25f Winter 1981
Vol.28 No.4
CONTENTS Stonger Currents "One", a Fable for Today The Earth Provides
— J. Sanderson - R. Lahmer - K. Jannaway
Breathing Together Vegan Camp 1981 Pulses
Also Reports, Recipes, Reviews, Letters, "Shopping with Eva"
L. Main F. Howard T. Sanders
Jack Sanderson
Deputy President:
Serena Goles
Eva Batt, Jay Dinshah, Catherine Nimmo Winifred Simmons, Mabel Simmons
Eva Batt, Serena Coles, Christopher Hall, Kathleen Jannaway, Jack Sanderson, Grace Smith, Alpay Torgut
Grace Smith
Hon. Secretary:
Kathleen Jannaway, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey
Assistant Secretary:
Laurence Main, 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, nr. Machynlleth, Gwynedd, SY20 9 L W , Wales.
£2.00 yearly. Additional members at same address and not requiring extra Journal, and unwaged, £1.00. Journal subscriptions only: £1.60 yearly.
Editors of " T H E V E G A N " quarterly journal: Jack Sanderson and Kathleen Jannaway (who do not necessarily agree with all opinions expressed in it or endorse advertisements). Publication dates: 21 March, June, September, December. Copy dates: 1st of preceding month. The Vegan Society was formed in 1944 by a group of vegetarians who had become aware of the suffering inseparable from the dairy industry and decided to omit all animal products from their diet. Its advantages as regards human health and the wise use of the world's resources became apparent and in 19.64 it was granted Charity status. In 1979 it became a Limited Company and its Charity status was confirmed. Its declared object is "to further knowledge of and interest in sound nutrition and tn veganism and the vegan method of agriculture as a means of increasing the potential of the earth to the physical, moral and economic advantage of mankind". Veganism is defined as a way of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, animal milk and its derivatives (the taking of honey being left to individual conscience). It encourages the study and use of alternatives for all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals. Free from commitment to any religious, political, philosophical, social, dietary or medical group, members of the Vegan Society endeavour to co-operate with all who are seeking a positive way forward for mankind.
As the Vegan Society enters its 38th year, it is no longer an unnoticed, unnamed rivulet just beginning its long journey to the ocean, but is now a named river, worthy of note, and carrying a current of thought into life which will please some and disturb many. On meeting veganism, the validity, logic and truth of its ideas causes some to switch over to its practice immediately whilst some others resolve to change to it sooner or later, or more slowly perhaps because of present family or social difficulties. Others may see it as a danger to their present lifestyle or even to their livelihood. It is not usually realised how many people are engaged in work that depends directly or indirectly upon the exploitation of the animal kingdom - a cursory glance at the goods for sale on the next journey
through the High Street would be very revealing. For many, veganism is something to be resisted or even attacked - unfortunately it is not easy to attack fairly and directly, so attacks tend to be indirect or to misrepresent it. The unfair attack in the medical press of two years ago, which provoked the righteous indignation of many nutritionists who replied to it, was followed recently by an article in the Observer (18 October, 1981, page 38) in which Paul Levy warns of the dangers of vegetarianism and veganism. He appears to be one of that large body of people whose lives are dictated by their taste buds - who "yearn for a plain grilled steak" even though they know that "it is indisputable that the production of meat uses up an unjustified percentage of the earth's resources to feed relatively few" (his own words). Many of us believe that taste buds were impaired when we were trained (often against our own wishes) to eat flesh foods when we were children. (It is rather a sad commentary on our time that the cost of the Observer Dinner Party which Paul is helping to arrange is ÂŁ27, the current value per week of the Old Age Pension.) Whilst this year's World Food Day on Friday, 16 October, was intended for us to think about the food problems of the Third World, Paul Levy suggests that for World Food Day 1982 all concerned should lobby for a regulation that vegetarian cookery books should carry a prominently printed health warning. Whilst the general tone of his article was flippant and suitable for "Punch", here and there one might gather that he knew his subject fairly well. Yet if this were so, he must be already aware that the appropriate authorities have already published their health warnings - on flesh and dairy diets. No editor expects every reader to agree with him (or her) on everything he writes for though we may vary widely in our views on religion and politics we share the common aims implied by the term veganism. I was however surprised by the reaction of a few readers of our Autumn issue when in the editorial I used the occasion of the royal wedding to emphasise the intrinsic worth of each human being and went on to stress non-exploitation-of life in general. No objective, fair-minded person could read into the article any kind of support for the hunting practices of any member of the Royal Family, or the farming practices of any dignitary of the church. The next two paragraphs made my position perfectly clear, as have many previous editorials where I have referred to this curious 1
aspect of Royal, church or general thinking, often called "speciesism", which allows some kind of creatures to be treated in ways that would be regarded as abhorrent for others. Animals' Rights is certainly a subject of our time and Centaur Press have an excellent book with that title (an edited record of a * symposium held at Cambridge in 1977). Another symposium with the same title is being arranged on 6 May, 1982, in London by the Vegetarian Society. After our A. G. M. held recently at Bournemouth, Jean Pink spoke on the history and work of Animal Aid. It is her wish and that of Compassion in World Farming that there be co-operation wherever possible in working to relieve the animal kingdom and she suggested that attention be focused on the L D 5 0 test and also just before Christmas on the theme "A Cruelty-free Christmas". W e as a Vegan Society are happy to co-operate wherever possible and reasonable and our members axe to be found in all the other societies working to relieve the burden on the animal kingdom. Sometimes an individual vegan is chided by a member of some other society, "Why don't you be more active and join this particular society (or that)?11 usually working on some aspect of the animal problem. Most vegans that I know are very busy and active people expressing their compassion in many ways and movements. They do sign petitions and go on demonstrations as others do. They are not eatingthe 7 cattle, 36 sheep, 36 pigs and 550 poultry that the average Briton consumes in his lifetime, or exploiting many other creatures for their products. They are probably trying to live a loving, compassionate life daily, and are friends of life in general, human, animal, plant and soil. They are really friends of the earth. Recently Serena Coles and I saw a new two hour film directed by Victor Schoni'eld called "The Animals' Film". It is a sickening but true indictment of man's treatment (or anathemal treatment) of the animal kingdom. Modern agriculture, commercial and "sport" hunting, pets and pet foods, trapping and fur coats, scientific research - medical, psychological, military and producttesting - all are shown. Sooner or later, vested interests will be overcome and the film will be shown on screen or TV. When it is - do go and see it and take as many others as you can - friends, relations and your society. Everyone must know what goes on - what is hidden. When this film hits the public conciousness the reaction could be so powerful that societies like ours would not just be aware of strong currents but the effect would be like shooting the rapids. We would find increased support matched by more attacks. Let us be ready when the time comes I J-. Sanderson
"Animals Rights- a Symposium" obtainable from 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey for ÂŁ6. 50 plus 90p p&p. 2
A Brother-Sisterhood Communitj A Fable for Today W e are visiting a brother-sisterhood community that lives by the "rule" of love. Among its members are those who were formerly alcoholics who through Alcoholics Anonymous found that through brotherly and sisterly love they could help each other break the drink habit. This lead to the solution of many other problems so they banded together to help form this community based on the principle of love in action and thoughts. Other members were meatoholics, cheese and milkoholics who, when confronted with the killing and* violence necessary in producing these products, realised that they had been blinded by tradition, fam-
ily customs, doctors and commercial-declarations. Only rarely did one admit that they would eat meat and cheese or drink milk if they personally had to kill the animals and hear the crying and pain, particularly of the mothers when the young animals are taken away so that milk can be used by humans. When they realised also that these habits of eating resulted, particularly in later life, in many sicknesses it was not so difficult to change their habits when helped by others who had already taken that step. There were also those who were addicted to sugar, tobacco and other drugs. Love has brought them together to help form a new, more humane society which avoids as far as possible all harmful substances or actions to the body and mind, to the earth, the animals, the air, rivers and seas. Theirs is mostly an outdoor life among fruit and nut trees, vegetable and flower gardens which supply their physical and spiritual food. Even the so-called wild animals and birds .are responding to the love principle and no longer have fear of humans here. In the communities are doctors, scientists and dieticians who have proved without a doubt that man's best food is frUit, nuts, vegetables and grains and that one's health is best preserved and strengthened by following a mostly uncooked eating regime. The former farmers and agronomists iamong them are helping to solve the food problems with natural scientific methods and everyone takes part and does their share of work in the gardens and orchards. Let's talk to one of the members. Sir, how did you happen to join this community? "I was a factory worker in a large city trying to raise my family in the midst of the city pollution, with strikes, street violence and all the problems of a large industrial city, when one summer I was vacationing near here and was told about the "One" by a friend. It seemed too good to be true so I came to see for myself and was kindly invited to spend some time in the guest house and learn about the community's principles and life. The whole atmosphere was so unhurried, and I never remember seeing so many smiling and happy faces; It seemed another world. I soon began to reason, why should I struggle for a big
city company and their profits when here I could work for my family and share with neighbours and have an opportunity to learn and create together for the welfare of the community;? It didn't take us long to decide to come here and we can never be thankful enough to those who guided us to this place. You should talk to father John who Is one of the older members of the "One". So we found father John and asked him to tell us about the community and its life. "Look, my friend, look at your hands, at your feet, your body - eyes, ears, the ability to taste and smell and feel, your brain, your nervous, digestive and circulatory systems. Can you imagine an instrument any more perfect than this human body? It is holy and must becaredfor with reverence. Doesn't it make sense to supply it with its proper food, exercise, rest and sleep? If we do so it will continue to serve us in optimum health for many, many years." "Now look at the soil under your feet. It is swarming with millions of little creatures that also need to be cared for. By composting all, and I mean all, of our wastes and returning them to the earth we feed these little creatures and they then work for us by giving us healthy plants which then, when eaten, produce health in the animals and humans." "Our rule of love means that we care for ourselves and our neighbours, reverence all life, human, animal and plant life, have no human or animals slaves. W e work together as a family and as far as possible supply our own needs. W e urge all men and women to live by this rule which is our heritage from God who is "love" as almost every great religious leader of the past has told u s . " Why did you name the community "one". " W e are all one, like an orchestra with many different instruments that must tune to a single tone. If they didn't the music would be chaotic. W e must all tune to the "One", to love. This could free the world from violence and fear. Together we could help the world to feed the hungry. Do you realise that ten times more food could be grown on the land if we gave up the meat, cheese and milk eating habits and turned to an agronomy based upon fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains? The sun and tree farms could supply all the energy needs. " "You see, since we work for ourselves and each other and not for profit we have much time left for other activities. There is much singing and making music in our group. W e have a fine chorus and chamber orchestra. W e write and put on plays and make films. W e send members out to tell others about the "One". W e have doctors of medicine, philosophy, humanities, scientists, agronomists who have accepted this way of life. W e have composers, artists, craftsmen, teachers, workers, people from all walks of life who live on our communities and share in our daily programme of work and activities. All are free to develop their talents and tendencies. W e keep each community to approximately one hundred members and it seems to function best when small. " How do you finance the community? 4
"Here, once established, we have few problems as we are mostly self-sufficient in food, clothing and essentials. Our electricity and energy is supplied by a central sun-collector. Housing can at first be a problem but many members come to us with some funds that helps projects to get started. W e are not luxury loving but try to live a simple, full life." How do you do for sports and games ? "Look, our sport is our life, our gardens and orchards. W e exercise daily and have swimming facilities but these are all for the development of our bodies and minds. How is such a community started and how does one go about joining one? " W e have several booklets that give this information, one about our general policies and the "rule" of love, another about man's natural foods, one on composting and compost toilets, mulching and enriching the soil, another about how to begin such a community. W e are not an exclusive society. Anyone can form such a community but all will fail if they do not abide by the "rule" of love. W e urge each person to begin each day by asking love to guide one's actions and thoughts, greet the morning with love for your wife or husband, family, home and neighbours. Even plants and flowers will respond to loving care and thoughts. In one's work and contact with others send out vibrations of love and see how great will be the response. As the day fades and one's eyes close for the night's sleep and rest, ask love to embrace your dreams and your nightly hours. As you follow this rule you find that it becomes more and more contagious and you learn to see love everywhere, in others, in all things, and one begins to realise that this is the generating force of life. This our rule is the basic principle that binds all together and makes us "One". Thank you father John.
