The Vegan Winter 2010

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in this issue As you can see from our Highlights and Active Vegans pages this has been a very busy few months. The Restaurant Show at Earls Court was a resounding success with massive interest in veganism from chefs and caterers. Our new film Making the Connection has been launched (details on page 2) and the 9th edition of the Animal Free Shopper is now available. Local groups and student groups have been proactively talking to non-vegans with stalls, film showings and outreach events. Internationally there have been many large vegan festivals (see page 7 for details).




From tHe Ceo


international news


aCtive vegans


wHy isn’t everyone vegan yet?




wHat does our trademark stand For?


vegan advoCaCy/Curious vegetables


tHe great nortH run


prototype vegans




news and inFormation


veg 1


liFelong vegans


youtH and eduCation pages


megan tHe vegan






grow vegan




loCal ContaCts list

As usual please send in photos and details about any vegan events that have taken place during World Vegan Month (November) and we will hopefully feature them in the spring Vegan.


staFF and CounCil listings




membersHip Form/megan tHe vegan

Rosamund Raha Editor



In this edition we feature an extremely interesting interview with Dr Melanie Joy about the concept that she has called Carnism (the widely held belief that it is reasonable and acceptable for humans to kill and eat other animals). We also feature a historical article which explains that nearly 200 years ago the word vegetarian was used in the same way as we currently use the word vegan.

The Vegan Society


Donald Watson House


21 Hylton Street






B18 6HJ



Local rate 0845 45 88244 l Tel. 0121 523 1730 l Fax. 0121 523 1749 l e-mail: l Editor Rosamund Raha Design Printed on Recycled paper

Š The Vegan Society Registered Charity no. 279228 Company Registration no. 1468880 The views expressed in The Vegan do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or of the Vegan Society Council. Nothing printed should be construed to be Vegan Society policy unless so stated. The Society accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. The acceptance of advertisements (including inserts) does not imply endorsement. The inclusion of product information should not be construed as constituting official Vegan Society approval for the product, its intended use, or its manufacturer/distributor. Contributions intended for publication are welcomed, but unsolicited materials will not be returned unless accompanied by a SAE. Contributions will usually be edited.

The Vegan l

Winter 2010


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vegan soCiety autumn 2010 HigHligHts MAKING THE CONNECTION The Vegan Society has produced a new 30 minute film called Making the Connection. It was launched on World Vegan Day and will be shown at our AGM (see page 41 for details). The film features a variety of people including a chef, a farmer, a Member of Parliament, an athlete, a dietician and a poet. They invite you on a journey to explore an exciting lifestyle that combines delicious, healthy food with strong ethical principles. It is aimed at nonvegans and if you wish to watch the film it is on YouTube If you would like to organise a group showing to non-vegans such as in a school, university, arts cinema or at a vegan food tasting event please contact us for a copy of the film on 0121 523 1730 or by e-mail

The Vegan Society also sponsored a ‘Vegan and Botanical Experience’ Masterclass, on the Centre Stage at the Show. Fatih Güven, Head Chef from Saf Restaurants London (in Shoreditch and Kensington), presented the Masterclass. He demonstrated tempeh and mushroom dumplings, steamed in rice papers and served with a black vinaigrette. The invited panel of tasters, and volunteers from the audience loved the food.

THE RESTAURANT SHOW 2010 The Vegan Society spoke to well over 500 chefs, caterers, students, manufacturers, restaurateurs, lecturers and other catering industry workers for the three days of The Restaurant Show 2010 - the UK’s ‘premier fine-dining show’. Our CEO, Nigel Winter, our Advocacy Officer, Rebecca Henderson, and our PR Officer, Amanda Baker spread the word about the ways in which good vegan menu options are great for caterers. Delicious, nutritious and sustainable, the best vegan dishes can tempt just about every customer. We distributed information, such as copies of our Vegan Catering for All menu development guide for professional caterers, and our Plant-Based Nutrition guide to balanced vegan dining. We also gave out application packs for our Vegan-Friendly Promise window-sticker scheme and our Sunflower Standard Vegan Trademark for caterers. Please get in touch ( if you’d like to help support caterers where you live to start offering great vegan dishes too.


The Vegan l Winter 2010

ARTICLES PUBLISHED Vegan Society PR/Media Officer, Amanda Baker, recently got a letter about the link between environmental damage and animal products published in New Scientist. It was a response to Bob Holmes ‘Veggieworld’ cover story. Vegan Society Vice-Chair Dr Matthew Cole got an article published in the Critical Society, Issue 4, Autumn 2010 entitled Getting [green] beef? A vegan response to The Ecologist magazine’s Meat-Eco Villain or Victim of Spin? The Critical Society Journal regularly publishes items on an animal ethics theme: Matthew has also had entries on the International Vegetarian Union and on veganism published in M. Puskar-Pasewicz (ed) Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism, Westport, CT, USA: Greenwood Publishing Group.

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THE VEGAN PLEDGE The number of people taking The Vegan Pledge increases each month with hundreds of people taking the pledge from all over the world. People taking the pledge are entitled to a free mentor to give help and guidance with the transition to veganism. Some reasons why people have signed up to The Vegan Pledge are as follows: After seeing the cruelty these beautiful animals suffer I cannot allow myself to support these “products.“ Just converted from vegetarianism to veganism and need help. Change starts with a single act. I realise that by making these changes I will have taken the first step to contributing in a positive way to the development of a more compassionate and thoughtful society. I am hoping that this will give me the last little bit of motivation to stick to my convictions. I want to stay true to what I believe: all animals should be treated with respect. I am having trouble fully committing to veganism and I thought it would be a good way to kick-start my vegan lifestyle.

ANIMAL FREE SHOPPER The 9th edition of The Animal free Shopper is now available. You can buy it from our website shop: or by phoning 0121 523 1731. The Animal free Shopper is a comprehensive guide to vegan products available in the UK.

PIZZA FOR EVERYONE... As part of the Society’s continued efforts under the banner of Vegan Catering for All, we have spent recent months working closely with PizzaExpress to promote vegan pizza at the national restaurant chain. We’ve taken part in a fantastic photoshoot (with facebook fans invited to get involved), and currently one vegan pizza has reached the final 5 for their contest to find a new special for the menu. Watch this space for more news and recipes to come in the spring issue.

TALKS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CARE CATERERS Advocacy Officer, Rebecca Henderson, attended the National Association of Care Caterers (NACC) conference exhibition as a day visitor. She spoke to food product and care home providers, as well as voluntary organisations working within the care sector.

As usual Vegan Society staff and Trustees have given talks at academic institutions and vegan events throughout the country and also one abroad with Dr Karen Morgan and Dr Matthew Cole giving a public lecture entitled Justifying exploitation: How and why society separates humans from other animals at the Institute of Sociology, University of Hamburg.

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From tHe CHieF eXeCutive Nigel Winter

Our vision is a world where everyone has enough food to eat, human and non-human animals live free from exploitation and live in harmony with each other and the environment and the world’s resources are consumed in a sustainable way to ensure that future generations are provided for.

n The Restaurant Show at Earls Court with a one hour vegan master class on centre stage n We are sponsoring a vegan category in the professional chef competition at Hospitality at the NEC

The work of the Society aims to: 1. Promote the benefits of the vegan lifestyle, encouraging more people to adopt it; 2. Make it easy for people to follow a vegan lifestyle; 3. Explain the philosophical reasons for being vegan as people are most likely to stay committed to veganism if they believe it is wrong to exploit all animals.

n A stand at the International Food Event at Excel n We are sponsoring two vegan categories in the professional chef competition at the Hotel and Catering Show at the Bournemouth International Centre n A stand at UKaware at Olympia

We have agreed our strategy for the next three years and three key themes will operate in parallel for at least three years and run alongside core activities.

n We will be promoting the Trademark at the Natural and Organic Products Show at Olympia

The themes are:

Staff time is spent on major events which attract thousands of people and we hope that Local Contacts will represent us with stalls at the smaller local events.

1. How veganism benefits global food security and helps to combat climate change; 2. Animal ethics – the reasons why it is wrong to exploit animals however good their living conditions are; 3. Improving the quality and availability of vegan food by caterers, manufacturers and retailers (including improved labelling). We are just starting to prepare information for the animal ethics theme and you should start to see that in the second half of 2011. We are booked to attend a variety of events up until July 2011 and these include:

Staff also attend workshops and conferences with academics and policy makers to ensure that the vegan viewpoint is considered. There are many ways in which individual vegans can support our activities for example promoting vegan food to caterers needs to be supported by individual vegans asking for vegan options otherwise caterers tell us there is no demand! If you want to become more active in promoting veganism please contact Amanda, our Media/PR Officer (, and she will be happy to provide you with ideas.

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Halfway through the first draft of this column and rejoicing at having a free day and a desk to work at, I found myself sheltering under said desk as books poured off the shelves and pictures rocked drunkenly on the walls – my first experience of a real earthquake, and probably not my last as there have been more than 2,000 here in Christchurch since the big one last month. And there was I thinking this would be the peaceful part of the trip... En route to the World Veg Congress in Indonesia, I was amazed at the achievements of fellow International Veg Union council member Sandhya Prakash and MeVeg in the United Arab Emirates. It was a privilege to stay at her house and join in the welter of activities she manages to organise in addition to a full-time job and a lively teenage son. An impromptu talk on veganism attracted an enthusiastic audience from a wide range of nationalities and cultures. There were veggie iftars in Ramadan and the UAE even has a “green sheikh” who combines commitment to the environment and Islam and finds peace among the stray dogs at the sanctuary in Dubai MeVeg is also planning a second Middle East vegfest in December (see Events page 41). The deciding factor in my attending the World Congress in Jakarta was the opportunity to stay with organiser Susianto Tseng, his wife Lily and two daughters, 15-year-old Santi and six-month-old Vegania. Being part of an Indonesian family was a wonderful experience while the morning and evening traffic jams provided time to discuss the future of the vegan movement in Indonesia. Susianto’s achievements are already awesome: getting noodles fortified with vitamin B12, breaking down the barriers between Buddhists, Muslims and Christians to form an enthusiastic and cohesive movement, engaging government ministers and health authorities, getting a weekly spot on national television and attracting thousands of people from all walks of life to the World Congress. Buddhist, Muslim and Catholic college students came with their teachers. Hundreds of children took part in painting, dancing and other activities. The congress was also attended by senior government ministers, public health officials from Afghanistan, enthusiastic representatives from China and the Philippines, and an Iranian professor who gave a powerful and entertaining talk on why Muslims can and should give up animal food. I look forward to working with all these people, most of whom received copies of both Sandra Hood’s and Stephen Walsh’s nutrition books and Liz Cook’s ever popular vitamin chart - so the five boxes we sent from Birmingham were much appreciated. The word “vegan” was well understood, with “vegetarian” tending also to be used as meaning entirely animal-free, but a gulf between “ethical” (the vast majority) and “health” veg*ns became apparent at one point. I was proud to have been re-elected when members of the IVU Council unanimously upheld our policy of not citing animal experiments and refused to approve an event in a country where human rights receive little consideration and animal rights even less. The proposer retaliated by telling the International Council to “go die in your beds” for our “unscientific” refusal to support animal experiments. Meanwhile, another representative from the same country had given up a successful media career for much lower paid animal protection work, to which he had aspired since his pet fish was thrown to the chickens when he was five, but admitted occasionally consuming animal products at social events.

