The Vegan Winter 1956

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THE VEGAN SOCIETY Founded November, 1944

President: Mr. JOHN HERON, , Surrey. Honorary Secretary: Mrs. MURIEL DRAKE. . Bromley, Kent. (RAVensbourne 2809). Honorary Treasurer: Miss WINIFRED SIMMONS, , London, N.W.I 1. Hon. Asst. Treasurer: Miss CHRISTINA HARVEY, , London, N.19. Minimum subscription, which includes "The Vegan," 7s. 6d. per annum, payable in January. Life Membership, £7 7s. Od.



Editor: Assistant London, S.W.3. Published quarterly: Annual subscription, 4s. 6d. post Is. 2d. post free. Obtainable from the Hon.

ey. . Lawrence Street,

free: single copies. Secretary.

BRANCHES OF THE SOCIETY A N D SECRETARIES YORKSHIRE.—Miss Stella Rex. , Garfortb, Nr. Leeds MIDLANDS.—Mr. Don Burton, , Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick*. MANCHESTER —Mrs. Ann E. Schofield, , Wythenshowe. SCOTTISH SECTION—Miss Dina M. Sutherland. , Liberton, Edinburgh, 9. (Please communicate with your nearest Branch Secretary)


extends a warm welcome to all Vegans and their Friends


Member V.C.A.


n e a r

B o n d

S t r e e t

T u b c


MAYfair 5740

THE V E G A N Journal of the Vegan Society

Vol. X

Winter, 1956

No. 3


Towards Perfection The vision of God in man, man in God, perfect at-one-ment, is held up before us at this time of year. It is the vision of high attainment, of the consummation of noble endeavour. Humanity, we affirm, moves on the path of progress, slowly, surely, painfully yet irrevocably. We cannot go back to lesser ways, narrower truths, more limited policies, now that the age of internationalism is upon us. We cannot screen ourselves any longer from the realisation of an ultimate goal: men united, man perfected—God hallowed in practice, thought and word. Towards an international order the races struggle, strive, and turn, but yet again to undertake the hard tasks of creating peace and goodwill where still prevail hatred, malice and envy. The concept of brotherhood, the ideal of perfection, are twin pillars of a faith that supports all those who labour to establish a higher, purer way of life in man and among men—that there will appear everywhere the true spirit of willing sacrifice which is love, the true spirit of creative activity which is joy. In the emergence from the dark age of separation and dissociation of man from man and man from God, we see numerous lights flickering, burning brighter, growing with an ever consuming intensity, proclaiming their message of love—a flame stirred to ever greater brilliance by the vision of perfection. Love is the essence and core, mainspring and fountain-source of all those individuals and groups who manifest progressively to-day the call from on high to commence the new age of attainment. "The world's great'age begins anew, The golden years return . . . " What has veganism to offer in the midst of an age of birth, of emergence and transition. Firstly, it offers the light of purification. An ancient teaching said to man: " Purification is the first law." 1

And it remains so to-day. To be sure, physical purification is not enough : but it is a foundation and a base for the superstructure of mental and emotional refinement that can be developed upon it. Secondly, veganism echoes the true note of compassion, of love in action by which all things move. Thirdly, it proclaims discipline, not in the harsh or restrictive sense, but as wise and creative control over human appetite and habit, instinct and physical urge. These factors pertain to the spiritual phase of human development. But veganism has much to contribute on the material level —the promise of a new mode of health, the ideal of a radiant vitality that is independent of enslaving life-power in the animal kingdom. The release of the life-force that is at present held down in the animal realm can only mean, in the long run, a beneficent return to man of energy of a higher and more creative kind. But physical regeneration of this order cannot be attained in a day : it requires not only a release of energy wrongfully harnessed in nature, but experience, adaptation, investigation and knowledge on the part of man. Yes, a new ideal of physical health lies before us, yet we shall arrive at it in all its fullness with measurable steps. Though true evolution on any plane is gradual, we are called upon here and now to initiate the process of transmuting the human organism into noble gold. Collectively, for the races of the earth, veganism offers a creative use of the planet's fertile land, so that the insane competition between man and domesticated animals for the world's crops can be overcome. This is a matter of great importance at the present day, when the world food problem looms large on the international horizon. It is a responsible and considerate step to adopt a diet that the world can support for all, rather than continue with one that is possible only for a minority, which claims a false need for animal food at the expense of the adequate nourishment of a majority. Finally, we must look to the balance of forces and powers in nature, so that animal, plant and man interact in accord with the rhythms and changes of the universal order. Balance in nature: how little we have achieved it, and yet how fine a concept it is: the harmonious interrelationships of all living forms, the blessed sanction of life in tune with life. Adaptation, adjustment, mutual and complementary symbiosis—an orchestration of all the vibrant instruments of nature, so that man may be said to be dedicated to serve the true interests of the earth that is given to his keeping. Towards these ends veganism makes its practical contribution. Not veganism only, for there are many collateral movements of great importance: The Soil Association, The Men of the Trees, and many others both here and abroad. All these centres of endeavour are fundamentally united in one great front that is advancing towards the high goal of a perfection of relationships between man, nature and the Hidden Power of AH. 2



M.B.N.A., F.B.B.(Th)A.

