into food, The Vegan, Summer J 988 26

fertiliser and even fuel. Although an excellent source of information, like The Gaia Alias of Planet Management (reviewed in the Summer 1985 issue of The Vegan), the Encyclopedia is flawed from an ethical standpoint, assuming as it does that the natural world is somehow ours to be 'managed'. Whilst even enlightened environmentalists propagate this view is there really much hope that the proverbial 'man in the street' will look upon animals as anything more than sources of food, clothing and entertainment? • Paul Appleby

KILL OR CURE iiiliii ? / s IVroleof the ptamarstacH SK&acy In society James Crawford

Kill or Cure? James Crawford Arc Print £2.25 Pbk This booklet pulls no punches in its exposure of profitorientated pharmaceutical companies. Numerous in-text quotes and references indicate extensive research and lend authority to the points made. The reader discovers the sinister world of supposedly 'new' drags, 'me too' drugs, the non-existence of safe drags, the Third World connection, animal experiments and widespread corruption. Drags and their creators are listed and the adverse drag reaction (ADRs) monitoring system is shown to be inadequate. Infamous names such as Thalidomide and Opren, as well as the lesser-known, are covered, along with the relationships between vested interests and governments, and much more. Powerful, eye-opening stuff. • Ian Thompson The Vegan, Summer J 988

Mmc Shoont THIS LAND IS OC R LAND rV.Qntfjfr

This Land is Our Land Marion Shoard Paladin/Grafton Books £5.95 P b k You might think that if you choose to stop your car, and then to wander along the edge of that enticing river or over those lonely blue peaks, or picnic in that quiet wood, you are free to do so. In general, you would be wrong. You might also think that should the owner of an area designated as a 'Site of Special Interest' (due to its unique characteristics as a home for rare plants and animals) decide to destroy that habitat by draining it, ploughing it up, or covering it in a regimented conifer plantation, this would not be allowed to happen. Again, you would be wrong. This meticulously researched and passionately written book cuts away some of the secrecy and fallacies surrounding the land of Britain. The conclusion is that this land most definitely is not our land, and that very powerful interests exist to ensure that this situation continues. The book charts the gradual erosion over the past 1000 years of the right of the British people to have access to the land. It also describes in detail the lack of control we have over the detrimental activities of landowners, who have tended to be motivated by three obsessions— wealth, power, and privacy. The inadequacies of Government bodies and legislation with respect to the protection of and access to the countryside are exposed, along

with the deleterious effects of the Common Agricultural Policy. Finally, Ms Shoard examines various possible solutions to the problems and proposes a tax on land to replace the current, often conflicting, haphazard array of state controls, grants, and subsidies, etc., plus a 'Right of Access' Act, to open up Britain's countryside to us all. This fascinating and wellwritten book ought to be read by all those concerned about the fate of Britain's countryside, which should be all of us. Unfortunately, at nearly 600 pages, it may not get the audience it deserves. A shorter, less academic, volume would have been more accessible and thus more likely to succeed in bringing the current unsatisfactory situation to the attention of the general public. • Diane Roberts

K K |




•mwli •

Rtcipts by SARAH BROWN

Living Without Cruelty M a r k Gold Green Print/Marshall Pickering £4.95 Pbk As its author admits, this book is principally animal-orientated — its central core being vegetarianism because he believes that an understanding

of the bloodshed underlying meat-eating is essential to the quest for a less violent and more rational future. Part One begins with an informative and readable account of the rearing and slaughter of farm animals. It then moves on to extol the health benefits of a vegetarian/ vegan diet and to highlight the effects of hormones and antibiotics on humans and nonhumans alike. A section on reducing consumption of dairy produce is included. The author then traces the links between vegetarianism and Third World hunger, vivisection, the environment, alternative medicine, clothing, animals in entertainment, pets, cosmetics and household products, and concludes with a vegetarian shopper's guide. Part Two consists of vegan recipes supplied by Sarah Brown, and Part TTiree summarises key points, offering guidelines for achieving a cruelty-free (i.e. totally animal-free) lifestyle. As a comprehensive argument for vegetarianism this book is virtually faultless and will certainly motivate and assist individuals to 'take the plunge'. It is easy to digest and will provide many with food for thought. The thing I like most about Living Without Cruelty is its constant stress on the power we have as individuals to force change for the better. We can positively contribute to the elimination of animal, human and environmental exploitation by exercising our right as consumers to refuse to buy abuse-related goods and thereby make their production . unprofitable — something every multi-national and powerful economic interest understands. • Richard F a r h a l l

Reviewers Paul Appleby is Secretary of Oxford Vegetarians. Richard Farhall is Director of the Campaign forthe Abolition of Angling (CAA). Dale Jamieson is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado.

