The Vegan Winter 1994

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• useful addresses & contacts • guidance on additives • suggested reading

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Ve At 9 e , a r ' a n s a n d Vegans who have been unhappy wearing leather shoes i * ^ " a n d h a v e found c a n v a s a n d plastic shoes unsatisfactory, finally h a v e a choice. T h e s e n e w 'Vegetarian shoes' look a n d feel like supple leather but are infact 1 0 0 % m a n m a d e , - the uppers are m a d e from a new high-tec polyurethane, t h a t is s c u f f - r e s i s t a n t , w a t e r - r e s i s t a n t a n d most importantly breathable' like l e a t h e r . C o m b i n e d with t h e quality, comfort a n d durability s y n o n y m o u s with D o c M a r t e n s w e feel w e have now produced the ultimate vegetarian shoes! D.M. SHOES £47.00 + £3.95 P&P BLACK & BROWN D.M. BOOTS £49.95 + £3.95 P&P BLACK, GREEN, PURPLE & CHERRY RED

Ifyou are investing in a unit trust, a personal pension or a life assurance, the fund behind it is probably holding the shares of companies who do things you don't believe in. Pacifists are investing in armaments firms, teetotallers in breweries ASH supporters are investing in tobacco conglomerates, environmentalists in companies with a bad pollution record. And soon... But It doesn't hare to be that way. Barchester specialises in identifying those investments which put the energy of your money in the direction of your values In the pensions field, for instance, the longest established of these funds has outperformed 95% of all individual UK Growth pension funds over the last 9 years.' So'ethical/green' investment doesn't have to be unprofitable. And 'profit doesn't have to be a dirty word. Why not contact Rob Yellowhammer, at 5 Regent St, Leamington Spa, or telephone ( 0 9 2 6 ) 8 3 2 0 1 4 .

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\%an Editor: Richard Farhall Design and production by Taylor McKenzie Printed by Litho Techniques (Kenley Ltd) on recycled paper. Advertising Manager: Richard Farhall, 0424 427393 The Vegan is published quarterly by The Vegan Society Publication Date: March, June, September, December Copy Date: 25th January, 25th April, 25th July, 25th October ISSN 0307-4811 Š The Vegan Society The views expressed in The Vegan do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or of the Vegan Society Council. Nothing printed should be construed to be Vegan Society policy unless so stated. The Society accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. The acceptance of advertisements (including inserts) does not imply endorsement. The inclusion of product information should not be construed as constituting official Vegan Society approval for the product, its intended use, or its manufacturer/distributor. Contributions intended for publication are welcomed, but unsolicited materials will not be returned unless accompanied by an SAE.

SOCIETY The Vegan Society Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA United Kingdom. Tel. 01424 427393 Fax. 01424 717064 Registered Charity No. 279228 Company Registration No. 1468880 VAT Registration No. 448 5973 95 Founder Donald Watson Hon Patrons: Serena Coles, Freya Dinshah Arthur Ling, Tony Martin, Cor Nouws, Donald Watson, Robin Webb Council: Terry Bevis, Alex Bourke. Patrick Browne, Frank Hutson, Robin Lane, Tony Martin, Martin Masterman-Lister, Tim Powell, George Rodger, Rick Savage.

3 The Vegan, Winter 1994

Hon. Treasurer Unknown at time of going to press Local Contacts Co-ordinator Unknown at time of going to press Prison Liaison Officer Simon Russell STAFF General Secretary Richard Farhall Assistant General Secretary Julie Whitlock (part-time) Office Manager Amanda Rofe (part-time) Administrative Assistant Keith Bird Veganism may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms it refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce — including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey, and their derivatives. Abhorrence of the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming is probably the single most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are drawn to it for health, ecological, spiritual and other reasons. If you would like more information on veganism a free Information Pack is available from the Society's office in exchange for two first class stamps. The Vegan Society was formed in England in November 1944 by a group of vegetarians who had recognized and come to reject the ethical compromises implicit in lacto-(i.e. dairy-dependent)vegetarianism and consequently decided to renounce the use of all animal products.

Contents Chairsay Parting shot

Shoparound Back in business



Vegans International Around the globe


Young Vegans Jasmine's Diary and more

Cooking With Tofu 18 Martial-ing a culinary art

Vegan Stirrings in the Ancient World Glimmerings from long ago A Vegan in the Family Peace and goodwill?



The Premiere of Truth or Dairy


All go in Soho

If you are already a vegan or vegan sympathizer please support the Society and help increase its influence by joining. Increased membership means more resources to educate and inform. Full membership is restricted to practising vegans, as defined above, but sympathizers are welcome as supporters of the Society. Both members and supporters receive The Vegan.

'Laone' Response Procreation OK


J D Hoo More off-beat cuisine




Vegan Society Local Contacts


Postbag Over to you The Michael Klaper MD UK Lecture Series 11 One helluva week Womenspeak Who gets the blame?

The Vegan Society Trade Mark is the property of the Vegan Society. The Society is prepared to authorize the use of its trade mark on products which accord with its 'no animal ingredients' and 'no animal testing' criteria. Applications for use should be addressed to the General Secretary. Unauthorized use is strictly forbidden.



Publications & Promotional Goods






Recovery in the Cruel Society 13 Pause for thought

Cover by Peter Cantlijf Chief illustrator: Suzanne



The small group of people who (with the help of the Vegan Society staff) organized Dr Michael Klaper's recent visit to the UK shared a standing joke — one which sustained us through the darkest moments when all seemed lost. To the public at large we were arranging a lecture series; in private we were preparing for nothing less than The Second Coming of the Messiah himself! And, like most good jokes, it revealed a fundamental truth. Which is how desperately people need a Saviour figure who (they

News Membership Renewals Annual members are asked to ensure that they renew their membership promptly. Please consult your membership card for your renewal date.

Lame In the recently-published Lameness in Dairy Cows (Dalgety, 1994), David Whitaker of the Royal School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh cites figures from the 30,000cow Dalgety Herd Health and Productivity Service which show that on average 32% of cows in the herd fall lame each year, with 1.2% culled because of it. ". . . the most damaging lameness conditions economically were the result of laminitis. These include sole ulcers, white line disease, underrun soles and 4

believe) can redeem them of their sins. Today in the 20th century it is no longer priests we turn to for absolution, but doctors. And. of course, there are plenty of doctors around today who are happy to bathe in that kind of reflected glory. "Hello Mr Smith. The cholesterol is not looking too good I'm afraid. Never mind, just go easy on the bacon and eggs and I'll write you a prescription to take care of the rest." Those may not be the exact words but the underlying message conveyed is: "Don't worry, I can save you."

heel erosions . . . Laminitis is caused by too much long-term pressure on the foot. Cows most at risk are those which cannot lie down as and when they want." The guide goes on to give details of lameness infections such as foul-in-the-foot — caused by damage to skin between the toes; and digital dermatitis — lesions at the join between the horn of the hoof and the skin, especially at the heel. Farmers Weekly, 16.9.94

Just a Thought Have you considered donating a copy of Truth or Dairy to your local school?

Chicken Drug Consumers of chicken, and agricultural workers, have been exposed to a chemical used in Britain to treat poultry, which has been banned in the US, Canada, Australia and Germany because it is toxic and causes cancer.

Michael Klaper (a keen tennis player incidentally) introduces an entirely different kind of ball game altogether. He puts the ball firmly back where it belongs, in the patient's court — and asks them to take responsibility for their health. For those accustomed to receiving pills for their ills this can come as a novel approach. But, coming from someone whose medical credentials and air of authority are reassuringly impressive, this odd advice (to eat a nutritious vegan diet) is readily accepted and acted upon. Michael Klaper, it has to be said, is irresistible. He won people over wherever he went, leaving them wondering to themselves, "Now why can't my GP be like that?" The last week in September was (in my humble view at least) the most positive and productive veganism has ever seen. It saw not only Dr Klaper's first UK Lecture Series, but the press launch of the Vegan Society's new video. Truth or Dairy. The West End premiere gave us all excuses to dress up and even Barry Norman was there. I nearly wet myself with excitement until I realized he was not there

to preview our film but another one. Shucks, how could I have been so naive? Oh well, I thought, it's his loss ... In its 50th Anniversary Year, the Vegan Society is really starting to take off — which is about lime. And (as I write) we haven't even had the AGM or World Vegan Day yet (plenty of scope there). The future looks strangely secure and promising. In many ways I feel sad that my term on Council has come to an end and I won't be around to play a part in the next stage (whatever that might be). Still, one of my mottoes has always been 'quit while the going is good', or something like that. My final 'gripe' is for once addressed to female members. When I go there won't be a single woman left on the Council (government) of the Society. What? Yes, shocking isn't it? Come on girls — we make up 2 / j of the membership (population). The world's crying out for a balanced Society (society) and we have only ourselves to redeem.

A joint UN/WHO committee concluded that Furazolidone — a veterinary medicine used in intensive poultry farming to suppress bacteria such as salmonella — was a carcinogen. The drug has been used in Britain for more than 20 years and at least one of Britain's largest poultry farmers, which supplies many leading supermarkets, is still using it. Independent on Sunday. 7.8.94

some or all of the following points: • Soya milk is a traditional name in the UK and is not confusing to consumers. • 'Milk' is a more accurate description of the product than the proposed 'drink'. • The use of the proposed 'soya drink' could result in the product being classified by Customs as a VATable item — thereby penalizing further (cow's milk attracts heavy subsidies) those who choose, or have to use soya milk. • 'Soya drink' would confuse consumers because it sounds like a beverage rather than a versatile commodity that can also be used for culinary purposes.

Milk or Drink? On 10 August, the Society received a letter from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (MAFF) advising it that the Government had decided not to appeal against the European Commission ruling that the term 'soya milk' no longer be used in the EU on the grounds that the Government was likely to lose in the European Court. Members and supporters might like to consider writing to the Agriculture Minister making

Louise Wallis

Send your letter to: William Waldegrave, Minister of Agriculture, MAFF, Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2HH.

Changes Council welcomes to its number George Rodger, declared elected at the 1994 AGM, and says The Vegan, Winter 1994

'thank you' and 'good bye' to Martyn Allen and Louise Wailis. Good luck to each of them. On the staffing front, the Society says 'hello' to Julie Whitlock, who joins it as parttime Assistant General Secretary. [Ed. Does this mean I can go on the 3-month Pacific cruise now?]

Leptospirosis Extensive blood profiling has revealed that 70% of UK dairy herds are infected with bovine leptospirosis. "The disease leads to abortion, depressed milk yield and higher somatic cell counts and is also transmissible to man through cow's urine," warns Peter Williams, Mallinckrodt Veterinary, Harefield, Middlesex. Farmers Weekly

Official Backing A vegan family's fight to change the Government's policy on milk tokens has earned the support of Liverpool City Council. The Council's social services subcommittee backed a motion against "discriminatory" practice in the Government Welfare Food Regulations. The parents of 14 months-old Hannah Thomson, Will Thomson and Joanne Haizelden of Kirkdale, believe the tokens should be exchangeable for soya milk. The Daily Post, 15.9.94

Vegan Ancestry "Scientists working in Ethiopia have unearthed the earliest of man's ancestors so far [Australopithecus ramidus]. They have pushed back the frontier of human history by almost a million years to a high, wooded plain inhabited 4.4. million years ago by beings about the size of a pygmy chimpanzee . . . the creature's descendants a million years later have teeth covered with thick enamel, as if they lived off nuts and seeds. But the latest discoveries from the Aramis region of Middle Awash in Ethiopia, have only thin enamel, and suggest that the first hominids were fruit eaters." The Guardian, 22.9.94

Milk Hormone Three British researchers have claimed that "their attempts to publish important findings about 5 The Vegan, Winter 1994

the safety of the synthetic growth hormone BST were blocked for three years by Monsanto, the biotechnology company that manufactures the hormone. Their research suggested that cows given the drug are more likely to develop mastitis, a painful inflammation of the udder." The authors — Erik Millstone of the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex, Eric Brunner of University College London and Ian White, a statistician at the London School of Hygiene and tropical Medicine — analysed eight trials of BST carried out by Monsanto. They believe that if their findings had been published earlier, they might have influenced the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which gave Monsanto a licence to sell BST in November 1993. In an attempt to prevent Europe's milk lake growing any larger, EU agriculture ministers agreed in December 1993 to a one-year moratorium on the use of the drug. Almost 60 organizations, ranging from supermarket chains to Scottish cheesemakers have written to Britain's Agriculture Minister urging that the ban should stay in place. Only 20 organizations want the ban lifted — mainly biotechnology companies and scientific insti-

EDWARD SMAIL I hope I can convey in this obituary the feelings and affecions I have for the Ted Smails of this world. Fairness, frankness, chivalry, tenderness and sensitivity, are not feminine or masculine separations, but just plain good human traits, and Ted had them all. He attached himself to veganism, with such supreme devotion, that he is just as alive now, as the alive are. Most wartime experiences have an unhappy tale to tell, and Ted had his share. After having volunteered himself for the army, he was parachuted over Germany and was promptly captured along with his 30-40 colleagues. He had to endure the next 4 '/ 2 years in a POW camp, working a 13 hour shift every day, down a mine. He escaped once, in a momentary one-off opportunity that presented itself, only to be re-

I fear the worst mate! Everyone born here suffers and dies early!

tutions. Organizations representing farming interests and milk processors fear a consumer backlash if BST is approved. According to the RSPCA, the incidence of mastitis is between 15 and 45% higher in herds treated with BST. New Scientist 13.8.94 New Scientist 22.10.94

In Brief • As from mid-September, British Sugar began using only vegetable or synthetically based anti-foams in the production of its white sugar. (Previously, some of its factories were using

captured, and go back down the mine again, until the day he was released by the Americans. After his release, Ted was par-' ticularly saddened at losing touch with his friends, who used to cook the food that Ted had stolen to feed the prisoners who were getting dangerously short on nourishment. This period of Ted's life was to have a psychosomatic affect on his health in later years. After his release from Germany, he was sent to England, and worked as a raining engineer; thence to Zambia and South Africa, where he met his wife Anne, who had given up teaching to help with nursing. In addition to his mining work there, he took on the task of padre in the absence of one, and eventually returned to us, this time to Glamorgan, Wales where he was the manager of an iron mine. He was very well liked by the Welsh. Here he designed a locomotive to

fish oil.) Letter to the Natural Food <6 Drink Company, 12.8.94 • Jack Sprat is the name of the first of a chain of vegan fast food restaurants in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Animal People, October 1994 • Abortion now affects up to 1 million breeding ewes each year, at a cost to the industry of over £30 million. The two main causes of EAE (enzootic abortion in ewes) in the UK flock are Chlamydia psittaci and toxoplasmosis infections. Each disease affects between 200,000 and 400,000 ewes every year. Farmers Weekly 18.3.94

release the pit ponies from their miserable lives. From Wales, he moved to Cornwall, where he ran a pet and garden business, until he retired. His constant concern for others was to lead Ted to the supreme devotion in his retirement, to relieving the plight of animals, and thus he was introduced to the Vegan Society, where he recognized that its straightforward, rational, linear thinking was the way we should all be heading. That was 15 years ago, and his service to the cause never relaxed, right up to the very end of his life, as evidenced by his perpetual string of writings and letters to inform and educate, especially to institutions, where he thought they would be heeded most. Evalan White Edward Smail: Born August 20 1916, New Zealand; Died September 21 1994, Liskeard, Cornwall.