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Reuel Lahmer
T H E CHURCH'S S U P R E M E DISGRACE by Vera Yorke, published by "New Horizon", Bognor Regis, Sussex. ÂŁ4.50 + 50p p. & p. obtainable from the Vegan Society.
This book is an impassioned plea for recognition of the true status of mammals and birds as creatures with feelings much the same as our own, differing from us mainly in that they are not capable of the diabolic cruelty that dominates our actions in so many areas of modern life. Vera Yorke blames the Church's teaching that "animals were put into the world for our use" for much of the indifference that is shown to their suffering. Besides a sorry chronicle of man's sins against his "lesser" brethren, there are moving stories of animals' ability to show love and much useful information about the campaigns to get adequate legislation for their protection. Every effort must be made to get the book read by those who acquiesce in the crimes it deplores. K. J.
The Earth Provides
K . Jannaway
Growing, awareness of the impending nuclear holocaust is to be welcomed but we must not allow ourselves to forget the twin horror of world hunger. While we fear for our children in the future, millions of people are watching their children die slow, agonising deaths at this moment. The problems leading to both horrors can be solved if we have the courage to face them honestly, accept our personal responsibility and act accordingly. Herr Willi Brandt, launching World Food Day last month, said: "The fate of every single hungry person constitutes a crime against the values, the principles and the goals that allegedly inspire the lives of those who do not suffer from hunger." The critical state of the world today both as regards impending nuclear war and present starvation is the result of the misuse of knowledge, power and resources in vain attempts to satisfy greed instead of meeting need. The misuse springs from lack of recognition of the essential need of the human animal to grow into realms beyond the physical. Materialistic greed "grows by what it feeds on" and can never be satisfied within the confines of the planet that it is rapidly destroying. The earth can provide enough to satisfy all the genuine physical needs of people but, those needs met, they must turn for fulfilment to those spiritual resources that, like the coins in the fairy-tale purse, grow ever greater the more they are used. One of the greatest of those resources is the disinterested compassion that has inspired the vegan movement since its beginning. On the physical level too, the vegan way has much to offer towards a solution of world hunger. A decade or so ago it was accepted that it was the overall shortage of food that caused so many to starve; now maldistribution is blamed - there is enough food for those who can afford to buy it. Willi Brandt calls for the strength "to overcome the blatant mass injustice of avoidable hunger" and says that we can leave for a few decades "technical discussion on methods of farming and types of nutrition". He is wrong! One of the most blatant forms of maldistribution is through the intensive livestock industry which uses millions of tons of food that could nourish human beings. Facts and figures relevant to this point now appear in many publications (they are given in the Vegan Society leaflet "Two Population Explosions", published in 1972). Seldom publicised is the fact that wasteful habits of meat-eating are actively promoted throughout the world. Western educated elite in Third World countries, some of them traditionally vegetarian, adopt the meat-eating habits of the dominant culture and their poor go hungrier. Erstwhile peasants that through generations have had very few animal products demand the diets of their former masters. Oil revenues in the Middle East are used to pay for ever more cargoes of sheep for ritual slaughter. W e cannot wait for decades to reverse this trend. The earth can provide enough to feed the world's people but not to feed also the animals that would have to be bred to provide a Western-type diet for them.
Most writers on the world food problem deplore the wastefulness of meat production but assure us that we need not turn vegetarian. Who will then be privileged to eat the small amounts of meat that it is economic to produce? The rich and powerful, of course, thus continuing to heighten the prestige value of the diet, thus stoking the fires of what Barbara Ward so aptly called "the revolution of rising expectations". "In Russia and Poland," the B. B. C. news commentator said, "progress is associated with meat-eating." Vegans have proved that animal products are unnecessary for human health; economists agree that enough plant food can be grown to feed everyone, if it is eaten directly. Now it is essential that all people of good will follow the vegan way, thus giving prestige value to the diet that is based not only on the logical use of resources to meet needs, on the justice of fair shares for all the world's people, but also on that disinterested compassion for all life that suffers that alone can generate the will to solve the problems of war and hunger. W e are told that animals can be fed on grasslands unsuitable for arable crops and on the parts of plants unsuitable for human digestions, and that therefore animal husbandry is justifiable. Given the will, humans could plant the grasslands and the deserts, and the hillsides, with suitable trees that would provide not only food but also fibres, building materials, fuel, shelter, almost everything man needs, while at the same time purifying the air, maintaining the water-table and checking flood, drought and soil erosion. Grazing animals are the enemies of the forest. The inedible and unusual parts of plants could provide compost to maintain the fertility of the soil. There is no more need to use animals as walking compost bins than there is to turn plant foods wastefully into slaughterhouse products. Throughout history man has used animals as a source of power greater than that of his own muscles to till the soil, to cart the harvest, to irrigate the fields. The growing of more tree and other perennial crops would greatly reduce the amount of ploughing and irrigation that was necessary, with beneficial effects on soil structure. Deserts have been caused by over-cultivation and already American wheatlands have lost 25% of their top soil. Men and women evolved as hunters and gatherers of largely tree crops and only comparatively recently have they adapted to grain consumption. Perhaps this is one reason why so many are now being found to be allergic to cereals. In so far as we need power beyond that of our own muscles, we can now use not animal slaves but machines powered by sun, wind, water and fuel supplied by trees. Plans for using "biomass for energy" have advanced far since the leaflet the Vegan Society produced drawing attention to the subject in 1977. Prices • of petrol substitutes are now competitive, and recently an E. E . C. conference discussed the possibility of producing less milk and giving over the land to fuel crops instead. Land availability is the limiting factor in most biomass-forenergy plans. Land must be released from the unnecessary livestock that dominate its use in many parts of the world. The temptation to use peasant croplands 7
must be resisted. Already in some countries priority is being given to petrol for the rich man's car over food for the poor man's stomach. Also resisted must be the environmentally damaging monoculture of conifers and annual crops. However valid the objections to "crops fox petrol", they are as nothing compared to the dangers of nuclear power stations with their possible use for the proliferation of nuclear weaponry. With the wise use of land taken from the vast acreage now devoted to the monoculture of cereals and seeded pasture to support livestock, the production of crops for energy could be of benefit to the environment. Land use is crucial to any solution of the food crisis. Owner occupiers, freed from the power of money lenders and bureaucratic state authority, helped with appropriate tools, with traditional knowledge and skills married to the results of scientific research humbly offered, can do more than anyone else to grow enough food. At the moment the trend is for more and more land to be acquired by multi-nationals to produce luxury crops for export. The rich in developing countries acquire more and more of the peasant holdings for cash crops so that they can buy prestige items from the industrialised world. The peasants join the starving in the shanty towns. Governments in the Third World trade food crops for arms and technology that they would often be better without. Thus again greed takes precedence over need. Local production of food crops can fail in bad seasons and as a result of "natural disasters". Primitive people use their livestock as storage vehicles, feeding the animals well in times of plenty and killing and eating them when crops fail. It is not necessary now to use animals as living storage bins; skills and resources can be used to provide not only locaL stores but central world stocks that, with modern means of communication and transport can be made available speedily anywhere in the world. The latter was agreed at the United Nations Conference in 1975 but never properly implemented though stocks of grain in several countries have been embarrassingly high and America has sold millions of tons to Russia for her intensive livestock industry. The immediate prospect before us is menacing indeed but there is growing awareness that the dangers that threaten to overwhelm us are of our own making and that they can be averted if we can wake up from our petty selfish pre-occupations in time. Thank God our time is now when wrong Comes up to meet us everywhere Never to leave us till we take The longest stride of soul men ever took. Affairs are now soul size. It takes so many years to wake But will you wake for pity's sake. from "A Sleep of Prisoners" by Christopher Fry 8