Chris Langley is Chairman of the Vegan Society Diane Roberts is a freelance editor specializing in environmental issues. Ian Thompson is the outgoing Vegan Society Information Officer. 27

Postbag Contributions to Postbag are welcomed, but accepted on the understanding that they may be edited in the interests of brevity or clarity. Send your letters to: The Editor, THE VEGAN, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX12AY Claptrap As a vegan and someone who is closely involved with BUAV's Choose Cruelty-Free campaign [Ed. Chris is Chairperson of BUAV], it saddens me to read the views expressed by Linda Emptage and the associated editorial comments ('Empty Slogan', POSTBAG, Spring '88). The use of terms such as 'a smaller circle of ethical concern' and 'ethical second best' is typical of the self righteous claptrap which is expounded by too many vegans. Far from hastening the progress of animal rights and veganism such attitudes will condemn them to an unnecessary period of obscurity. Rightly, the Choose Cruelty-Free campaign addresses itself to the world as it is. The campaign is not aimed at vegans or vegetarians (although it caters for them), but at the overwhelming meateating majority of our population, which still buys animaltested products. The campaign is deliberately accessible and over 130,000 respondents have received further information not only about animal experiments but also vegetarianism and veganism. As a result, thousands more people are buying non-tested products and many of these will also go on to become animal rights supporters, vegetarians and vegans. Like it or not, this is how the world changes. Those who continue to sit in their vegan ivory towers do so to the detriment of our wider cause. • C h r i s Fisher, London

'Holier-than-Thou' After reading Arthur Ling's article on honey in the last 28

issue, I wonder how many vegetarians will now turn their backs on veganism, finding it just too difficult to give up yet another food. I have been a full member of the Vegan Society for over three years now and becoming a vegan was the second most difficult undertaking of my life. Presumably, if the Vegan Society does declare honey morally unacceptable, it will view me as being no further advanced morally than those vegetarians still tucking into omelettes and quiches, and I shall have to become an associate member once more. I really wonder where this is all going to end. Surely this proposal to outlaw honey completely is just a distraction from the real issue of veganism — the cruelty in the dairy industry. In my opinion, if the Vegan Society adopts Arthur Ling's proposal it really will be the 'holier-than thou' Society and effectively a laughing stock. No one can be 100% vegan and live a 100% cruelty-free existence. How far away are the sackcloth and ashes? • Jean Wilcox, St Mary's Bay

Only a Little My wife and I unequivocally condemn all the ghastly practices set out in Mr. Athur Ling's article 'Ain't So Sweet'. Not one of these cruelties is practised here. We shall continue to keep bees and take "only a little honey" for the family, as we feel that the use of cruelty-free honey by vegans is ethically acceptable. However, we would of course support a resolution declaring

unacceptable the use of commercial honey, or of 'private' honey the production of which involved any cruelty. • S . W . Shott, Bury-St-Edmunds

Positive Stand I am writing to say how pleased my husband and I were to see the article 'Ain't So Sweet'by Arthur Ling. We wholeheartedly support his stance, which coincides with the way we have always felt about the use of honey since going vegan. I do

/Hustr. Juliet Bi reese hope the Society will now take a positive stand against the use of honey, since I am sure many members have, like us, deplored the Society's apparent lack of commitment on this subject. • Karen M. Langley, Ipswich

Instinctive Dislike I would like to extend my thanks to Arthur Ling for his article 'Ain't so Sweet' in the Spring issue. Since becoming vegan, I have instinctively disliked the use of honey and have on occasion been puzzled by the Vegan Society's stance on the subject It has always been obvious to me that, being produced in such huge commercial quantities, honey would not be free of cruelty. I can now back my instincts up with facts when people, including health shop employees, do not understand why I disapprove of honey on ethical grounds. • Liz Teasdale, Sheffield

Keeping to the Issues Ronnie Lee seems to have ideas about the animal rights movement ('Reviews', Spring 88) which not all of us will share. I cannot agree with his virtual implication that veganism and religion are incompatible. Certainly the 'mumbo-

jumbo and repressive nonsense' of many religious traditions is counter-productive in the struggle for social justice, but religion itself in the broadest sense — belief in the existence of non-material reality and the desire for unity with the Creator — is at worst harmless and at best something positive. Religion gives to each individual life a meaning in the context of eternity, and that can be valid in a movement which asserts that every individual creature has inalienable rights, and that its life is of value in itself independently of its 'usefulness' to the 'greater good' of human interests. I am also one of those who "fails to understand the tactic of economic sabotage". In a society where 500 million animals are slaughtered and 429 million vivisected annually, no amount of 'economic sabotage' will have the slightest effect on animal abuse: a brick through a butcher's window will not make people eat less meat. This is not to condemn all The Vegan, Summer J 988 28

direct action. Raids on laboratories to gain pictures and documents are an essential part of the animal rights movement (imagine an anti-vivisection magazine with no photographs...). But we cannot allow wanton acts of moral selfindulgence to risk alienating the people we are trying to win over onto our side. We owe it to the animals to keep to the issues, to keep the animal abusers to the issues, and to present the vegan alternative in as positive a way as is possible. • R i c h a r d Whitehead, Bristol

Consumer Pressure After reading your interesting article 'Holiday Directions' in the Spring '88 issue ofThe Vegan, I am writing to share with you a recent experience on a package holiday to Crete. I was agreeably surprised to learn that Britannia Airways, the main operator for Charter holidays from Britain will, on request, supply in-flight meals to meet special diets (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, kosher,

diabetic). However, the vegan meal I ordered for my return flight included the standard tea/ coffee creamer, a portion of soft cheese and Flora margarine! This made me suspect that the jelly on the fruit tart was probably non-vegan too. These meals are supplied by 'Trusthouse Forte: Europe's Foremost Aviation Caterers'. I find it regrettable that such an important catering group fails to understand basic dietary principles and I have written to them to remind them of the definition of veganism. I urge other vegans who have had similar experiences to do the same. I can only hope that consumer pressure will reeducate the catering managers. •S.C.Linsley, Derbyshire

No Problem I'd like to reply to Leah Leneman's letter in the Winter 1987 issue regarding the problems vegans come up against on both sides of the Atlantic.