Perhaps purity of motivation is as important as purity of diet - I certainly know which of those two people I hope to see again and work with in the future. 20,000 copies of our Plant Based Nutrition booklet - translated by a volunteer and printed in Sumatra with funding from the International Outreach Fund - were shared among regional representatives from all over Indonesia and visitors to the World Congress. My simplified English subtitles for our new film Making the Connection were translated overnight into Bahasa and it was shown at the inaugural celebration. Offers of subtitles in other languages included Putong Hwa (Mandarin) and the film will be shown with French subtitles at the Paris Vegan Festival on 28th November (see Events page 41). Whilst we have a firm policy not to use Society funds for travel outside the UK, the provision of materials is a major way of making a difference worldwide and I look forward to seeing more and more of our information available online in a multitude of languages. With good wishes to all, Vanessa Clarke International Coordinator

The Vegan Passport is available from The Vegan Society for just £4.99. It is a pocket-sized book, with a simple message explaining what vegans do and don't eat, and why in seventythree different languages.

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s n a g e V e v i t c A Volu nte ers nee ded for Lon don Vega n Pled ge 201 1 London Vegan Campaigns have supported 125 new vegans with an annual London Vegan Pledge (see for a film on the 2010 health Pledge). Their 2011 Pledge runs next March, and d. neede professionals and cooks are particularly Volunteer training is in February. Email or call Chrissy on 07980 739190 to offer help.

Contacts C0-coordinators Amanda Baker. Contacts Co-coordinators are Rob Jackson and or 0121 523 1738 Rob handles the admin: media work: Amanda helps you with outreach, publicity and or 0121 523 1737

Active Students in Dublin Fresher’s Week at University The Vegan Society’s leaflets went down a treat during gh manned a stand and Murta en Steph and am College Dublin (UCD). Sarah Burnh y, 9 of which are vegan. they now have 80 members of the UCD Veg Societ Burnham also got the Head Chef Using our Vegan Catering for All booklet Sarah us inspired. He now provides one Camp on urant Resta (Greg Whelan) at the Main time (it used to be only two vegan dish and one vegetarian dish every lunch They now also prepare vegan e). vegetarian dishes, always covered with chees sandwiches first thing in the morning, which are kept wrapped and separate from the other sandwiches and to put the cherry on the vegan cake they now have 500 ml cartons of soya milk available if a student should want soya milk with their breakfast. Brilliant progress!

gan Triathlete Three Page Feature for Ve ntly got a three ld (as part of a triathlon team) rece Vegan Society member Dave Arno ents of Dave uth Local Paper) naming the achievem page feature in The News (Portsmo as being ents evem le describes one of Dave’s achi and the other triathletes. The artic 9. 199 ton amp verh Wol in Ironman competition placed 29th in the country in the and k wea are ns vega that h myt dispelling the It talks about Dave being vegan and feeble.


The Vegan l Winter 2010

Active Bristol been Bristol vegan cook Shane Jordan has and in s stall food and s cafe at ing cook turned around Bristol City Centre. He has n vega into es dish urite many of his favo aican Jam been have s food e Thes es. dish ish Patties, Curried Pancakes, Vegan Corn e Thes . Rolls age Saus y Pasties and Spic public, have gone down very well with the ut abo who at first were very sceptical trying them but when they taste them inue they love them. Shane plans to cont ote prom and cook es, recip e mor e mak to up p Kee ible. poss veganism as much as the good work Shane!

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s Active Students in Glasgow Contact for the University of Glasgow Vegan Society, Alex Douglas, has been busy. Her group organised the showing of Food Inc, Shooting Vegetarians and Plague Dogs at the University. Food Inc. saw over 40 people through the door. They hope to show Earthlings around World Vegan Day at the Contemporary Arts Centre who show lots of films to a wider audience. They have also started mentoring new vegans, aspiring vegans or vegans new to the city and have had quite a good response to this so far. They also hope to set up a food co-op with Green City Wholefoods and organise a Glasgow vegan fair.

Spotlight on York Vegans ( and 01904 653633)

Eisteddfod As usual The Vegan Society sponsored a stall at the Welsh National Eisteddfod and Sian Meredudd, Laurence Maine, Kay Holder and friends organised the event. . event ve massi this at Lots of interest from non-vegans

Active Taunton held a vegan food tasting stall Taunton Vegans and Vegetarians were happy to in Taunton and Fairfoods (http://fa It was very successful, the out. take along some pizza to give food was snapped up by passersby (especially the cake!) and lots of recipes and information about going vegan were taken by interested people.

Meg Thomas applied to be a Vegan Society Local Contact as soon as she moved to York. She says, “I’ve found the role really rewarding and enjoyable, and have met some fantastic people and eaten lots of delicious food, as well as increasing my own knowledge about local vegan products and services.” York Vegans have already: run a city centre stall, helped with vegan catering at York Peace Festival and held meals such as a summer picnic (pictured right). Plans include a letterwriting evening, the National March for Farmed Animals and a World Vegan Day Party. Meg’s advice: 1. Ask for help - don’t go it alone. 2. Don’t be afraid of failure - have a go, and have fun. 3. Advertise widely - social networks and email as well as leaflets and posters. 4. Keep event costs low (it’s inclusive, and attracts families). 5. Try a variety of events (to attract varied people). 6. Allow lots of time to organise your events. Welcome to new Contacts: Bridget Meadows in Totnes, Thomas Micklewright in Dulwich, Michael O’Halloran in Limerick and Neil Williams in Truro.

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NEW! Animal Free Shopper The 9th edition of The Animal free Shopper is now available. You can buy it from our website shop: or by phoning 0121 523 1731. The Animal free Shopper is a comprehensive guide to vegan products available in the UK and costs just ÂŁ4.99.

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Active Croydon

Active Lincolnshire

£50 for The Vegan Society Local Contact for Croydon Tracey Hague raised 30 August. They now on Fair t nmen Enviro n by selling cakes at the Sutto half are wheat-free do most cakes nut-free (especially carrot cake) and with some gluten-free. products and so they They get a few people asking where to buy vegan of Tofutti original ges now have a display board at one side with packa ers etc (each wrapp late choco l Plami soft ‘cheese’, Redwoods products, ). velcro of pieces attached with little If anyone wants their excellent recipes, Tracey will gladly supply them and equally she’d be happy for anyone to contact her for tips, suggestions, etc. See Local Contacts listings (pages 42-44) for Tracey’s contact details.

Vegan Lincs’ had a First Year Anniversary Celebration. They had a buffet lunch and BBQ in the evening. Lots of lovely vegan food, lots of sunshine and lots of laughs. Vegan Lincs have been very active in the campaign against Nocton Dairy and organising the Lincoln Veggie Fayre and so the celebration was a well-deserved treat.

Society please contact If you would like to raise money for The Vegan 523 1737. Amanda Baker: or 0121

Bristol Vegan Buddies

any support? Did you muddle on by ? Did you know other vegans? Did you have Can you remember when you became vegan rite vegan groceries? Any negativity favou mas? Did you know where to buy your dilem any have you Did et? intern the hing searc with a helping hand at the time? from family members? Could you have done limited support networks. to a vegan diet but find it very difficult due to Far too often, people try to make the transition ation to new or aspiring inform and rt suppo ing to becoming vegan by provid Bristol Vegan Buddies aim to decrease barriers local cafes and restaurants that , phone or face-to-face. They help people find vegans in the Bristol area. This could be by email nutrition, offer cooking with help cts, give some support and signposting to are good for vegans, shops that sell vegan produ tion. Sometimes people transi their with them rt events, and anything else to suppo tips, let people know about local vegan social are experienced vegans. is vegan! They offer local vegan buddies who just want to have a chat to someone else who l Animal Rights Bristol Vegan Buddies was launched at Bristo er 2009. The project Octob in fair food vegan free first Collective’s ted vegan espec well-r a was inspired by people like Neil Lea, others, set with had, who 2007 in away campaigner who passed nds. Midla the in ct up a similar proje l Vegan Buddies You could set something up in your area! Bristo ite: webs their on e schem your list to would be happy t flier with loads brigh a have also They .uk nbud .vega www with Bristol Vegan of food on it to inspire people. Get in touch All you would area. your in flier the use to Buddies if you’d like Bristol! word the and ss addre email the e chang is do need to ions you quest any er answ to y Also Bristol Vegan Buddies are happ : touch in get to free Feel ct! might have about the proje

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Why isn't Everyone Vegan Yet? Dr Melanie Joy coined the term 'carnism' in 2001, to describe the invisible belief system, or ideology, that conditions people to eat certain animals. Dr Joy, a social psychologist, has argued that unless eating meat is necessary for survival, it is a choice—and choices always stem from beliefs.


oy explains that, because

carnism is an inherently

violent belief system, it has to include social and psychological defence mechanisms to block our empathy and awareness whilst we eat meat. In other words, carnism is an ideology that leads humane people to take part in inhumane practices - and not even realize that they are doing so. Carnism is made possible by the broader ideology of speciesism, which creates the belief that other species are less worthy of consideration than your own species or than other preferred species. In this interview, Melanie Joy talks to Amanda Baker about carnism. Joy explains that meat eaters may feel powerless to change until they become aware of how they have been indoctrinated all their lives with the ideology of carnism.