Kate Emmett searches for the first glimmerings of vegan consciousness

l t h o u g h the ancient world widely exploited animals for food, for labour, f o r s a c r i f i c e and, in the n o t o r i o u s Roman circuses, for entertainment, protests were voiced against such abuse, and in particular a case was made f r o m early on for abstinence f r o m animal food. Such views often stemmed from philosophy. In the 5th century BC the pre-Socratic philosopher Empedocles called animal sacrifice " m u r d e r " , describing it as dusekheos ('ill-sounding') with the cries of slaughtered victims — the same word Homer uses of the din of battle. In eating meat, he says, men d e v o u r o n e a n o t h e r . This arises f r o m his belief in the unity of all life — that is, reincarnation through various species of animal w h i c h lie b e t w e e n plants and man on the path to divinity.


On Abstinence


In the 3rd century AD Porphyry wrote a book e n t i t l e d On the Abstinence from Animal Food, a n d b a s e d his a r g u m e n t s on health 6


and on philosophy. He had to meet several schools of opposed thought: the Stoics argued it was not wrong to kill animals as man could not include irrational beings

Claudius makes a rare reference to veganism under justice because if they did, they would have to include trees as well; while the Epicureans argued that justice was there to protect society and animals could have no part in it as they do not agree not to kill men. Besides, it is in society's interest to kill animals lest we are over-run by them (a popular argument even today). Claudius Neapolitan wrote a whole treatise against vegetarianism. His arguments for eating meat include health — for example, the blind are supposed to regain their sight by eating the viper; the soul — if an animal's soul is mortal, it is not unjust to kill it; if it is immortal, it will be /

happy to be released into the cycle of reincarnation again so it can become a human more quickly. Claudius makes a rare reference to veganism in his case against vegetarianism, but uses it almost as an argument against such a diet. He writes: "If, however, someone should nevertheless think it is unjust to destroy brutes, such a one should neither use milk, nor wool, nor sheep, nor honey". He explains that by shearing a sheep we injure him, just as if we were to take a m a n ' s clothes from him; milk is not produced for us, but the animal's young; and, similarly, honey is made not for us but the bee. Porphyry answers back saying a "slender diet" — that is, vegetarian — creates a pure mind and body suitable for a philosopher. Such a diet is easier to procure and cook, more rapidly digested, excites the desires less and gives a body strength. Whereas meat, he says, is expensive, makes a man sluggish and creates diseases, "incentives to venery" and an "abundance of excrements", The Vegan, Winter 1994

The skins shivered; and upon the spits the flesh bellowed, Both cooked and raw; the voice of cattle was heard. Plutarch says this is portentous, albeit mythical, and that when a man craves the meat that is still bellowing and knows how to cook and serve it, this is the man we should seek out, not "him who all too late desisted".

Ancient Animal Rights Plutarch is unusual in denouncing the killing of animals not in philosophical or medical terms, but as wrong per se, that "for the sake of a little flesh, we deprive animals of the life to which they are entitled by birth and being". He gives a rare and very interesting example of ancient animal rights: Xenocrates tells of a man punished by the Athenians for flaying a ram while still alive. This is evidence that there were limits, though few, on the cruelty permitted by public opinion. Plutarch, however, equates the ram-flayer's wrong with that of anyone who kills an animal, for whatever reason.

Any good treatment animals received was usually to meet utilitarian ends

which doctors of the time warned against. He says we would not be over-run by animals if fishermen and swineherds were to lose their jobs and cites as proof the animals we don 7 eat, which are not overly abundant.

Justice should be extended to animals Justice should be extended to animals, he argues, as they are rational beings: they have speech; senses which are often more acute than our own; they have memory and show justice towards one another — eg ants, bees and the famously chaste ring-doves; finally, reason must be inherent in them as they can learn tasks and tricks. And if as was claimed, 'God made the animals for us', why then did he make flies, lice, vipers and crocodiles? He concludes that the man who does not kill animals for nutriment, but for pleasure and gluttony, is "iniquitous and dire". 7 The Vegan, Winter 1994

Plutarch in his Moralia takes up a similar argument: that a man can have his fill of grains and plants and therefore, "driven by luxurious desires" for meat, pursues "illicit" food. He opens his first discourse 'On the Eating of Flesh' with strong words, reversing the question of why Pythagoras stopped eating meat and asking instead why the first man started, who "touched his mouth to gore and brought his lips to the flesh of a dead creature, he who set forth tables of dead, stale bodies and ventured to call food and nourishment the parts that had a little before bellowed and cried, moved and lived. How could his eyes endure the slaughter when throats were slit and hides flayed and limbs torn from limb? How could his nose endure the stench? How was it that the pollution did not turn away his taste, which made contact with the sores of others and sucked juices and serums from mortal wounds?" Plutarch then quotes two lines f r o m Homer which describe the flesh of the Sungod's cattle over the fire:

In his second discourse on the same subject, Plutarch advocates killing only if need be and not as a luxury; and if we must kill, he says, we should do it in pity and sorrow, citing some current h o r r e n d o u s f a r m i n g practices as how not to do it — for example, putting red-hot spits into the throats of pigs to emulsify the blood and make the flesh tender. Others, he says, j u m p onto the udders of sows about to give birth and kick them so that, blending blood and milk and gore and killing the unborn young, they may eat the most inflamed part of the animal; others sew up the eyes of cranes and swans, shut them in darkness and fatten t h e m to m a k e the flesh more tasty. Such protests, however, seem few and far between — hardly surprising in a slaveowning society which felt little compassion for its fellow men. Any good treatment animals received was usually to meet utilitarian ends: vets in Hellenistic times concentrated on the horse, as it was an important animal for man, while decent treatment in rearing animals was requisite for a man to get the best profit possible from his livestock — the same practices were advocated in the case of slaves. It is precisely this kind of attitude which Plutarch picks on when he r e c o m mends including animals in a humanitarian outlook: it is necessary even if only to practise humanity for when we deal with men.




Tuesday 27 September 1994 saw the West End launch of the Vegan Society's groundbreaking new video. Its recently-appointed Assistant General Secretary, Julie Whitlock was t h e r e . . .

The business of journalism and dealing with journalists is a breeding ground for cynicism. Denis MacShane, Using The Media n many respects I wish I had borne this in mind before affecting my onslaught on the media in an attempt to promote Truth or Dairy. Instead, I tried, against my better judgement, to convince myself that journalists were only doing a j o b (where have I heard that one before?) and their work relied on people like me giving them good stories to write about! After all, I mused, they've d o n e articles on vegans before: G F N e w m a n , Peter Cox, Martin Shaw etc — why not our new video?


T h e majority of my calls to the press w e r e answered by hassled, aggressive,

The stage was set to scupper 'National Milkman Week' newsdesk men. "Vegan . . . wot's 'at then love?" I could imagine them conjuring up pictures of me sitting in my Tardis! Other familiar responses included muffled background noises of sloany journalists anguishing with one another: "I don't know — she says she's from the Vecon Society or something — what do I say Priscilla? — she sounds alright but you never know do you? — who talks to these sorts of people here?" At other times I received an instant click on the line; a reminder that priorities lay with photographing dead birds decked out in Christmas paraphernalia; or a smug "No, I don't think so dear". Others asked whether it

8 The Vegan, Winter 1994

Left to right: Peter Cox, Gill Langley, Katherine Monbiot, Benjamin Zephaniah, Dr Michael Klaper



Phil Kymbery (CIWF), Steve Connor (Vegetarian Society), James Ferguson (IFAW), Dan Mills (McLibel Campaign), and Peter Cox for all their help and encouragement.

I wondered whether it had all been a rather idealistic dream meat". Heartening were the responses from 'vegan-friendly' journalists — to such an extent that on hearing the rare "Yep, I'm coming, looking forward to it!", I was in danger of being permanently in shock.

The Big Day

would be suitable for the 'Pets Page'. One news editor f r o m a large tabloid asked whether I was talking about "welfare-type animals — eg seals".

Tack Change Fed up with the fruitlessness of the conciliatory approach and amazed at how many journalists appeared to be booking their holidays for the following Tuesday (premiere date), I decided to adopt the 'don't you dare mess with me' tack (for the sake of the animals of course!). This appeared to command instant respect from the journoes, who were now reduced to snivelling wrecks — repeatedly apologizing for not having read the press release and admitting that they really didn't know the difference between a vegan and "this mate I've got who won't eat red

9 The Vegan, Winter 1994

A few hours before the premiere, there was much excitement when clips from Truth or Dairy and an interview with Peter Cox were broadcast on the Big Breakfast News. The stage was set to scupper 'National Milkman Week' . . . S o h o ' s Mr Y o u n g ' s Preview Theatre (with the exception of its wheelchairunfriendliness) proved to be an excellent choice for the venue. So too was the selection of Cafe Pushka for the catering — the food was absolutely stunning. The reception room and passages were soon full to heaving with journalists and other interesting looking people. It was interesting to note that even in the small and close-knit vegan world, cliques appear to have established themselves — eg the 'vegan intelligentsia' clique and the 'Klaper' clique [Ed. Some overlap surely?.'] 'Your compere for the day' was Peter Cox, author of The New Why You Don 7 Need Meat and general enigmat

ic person. The showing of Truth or Dairy was a great success. The footage of society's abuse of ' f a r m ' animals was instructive — reminding any carnivores, d e m i - v o r e s or vegetarians that yes, there is blatant and inexcusable cruelty involved in the dairy and egg industries. In 'Question T i m e ' a f t e r w a r d s , the all vegan-panel of Peter Cox, Gill L a n g l e y , Katherine Monbiot, B e n j a m i n Z e p h a n i a h and Dr Michael Klaper were grilled relentlessly by the by-now 'vegan-sympathetic' journalists, on a whole host of areas. Each member of the Panel was brilliant — a convincing answer to every question. T h a n k s Panel! B Z ' s personal anecdotes and witty observations on life went down a treat. A last minute appearance (but not in the theatre) was made by an un-named TV crew whose glossy looking female reporter stood outside the theatre giving an authoritative speech on how "these people d o n ' t even eat. . .", thereafter escaping to the safety of her Space Cruiser to zoom off, unfettered by us. After Peter Cox had been whisked away for an interview on Sky News, I e m e r g e d from the theatre into the 'real w o r l d ' of London, blinking at daylight, partially deafened and choked by the roar and f u m e s of the traffic — thousands of empty faces, non vegans, thundering past in unison. I w o n dered whether it had all been a rather idealistic dream. I hope not — for the animals' sake.



i W H C W c f f E R




Just £9.95 (p&p ind. — UK only)

presents S O C I E T Y T r u t h o r Dairy explains just why it is that some people have decided to go against the grain of popular burger, shake & fries culture and attempts to answer that most difficult of questions: "If you give up eating meat, fish, milk, eggs and cheese, is there anything left at all except a few poxy vegetables?" T r u t h o r Dairy is presented by poet Benjamin Zephaniah, and features a star-studded vegan cast including The B52s, Consolidated, Uri Geller, Casey Kasem, k.d. lang, Moby, River Phoenix, Martin Shaw, Heather Small (M-People), Spice Williams, Daisy the pantomime cow and a nice man who runs a fruit 'n' veg stall in Camden High Street.

Please rush me

copy/ies of T r u t h o r Dairy @ £9.95 each (p&p inch).

I enclose cheque/PO for £ Name

A Word o Pictures production for The Vegan Society UK, 1994 Running time: 22 minutes

payable to 'The Vegan Society'. Address Postcode

R e t u r n to: T h e Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA.


The Vegan, Winter 1994



ever had a visit by a vegan dignitary been so eagerly anticipated. The vegan grapevine was buzzing; requests for details of Dr Klaper's public engagements were received in the Vegan Society office long before the visit was made public! It seemed that everyone and their budgie wanted to listen to the world's best-known vegan medical practitioner. And so it was; the free public lectures were packed — would-be attendees had to be turned away (fire regs you know) — and the 'Health & Nutrition' seminar could have been filled many times over. Wherever he went Dr Klaper informed, inspired and entertained. This tower of vegan strength (shoe size: 15!) kept his audiences enthralled with a potent blend of expert knowledge, practical advice, gentle jibes at the orthodoxers and engaging humour. Many who listened to him said afterwards that they could have sat there all day. There are a good number of us who have


changed or refined our diets after listening to, or meeting Dr Klaper. We, and those who come into contact with us with whom we may share our new-found knowledge, are truly fortunate.

The Man Himself Dr Michael Klaper received his medical education at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago. He served his medical internship at Vancouver General Hospital in British Columbia, Canada. After six years general practice in metropolitan Vancouver, Dr Klaper undertook additional training in surgery, anaesthesiology and orthopaedics at the University of British Columbia Hospitals, and obstetrics at the University of California in San Francisco. He then served for three years as a physician at an isolated hospital on a native American Indian reservation in the mountains of Northern California.

LECTURE SERIES FACT FILE (Compiled by Julia Hope Jacquel) Number of people attending lectures: 800 Health care professionals attending lectures/meetings: 50

Those having total collapse of health: 1 Earliest Dr Klaper woke to prepare for day: 3.30am

Number of talks: 11

Latest Dr Klaper woke to prepare for day: 6am

Filmings: 2 Tapings: 2 Meetings: 14 Venues: London, Manchester, Oxford, Hereford, Hay (Wales) Number of people known to have become vegan following a lecture/meeting: 20 (including journalist/writer Colin Spcncer)

Months of preparation: Volunteers: 20

11 The Vegan, Winter 1994


Latest late night work session: 2.30am Those on the organizing committee giving up smoking before arrival: 5 Those still not smoking: 0 Number of people who have given up chocolate: 9 Number of relationships breaking up: 1 Times Julia called Richard Farhall: Unrecordable

As his medical practice progressed, Dr Klaper became aware of how many diseases — clogged arteries, high blood pressure, obesity, adult onset diabetes and others — were caused or worsened by the high-fat, low fibre standard American diet. He began a serious study of clinical nutrition and realized the benefits of high-fibre, cholesterol-free wholefoods. In his medical practice, Dr Klaper began to utilize effective nutritional strategies for many medical conditions and the results were dramatic. Almost all patients who followed his dietary plan and exercise programme became leaner, and their elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels reduced. Serious conditions such as coronary artery disease improved or disappeared. Dr Klaper has authored two books on nutrition: Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple, and Pregnancy, Children and the Vegan Diet — and is Founding Director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research. He travels extensively, giving workshops to health professionals, as well as to the public, on the advantages of evolving towards a more plantbased diet.