Why not support - or perhaps just find out more about those working positively towards an end to all animal abuse and the widespread adoption of a more ecologically sound way of life? Simply fill in the form below and return to: The Vegan Society (Memberships), 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY. Please tick as appropriate: • PLEASE SEND ME A FREE VEGAN INFORMATION PACKfor which I enclose a stamped addressed envelope. • I WISH TO BECOME A MEMBER of the Vegan Society Ltd and undertake to abide by its rules as set out in the Society's Memorandum and Articles of Association. I declare that I am a practising vegan. • I WISH TO BECOME AN ASSOCIATE of the Vegan Society Ctd. Although not a practising vegan, I agree with the Society's aims and would like to support its work. I enclose payment as follows (please tick as appropriate): Cheques/POs should be made payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd • Individual E7.50 • Family £10.00 • Unwaged individual £5.00 • Unwaged family £7.50 • Junior (under 18) £5.00 • Life membership £125.00

I strongly suspect that Leah's impressions are based on her East Coast or Mid-West experiences and as such are not representative of the US as a whole. Here on the West Coast, and also in the Pacific North-West states, I have absolutely no problem eating (and staying!) vegan. Indeed, the dietary fears I had before I left the UK proved to be completely unfounded: the range of vegan convenience foods available to me here is definitely as good as in Britain. In my experience the shopkeepers here certainly d o 'speak the same (vegan) language' even if it's pronounced differently (as in 'raygun'!). I'd even go as far as to say that announcing oneself as a vegan in this part of the States is met with a damned sight more open-mindedness, understanding and lack of fuss than I experienced in my home country, and that includes the response I sometimes got from other lacto-vegetarians! • Nick Hands, Davis, California

Art of the Possible Re Mr. Graham's letter in the Winter '87 issue [Ed. 'Musicians and Instruments']: My husband Michael, an inspirational craftsman and vegetarian for 16 years, has found that synthetic glues and finishes d o not appreciably affect tonal quality and has attained excellence in his baroque lutes and Appalachian dulcimers, free of animal substances. He strongly recommends synthetic wood glues and finishes, which are available everywhere, inexpensive, easy to use and very robust. With careful selection and preparation of timbers, combined with advanced instrument design, Michael has created very resonant instruments. For lute strings he uses imported wound-nylon; and for dulcimers light-gauge guitar strings. • M a r g a r e t Sweeney, Victoria, Australia

CALLING AUTHORS & ARTISTS The Editor invites authors, artists and cartoonists to submit material for possible publication in The Vegan. Negotiable fees payable for work of suitable quality For further details please write to: The Editor, The Vegan, 33-35George Street, Oxford OX12AY.

MSS or other original work submitted to be accompanied by an SAE.

• I WISH TO SPONSOR your work, for which purpose I enclose a donation of •

£5.00 •

£10.00 •£25.00


• £

Title (please delete as appropriate) Miss/Mr/Mrs/Ms Name (please print) Address (please print) Postcode (please print). Signature

The Vegan, Summer J 988


Welcomes Vegans For 25 years the STRICTLY VEGETARIAN guest house in the Lake District has enjoyed delicious international vegetarian cuisine. Orchard House, known lor its comfort and serene atmosphere, enjoys a quiet inviting garden, is close to mountains, streams and lakes, for those who seek the peace and beauty of the Lake District. OPEN ALL YEAR! Dining Room open to non-residents Stamp appreciated for brochure to: Borrowdale Road, Keswick, Cumbria CDA12 5DE Telephone: (07687) 72830


Living Without Cruelty Exhibition, Leeds Town Hall. Details from Animal Aid (See above).

Noticeboard Diary Dates 17/18 J u n e Open Evening and Day to celebrate the 60th birthday of the Nature Cure Clinic. Discussion, practitioners, demonstrations, buffet — all free. Contact:

18 J u n e National AntiAngling Day. See Notice. 24-26 J u n e 2nd Living Without Cruelty Exhibition, Kensington Town Hall, Homton Street, London W8. £2.00/£l .00. Details from: Animal Aid, 7 Castle Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN91BH. Tel. (0732) 364546. See Notice 25 J u n e 6 p m . Ethics & the Peaceable Kingdom. The* Vegan Society's 10th Frey Ellis Memorial Lecture, given this year by Prof. Stephen Clark. See Notice. 9 J u l y Co-ordinating Animal Welfare day in Nottingham, based at The Yorker, Mansfield Road (nr. Bus Station). 1 l a m 12 noon — leafletting; 1pm6pm — meeting; 7.30 onwards — benefit gig, and overnight vigil outside Boots. Veggies vegan food (including breakfast) available. Speakers: Neil Gatenby (NAVS), Carol

ral Health Week. For information on events contact local health-food shop or telephone Jenny Charleston-Stokes

14-17 J u l y H e r e ' s Health Exhibition, Olympia 2. 11am7pm daily. £3.00 (£2.50 in advance), lectures £1.50 (£1.00 in advance). Tickets from: Swan House, Holly Road, Hampton Hill, Middx TW12 1QQ. Tel. 01-783 0055. 18 J u l y Mothers Against Milk National Demonstration, Sturminster Newton cattle m a r k e t See Notice. 16-23 J u l y 3rd International 30

Vegan Festival, Lake Eder, Nr Kassel, W. Germany. See Notice. 7-21 August. Vegan Family Camp. An annual event, to be held this year in the Lake District. Details from:

19-21 September International Conference on The Status of Animals. Clark, Midgley, Linzey, Hollands, Hampson, Balls, Houghton et al. Nottingham University. £75 res. (vegan catering available )/£35 non-res. Discounts on pre-15 July bookings. Booking forms

subsequently form part of an official vegan historical archive. The greatest care will be taken with materials offered for either purpose.