Veganism is, to my mind, allied to what might be termed Divine Architecture, for the earliest architecture was the expression of man's intuitive beliefs and ideals, and an urge to express the vision he saw and understood in the creation of an edifice expressing a spiritual concept of balance, beauty, elevation, true form and strength. The ancient cathedrals or temples were revelations not only in stone, but had a correspondence within the human temple. The architects were careful to use only the purest of elements and materials; those materials which afforded strength and delicacy, translucency and harmony, as the exquisite delicate arching of the Gothic portrays. The inspired artists sought the finest of materials. They knew the law of balance, and how delicacy should be buttressed in strength as the buildings rose higher and higher. The great builders were themselves cemented together by craftsmanship and brotherhood, for their work was always symbolic of an inspired and unconscious spiritual concept. Within the vegan concept there is the vision of the building of the human temple, the building of a beautiful and serene life in an age of violence, frustration, speed and fear, fear in the life of the creatures, atmospheres of bloodshed, callousness for life, and the consequent resultant of a fevered, diseased and parasitic condition. It would seem that veganism is seeking to restore a purified humanism—a humanism that will restore not only the balance of life on this planet, but will restore the unity of the human race by building scientifically with the full understanding of the human organism and its needs, its structure, function and inclusions, its foundation and rhythm, its amazing circulatory system and delicately balanced nervous system, all of which have their correspondence in the architecture of the human temple, a temple balanced in strength, equipped to meet the demands of the new age in health and well-being, mentally and spiritually alert, immune to the diseases of mankind, living in tune with the life of man and creatures, and with the order and balance of the universe. What was the original blue-print for humanity and the human organism, its pure bloodstream, vital cell life, perfect nervous balance, skeletal structure? What were the bricks with which this amazing structure were to be built? Were they the elements of death and decay, the elements obtained by cruelty and theft? Nay, rather were they provided for by a Divine Provision through nature, as indicated 4,000 years B.C., and still is true for us to-day. Genesis 1, v.29. " Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon 3

the face of the Earth, and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed. To you it shall be for meat." In consideration of the laws of nature, we need to expand our awareness in consciousness in order to take in the wider life of our existence on this Planet Earth, to live in and become conscious of and absorb its rhythms, its atmosphere and seasons; its place in the great family of our solar-planetary system moving amidst the larger family of the Milky Way; conscious of the forces with which we are surrounded, the laws of electricity and magnetism, the mystery of gravitation, that attractive force so closely allied with the word Love in its highest sense, by which all worlds are held, as well as the levels upon which we take our place in the great macrocosm of which we are the microcosmic part, to know that we are an essential part of it all, and that we are custodians of our small but glorious planet, its children, and the creatures upon it. At the present time, nature's finer forces are being released, a new type of human being is evolving, there are signs of a finer sensitivity, a keener intellectual ability; an awareness of beauty, refinement, art, music and a living in an ever-expanding Universe. We are less animal—more finely tuned, therefore we need to support this sensitivity by nourishing and building the human temple with those elements which will not be at variance with this new development. The whole edifice is entering a new stage of architecture—a re-generation—a return to the perfect original; this is possible and an immunity to disease obtained, for we shall only gain this immunity by the return to the moral law of " Thou shalt not kill", either for life, for food, for vaccination or innoculation, or the building of the human temple with foreign substances. We are built with life for life, holding before us the vision : " Thou shalt not hurt or destroy in all My Holy Mountains." ALL LIFE IS SACRED T . L . VASWANI

To defend the weak, to guard those that are below us in the scale of evolution, is to grow in the nobility and strength of life. The beast and the bird cannot speak to us in the language we understand : they cannot protect themselves : for centuries they have suffered for our sins against them. The Blessed Buddha said :—" When wisdom came to me, I resolved to defend the weak, and to all living things I gave compassion of my heart." Yes,— with wisdom grows " maitri " or feeling of kinship with all life: and matiri (compassion) will be the basis of a new morality, a new culture, a new civilisation in the coming days. 4

Slavery in its gross forms has been abolished in civilised areas. In a new era of awakening, animal rights will, also, be recognised. Civilisation will become humanisation, and men will learn to bend in reverence to the sub-human God. In a pretty, little story, we read that the Angels asked God if there was anything in the world stronger than rocks. " Yes," answered God ; " stronger than rocks is iron : for iron can break rock." " Anything stronger than iron? " asked the Angels. And the Lord answered :—" Fire; for iron may be melted in fire." " Anything stronger than fire? " asked the Angels. And the Lord said :—" Yes, water; for fire is quenched by water." " Anything stronger than water? " the Angels asked again. And the Lord answered :—" Yes, wind ; for wind may scatter water." " Anything stronger than wind? " asked the Angels. " Yes," said the Lord ; " sympathy is stronger. And nothing there be that is stronger than the compassionate heart." Compassion, mcatri, will be the key to the new social order. [Reprinted from " East and West Series," 10 Connaught Road, Poona 1, India.] ANNOUNCEMENTS

A Generous Donation For the increase in size of this issue of The Vegan from 16 to d to the generosity of Miss Edna Towell, Bournemouth, Hampshire. The valuable thereby rendered to our work is highly ll has particularly requested that her pages should enable space to be given to correspondence and to the activities of the Plantmilk Society. A Vegan Correspondence Bureau Miss Towell will act as Co-ordinator of a Vegan Correspondence Bureau. There are many vegans who, entirely isolated from those following the same ideals, feel the need for some measure of contact with their fellow vegans. A Correspondence Bureau will be formed to meet this need. Vegans anywhere are invited to write to Miss Towell, who will put them in touch with, and pass on their letters to, other vegans. In this way, widespread postal contacts can be made, and personal experience and ideas shared with others. It is hoped to select certain letters for publication in The Vegan. Please avail yourselves of this proposed scheme and help make it a success. 5