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Q: Why do you believe that understanding carnism is so important for the vegan movement and vegans? A: I think it is vital that the vegan movement and vegans understand, and promote understanding of, the concept of carnism. There are many reasons for this, but I’ll share just a few of them here. I believe that the movement needs to shift its focus from veganism to carnism. Veganism is the solution, but carnism is the problem, and we must identify and illumine the problem before we can expect people to be open to the solution. Also, by not focusing on carnism we play right into the hands of the system by helping to maintain its invisibility; dominant systems maintain themselves largely by remaining unexamined. Moreover, understanding carnism will help the movement shift its focus from the individual to the system that shapes individual behaviours. We must stop thinking of eating animals as simply a matter of personal ethics and see it instead as the inevitable end result of a deeply entrenched belief system. We can then stop trying to change the world one carnist at a time and instead work toward transforming the system itself. Also, carnism has a specific structure and if we don’t understand that structure it’s like we’re fighting blindfolded against an unseen entity. Finally, understanding carnism can help vegans advocate more effectively and have less strained relationships with the carnists in their lives. Q: Why are so many of my family and friends still meateaters, even the most obviously compassionate and ‘animal loving’ ones, and even after learning the truth about meat production? A: One important reason is because when we ask someone to stop eating animals we’re not simply asking for a change in behaviour, but for a shift of consciousness. For instance, we’re asking them to see themselves as a strand in the web of life, rather than standing atop the so-called food chain. We’re asking them for a change of identity, to risk becoming marginalized, and likely to cause conflict in important relationships. We’re asking them to be open to the enormity of animal suffering in this world, and when you take in that reality, your life is never the same. So even the most compassionate individuals won’t stop eating animals until they’re psychologically ready to do so.

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Q: What is ‘witnessing’ – what does it mean, and what do you believe it can achieve for the vegan movement? A: I define witnessing as being willing to see the truth, with our hearts as well as with our eyes. “Bearing witness” is an active process in which we are not simply detached, impassive observers, but are emotionally and psychologically engaged with that which we are witnessing. When we bear witness to another, we do our best to put ourselves in his or her shoes, to connect with the truth of his or her experience. We empathize. When it comes to farmed animals, such empathy is typically what compels us to act on their behalf. Witnessing is the kryptonite of carnism; the whole system is organized to block witnessing. Thus, the goal of the vegan movement is to help others to bear witness - not only to the truth about farmed animals but also to the truth about carnism.

“Witnessing is the kryptonite of carnism; the whole system is organized to block witnessing. Thus, the goal of the vegan movement is to help others to bear witness - not only to the truth about farmed animals but also to the truth about carnism.”

I have so often heard activists saying they “have to,” for instance, watch a graphic film about meat production because they “owe it” to the animals, and the suffering they’ll endure from witnessing “is nothing compared to what the animals go through.” This is irrational and counterproductive thinking; over-witnessing does nothing to help the animals and actually increases the likelihood that the activist will burn out. We each need to work for veganism in a way that also works for us as individuals. Some people can witness far more than others; some can no longer witness at all. Find a way to help the cause that works for you. Q: How can I talk to my loved ones about veganism without them getting upset and defensive? A: First, expect that the very issue of eating animals will cause some defensiveness, since the carnistic mentality is built on defences. If you understand carnism, you are less likely to get pulled into a defensive argument. Also, make it your goal not to convert the other but to have an authentic conversation in which you come to a greater understanding of each other. Moreover, I always recommend sharing your own story, using “I” statements, rather than simply listing all the reasons people shouldn’t eat animals. For instance, whenever people ask me if I’m vegan, I say, “I am now, but for much of my life I wasn’t….” This immediately creates a sense of connection, where the carnist knows I understand what it’s like not to be vegan. And finally, if you model the qualities you’re asking for (empathy, open-mindedness, etc.), you’re much more likely to encourage such qualities in the other and cultivate a productive, meaningful conversation. Understanding carnism is vital for the vegan movement and vegan advocates; since carnism is the reason why animals are turned into food in the first place. Indeed, the goal of the vegan movement isn’t simply the abolition of the production of animal products, but the transformation of carnism. As advocates, we are ambassadors for the movement and if we understand carnism, we are much better able to avoid the frustration and embitterment that can lead to burnout, and to communicate our message effectively. Understanding carnism, in my opinion, is fundamental to the empowerment of our movement, and ourselves.

Understanding witnessing can help us understand why carnists often don’t change their behaviours even after being exposed to information about the reality of animal agribusiness; many carnists witness with their eyes but not with their hearts. Q: How can I be a positive active ‘witness’, without becoming traumatized by all the suffering involved in animal exploitation? A: As vegans, it is essential that we bear witness to ourselves. We must pay attention to our thoughts and feelings, and notice when we are starting to become distressed.

Dr Melanie Joy is the author of Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism (reviewed in The Vegan Summer 2010).

Those of us who are vegan tend to overcompensate for the lack of witnessing among carnists; we often over-witness.

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Sammy Keetley

n mosQuito repellent INCOGNITO Incognito mosquito repellent spray is said to harmlessly deter all mosquitoes and many insects (including ticks, sandflies, wasps, fleas, bees, midges and gnats). The spray contains camphor, rose geranium and organic java citronella, which are combined to create a lovely fragrance.

n indulgent giFt boXes MANNA GIFTS Manna Gifts create unique gifts for those who care more than most about the kinds of food they eat. Manna Gifts offer a selection of indulgent vegan gift boxes, each of which is filled with exquisite vegan finds and offers true melt-in-the mouth decadence. Prices start at £40 and vegan choices include: Dark Magic, Organic Black Magic, Vegan Chocoholic and Vegan Heaven. There will be more exciting new hampers coming out for the run up to Christmas and the Manna Gifts range will be expanding further to include vegan beauty products. Look out for the new organic two tier gift box, with lovely unisex vegan bath and body products in one tier and organic vegan chocolates and yummies in the second. For more details visit or telephone 0845 094 1552

Unlike ordinary insect repellents, it is completely free from any Deet, Paraben, GMO or sodium lauryl sulphate. Incognito is said to be suitable for use by all the family over 6 months of age. A100ml bottle costs £9. For more details visit or telephone 0207 221 0667

n mineral make-up MY EARTH MINERAL COSMETICS My Earth Mineral Cosmetics boasts an entirely vegan range of make-up. Made from minerals and nourishing botanicals, the collection is both gentle and soothing on the skin. The properties of the minerals make the products water resistant and long lasting and the Mineral Powder Foundations also possess a certified spf 20+ sun protection rating. The lipsticks are enriched with jojoba oil, shea butter and vitamin E to keep your lips in top condition. The My Earth product line includes mascaras, foundations, cleansers, body lotion, eye shadows, lipsticks, lip glosses and nail varnishes, as well as a collection of professional quality vegan makeup brushes. Prices start at $10.55 for a rose facial scrub. For more details visit

n stevia tea From paraguay CID BOTANICALS’ Stevia Packets are full of a unique tea sourced from Paraguay, where it has been used for centuries. Grown in its natural environment and made using an all natural water extraction process, Cid Botanicals’ Stevia Packets are an excellent choice. Containing zero calories and suitable for diabetics, Stevia Packets also contain inulin fiber from the chicory plant. (From $5.19)


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All Shoparound products have been authenticated as

Not all products in a range are necessarily vegan.

n organiC skin Care

n organiC uk grown CHilli’s

MYREEN YOUNG SKINCARE Myreen Young Skincare presents a beautiful range of organic products for all ages and skin types, including a gentle range for babies. In addition, there is also a healthcare range which is designed to ease the discomfort of common health problems, such as headaches and joint pain.

DARTMOOR CHILLI FARM Dartmoor Chilli Farm specialise in growing over ninety varieties of sweet pepper and chillies, which are farmed holistically and organically without the use of herbicides or pesticides.

Every product is carefully hand blended from high quality ingredients which have been individually chosen for their function. The extracts used are taken from the first press to keep them at their purest and most effective and essential oils are added at 5% in the creams, to ensure that they work at an optimum level. Prices start at £3.50 for Baby Powder with French White Clay & Lavender. For more details visit or telephone 023 8022 2519

n organiC red wine OLIVERHILL WINERY A family owned and run winery in the beautiful South Australian region of McLaren Vale, Oliverhill produce only vegan, red wine that is hand crafted with love. Oliverhill wines have been consistently highly scored by world renowned publications ‘The Wine Advocate’ and ‘International Wine Cellar’ with ratings of up to 96/100 since their 2000 vintage. Wines currently produced include Jimmy Section Shiraz; Cabernet Sauvignon; Petite Sirah; Mount Benson Shiraz; Clarendon Shiraz; and the newly released ‘Red Silk’ which is also Shiraz for the 2008 vintage. All wine is produced on site and the vineyards are cared for using organic practices. Priced at AUS $420 per dozen – mixed cases are available. For more details visit

They offer a range of chilli chutneys, jams, marmalades, sauces, jellies, pickles and nine flavours of chilli chocolate, including the award winning Coffee Chilli Chocolate. All products are suitable for vegans. All products are available through their website at or telephone 07515 676 036

n upCakes With lovely sugar free, dairy free and wheat free cakes that don’t compromise on taste, Upcakes make sure that you won’t leave anyone out at your next office/home party. Cakes are available for local delivery in the Greater London area. For more details visit

n Hemp milk BRAHAM AND MURRAY GOOD HEMP is a unique milk alternative, made from a blend of pure hemp seeds and water. It has a creamy, smooth, nutty flavour and is sweetened with apple juice and enriched with calcium and Vitamin D. A 250ml serving of Good Hemp provides 50% of your recommended daily intake of Omega 3, as well as 3.3g of protein. While being low in saturated fat, free from cholesterol and free from known allergens, Good Hemp is also high in polyunsaturated fat and easy to digest. Good Hemp is produced in the UK, using hemp grown by British farmers, and is free from both herbicides and pesticides. Available at Waitrose and independent stockists of long-life milks at £1.79 per litre. For more details visit The Vegan Vegan ll Winter Winter 2010 2003 The


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vegan soCiety booklets and leaFlets Remember that we have a wide range of booklets and leaflets. Contact 0121 523 1735/6 for free copies: Our Dying for the White Stuff leaflet helps people to see the horrors of the dairy industry.