TOGETHER The prospect of global disaster looms closer as the 1980s unfold. Many great seers have predicted that the Earth will undergo a traumatic cleansing operation at the end of this century. W e do not need such prophecies to warn us about the dangers of atomic bombs and the other instruments of extinction which we have assembled in our M . A . D . idea of defence. We are now entering the astrological Age of Aquarius. As the Tibetans say, " W e must breathe out the bad before breathing in the good." Birth is always a risky procedure. If the promised New Age is not to be still-born, we must work towards creating it now. What can we do? There can be no mistakes this time. W e have rushed headlong into this nightmare situation like children whose physical growth has far outstripped their emotional development. Efforts to change society outwardly have failed. The two powers that threaten to destroy us all, the U. S. S. R. and the U. S. A . , are both the products of revolutions. The exploited have provided the next generation of exploiters, while the masses have been enslaved by the material things they craved as tools of freedom. Scale and speed have been the real changes as we face disaster. W e who are committed to a New Age must respond to the crisis by transforming ourselves. Real change comes from inside us. In Arthurian legend, the perfect knight who achieves the grail is Perceval, he who remade himself. We advance by sudden intuition-, new principles, new ways of seeing. Perhaps we are guided by the return of ancient souls and the availability of wisdom that has been hidden for centuries. Part of this wisdom has been the need to adopt a vegan diet. Spiritual improvement must come first but the practising of spiritual principles as in a vegan diet cannot be separated. It may be that the adoption of our more compassionate diet is an aid to the spirit. There are many facets to the New Age movement. Transformation cannot be partial, however, and we find ourselves coming together, apparent to each other in the crowd. W e follow the same methods and principles. Our new region of consciousness opens to us when we are quietly vigilant rather than busily thinking and planning. Only that which is deeply felt can change us. Rational argument alone cannot penetrate the layers of fear and conditioning that comprise our crippling belief systems. Aware of this, we are gentle in our confrontations. "To the blind, all things are sudden", but some of us have been here a long time, often as a source of popular amusement. Now we have grown and seem threatening because we are different. Tomorrow our message will seem foreordained. The stress of our times has transformed us. Having a true understanding of our nature has given us the self-confidence to do what we believe to be right. Only through such minds can humanity remake itself. Modern telecommunications have made Marshall McLuhan's "global village" a reality, bringing empathy, deeper awareness and revolt against imposed 9
patterns. W e have crossed into another dimension which cannot be described, only experienced. Triggered off by stress, the alternative to transformation is to deny, to repress, to avoid. By paying attention to our pain we have liberated ourselves. W e tread a lonely path but there is a support network in small groups of friends. W e are midwives to each other. Our minds can join to heal and transform society. W e do not wish to control others and thereby render ourselves captive to their needs. By giving others freedom, we free ourselves. By discovering uncertainty we defeat dogma. W e begin to trust intuition and to feel a vocation. By the inviolate nature of individual choice no one can persuade another to change. W e often are isolated in our family homes but our fear vanishes as we realise all change is by choice. Personal example is the greatest instrument for social change. W e are expressing a collective need, preparing for an evolutionary leap. "What is to give light must endure burning." Self and society are inseparable. Eventually anyone concerned with the transformation of the individual must engage in social action. If we go it alone the system will overcome us. United, we shall change the system. W e exist as a network of volunteers, not as a bureaucracy. Our strength is in co-operation, not in centralisation. It is impossible to change one element in a culture without altering all of them. Our fellow-conspirators are at work in the fields of health, education, work, religion and human relationships. If we have approached the vegan way of life with the right motives we are putting the New Age into practice. A s we approach the crisis, may we humbly play our part in the spirit of Gandhi: "I will not coerce you. Neither will I be coerced by you. If you behave unjustly, I will not oppose you by violence (body-force) but by the force of truth - the integrity of my beliefs. My integrity Is evident in my willingness to suffer, to endanger myself, to go to prison, even to die if necessary. But I will not co-operate with injustice. Seeing my intention, sensing my compassion and my openness to your needs, you will respond in ways I could never manage by threat, bargaining, pleading, or body-force. Together we can solve the problem. tt_ is our opponent, not each other." Laurence Main
An adventure holiday in the Peak District National Park for unaccompanied young people aged 11 - 16, with special provision for vegans is being offered for a week from August 7th. Apply Richard Larkins, Peak Adventure Holidays, 14 Alwyn Street, Liverpool L17 7DX. Tel: 051-727-0189 mentioning "The Vegan". 10
Vegan people from eight families gathered together at the Vaenlol camping site at Tywyn (also called Towyn) on the mid-Wales coast during the week August 1-9, 1981. There were 23 of us altogether. Not all of us were permanently vegan, and none of us were perfectly so. We were just a group of ordinary people with veganism drawing us together. There were two families with children and both parents; three families with only one parent present; one couple whose children had grown up; and two single people. There were 12 children altogether, four aged one to three, five aged four to ten, and three aged 11 to 15. There was nobody under one year of age, but one toddler was still breastfeeding, much to the surprise of the other toddlers who had been weaned, and told that only tiny babies had breastmilk.
In isolation, vegan families develop very differently from each other. The overthrees played happily together, and the single people mingled with the families. Living together, we realised afresh that other people's children, however angelic they appear, are people with mind's of their own. W e were all catering for ourselves and going on our outings but we found time to get together and begin to know each other. A minor accident made people open their first aid kits and produce first aid remedies. As we got to know each other better, we felt able to discuss personal and family matters in the friendly and caring atmosphere. Three families got together for a joint meal, which was enjoyed both for the food and the fellowship. Favourite outings were the beach, indoor heated swimming pool, the steam railway, and the Alternative Technology Centre. The beach had lots of sand and afforded paddling. Swimming was safe only When the tide was coming in. Our older children built a sand castle with a sea rampart, then stayed on the beach past sundown and moonrise to watch the tide come in. It took 144 waves to wash the castle away. The Tall y Llyn railway is one of the most long established of the antique tourist railways^ Most of us enjoyed stopping off at the Dolgoch Falls station where a steep winding path gives views of a mountain stream tumbling down a wooded hillside. The Alternative Technology Centre, near Machynlleth, has now been established for six years. There are displays of water-mills and wind-mills, solar panels, compost-toilets and water-saving toilets, intensive gardening, energy conservation, books and food. There was something to interest children of all ages, including sand pits, rope bridge, and a maze in a shrubbery to illustrate the politics of ecology, which excited the teenagers. Some of us went house-hunting, but without immediate success. None of us attempted the ascent of Cader Idris 12 miles away, its craggy peak towering 2,900 feet above sea level. The Tywyn castles, where Welsh fought English, the churches and the bird rock five miles away remained unexplored by any of us. The only walk we managed was up the nearest hill. For those with cars, lake Bala was within reach. The picturesque coastal railway passes through Tywyn, linking towns along the coast. Often it was just pleasant to enjoy being on the camp site with friendly 11
vegans around. It was good to live out in the open, every meal a picnic. At night when all the campers had settled down, there were just the stars or clouds above us, the sounds of the waves on the beach, the snores of other campers, and the grunts of a hedgehog out to gather crumbs. We could not get everybody together at once, but we managed one half hour meeting with most of the adults present, at which we discussed what we thought about the camp, future plans, etc. W e all agreed that there should be another camp next year and were grateful to Laurence Main for his initiative. The place for next year's camp, we thought, should not be too far north or south, so Scotland and the West Country are out. Wales, or perhaps the Pennines or Lake District seem not too far for most people. The date should avoid school terms and obvious vegetarian dates such as the Vegetarian Society A. G. M. and the International Vegetarian Congress in Ulm, Germany in 1982This year there were not enough of us to have our own field. It would have been better if more people had written to the vegan camp organiser well in advance to say they were coming, and had kept to their plans. This would not rule out those who decide to come at the last minute. W e also felt it would be a very good idea to have a large tent or small marquee in which we could have meetings, write postcards or play games in wet weather, and in which we could make our own entertainment, invent vegan songs, perform short sketches, etc. This would obviously need a lot more organisation than any of us were prepared to give, but next year, who knows, perhaps enthusiasts will appear. Every cultural group, with members scattered amongst people of different outlook, benefits from a summer gathering of this kind. For example, in my own childhood, expatriate families in China gathered at the mountain resort of Kuling to escape the worst of the summer heat. Our family treasures many happy memories and friendships from those days. I do hope that the Vegan Summer Camp will become a regular feature in the life of the Vegan Society. It would strengthen ties between families, provide friends for lone vegans, and give young vegans a chance to know others of their own age. This would help to ensure that veganism is continued and passed on from one generation to the next. We are looking forward to the Vegan Camp in 1982. FRANCES H O W A R D V E G A N
By popular demand, we intend holding another camp to which all vegans single, with or without children, young or old - are most welcome. The majority of members who have written in about this have asked for a Welsh venue again. The venue for 1982 will, therefore, be Newpark Camping and Caravan Park, Port Eynon, Gower, West Glamorgan. The map reference is SS 465858 (Landranger map 159 and Pathfinder map SS 48/58/68 South Gower). The site is connected to Swansea by a fairly good summer bus service (No. 18), while Swansea is the western terminus of the inter-city 125s from Paddington and is easy to reach by train from other parts of the country. Swansea has several 12