" Kinship with all Life," by J. Allen Boone, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1954. This remarkable book must occupy a high place in a catalogue of writings devoted specifically to elucidating the nature of mananimal relationships. It is perhaps the only work that has yet appeared that penetrates to the essence of man's hidden and undeveloped capacity to communicate with animals. This ability was known, maybe, in ages gone before. In a noble Foreword, Mr. Boone writes :— " . . . It is interesting to recall that people of ancient times appear to have been great virtuosos in the art of living, particularly skilled in the delicate science of being in right relations with everything, including animals. These people recognised the inseparable unity of Creator and creation. They were able to blend themselves with the universal Presence, Power and Purpose that is forever moving back of all things. Life to these ancients was an all-inclusive kinship in which nothing was meaningless, nothing unimportant, and from which nothing could be excluded. They refused to make any separating barriers between mineral and vegetable, between vegetable and man, or between man and the great Primal Cause which animates and governs all things. Every living thing was seen as a partner in a universal enterprise. . . . Those were the days when ' the whole earth was of one language and speech and all was one grand concord '. Humans, animals, snakes, birds, insects—all shared a common language. . . . Can we 'modern humans' recapture this seemingly lost universal language? Can we by means of it learn to move in genuine good fellowship not only with the members of our own species, but with other creatures? I believe that we can." Mr. Boone's initiation into animal communication commenced when he was asked to house and care for Strongheart—the very remarkable and justly famous motion picture dog-star—in a state of emergency between production schedules. This highly alert, intelligent and responsible animal so aroused Mr. Boone's curiosity into the whys and wherefores of animal-man relationships, that he determined to learn all that he possibly could of the potentialities of this mysterious rapport. Slowly he came to realise that there are certain essential prerequisites to be acquired by man if he is to communicate with creatures. And here I distil them from my reading of the book. First, a profound and receptive humility in the presence of all living things, a complete absence of any sense of superiority, and a realisation that all forms of life are manifestations of the One Divinity. Second, a capacity, before doing or saying anything in 6

the presence of an animal, for making silent contact with it, a contact radiated out from both heart and mind, a soundless talking in which you shower upon the creature " genuine interest, respect, appreciation, admiration, affection, gentleness, courtesy, good manners." This preliminary diffusion of an entirely sympathetic and appreciative emotional and mental atmosphere provides the key to a favourable, co-operative and affectionate response from all life regardless of its form, classification or reputation. Third, a pure desire to see the animal develop its own best and highest qualities, to progress along the road of freedom, untainted and unrestrained by any unconscious human urge to exert wrongful power or domination over it. Fourth, the establishment of a twoway mental bridge for thought traffic to pass both ways. But this bridge must never be slanted down at an animal as though from a superior to an inferior: it must be held " high, horizontal and as wide open to receive as to send." The essence of this is the humility to receive the silent messages that all living forms ceaselessly impart, never to see creatures as inferior, limited or unrelated to men, but to see them as unconditioned fellow beings, miraculous expressions of the One Universal Life pervading all. Fifth, the realisation that almost all animals live out from a pure heart, that is from pure motives, and that man, too, must live out from a pure heart and pure motives if he wishes to communicate with them. In other words, purity of thinking, of character, of purpose and •actions is an essential for blending in mutual understanding with nature's living beings. So Mr. Boone and Strongheart " shared in the simple universal language which moves without the need for sound from heart to heart." He writes : " What made our silent conversations so easy and so rewarding was the invisible Primary Factor that was responsible for the entire activity . . . Neither Strongheart nor I was doing any communicating as of ourselves. Neither of us was expressing himself as an original thinker or an independent source. On the contrary, we were being communicated through by the Mind of the Universe. We were being used as living instruments for its good pleasure. That primal, illimitable and eternal Mind was moving through me to Strongheart, and through Strongheart to me. Thus I came to know that it moves through everything everywhere in a ceaseless rhythm of harmonious kinship. I was privileged to learn how to get my human ego and intellect out of the way, how to blend my best with Strongheart's best, and how to let the Universe express itself through us as the Universe with its wisdom and long experience well knows how to do. Thus did Strongheart and I share in that silent language which the Mind of the Universe is constantly speaking through all life and for the greater good of all life." The author recounts also his communications with ants, a fly, a skunk. What emerges from these encounters is the fact that the frequently unfavourable attitude of many creatures towards man is 7

simply an immediate and direct reaction to the undesirable emanations of unconscious thought and feeling which man radiates out as he approaches them or as they approach him. One of the most important points established by Mr. Boone is that once the true art of communication is acquired animals will respond willingly to reasonable directives and requests projected mentally or vocally to them. Thus a colony of ants removed itself permanently from his porch and kitchen after he had broadcast to them his great admiration for their fine qualities together with a polite request that they should remove to the garden. A fly which became devoted to him would unfailingly oblige him by never settling on his face or hands—he had particularly asked the fly not to do this sifter the initial encounters—but it would always alight on Boone's outstretched finger when invited to do so. All this reveals enormous potentialities for man-animal relationships in the future. For our concern as vegans it not only to encourage the cessation of all forms of animal exploitation, but to replace such a false and ignoble relationship by a redeemed one founded on mutual trust and co-operation, in which animals can, by specific means of communication, join with man in the creative management of this great estate, the earth. It is towards a technique of this order and significance that Mr. Boone's book points with such brilliance. We cannot but hope that all those seriously concerned with the development of new relationships between man and nature will earnestly study, seek to understand and apply the high art of which Mr. Boone has become such a master in humility. A fine, enthralling and extremely well-written book. ($2.50 from Harper and Brothers, 49 East 33rd Street, New York 16, N.Y., U.S.A.) THE VEGAN SOCIETY Statement of Accounts for Year Ended 30th September, 1956 INCOME £ s. d. 25 3 6 Batik Balance 1955 Subscriptions— 1955 1956 ... 172 5£ 1957 ... Donations 558 123 242 6 10 Literature— General 9 16 8 Magazine 18 11 1 28 7 9 Advertisements 65 0 10 6

£360 18 11 Audited and found correct: H . M . HAINES, 16th November, 1956.