Our Why Vegan? leaflet is great to hand out to passers by (costing less to print and post out than the booklets).

Our Vegan Recipes leaflet is well received by non-vegans as well as vegans.

Our Costing the Earth leaflet is great to give out at environmentally themed events.

The Eating the Earth booklet sets out the exact reasons why a vegan diet is better for the environment.

The Plant Based Nutrition booklet gives all the information that is needed for a balanced vegan diet.

The Vegan for the Animals booklet is a comprehensive and well referenced critique of animal farming.

The Young Person’s Guide to Veganism is great to give out.

The Vegan Catering Guide for Hospitals and Care homes is handy to give to a hospital in advance of a stay.

The Vegan Catering for All Guide is great to give to cafes and restaurants to encourage them to cook more vegan food.

Our Why Vegan? booklet remains a firm favourite, giving an overview of vegan issues as well as ‘going vegan’ tips.

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n organiC skin Care LULU AND BOO ORGANICS Lulu & Boo Organics is an award-winning organic skin care company, offering a full range of luxurious skin, body, baby care and mums-to-be products. The majority of the range is certified organic by the Soil Association, and products are hand made in small batches to ensure freshness and optimum shelf life. Lulu and Boo products contain no Sodium Lauryl Sulphates (SLS) or Parabens, instead they are all specially formulated with certified organic essential oils and plant extracts. At this years Natural and Organic Awards in London, Lulu and Boo won best Organic Baby Product with their Baby Bottom Balm. They were also runners up in the same category with their Baby Massage Oil, and were finalists in the skin care category with their Nettle & Lemon Tea-Tree Cleansing Gel. Prices start at £5.95 for Lavender, Calendula & Aloe Soap. For more details visit or telephone 029 2040 0036

n body Care witH essential oils ORIGINAL SOURCE Original Source has created a range of powerful products to recharge and refresh you whenever you need it most. Made with essential oils, fruit and plant extracts and locally sourced ingredients wherever possible, Original Source has shower gels, hand washes, male grooming and hair care products on offer. Their range includes Lemon and Tea Tree Shower Gel to revive you; Lavender and Tea Tree Bath Foam to aid relaxation; and White Pear and Avocado Conditioner to replenish damaged hair. Available in supermarkets and on the high street. Prices start at £1.99 for a 250ml bottle of Lime Shower Gel. For more details visit or telephone 0800 581 001

n kuCHing Herbal teabags

n gummy Candy FTF SWEETS LTD Goody Good Stuff is a gummy candy range made with a plant derived biogum, instead of animal-based gelatin. The sweets combine fruit ingredients to create a clear consistency and superior taste. Goody Good Stuff products contain no E numbers or other allergens such as gluten, making these sweets a great choice for the whole family. There is a choice of four vegan flavours: Cola Breeze, Summer Peaches, Sour Mix & Match and Sour Fruit Salad. Priced at 99p for a 100g bag. For more details visit or telephone 0845 643 9333

Kuching Herbal Tea is made in Malaysia using traditional and sustainable methods and has been enjoyed in South East Asia for centuries. It has a fresh fragrance and delicate flavour. It is produced from the medicinal herb Orthosiphon Stamenius. Kuching Herbal Tea is rich in flavanoids which are renowned for their antioxidant properties. It is also a good source of potassium and is naturally caffeine-free. £2.05 for 20 teabags For more details visit

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n tHe vegan soCiety’s trademark logo – wHat does it stand For? Individuals regularly feedback to Vegan Society staff that our trademark logo has made their shopping simple: from soap to food right through to jewellery the symbol gives confidence that a product is vegan. We also get e-mails asking what the trademark logo stands for: Does it cover no animal testing? Does it consider E numbers? Products registered with us have been scrutinised as being free from animal-derived ingredients. These products must also avoid using animal-derivatives in the manufacture of the finished product; a good example of this is isinglass (from the swim-bladder of fish) finings used to clarify a range of alcoholic beverages and clear fruit juices but not present in the finished product. The trademark examines ingredients in depth and includes E numbers and the origins of vitamins such as D3 which is made from lanolin from sheep’s wool. Any products, and ingredients that go into those products, which are registered with us must not be tested on animals by the trademark holder or their supplier. This includes Daphnia (water-fleas widely used for water-toxicity testing and not considered an animal under EU law). This encourages companies to develop and use alternatives to animal testing. We work hard to get the trademark logo on a wide range of products to make your shopping list that much easier to get through. We will also reach a stage when your non-vegan friends will stop asking you “what do you eat?” because a good portion of their own weekly shopping basket will bear our clear vegan logo and they will realise just how much of their diet includes vegan food. You can help us by politely asking companies that don’t have our logo on their products to trademark their vegan-suitable products with The Vegan Society. Daniel Therkelsen Trademark Department


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vegan advoCaCy Rebecca Henderson

My role as Advocacy Officer is to advance the interests of vegans in vulnerable situations. There are various times in our lives when we may become vulnerable; when we are unwell, or frail, reliant on others for food, or otherwise dependent on their support. As well as helping on an individual level, through the provision of information and advice, I will also be working towards systemic improvements. Better provision not only helps existing vegans, but also makes it easier for more people to become vegan. My background before coming to the Society was in law and advice work. With the coming into force of the Equality Act 2010, my legal training will be a useful preparation for the task ahead. Younger vegans and those with school age vegan children will already be aware that school lunches can be problematic. Our Education Officer, Rob Jackson, and I have a long-term plan to improve this situation by persuading schools to have vegan dishes as their vegetarian option. As a first stage in this process we have assembled a series of menus and nutritionally analysed them to ensure that they meet the required school nutrition standards. We are now investigating the best way to test them for cost and ease of preparation. Once this has been done, we hope to trial them in schools.

Medical treatment can be a difficult issue for vegans. Medicines will almost certainly have been tested on animals. Often they will also contain ingredients of animal origin. The dilemma is particularly acute for vegans making the decision on behalf of their children. As regular readers will be aware, newborn babies are offered an injection to guard against vitamin k deficient bleeding (VKDB) that contains cow bile. There is a liquid alternative but currently it is only available as a VKDB prophylaxis in a gelatine capsule. I have been in discussions both with the product manufacturer and with The Vegetarian Society as to how an animal free product might be made available. Many caterers will be relatively unfamiliar with veganism and with their obligations under the Equality Act. This can cause difficulty for vegans in hospital, who may be too ill to undertake the task of educating the caterer themselves. As a resource for caterers we produce a Vegan Catering Guide for hospitals and care homes. I have recently written an article for the Hospital Caterers Association Journal (Hospital Caterer). In it, I remind them of their obligations to cater for vegans and explain how they should do so. I also highlight the availability of our Guide, which gives more detailed guidelines as well as some recipes. If you are being admitted to hospital and would like a copy, then do please contact me at

tHe bean Bill Laws

FROM FEAST TO FAMINE A late September frost took our allotment holders by surprise. It also brought this year’s bean crop to a premature end. Overnight we went from bean-feast to bean-famine. Late spring had brought a glut of broad beans; summer delivered a forest of sweet dwarf beans while late summer and autumn were blessed with that architectural icon of the kitchen garden, curtains of scarlet runner beans grown on their bean pole frames. The broad bean and its close cousin the field bean are some of Europe’s oldest vegetables: they were almost certainly the subject of the original ‘bean-feast’ or ‘beano’ in the Celtic festival calendar. The runner bean is a relative newcomer. A gift from the New World, the first seeds reached Europe aboard Columbus’ Spanish galleons in 1493. However, the ‘runner’, named for its tendency to climb like a hop plant, took a while to reach the kitchen garden.

There is no mention of the new bean by John Gerard in his 1597 Herbal although he recorded the American ‘Potatoes of Virginia’, Love Apples (tomatoes) and that pernicious new plant, tobacco. Finally in 1652 Nicholas Culpeper, writing in his Complete Herbal refers to the French or kidney bean ‘growing with us in this land, which is called the scarlet flowered bean’. He advocated crushing the dried bean into a powder and drinking a dose of bean powder in white wine to ‘cleanse the kidneys of gravel’. But above all, he wrote, this was a bean grown for ‘the glorious beauty of their colour.’ Bill Laws is the author of the Collins Field Guide - Fields and Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History.

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Vegan nutrition guidelines

To ensure that vegans maintain good health it is important to: n Eat plenty of brightly coloured fruit and vegetables including dark green leafy vegetables. n Eat plenty of wholefoods (brown bread, brown rice etc). n Include in your diet each day at least three micrograms of vitamin B12 from fortified foods or 10 micrograms from a supplement with proven bioavailability. n Expose your face and arms to the sun for 15 minutes per day whenever you can (if your shadow is much longer than you the sun is not strong enough). If your sun exposure is limited (for example in a British winter), or if you are dark skinned, make sure that you get 10 to 20 micrograms of vitamin D2 each day from fortified food or a supplement.

n Ensure your diet includes a source of iodine such as kelp or take a supplement. It is important to take neither too much nor too little, since both overdose and underdose can be harmful. A good iodine intake is 15 to 30 grams of kelp (kombu) per year or a daily supplement containing 100 to 150 micrograms of iodine. n Try to get at least 500 mg per day of calcium from calcium rich foods or supplements. n Consume a tablespoonful of ground flaxseed or a teaspoonful of (uncooked) flaxseed oil each day if possible or consume other omega 3 rich oils. For example you could use two tablespoons of rapeseed oil (which does not have a strong taste) in place of other vegetable oils such as sunflower or corn oil.