! [
connected to Swansea by a fairly good summer bus service (No. 18), while Swansea is the western terminus of the inter-city 125s from Paddington and is easy to reach by train from other parts of the country. Swansea has several good health food shops as well as a vegan restaurant. The Gower is a most beautiful peninsula, rich in fine scenery, sandy beaches and in history. There is a beach right beside the camp-site, which has excellent facilities (including toilets). Although there are 175 pitches, it is advisable to book well in advance with, the owner, Mr. E . G. Loosemore (tel. Gower 292 or 478). W e shall do our best to collect the vegans together, as long as you book soon with Mr. Loosemore and contact Laurence Main (address on publications page) so that we can arrange for a suitable area to be reserved for us as long as we have enough bookings in good time. The date of the Vegan Camp week will be the first week of August again, to coincide with the Royal National Eisteddfod in the University College of
Wales, Swansea, at which there should be a Vegan Society stall, from August 1 to 7, although campers may stay for longer. Youth hostellers will note that Port Eynon also has a youth hostel, for which advance booking is also strongly advised. Details of how we shall meet and what may be arranged will be printed in the Spring 1982 "Vegan", but an easy means of identification is for each of us to wear our distinctive Vegan T-shirts. Laurence Main
Book Review
T H E AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s. Routledge & Kegan Paul. £12.95 + £1.20 p. & p. but offered while stocks last to members of the Vegan Society from its office only, for £11.00
With its overtones of superstition and cloak and dagger revolution, the title may seem inappropriate for a book of considerable scientific importance. Marilyn Ferguson, author of "The Brain Revolution" and publisher of Brain/Mind Bulletin, which deals with humanistic medicine, memory, learning, creativity, brain research, bio-feedback, pain and the physics of consciousness, presents over 400 pages of carefully researched ewidence of the transformation of human consciousness that is now taking place. It is regrettable that Marilyn Ferguson seems unaware of the Animal Liberation movement. Perhaps that is our fault. It is time we broke through into the powerful scientific world with our message that the human intellect must become a tool of compassion and used for all life. How Teilhard de Char din, who pleaded that we should "carry his thought further", would have revelled in this book. It is a hopeful book confirming Teilhard's faith that the awesome developments that we are witnessing are not eviddence of "an irresistible increase in the tide of war, but simply a clash of currents: the old disruptive forces driving against a merging in the depths which is already taking place". „ T 13
putses Pulses or legumes are the seeds of the Fabaceae or Leguminosae more commonly known as peas, beans and lentils. The word pulse is derived from the Latin puis which means pottage. Leguminous plants are unique in that they can convert atmospheric nitrogen into protein with the help of bacteria in their root nodules. Consequently pulses are very good sources of protein: they contain about 20% by weight protein on a dry weight basis (soyabeans contain twice as much). The protein quality of all pulses is low when they are raw but improves with cooking, notably so in the case of soyabeans. Pulses' when eaten together with cereals provide high quality protein, e.g. peanut butter on bread or baked beans on toast. Soyabeans and peanuts unlike other pulses also contain substantial amounts of fat. All pulses contain plenty of the vitamins of the B-complex but not vitamin B12. Bean sprouts are a good source of vitamin C. Most pulses when mature contain poisonous substances. For example, Lima beans contain cyanogenic glycosides which can lead to the evolution of hydrogen cyanide, soyabeans contain trypsin inhibitors and toxic lectins and red kidney beans contain large amounts of haemagglutinins. In most cases these compounds are destroyed on processing or cooking but some pulses remain poisonous even after cooking, for example sweet peas and laburnum. Pulses have been used by man as food for thousands of years.Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage (a plate of lentils). Pulses still form a substantial part of the diet of people livinf in N. Africa and the Middle East. Various colour grams (e.g. mung beans, Bengal gram) have been used in India and soyabeans have a long history in China and S. E. Asia. The United States is the world's biggest producer of pulses and many of the pulses which are now widely cultivated originate from the New World, for example peanuts and various beans of the Phaseolus species such as navy
beans, kidney beans, haricot beans, runner beans and french beans. Traditional methods of cooking and processing pulses generally destroy any undesirable components. It is usually only when deviations from these traditional practices are made that problems arise. Peanuts are the only pulses we can eat without cooking. However, if mould grows on the peanut before it is shelled they can be poisonous. Compounds called aflotoxins are produced by the mould that grows on peanuts and these can cause liver cancer. Indeed, this has been used to explain the very high incidence of liver cancer in W . Africa and S. E. Asia where peanuts form part of the staple diet and the tropical climate favours the rapid growth of mould. Strict laws are in force in this country to prohibit imports of mouldy peanut but this is difficult to enforce. It is important to ensure that peanuts are kept in dry conditions so that the growth of mould is not encouraged. Most pulses contain trypsin inhibitors; these compounds inhibit the action of the protein digesting enzyme trypsin which is secreted by the pancreas into the gut. Most of the beans belonging to the Phaseolus species and soyabeans contain 14
large amounts of trypsin inhibitors. The body responds to trypsin inhibitors by producing more trypsin and this can lead to enlargement of the pancreas. Fortunately most of the trypsin inhibitor activity in pulses is destroyed on cooking. The potential toxicity of dried red kidney beans has received widespread publicity as a result of a BBC T V programme "That's Life". Several hundred people have suffered severe stomach upsets and diarrhoea as a result of eating raw or undercooked red kidney beans. Raw kidney beans contain large amounts of haemagglutinins. Haemagglutinins are a type of lectin and they cause acute gastrointestinal upsets. The natural functions of lectins is to attract nitrogen fixing bacteria to the germinating seed. Lectins are only formed when the bean matures and unripe kidney beans eaten raw do not appear to be toxic. Indeed, french beans which are also a variety of Phaseolus vulgaris are eaten in the immature stage with only the minimum of cooking. Lectins like trypsin inhibitors are destroyed by boiling for ten minutes so if the beans are boiled for ten minutes they will be harmless. The people who suffered from kidney bean poisoning had either eaten raw kidney beans, which had been soaked until soft, or had eaten kidney beans that had been cooked in a slow cooker which did not reach a high enough temperature to destroy the lectins. Toxic amounts of lectins are also found in soya beans and it is important that soyaflour used in vegan recipes is of the type that has been heat treated. The red kidney bean scare undoubtedly put some people off eating pulses but providing certain guidelines are followed pulses pose no hazard to health. 1) Always cook dry beans for at least ten minutes in boiling water. There is no need to soak the beans overnight. 2) Do not add salt to the beans until they are soft as this unnecessarily prolongs cooking time. 3) Green mung beans are the best pulses to sprout and can be eaten raw. 4) Runner beans, broad beans and peas, as they are picked when immature, only need 3-5 minutes cooking in boiling water. 5) Soyabean flour* if it is to be used for thickening sauces must be of a heat treated variety, e. g. Prewett's Soyolk. T . A . B . Sanders, B.Sc. (Nutrition), P h . D . *
Editorial Note - With regard to unpackaged varieties of soya flour assurance from the seller must be sought as to whether the flour has been adequately heat treated. If in doubt the cheese, sauce, soup, etc. must be kept at a temperature above boiling point for ten minutes. Be very careful if sprouting bean (or mixed ) seeds and throw away any that do not sprout. Throw away the water that beans have been soaked in.
FOR misim
Obtainable from the Assistant Secretary, 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, nr. Machynlleth, Gwynedd, SW20 9 L W . All prices include postage as in November, 1981. Please make cheques out to the Vegan Society Ltd. F O O D F O R A F U T U R E by Jon Wynne-Tyson,
a comprehensive case for veg-
etarianism and veganism, vividly expressed, with facts, figures and tables. Paperback. Cox & Wyman Ltd.
T H E V E G E T A R I A N H A N D B O O K - complete guide to vegetarian (including vegan) nutrition by American author Rodger Doyle.
Three publications from the Vegan Community "The F a r m " , Tennessee: 1) T H E V E G E T A R I A N C O O K B O O K (revised edition) 2) SPIRITUAL T E A C H I N G S , Volume 13) THIS SEASON'S P E O P L E .
£3.50 £2.35 £1.80
H E A L T H Y E A T I N G F O R T H E N E W A G E . Vegan cookbook by Joyce d'Silva.
Why? and How? by 10 very different vegans with
recipes and menus
(reprint) - Reminiscences of 12 early vegans.
I N T R O D U C T I O N T O P R A C T I C A L V E G A N I S M by K . Jannaway. With recipes and section on "The Vegan Dairy".
T-shirts - good quality white cotton with sunflower emblem in green. Small, m e d i u m , large, £3. 50 each including p. & p.
* * * * * * * * * * *
W H A T ' S C O O K I N G ? by Eva Batt. Cookery book and food guide. Revised and enlarged edition, over 300 recipes. £3.50 FIRST H A N D : FIRST R A T E by K. Jannaway. Sixty simple recipes and ideas for economical, healthy living (savouries, cakes, etc., with oil and no sugar), plus towards self-sufficiency gardening hints. V E G A N N U T R I T I O N by Frey Ellis, M . D . , F . R . C . Path., & T . Sanders,. P h . D . (Nutr.). Scientific assessment of vegan diet based on recent research. Easy to follow tables. V E G A N M O T H E R S A N D CHILDREN. reports of recent research.
Booklet by 10 vegan mothers plus 65p
IN L I G H T E R V E I N by Eva Batt. Verses to amuse and arouse pity.
SALADINGS from the garden and hedgerow, by Mabel Cluer.
F E S T I V E R E C I P E S . Leaflet with Christmas and party recipes.
Badges, brooches or pendants (send s. a. e.).