Thanks to . . . Dr Klaper (please come again!); Julia Hope Jacquel (world's foremost vegan ambassador) — without whom the visit simply wouldn't have happened; Lindsey Russell — even though she works for the 'opposition' (Vegetarian Living); the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital; each and every person who assisted in some way with the preparation and organization of the week.

And If You Missed the Man . . . What are you waiting for? Buy his video! (See pages 28-29.) Richard Farhall


Louise Wallis continues her column on issues of particular interest to vegan women


everal months ago, one of my closest friends had an abortion. Six months into her pregnancy a routine scan revealed the devastating news that her baby had spina bifida, a congenital and irreversible malformation of the spine. After a week of soul-searching, she and her partner came to a mutual decision to end the pregnancy. More recently another friend of mine became distraught to learn that she was carrying a baby she had not planned and did not want. She too, with the support of her partner, chose to have an abortion.

Having never been pregnant, I've never had to contemplate abortion myself. That's not to suggest that it couldn't have happened to me, for it certainly could have. I've flirted with danger and behaved recklessly at 12

times; but at the end of the day I've been lucky (very). Sex between men and women is a risky business. Especially for women. If contraception should fail, then a woman has to face up to the terrifying reality that her body is no longer her own. Whereas a man retains his bodily autonomy, and is physically scot-free to disassociate himself altogether (should he prove emotionally immature). She is impelled to act, whilst he isn't. It is precisely because women do not have the choice to run away from the situation that they usually end up getting blamed for the consequences of a joint transaction. In ancient societies, when the link between the sexact itself and the arrival of a baby 9 months later was not understood, women were held in awe as divine beings (Gods) who

were able to miraculously manifest life from their own bodies. Although most of us are instructed in the basics of biology these days, this absurd view of women as self-fertilizers somehow prevails deep within the human psyche. Women it seems can't win. They get blamed for having abortions. I'm sick of women being scapegoated, so that men can absolve themselves of their 'sins' (read 'responsibilities'). But of course, the idea of women as scapegoats is nothing new — it's as old as the system of patriarchy itself. Women (especially wise women, healers, midwives, lesbians and those who choose to live unmarried) were murdered in their millions until relatively recent times on the command of the male Church. Whilst we may no longer feel the need to bum women at the stake, has our society really advanced? Or has 'progress' meant that we've merely developed ever more refined methods with which to torture and oppress women? So what has all this got to do with vegans? Well, increasing numbers of vociferous individuals within the vegan movement are claiming that being a vegan means opposing abortion. For me this is a highly disturbing phenomenon which requires urgent clarification. The word 'vegan' merely describes a plant based diet, and those who follow it. The reasons for choosing not to eat animals (which are many and varied) simply do not come

into the definition. If someone asks me why I'm vegan I'll tell them, but my reasons will be different from the next vegan's. Clearly, it is up to each individual to define what being a vegan means to them. Veganism is about action not indoctrination, and I feel angry when someone tries to tell me what a vegan, especially a vegan woman, is supposed to be. It angers me when other people make assumptions about me. For example, that because I identify as a vegan I should stridently speak out against abortion. And that if I don't, I'm not a real vegan. All this in the name of 'reverence for life'!; but do we ever pause to ask what it really means? Does 'revering life' mean preserving and prolonging life at any cost, however dear? Or does it not equally invite us to revere death, so that life itself may become more precious? The truth is that no one (least of all the woman herself) is in favour of taking the life that grows inside. Can you not conceive of how heavily the decision weighs on her heart, and how much grief and pain accompanies 'playing God'? If you have a gripe, then surely it is with Nature (or God) herself and not with women as a sex? For it was part of her grand design to bestow upon women's bodies the power both to bring forth life and to take it away: I can assure you that women have never taken this responsibility lightly. The Vegan, Winter 1994


CRUEL SOCIETY As the festive season approaches, Rodney Aitchtey pauses for thought


H ^ r r y Christmas!". . . "A very | h a p p y Christmas!" will be I resounding round the land. Hallowed carols sung beautifully, but ringing hollowly in people's ears. If what they say were taken to heart, there would be no poverty, no misery, no loneliness, no wanton slaughter of living creatures with spirit in them akin to ours: the animals, birds and fishes. As it is, Santa's reindeers would be roasted. Our increasingly desensitized consumer Christian society hallows hunting, shooting and fishing as if ordained. Christmas follows the 'seasons' for hunting foxes, badger (goodger) baiting, hare coursing, and suchlike barbarity which is actually regarded by Christians as being the right thing to do. It explains why factory farming for the Christmas and New Year slaughter has become the unquestioned way to provide enough for people to feed their greed over the Christmas period. It's good money! This gruesome practice is changing, but oh, so slowly. It is also the cause of the Earth's surface being despoiled without let. I'd like to propose that the general run of people have now become desensitized, to such a degree that they function as if mechanized (which is precisely what this government is aiming for). Mechanically-minded people, now with mass-produced opinions try to obtain happiness by inveterately consuming technical so-called 'goods', and by following savage customs without a thought. They consume more and more, yet ironically, the lasting happiness for which they yearn eludes them, and creates stress. To which the answer undoubtedly is, as experience knows, to consume less to become more. Such mechanized people are 'gifts' for the still called, or misnamed originally, National Health Service, where treatment for stress has become dependent on questionable drugs foisted on them by the huge pharmaceutical industry which has grown into a monolithic treatment-bank, which doctors have come to draw on automatically, so often to the detriment of patients' health. Even the sexual act has become mechanized: 13 The Vegan, Winter 1994

a form of assisted masturbation, which contributes to the growing stress, with nails bitten to the quick. Once people become dead to their feelings, their sensitivity can dry up to such a degree as this example suggests: two SAS trained killers sent to Greenham Common were able to kick two defenceless women, first in the stomach, who when buckled up in agony, then their heads, with blank expressions. They had been dinned and dulled into becoming effective robots at behest of government.

As One That dreadfulness b e c o m e s explained, because of the now increasingly acceptable notion that mind and body are indivisible, when we consider that mechanized people are composed of dead animal carcasses. By eating dead animals the brain as well as the body is affected. In other words, both body and mind become desensitized, which the body/mind opposes by creating stress with physical and mental symptoms. Such body/mind, mind/body stress grows into cancers, heart disease, and other malignant

If we can accept that we are all in each other . . . diseases. The mind and body are at disease; and if balance is not restored the human organism suffers and dies, as in nature. The idea of interrelationship is given clear meaning if we consider the body. The body is a blending of distinctions, b e i n g composed as it is of bones, organs, muscles, etc, which all function to contribute to the whole. We d o n ' t normally distinguish between each separate part (how many hundreds or thousands of t h e m m a k e up the whole?), until a particular part makes itself felt, which the facial expression shows. That explains why the body has been described as being a microcosm of the universe, which functions similarly. To take a step further, each of us interacts with w h o m e v e r we c o m e across, and they with us. This interaction extends to animals, there being no distinction in kind. If we can accept that we are all in each other, this widened being can extend to N a t u r e . And with such self-identification with multiplicity, compassion and sense of responsibility comes unasked for! A notion has become apparent that our language is mainly responsible for establishing existing attitudes. Our language is riddled with anti-animal and antinature/environment words and expressions. Expressions, such as: ' b l o o d y well a r e ' , 'silly old goat', 'stupid c o w ' , 'don't be such a pig', 'filthy animal', 'branded as a criminal', 'horse-brained', ' g o i n g to seed' and there are hundreds more. So it is not only people who need to be resensitized, but our language too. A last thought to w e l c o m e 1995. Wherever mankind (mancruel, manking) has settled, degradation of the Earth has ensued. Only now with the evolution of people to veganism can that fact be overturned. Thus it is that a vegan is in the vanguard of change towards a c o m p a s s i o n a t e society w h e r e humans no longer eat in any f o r m what amounts to being their relatives and play a great part to save the Earth.


is now being marketed by Clearspring. It's called Rice Dream, and uses organic rice. Low in fat and containing less sodium than soya milk, it can be used in similar ways — as a drink, hot or cold, on cereal or in cooking.

Baby News For those of us with young ones (Yes, thank you, Minnie's doing very nicely!), Baby Organix's new additions to the dry cereal range will be welcome — Oat Cereal with Apples and Strawberries, and Baby Rice with Apples.


Annie Brosnan is back on the new product trail

Snack Out Several new 'in-between' foods to report on. Holly Mills' new dairy free Carriba. Not only is it meant to be good to eat, it's meant to be good for you as well (vitamins B f , B 2 and B,). Also there are five flavours of Jumbo Jacks Flapjacks, which do not claim to be good for you (available from health/wholefood stores). Other snacky goodies include Stamp Collection (launched by macrobiotic actor Terence Stamp) — potato chips a bit like traditional crisps, made from sweet potato, carrot and beetroot. These are also gluten- and saltfree.

Xtras Those little added touches to make a good meal that much better: Bacos, from Betty Crocker (available from Waitrose and Tesco, among others) are bacon flavoured chips — and they're even greasy like the real thing. No need to wine (sorry!) 'cos Safeway has brought out a new Vegetarian White Wine (Domaine du Rey, Vin de Pays des Cotes de Gascogne — for the buffs). Beware of the equivalent Vegetarian Red Wine — egg white finings. For the finishing touches, 14

why not try the relaunched 'improved' N'ice Day from Dayvilles? Four flavours (vanilla, strawberry, pistachio-almond and chocolate), these are fully kosher and bear the Vegan Society Trade Mark. Available in larger Holland and Barrett stores. For the side salad, there are two new dressings from Heidelberg — Greek Dressing and Balsamic Vinaigrette. For the toast fiends among you, French Materne's three new jams may be of interest (strawberry and wild strawberry [!], peach and raspberry, and orange marmalade).

Tasty Pastries A new range of pastries from The Saker Food Company includes Nut and Mushroom Pasty, Curry Dhal Pasty as well as sweet pastries like cakes (banana and walnut, apricot and almond, and carrot and sultana). Available from health/wholefood stores and supermarkets.

On the clothes line are two new options in footwear (a seriously expanding area of vegan merchandise). From Made to Last come the multi-purpose Lorica Boots. Contact the company on 0532 304983. Also there are Hawkins' Veggie Trekkers — developed in conjunction with Vegetarian Shoes of Brighton — ideal for hill-walking. Contact Vegetarian Shoes on 0273 691913, or G T Hawkins customer service department on 0604 32293.

toiletry ranges — Essential, Fruit and Unscented. From Fragrant Memories comes a bath range, Freeman Beautiful Bath, comprising no less than 16 products, available from many department stores and high street chemists. A new cream for treating inflamed or infected skin (insect bites, stings, boils, burns, psoriasis etc), containing a wonder herb echinacea which is antiviral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, has been developed by Bioforce. Also from Bioforce, using echinacea, is a toothpaste good for fighting tooth and gum infections. The products are available from health/wholefood shops or mail order on 0563 851177. Finally, where can you find ranges of vegan toiletries under one roof? At vegan mail-order company Our Choice. For its catalogue send a first class stamp to: 30 Richdale Avenue, Kirtonin-Lindsey, Lines DN21 4BL.

You're not allowed to smoke it, but it looks like it's OK to wear it. . . clothing made from hemp from Union Hemp. Jackets, trousers, skirts, dresses, shirts — all made from that versatile weed and available mail order from: 14 South Gallery, Exchange Street, Sheffield, S2 5TR (0742 766234). It's expensive, but looks good and is certainly something of a novelty. Even the press release is printed on hemp paper!

OsterSoy No More Heinz, which recently bought Farleys from Boots, has informed the Society that Farley's OsterSoy has been renamed Farley's Soya Formula. Heinz says it has no plans to change the (vegan) formula.


For the Skin For under the clothes, Honesty has produced three new vegan

NOW! Lashings of delicious vegan food!

Soya Debate Without going into the ins and outs of this wrangle, I thought you might be interested to hear of a suggestion for the renamed 'soya milk' should the EU get its way and require it — 'Soya Not Milk' ('I Can't Believe It's Not Milk'?) An alternative to soya milk

10% off for Vegan Society members Open daily exc. Wed & Sun, 9 to 5

BcTi v c a e f c q c i o r t

c a f e

Tel: 071 738 6161

The Vegan, Winter 1994

VEGANS INTERNATIONAL A regular look at the international scene by Vegan Society Council member, Alex Bourke Munching in Munich The Vegan Guide to Munich is now out in German and will soon be available in English. Send DM10 (Europe) or DM12 (world), to:

Help the Russians The Vegetarian and Vegan Society of St Petersburg has 1,000 members and welcomes magazines and books, donations and visitors. Many Russians turn to vegetarianism because of health problems and the Society has close relations with a medical centre. It also produces materials aimed at families so that people will teach their children to be vegetarian. They receive many enquiries, but so far have no premises. An

15 The Vegan, Winter 1994

office of 50m 2 would cost £700 per year, and equipment is needed. The Society believes that with £3,000 it could fully equip a modern office for a year and start a magazine. If you can help veganize Russia, please write to:

It's All Vegan To Me Aris Skliros invites vegans for holidays in his Athens holiday flat, which can accommodate 1 - 2 people. There is no group in Greece yet, but Aris is eager to contact other vegans. Contact:

Festival Calendar Why not combine next year's holiday with a brilliant week in the company of vegans, either in Britain or somewhere exotic such as . . .

23-28 JULY 1995 European Vegetarian Union Congress, Bratislava, Slovakia. In English and Slovak, with presentations on diet, lifestyle and the future of veg(etari)anism in a united Europe. Congress fee US$78 before 31 January 1995, then US$97. Hotels from US$18 per night. Food US$65 for the week. For full details send International Reply Coupon (ICR) to: Vegetarianska spolocnost, Prazska 9, c.

6-13 AUGUST 1995 International Vegan Festival, USA, San Diego State University, California. The big vegan one. Classes, workshops, lectures, food demonstrations, entertainment and lots of fun. Top speakers include Dr Michael Klaper and Lindsey Russell of Vegetarian Living magazine. The vegan holiday of a lifetime — don't miss it! For full details send an SAE to the Vegan Society (UK).



t often seems to me that being a vegan, especially a young vegan, can be very confusing and contradictory at times. The food chain, for instance, can be brutal and cruel and yet it goes on all around us and we are often powerless to intervene — as I discovered on my holiday this summer. I was camping with my family during what turned out to be the 'Daddy Longlegs' season, or for the entomologists amongst you, the cranefly (family Tipulidae). We had our own colony of these delicate creatures that lived on the outside surface of our tent. I enjoyed watching them as they appeared to anchor their long legs to the fabric, making themselves secure against sudden gusts of wind or blasts of rain. A few ventured inside in the evening attracted by the light, I caught these carefully in cupped hands and gently escorted them outside where I watched them fly clumsily away.