VEG 1 (£4.99 for three months’ adult supply) Specifically designed to benefit vegans of all ages in a safe and effective way. Taken daily, VEG 1 ensures adequate supplies of selenium, iodine, vitamin D, folic acid, vitamins B2, B6 and, of course, B12. Based on extensive research by Vegan Society health and nutrition spokesperson Stephen Walsh, author of Plant Based Nutrition and Health, the supplement is ideal for vegans of all ages. Available only from The Vegan Society


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vegan runners make History witH team vegan

at tHe great nortH run


egan runners made history with ‘Team Vegan’ at The Great North Run, the biggest half marathon in the world. The team of 15, fielded by the Vegan Society and taking part for the first time, became the largest all-vegan team ever to take part in a UK athletics event. Team Vegan Captain, Fiona Oakes won the “Women’s Masses” race in 1 hr 20 min 51 sec - the first ever competitor to win the mass race running under the vegan banner. Fiona Oakes finished ahead of former 10K World Champion and Olympic silver medallist, Liz McColgan (1 h 25 m 9 s), six other Elite Women and seven of the Elite Men. The 14 remaining members of Team Vegan all finished the half marathon, which has a reputation for being tough, in under three hours.

n Adiditionally Vegan Society Staff member Mike Tomkins ran the EDF Energy Birmingham half marathon in 1 hour, 43 min, 43 sec

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Vegans John Davis, Manager and Historian of the International Vegetarian Union

We all know that the word ‘vegan’ was invented in 1944, but there were people following the same diet and ethics much further back than many vegans today might imagine.

ack in 1815, Dr William Lambe, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, wrote in his book ‘Water and Vegetable Diet’: “My reason for objecting to every species of matter to be used as food, except the direct produce of the earth, is founded on the broad ground that no other matter is suited to the organs of man. This applies then with the same force to eggs, milk, cheese, and fish, as to flesh meat.” Lambe adopted his new diet in 1804, and soon became part of a group of like-minded people, including one of his patients, John Frank Newton, author of ‘Return to Nature’ in 1811. Newton’s sister-in-law, Harriet de Boinville lived in a country house in the then rural Bracknell, Berkshire, and their circle of proto-vegan friends moved between their two homes. All of this might have passed unnoticed if it were not for their newest recruit, 20 year-old budding poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. He adopted what he initially called ‘the Pythagorean system’ in 1812 while in Dublin - as a classics scholar, fluent in Latin and Greek, he probably learned about the diet from the original texts. On returning to London he met with the radical socialist philosopher, William Godwin, who introduced him to Newton, and to Godwin’s 15 year-old daughter, Mary


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Alcott House opened in July 1838 on Ham Common, Surrey and we have now proved conclusively that it was this group who first began to call themselves ‘vegetarian’

(later Mrs Shelley). Many years later Shelley’s close friend Thomas Jefferson Hogg, who remained a meat-eater, cashed in on his moment of fame by publishing a biography: I conformed, not through faith, but for good fellowship. Certainly their vegetable dinners were delightful. Flesh never appeared; nor eggs bodily in their individual capacity, nor butter in the gross: the two latter were admitted into cookery, but as sparingly as possible, under protest, as culinary aids not approved of, and soon to be dispensed with. Cheese was under the ban. Milk and cream might not be taken unreservedly; however, they were allowed in puddings, and to be poured sparingly into tea, as an indulgence to the weakness of neophytes. We have to remember that this was decades before the invention of margarine, and long before anyone in the West ever heard of tofu or soya milk, so the change cannot have been easy for them. But it was not just about health matters, in 1813 Shelley published his first epic poem ‘Queen Mab’, to which the preface was ‘A Vindication of Natural Diet’, and the poem included the lines: …No longer now He slays the lamb that looks him in the face, And horribly devours his mangled flesh;…

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The group remained close for several years, William Lambe’s daughter eventually marrying Mrs de Boinville’s son, but they gradually scattered, with the exception of Dr Lambe who reappears later. In 1817 we first find James Pierrepont Greaves adopting the vegetable diet, and almost certainly the totally plantfood version of it from the outset. Details of his early life are sketchy, but we know that at one time he lived in London, next door to the publisher of many of the aforementioned books, so he may well have read them. He spent some years in Switzerland studying with the radical educator, Pestalozzi, and planned to open his own school in London. He heard about a similar school in Boston, USA, run by Bronson Alcott, and was sufficiently impressed to write to Alcott, and to name his new school for him. Alcott House opened in July 1838 on Ham Common, Surrey and we have now proved conclusively that it was

this group who first began to call themselves ‘vegetarian’, the first known printed use of the word was in their April 1842 journal, but showing it was already familiar to the readers. We have also proved that by ‘vegetarian’ they meant 100% plant food, and nothing else. They grew most of their own fruit and vegetables, and their only drink was water – as recommended many years earlier by Dr Lambe who was now a visitor to the school to see his ideas fully implemented. Their records also show strong objections to ‘cultivating the breed of animals for amusement or use’, so these were strongly ethical plant eaters. Bronson Alcott visited Alcott House for four months in 1842, and took two of the staff back with him to found another community near Harvard, called Fruitlands. This was short-lived, but also plant-food only and banned the use of animal labour. It is mostly known today from the presence of his 10 year-old daughter, Louisa May Alcott who later wrote ‘Little Women’.

Alcott House closed in 1848, after a remarkable 10 years which included the founding of the Vegetarian Society in 1847. Two of the staff continued as Secretary and Treasurer for a couple of years, but the new society would soon have folded if they had not had the foresight to elect the wealthy James Simpson of the Salford Bible Christian Church (BCC) as their first President. Unfortunately that also meant adopting the BCC version of the ‘vegetable diet’ which was merely ‘abstaining from flesh’. Their vision was of the promised land ‘flowing with milk and honey’ (and eggs). The resulting confusion continued for another hundred years – until a group within the Vegetarian Society decided they had to make a clearer distinction, and founded the Vegan Society in 1944. Déjà vu. For a very detailed account of how Alcott House first used the word ‘vegetarian’, with links to all original sources, see:

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Laurinda Erasmus / Isabel Hood

CaFé-style olive & basil individual QuiCHes From Benessere Well-being by Laurinda Erasmus A limited number are available from The Vegan Society shop (review on page 37) pastry: 8 tbsp (½ cup) wholemeal spelt flour 4 tbsp (¼ cup) oat bran 4 tsp white sesame seeds large pinch of salt 4 tsp olive oil 4 tbsp cold water olive oil spray filling: 20 young green beans, chopped into rings 2 tsp olive oil 2 shallots, finely chopped ¾ cup firm tofu, drained and patted dry ½ cup soy / oat milk 2 tbsp savoury yeast flakes, powdered 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp salt freshly ground black pepper 8 fresh basil leaves, chopped 2 tsp olive oil, extra decoration: 4 slices of baby tomatoes and sliced pitted olives Pre-heat the oven to 170°C. Make the pastry: Mix the dry ingredients in a small bowl. Add the oil and rub in until the mixture resembles heavy bread crumbs. Add the water and stir until the mixture comes together. Stir hard a few times, then rest the pastry for 5 minutes. Knead the pastry for a minute until it becomes elastic. Place the pastry in a plastic bag or container in the refrigerator for half an hour. Spray 4 small oven proof pie or quiche ceramic dishes (or little non-stick pans) with olive oil. Remove the pastry from the refrigerator. Divide into 4. Lightly flour the work surface and the dough. Roll each into a ball, then roll out into a very thin disk with a rolling pin. Lift the pastry and place it in the pie dish, pressing it gently against the bottom and sides with your fingers. If the pastry tears, simply ‘glue’ it together again by pinching. Roll the rolling pin heavily over the rim of the ceramic dishes to ‘cut’ off the pastry neatly. There is no need to bake blind. Make the filling: Pour boiling water over the beans in a small bowl to blanche them. Leave for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a pan and sauté the shallot for a minute until soft. Drain the beans, then add to the shallots and cook for a few seconds. Remove from the heat and set aside. Place the tofu, soy milk, savoury yeast flakes, oregano, salt and pepper in a small blender and mix until smooth and creamy. Stir in the basil leaves, extra olive oil and the contents of the pan of shallots and beans. Pour into the pastry shells. Level off the surface and place the decorations on top. Place the dishes on an oven tray in the oven, and bake on the middle shelf for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and let the quiches rest for 5 minutes before unmoulding. Makes 4 individual servings. Cook’s tip: Serve these luscious quiches with a salad of micro greens and a home-made tomato salsa.


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The PumPkin Isabel Hood Cookery writer Isabel Hood delves deep into pumpkin history to discover its adventurous past. The squashes are a fairly common or garden family who do not stand out from the crowd in any particular way. They are numerous, come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and go by rather flashy names like Crown Prince, Carnival and Kabacha. There are one or two somewhat flamboyant members, like Cucurbita Maxima who wears a Turk’s Turban, and Spaghetti Squash, who likes to pretend she is Italian. But on the whole, they do not have much to brag about on the culinary stage – except perhaps their wonderfully warm, vibrant hue. This does not mean of course that they have failed to find fame. On the contrary. One particular family member has been immortalised not once but twice. In the 17th century, Perrault assigned it the role of transporting Cinderella to the ball, while the Irish legend of Stingy Jack was carried to North America after the potato famine of the mid 1800s: Jack tried to cheat the Devil and, as a result, his fate in death was to wander the earth endlessly, looking for a resting place; his only light

was an ember from the fires of hell, which he carried with him in a hollowed out turnip, the ancient Celtic symbol of the damned soul – hence his more traditional name of Jack o’ Lantern. On arrival in America, the European turnip was exchanged for the indigenous pumpkin, which has become the best known icon of Halloween. The squashes’ background is fairly adventurous, as the ancestors of the present day family emigrated to Europe from the New World aboard the Spanish galleons, along with other families from the Americas like potatoes, tomatoes, chillies, sweetcorn and avocadoes. Squashes were a staple food throughout the continent, and the earliest traces of squashes as food, found in the Tamaulipas mountains of Mexico, have been dated around 3000BC. They were known as “the apple of God” and their highly nutritious seeds were believed to increase fertility. The family name, however, is more likely to be native American than Mexican, as the Narragansett tribe knew them as “askutasquash” and the Iroquois as “isquoutersquash”. The English name “pumpkin” came from a 16th century French explorer who described them as “large melons” and assigned them the Greek name for this big fruit, pepon; the pepon became a pompon in France, then a

pumpion in England, and eventually a pumpkin in America. Although various squashes appear in my organic vegetable box at different times of the year, real proper pumpkins are a seasonal visitor, their ridged, bright orange skins adding their brilliance to autumn and their glowing, toothy grins lighting up many a window at Halloween. Pumpkins and their relatives – which by the way include cucumbers and melons - are not bulging with culinary potential, but careful cooking and accurate partnering do bring out a certain amount of glamour. They are hugely popular in North America with pumpkin pie gracing the table of every American household at Thanksgiving. But in spite of being a fruit rather than a vegetable and having a high sugar content, pumpkins for me are a savoury food, which goes particularly well with nuts and seeds, chillies and aromatic herbs, and mouthpuckering lemons and limes. As for cooking them, I have found that roasting them in oil until they are lightly golden and caramelised is an essential step. The flesh is 90% water and unless you cook away all this moisture, you are left with a pretty colour but not much else. Roasting concentrates the flavour, firms the flesh, and turns a pumpkin from flabby to fabulous.