Monthly Discussion and Social Evenings, 4th Thursdays, 6.45-9.15 p. m. at Friends Meeting House, 52 St. Martins Lane, Westminster (entrance Hop Gardens) near Trafalgar Square and Leicester Square underground stations, OR
. the Nature Cure Clinic. Please check location with Kathleen Jannaway,
Leatherhead 72389. Do come and bring your friends. Drinks served 6.45 to 7.00 p. m. Day Course in Vegan Diet. May 15, 1982, Richmond Adult College, Surrey. This course, which gives opportunity to discuss common interests with like minded people in pleasant surroundings as well as to leam from experts, is always over-booked so send soon for details if you are interested - to Kathleen Jannaway, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. N O T the College. Dr. Frey Ellis Memorial Lecture. W e are hoping to arrange this for early April. Look for details in the Spring 1982 "Vegan", the "London Vegan News" (see page 24 ) and "The Vegetarian". Vegan Gluten Free Diet - cookery demonstration (and super meali), Tuesday, January 19, 1982 at 6.00 p. m . , at the Nature Cure Clinic, 15 Oldbury Place, London, W . 1. Five minutes from Baker Street underground station. Tickets and details from the Clinic. Health and Leisure 1982, Thursday, April 29-Monday, May 3, Alexandra Pavilion, Alexandra Park, London, N. 22. W e have booked a stand in the Diet, Nutrition and Beauty section of this exhibition instead of at the Mind & Body & Spirit Festival at Olympia in 1982. With the facilities of London's newest exhibition hall and outdoor attractions in the surrounding park, it should attract many visitors. Offers of help at the stand should be sent to Serena Coles, Surrey. First Alternative Medicine Exhibition, Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 July, 1982, at Kensington Exhibition Centre, Derry Street, London, W . 8. Interest in alternatives to orthodox medicine is growing rapidly and veganism has a contribution to make. Progress against vivisection can be made by providing non-violent alternatives. Offers of help at the stand to Serena Coles (see above). The International Vegetarian Union Congress. July 22-August 2, 1982, in Ulm, West Germany. It is hoped that a goodly number of vegans will be able to attend. Please write for details soon to M . Lee, Cheshire. Nature Cure Clinic Winter Lectures at Friends House, Euston Road, opposite the station. January 13, 1982: "The Green Plan - for a Healthy Britain", Alan Long. February 11, 1982: "Yoga as a Holistic Lifestyle", Penny Nield Smith. March 10, 1982: "Self-Responsibility - Stress and How to Deal With It", Gilbert Anderson. Tickets (£1.20) and details from N. C. C . , 15 Oldbury Place, London, W 1 M 3AL. Animal Rights Symposium, May 6, 1982, at the Commonwealth Institute Theatre, Kensington High Street, London, W . 8. Tickets (£1.50) and details from the Vegetarian Society, 53 Marloes Road, London, W . 8. 17
RECIPES C A R O L Y N ' S DIP (serves 2) 1 piece celery, very finely chopped 1 clove garlic 3 mushrooms, finely chopped Tomato puree (to taste) 1 avocado pear
Salt and pepper 2 tsp. French mustard Lemon juice (to taste) 1 tblsp. soya flour 1 tblsp. soya milk
Place chopped celery, mushrooms, garlic, mustard, salt and pepper in mixing bowl and stir together. Add the soya milk, then the flour, to give "creamy" texture. Then add squirt of tomato puree (until the mixture becomes a pinky colour) and a little lemon juice. Halve the avocado pear and scoop out the flesh. Add the avocado to the mixture and mash together with a fork. Then place in the avocado shells; decorate with fresh parsley if desired, or twisted slice of lemon. Serve with hot pitta bread as a starter. Carolyn Brooks A P P L E A N D W A L N U T SALAD \ cup sliced radishes 1 dsp. parsley 5 cup chopped walnuts Lettuce leaves
1 red apple Lemon juice 2 cup chopped celery Soya mayonnaise
Cut unpeeled apple into dice, mix with lemon juice and soya mayonnaise. Add radishes, celery, walnuts, parsley. Toss lightly and pile into lettuce leaves. A few raisins or sultanas may be added, if required. SOYA MAYONNAISE 1 cup water
1 heaped tblsp. powdered soya
i lemon
milk 2 tblsp. peanuts
Salt, pepper, Cayenne to taste Oil
Place all in blender except oil and blend until smooth, then slowly pour oil in as blender is working until mixture is thick. Terry Janes D O R S E T A P P L E CAKE 1 1 1 6
1 lb. juicy cooking apples 2\ oz. soft white fat (Trex) 6 oz. brown sugar 12 oz. 85% S. R. wholemeal flour
tsp. spice tsp. baking powder oz. walnuts oz. seedless raisins
Turn on oven at slow mark 3. Grease and line a large cake tin. Peel apples, cut up roughly, then stew in 2 tablespoons cold water until soft. Beat, with spoon. Then cream fat and sugar, and beat in apple. Next sift flour and spice and fold into mixture together with raisins and nuts, using a metal spoon. Bake for 1-lJ hours second rung from bottom. (A keeping cake.) 18
Please let us have yours-
F A L A F E L S (makes about 25) | lb. chick peas, soaked overnight 1 large onion 2 cloves garlic 2 tblsp. parsley Oil for frying
1 tap. ground cummin 2 tsp. ground coriander 1 tsp. baking powder Salt and pepper
Put chick peas, chopped onion arid garlic twice through a fine mincer. Add seasonings and baking powder, mix thoroughly. Leave to rest for about half an hour. Take walnut-sized lumps, flatten and fry in hot fat until golden brown. Unused portion can be kept in fridge or freezer until required - in fact it seems to improve with keeping. Christine McCarthy A L M O N D A N D B A R L E Y RISSOLES 4 1 2 2
1 tsp. 'Mar-mite or Barmerie 2 tsp. dried oregano 4 oz. whole barley flakes water
oz. toasted almond flakes tblsp. soya flour tsp. chopped onion tblsp; soya sauce
Cook aU the ingredients except the almond flakes and soya flour in the water for 10-15 minutes until dried. Cool, stir in soya flour and almonds. Roll in wheatgerm or flour and fry in lightly oiled pan. I served with stir-fried vegetables (cabbage, cucumber and a pinch of caraway seeds). Valerie West P A T E FOR T H E FESTIVE SEASON 4 3 4 1 1
2 2 2 2 5
oz. millet tblsp. oil oz. onion dsp. Tastex tsp. dried sage
oz. sesame seeds oz. soya flour oz. Brazil nuts oz. sunflower seeds tsp. black pepper
Grind nuts and seeds. Chop onion. Put millet in 1 pint of cold water and bring to the boil. Simmer until mushy, adding more water if needed. When all the liquid is taken up, add all the other ingredients and mash thoroughly to a stiff, smooth mixture. Put into a round seven-inch oiled tin. Cook at gas mark 4 for 30-45 minutes. The flavour is better if kept for a day or two before eating. If eaten hot is best reheated. Delicious: spread on bread. Qlive JofleS
Use risen bread dough in balls rolled out to l j inches or so - drop into a deep frying pan with very hot oil. Makes small hollow globes useful as a dip for Hummus, etc. G. M. Emery 19
Forty-two members travelled to Boscombe for the Second Annual General Meeting of the Vegan Society Limited but unfortunately due to the unreliability of the public transport system several of them did not arrive in time for all of the business meetings and a few missed all of them. Jack Sanderson, President of the Vegan Society was in the Chair and he welcomed members, especially those who had travelled many miles. London was inevitably the centre of the movement at present but progress depended on strong local groups. The Minutes of the 1980 A. G. M . were agreed and the Annual Report of the Council which had been sent out to Full Members with the Autumn "Vegan" was accepted unanimously. Grace Smith, the Treasurer of the Society, introduced the Annual Accounts (also sent out in advance) saying that the satisfactory financial state of the Society was due to the hard work, mostly voluntary, of its members and to generous donations and bequests. Some of the bequests had been earmarked for the Fund for Elderly Vegans. In answer to a question, she explained that the apparent deficit in the Reserve Fund was due to the fact that the money which had accumulated in the Fund for Elderly Vegans had been transferred to "Homes for Elderly Vegetarians Limited". It had been decided to co-operate with that body in opening a Home for Elderly Vegans, using its expertise and experience so as to achieve the object more efficiently. The money was being held in a special fund awaiting the finding of suitable premises. Serena Coles, Deputy President of the Vegan Society who also serves on the committee of "Homes for Elderly Vegetarians Limited", then reported that although she could not give the news she would have liked to give of the founding of a Home, she could say that a strong and sympathetic relationship had been built up with the Government Housing Corporation which would stand the Society in good stead when the right opportunity came. The fund stood at ÂŁ16,142 at the end of June, 1981. Many possibilities had been investigated through the year and others were now being explored. The project obviously had far to go but with the help of the thoughts and donations of members success would be achieved in due course. The Financial Report was accepted unopposed and then the 1981 Council, Eva Batt, Serena Coles, Kathleen Jannaway, Jack Sanderson and Grace Smith, was re-appointed and two new members, Alpay Torgut, promoter of the North London Vegan Group, and Chris Hall of the Vegan Housing Co-op in Blackheath were newly elected. Jack Sanderson was re-elected as President, Serena Coles as Deputy President, Eva Batt, Jay Dinshah, Catherine Nimmo, Mabel Simmons and Winifred Simmons as Vice-presidents and Grace Smith consented to serve again as Treasurer. Bryden, Johnson and Co. were re-appointed as Auditors. 20
Extraordinary General Meeting, 3.00 p. m . , October 17, 1981 The A. G. M. was followed immediately by an Extraordinary General Meeting to consider a resolution amending the Articles of Association with regard to the Council of Management. (Details had been sent out in advance to Full Members with their Autumn "Vegans".) It was proposed that only those who had been members for three years should be eligible as Council members, that election should be by postal ballot and that in every year, at the A. G. M. one third of the Council should retire and stand for re-election (not the whole Council as at present). After a lengthy discussion, the proposal for a postal ballot was removed from the resolution which was then passed by the required majority of three quarters of those present. 'The Secretary agreed to ask members, through "The Vegan'!,. to send in their observations as to the value of a postal ballot, the election by those present at the A. G. M . , and the granting of proxy votes. Information would also be sought from The Electoral Reform Group and the whole matter considered before the next A. G. M . (Members are therefore asked to send in their comments.) L O C A L GROUPS It was much regretted that Laurence Main, the Assistant Secretary, who had done so much during the year to foster local groups was unable to be present. He had gathered reports from 17 groups which would be displayed in the hall for all to read. Kathleen 'Jannaway was then called upon to give some thoughts on this important part of the Society's work. She maintained that if the Vegan Society was to make a significant contribution to a desirable future it must develop as a network of strong local groups, not as a hierarchy. However, members must be well informed and willing to use the knowledge gained from long experience and responsible research. This was offered freely by the Vegan Council. It was most important not to make extravagant claims or to extrapolate inadvisedly from personal experience, not to condemn people when enlightening them as to the evil of certain practices but to encourage them by witnessing to the joy and liberation that came from following the vegan way. Day-time events with plenty of opportunity to taste vegan food (e.g. "coffee mornings" in Saturday shopping areas) probably gave better opportunities of educating people than conventional evening meetings. Co-operation with other groups and stands at their festivals and exhibitions could be very rewarding. As much material as possible should be introduced into local libraries. The ÂŁ50.00 donated by a member for copies of "Food for a Future" had not yet been fully used. Members should let Laurence Main know as soon as possible if their libraries would take a copy. Booklets for re-sale were offered to groups on specially favourable terms; this could provide an income. The Council was always willing to consider meeting the expenses of local publicity projects if they were convinced that they were efficiently run. 21
The qualities that would bring results were persistence and faith. The early vegans had persisted through decades and were just beginning to reap a harvest from the seeds they had sown and nurtured. Their faith was well founded because as the local Bournemouth Group secretary had written in his report, " W e are small but we have so much compassion and logic behind us, we will certainly reach justice in the end."