£ s. d. Magazine 150 4 6 Secretarial 28 6 5 Advertising 6 14 3 I.V.U. ... 5 0 0 A.G.M. ... 5 4 0 Cookery Demonstration Conversazione Sundries— Rules ... 8 15 0 Sundries 6 0 0 14 15 0 Balance in hand at 30th Sept., 1956 ... 144 7 7 £360 18 11

Miss D. W.


Hon. Treasurer.

Jt (Kljristmas



Celery and Cabbage Soup Carrot and Nut Savoury, Tomato Sauce Brussels Sprouts, Braised Turnips Roast Potatoes Christmas Pudding, Mince Pies CELERY AND CABBAGE SOUP

1 1 2 1

small white cabbage head of celery pts. stock or water onion

1 oz. margarine 2 potatoes Seasoning Parsley, bay leaf

j ÂŁ 1 2

lb. Hazelnuts lb. wholemeal breadcrumbs large onion oz. margarine

i teaspoon sage Gravy Seasoning 1 lb. carrots

Make stock of leaves of cabbage, also celery. Cut onion and celery in small pieces, shred cabbage. Braise these in saucepan for 10 minutes. Then add potatoes diced, bay leaf, seasoning, stock. Cook until soft. Press through sieve, re-boil. Garnish with chopped parsley. CARROT AND NUT SAVOURY

Mix nuts, crumbs, seasoning together. Cut onion finely, fry golden brown, sprinkle over sage. Place onions on top of mixture, pour over about 6 tablespoons thick gravy, mix into soft consistency. Cut carrots into rings, cook until soft. Line pudding basin with carrots, put in mixture, cover with greaseproof paper. Steam 1 hour. TOMATO SAUCE 1 lb. tomatoes 2 oz. margarine 1 onion

1 oz. wholemeal flour 3 pt. stock Seasoning

Cut onions finely, fry golden brown, add tomatoes cut small, also seasoning. Sift in flour, add stock, stirring all the time. Bring to the boil, pass through strainer, re-boil. CHRISTMAS PUDDING

i | ÂŁ | i

lb. currants lb. sultanas lb. raisins (stoned) lb. mixed chopped peel lb. suenut

i lb. Barbados sugar 4 grated nutmeg 6 ozs. wholemeal breadcrumbs 1 oz. wholemeal flour 1 cup of orange juice or Mosfelle

Wash fruit and dry. Mix all dry ingredients together, grate in suenut and nutmeg, lastly stir in orange juice or Mostelle. Let mixture stand over-night. Put into greased basin, cover with greaseproof paper and cloth. Steam 8 hours, turn out of basin when cool. 9


} lb. cashew nut butter 1 oz. soft sugar

Rind of i lemon 6 or 7 tablespoons hot water

Beat all ingredients well together. When cold it is ready for use. MINCE PIES

i i } |

lb. lb. lb. lb.

currants sultanas stoned raisins Barbados sugar

} lb. chopped mixed peel i lb. grated suenut Rind and juice of lemon { lb. apples

Wash fruit, chop finely, add grated apple, lemon rind, suenut, nutmeg. Mix all well together with fork, lastly adding lemon juice. Put into glass jar, cover. CHRISTMAS CAKE

1 lb. wholemeal flour 6 ozs. nutter J lb. currants } lb. sultanas J lb. seeded raisins 2 ozs. cherries 2 ozs. chopped mixed peel

} 1 i 6 1

lb. Barbados sugar teaspoon baking powder teaspoon agar agar tablespoons hot water for agar to be dissolved in rind grated and juice of orange

Wash all fruit and dry. Rub fat into flour, add dry ingredients gradually. Mix into soft consistency with orange juice and agar dissolved in hot water. Beat well. Place mixture into thickly lined cake tin, put in slow oven, bake 3 to 4 hours. When cold cover with marzipan and decorate with glac6 fruits. 6 ozs. ground cashew nuts 2 ozs. soya flour 8 ozs. soft brown sugar


Juice of one orange Almond essence

Mix all dry ingredients together, add orange juice and essence to flavour. Roll out mixture to size of cake. Place on cake, decorate with crystallised orange and lemon slice, also cherries with angelica. .