SPiced roaSTed PumPkin wiTh PumPkin Seed SalSa Serves 2 as a main course with bread and a salad 1.5 kg/3 lb wedge of pumpkin, peeled, deseeded and cut into 2.5 cm/1 in pieces 120 ml/1/2 cup olive oil 5 ml/1 tsp each ground cumin, ground coriander and chilli flakes 20 g/3/4 oz pumpkin seeds 100 g/4 oz red cherry tomatoes, quartered 25 g/1 oz red onions, peeled and finely chopped 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed 1 red or green chilli, as hot or mild as you like, seeded and finely sliced 15 g/1/2 oz fresh coriander, coarsely chopped 15 ml/1 tbsp fresh lime juice Lime wedges Plain soya yoghurt, well seasoned, to serve (optional) Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Preheat the oven to 200oC/400oF/gas 6/fan oven 180oC. Place the pumpkin in a roasting tin and toss with 2 tbsp of olive oil, the spices and chilli flakes, and some seasoning. Roast, stirring every so often, until soft and golden around the edges, about 45 minutes. For the salsa, heat 1 tsp of olive oil in a small heavy frying pan. Add the pumpkin seeds and some salt, and cook over medium heat, stirring often, until the seeds start to pop and smell nutty. Remove from the heat and cool. When the pumpkin is ready, mix the pumpkin seeds with the cherry tomatoes, red onions, garlic, chilli, coriander and lime juice in a small bowl and season with salt and pepper. Serve the pumpkin with the salsa, lime wedges and a spoonful of soya yoghurt.

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VeGeS wiTh PumPkin and almond Sauce Recipe and photo Š Leigh-Chantelle 2006 4 squash, thinly sliced 1 red capsicum, thinly sliced lengthwise 1 bunch of asparagus, cut in half lengthwise 1 bunch of Chinese greens (eg bok choy) 1/2 pumpkin, grated 2 cups rice milk 1 cinnamon quill 1/2 cup slivered almonds Combine pumpkin, rice milk and the cinnamon quill, boil until cooked. Add slivered almonds and set aside. Cook squash, capsicum, asparagus and greens separately. When cooked place vegetables straight onto separate serving plates. Layer on top of each vegetable. Heat up pumpkin and almond sauce if needed. Spoon on top of vegetables. Serve immediately as a side dish or as a main meal with a grain (e.g. quinoa). Serves 4-5 people

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n liVe VeGan in Germany Vegan Society Local Contact Patricia Tricker took this great photograph three weeks ago from a boat on the Rhine between Bacharach and Bingen while on a walking holiday with other members of VeBu, the German Vegetarian Society. It serves to remind us that there are active vegans in most countries.

n oxford TheoloGian’S work for animalS honoured by rSPca The RSPCA has given one of its highest honours, the Lord Erskine Award, to Oxford theologian, the Reverend Professor Andrew Linzey. Professor Andrew Linzey is one of the world’s leading ethicists on the status of animals and the pre-eminent theologian on animal issues. He is the founder and the Director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics ( and a member of the Faculty of Theology in the University of Oxford.

n wriST bandS Save a Scream have had these gorgeous wrist bands made and are selling them for £2 including postage and packing. All profit from their sale (50p per wrist band) will go to The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV). They can be purchased here:

Professor Linzey has written or edited more than 20 books including seminal works on animals: Animal Theology (1994), Animal Gospel (1999), Creatures of the Same God (2004), and The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence (2009). His latest book is Why Animal Suffering Matters published by Oxford University Press in 2009.

n VeGGieViSion haS a GreaT new look VeggieVision is internet TV with a range of mini-programmes available on demand, each playing for up to 10 minutes. VeggieVision combines entertainment with education, information about products, and a focus on cookery and celebrity.


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n VeGan Tank Noah Hannibal, AKA Vegan Tank, is a Competitive power lifter, who has won the gold medal in the heavyweight division of the Australian National Bench Press Championships.

n VeGan SocieTy conTacT aSkS nick cleGG a queSTion On 27 August the deputy PM did a question session with a select audience. Vegan Society Group Contact Nitin Mehta had the privilege of asking the first question which was as follows: “Mahatma Gandhi said ' the moral well-being of a nation and its greatness should be judged by the way it treats its animals'. The time has come to form a charter of animal rights so that their abuse in blood sports, factory farming and vivisection can be stopped. The government also needs to promote a plant based vegetarian diet to help stop global warming and improve the health of the nation. Can the animals count on your governments support Mr Clegg?” The deputy PM replied: “We are a nation of animal lovers and the government wants to do as much as possible for animal welfare. Banning of experiments on animals for cosmetics is one of our achievements as a country. The reaction of the public to the recent dumping of a cat in the bin shows how strongly people feel about animal welfare in this country.” Although the answer was not very positive the question has been shown on BBC TV already and in an interview with LBC the question was brought up again. Nick repeated that he was aware of the immense concern amongst the public about animal welfare but sadly didn’t say any more than that.

n naTure’S bouTique Vegan Company Nature’s Boutique, have won The RSPCAs Good Business Award in the Best Newcomer 2010 category.

n The cuPcake TheaTre The Cupcake Theatre bake vegan cupcakes. They have been chosen as one of the 7 bakery winners for National Cupcake Week this year. They have also been nominated for the 'Taste Of Dorset 2010' Awards. Here is a brilliant quote from Andrew Williams, the deputy editor of British Baker Magazine: "Your cake was totally deserving of the accolade. I didn't even tell the other judges it was vegan!" ake_Theatre/Ingredients.html

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Specially Formulated Vegan HealtH Supplement NEW ORANGE FLAVOUR


he Vegan Society’s Veg1 supplement is specifically designed for vegans of all ages and was developed with the help of Vegan Society trademark holder HealthPlus, manufacturers of the Veganicity range. A varied vegan diet centred on whole plant foods provides the vast majority of nutrients, with a rich variety of beneficial antioxidants and other plant substances and healthfully low levels of saturated fat, cholesterol and toxic contaminants. This healthy foundation can, however, be undermined by factors relating not to vegan diets in general but to the particular environment in which we live:

n lack of vitamin B12 in sanitised but unfortified plant foods; n insufficient sunshine to produce our own vitamin D all the year round; n low levels of iodine and selenium in the soil.

While most vegans get plenty of these from their diet, the EU recommended daily allowances (RDAs) are included to ensure that there is no possible weak link. For more reliable absorption of B12, the tablet should be chewed sufficiently to break it up before swallowing.

Vitamin D Vitamin D is important for healthy bones and the natural way to get it is from sunshine on our skin. But this only works when our shadow is not much longer than we are: between October and March people in the UK must rely on stores built up in the brighter months or on vitamin D in their diet. Our supplement includes 10 micrograms of D2 – enough to keep stores adequate through the year even if sun exposure is limited.

Iodine and selenium VEG1 provides a convenient way to compensate for these factors.

Vitamin B12 and homocysteine If we lived on wild fruits, roots, shoots and leaves, we would get enough B12 from the dirt and bugs routinely present in such foods. While most vegans get enough vitamin B12 to avoid outright deficiency, many do not get enough B12 to avoid moderately raised levels of homocysteine - a toxic natural chemical linked to increased risk of birth defects, dementia, depression and death. The supplement provides 10 micrograms (μg) of vitamin B12 – enough to reduce homocysteine to desirable levels. Fortified foods are an alternative source. Three other B vitamins help to keep homocysteine low: folic acid, B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine).


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Soil levels of iodine and selenium are low in the UK and much of Europe, and the amounts in plants reflect the amounts in the soil. In North America iodised salt is used while in most of Europe, including the UK and Ireland, most people get their iodine from dairy products without even realising it has been deliberately added via the cattle feed. Vegans, however, avoid the hidden supplement along with the saturated fat. Selenium intakes in all sections of the UK population tend to be lower than ideal. Natural plant foods such as kelp and Brazil nuts can boost intakes of iodine and selenium respectively, though an ideal but not excessive level may be hard to achieve as the amounts contained can vary significantly. Low iodine can damage brain development in children and increase the risk of thyroid problems in adults. However, high intakes – especially a sudden change from a low

to a high intake – can also trigger thyroid problems. Our supplement uses potassium iodide to provide a precisely controlled amount so that one tablet reliably and consistently provides the adult RDA of 150 μg. Low selenium reduces antioxidant activity, increases vulnerability to infections and may increase the risk of some cancers, while very high intakes are toxic and can cause skin and hair problems. Our supplement uses selenomethionine, the usual form of selenium in plants, to provide 60 μg of selenium per day – enough to maximise its antioxidant activity and complement good vegan intakes of other antioxidants. For more information on all the above topics, see Plant Based Nutrition and Health, available from The Vegan Society.

Meeting the needs of children One tablet per day meets the needs of adults and teenagers while half a tablet chewed or crushed meets the needs of children 2-12 years. The amount in each tablet has been determined so as not to exceed international guidelines even fora one-year-old child. A very small amount of sugar (about half a gram per tablet) and flavour have been included to make the tablets palatable and chewable, which should make the task of persuading children to take them a lot easier.