THIS HEALING FORCE Nearly 40 members of the public joined the meeting to listen to Jean Pink, director of Animal Aid. In introducing her, Eva Batt emphasised that Animal Aid was an entirely non-violent organisation and Jean Pink in her opening remarks spoke of the common ground between her organisation and the Vegan Society of which she herself is a member. " W e don't want any half measures. In the case of the Vegan Society we want people to eat nothing that comes from the animal kingdom, and in the case of Animal Aid we do not want any experiments at all done on animals. We don't want to see animals locked up in cages even if nothing is done to them. We do not believe that human beings have the right to restrict animals' freedom." People were joining Animal Aid at a great rate - nearly 10,000 in 2\ years. The organisation had found a way to get through to people by street leafletting. Ordinary people who had never heard of Animal Rights or veganism are aroused to take part in a campaign against the appalling atrocities in the laboratories revealed by the leaflets. Having joined Animal Aid they get the journal "Outrage" and learn about the whole question of non-violent living, particularly as regards diet and health. Some were led to join the Vegan Society. Jean Pink believed that if public opinion was aroused enough and if people came to understand the ethic of animal rights a total ban on all experiments could be achieved. In achieving that goal Animal Aid had to have practi callty and strategy as well as vision, so campaigns against specific abuses, choosing those most likely to get a lot of public support, had to be organised. The campaign against cosmetic testing on animals had resulted in over three quarters of a million dollars from Revlon to research alternative methods. The campaign against the L D 50 test had secured the support of all the anti-vivisection societies and scientists were agreeing that it was unreliable. Animal Aid members were demonstrating outside laboratories and leafletting widely. They didn't like upsetting people but only by revealing the dreadful things that were done - half a million animals were poisoned to death in 1980 in the L D 5 0 toxicity tests - could they hope to get them banned. Animal Aid organised national marches which people from all over the country could join. Thousands had joined in at Cambridge, Oxford, Porton and Birmingham. Wide coverage had been achieved in the national press and a continuing dialogue in local papers. They were a great encouragement to isolated members and the Research Defence Society was getting worried! 22
Just before Christmas, Animal Aid together with Compassion in World Farming were launching a campaign for "A Cruelty Free Christmas". Half a million leaflets were being printed complete with disturbing pictures of turkey abuse and recipes for nut roast. The Vegetarian and Vegan Societies had promised full co-operation. The movement for animal rights was getting very strong; it could rightly be called a "force". It was so strong that there was no doubt that the days of the factory farmer and the vivisector were over. Action against them was now world-wide. Jean Pink claimed that her conviction that she was ethically right enabled her to stand up to anyone however prestigious their position. The force could be regarded as a healing one because it could bridge the gulf that had been created between man and the rest of the animal kingdom by man's distorted vision. Man had put himself up on a pedestal, hence the very sad world we lived in. It would only grow whole again when practicality and strategy were linked with love and compassion. Jean Pink's'talk was followed by a very pleasant and satisfying meal of savouries, salad and sweets provided by Colin Kirsch and members of the Bournemouth Vegan Group. At 6.30 Serena Coles introduced a showing of the Open Door Film "A Better Future for All Life" and answered questions from the audience. Then Vanessa Munro and Paul Darby entertained with guitar and songs one of which had been especially composed for the A. G. M . This provided a very enjoyable and inspiring end to the day. Sunday morning was free until members met for lunch at "Mr. Natural", Colin Kirsch's cafe, where they enjoyed a very good vegan lunch. The afternoon was given over to studying the local group reports and to a discussion on the best ways to promote local activities to which group leaders present made very interesting contributions. There was general agreement that the weekend had been very worthwhile, thanks largely to the hard work put in by Eva Batt and the Bournemouth Group. The 1982 A. G. M. will be in London.
Members of the Vegan.Society are asked to co-operate as fuily as possible with local Animal Aid groups - addresses on receipt of S. A. E. to "Animal Aid", 111 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 1DL - remembering that some "Animal Aiders" are very new to the Animal Liberation movement and perhaps not yet ready to radically transform their own lives by becoming vegan. It is by cooperating with people in the spirit of the Gandhi quote on page 10 that we can best spread our message. Animal Aid Christmas cards "with a charming illustration of various small animals" can be had from the above address: ÂŁ1.00 for 10 cards + envelopes, post free. 23
LOCAL CONTACTS Those of you who were at the A. G. M. and saw the display of reports from Local Vegan Contacts about their work in fostering groups of local vegans and in furthering our cause generally will be aware of the tremendous amount of energy being put in by our volunteers. London has over 400 members or associates of the Vegan Society, so the capital can lead the way in local vegan activities. There is so much on for London vegans that they need their own magazine to keep fully in touch. "The London Vegan News" is doing a valuable job and deserves the support of every vegan in London. Send £1 for three (perhaps more) issues to the editor, Alpay Torgut, 133 Owen House, Brecknock Road Estate, For details of monthly meetings see page 17. With so many new members (about two every day!) there are many readers unaware of their Local Vegan Contacts. Please check the following list to see if there is a Local Vegan Contact near you. If there is, please get in touch with the aim of helping to form a local group. If there isn't a Local Vegan Contact near you, please offer your services as one, writing to the Assistant Secretary, Laurence Main, 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, Machynlleth, SY20 9 L W , Wales. — • -
LETTERS MORAL DILEMMAS In the Spring issue of the "Vegan" Valerie Ruddenham posed the question "What would you have done?" and raised a number of moral dilemmas for vegans and for all those who care about animal suffering. In particular she pointed out that there are situations which do not seem to be black and white. For example, she described how she has had to smash in the skulls of animals that are suffering from incurable injuries; she said that she had chosen to give her diabetic dog injections of insulin derived from the pancreas of an ox; and she has used a cat to keep mice away from her house. She also described how she has been unable to criticise her father who has had both his hip joints replaced because of arthritis, an operation which was developed through animal experiments. I would be most interested to read the comments Of others on this issue. My own view is that it is impossible to avoid such dilemmas, and accordingly there are no simple moral rules that one can stick to in all circumstances. I believe that one should choose the lesser evil, meaning by "lesser" that which causes the least suffering. My view is a utilitarian one and I have been criticised for it by some people who otherwise support the general line that I take in my book "Animal Liberation". For example, in a more recent book, '^Practical Ethics", I wrote that one could imagine circumstances in which some animal experimentation was justified. The circumstances I had in mind were those in which it was quite clear that the amount of suffering prevented by the experiment would be much greater than the suffering caused. I think that this kind of case is almost certainly hypothetical since experiments on animals do not seem to produce such clearcut results. I do not think this view justifies much, if any, actual experimentation on animals. Nevertheless my position is clearly different from those who believe that all experimentation on animals, without any exceptions, actual or hypothetical is unjustifiable. What do your readers think? Peter Singer T H E V I O L E N T SOCIETY Once the basic decision to eat animals is accepted by the average person all else follows. All animal abuses are accepted because that basic decision has been taken, that animals are objects and may be used, first and foremost by virtually everyone for food, and then following on from that rationale for everything and anything else... Change that basic decision, get the average citizen to go vegetarian, and eventually vegan, and you have a chance of righting all the other wrongs against animals. Bob Pinkus 27
F R O M CARNIVORE T O V E G A N - IN ONE L E A P ! Our family are very recent converts to veganlsm and I write the following in an attempt to explain how and why we made our decision in the hope it may encourage others. I grew up on a farm and have always intended to be at least partially selfsufficient. My wife, though a "townie", went to an agricultural college and was of similar mind. Over the years we acquired a house in the country, three children, several milking goats, a collection of ex-battery hens, some gardening expertise and the feeling that we were attempting to get the most out of life. W e discussed vegetarianism some years ago just after I had necked some cock birds for the table. However, I prided myself that I would not be hypocritical. There were such people as vegans but they were pale, thin and very unhealthy. It was obviously not possible to live without milk, cheese or eggs. All these products led to the deaths of animals so we might as well eat flesh. W e at least had the courage to do some killing and not leave the dirty work to others. The first male kid that we ate was left in the freezer for six months so it could change from "the kid" into "meat". Last year ten-year-old Andrew declared he was a vegetarian. W e put ho arguments against him and waited for the fad to end. It didn't and our consciences were pricked into action. Was it possible to live without milk, cheese or eggs? Were vegans really unhealthy? The decision was made. The rest of us went vegan without the usual stepping stone of vegetarianism. A plea for advice was placed in the personal column of the local paper and two families went to considerable trouble to help us. W e also had a 'phone call late in the evening from a local pub asking us to settle a bet as to what v e g a m s m w a s .