You are warmly minted to the Vegan Society's 10th Frey Ellis Memorial Lecture:

ETHICS AND THE PEACEABLE KINGDOM by S t e p h e n R . L . C l a r k P r o f e s s o r of P h i l o s o p h y a t Liverpool U n i v e r s i t y a n d a u t h o r of Aristotle's Man, The Moral Status of Animals, The Nature of the Beast a n d From Athens to Jerusalem The Living Without Cruelty Exhibition, Kensington Town Hall, Homton Street, London W8 Saturday 25th June, 1988 at 6pm Entrance: Free

Vegan Festival The 3rd International Vegan Festival will be held at Bringhausen, Lake Eder near Kassel, West Germany on 1623 July 1988. Lectures, workshops, videos, activities. Children welcome. Full details from:

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the V e g a n Society Ltd Westminster Cathedral Conference Centre. Victoria, London

24th September 1988 Proposals (which must be seconded) for major resolutions to go on the AGM agenda must be received at the Society'sregisteredoffice (33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY) by not later than 21 July. Nominations for members (of 12 months or greater duration at the time of appointment) to serve on the Council must be made in writing, signed and received at theregisteredoffice not more than 28 days and not less than 14 days before the AGM. The nomination 'package' should include: nomination by proposer (who must be a VS member); written confirmation from the nominee of his/her willingness to stand for election; brief (max. 200 words) personal profile.

9JD. Tel: 091 262 8844. 12 August Grouse Shooting Season begins. 13 August National Day of Action against grouse shoots. Contact - Hunt Saboteurs Association, P.O. Box 87, Exeter EX4 3TX. Tel. (0392) 30521. 28 August Animal Welfare Day, Gipsy Hill Country House Hotel, Pinhoe Road, Exeter from lOam-lOpm. Contact:

17-18 S e p t e m b e r Northern

Eyes Peeled A recent spate of non-Vegan Society publications and merchandise items have been found to be carrying our artwork and/or texts without permission or credit. Readers noting such liberties — and any one/group wishing to use VS material in any way — are asked to contact the Secretary.


Anti-Angling Day

24 September Vegan Society AGM, Westminster Cathedral Conference Centre, Victoria, London. See Notice.

The first-ever National AntiAngling Day will take place on Saturday 18th June, 1988 — two days after the start of the coarse fishing season.

Memorabilia Readers' assistance, especially that of older Vegan Society members, is sought in the task of assembling a collection of vegan memorabilia for display at the Society's Annual General Meeting later this year (See Notice). It is hoped that some of the materials gathered will

Organised by the Campaign for the Abolition of Angling (CAA), the aim of the Day is to c o n - centrate public attention on the 'sport'. Groups and individuals are urged to keep this date free for anti-angling activities. The CAA will The Vegan, Summer J 988 30

provide supporting publicity by contacting all local and national newspapers plus radio and TV stations. An Information Sheet containing suggestions for action is available in exchange for an SAE marked 'NAAD'. Red and blue stickers (design as shown) are obtainable at £1.00 per 100. For further details contact: CAA, PO Box 14, Romsey. S051 9NN. Tel: (0732)351995.

Mothers Against Milk Bournemouth vegan mothers and children are organizing a National Demonstration for 10am on Monday 18 July at Sturminster Newton (Dorset) cattle market, through which approximately 800 calves pass each week. Only women and children please (motherhood status non-essential). Transport available from Boumemouth/Poole. Banners, leaflets provided and refreshments available.

month to customers who send in the best recipes made with the popular VegeBurger and VegeBanger mixes. Each month's winner will receive £200; two runners-up £25 each; and each shop supplying the winner £15. Entry forms (which feature

Vegan Studies USA From 24th August 1988 the Miami-Dade Community College Vegetarian Centre will be offering 6-month credit courses leading to an Educational Award in (100% vegan) vegetarian studies. The courses will cover Essentials of Nutrition, Food Purchasing and Menu Design, Food Preparation, Nutritional Counselling, Catering Organization and Creative Cooking. Fees approx. $975.



















24th-26th JUNE 1988 FRIDAY llam-9pm SATURDAY 1030am 9pm SUNDAY 10.30am-7pm


Poster In addition to the full colour version (£1 — Sheep), there are new 25" x 17" b/w slaughterhouse-scene posters (Sheep — 2 for £1) and A3 size (Sheep or Pig — 5 f o r £ l ) . Full set of 8 for £2.50 (all incl. p&p)_ Discounts for bulk purchase by arrangement. Contact: Veggies. 180 Mansfield Rd, Nottingham, NG1 3HU. Tel. <0602) 585666.