Purchasing the supplement The tablets can be purchased direct from the Vegan Society at just £4.99 plus p&p for three months adult supply (90 tablets). We have kept the price low by ordering in bulk, using simple packaging and charging below the normal RRP. We hope that members and others will find this product a simple and affordable way to promote excellent health for themselves and their families.

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Vegans Joy Taft

What is it like growing up as vegans in a world of meat eaters? Well, my sister and I grew up in the 1980’s and 90’s, before many meat and dairy substitutes were available. This meant that fitting in at school lunches was quite a challenge!


hen everyone else was eating meat filled sandwiches and chocolate bars, we were left with peanut butter or marmite and salad sandwiches, a packet of crisps and a piece of fruit. Thankfully, we were completely revolted by the meat, but the chocolate bars were very tempting! And of course, our friends would sometimes say “urgh, what are you eating?” or “what do you eat?” As you can imagine, as children we found certain nutritious foods distasteful, but our mother persevered in finding more exciting ways of including these foods in our diet to satisfy our young taste buds. In fact, on the whole, we have very fond memories of mealtimes as we grew up, and many of these home cooked dishes are still our favourites today. A common objection to rearing vegan children is that it may lead to nutritional deficiencies or health problems. Is that true of us? Well, as children we were never underweight due to calorie or protein deficiency, we didn’t suffer with anaemia due to iron or B12 deficiency, we didn’t get rickets

or fracture bones due to calcium or vitamin D deficiency – we could go on! We can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that as long as parents look into how to meet the nutritional requirements for each stage of their child’s development, it is possible to bring up healthy children the vegan way. So, how do we feel about being vegan now? Well, we never once thought our parents were restrictive. We never even wanted to try meat, though our parents always gave us the choice. We each made the decision when we were quite young that subjecting any living thing to pain, suffering and death on our account was completely out of the question. And we have never regretted that decision. We never feel we missed out on anything by not eating meat, wearing leather shoes, or applying animal tested toiletries. In addition to having a clear conscience in the knowledge that we have not contributed to the mass exploitation of innocent creatures, the facts demonstrate that the vegan diet goes a long way in sustaining our beautiful planet, and can be an ideal diet for good health.

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YOUTH education

Youth Contacts are aged 16-25 and are here for young vegans to connect with. If you would like to chat to a Youth Contact or if you would like to be one please get in touch with Rob. If you are under 16 please talk to your parents first!

New School Visitors We now have a new team of school visitors in the North-West of England. These new visitors complement our existing teams in the Midlands, around Bristol, around London and in the eak South-East and South-West. Sp to your teachers about inviting s someone to come and lead lesson get with your class. We quite often asked to talk for Citizenship and give Food Technology lessons and can more information take a look at For . too s hop rks wo and ns tio cookery demonstra education/

Meatless Martial Artist Alex is a 10 year old vegan martial artist, who recently received his black belt. You can find his blog here

Being Vegan in the 5th Grade Kids at school always ask me, why I’ m a vegan and “what’ s a vegan anyway”? I always say (mostly to people who have asked me 5 times already) “it’ s someone who does not eat meat, eggs & dairy”. I don’ t see why people have to make such a big deal about it, it’ s not like I ask them why they are eating animals! Well, sometimes I do. Now that I’ m a vegan, I’ m stronger & faster than I was before. Plant protein is the best! And I don’ t know why people think my diet is not healthy, because I’ m not the one who’ s tired after running 1 lap! I can run so much farther and faster than I used to!


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Write to: The Vegan Society, YOUth, Donald Watson House, 21 Hylton Street, Birmingham, B18 6HJ Email: Call: 0121 523 1738

LETTER FROM  A  YOUNG  VEGAN Hello, I'm fifteen and I've been vegan for about a year. I transitioned with vegetarianism for about three years, though I didn't understand veganism at first. I have never been comfortable eating meat. I only did it for convenience. I always felt guilty knowing that what I ate had once had a brain that cared for its survival and produced emotions exactly like human brains do. I didn't even know that beef was made from cows until I was in first grade, when I found out I immediately put it down and sat in disgust. I feel like being vegan sometimes means you care about something other than yourself. When you are vegan, you benefit the environment, local businesses (if you seek local produce, family owned vegan restaurants etc.), animals, and you help strengthen businesses that advocate against animal cruelty.

I have also met other vegans that I feel comradeship with, and my best friend who was vegetarian became vegan. I try to share my knowledge of the food industry every day with people who have no knowledge of the subject (there are a lot of those living in Texas). I am certain I will spend the rest of my life vegan, because it is the only truly compassionate way to live. Ali Underwood Texas Even though I feel great, I’ m not gonna say that being a vegan kid is easy. I mean, I can’ t have cake at my friends’ birthday parties and we can only eat out at certain places. Animal products are everywhere & in almost everything! Most people have no idea about this! It’ s definitely worth it though! I am really happy that my family is vegan now! I’ m saving lots of animals, helping my health and the earth! Something that keeps me motivated are my vegan heroes like Matt Frazier, (No Meat Athlete) He runs really long distances on a vegetarian diet. I also like Tony Gonzalez, who is an almost vegan football player and Scott Jurek, who is a famous vegan distance runner. I wish more athletes would become vegan! So being vegan in the 5th grade is not too tough. I bring my lunch and answer a lot of questions. But that’ s okay!

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It was encouraging to read about what The Vegan Society is doing to support elderly vegans (The Vegan Autumn 2010). In the absence of dedicated vegan care homes, it is very good to see that The Vegan Society has taken this initiative. I wonder though whether we vegans as a community should get a discussion going again about options for our later years. Even if a care home serves vegan food, I have to say that, having visited such homes, I can’t think of anything worse than sharing a dining room every day with meat eaters and having to live with the lingering smell of their food. The cost of a vegan care home was previously found to be prohibitive by The Vegan Society and Vegetarians for Life. But would it not be possible to look again at the possibility of an, at least, vegetarian and vegan home in conjunction with a wider, and possibly wealthier, range of organisations, such as religious groups which are vegetarian or sympathetic to vegetarianism? There is also the possibility that the new equality legislation of recent years (notably on religion and philosophical belief) and human rights law could be used to encourage state support. Of course, we may not all need a care home but, in later life, and as friends and family may pass away, many may appreciate living alongside fellow vegans/vegetarians in some sort of housing complex or ‘veggie village’. I know that funding will always be the main challenge but perhaps we can at least start discussing what we would like to see and how it could be achieved.

I am writing to thank you for your article about the Gentle Gourmet in Paris. When my husband suggested a trip to Paris I was both delighted and apprehensive at the prospect - suspecting that my vegan diet would lead to problems. Your article appeared in The Vegan very shortly after the idea of a trip was suggested, and a booking was promptly confirmed. We visited at the beginning of August and spent two nights, including breakfast and evening meals. The food was wonderful as was the hospitality. Our hosts were knowledgeable about the area and this made our stay very enjoyable, especially suggestions of places to eat during the day, which included Le Potager du Marais, near the Pompidou Centre, where we enjoyed a delicious lunch. As active vegans, our hosts were organising the Paris Vegan Festival in November. I note that this is mentioned in The Vegan’s Autumn issue. I hope that it will be a great success, supporting the growing French vegan movement. Thanks again for the article - I am sure we will be returning to Paris more frequently! Kim Russell

Joanna Griffiths Response from The Vegan Society We would like to thank Joanna Griffiths for this constructive input. However, the decision by Vegetarians for Life, The Vegan Society and the Vegetarian Housing Association to concentrate efforts on improving vegan food in existing care homes (The Equality Act can be used for this) and improving other services such as meals on wheels for elderly vegans was based on many factors including the fact that the vast majority of older people do not stay in care homes, but continue to live in their own homes or with family or friends. If they do need to move to a care facility, most prefer to remain close to their existing support network. Improved vegan provision in general facilities, increases their choice of home and work with meals on wheels providers helps those who are still living at home. Living among non-vegans helps to educate them and makes it easier for them to make the transition to veganism themselves. The The Vegan Vegan ll Winter Winter 2010 2010

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ON THEIR OWN TERMS BRINGING ANIMAL-RIGHTS PHILOSOPHY DOWN TO EARTH Lee Hall ISBN: 978-0-9769159-3-5 $17.95 Reviewed by Rob Jackson

ANIMAL FREE RECIPE BOOK By Angel Selenie Published by Amanda J Sloan ISBN: 978-0-473-13990-2 Price: £17 including postage and packing from New Zealand To order contact Amanda at Reviewed by Diana Knight This is a New Zealand book and so quantities are mostly in cups and spoonfuls rather than pounds and ounces or grams. Also there are a few products listed that I have not heard of and trade names that I have never seen in the UK. Nevertheless one can mostly overcome this problem and acquire similar products. The recipe that I did try, the Sultana Biscuits, were tasted by The Vegan Society staff and volunteers and it was agreed that they were delicious! “The best home-made biscuits I’ve ever tasted” was the comment from one volunteer. As my baking is a bit hit-and-miss the recipe was obviously very good. On the whole an interesting and comprehensive book with recipes ranging from main courses, vegetables, dips, desserts and of course baking. I look forward to trying out more of the recipes.

Lee Hall has written an exceptional book – I don’t think there is anything else quite like it. What Lee calls for is both a return to the roots of animal rights and a reimagining of its future. The text describes a revolution in thought. Lee’s essential point is that it is only wild animals that could ever benefit from the rights that we advocate: autonomy and freedom. Domesticated animals will always be dependent on the care of humans. Lee urges us to stop talking about cruelty and start advocating for justice. This is where Lee brings environmentalism into the picture – it’s about protecting habitat so that indigenous populations can continue to thrive. It is right to protect the natural environment because it is the home of all wild animals. This book is very broad in scope, but very specific in detail. From redefining common words, to redefining what it means to be vegan, it will make you think. The appendices include a workshop on defining your own strategy and a guide to writing advocacy literature.