One evening whilst wandering around the farm where we were camped I noticed some movement from the corner of an old barn. I rushed over to investigate only to find one of my new

friends, the Daddy Longlegs, trapped in the centre of a web fluttering and struggling in vain against the huge spider which had its jaw firmly embedded in the creature's slim body. I knew I had no right to deprive the spider of its dinner, after all I had just enjoyed an excellent meal myself, and anyway I could not have freed the Daddy Longlegs without damaging it. I could only watch horrified and yet helpless. This was the real food chain of which we are all a part, often without knowing it. I am sure you have all suffered the irritating itch left by a flea or gnat which has just enjoyed a hearty meal of you! What worried me though was not the spider, which lives by instinct and was not to blame for its carnivorous behaviour, but all the so called thinking human beings who have latched themselves onto that chain in a predatory role. My spirits were lifted the following day, however, when I read about the discovery of the 'missing link', Australopithecus ramidus (Ram for short). According to the scientists who unearthed its remains in Ethiopia, this ancient ancestor of human kind walked the earth

some 4.4. million years ago. What was good news was the make up of the teeth that were found which suggest that Ram was a fruit-eater. The discovery of Ram gave me hope and helped to clarify my thoughts on the tricky subject of the food chain. Here was evi-

dence that our species may have begun to eat meat by choice and not physical necessity as some people claim. My Daddy Longlegs friends have disappeared now for the start of the winter but I am looking forward to seeing lots of them again next September.

JASMINE'S DIARY THE DIARY OF A VEGAN AGED 14 YEARS It's funny how easily I've slipped into being a vegan, it was really hard at first and I just found food really boring, but when Mum and Dad realized I was serious they started to respect my beliefs and help me. I showed Dad the Animal Free Shopper and he was amazed at how many things we use every day that have animal products in them. I've solved the chip shop problem, I now get my lunch at Georgio's Kebab Take A way. I found out that although the chip shop was using vegetable fat for the chips, it also fries the chicken and fish in it. The kebab shop cook their kebabs separately. My brother still thinks veganism is a huge joke and ruined my dinner last week by pouring some meat gravy over it. Dad wa.f furious and sent him to his room, which made him look pretty silly because he's fifteen-and-a-half and his mate was there. He's been quiet ever since??! To get my own back I stuck a 'Meat is Murder' sticker on the back of his leather jacket. That was two days ago and when he came in from school today it was still there. He hasn 't noticed it yet... !!

YOUTH GROUPS Animal Aid Youth G r o u p Organizes campaigns against bloodsports, dissection in schools and product testing. Members receive a joining pack and the bi-monthly magazine Outrage. Age group under 18s. The cost is £4 per year. Contact: Mark White, Animal Aid, The Old Chapel, Bradford Street. Tollbridge. Kent TN9 IA W. Young Ornithologists' Club The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds aims to encourage a commitment to nature conservation. Members receive The Great Green Bird Book, stickers and a bi-monthly magazine Bird Life. The cost is £7 per year or £9 for all brothers and sisters in one family. Age group 8-13. There is a special newsletter. Wingbeat, for teenagers. Write to: RSPB. The Lodge, Sandy. Bedfordshire SGI9 2DL.


The Vegan, Winter 1994

Deed of Covenant A Deed of Covenant substantially increases your gift or subscription to the Vegan Society at no extra cost to yourself, because the Society is able to claim the income tax that you have paid. Provided you are a taxpayer, the Society can claim an additional 33p (at current tax rates) for every pound you covenant. The Deed need only apply for four years, assuring the Society of a regular income so that it can plan for the future. It is easy to complete and once made you only have to sign a claim form which we send you in the first year. HOW YOUR C O N T R I B U T I O N GROWS H e r e are s o m e e x a m p l e s : Annual Tax Benefits Amounts Rebate over 4 years



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3.33 16.66 25.00

£ 53.22 266.64 400.00

If you wish to make a single donation, the Society can gain the same tax benefit if you use a Deposit Covenant. For futher information, please contact: The Office Manager, Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA United Kingdom

*• c i • r t

Promoting a diet free from all animal produce and a more compassionate way of living that see ts to avo ' ' d exploiting animals for any purpose

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Block letters please Name


Post code


Profession/Skills Signature Tick as appropriate: • I am interested in veganism and enclose a large SAE for an Information Pack • I adhere to a vegan diet and wish to become a Vegan Society member. I undertake to abide by the Society's Memorandum and Articles of Association (£2 or may be viewed without charge at the Society's office) • Although not a vegan I support the Society's aims and wish to become a supporter member Q Individual £15 • Family/Joint £20 • Unwaged individual £10 Q Unwaged family/joint £14 • Junior (under 18) £8 • Life £250 • Donation Eire and overseas: All applicants must add £5 I enclose cheque/PO payable to The Vegan Society' for £ (£ membership + £ donation). Return to: The Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA United Kingdom

262 K E N S I N G T O N HIGH STREET LONDON W8 10% discount on production of The Vegan T e l : 071 6 0 3 4422 Britain's oldest Lebanese restaurant, established 1968 We also serve vegetarian and vegan meals. A special set vegetarian or vegan menu at £7.85 per person (minimum of two people) consisting of nine different selections of hot and cold Lebanese hors d'oeuvres (Mezzeh).

The Editor invites authors, artists and cartoonists to submit material (or possible publication in The Vegan. Negotiable fees



Please write to: The Editor, The Vegan,

Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA United Kingdom

Over 50 vegan wines, juices, beers and ciders available by mail order. * Nationwide Delivery * E 3 / 9 3 * 5% discount for Vegan Society members V e g a n M i x e d Case (12 b t l s ) Vegan Special Selection

MSS or other original work submitted to be accompanied by an SAE. 17 The Vegan, Winter 1994

o r a s k f o r o u r f u l l list.


65 Raglan Road, Leeds LS2 9DZ

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0532 431691

4 V o f u ' , pronounced toeI fu, is the Japanese I name for beancurd. Though immensely popular in Japan, it was invented in China during the Han Dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD) by Lord Liu An. The Chinese call this complete vegetable protein dow foo. To make tofu, dried soya beans are soaked in water, purged and then boiled. The resulting mixture is strained giving soya milk, to which is added a coagulant. Traditionally, nigari is used. Nigari is made by hanging a porous bag full of sea salt and collecting the liquid that drains through the cloth. The liquid is nigari. Today, a variety of coagulants are used including gypsum (calcium sulphate) and lactone. Whatever the coagulant, it will cause curds to form. There are two basic types of tofu: firm and silken. To make firm tofu (also known as cotton tofu), a mould is lined with cotton cloth. The curds are pressed into the mould and then weighted to force out any additional water. This gives a tofu suitable for general cooking — one that will not readily disintegrate. To achieve the smoother, more fragile, silken tofu, extra coagulant is used and the curds are not weighted when transferred to the mould. Beyond firm and silken tofu, there are further subtleties. Tofu can be organic; plain, smoked or 18

marinated; fresh or vacuumpacked. Among the best are the fresh blocks available at Chinese supermarkets, as well as some vacuum-packed organic tofu found in health food stores. Once opened these should be kept refrigerated in daily changes of water. With such storing, smoked and marinated beancurd will lose flavour — so, it is best to eat any left over as quickly as possible. All the recipes here are for plain firm tofu, but do try a slice of smoked tofu on an oatcake, or experimenting with marinated tofu in, say, a stir-fry. You can marinate plain tofu yourself by leaving small cubes of beancurd for a few hours in a bowl of stock to which has been added a garlic clove, a cube of fresh root ginger and a dash of soy sauce.

REALLY DELICIOUS TOFU (serves 2) 6 oz (170g) tofu 2 tbs olive oil 2 tbs soy sauce Freeze the tofu, then defrost. This changes the texture so that the beancurd is delightfully chewy. Thinly slice the tofu in 2" squares or thereabouts. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan to high heat. Add the tofu and fry on both sides until slightly The Vegan, Winter 1994

Heat through, check seasoning and serve. Try this with fresh greens and crusty bread.

You don't need to learn kung fu to cook with tofu so loosen your belt and let 'CookVeqan' author Richard Youngs demonstrate some tasty moves crispy on the outside. Pour the soy sauce on to the squares of beancurd. It will quickly evaporate, leaving a lovely savoury taste to the tofu. Transfer the squares to a piece of kitchen paper in order to absorb any excess fat. Serve in a sandwich, or add strips to pasta and pesto, or use in a fried breakfast with tomatoes and mushrooms.

TOFU, LENTIL AND PEA KORMA (serves 2 to 4 — depending on appetite and accompanying dishes) X cup red lentils 2 cups water 1 bay leaf 1 tsp ground turmeric 2 cloves 1" piece of cassia bark 2 cloves garlic handful of fresh or frozen peas 1" x 2" x 2" creamed coconut 8 oz (225g) tofu salt and pepper Place the lentils and the water in a saucepan. Bring to the boil. Spoon off any scum that surfaces. Turn down to simmer. Add the bay leaf, turmeric, cloves, cassia bark and garlic. Simmer for 30 minutes until the mixture is mushy, adding any extra water necessary to prevent it boiling dry. Remove the bay leaf, cloves 19 The Vegan, Winter 1994

and cassia bark. Mash the garlic into the lentils. Then add the peas and coconut. Cut the tofu into b2" cubes and add these too. Season with salt and pepper, and cook for a further 5 minutes until the coconut has dissolved. Serve with rice, Indian pickles, and — if entertaining — a suitable side dish.

TOFU AND POTATO CASSEROLE (serves 2) 1 medium onion 3 tbs olive oil 4 cloves garlic 1 small carrot X stick celery 14 oz (395g) tinned chopped tomatoes 4 tsp mixed herbs '/2 tsp mixed spice 8 oz (225g) tofu 3 medium pre-cooked potatoes salt and pepper to taste Finely chop the onion. Crush the garlic. Finely grate the carrot and celery. Dice the potatoes and tofu. Saute the onion in the olive oil until golden. Add the garlic, carrot and celery. Cook for a further minute. Add the tomatoes along with the herbs and spice. Season, bring to the boil and then turn down to simmer. Cook until the sauce is nicely thick — about 20 minutes — stirring occasionally. Add the diced tofu and potatoes.

TOFU WITH MIXED VEGETABLES ON TOAST (serves 2) 2 tbs olive oil 1 small onion 1 clove garlic 4 medium-sized mushrooms 2 medium left-over boiled potatoes 1 medium carrot 1 stick celery 6 oz (170g) tofu pinch of mixed herbs salt and pepper 4 thick slices of good bread vegan margarine Finely chop the onion. Crush the garlic. Slice the mushrooms, carrot and celery. Dice the potatoes and tofu. Saute the onions in the olive oil over medium heat until transparent. Add all the vegetables along with the tofu, herbs, salt and pepper. Cook for a minute, stirring constantly. Turn down heat to low and cover. Make the toast. Spread with vegan margarine. Check seasoning of the tofu and vegetables, then pour them over the toast. Serve immediately. This is a quick, easy meal that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or supper. The vegetables can be varied according to seasonal availability, though I like to always include a few mushrooms.

TOFU-STUFFED MUSHROOMS (serves 2) 8 medium open cup mushrooms 2 tbs olive oil 1 small onion 8 cloves garlic 2 tsp dried mixed herbs 2 heaped tbs breadcrumbs 8 oz (225g) tofu soy sauce ground pepper vegan margarine for topping and greasing Wash the mushrooms. Finely chop the onion. Crush the garlic. Saute the onion in the olive oil over medium heat until golden.

Add the garlic and mixed herbs. Cook for a further 2 minutes. Mash the tofu and add it to the onion, herbs and garlic. Next add the breadcrumbs and shake in just enough soy sauce to bind the mixture. Season with ground black pepper. Fill the mushroom cups (ensuring you cover the [trimmed] mushroom stems) with the stuffing of tofu and breadcrumbs. Top each one with a knob of margarine. Lay the stuffed mushrooms on to a greased oven-proof dish. Cover with foil and bake in a moderate oven for 45 minutes. These can be served as an hors d'oeuvre or as part of a more substantial second course.

TOFU. NUT AND VEGETABLE BAKE (serves 4) 2 tbs sunflower oil 1 shallot or small onion 2 small leeks 2" cube celeriac root 2 small carrots 3 oz (85g) mushrooms 1 green pepper 8 oz (225g) tofu 2 slices wholemeal bread 4 oz (115g) chopped almonds or equivalent quantity of similar nut pinch of dried or fresh oregano soy sauce water to bind Finely chop the onion, leek, mushroom and green pepper. Grate the celeriac, carrots and bread. Saute the onion in the oil until transparent. Add the leek, mushroom, green pepper and oregano. Cook for a further 5 minutes. Add the celeriac and carrot. Cook for 5 more minutes. Mash the tofu. Add it to the pan, followed by the breadcrumbs, nuts and a few dashes of soy sauce. Next add enough water to bind. Check the seasoning and add any extra soy sauce needed. Place the mixture in a lightly greased ovenproof dish, patting it down firmly, then cover with foil. Bake in a moderate oven for 1 hour, removing the foil 10 minutes from the end to brown the top. Serve with potatoes and vegetables along with, say, a mushroom sauce. The bake can also be eaten cold with toast, like a pSt6.