Local Groups/ Events Northern Vegan/Vegetarian Singles/Social Group has socials planned for the Summer and welcomes suggestions for other group link-ups. No age limits, though most in 25-50 range. Details (SAE please) from:




Early Warning A provisional date has been set for the 2nd Plamil halfmarathon — 8 April, 1988 at St. Mary's Bay, Kent. If you intend to participate or would like to help on the day please contact:

Travel Tip Realeat Competition The Realeat Company is giving away hundreds of pounds every

The Vegan, Summer J 988

the winning recipe from the previous month) are available from independent health-food shops or direct from: Realeat, Acorn House, 12 Victoria Road, London W3 6UL. Tel. 01-993 7711.

If you are travelling on Air India please note that when a reservation is made your meal request should begin with the letters SPML (Special meal) and not VEG (vegetarian).

Avon Vegan & Vegetarian Group will meet monthly as from July on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm at various venues. New members needed to help with Summer stalls and events. Contact: Leicester Animal Aid public meeting at the Parish Centre, Church Lane, Knighton. Speakers: Sue Crowshaw (DAARE), Dr Gill Langley and TerTy Huxtable (Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research). Contact:


Publications & Promotional Goods T h e items shown in this section a r e just a selection f r o m the range stocked by the Vegan Society. Please send for o u r free Merchandise List for a full listing. All prices include VAT, where applicable, but are exclusive of postage and packing (See Order Form for rates). Items m a r k e d [VS] a r e published by the Vegan Society.


NEW! [VS] T h e Vegan Holiday & R e s t a u r a n t Guide (Ed.) Colin Howlett Brand-new (publ. April 1988), 136-page edition of the standard guide to vegan holiday accommodation and eating places in the UK. Just under 600 clearly-organized entries, incl. new section on vegan holidaymaking abroad. Handy, pocket-sized format. £2.50

choosing 100% animal-free products as part of a vegan lifestyle. Thousands of entries organized into easy-to-consult sections. Handy, pocket-sized format. £2.50

FOODFOR A FUTURE Tn« Compete Caw fo» Vr>gal*t»ni««n


Food for a Future Jon Wynne-Tyson A classic work, powerfully arguing all aspects of the vegan case — moral, economic, ecological, physiological and nutritional. Packed with information, statistics, quotations, nutritional and dietary data. £2.50 Compassion: The Ultimate Ethic Victoria Moran An examination of the history and philosophy of the vegan movement. £4.95


[VS] The Caring Cook Janet Hunt An ideal, easy-to-follow first vegan cookbook produced with those new to cruelty-free living in mind. A comprehensive selection of everyday and special-occasion recipes, plus a mass of hints and tips. Sturdy, wipe-clean cover. £1.99

The Vegan Cookbook Alan Wakeman and Gordon Baskerville 200 richly varied and carefully g T a d e d recipes — ranging from the quick and simple to "the slower or dearer or more complicated but delicious!" Complete with nutrition notes and checker. £4.95

The Compassionate Gourmet Janet Hunt Exotic dishes from all around the world for those who love animals and food! £4.99 The Vegan Diet: True Vegetarian Cookery David Scott and Claire Golding Another cookbook with gourmet appeal, containing over 250 wide-ranging recipes. £5.95

Vegan Cookery Eva Batt An updated [1985] and restyled edition of the first major vegan cookbook ever published, with over 300 recipes, plus practical advice and nutritional information. £2.99



Veganic Gardening Kenneth Dalziel O'Brien A comprehensive, yet easy-tofollow guide to the subject by the system's greatest living exponent. £6.99

NEW! Soya Foods Cookery Leah Leneman First-rate introduction to this vast subject, with hints and more than 100 adventurous recipes for soya yoghurt, soft ' cheese', may onnaise etc. £4.95



[VS] The Cruelty-Free Shopper (Ed.) Lis Howlett Best-selling, informationpacked (124 pages) guide for those seeking assistance in



Tofu Cookery Louise Hagler Superbly illustrated, largeformat collection of more than 200 recipes, from appetizers to main course dishes and desserts. "A gem of a book" — Leah Leneman. £6.95

NEW! The Struggle for Animal Rights Prof. Tom Regan A leading philosopher lucidly puts the case for animal rights. The Vegan, Summer J 988 32

Chapters on farm and laboratory animals, hunting, dissection, plus autobiographical sketch. £3.50

cm mi gbM^o!

Button Badges (11/2") Two colours. Please specify design(s) required using letter code. 25p each, four for 90p

The Extended Circle: A Dictionary or Humane Thought (Ed.) Jon Wynne-Tyson Indispensable, award-winning anthology of quotations concerning our treatment of non-human species. £4.95


mMR.flAH i AI»*IA«.R. •

cotton: 'Give Bottle the Boot' — red and white on navy blue; 'Ban Blood Foods' —red and black on white. Sizes: 'Bottle': S/M/XL; 'Blood Foods': S/M/L. £3.50 Children's: Multi-colour 'Famous Vegans...' design on white cotton Sizes: 22", 26",





Multi-purpose Stickers (11/2") Same designs and colour schemes as button badges, in sheets of 12 of same. Please specify design(s) required using badge letter code. 20p per sheet, Five sheets for 90p GIVE BOTTLE THE BOOT

PROMOTIONAL GOODS T-Shirts Adult: Two designs on 100% The Vegan, Summer J 988

Ballpen Red and black casing, with slogan 'Ban Blood Foods' printed in white on clip. Refillable. 35p

Car/Window Sticker Bearing slogan 'Give Bottle the Boot — Go Vegan!' and printed red and black on white self-cling plastic. 11" x 21/2". 50p



The Home Herbal Barbara Griggs A handbook of simple remedies. £2.95

Envelope Savers (Re-use Labels) 100%- recycled paper, nonanimal gum. Two designs: 'Globe' — black and green on white; 'Bottle' — black and red on white. £1.15 per 100 (of one design)

J f * ™ * *

Order now (BLOCK CAPITALS THROUGHOUT PLEASE) from: The Vegan Society (Merchandise), 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2 AY.