A number of problems still remain. The one goat we didn't manage to sell will have to be kept through the winter. Our very old hens will have to be kept until they die natural deaths. The milk and eggs are sold or given away as are presents such as a four-pound tin of biscuits. But to make matters worse we learn from "The Vegan" that some plain chocolate contains eggs. For Pete's sake tell us which chocolates don'tl Lew Graham
The Winter 1981 issue of "Vegan Views" is now out and contains articles on Peace, Swedish Midwinter Customs and Festive Vegan Food, the Lancashire Animal Welfare Group, Antinutritional Factors in Pulses and Some Cereals; also other articles and many readers' letters. A single copy of the current issue, No. 26, is 40p (stamps will do) and a . four-issue subscription is ÂŁ1.90, or ÂŁ2.00 if starting with the next issue, Spring 1982, No. 27. 28
Allied Bakeries The ALLINSON L O A F , baked by this company is completely vegan and this includes the tin-greasing fat. This does not apply to the Sunblest Breads which may contain animal fats. Boots L O W CALORIE T O M A T O SOUP (but not the "New Recipe" Slimmers' Range). Cedar Valley M O C K D U C K is not only vegan but it contains no preservatives, artificial colour or flavouring, and a member writes, "Don't be 'put off' by the name, it is quite the nicest soya protein food I have yet found." Co-op G O O D LIFE COOKING OIL, G O O D LIFE COOKING FAT, V E G E T A B L E COOKING OIL and SOLID V E G E T A B L E OIL. Heinz Baby Foods Strained - in cans: A P P L E S with vit. C . , BANANA DESSERT, FRUIT & C E R E A L BREAKFAST F O O D , FRUIT DESSERT with vit. C. In jars: FRUIT & C E R E A L BREAKFAST, ORANGE DESSERT with vit. C . , P I N E A P P L E DESSERT with vit. C. Junior - in cans: BANANA, RICE & ROSEHIP DESSERT, FRUIT & C E R E A L BREAKFAST, FRUIT DESSERT with TAPIOCA. No others. Itona W e now know that Itona T E X T U R E D V E G E T A B L E PROTEIN contains vitamin B12 (5.7 mg. /100 g. in its dry form). Add the B12 asterisk to this in your Shoppers' Guide as a reminder. W e get quite a few inquiries from members - and others - on how to know whether white sugar has been refined with bone charcoal. The short answer is that sometimes it is not possible and at no time is it easy. Tate & Lyle use bone charcoal (apparently essential to remove all the colour from cane sugar) but for sugar refined by the British Sugar Corporation (Silver Spoon brand) It is not necessary as this company refines beet rather than cane sugar. Some time ago, probably during the sugar shortage, I warned members (if we have any using white sugar?) that BSC were packing T & L sugar in BSC bags, but this kind of thing is ohly likely to happen during an "emergency" and could happen the other way round of course. Remember the panic at the time ? Food processors, using white sugar in practically everything including baby foods (I would like this to be made a criminal offence but I suppose, though so bad for health, it is "good business" to get the next generation hooked on sugar as early as possible) can rarely let us know whether or not it has been refined with bone charcoal. Partly because they, as well as the consumers, are not really interested and partly because they will be using either or both according to world market availability - and price. Sugar Confectionary. As far as we can tell, by far the greater proportion is made with cane sugar but this is probably only because there is so much more 29
of it available. It is not only that highly refined sugar of either kind has no nutritional value, but it also depletes the body of other nutrients, notably vitamin B, in the process of its digestion. Once weaned from the tasteless, foodless white sugar, most people find no difficulty in living without it. Which solves the problem beautifully! TOILETRIES Beauty Without Cruelty The only items in this range which are not vegan are: Sunflower & Wheat Cream, Roll-On Deodorants, Lipsticks and Lipgloss (these all contain beeswax) and Eyeshadows, Blushers, Compressed Face Powder and Lipgloss which all contain lanolin. All other lines are vegan. Cournie Soap W H I T E GLYCERINE SOAP, T R A N S P A R E N T GLYCERINE T O I L E T SOAP, T O O T H P A S T E , SHAMPOOS, SKIN LOTION, F E R N G R E E N GLYCERINE SOAP, WASH-UP LIQUID. Janice Charles SPECIAL W A S H C R E A M , CLEANSING L O T I O N NO. 1, TEENA G E FACIAL SCRUB, C E R E A L SCRUB, ENRICHED SCRUB, B O D Y WASHING C R E A M . A L L SKIN TONICS - ROSE W A T E R , ORANGE F L O W E R , H E R B A L C O M F R E Y , C H A M O M I L E , Y A R R O W . A L L SHAMPOOS - C H A M O M I L E , ROSEM A R Y . D A N D R U F F T R E A T M E N T , A L M O N D OIL T R E A T M E N T . MARSHMALL O W MOISTURE C R E A M (not any others). C A L E N D U L A OINTMENT, COMF R E Y OINTMENT. Eva Batt
Carob Fruit and Nut W e were pleased to launch these new bars at the vegan weekend gatherings but it will be a few weeks before they are available from health stores. The ingredients are: raw sugar, apple, molasses, carob flour, peanuts, mixed peel, currants, vegetable fat, soya flour, sea salt. Would you ask your health store early in the New Year to stock this product. Plamil Soya Plantmilk Thanks to ever increasing support from vegans, we have been experiencing a growth rate in sales of approximately 30% per annum for the last two or three years, and we have reached a stage where with our cottage industry like type of machinery we are finding it difficult to keep pace with orders. Please bear with us in these circumstances. Rice Pudding with Sultanas W e wish to look ahead to the time we increase production and create a similar encouraging demand for our ancillary products, viz. Rice Pudding with Sultanas, Delice (cream replacement) and Carobean (carob soya beverage). Prices W e economise in every possible way but cannot absorb rising costs any longer, so from November 2 recommended consumer prices will be Plamil, 55p; Rice Pudding, 53p; Delice, 47p; Plamil Carobean, 45p. (We have held our price structure since April, 1980.) Arthur Ling 30
Among the several entirely man-made winter shoes this season is a particularly sturdy, comfortable, five-hole lace-up style from Frisby's in their GENERATIONS range. I believe they are really intended for boys and youths but, with their wide fitting and well cleated soles they will make ideal walking shoes for all the family. Ladies should ask for a size smaller than usual because of the generous cut; £5.99 at the moment. No. DG9538T. Freeman, Hardy & Willis. Olivers and True1 Form.have similar types of shoe Clarks
I have found an attractive, British made lounger mule with 1§ inch heel,
pleasantly soft, terry-lined uppers and pliable soles in m y favourite colour;
£9.99 a pair. As most footwear is now marked it should be comparatively easy to find suitable footwear for all the family but fell walking and climbing boots are still few and far between. However, our Assistant Secretary has been busy in this field and has sent us a few recommended examples — Nokia of Finland. BOGTROTTERS. Made, of rubber but, unlike Wellingtons, these are shaped to the foot and very cc-nfortable. They have very good grip for hill walking and are available in sizes from 2 through to llj. From around £14.35 according to size. Can be supplied with snowstuds for £2.15 extra. Further details from Fleetfoot Ltd., 26 St. George's Quay, Lancaster, L A I 11D. Gordale, Bowling Green Mills, Bingley, W . Yorks, BD16 1BR. ARCTIC BOOTS, very like B O G T R O T T E R S (with similar snow studs available) but a bit more expensive. This company can also supply vegan knee-length or calf-length socks, often needed for extra warmth and comfort in boots of this kind, but usually made of wool. Westsports, 17 Fleet Street, Swindon, Wilts. WINNIT totally synthetic fell walking boots. Write for further details and make a note of the price - £27 which includes postage and represents a 10% discount for members of the Vegan Society. I have not seen any of the above (alas, I have no opportunity to indulge in this healthy pastime) so please let Laurence or me know if you are pleased with them.
S U P P L E M E N T S & REMEDIES - CORRECTION Frank Roberts (Herbal Dispensaries) W e have recently learned that the tablets mentioned in the "Vegan" do, in common with many others, have a lactose (milk sugar) base "to help bind the constituents together". The V E G A N SHOPPERS' GUIDE, FOODS and SOAPS, No. 3, revised and enlarged Autumn '81 edition, contains many items which we have been unable to include in "The Vegan" through pressure of space. F „
Please send to the Assistant Secretary, 9 Mawddwy Terrace, Minllyn, near Dinas Mawddwy, Gwynedd, Wales, by January 16, 1982, for the next issue. Advertisers are asked to note that we are unable to deal with box numbers. Rate: 5p a word. Please note, the following advertisements have been accepted in good faith and the Vegan Society cannot take responsibility in the event of any complaint. M A K E B R E A D W I T H O U T Y E A S T ? Read: THE PRISTINE L O A F . Details to make piquant sourdough bread by ancient method now enjoying much-deserved revival. Send 75p: H. Pickles, 6 Elmete Grove, Roundhay, Leeds, LS8 2JY. VEGANIC (clean culture system of horticulture) needs a pleasant, yet active, enthusiastic, business-like person to assist organising lectures for the cofounder. Ability to prepare publications an advantage. Some typing/filing experience seems essential. Initially on a part-time basis. Free accommodation and food provided, as well as a small wage. No pets allowed. Details in confidence to VEGANIC, 36 Granes End, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, MK14 5DX, Buckinghamshire. N O W A V A I L A B L E , N E W E N L A R G E D EDITION of the "Guide to Veganic Gardening" which gives details of the no-digging (Dalziel O'Brien method) and the method of making the quick maturing vegetable compost. This manual gives fullest instructions on natural weed control, sowing and planting techniques, plus many pages on salad and culinary vegetables, soft fruit and herbs. Illustrated with photographs and diagrams it makes an ideal gift for a beginner or keen gardener who wishes to learn this simple and easy clean culture system. Send ÂŁ 2 . 5 0 (postage and packing included) to Veganic, 36 G r a n e s E n d , Great
Linford, Milton Keynes, MK14 5DX, Buckinghamshire. AHIMSA - quarterly magazine for the American Vegan Society. Veganism Natural Living - Reverence for Life. Calendar year subscription $8 or ÂŁ4. Address: 501 Old Harding Highway, Malaga, N.J. 08328. N E W CHRISTIAN A N D MORALIST FELLOWSHIP, all equal, nobody ministering, rejecting that all the Bible is word and action of Christian God, i. e. Judaism, interpretation errors. Above all following spirit of Christ and conscience, we seek spiritual place abroad or to start British commune. Vegetarians, loving nature, anti-materialsts, conservationists. Write: Norris and Johnson, Birmingham, B23 7Q4. T H E NATIONAL C E N T R E F O R A L T E R N A T I V E T E C H N O L O G Y isn't just an award-winning tourist attraction. W e sell books through the post too.' Please ask for our mall order booklist (25p + s. a. e.), details of our courses, and a leaflet for tourists to visit us. W e have our own wholefood shop and restaurant in Machynlleth. Write now to: N. C . A . T . , Llwyngwern Quarry, Machynlleth, Powys, Wales.