In the Summer 1994 issue of 'The Vegan' your Editor invited readers to respond to the provocative article 'Should Vegans Procreate?' by 'Laone'. And what a response! Here we reproduce just two of the articles submitted. Tricky. Of course, the fact that we're even considering this problem indicates that we are far more responsible hypothetical parents than many. I'm frequently appalled to find that for many children, the best wisdom their parents have to offer

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aone' makes a strong case against vegI ans having children. She addresses the H i issue f r o m many angles, and I will respond in kind (trusting she will forgive any contention resulting from my attempts to paraphrase her points). It is ecologically irresponsible to add one more consumer to the teeming world's problems It's a fair cop, guv. A human being is a set of social and nutritional demands, an energy-consumer, a weight on the Third World's back — wherever he (I tossed a coin and it came up heads, so our hypothetical child is male throughout) is born. This bare and unalterable fact is all we can know in advance: our child will take. But there is give as well, and that c a n ' t be estimated. What if the parents of Chico Mendes, Jonathan Porritt, Mother Theresa or St Bob Geldof had reasoned that way? Indeed, do you believe your own demands on the world are so great, and your good points so few. that your existence cannot be justified? If so, why not kill yourself, in a true spirit of global responsibility? An individual may 'pay back' the world a million times over. It's far more likely he will not, of course, but it's a bit like doing the Pools: somebody's got to win. I do not believe that such a thing can, or should be pre-judged. I am not saying that one should have a child on 20

Laone is arguing against our natural urge and fondest desire

the off-chance it grows up to be Albert Schweitzer — just that assuming he won't is insufficient reason to refrain from having one. You don't need to be Albert Schweitzer for your existence to be of worth, and that worth is not quantifiable. It is unfair to burden a child with our awkward lifestyle and risk his being ostracized by his peers

them in times of crisis, the distillation of years of experience, is embodied in such gems as: "Hit him back!"; "Leave it alone, you don't know where it's been!"; and the ubiquitous and wholly redundant refrain, "Do as you're told!" Parenting is the single most important activity in which anyone will ever engage; yet our society gives no guidance in it beyond basic 'family planning', and any Tom, Dick or Harriet has the right to pulverize their child's psyche without the slightest interference. No, I don't think there should be 'examinations' for parenthood, but I do think that the responsibility involved is woefully under-recognized. Vegans, as Laone points out, by definition acknowledge their responsibility to the world The Vegan, Winter 1994

around them. There is no reason to suppose that we will make better parents than anyone else, but I do believe that the 'average' vegan will be trying harder. Once more, it is impossible to quantify the differences that these conflicting influences — an intolerant world vs more tolerant parents — will make in a child's life; but once more, I believe the matter is far from clear-cut. Remember that Laone is arguing against our natural urge and fondest desire. I do not say her point is insignificant — far from it — but I do say it is inconclusive. All children have problems to face; sufficiently understanding parents may justify a few extra problems (and will certainly attempt to). (Of course, this argument demands that we also try to think well of ourselves. This is no bad thing.) It is practically impossible to bring up a child without compromising our morality Note immediately that this is purely our problem. When the child is old enough — it isn't a matter of age: mature enough — to make such decisions for himself, it is not our morality that is compromised. Until then, though, what do we do about such matters as vaccination, medicines, and whatever else comes up? I don't pretend for one second to have an answer to this. These are compassion vs compassion dilemmas, and there can be no resolution that is not a compromise. I think Laone is right in suggesting that most people would put their child's welfare first — choosing to alleviate the closest suffering, as it were, the child before us over the monkey in the lab. It isn't a solution, it's just a choice we have to live with until something better comes along. I think, however, that there is a sense in which choosing not to have a child in order to avoid compromising our morality is itself immoral. This is not because the unconceived virtual-child has a 'right' to life which overrules our angst (what child, after all?) — it is rather that to place the demands of our moral scheme above life itself is to wholly defeat the object of that morality. I can't believe it wrong to have a child simply because of the suffering that child may, even will, unwittingly cause. Before the child is born, such suffering is only hypothetical; afterwards, as these problems confront us day to day, it is we who must carry the burden, be the "sin-eaters', take responsibility for the 21 The Vegan, Winter 1994

consequences of our need (even Laone calls it that). That is when real choices must be made; until then this 'dilemma' is purely academic. This is a personal, and arguably suspect response, but it's what feels right to me. It is possible that the child will reject veganism and'invalidate'our own I don't accept for an instant that another person's choosing an exploitative lifestyle renders my own choice meaningless. The creation of a 'choosing-agent' is of greater import than the choices he actually makes. (I'm your crazy mixed-up idealist type, I wouldn't shoot Hitler to stop the Holocaust.) A few words pinched from Roy Harper: "If it was right to be believing/ Then it must be in this/ That difference is beautiful/ And living it is bliss." (It may not be true, but that's no reason not to believe it.) It is child hope child

, in any case, 'ill-conceived' to bring a into a world full of unhappiness in the of alleviating our own; both we and the may suffer thereby

The world is full of unhappiness, certainly. I don't really think it's any worse than it ever was, though. For that argument to carry weight there would have to be something especially bad about being alive right now. Yes, we have managed to screw up the Earth to a degree unthinkable even a hundred years ago — but a hundred years ago we had appalling child mortality rates, poor hygiene, low literacy levels, workhouses, colonial oppression, exclusively male 'democracy', etc. I wasn't alive then or in any other time but my own, and I certainly don't spend my days wishing I'd been born in 1380. (I fancy it might be nice to see a bit more of the future, but then again it might not.) Our child will, like anybody else, make the best of what he's got. It's possible he may blame us for every ill that ever befalls him (he has that right), but again, it's a pretty wild assumption to make in advance. What does it say about us if we elect to believe that our child, despite our best care and nurture, would hate life and perhaps loathe us for inflicting it on him? Is that the attitude which we, as responsible, world-hugging vegans, should adopt? It is pure pessimism. It should be obvious by now that my arguments are emotionally-based. Laone's case was built from concrete truths about the state of the world, and I have perhaps been dismissive

about some of these. This is intentional. I feel that her 'worldly' arguments are of lesser import than our deep-seated and powerful need to procreate, a factor of which Laone is in turn (carefully) dismissive. She argues from an intellectual standpoint that we cannot justify

It may be that we produce the new Messiah; it may be Frankenstein's Monster procreation 'merely' to satisfy that need. This seemed to me a ruthless and inhuman attitude at first glance, but on reflection I am sure she does not take this position lightly. It's certainly more logical than my own, and perhaps the 'purer' vegan response. It is tempting to say, "Look, at the end of the day, the ratio of real people to vegans is still five billion to bugger-all, and bedamned if the rest of 'em are going to take such a responsible attitude. Lighten up on yourself!" But of course this trivializes the issue. As every vegan knows, it is not the five billion whose judgement counts, but that of one's own conscience. This is my point, though: that there are not good enough arguments — either way — to remove this vastly important question from the realms of individual conscience. We cannot settle whether or not an unborn, unconceived child is or is not eligible for inclusion in Animal Free Shopper. We can't check the label for 'Typical Social Content' or ' N o Undesirable Additives'. It may be that we produce the new Messiah; it may be Frankenstein's Monster. It will most likely be just an ordinary Joe, who will do his best at being his unique self, and no-one could do it any better. I wholly agree with Laone that there should tie more discussion of the issue (though I don't believe it should be entered into the definition of veganism), and even now I am swayed by some of her arguments. Nonetheless, I feel that my own conscience would give me a little leeway on this most important choice of my life, and forgive me my trespasses in the name of (and come on, I've avoided using the L-word till now, I'm entitled to one go) love. I'm not doing all the work for you, though — you'll have to make your own decision. (In the meantime: Vegan male, 28, seeks romantic female . . . ) Jason Mills


NOT LESS nitially, I read Should Vegans Procreate?' with incomprehension and plummeting depression. The picture Laone paints of the world is so chilling, that I began to wonder, like Camus, if the only really interesting question to be asked was "Why not commit suicide?" But further consideration of her arguments led me to believe her position is flawed at a fundamental level. It's not that I would dispute her facts regarding the rapidly increasing world population, and I would certainly agree that the 'right' to have children is extremely questionable — children are not things but living beings and as such the property of nobody else. What I found so difficult to come to terms with was the leap from this very unobjectionable position to one which seeks to make it beholden on all vegans to


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reject having families as a point of principle. Firstly, it seems to me that veganism is a positive step forward for any individual, and the increasing interest in the vegan way of life is an equally positive step for humankind generally. Yet the tone of Laone's article was defeatist in the extreme. She asks if we can be sure that our children will remain vegan, claiming that if they later reject our way of life, our own commitment has been invalidated. Surely not. The children of vegan parents have an excellent chance of having been brought up with a respect for others, care for the environment, and an attitude of kindness. It's true that to see one of our children who had previously been happily vegan become a meat-eater would be distressing for anybody who felt deeply about the ethical issues surrounding the treatment of animals, but to imply that this child has become some sort of moral monster is ridiculous. Presumably they have not transformed overnight into a unique brand of unfeeling sadist. Children who have been

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CT/ The Vegan, Winter 1994

have different views to ourselves. Does Laone want her children to be thinking people or automata? Laone is right when she questions the possibility of rearing truly vegan children when she considers the areas of vaccination and hospital treatment, but in The Vegan the definition of veganism given is that of a "way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose". There is no compromise to vegan principles in being unable to achieve the

brought up with a respect for living things, and who question the ethical stance of veganism are doing precisely what their parents did when they embarked on their own journey towards an existence free of animal exploitation. For veganism to be a real way of life, it needs to be a strong commitment, not merely an indoctrination. In order to reach that place of commitment, some children may test other ways of life, but I would suggest that, it they have been brought up by parents who set a caring example, as opposed to those who seek to bully their children into accepting their own views, it will only be a matter of time before the well-balanced individuals produced by these vegan parents realize for themselves the benefits of veganism on both a personal and global scale. Even in the unlikely event of this not being so, it seems to me that a meat-eater who is otherwise kind, caring and concerned to protect the environment as the result of having been raised by vegan parents, is preferable to one who has no awareness of the importance of these issues because they have formed no part of their upbringing.

Very few of us fit in perfectly all the time impossible, in terms of medicine, but if there are no vegan parents producing children and seeking vegan alternatives to routine treatments there will be no incentive for the medical profession to develop any such alternatives. As to her contention that vegan children are more likely to suffer ridicule and isolation as the result of being different from their peers, the same could be said of the children of the very short, the very tall, the disabled, the physically unattractive -— in fact about any group who had not leapt straight out of a glossy washing powder advertisement. Most of us are seen as different at some point in our lives. Very few of us fit in perfectly all the time. But we don't tell all those whose offspring are likely to fall outside the 'normal' height/weight/ aesthetically pleasing range not to have children. In this country, we don't even sterilize psychopaths, but vegans are apparently supposed to refrain voluntarily from having children in order to help safeguard the world.

Automata In any case, not to have children because they may not turn out the way we hope is rather like not having them in case they turn out to be rapists. We tend to think that if we do our job as parents well, our children will recognize the evil of rape, and I believe that the same applies to veganism or any other moral point we seek to teach our children. We must not confuse the proper education of children with the stifling of their rights to come to their own moral conclusions about the world, and this is something which is part of being human, and is a journey which must be made by all eventually, regardless of whether they are the biological or adopted children of vegans. Perhaps Laone's adopted children will also reject her veganism one day. Will her pain be any less than if they were her biological children? If we follow her argument to its logical conclusion, we should not even adopt in case our adopted children

Spreading the Word I might just be able to accept that if I thought that it would save the world — or even help it a little — but I don't believe it would for a moment. In the same issue of The Vegan

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Louise Wallis pointed out in 'Chairsay' that the number of vegans in Britain is now around 100,000 — not an enormous proportion of the population it has to be said, but one which is growing. I for one am quite pleased about that, because while fully accepting that the world is overcrowded, it seems to me that if there is any group which we should be pleased to see increase, it is one which recognizes the rights of all those who live on this planet, and not just those of human beings. And it also seems to me that the most effective way to further veganism is for vegan parents to bring up vegan children. If we don't have children in case they don't remain vegan (or maybe don't even risk adopting them for the same reason) the population won't be greatly reduced — what difference would 100,000 really make in Britain — but what will be significantly reduced is the number of vegans. The group which Laone identifies as "the most mindful and unselfish" would be the only casualty of such a pessimistic outlook, and the causes of veganism or planetary care would be furthered not at all. Finally, it is with this extreme pessimism of Laone's that I would take particular issue. Far from the only fact that I can guarantee my children being death, I believe that I can also guarantee them a loving childhood, the experience of being respected as individuals and that of learning the benefits of treating others, human or otherwise with similar respect. The embrace of this world need not be 'cold and cruel'. It could be warm, kind and compassionate — but only if vegans and other like-minded groups continue to spread the message of compassion and care world wide. It is very difficult to see how we're supposed to achieve that if our already comparatively small numbers are to be reduced still further by a self-imposed ban on the bearing and rearing of children. Liz Mabbott

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A Diet For All Reasons Michael Klaper, M D VHS Video, 60 mins A Diet For All Reasons is a recording of a lecture given by US vegan Dr Michael Klaper in Montreal in 1991. Dr Klaper is the Founding Director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research in California, a former nutrition consultant to the NASA space programme, and the author of Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple. An hour long, the video does not make for easy viewing. However, the use of slides and Film clips creates a degree of visual interest and the viewer is rewarded by a fascinating and informative lecture which is not unduly technical. Dr Klaper's thesis is quickly apparent. Animal fats, whether from meat, eggs or dairy products, are the most important dietary cause of ill health in developed countries. As evidence, Dr Klaper contrasts the physiology of carnivores and herbivores, showing that humans are much closer to the planteaters, and cites the results of medical studies linking heart disease, certain cancers and various other diseases with the consumption of animal fats. Most telling of all, perhaps, is the fat-laden blood serum of the unfortunate Mr Phillips, a typically obese representative of the high fat, low fibre ail-American diet, and the string-like deposits of greasy. 24

atherosclerotic plaque which the video shows being surgically removed from his arteries. Dramatic viewing, but are Dr Klaper's arguments convincing? To an extent, yes, but since diet is by no means the only determinant of health it is over-simplistic to blame animal fats for all our ills. Thus, the adoption of a vegan diet is, unfortunately, no guarantee of perfect health. Further, a strong correlation between, say, breast cancer mortality and dietary fat intake across a range of countries suggests, but does not prove, a causal relationship. That said, A Diet For All Reasons certainly provides food for thought! Buy a copy and show it to your nonvegan friends. Perhaps Dr Klaper's reasoning will succeed where moral arguments have failed.

• Paul Appleby

The Vegan Guide


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T h e Vegan Guide to New York City Max Friedman & Dan Mills £2.50 (+ 38p p&p) Pbk, 44pp * Like London, New York City is irresistibly cosmopolitan. Unlike London, however, which is geared to tourism and those who like their history monumental, New York is completely contemporary. As a tourist, you'll be treated with indifference at best, at worst, well . . . let's just say it's a city of snap decisions, a fast pace, and an in-your-face attitude.