NEW! Vegan Nutrition Pure and Simple Michael Klaper, MD An American physician demonstrates how sound vegan diets can satisfy all the body's needs and play a major role in the prevention and treatment of many degenerative diseases. £2.50




Notelets Printed on high-quality, 100%recycled paper. Colour scheme: chocolate brown on cream. Pack of twelve, with four different seasonal designs. £1.25

TOTAL COST OF MERCHANDISE. POSTAGE & PACKING Inland: Order up to £2.50 in value — add 35p • £2.51 to £3.50 — add 60p • £3.51 to £5.99 — add 75p • £6.00 to £9.99 — add £1 • £10 to £20 — add £1.50 • over £20 — free Eire and Overseas: Please increase total payment by further 10% tocoveradditional surface-rate postal charges. (NB Goods sent airmail by special arrangement only.) TOTAL REMITTANCE* I enclose a cheque/postal order for £ made payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd. Name Address _Postcode_ •Orders to be sent to Eire or overseas must be paid for by International Money Order or by Sterling cheque drawn on an English bank

Bookmarks Printed on high-quality, 100%recycled card. Colour scheme: chocolate brown on cream. Set of four different designs, with recipes on reverse. Ideal small gift. 45p 33

"THE BERJAC" 69 West borough. Scarborough YOU ITS




For comprehensive list see Special-Interest Holidays and Holidays Abroad sections of The Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide (£2.50 + 35p p&p) ATSITSA — a holistic health and fitness holiday community on the beautiful island of Skyros. Activities: from windsurfing, dance, art and aerobics to yoga, meditation, massage and T a i Chi. Details: 1 Fawley Road (Ve). London NW6 1SL. Tel. 01-431 0867. C O R T U O R O M E R O , SPAIN.


tually uplifting holidays in the sundrenched foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Activities include meditation, music, mountain walks, healing, tai chi, yoga, group work and lots of fun. Vegan/ vegetarian cuisine, swimming pool, excellent value. Enquiries to: 72 Meadowsweet Rd., Creelanoor, Poole, Dorset, BX17 7XT. Tel. 0202 699581. C Y C L I N G H O L I D A Y S in rustic,

historic Fries land, islands and mainland, guides, relaxed pace, all ages, vegetarian and vegan. Windmill Wheels, AUG Kerk 19.8911 GD, Leeuwarden, Netherlands. Tel. 01031-58129349. WOMENS'


TREKKING in Nepal. Excellent vegan food. For details send 20p stamp: W.A.T., 26 Paisley Cres., Edinburgh EH8 7JP.

offers a challenging programme and exceptional facilities for boarders from 8-18. especially attractive to boys and girls-(and parents) of talent and individuality. 16 A' Level courses, humane values and vegan/vegetarian diets. Phone the Admissions Secretary (0462) 679301 for prospectus.

EVENTS THE ASSOCIATION OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS OF NATURAL MEDICINE offers a Teaching Seminar in 'DIAGNOSIS, MEDICINES, NUTRITION' starting on 15th June 1988 in Central London. Details from: Hon. Secretary, 38 Nigel House, Portpool Lane, London EC1.


OUR SPIRITUAL REGENERATION 21 st — 23rd October To be held al: The Order of the Cross Snelsmore House Nr. Newbury. Berks RG16 9BG Contact: Frank Thomley on 0635-41266

EATING OUT For comprehensive list see Eating Places section of The Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide (£2.50 + 35p p&p)


Vegan restaurant-pub "La Copa" - (till going strong and creating quite an interest. Good varied menu — soups, pit£s. salads, snacks, sweets and cakes. Licensed. Why not visit us in this very pretty holiday resort? VISITING


"Hampers" vegetarian take-away is on the SL Davids/Porthgain road near Abereiddy Bay. Vegan choice available. Picnics made to order. See local advertisements. Tel. Croesgoch 339.


B&B £7 .SO


Reductions for children sharing and O A P s out of season Guaranteed Prices, no extras! Brochure: Tel: (0723) 374937


BEXHILL-ON-SEA. Vegan/vegetarian bed and breakfast. £7 night. Radio, television, tea and coffee facilities. Completely vegetarian household. Vegan bedding etc. 10 Deerswood Lane, Bexhill TN39 4LT. Tel. 042 43 5153. BODMIN. Cottage vegetarian/vegan B&B.. Central for beaches, moors etc., private bathroom, colour TV, kettle, EM by arrangement. No smoking in the house. Tel: 0208 872316. BRISTOL. Vegan guesthouse, close to city centre, trains and buses. Organic food where possible. Advance booking please. No smoking. B&B £7.50, EM £4. Tel. 0272 714771. CAERNARFON, North Wales. Vegan B&B. Attractive converted smithy in village location. One mile from town on A4085. Tel: 0286 76838. CORNWALL. Vegetarian/vegan B&B, EM. Situated in the heart of Cornwall. Beautiful views of SL Ives coastline, lovely walks, ideal base. Details: Poleo Little Acre, Praze, Camborne. (0209) 831209.