1 lb. dates 2 ozs. walnuts


2 ozs. desiccated coconut

Stone dates, place \ walnut in, roll in coconut, or castor sugar. Put in paper cases. MARZIPAN BRAZIL NUTS Cover Brazil nuts with marzipan, roll in chocolate powder or nuts. 10


Amoy Canning Corporation Ltd., 51 Bohem Strand, E. Hong Kong. Canned Vegetables, Fruits, Chili Sauce, Gluten Sauce, TabascoPuree, Bean Curd, Soy Bean Sauce, Preserved Ginger in Syrup, Crystallized Dried Ginger. These products are kept by Messrs. G. Costa & Co., Ltd., Goldsmith Road, London, S.E.I5, and many large stores and delicatessen shops. G. and T. Bridgewater Ltd., Shirley Works, Park Royal Road, N.W.10. Dad's Cookies are vegan. They contain sun dried fruit pulped by the above firm. No animal fats or adulterants are used. The biscuits have a crisp nut and fruit flavour. Peek, Frean & Co. Ltd., Keetons Road, Bermondsey, S.E.I6. Araby Sandwich, Garibaldi, Hotel, Nice, Wafer Cracker Biscuits, Vitawheat. W. Prewett Ltd., Horsham, Sussex. The new Scone Mix contains milk. Thomas Mitchell Hill Ltd., Craigmillar, Edinburgh 9. Healthy Life Biscuits contain buttermilk. Country Fare and Digestive Biscuits are both vegan. The new Edinburgh Shortbread contains butter. Snowcrest Ltd., 8 Whites Row, Commercial Street, E.l. Table Jellies (Raspberry, Strawberry, Lemon, Orange, Blackcurrant, Greengage) contain no animal products whatever, either in the ingredients, flavouring or colouring. The main ingredients consist of sugar, sodium alginate (a sea-weed product) and a glucose derivative. Ice-cream products are made in two varieties, the " milk" variety made from completely vegetable products except for the inclusion of milk powder, and the " Parev " variety, made 100 per cent from vegetable and mineral products. Wheaten Flour, Corn Flour, Soya Flour, Palm Kernel Oil, Golden Block fat, and sugar are the main ingredients used. " Parev " ice-cream is supplied in tubs (6d.), family blocks (2/-), Neapolitan blocks (2/6), gateaux (5/-), and can be obtained from Messrs. Fine, 22 Leather Lane, E.C.I, and Messrs. Cohen Delic, 74 Edgware Road, W.2, in Central London and various shops all over the country. Ice lollies and water ices are free from all animal matter. All products are sanctioned by the London Beth Din. All machinery is stainless steel. Suchard Ltd., Keetons Road, S.E.16. Velma, Velma Almond, Bittra Chocolates. 11

Cerebos Ltd., Willesden, N.W.10. Salt (Cerebos and Saxa), Stag Cooking Salt, Bisto (Gravy maker), Pepper (Cerebos and Saxa), Saxa Spices, Pat-a-fish Golden Breadcrumbs are vegan. Peek, Frean & Co. Ltd., Bermondsey, S.E.16. Araby Sandwich, Garibaldi, Hotel, Nice, Vita-Wheat and Wafer Cracker biscuits are vegan. Fullers, Hammersmith, W.6. Fullers now offer some new vegan products.—Edinburgh Rock, Tangerine Bars, Assorted Fruit Cushions and Chocolate Coffee Creams. Hanworth Food Products Ltd., Colnbrook, Bucks. Their new chocolate mould is made from white sugar, rich cocoa, Irish Moss and Bourbon Vanilla Beans. There is no starch, no artificial colouring and no synthetic flavouring. The mould can be made with nut cream or nut butter in place of ordinary milk and is delicious. A chocolate drink can be made with the same powder. A oz. packet costs 1/-. Alaska Table Cream is another vegan product, but at the moment is available to caterers only. Smith and Nephew Ltd., Welwyn Garden City. Blue Velvet hand lotion contains beeswax and a derivative of lanolin which is obtained from sheep's wool. Nivea Creme, Skin Oil, Sunning Oil, Suncaps, and Sunspray contain the same lanolin derivative. Their elastoplast is vegan. And if you are going to a hot climate you can use Nivea Sunfilta Cream with a clear vegan conscience! From a summary given by Horace W. Soper, M.D., F A.C.P., of St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., in his report on milk occurring in the " Archives of Pediatrics " ; 60: 1—9, January, 1943 : "1. All animals excepting the human, cease the use of milk as a food after weaning. 2. As a result of his violation of a primary biologic law, man has been severely penalised by the host of infectious diseases that are disseminated by milk. 3. The dairy cow, stimulated and bred to yield milk over a long period of time, develops hypertrophy of the mammary gland. She is frequently found to be infected with a low grade streptococcus mastitis. Efforts to disinfect the udder often cause a chronic eczema ; crusts and scales fall into the milk. 4. Milk is such a good culture medium that it is frequently contaminated by infectious agents not originating in the cow. ' Bacterial soup ' is a good synonym for it. (5 . . .). 6. Raw milk is unfit for human consumption. 7. Pasteurised milk as it reaches the consumer usually contains pathogenic bacteria and is not to be relied upon as a safe food." 12