New York is known for its ethnic diversity, and with ethnic diversity comes ethnic cuisine. Now, and in no small measure thanks to Max Friedman and Dan Mills' excellent guide to New York dining, you can add vegan and vegetarian-friendly to New York's list of attributes. The Vegan Guide to New York City is a handy pocket-sized guide to places for vegans and vegetarians to go without scrutinizing your plate looking for tell-tale signs of ex-animal or animal product. Sensibly the authors don't restrict themselves to Greenwich Village and Soho — places in Manhattan where the artsy and cool hang out, and where the majority of vegan and veggie restaurants are. Instead, they have entered the mysterious areas of Brooklyn and Harlem and trekked through the canyons of midtown Manhattan, and have found a surprising number of places where you can eat. Each entry for a restaurant comes with an informative and amusing commentary, giving you not only an idea of what you can eat there, but also the type of clientele you are likely to be watching while you are eating. As an additional spice, The Vegan Guide to New York includes tips on food shopping, the authors' favourite shops and bookstores, greenmarkets where you can pick up fresh or organic produce, as well as where to buy cruelty-free stuff in a city where everything else often seems very cruel. To top it off, a map at the back gives you a bird's eye view of where to eat, so that at any moment of your racing around this breathless, pulsating city you can find a restaurant or store near you which will have what you want. Highly recommended. • Martin Rowe * Available from: Dan Mills, 7 Wicket Grove, The Village, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2FS

Science on Trial — The Human Cost of Animal Experiments Dr Robert Sharpe Awareness Publishing Ltd* £7.99 Pbk, 156pp Science on Trial — a timely publication given the current upheavals in the British anti-vivi-

section movement and the reactive campaign being launched by the Research Defence Society in the wake of an increasingly informed public on this issue. What is unique about this book is it's unavowedly scientific as opposed to animal rights/ethical argument against vivisection. Sharpe recognizes the importance of the scientific argument as a tool to fight vivisection with. Sir John Gielgud's comments in the 'Foreword' are particularly inspiring for any anti-vivisectionist who may be unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel. In particular, his reference to ordinary people who have retained the ability to know right from wrong. I was encouraged by the 'Introduction' to the book until I stumbled across the unfortunate 'whatever animal research may have contributed in the past' comment — I hope this has been inadvertently included. In 'The Evidence' section, Sharpe sets out to refute case-bycase the dying argument that vivisection-based science can be applied to humans. Sharpe's research is exhaustive — not only does he cover the 'old chestnuts' cited endlessly by anti-vivisectionists in debates — ie Thalidomide, Opren etc — but also such hidden animal-research areas as asbestosis, contraception and pneumoconiosis (Miner's Lung Disease). An immediate observation of this section is that it lacks any continuity — reading rather like an index of the failures of vivisection. Whilst this may have indeed been the intention of the author, I still found it a rather repetitive and tiresome formula.The final area 'Let's Liberate Science' appears to be a re-work of the long argued Reuschian 'conspiracy theory' The Vegan, Winter 1994

regarding the continuance of vivisection — ie vivisection is big business. If there is any criticism of the book it would be Sharpe's inability to conclude the way forward for anti-vivisectionism. I fear it is not through 'single-issue' campaigning as he appears to be arguing for in his recognition of the 'success' of the anti-LD50 campaign. However, overall I would recommend this book as essential reference reading for any anti-vivisectionist or doubting Thomas. • Julie Whitlock * PO Box 533, Sheffield Sll 9YU

ments are detailed along with the restaurants and cafes of each postal area. Prices, opening times and the kind of food you are likely to find are given with each entry. Shortly after reading the section on Covent Garden 1 realized that it was time to visit this vegan restaurant Mecca. There are 13 veggie cafes and restaurants within five minutes walk of the tube station. I managed to check out four in one day and all the information was correct and the map was really helpful. I also went to the Vegetarian Chinese on Havistock Hill and had the best meal ever, so thanks to the intrepid researcher who discovered that one. The book was written by volunteers at London Vegans and their friends, so huge congratulations and thanks to everyone involved. Our community now has a resource that makes vegan life even easier and enjoyable in the social, consumerist capital. For people who are not in London, or those who want a trip away, there are similar mini guides included for Brighton, Bath, Cambridge, Bristol, Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon and Windsor. Just what Dr Klaper ordered — the vegan doctor that is. This pocket-sized guide is an essential addition to every vegan's book shelf (not to mention pocket).

The Cruelty-Free Guide To London

• Rachel Armstrong

Alex Bourke & Paul Gaynor Cruelty-Free Living £4.95 Pbk, 246pp

Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions

The Cruelty-Free Guide to London starts off by introducing you to London — where to stay, how to travel around and most importantly how to avoid getting ripped off. The food preferences and locations of London's different communities are detailed in the 'About London' section too. Most cultures have been mentioned — from Gujarati to Irish, Lesbian & Gay to Greek. It's brilliant to see unity of oppression in a book, but alas there doesn't seem to be any access details. The majority of the book is laid out by postcodes in three parts: 'Central London', 'Outer London' and 'Out of London'. The healthfood shops, main attractions and ethical establish25 The Vegan, Winter 1994

Christopher Chappie State University of New York Press US $14.95 Pbk, 146pp For someone eager to uncover the ancient roots of ahimsa, and its force today in Asia, probably no better course could be followed than to read this book. Christopher Chappie widens the usual translation of ahimsa from nonviolence to the "absence to the desire to kill or harm" because in those early times ahimsa also related to the harm done to oneself simply by having such desires, as psychiatry has shown to be true; the effect of the mind on the body. Ahimsa is a very old Indian

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Debaraugh Turner word which suggests that despite the contrary Vedic practice of animal slaughter in Hindu tradition, there was a small minority to whom it meant a great deal. Simultaneously, in different parts of India, two extraordinary people broke away from their Hindu background. They were the founders of Jainism and Buddhism, and were contemporaries. The Jain Mahavira lived from c540 to 463BC, and Gotama the Buddha from 563 to 483BC. The Acaranga Sutra is the Jain's most important text, and it says, "all beings are fond of life; they like pleasure and hate pain, shun destruction and like to live. To all, life is dear". And not only sentient beings, but also raindrops, rivers, lakes, rocks, mountains and trees, they all have "life force, or jiva". Such a comprehensive belief was held also by the early Taoists in China; Chuang Tzu said, ' T a o is everywhere", in everything, even "excrement and urine". But when Chappie quotes four verses from the important Zen Buddhist Lankavatara Sutra, curiously he omits altogether two verses which would leave one in no doubt whatever of the degree of the Buddha's compassion and wisdom: "For fear of causing terror to living beings . . . refrain from eating flesh". No compromise. The Buddha also suggests the deleterious effects of eating

flesh on the person's mind: "From eating flesh arrogance is born, from arrogance erroneous imaginations issue, and from those imaginations is bom greed; and for this reason abstain from eating flesh." As ahimsa might be described as being a pillar of vegan belief this review has focused on it solely, whereas the book also traces the history of nonviolence in Asian traditions up to the present time. • Rodney Aitchtey

Reviewers Rodney Aitchtey is a free lance writer Paul Appleby is Secretary of Oxford Vegetarians and works in non-animal medical research Rachel Armstrong is one of the leading lights behind the production of Truth or Dairy Martin Rowe has lived in New York City for three years. He is Editor of Satya: A Magazine for Vegetarianism, Animal Advocacy, and Environmentalism Julie Whitlock is Vegan Society Assistant General Secretary



Note: Local Contacts are Vegan Society members who have offered to act, on a voluntary basis, as a point of contact for those interested in the Society's work. They are not official representatives of the Society. Their levels of activity and knowledge may vary according to their individual circumstances.




CARROT CAKE 175g (7a4 findy graled carrots 1 lemon JUfca and rind 100g|4oa)bra*n sugar lOOg f4o4 t u A w e r oil 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking powder 200g (8az) seH raising organic flour 1 I


better for your baking better for your health better for the environment available at specialist food a n d larger supermarkets

2 tablespoons oil 1 5 0 g (6oz) icing sugar 1. Mix grated carrots, lemon rind and juice 2. Add the sugar, oil, cinnamon. 3. Mix in flour and baking power. 4.

Pour into oiled 18 x 20cm (6* x 8") cake tin.

5. Bake at 190*C (350*F, Gas Mark 4) for 40-50 n 6. Cool sbghtfy then turn out onto a wire rack. Doves Farm, Hungerford, Berkshire

7. Mix together icing sugar, vaniila. lemon and oil. 8. Spread over top of cold cake.


The Vegan, Winter



health food shop. But finally I was able to do it! To make a sandwich using pate from a Tartex tube! A week later they brought it out in tubs! • Gordon Linnell, South Wirral

Not So 'Supermarkets Many people becoming vegetarian and vegan continue to support large multi-national stores. Although products are often cheaper in supermarkets, there is a real cost to be considered; you don't often hear about their environmental impact, irresponsible marketing, factory fanning links, dealings with oppressive regimes etc. In Birmingham, we are fortunate to have the vegan One Earth Shop but it will remain only with our support. Let us practise what we preach! • Henrietta Door, West Midlands

Contributions to Postbag are welcomed, but accepted on the understanding that they may be edited in the interests of brevity or clarity. Send your letters to: The Editor, THE VEGAN, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA

Pump 'Em Up When I started bodybuilding five years ago I was told: "You will never build muscle on a vegan diet, you may as well give up." I have trained long and hard, sticking to my principles, with no chemical enhancement, and have just picked up my eighth trophy. I have built good quality muscle on soya protein and the bigger I get the more publicity I will receive. Don't take any notice of outdated claptrap, just keep on pumping! • Belinda-Jane Arnold, Staffs

Banking I have banked with the Co-operative Bank for many years now, and so when I saw it had produced an Ethical Policy in 1992, I wrote to congratulate it. I did, however, query its policy on animals used in medical experiments as the Policy states: "we accept that the use of animals for 27 The Vegan, Winter 1994

medical research is necessary". I wrote, pointing out that most animal 'research' is done in secret because the quality of the work is so poor that even if the results were relevant they would be unreliable, and that of course the experiments themselves were horrific. They replied that "detailed research showed that whilst our customers had clear support for including experimentation for cosmetics in our ethical policy, this was not extended to medical research." I would therefore suggest that all vegan/veggie customers of the Co-op write to its Public Affairs Manager, Gayle Ramouz urging it to change its policy on this matter. • A R Thomas, Dyfed

Training for Lunch! For three months I trained: gym visits three times a week, plus Bullworker exercises every night. I spent a fortune on body building supplements from the

Enough For All Whether vegans choose to procreate or not ('Should Vegans Procreate?', The Vegan, Summer 1994) should not be clouded by the myth of overpopulation. Yes, I dare to deny "that this planet is groaning under the weight of humans"! But over 30 million people die of starvation every year, I hear you cry. Similarly, the millions existing in overcrowded squalor do so because there is a shortage of living space! And what of the environmental costs? Well such 'problems' occur because production throughout the world is for profit as opposed to self-defined need. This is why we hear of governments paying farmers to keep fields fallow or destroy crops. Consider also the EU food mountains, Ethiopia's exportation of cash crops and imports of malt whiskey, and the futility of Live Aid. Only when the vast storehouse of the world is held in common will the myriad 'problems' associated with the global profit machine be eradicated. Whether vegans decide to procreate is a personal decision. I have no desire to be part of bringing children into a world full of misery, insecurity and poverty in the midst of potential plenty. • Robert Stafford, Middlesex

Get Breeding Suppose 'Laone'(77ie Vegan, Summer 1994) and her husband had not been born — we would have two less vegans to carry forward the struggle. If vegans stop having children then hope for the future is gone. Far from not having children, vegans must have as many as they can support because even if they do not all remain true vegans the basic attitudes and knowledge will be there and will affect the children's view of the world. If vegans have no more children then veganism will cease to exist — the factory farmers, meat-eaters, vivisectionists etc will have triumphed. • John Willis, Reading

Contraception Or Not? On the subject of contraception, it must be added to the debate that some contraceptive pills and also the IUD and 'morning after pill' are actually abortifacient, causing the embryo to be flushed out before implantation. A true contraceptive prevents conception. Doctors rarely tell women that these methods are really abortion so we must be on our guard when dealing with allopaths. I am sure that killing after conception violates the vegan ethic of reverence for life. I hope that the Vegan Society will not promote harmful and abortifacient so-called 'contraceptives', just because they are vegan in content, since they surely aren't vegan in their action. It compares to vegans approving of bombs and guns so long as they contain no animal products! • Lesley Dove, Middlesex

Compassion I was about to write 'deplore', then 'despair' of, and instead of that, 'think' to put such an emphasis in The Vegan on health as being a prime and praised reason for becoming vegan is misguided. Without compassion as the driving force, there will be no Movement. • Rodney Aitchtey, Dyfed The deadline for the Spring 'Postbag' is 25 January

Publications & Merchandise European Medical Journal Animal experimentation: The moral, ethical, medical and scientific arguments — and what you can do to stop it. £6.95 (200g)


SELECTED TITLES The Animal-Free Shopper Richard Farhall, Kathy McCormack & Amanda Rofe Vegan Society (UK) Second edition of the popular shopping guide for those wishing to buy goods which are free of animal ingredients and involve no animal testing. Includes product listing sections — Food, Drink, Toiletries & Cosmetics, Remedies & Supplements, Baby & Infant Care, Footwear & Clothing, Home & Office, Animal Care, and Garden & Leisure; useful addresses; and information on animal substances and additives. £4.95 (145g)

T h e Cruelty-Free Guide to London Alex Bourke & Paul Gaynor Cruelty-Free Living Very useful and informative guide to vegetarian and vegan eating places, health/wholefood shops, places to visit, and travelling in central and outer London. £4.95 f 170g)

The Caring Cook: Cruelty-Free Cooking for Beginners Janet Hunt Vegan Society (UK) An easy-to-follow first vegan cookbook, written expressly for those new to cruelty-free living. Offers a comprehensive selection of everyday and special occasion recipes, plus a mass of hints and tips. Durable wipe-clean cover. £3.45 (165g)

Why Animal Experiments Must Stop Vernon Coleman

Beyond Beef — The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture Jeremy Rifkin Thorsons Exposes the real costs of the 'cattle culture': Animal suffering, global hunger and poverty, and environmental destruction. £8.99 (550g)

Anything Within Reason

Why animal 1 experiments ! must stop A n d how you can | h e l p stop them The tin tfivisectfm tell The moral aod n h i u l arjjumem. The medical and aocntjbc argument,


Jon Wynne-Tyson Oakroyd Press Satirical novel about an environmentally-sensitive, strapped-forcash, progressive boarding school headmaster who, by chance, is confronted with a rational (but macabre) solution to the problems of meeting the basic nutritional needs of pupils and staff. £14.99 Hdbk (397g)

Truth or Dairy — who, what, where, when, how and why vegan Vegan Society/Word o Pictures VHS Video (PAL) An upbeat, informal introduction to the vegan diet — the thinking behind it and the health and environmental benefits. Presented by vegan poet Benjamin Zephaniah and featuring a host of vegan athletes and celebrities. £9.00 (305g)

A Diet For All Reasons Michael Klaper MD Paulette Eisen Nutritional Services VHS Video (PAL) A recording of an illustrated lecture given by Dr Michael Klaper, author of Vegan Nutrition and Pregnancy Children and the Vegan Diet. £14.99 (227g)

• All titles are p a p e r b a c k , unless otherwise indicated • A number of titles listed here lack a vegan perspective but have nevertheless been included o n the basis of their informativeness • For full details of the Society's range of publications and merchandise, please send an SAE marked 'P&M*.