"WOODCOTE" The Saltings, Lelaat. St Ives, Cornwall Tel (0736) 753147



* Close to shops and entertainments * • Wholefood/Vegetarian/Vegan meals » » Special diets if required * • Non-vegetarians welcome * • Private car park • * Midweek bookings • * Free child-listening service *

18 months successful trading. Centre of Pembrokeshire town. Tastefully restored building, 4 bedrooms, fine sea views. £49,750.

HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION For comprehensive list see Holiday Accommodation section of The Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide (£2.50 + 35p p&p) ANGLESEY. Vegan B&B, quiet, rural location two miles from Benllech Bay. Tel. (0248) 70532 after 20 June. 'Dwyfor', Llanbedrgoch, Anglesey, North Wales LL76 8TZ.

Quiet country hotel overlooking beautiful tidal estuary and bird sanctuary. Britain's oldest vegan/vegetarian hotel is family owned ana stands in its own grounds close to beaches and unspoilt coastal walks. Superb cuisine a n a friendly personal service. For further information and brochure p ease contact: appreciated)

COTSWOLDS, near Cheltenham. B&B £10, optional vegan EM £6. Peaceful house and garden, pottery and art for sale. Phone 0242 602570. CRAIGEND LODGE. Vegetarian guest house on lovely Ilkley Moor, W. Yorkshire. Vegan meals always served. Cowpasture Rd., Ilkley, LS29 8RS. Easter-October. TeL 0943 609897.

Crosthwaite Mill Cottage LAKE DISTRICT - LYTH VALLEY T h e perfect retreat for non-smoking vegans and vegetarians, next to our unspoilt water mill. A very special place for bed and breakfast with evening meal by arrangement. r (044 88)

GREEN DESERT TECHNOLOGY: Spain, sun, purpose, good company; guests £60/wk; working visitors (work 24 hrs) £20-25/wk. Full details £1 from: Unit V, 22 Godesdone Rd, Cambridge CBS 8HR. HAZELMERE GUEST-HOUSE, TORQUAY. Exclusively vegetarian/ vegan. Karen and David Norman extend a warm welcome to vegans. We are situated close to parks, beautiful cliff walks, town, coach station. Family rooms available, pets welcome. Plenty of places to visit, whatever the weather. Suitable for touring, with or without transport. Prices from £88.50 p.w„ inc. 4-course breakfast & EM. For brochure and menus telephone

ISLE OF WIGHT. Small private hotel. quieUy situated, in an area of natural beauty. Comfortable accommodation with central heating. Excellent home cooking by vegetarian proprietor. Wholefoods, vegetarian or vegan. Open Easter until October. Also self-catering h

LAPWINGS, Apley, Lincoln, LN3 5JQ. Vegan DB&B. Old house, quiet village. Children welcome, guide dogs only. No smoking. Non-resident meals, please book. Tel. 0673 858101. MACHYNLLETH, MID WALES. Friendly guest house in peaceful surroundings on edge of Snowdonia. arian home cooking. NORTHERN SCOTLAND. Overlooking sea. Beautiful area. Vegan B&B £7/ night, £35/week. EM available. No smokers. Ataireachd Ard, Salt Street, Brora, Sutherland. PEMBROKESHIRE COAST near Aberreidy Beach and St. Davids. B&B. Optional evening meal. Genuine vegetarian household. Vegan meals always available. Non-smoking. Tel. 03483 339. PENZANCE. Self-catering accommodation for 3-4. Two miles from Penzance with large garden, sea and country views. Occasional vegan meals available. Tel. 0736 62242. SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS. Genuine log house in peaceful Spey Valley village. Hillwalking, sailing, birdwatching, golf etc. Vegetarian B&B and EM. Vegans welcome.

SHROPSHIRE. Bentley House -18C house in unspoilt countryside close Ludlow and Strettons. Exclusively vegetarian/vegan wholefood. Central heating. No smoking. B&B., EM. Tel: 05887 255. SOUTHWEST FRANCE. Old manor in beautiful setting. Organic vegetarian wholefood. Vegans welcome. Swimming pool, art studio, grape cures, astrology. Brochure from: L. Smets. LE MARCHON, Bazens, 47130 Port-Ste. Marie, France. ST. IVES, Cornwall. Exclusively vegetarian/vegan guesthouse overlooking SL Ives Bay. Close to beach and scenic coastline. Open all year. Central heating. Children welcome. Brochure:


The Vegan, Summer J 988 34


your nearest stockist or mail order form. WORRIED



Try our Fruit Wines, made

with a minimum of

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VEGETARIAN MATCHMAKERS Details: 1 4 ' Woodlands Rd, Isleworth, Middx

Personal : £3.50 for 20 words (minimum). Additional words: 17p each. Commercial : £4.75 for 20 words (minimum). Additional words: 25p each.