V E G A N V A L L E Y can be your home. Details of properties in the Machynlleth area of Wales are obtainable (s. a. e. please) from: La -ddwy Wales. VEGJiTARIAN M A T C H M A K E R S . Inexpensive yet personal introduction service by post, exclusively for unattached adult vegetarians and vegans. No endless lists of inappropriate "soul-mates" to sift through; we will utilise our professional judgement and expertise to narrow the field on your behalf. Bring your dreams a step nearer today by sending for details to: V . M. M . , Freepost, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8BR (no stamp needed if postcode added). Find happiness through V . M . M. LOVING H O M E wanted for vegan bitch approximately 4 years old. Obedient mongrel, shorthaired, golden. Telephone _ LIGHT FORCE SPIRULINA: the vegan superfoodl Natural B12 source, highest protein source. For information and price-list, send s. a. e. to: Sue Buckholtz, , Richmond, Surrey, T W 9 2EQ. T H E HUNGER P R O J E C T invites you to join with other members in the developed countires, and millions, involuntarily, in other parts of the globe, to fast on the 14th day of the month to align yourself with the hungry of the world and to create the context of ending starvation on our planet before the year 2000 A. D . Ask about Hunger Project. Tel. 01-373 9003 (77 Cromwell Road, London, S . W . 7).
J LANCASHIRE BASED F A M I L Y with some capital need "to meet others to discuss possible development of self-supportive co-operative vegan community. Please write if interested, or can offer advice, to: Mr FOSTER SELF-DISCOVERY and a sense of timelessness by walking along an ancient footpaths in beautiful countryside. KING A L F R E D ' S W A Y takes you from Portsmouth to Oxford via the mysteries of St. Catherine's Hill, Winchester, the rabbits of Watership Down and the birthplace of King Alfred, Wantage. King Alfred's Way is available for ÂŁ1.08 incl. postage from the Vegan Society Ltd., 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, Machynlleth, SY20 9 L W , Wales. V E G A N F E M A L E (21) wishes to hear from/meet other vegans/vegetarians. Liverpool, Manchester, North Wales areas.
ACTIVE V E G A N W I D O W (56, but size 12), seeks man, house owner, steady employment or means, not older than herself. - " UNIVERSAL B R O T H E R H O O D becomes daily more necessary. Any practical ideas? Please write: 35 Rowlands Road, Summerseat, Bury, Lanes, BL9 SNF. T H E FINDHORN FOUNDATION invites you to participate in courses cm New Age living. Further details from: P. O. S., Cluny Hill College, Forres, IV36 ORD, Scotland. W H A T A R E LEY-LINES? How do they affect man and his environment? Can we learn to live more in tune with Nature by studying how the Life-Force is channelled around our planet ? The men who erected Stonehenge left valuable messages for us. Read about these and other Earth Mysteries in: The Ley Hunter, P . O . Box 13, Welshpool, Powys. Send £1.00 for the current issue or £3.80 annual subscription. CIRCUS. Support the Hassani Circus, run by the daughter of Coco the clown who left money in his will for a circus WITHOUT ANIMAL ACTS. Details from Mrs. T. How. Tel. 0403 68401. T H E NATIONAL EQUINE (and smaller animals) D E F E N C E L E A G U E , 138 Blackwell Road, Carlisle, CA2 4DL, badly needs donations to continue their rescue and shelter work. R A W F O O D . For free leaflet describing its great value as part of diet, send s.a.e. to Vigilex Publications, Vega House, 18 Bar Street, Scarborough, YOll 2HT. W A N T E D Help with setting up a Healing Sanctuary for Animals. News of suitable premises. Contact through Kathleen Jannaway, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. V E G A N T-SHIRTS These superior white T-shirts displaying our sunflower emblem and slogan in green are available through the post from L . Main (address on publications page) for £3.50 each including postage. They come in three sizes at present: Small, Medium and Large. They are ideal for members intending to help at a vegan stall at any event in 1982. HUMANE S L A U G H T E R While joining fully in the protests against ritual slaughter (what sort of a God do they envisage as pleased by such rites?) we must do all we can to break the illusion that so-called "humane slaughter" is acceptable. Electrical stunning may do no more than paralyse for a time. maJdncr the animal easier to handle; its gffecfc On conciousness even if efficiently used is difficult to estimate. There have been reports that slaughter men on piece work use it far too quickly or by-pass it. Very few humane people could eat meat if they witnessed the butchering. The Vegan Society is producing a leaflet on slaug. K.J.
SOMERSET. Vegan/vegetarian guesthouse. Open all year except October. Interesting area. Sea, sand, hills, caves, history, sport. Annual holiday or weekend break. S.a.e. Julia Hodges, Burnham-on-Sea, TA8 1EN. Telephone 0278 785954. INVERNESS. Vegan/vegetarian accommodation in charming cottage on high road between Inverness and Nairn. Good tourist centre, walking, golf course, sea, beach nearby. Guests welcome all year. Margaret Lawson, IV1 2PG. Tel. 066 78 352. C O R N W A L L . Self-catering luxury first floor flat for vegans/vegetarians overlooking Hayle Estuary. Sleeps 4/6. Vegan meal available. S.a.e. please to Blackaller, "Meadowlands", The Saltings, Lelant, St. Ives, TR26 3DL. Tel. Hayle 0736 752418. VISITING INDIA ? Vegans are very welcome to be the guests of Swami Nirmalananda for a week or so at Viswa Shanti Nikethana, B . R . Hills - 571 317, Karnataka, India. P E N Z A N C E : Self-catering accommodation or vegan/vegetarian meals by arrangement in home two miles from Penzance with large garden, sea and country views. Car shelter. Tel. Penzance 2242. S . W . SCOTLAND. Small self-catering accommodation in our quiet cottage for vegans and vegetarians only. Evening meals available by arrangement. Easy access to sea, walks, etc. S. a. e. to Norma Wright, Wigtownshire, DG9 9EB. ' A V E G A N " H E A D F O R THE HILLS"' camping and walking holiday in one of the wild areas of Britain. Food and all equipment except sleeping bags provided. S.a.e. for details to "Vegan Views", 1 Gincroft Lane, Edenfield, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lanes, BLo oJW.
BOOST YOUR HEALTH! EASTBOURNE H E A L T H H O T E L Sauna, solarium, etc. Vegan full or slimming menus 17 Burlington Place, Eastbourne, BN21 4AR Tel. (0323) 23604 Once or twice a year we all need true relaxation to ease away stress' 35
RAW FOOD COMPENDIUM Its value as a substantial part of diet Practical Hints, Principles, Extracts f r o m Medical Opinions £ 3 . 7 0 post free, V E G A N
with Brian & Wendy Burnett
18 Bar Street,
on their 36 ft., 7-berth yacht " X I M "
Scarborough, YOll 2 H T
W I N T E R H O L I D A Y S IN T H E M E D I T E R R A N E A N Low winter prices from £200 for 2 weeks including return fare from London. No experience necessary. No age limits.
24 Marian A v e . Mablethorpe, Lines (Tel. 7508)
Chris & Chris Phillips m e m b e r s of
Please send stamp for details to:Brian & Wendy Burnett, c/o 51 Main Road, Kinnerton, Chester, CH4 9AJ.
Vegan Society welcome vegans. H o m e baking, wholefoods, safe sandy beach. Send S A E for brochure.
WHY NOT BE OUR GUESTS and for once experience a truly relaxing holiday in the West Country?
Woodcote stands in its own grounds overlooking the tidal estuary and bird sanctuary of Hayle, and Is within easy reach ol many fine beaches and coastal walks — the idea ideal centre from which to explore and discover the beauty of Cornwall:
Meadfoot Beach. Tel. 0803 22194. Member Vegan Society. Member V S (UK). Peacefully situated among the trees in the loveliest part of Torquay and overlooking the sea towards Brixham and Berry Head, the hotel offers wholefood Vegan and Vegetarian meals which are interesting, satisfying and well balanced. The town centre is two bus stops away and Meadfoot Beach 350 yards.
On a personal note, those with tired and jaded palates need not despair for, as attentive hosts, we ensure that you are offered an imaginative cuisine supported by a goodly measure of old fashioned personal service. Also available, SELF-CATERING C H A L E T , sleeps four.
Some rooms private showers. Fully centrally heated. Open all year (including Christmas). Colour brochure from Res. Props.. Mr. & Mrs. E. D . Baker.
Stamp appreciated for brochure to: John and Pamela Barrett, The Saltings, Lelant, St. Ives, Cornwall, TR26 3DL Tel. 0736 753147.
Lakeland's strictly Vegetarian Guest House offers a warm and hospitable welcome to Vegans. Come to us to relax, to walk and climb, to absorb the tranquility of Orchard House and the Lake District. We have a peaceful garden, a warm and comfortable home, delicious and different food and we are situated in superb Lake District country. We ask Vegans to give us a week's notice if possible.
Brochure from
Monty Alge and Keong Wee, Orchard House, Borrowdale Road, Keswick on Derwentwater, Cumbria Tel.(0596) 7 2 8 3 0
( S t a m p appreciated)
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C R A N K S HeALTH FOODS William Blake House. Marshall Street, London
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Heal's, 196 Tottenham Court Road, W.1 Shinners Bridge, Dartington, Devon Peter Robinson, Oxford Circus, W.1 The Market, Covent Garden, W.C.2 35 High Street, Totnes, Devon
not instead of breast-milk, but on weaning and through the rest of life provides important nutrients including B12, CALCIUM & PROTEIN. High in polyunsaturates. All Plamil products are guaranteed exclusively vegan. List and recipes (SAE please) f r o m Plamil Foods Ltd. Plamil House, Bowles Well Gardens, Folkestone.
i i