The Vegan, Winter 1994


(US) £6.95 (250g)

Animal Rights / Liberation

365 Plus One Vegan Recipes, Leah Leneman, Thorsons £6.99 (270g) Cook Vegan, Richard Youngs, Ashgrove Press £5.99 (170g) The Vegan Kitchen Mate, David Horton, Vegan Society (NSW) £3.25 (140g)

Animal Liberation, Peter Singer, Thorsons £12.99 (550g) Animal Liberation: A Graphic Guide, Lori Gruen, Peter Singer & David Hine, Camden Press £4.95 <265g) Animals, Politics and Morality, Robert Garner, MUP £12.99 <380g> Animals' Rights, Henry Salt, Centaur (hdbk) £12.00 (430g) The Savour of Salt, George Hendrick & Willene Hendrick, Centaur Press £12.95 (400g)


An Allergy Cookbook (vegetarian edition) Patricia Carter, Ian Henry Publications £6.25 (170g) Gourmet Vegan. Heather Lamont, Gollancz £5.99 (145g) Simply Vegan, Debra Wasserman & Reed Mangels, VRG (US) £6.95 <315g)

Fourth Estate £8.99 ( 3 1 5 g ) The Extended Circle, Jon WynneTyson, Centaur £7.50 (580g) The Pocketbook of Animal Facts & Figures, Barry Kew, Green Print £6.99 (225g)

Background Reading Abundant Living in the Coming Age of the Tree, Kathleen Jannaway, Movement For Compassionate Living £1.50 (55g) Compassion: The Ultimate Ethic (An Exploration of Veganism). Victoria Moran, American Vegan Society £4.95 (190g) Food For a Future, Jon WynneTyson, Centaur £4.99 (150g) Food: Need, Greed & Myopia, Geoffrey Yates, Earthright £3.95 (J85g)


The Single Vegan, Leah Leneman, Thorsons £4.99 (220g) The Vegan Cookbook, Alan Wakeman & Gordon Baskerville, Faber & Faber £6.99 (375g) Vegan Cooking, Eva Batt, Thorsons £5.99 (27Og)

Nutrition & Health

Reference Guides

The Vegan Magazine

Pregnancy, Children & the Vegan Diet, Michael Klaper MD, Gentle World (US) £6.95 (355g) Vegan Nutrition: Pure & Simple.

Fruits of Paradise: A Vegetarian Year Book. Rebecca Hall, Simon & Schuster £7.99 (450g) The Animal Welfare Handbook.

Michael Klaper MD, Gentle World

Caroline Clough & Barry Kew,

(Quarterly) Four issues. Please slate first issue. Price includes p&p. £7.00 Current issue £1.75 (llOg) Back issue/s. Please state. £1.25 each (llOg)

Home & Garden Forest Gardening, Robert A de J Hart, Green Books £8.95 (340g) Veganic Gardening, Kenneth Dalziel O'Brien, Thorsons £6.99

The New Why You Don't Need Meat, Peter Cox, Bloomsbury £4.99 (210g)


(Prices include


• General A5 100 — £1.75; 500 — £5.95; 1,000 — £ 1 0 . 5 0 ; 2,000 — £19.25 • Are Your Meals Costing the Earth? 100 — £ 2 . 5 0 • Good Health 100 — £2.50 • Milk Marketing Fraud 100 — £2.50 • Leather: More Than Just Skin Deep 100 — £1.75, 500 — £5.95, 1,000 £ 10.50 2,000 — £19.25

MERCHANDISE Multi-Purpose Cards — Four original vegan-oriented cartoons by Pete Donohue. Blank inside. Recycled card and envelopes. Black and red on white. 95p (50g) Poster — 'Blood Curdling' anti-milk poster by Paul Evans. Recycled paper. Red, pink, green and black. 45p (15g) 50th Anniversary Stickers — 1 <i2" diameter, green and black on white. 10 per sheet. 20p (3g per sheet) 50th Anniversary Tee Shirt — Unbleached cotton, vegetable dyes, green & black on white, XL. £8.95 (155g)

ORDER FORM Description




Sub total


Plus p&p






Postage & Packing Up to 50g 51g-100g 101g-200g 201g-300g 301g-400g

— — — — —

25p 45p 65p 80p 95p

401g-500g 501g-600g 601g-700g 701g-800g 801g-900g

— — — — —

£1.15 £1.35 £1.55 £1.75 £1.90

901g-1000g 1001g-2000g 2001g-4000g 4001g-6000g 6001g+

— — — — —

£2.10 £3.45 £4.45 £5.00 FREE

Eire and overseas: Customers must increase TOTAL payment by 40% to cover additional surface rate postal charges. Payment must be made by sterling International Money Order or by sterling cheque drawn on a British bank. Cheques/POs should be made payable to 'The Vegan Society'. Name.


Post code


Return to: The Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA United Kingdom.

29 The Vegan, Winter 1994



Cook Vegan

Spain? No Thanks!

Clare Gooding needs seven more students to make her vegan cookery evening class viable. It takes place in Hastings, starting 10 January. Details: (0424) 720804.

West Wales Animal Aid is campaigning against Spanish bull fights and village 'fiestas' through a boycott of all Spanish goods and holidays and a postcard-writing campaign directed at the Spanish Embassy in London. Further information: West Wales Animal Aid, PO Box 2, Llandysul, Dyfed, SA44 4EB.

Selenium Survey

Diary Dates 10 Dec Day of Action Against All Animal Abuse, Central London. Meet Eros Statue, Piccadilly Circus, 1 lam. Vegan 'Cook and Eat' demonstration, Books for Cooks, 4 Blenheim Cres, Portobello, London, 11 am-3pm, £30. Contact: 12 Dec Veggies/Nottingham Vegetarian Society Xmas Dinner, Salamanders Vegan Restaurant. Contact: Veggies, 0602 585666. 25 Dec Hazleton Laboratories Vigil, 1 lam-3pm. Details: 0423 523826 or SAE to

rural South Wales, requires new members/ investors. Write: PO Box 1229, Clwyd, LL16 5ZA.

One To Go For more information about a campaign to close Britain's last Arctic fox farm contact:

Wanted Dr Michael Klaper is in the process of rewriting Pregnancy, Children and the Vegan Diet. He invites you to send him a photograph (which cannot be returned) of your vegan child, with details of age etc to:

Vegetarian Economy & Green Agriculture (VEGA) invites vegan and vegetarian readers to participate in a "simple and painless assessment" of their intakes of selenium and their bodily levels of the element. For details send an SAE to: VEGA, Dept SE, 14 Woodland Rise, Greenford, Middlesex UB6 0RD.

Local Groups (See also 'Contacts News')

Up For Grabs Send in your tasty vegan recipes to PETA and you could win a free k.d. lang cassette, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. All recipes will be considered for inclusion in PETA's new vegan cookery book. Send your entry to the following address, not forgetting to give your name and address and a brief description of why you particularly like the recipes: PETA(Europe), PO Box 3169, London NW1 2JF.

FARM A N I M A L 27 D e c - 2 Jan Vegan New Year, Lifespan Commune, nr Sheffield. Discussions, walks, lots of fun. Info:

Close to Flowering The Sunflower Vegan Cafe should soon have a new home. £30,000 of the £40,000 required for a mortgage on a suitable building has been raised. If you are able to help find part or all of the difference write to: CV Housing Co-op, 24 Athol Rd, Whalley Range, Manchester.

New Community An embryonic self-sufficient vegan community, setting up in 30

Not All It Seems Bark & Grass — Revolution Supper is the intriguing title of a vegan cookbook (second edition) on sale for £2 (incl. p&p) from:

RESCUE Aiding Animals

Raw Tara Patel wishes to organize a Raw Food Energy Centre where people who wish to live close to nature could come and share life with, and care for others in a commune-type way.

Cambridge-based Farm Animal Rescue caters exclusively for "the Sunday roasts that got away". Funds as well as specific items and help are desperately needed. Contact: Farm Animal Rescue, 25 Springhill Rd, Fen Drayton, Cambs CB4 5SR. 0954 30988.

The Vegan, Winter 1994

Information Vegan Magazines. In addition to The Vegan — the official magazine of the Vegan Society — the following independent publications may be of interest: Vegan Views 6 Hayes Ave, Bournemouth BH7 7AD. An informal quarterly with articles, interviews, news, reviews, letters, cartoon strip. Subscription for four issues: £3 (Europe and overseas: £4). New Leaves 47 Highlands Rd, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8NQ. Quarterly journal of the Movement for Compassionate Living — The Vegan Way (see below). Annual subscription: £3. Cheques/POs payable to: "Movement for Compassionate Living'. Y Figan Cymreig (The Wales Vegan) Bilingual quarterly. Annual subscription:

31 The Vegan, Winter 1994

£1.50. The Vegan Business Connection aims to encourage mutual support within the vegan community and is keen to hear from vegan individuals, as well as companies, providing goods or services suitable for vegans — whether in formal business or not — and well beyond food related services. To support, or to be supported contact: VBC, c/o Veggies, 180 Mansfield Rd, Nottingham NG1 3HW. 0115 958 5666. The Vegan Bikers Association aims to promote veganism amongst motorcyclists and set up a fund for the purchase and distribution of alternatives to leather. Newsletter: The Long Road. Enquiries:

The Vegan Community Project exists to form a contact

network between people who are interested in living in a vegan community and to establish one or more such communities. While some of its members seek merely to live close to other vegans, others wish to establish a vegan land project or centre for the promotion of a vegan lifestyle. Newsletter subscription (4 issues): £2. Contact:

The Vegan Families Contact List provides a link between parents throughout the UK seeking to raise their children in accordance with vegan principles. To receive a copy of the list, send an SAE marked "Vegan Families Contact List'. To register your family, please send an SAE marked 'Vegan Families Contact List Application'. The Movement for Compassionate Living — The Vegan Way seeks to spread understanding and to simplify lifestyles by promoting aware-

ness of the connections between the way we live and the way others suffer, and between development, consumption and the destruction of the planet. Coordinators: . Lesbian and Gay Vegan Group. Contact:

Vegans International co-ordinates the promotion of veganism, encourages the formation of new organizations, and organizes an annual vegan festival. Contact:

Vegan Contacts Abroad. For a listing, send an SAE to the Vegan Society marked 'Vegan Contacts Abroad'.


Y O R K S H I R E D A L E S . Sansbury Place, Settle. Small, friendly vegetarian/vegan guesthouse. Home cooking, open fires, non smoking.

Tigh Na Mara Scottish Vegetarian/Vegan Lochside Guest House


ACCOMMODATION D O N A T I O N S R E Q U I R E D to help pur chase sheltered accommodation for elderly vegans in need. Contributions to: 'Homes For Elderly Vegetarians Ltd", Estra House, Station Approach, Streatham, London SW16 6EJ. Specify 'Vegan Fund'. H O U S E T O L E T , in Dover. £ 2 5 0 per month. Box no. 321.

ANIMAL CARE M E A T - F R E E C A T S ! Vegan supplements for h o m e - m a d e recipes. In use since 1986. S A E : Katz Go Vegan. Box 161, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA.


Shiatsu T h e E u r o p e a n S h i a t s u School has branches in London & throughout the UK d Europe For prospectus, please send 3 first class stamps to: ESS Central Administration (Dept VE) High Banks, Lockeridge, N r Marlborough, Wilts S N 8 4 E Q Tel: 0 6 7 2 861362

NMMH P O R T S M O U T H , Orchard Cafe, Francis Ave. 0 7 0 5 6 1 4 6 6 6 . Vegetarian/Vegan, organic, cooked food. 3 courses under £6.00. T a k e - a w a y available. M o n - S a t 9 a m - 5 p m , Friday until 9 p m . T H E W A R E H O U S E C A F E — Vegan. 54 Allison Street. Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5 T H . (021) 6 3 3 0261. Open M o n - S a t . 1 2 - 9 p m . Last orders 9 p m . Full menu BYO.

HEALTH | A R T H R I T I S can be C U R E D without d a m a g i n g drugs o r surgery. Send for tape priced at £7.00 incl. postage o r you can send for a free leaflet. C h c q u e / P O made payable to: F. Flowers, 5 Clovelly Road. Manchester M21 8XU.



B & B , V E G E T A R I A N / V E G A N . Near Heathrow. Windsor, Henley, Reading, Berkshire. Bath Rd. A4. £ 3 5 double. £ 2 0 . 0 0 single. Tennis school for lessons. Bradfords. M a i d e n h e a d 0 6 2 8 29744. C O R N W A L L . Spacious self-contained holiday flat over-looking picturesque estuary, sleeps 4, vegan owners. SAE: Blackaller, Meadowlands, The Saltings, Lelant, TR26 3DL (0736) 752418. C U M B R I A . Vegan B & B , 2 rooms. Strictly n o smoking. Children very welc o m e . G o o d local walks and marvellous vegan f o o d ! Tel: Kendal L A 8 0JP. I R E L A N D , C o . W e x f o r d . Cosy farmhouse in peaceful coastal area, 20 minutes f r o m ferryport and W e x f o r d town. R e c o m m e n d e d by Bridgestone Irish Food Guide, 100 Best Places To Stay and Vegetarian Guide. Vegan food on request.


I S L E O F W I G H T B&B. Peaceful home of vegetarian/vegan owners. Picturesque valley village. Tel. (0983) 731279. Evening meals available by request. L A K E D I S T R I C T : Luxury accommodation in 18th c. vicarage. Excellent 100% vegetarian/vegan cuisine. Modest tariff. Coniston (05394) 41717. M I D - W A L E S . Stredders Vegetarian Guesthouse. Park Crescent. Llandrindod Wells LD1 6 A B . Telephone 0597 822186. Vegan and special diets a speciality. O L D R E C T O R Y H O T E L , Maenlwrog, 0766 85 305. Three acre riverside garden. Main house/budget annexe. All en-suite. Informal atmosphere, home cooking, vegan & Italian menu. Reduced 2+ nights. Dogs welcome. S T I V E S , Cornwall vegetarian/vegan guesthouse overlooking St Ives Bay. close to Carbis B a y ' s beautiful golden sands, station and St Ives picturesque harbour. Delicious vegan/vegetarian menus, ensuite rooms, tea making facilities, central heating. Children welcome. Brochure:

Compassionate living vegan retreat. North Madeira. Situated on little plateau. 500 metres above sea level, with views over the ocean and mountains. Near to country and Levada walks. Best period: April to October. 3 twin-bed accommodations. Non-smoking. no domestic pets kept. Some homegrown veganic culture produce expected. Bed. breakfast, evening meal and packed lunches: £150 per person per week. Bed and breakfast: £25 per person per night. If requested, demonstration given of veganic clean culture (extra fee). Vegan Retreat, Sitio Achada-Felpa. Sao Jorge. P-9230 Santana, Madeira Island. Tel: 010 351 91576 810.

Tel 0643 862289

T O R Q U A Y . Brookesby Hall. An exclusively vegetarian/vegan hotel. Glorious sea views. Quiet. Close beach and town centre. Fully centrally heated. 10% discount for members for stays over 3 days. Colour brochure on request. Hesketh Rd. 0803 292194. Y O R K . Vegetarian/Vegan wholefood, non-smoking B & B . Comfortable en-suite accommodation. 10 mins walk centre. £16. Mrs Moore, 21 Park Grove, York. 0904 644790.


Quiet Country Hotel overlooking beautiful tidal estuary and bird sanctuary.