It is extraordinary the degree to which man leans upon the cow. It is as if this great maternal prop were drawn from under him, he would falter, fail and utterly expire! This, of course, is nonsense. We can be as independent of the cow for our sustenance as we can of the goat, rhinoceros or tortoise. Why, then, this great, fantastic, universal superstition ? Apart from all humanitarian considerations, if we can thrive in health in independence of this productive female animal, why continue to enslave ourselves to her products, ceaselessly to fuss round her at great cost of economy and labour? We chain ourselves to this animal to derive that which we do not need. We know of the bondage of the cow, but what of the bondage of the man who has bound himself to her. Let us admit it, there is no argument to support the maintenance of the cow ; we simply do not need her for sound nutrition. Yet still this great bovine superstition haunts the minds of men, produces erudite treatises and endless analyses, infects with doubt and fear so many of those who are unable to approach the realm of emancipated diet. Perhaps there is an archaic residuum in human consciousness of the symbolic significance of the cow : the Divine Mother, Om, Bhakti, the universal storehouse of repletion, the great fecund womb from which all life arises. But here is the great illusion : we cannot unite with the Divine Mother by partaking of the physical substance of her symbolic incarnation. She reveals herself only to the awakened soul in that splendour where the realm of matter is left far behind. She is the Innermost Mystery, and we commune with her in greatest fulness when the temple has been truly purified. And here is the key: let us purify the temple. It is surprising that psychologists have not paid more attention to the craving of mankind for milk—that smooth, bland maternal product—and its derivatives. Dies not this craving indicate that we are not as yet emancipated from the infantile experience of the mother? And, deeper still, that we are bound to the great mother Earth herself, afraid to turn from that heaving sumptuous bosom to the light of the day that awaits us? For what is the effect of renouncing all animal substance? It is a basic reorientation towards the Light, a cleansing of the vehicle, a sensitization of sensibilities. The soul stands stripped of the encumbrances which generations of corruption have heaped upon it. And it is this sudden illumination, the light of a new day, of which we are afraid. But why fear? And why do with that which we can with benefit do without? 13

THE PLANTMILK SOCIETY Editor's Note: We have great pleasure in including in this issue the full text of the Report of the first Annual General Meeting of the Plantmilk Society, held at Friends House, Euston Road, London, N.W.I, on October 6th, 1956. The aims and endeavours of this new Society are held by the Vegan Society in high esteem ; the manufacture and sale of a first-grade plantmilk in this country would greatly assist in a practical way an increased adoption of the vegan diet. We are glad also to announce that three members of the Vegan Society Committee—Mrs. M. Drake, Miss C. Harvey and Mr. J. Sanderson—have been appointed to the Committee of the Plantmilk Society. We take this opportunity to wish the new Society an early and fruitful harvest to its labours, and to assure it of our wholehearted support. *




Mr. C. A. Ling (Chairman) was in the chair. After his opening remarks he called upon the Secretary for his report on progress since the inauguration, on June 23rd this year. The Secretary stated that the Society was now well established and was served by a number of persons whose qualifications would prove of considerable value. In addition, the general support and interest which the Society was attracting was a source of considerable encouragement. As an example of the interest being shown, the Secretary stated that almost every post continued to bring inquiries or other matters to be dealt with. He had kept in fairly regular contact with the Society's Chairman, and with the Chairman and Secretary of the Research Committee, and some other members, both by correspondence and by personal visits. The Society welcomed and was grateful for publicity which it was receiving in the Press. The vegetarian magazines and an animal welfare magazine had published good notices of the inaugural meeting. A report which appeared in the London Evening News (" Now your milk may come from a plant") had resulted in a number of inquiries for information, following which the Society had gained several new members, some with valuable qualifications. Inquiries for information were also received from journals which cater for the dairy trade, and from one which caters for the food trade in general. Two national weekly publications, with large circulations, had also made inquiries. Reports had appeared in the foreign Press, following which inquiries had been received from business firms in Spain and Portugal concerning the possibility of manufacturing plantmilk in those countries. An organisation on the Gold Coast had ordered from the Society a supply of plantmilk—but they had had to be informed (regretfully!) that their order was a little premature. 14

Further correspondence had taken place with the Californian company which manufactured and sold plantmilk in America. This company had sent a gift of two tins of one of their generalpurpose plantmilks. This particular kind was a double-strength plantmilk, being mixed with an equal amount of water before use. In appearance, it is not unlike dairy milk, and it has a pleasant taste. It is suitable for use in tea, coffee' and other beverages and for general domestic uses. It conforms to American standards of nutrition and hygiene. The Secretary continued by saying that an application to the Board of Trade made on behalf of a British company, for a licence to import this plantmilk had been refused on the grounds of the government's balance of payments policy. An application was to be made for an import licence for the special type of soya bean which is the basis of the American plantmilk. Should this be granted, the company concerned would consider the possibility of erecting a pilot factory for the manufacture of plantmilk in this country upon an experimental scale. The company would have available to it both the formula and the details of the manufacturing process involved in the production of the American milk. Knowledge gained during many years of research and experience in America would thus be available as the starting point for the production of plantmilk in Britain. The plan, however, depended upon certain preliminary factors, such as the import licence, and for these reasons optimism must for the moment be restrained. With regard to the function of the Society now and in the future, the Secretary said that it had brought together several qualified persons, who would not otherwise have come together, who would give the Society the scientific and practical backing which was necessary for the success of its work. In a general sense, the Society had acted as a focus, and had injected life into an idea which had existed theoretically in a number of places for a number of years. With regard to the future, the Society would, of course, pursue by every means available to it the object for which it was formed. It would co-operate with manufacturers interested in the plantmilk project and give them every possible encouragement. It would also keep alive the underlying humanitarian motive which had been the main cause of its formation. The Secretary concluded by saying that the future might see the growth of a quite novel partnership—that of the manufacturers on the one hand and the Society on the other, each working in their own way for a common end. Such a partnership would indeed be a partnership of principle and practice, and an effective instrument for the achievement of the Society's aim. The meeting appointed the following Officers and Committee to serve until the next Annual General Meeting :— Chairman: Mr. C. A. Ling; Secretary and Treasurer : Mr. L. J. Cross; Committee: Dr. B. P. Allinson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Mr. E. T. Banks, Mrs. J. van Brugen, Mr. D. Fairclough, Mr. 15