TREMEIFION. Luxury accommodation, gourmet vegetarian and vegan cuisine in the Snowdonia National Park. A beautiful garden, unrivalled views, hill and mountain walks, safe sandy beaches for a perfect holiday or short break. Children welcome. No smoking. Please send for brochure or contact:

Box No : £2.00 extra Semi-display : £5.00 per single column centimetre Series discount (4 consecutive insertions): 10% PAYMENT


MAIL ORDER MAN, London, young 44, easy-going,

New Generation Spirulina. Increased Iron and Calcium levels. T h e finest available in freshness, purity and nutritional potency. Please send for our free information leaflet. Available by mail order: Powder 100g-£7.00. 250g£15.25. Tablets 500ms * 100-£5.00. 200-£8.00. 500-£ 19.25: Prices include postage. Life Stream, Ash House, S ted h a m . Midhurst. W. Sussex. GU29 OPT. Tel. (073081) 3642.

Hekfflaija MEHU-MAIJA STEAM J U I C E EXTRACTOR and STEAMER C O O K E R From Finland makes Pure Juices that store for Drinks and Winemaking and cooks Wholesome Meals Stainless steel £49.95 Aluminium £34.45 Re-usable Self-sealing Rubber Caps (packs of 8) for Wine b o d i e s £3.95 and Mixer bottles £2.95 Mehu-Maija (V) PO Box 3 Diss Norfolk 1P22 3 H H Order/Leaflet - telephone Diss (0379) 652302

MONOLITH DISTRIBUTION Mail order books. Prehistory, Stone Circles, UFO, Ley Lines, Earth mysteries. 2 Baggrave View, Barsby, Leicestershire, LE7 8RB. SAEList. NEW AGE CRUELTY-FREE PRODUCTS. A wide range of toiletries, cosmetics, dental care, health and household products. No animal testing or ingredients. Free catalogue from: New Age Products, PO Box 22, East Horsley. Leatherhead, Suney KT24 6SX. Tel. (04865) 5115, 24 hours. ORGANICALLY GROWN fresh fruit and vegetable delivery service. Also large selection of organic grains and vegan products. Please telephone PET FOOD. HAPPIDOG: The only completely balanced, vegan food for dogs in the world. Palatable and economical, made from only natural ingredients with NO additives required.

The Vegan, Summer J 988

AHIMSA. Quarterly magazine of the American Vegan Society. Veganism, Natural Living, Reverence for Life. Calendar year subscription S8. Address: 501 Old Harding Highway, Malaga, NJ 08328, USA.

SITUATIONS VACANT NATURAL FRIENDS Make new friendships with others interested in veganism/vegetarianism, fitness, alternative therapies. New Age philosophies, 'green' issues, the countryside, animal welfare. Peace, astrology, paranormal phenomena, alternative lifestyles, and all things natural. NATURAL FRIENDS is a unique friendship organisation. There are many hundreds of members nationwide — and we're growing fast, but organically! Very reasonable fees! Yearround advertising! Regular update lists! Plus a members' magazine! Please send a stamp for details to: NATURAL FRIENDS (VGN), 15 BEN YON GARDENS, CULFORD, BURY ST. EDMUNDS. SUFFOLK, 1P28 6EA. TEL. 028484-315 (ANYTIME)

Pre-payment please by cheque or postal order made payable to 'The Vegan Society Ltd' and sent to: The Advertising Manager, The Vegan, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2 AY. Eire and Overseas: payment must be by sterling cheque drawn on an English bank or by international money order.

RECEPTIONIST required for outpatient clinic, near Baker Street, to work with doctors. Must be vegetarian or vegan. Contact: The General Secretary, The Nature Cure Clinic, 15 Oldbury Place, London W1M 3AL. Tel. 01-935 6213.

PUBLICATION DATES Late February, May, August, November



RELAXED HOME & WAGE NEEDED by veganic gardener/cook. Experienced with children, rescued animals, herbs, driving. Return pantime work (flexible). Tonbridge (07 32) 362447.

MISCELLANEOUS THE CANCER HELP CENTRE, BRISTOL. Send for our free introductory brochure. The full Therapy Pack costs £6.50, including details of all aspects of our programme — vegan diet, stress-control, psychological counselling and healing. Cancer Help Centre, Grove House, Clifton, Bristol BSS 4PG. Telephone help-line: (0272) 743216. VEGFAM feeds the hungry — vegetable foodstuffs, leaf protein, horticulture, irrigation, afforestation etc. The Sanctuary, Nr Lydford, Okehampton. Devon EX204AL. Tel: 0822 82203.

COPY D A T E S First of month of publication

The submission of an advertisement is deemed to warrant that the advertisement does not contravene any Act of Parliament nor is it in any other way illegal or defamatory or an infringement of any other party's rights or an infringement of the British Code of Advertising Practice. The Vegan Society reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement without explanation. Although every care is taken, the Vegan Society cannot accept liability for any loss or inconvenience incurred as a result of errors in the wording, or the late or non-appearance of an advertisement.

When replying to an advertisement please mention that you saw it in The Vegan 35

Gentle on your skin. I ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ Many washing powders contain unkind and unnatural ingredients. Like phosphates, enzymes, bleaches, optical whiteners and soda ash. But no matter how well you rinse your clothes, these chemicals can still be left behind to irritate your skin. Clear Spring is different. It's liquid, it's concentrated, it works in all temperatures, it's fully biodegradable and it's gentle. On your clothes. On your environment. And even on the most sensitive of skins.

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B i a — Just one fifth (100ml) of a carton of PLAMIL provides the average dally requirement of this important vitamin. PLAMIL also supplies Important CALCIUM and vitamins B2 and PLAMIL is the only SOYA MILK formulated for vegan nutritional requirements. I enclose an SAE. Please send nutrient sheet.

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