Britain's oldest vegetarian/vegan hotel is family owned and stands in its own grounds close to beaches and unspoilt walks. Superb cuisine and friendly personal service. Some rooms with shower & w.c. en suite. For furth hure please contact: STIVES, Cornwall Tel 0736 753147.


Dolphinholme letanan

Guest House Hat

Walk the Northumbrian Hills, explore historic castles and Roman sites — then relax in a homely atmosphere in front of open fires and enjoy exclusively vegetarian/vegan* 3 course evening meals and wholesome breakfasts. Non-residents catered for by prior arrangement.

Write or phone for brochure to: Alastair or Caroline, "Dolphinholme" 5 Leazes Crescent, Hexham. Northumberland NK46 3JX. (0434) 601583

FOXLOW GRANGE BUXTON Derbyshire 17th century historic Georgian Grange guest house. Bed/breakfast/evening meals (optional). Total vegan/vegetarian meals prepared by a Cordon Vert chef. Special diets catered for. Totally non-smoking establishment. Restaurant open to non-residents. Fully licensed. AU drinks vegan/vegetarian. Open all year including Christmas and the New Year.

Enjoy a relaxing holiday amidst beautiful coastal and moorland scenery - ideal for walking. Spacious Edwardian house overlooking Porlock Bay. Excellent traditional, vegetarian and vegan food. Log fires on chilly evenings. All bedrooms ensuite with tea/coffee making facilities. Special weekend breaks.

S C O T L A N D . Solway coast. Homely B&B. vegetarian/vegan on request. Walks, beaches, bird-watching. C.H., Pr. parking, large garden, tea/coffee all rooms. Phone 055 664 269, later 0556 640269. S O M E R S E T . Exclusively vegetarian guest house. All meals vegan. Bordering Devon and Dorset. It is an ideal base for touring, walking o r relaxing in our 16th century house. Crewkerne 0460 73112.

Highly acclaimed idyllic base to discover north/west Highlands. Goumiet Scottish farmhouse cooking and (vegan) cheeses, boats, bikes, windsurfer in secluded seashore location. Brochure? Tel/Fax: Tony/Jackie 01843 655282. Also Fior Iomaigh (Perfect Image), Celtic + vegetarian gifts, food, guides etc.

For further details please telephone

COME & GO AS YOV PLEASE Vegetarian/vegan. Cussens cottage, en-suite rooms with own entrance, tv, tea-making. Residence sunlounge/dining room. Vegetarian/vegan 3 course dinner when req'd. Peaceful rural setting, pub, shop,, 10 min. walk. Cycle hire, riding, mountain walking. Nearby 13th century historic Kilmallock. Easy drive to Kilamey, Tralee, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Shannon Lakes, Atlantic coast. Relax in secluded lawns and organic kitchen garden. Brochure and booking details. Phone:

Bruntingthorpe CV3 2GD.

Way, Binley,


D O L M A offer a range of high quality vegan perfumes, toiletries and skin preparations. 1976 cut-off date. Send SAE for brochure & Xmas offers or £10.95 for set of eight trial size perfumes to: Dolma, 19 Rovce Avenue, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6FU. M U S I C / M E D I T A T I O N T A P E S . £6.50 each (incl. p&p). For free brochure, write/phone: FF Cassettes, 29 Roundwood Road. Hastings TN37 7LD. 0424 753792. T - S H I R T : Hunters Shooters Anglers Wankers. (Bollocks to Bloodspons backprint). Cheques: £8 to



Vegetarian/vegan B&B, delightful country house accommodation. Situated in Beatrix Potter's picturesque village with its olde worlde inn, 2 miles from Hawkshead, Lake Windermere (car ferry) 2 miles. Delicious breakfast, lovely bedrooms, some en-suite. Also panoramic views of Esthwaite Water.


* Vegan meals by prior arrangement. NTB I Crown D o l p h i n h o l m e is a n o s m o k i n g z o n e

BLACKPOOL WILDLIFE HOTEL Open all year round Licensed. 100% non-meat. Small friendly hotel. (Exclusively vegan/vegetarian. Special diets catered for — all freshly made.) No smoking throughout. Situated two minutes from the sea. Near all the attractions. Parking available. 39 Woodfield Road. Blackpool F Y 1 6 A X . Tel. 0 2 5 3 346143.

MAIL ORDER A L L S A N D A L S AND L E N T I L S ? Not at Poppy Seeds. We offer a range of interesting products that meet our strict ethical criteria. W e are committed to raising awareness and funds for a number of conservation and animal welfare charities through our unique green party plan and mail order. If you would like to receive a copy of our mail order catalogue, contact us on 0 8 2 3 661255.

NURSING HOMES B E T H A N Y V E G E T A R I A N Nursing Home caters exclusively for vegetarians and vegans with wholistic therapy. 7/9 Oak Park Villas, Dawlish, Devon EX7 ODE. Telephone 0626 862794.


C A N D L E S : dipped, rainbow, mushroom, zodiac, nightlights. Many colours, shapes, scents. SAE: Vegan Candles. 8

The Vegan, Winter 1994

CUSTODIANS W e are animal rights campaigners throughout the UK, w h o oppose slaughter and exploitation of God's creatures.


Details and newsletter from: Custodians, Kent Place, Lechlade, Glos, GL7 3AW

Semi-display (boxed) Commercial: £7.26 per single column centimetre Non-commercial: £4.95 per single column centimetre Display (non-classified boxed) & Inserts

The order is an informal Fellowship, having for its service in life the cultivation of the Spirit of Love towards all Souls: Helping the weak and defending the defenceless and oppressed; Abstaining from hurting the creatures, eschewing bloodshed and flesh eating, and living upon the pure foods so abundantly provided by nature; Walking in the Mystic Way of Life, whose Path leads to the realization of the Christhood; And sending forth the Mystic Teachings unto all who may be able to receive them — those sacred interpretations of the Soul, the Christhood, and the Divine Love and Wisdom, for which the Order of the Cross stands.

Please ring Richard Farhall on 0424 427393 for a rate card.

SITUATIONS VACANT ANIMAL SHELTER caring for both domestic and farm animals, urgently needs voluntary helpers to care for a large number of homeless dogs. Drivers preferred. Longterm help needed most, but temporary also. Please telephone for information, Freshfields Animal Rescue Centre 051 931 1604. CASH COLLECTORS wanted, all areas, excellent rates of pay. Send 1st class stamp to: Whitehouse, 59 Piccadilly, Manchester Ml 2AQ. (Vegan friendly.)

Regular Services, Meetings and Retreats are held in London and elsewhere. For further information please contact: The Headquarters (VN). 10 De Vere Gardens, London W8 SAE, telephone 071-937 70/2.


PAYMENT Pre-payment please by cheque or postal order made payable to 'The Vegan Society'. Eire and overseas: Payment must be by sterling cheque drawn on an British bank or by sterling International Money Order. PUBLICATION DATES March, June, September, December COPY DATES 25th Jan, 25th April, 25th July, 25th October CONDITIONS O F A C C E P T A N C E

Needs a caring someone to prepare vegan meals for guests and also help with house-keeping and clerical work, for approximately 3 months or more. If truly interested, please write giving full details of self, enclosing photograph which will be returned. Future working partnership possible.

IMPORTANT Final copy date for Spring 1995: 25 January

Non-commercial: £4.50 for 20 words (minimum) Additional words: 25p each


Santana, Madeira Island.



T W O MATURE LADIES, vegetarian non-smokers offer voluntary, permanent help at small animal sanctuary in exchange for bill and rent free accommodation. Can also assist housework, basic maintenance, gardening, clerical. Midlands/S. England preferred. We are law-abiding. Write Box no. 315.

COWXCICEVJTRIL CONTACT CENTRE is a caring, so lowfees friendship agency, quite different from all others catering exclusively for vegans and vegetarians both in Britain and abroad for any purposes. CONTACT CENTRE enables you to choose friend(s) from detailed adverts and/or to write an advert yourself without disclosing your name and address. CONTACT CENTRE gives full scope to your individual requirements; you don't even have to complete a form. Instead a friendly ear is leant to every member. As we cannot tell all in this advertisment. please write for membership details from:

VEGAN COUPLE seek employment in Cumbria, ideally at an animal sanctuary or health food shop, but will consider anything. Experienced in shop and office work. Please contact us if you vacancy for one or both of us.

RATES AND CONDITIONS All prices inclusive of VAT Series discount: (4 consecutive insertions prepaid): 10% Box No: (per insertion) £2.00 extra



(MV) BCM Cuddle. London WC1V 6XX stating whether you are female or male.

Lineage Commercial: £6.60 for 20 words (minimum) Additional words: 39p each

Advertisements are accepted subject to their satisfying the condition that the products advertised are entirely free from ingredients derived from animals; that neither products nor ingredients have been tested on animals; and that the content of such ads does not promote, or appear to promote, the use of non-vegan commodities. Books, records, tapes etc. mentioned in advertisements should not contain any material contrary to vegan principles. Advertisements may be accepted from catering establishments that are not run on exclusively vegan lines, provided that vegan meals are available and that the wording of such ads reflects this. The submission of an advertisement is deemed to warrant that the advertisement does not contravene any Act of Parliament, nor is it in any other way'illegal or defamatory or an infringement of any other party's rights or an infringement of the British Code of Advertising Practice. The Vegan Society reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement. Although every care is taken, the Vegan Society cannot accept liability for any loss or inconvenience incurred as a result of errors in the wording, or the late or nonappearance of an advertisement.

ALL LINEAGE A D S MUST BE P R E - P A I D BOX N U M B E R S When replying to a box number address your envelope as follows: Box No. , The Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA.

:ATIONS AHIMSA. Quarterly magazine of the American Vegan Society. Veganism, Natural Living, Reverence for Life. Calendar Year subscription £12. Address: PO Box H, Malaga, NJ 08328, USA.

• P f S E R t l NATURAL HEALING with flower essences by Registered Bach Rower Remedies Practitioner — animals also

33 The Vegan, Winter 1994

W h e n r e p l y i n g to a n advertisement mention that s a w it i n


please you tditor:

The Vegetarian Union of North America & The American Vegan Society





6-13 August 1995 San Diego State University California USA



For details and a booking form send an SAE to: The Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA. Payment may be made by sterling cheque drawn on a British bank IT'S CHEAPER IF YOU BOOK BEFORE 1 DECEMBER 1994!

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM Please insert the following advertisement in the next


issue/s of The Vegan under the heading (Please u s e capital letters)



















































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I enclose c h e q u e / P O for £ Name

Davable to 'The Veaan Society Ltd." Address Post c o d e

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Return to: The Advertising Manager, The Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA. (Tel. 0424 427393)


The Vegan, Winter


Promoting a diet free from all animal produce and a more compassionate way of living that seeks to avoid exploiting animals for any purpose


WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY There must be many readers who would like to offer financial support to the Vegan Society in its unique work but have limited means at their disposal. There is, however, an easy way of helping regardless of present circumstances — by including a legacy to the Society in your Will. Great or small, such legacies can make a real an& enduring contribution to the promotion of vegan ideals. For those who would like to make a bequest to the Society the following form of words is suggested: I bequeath to the Vegan Society, Registered Charity no. 279228, presently at 7 Battle Road. St Leonards-on-Sea. East Sussex TN37 7AA, the sum of £ . and declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorized officer of the said Society shall be good ami sufficient discharge of such legacy. Property left to the Society is another valuable contribution lo our cause. If you wish to will land or property to the Society, please write for details of how to arrange thi

The Vegan Society's

MONTHLY CASH DRAW RESULTS August 1994 1 st 2nd 3rd

107 35 12

Ursula Bates Barbara Smith Bill Wakelam

£46.13 £27.68 £18.44

September 1994 lst 2nd 3rd

28 21 155

J Williams M Broome W Stevens


Brown, one-piece upper, Vibram sole, Cambrelle lining.




Black, two-piece upper, Vibram sole, Cambrelle lining.



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Fabric boot, very attractive, four colours, designed for leisure wear


Ideal for hiking, rambling or simply leisure wear. Available in sizes 35 - 4 7 (2^-12). Sizes for the Trekking boot are 36 - 4 6 ( 2 ^ - 1 1 ) . * Prices include postage & packing and VAT. * If not completely satisfied, return u n w o r n for a refund (less p&p) or exchange for a different s i z e / s t y l e . For further details and information on our cruelty-free belts, socks and wetproofing, write t o Ethical

Wares, (DEPT V .M.) 84 Clyde Way, Rise Park, Essex, RM1 4UT (Tel/Fax. 0708 739293).

£26.10 £17.40


W e are a v e g a n , e t h i c a l l y - b a s e d c o m p a n y

The Vegan Society's

MONTHLY CASH DRAW Cash prizes every month!

If you'd like to make a regular contribution to support the Vegan Society's work and stand a chance of winning a cash prize every month, then the Society's Monthly Cash Draw is for you. Each month, three cash prizes — comprising 50% of that month's total entry money — are drawn. A monthly entry is £1.50 but you may make as many entries as you wish. The draw takes place on the last working day of the month. A list of winners is published in The Vegan. To take part just complete the form below and enclose your remittance for 3, 6 or 12 months as required. Don't worry about forgetting to renew — you will be reminded in good time!

MONTHLY CASH DRAW Name Address Post code



* *


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entry/ies for


I enclose a cheque/PO payable to 'The Vegan Society' for £ 3 M O N T H S — £ 4 . 5 0 6 M O N T H S — £ 9 . 0 0 12 M O N T H S — £ 1 8 . 0 0

Return to: Cash Draw Organizer, The Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA. United Kingdom (0424) 427393

35 The Vegan, Winter






GET INTO THE FESTIVE SPIRIT WITH THE VEGAN SOCIETY FESTIVE POSTCARD! • Novel concept * Environmentally sounder than a 'traditional' festive card — less card and no envelope required! • Simple, bright, eye-catching design Promotes the internationally-recognized vegan sunflower • Supports the work of the Vegan Society

£2.50 (p&p incl.) per pack of 8


Please send me

pack/s of Festive Postcards @ £2.50 per pack.

I enclose a cheque/PO for £ Name .

payable to T h e Vegan Society'. Address

_Post code Tel. Return to: The Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA





• 11/2" diameter ' 10 stickers per sheet • Ideal for envelopes, letters and milk bottle tops

£8.95 + 65p p&p

•XL • Water-based vegetable dyes • Unbleached cotton COMMEMORATIVE TEE SHIRT ORDER FORM

COMMEMORATIVE STICKER ORDER FORM Please send me sheets of Commemorative Stickers @ 20p per sheet + postage & packing (see above). I enclose a cheque/PO for £ payable to 'The Vegan Society'.

Please send me Commemorative Tee Shirts @ £9.60 each (p&p incl.). I enclose a cheque/PO for £





Post code

Tel. Return to: The Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA

Post code

_ payable to 'The Vegan Society'

Tel. Return to: The Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA

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