W. S. James, M.Sc., Dr. D. Latto, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.O.G., Mrs. Claire Lowenfeld, Mr. W. Ninniss, Mr. G. E. Norris, Dr. C. V. Pink, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Mr. J. Sanderson, Dr. F. Wokes, Ph.D., B.Sc., F.P.S., etc., Mrs. M. Drake, Miss C. Harvey, Mr. W. Holttum. (The first twelve Committee members mentioned constitute the Research Committee, of which Dr. Wokes and Mr. Norris were re-elected as Chairman and Secretary.) It was also agreed that Dr. Franklin be approached with an invitation to serve upon the committee. A financial statement presented to the meeting showed that income up to October 6th was ÂŁ227, with a balance at the Bank of ÂŁ208. The majority of those who had originally expressed interest in the formation of the Society had now paid their subscriptions for the year ending September 1st, 1957. The amount of the balance at the Bank now made it possible for a number of matters to be considered by the Committee, notably the drafting and printing of literature, the need for which was becoming increasingly apparent. At the conclusion of the general meeting, a meeting of the Committee was held. Consideration was given in detail to the draft of a statement concerning the Plantmilk Society for issue to a food trade magazine which had requested such a statement for possible publication. The draft was finally approved. (In addition to the journal concerned, the statement has been supplied to two other trade journals whose Editors have applied to the Secretary for information.) *




A Literature sub-Committee was appointed by the Committee to consider the drafting of general literature. The sub-Committee consists of Mr. Fairclough, Mr. Ling, Dr. Wokes and the Secretary. At both the General meeting and the Committee meeting, several members expressed the view that the progress made during the few months since the Society's inauguration was encouraging. This view was endorsed by the Chairman, who also pointed out that the need for the Society would continue for some time even after a plantmilk industry had been established in this country. He asked members to continue to give the Society the sustained support which it would need in order to achieve the task it had set itself. * * * * The object of the Plantmilk Society is to promote the manufacture and sale of a satisfactory alternative to dairy or other animal milk used for human consumption, the ingredients of such alternative to be of exclusively plant origin. Any person willing to support the object of the Society is eligible for membership on payment of an annual subscription of not less than five payable on September 1st of each year. Subscription, o be sent to the Secretary, Mr. Leslie J. Cross, Uxbridge, Middlesex.


Dear Sir, I thought you might be interested to know what I am doing for the welfare of animals and the promotion of strict vegetarianism and veganism. The following is a summary of what I have been able to accomplish to date. Membership : 10,012, from 59 countries. Number converted to vegetarianism : 2,941. Number of animals helped through the post and personally: 8,902. I founded my League in 1952, and work with very limited funds, as I rely on donations only. Membership is free, to interest the people in this great cause. Actually, I am a vegan, and although I have only succeeded in converting people to vegetarianism—which is a great step away from a meat diet—I hope that before long they will turn to veganism. I have agents in 14 countries, helping me spread the gospel of animal welfare, and have distributed million leaflets (sent by other welfare workers), sent 1,992 protests and appeals throughout the world in my fight for animals' rights, and endeavour to educate the people to the right way of eating. My educational plan is sent in 20 different languages. With every good wish for your efforts. (MRS.) SHEILA STEDMAN, (Founder & President). The World League of Animal Lovers, P.O. Box 24, Durban, Natal, S. Africa. Dear Sir, I am completely thrilled with the article by Mr. C. D. Desai. You surely are doing a grand work, to find such people and get their articles. More power to you and may God bless you. The article is just marvellous and so true, and beautifully expressed. What a magnificent paragraph from " The urge . . . till the rest of his life." How true it is! He gives new life to real veganism without fussing about Vitamin B, , etc., etc. He is grand, he has the truth. I will write to him, as no doubt he has met a lot of vegans worrying about their health. There is nothing to worry about. Compassion and purity can never be harmful, but fears and worries about self create poisons. How can such tremendous cruelty in the animal-poultry-dairyand fish industries be health-giving? No so-called authorities or so-called scientific findings can ever suppress real compassion with all down trodden, exploited, tortured beings, may they be humans or animals (the humans in such degrading jobs should also be considered). So, none of these statements can change our minds. Once this feeling of love and pity for our co-dwellers is born NOTHING, NOTHING can stop it, as it is Divine, and we go on socially, in business (which should be constructive as Buddha says : " Right livelihood ") and in any other way. We can go on. We know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Universe makes room for all those who know where they are going in a constructive and positive way. As the article of Mr. Desai is a masterpiece, I wonder, if you will make simple pamphlets from it. Such fearless vegan literature should be spread. There is plenty of the best nourishment in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains, that no real vegan ever fears. Moreover, food alone certainly is not all there is to health and wellbeing. The finest diet . . . and still we may become ill, and why not? There are countless other things on the physical plane to consider, and also our emotional make up, our tensions, worries, fears, our wrong attitudes, etc., can do more to make us sick than even a wrong diet. Our emotional and mental attitude, and spiritual endeavours are of utmost importance. In the presence of babies and children, it is our duty to be calm, cheerful, thankful, and loving, so that they may be relaxed and without tensions, especially during meals. 2


Gratitude, cheerfulness, and the right kind of silence carry healing power. Let us take the whole man in consideration and not only his digestive tract. Of course, it is wise to know something about diet, the simpler the better; not too many concoctions, and not too much and too many times, and the right combinations. If it be really simple and natural, we go a long way in the right direction. Referring to Mr. Desai's problems about the use of some articles ; indeed, we DO inquire about the sources of their ingredients. Gum, at least chewing gum, is unnecessary and impolite; anyway I thought that it comes from the gum tree. Writing paper is a problem for me. Toothpaste is unnecessary as long as we have apples and other fruit, and perhaps toothbrushes. Soap : we have plenty of strictly vegan soap. Cosmetics (permanent waves, lip-sticks, finger-nail-paint removers, powders, and perfumes), all based on animal experimentation, are unnecessary and in the main harmful. Can we not learn to be simple for our own good as well? The article by S. R. Chari was also very fine. Nothing better than veganism and nature cure. Your soya flour recipes are splendid for babies, whose mothers for some reason or other cannot nurse them, also for some people. Most people like recipes, so they are most useful. I am terribly sorry that I never knew Miss Edith M. Allan. Thirty years a vegan ; thirty years the Secretary of the Edinburgh Vegetarian Society. What a grand record. Please tell us something about her—how did she become a vegan so long ago? I am only about 20 years a vegan. Very best wishes to all of you ; you are doing a fine work with veganism, keep it up, let nothing stand in your way! DR. CATHERINE NIMMO, D.C., R.N. Oceano, California, U.S.A.

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<2/- per line: minimum 2 lines; 20% discount on four consecutive issues.) DR. R. CLAUSEN-STERNWALD, Naturopathic Physic for uncured cases anywhere in the world. Write : Tring, Herts., England. FREE Furnished Accommodation in Liverpool, offered to an enthusiastic vegetarian couple (with or without children) with a view to their future development of the premises as a Vegetarian Home for Children.— Write Box 30, c/o " The Vegan." HELP to save animals now from suffering and exploitation. Write: Secretary, St. Francis Fields of Rest, Northiam, Sussex. NATURAL Grown Dried Bilberries. Valuable nutritional source of potassium, iron, etc. A truly organically grown food. Delightful flavour. Grows only wild. Packet sufficient for 20-24 servings, 6s. lid. post free, or Trial Package 2s. 3d. post free. Quotations larger quantities. Easy to prepare. For enjoyment and for your good health. Central Health Stores, 4, Clarence Street, Brighton. SELECTION, Service and Satisfaction and the finest selection of new and used motorcycles, Bonds, Reliants, Scooters, Sidecars and good used cars at RON McKENZIE'S, Manchester. Distributors for Morgan. Cash or terms. Exchanges. 961 Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester. LON. 2100. SPEAKING d WRITING les Dorothy Matthews, B.A., PRImrose 5686. STOP SUFFERING! Write! Describe Ailments! Regd. Naturopath. 49, Adelaide Road. Dublin. Reply envelope brings Positive Proof WHY BE ILL? Radiesthesia can find any vitamins or tissue salts that may be missing, thus causing fatigue. Write Box 265, c/o " The Vegan."


(1 /3d. per line ; 20% disoount on four consecutive issues.) BROOK LINN.—Callander, Perthshire. Excellent position overlooking valley, near Trossachs and Western Highlands. Easy access, station J mile. Good centre for walking and touring. Vegetarian and Vegan meals carefully prepared and attractively served. Comfortable amenities. Special family terms for Annexe rooms with all conveniences. Write for brochure. Muriel Sewell (Mrs. C. M. Choffin). Tel. : Callander 103. CORNWALL.—Vegans welcomed, lovely roseland garden to private beach. Brochure from: Trewithian Cove House, Portscatho (75), nr. Truro. DUBLIN New Health Group welcomes visitors. 49 Adelaide Road, Dublin. Tel. 67047. EASTBOUR dence. Bed and Breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Anning, , Eastbourne. Tel. 7024. EASTBOURNE. Edgehill Nursing Home, Acute, chronic, convalescent rest cure, spiritual healing. r, S.R.N., R.F.N., S.C.M. Tel. 627. EDSTONE, WOOTTON WAWEN, WARWICKSHIRE (near Stratfordupon-Avon). Modern house with every comfort, and compost-grown produce. Telephone: Claverdon 327. HINDHEAD.—Mrs. Nicholson, : garden adjoins golf course. Children welcome. Please support our advertisers and mention THE VEGAN to them.

KESWICK.—Highfield Vegetarian Guest House, The Heads, offers beautiful views; varied food and friendly atmosphere.—Anne Horner. Tel.: 508. LAKE DISTRICT. Rothay Bank, Grasmere. Attractive guest house for invigorating, refreshing holidays.—Write Isabel James. Tel. 134. LONDON.—Small vegetarian mins. London. Terms moderate. Mrs. M. Noble, Wimbledon. CHE. 3587. N O R T H WALES.—Vegan and vegetarian guest house, nr. mountains and woodland garden. Brochure from Jeannie and George Lake, Penmaen Park, Llanfairfechan. Tel.: 161. SCARBOROUGH.—Select guest house overlooking both bays. Highly recommended by vegetarians and vegans. Mulgrave House, 168 Castle Road. Tel. 3795. S C A R B O R O U G H —Uplands Private Hotel. Mr. K. C. Wales, Prince of Wales Terrace. Tel. 2631. ST. CATHERINE'S SCHOOL, Almondsbury, Near Bristol —Co-educational, boarding school for children from 7 to 17. 400 ft. up, overlooking Channel and Welsh Hills. Usual academic subjects, also Art, Music, Dancing, Speech Training, etc. WESTGATE-ON-SEA, KENT. Holiday Flatlets, self-catering, for Vegans and Vege guest. Occasional Vegan meals available; oking. Stamp for leaflet. Mrs. Arnaldi, Tel.: Thanet 31942.

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