THE GET HEALTHY, GO VEGAN COOKBOOK By Neal Barnard and Robyn Webb Published by Da Capo Press ISBN: 878-0-7382-1358 Cover Price £10.99 Reviewed by Rebecca Henderson Neal Barnard, who has brought out this book in conjunction with nutritionist Robyn Webb, is the founder and president of The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. This organisation promotes the health benefits of vegan diets and advocates an end to the use of animals in medical research. The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook emphasises the author’s medical background. He is styled as “Neal Barnard MD” and is pictured wearing a white coat. The book claims that a low fat, low sugar, vegan diet, which avoids processed foods, will promote health and well-being. Non-vegans are urged to change their diet for the sake of their health and the book suggests a twenty-one day vegan meal programme to help them with the transition. While the book may risk overstating the health benefits of vegan diets, it does contain a range of mouth-watering vegan recipes. There are sections for breakfasts, lunches and dinners, as well as options for entertaining. For each recipe, there is a table giving the nutritional breakdown. So, while the book still includes tasty treats such as pizzas and blueberry pancakes, it might be a useful resource for those who are watching their weight. It will also be appreciated by anyone who enjoys delicious food, which is nutritious and easy to prepare.


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GLOBALIZATION OF WATER SHARING THE PLANET’S FRESHWATER RESOURCES By Arjen Y. Hoekstra and Ashok K. Chapagain Published by Blackwell Publishing ISBN: 978-1-4051-6335-4 Price: UKP 29.99 Reviewed by Amanda Baker Hoekstra et al. offer a thoughtprovoking review of research into global trade and water. They give us a measure of the overall water use, or ‘water footprint’, of nations. Thus we can clearly see how demand for water-intensive commodities - such as crops to feed farmed animals in the UK - contributes to the emptying of rivers and aquifers around the world, including the Amazon basin. The UK is water-rich overall (although suffering increasing droughts, especially in South-East England). Yet, in the UK it is estimated that 70% of the embedded water we need to support our current habits is imported (i.e. water used to make and produce imported products). This is unjust, globally - and it will not be possible for us to continue this pattern indefinitely. This book is a technical research report, and gives another important strand of firm evidence to support the case for switching to vegan lifestyles. In terms of food, a well-planned plant-based diet in the UK needs just one third of the fresh water used to produce the typical meat-and-dairy based British diet. Hoekstra et al. have also made their key results available as an interactive Web site, which itself makes for thought-provoking ‘browsing’.

BENESSERE (WELL-BEING) By Laurinda Erasmus Published by Quinoa Publishing ISBN 978-0-473-16633-5 Price £29.95 plus P&P Limited numbers available from The Vegan Society Reviewed by Rosamund Raha Over 500 recipes all with high quality photographs make this one of the best looking vegan cookbooks I have seen. The recipes focus on healthy eating but they are none the less very tasty. I tried several of the recipes and they looked and tasted great although I confess that in places I substituted some of the ingredients. For example in one place I used agave nectar instead of vincotto and in others I used rapeseed oil instead of peanut or walnut oils but this didn’t seem to matter as the results were still good. Some of the recipes are quite gourmet and I didn’t want to spend money on ingredients such as nigella seeds or sumac powder which I may never use again but others are reasonably simple and straight forward. Even some of the simpler recipes such as the refreshing and delicious cucumber sauce are new to me and I enjoyed experimenting with flavour sensations that I hadn’t experienced before. This is a great book for serious and adventurous cooks and for those who wish to avoid refined sugar in their diet. One of the recipes from this book is featured on page 24.

CARIBBEAN VEGAN By Taymer Mason Published by The Experiment ISBN 978-1-61519-025-6 Price $18.95 Reviewed by Sammy Keetley In Caribbean Vegan, Taymer Mason draws on her own family’s Caribbean cooking traditions to capture the wonderful local flavours of the Caribbean islands. It offers more than 125 detailed recipes, which combine both the exotic and the familiar in dishes such as Creole spaghetti, Barbadian sweet potato pie and banana bread. The recipes are easy to follow and the whole book is full of useful tips and ideas for how you can vary each dish and make it your own. For first time Caribbean cooks, it also introduces the key ingredients, equipment, and techniques of Caribbean cooking. Many of the recipes come with a short background story, where the author shares the origin of the dish and fond memories of how it has featured in her own life, giving the book a uniquely personal feel that few other cook books can offer. Mason vibrantly provides the real secrets behind the flavours of the Caribbean, in recipes that unite interesting textures and bold flavours to give Caribbean food its unmistakeable character.

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THE THIRTY MINUTE VEGAN’S TASTE OF THE EAST By Mark Reinfeld and Jennifer Murray Published: Da Capo Press ISBN: 978-0-7382-1382-8 Cover Price £10.99 Reviewed by Rebecca Henderson From the writers of the popular 30-Minute Vegan comes this new book of “150 Asian inspired recipes.” Here you will find chapters on the cuisines of India, Thailand, China and Japan. As well as recipes, there are useful primers on the differences in cuisine in each of these countries. The final chapter on “Asian fusion,” brings you exciting new flavours from a number of different countries, including Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Korea. The idea behind the book is that the recipes can be made in 30 minutes, but for those without the expert preparation skills of the writers, this may not be possible. They do give tips on how to prepare ingredients in advance and this should reduce the final time taken. There is also some helpful guidance on different cooking techniques and on using the more unusual ingredients. Suitable for those looking for new inspiration as well as those already passionate about Asian food, The 30 Minute Vegan’s Taste of the East will take you on a stimulating tour of culinary discovery.


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SPEED VEGAN: QUICK, EASY RECIPES WITH A GOURMET TWIST By Alan Roettinger Published by Book Publishing Company ISBN 978-1-57067-244-6 RRP £17.99 Reviewed by Charley Roberts Want something tasty to eat after work but don’t have much time to cook? Can’t face yet another stir fry for tea? Check out Speed Vegan, a collection of flavoursome recipes designed to be prepared in thirty minutes or less. Author and Chef Alan Roettinger skilfully combines flavours and seasoning to create tasty, appealing dishes that are still relatively straightforward to prepare. As you may guess from the title, this isn’t a ‘just four ingredients’ book, some of the recipes call for slightly more ‘exotic’ ingredients such as mirin, agave nectar and various fresh herbs. The book has an emphasis on wholefood ingredients throughout and a focus on recipes which are nutritious as well as enjoyable. Personally, this is a book I’d be more inclined to use during the warmer months as many of the recipes are fairly light - the largest section in the book is ‘salads’, followed by ‘pasta and grains’ and ‘legumes and vegetables’ - although of course this depends on your personal preferences. If you’re looking for varied, flavoursome, wholefoods-based recipes that don’t take hours to prepare, you can’t go far wrong with this book.

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David Milton

IMPROVE YOUR VEGANORGANIC DIET WITH A POLYTUNNEL Not many of you live next door to a constant source of locally grown, organically produced, fresh fruit and vegetables. The solution is to grow as much as possible of your own food but the further north and the greater the altitude of your garden then the more difficult it becomes. You want the biggest range of fruit and vegetable types, continuity of production and food transport measured in yards rather than miles. During this winter period of relative garden inactivity now is the time to consider investing in a polytunnel to help meet those requirements. With a polytunnel you can consider extending the range of fruit and vegetables that you produce. There are those types that would be impossible to grow successfully outside in the garden. Most of these will be annuals and among them will be pumpkins, melons, peppers, aubergines, cucumbers and tomatoes. Even if you can sometimes get a crop from them outside, they will perform better inside and regularly repay your efforts. It could be worth sparing permanent space for perennial crops such as asparagus and globe artichokes that perhaps would fail outside. Some plants fall into the category of being faster growing, healthier and more productive inside than out and they include onions grown from seed, beetroot, celeriac, sweetcorn, strawberries, etc. Onions grown this way store over winter much more reliably than those grown from sets, which can carry neckrot fungus spores.

Grow Vegan Puzzler Question; What sort of worms like to live in compost? Lion worms, tiger worms, or leopard worms? Send your answer on a postcard to: The Vegan Society (address on page 1) by 15 December 2010. The winner receives a beautiful gift box of vegan products supplied by Lush. The winner of the Autumn Grow Vegan Puzzler is: Dawn Spencer

will, for example, be eating French beans long before the outdoor plants have thought of flowering. It is trickier to extend the season into autumn; you need to remember to make later sowings and hope there is still time for the plants to catch up and mature. use this technique with climbing French beans and runner beans. The other type of

season extension is through successional sowings and this applies to all the quickgrowing salad crops such as rocket, lettuce, mixed salad leaves, etc. You should find ground space is freed up during the summer by the harvesting of early potatoes and shallots, so that the later sowings can be made. Watering and feeding Having extolled the virtues of the polytunnel, I must now point out a few pitfalls. When it rains outside it does not rain inside and it will be your job to provide the plants with their water. If you are connected to the mains water supply the easy option is soakahose laid throughout the polytunnel and the flow rate adjusted to keep the soil moist but not flooded. At the other extreme you can have no mains connection, collect all your water from rainwater run-off from buildings, store it in several water butts and transfer it by bucket and watering can. I fall into the latter category and have over ten water butts and many buckets; there should be a watering regime between those extremes to suit you. Daily watering by hand does take time but enables you better to spot anything going wrong or needing attention.

In addition to widening the range of fruit and vegetables you can grow, a polytunnel enables you to extend their season. The plants grow more quickly and will mature in a shorter time so you

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You will also need to consider food for the plants, which will be growing and producing crops at a far greater level than those outside. In the winter I dig in a large amount of organic material to replenish the soil, so you could need several compost heaps to supply that material. If you can set up a water butt of comfrey liquid it can be used to benefit the summer cropping of tomatoes, peppers, etc. Also, the plants will grow faster and bigger than they would outside. Courgette plants in a polytunnel will become huge, so allow plenty of space and do not have too many. Bush tomatoes will take up more space than vertically trained varieties so are not as productive overall. Conditions that are good for the plants may also be good for pests and diseases so be vigilant and be quick to nip such problems in the bud. The good news though is that your crop plants should be growing so fast and be so healthy

that they are better able to cope with such problems than their cousins outside battling against wind, hail, drought, rabbits and pigeons. Meanwhile you can continue gardening even when it rains and be proud of all the fresh vegan-organic food you put on the kitchen table. Your investment will be worth it. Resources One supplier is Northern Polytunnels Tel: 01282 873120 ome.html From a longer article written for Growing Green International. Winter tasks in the vegan-organic garden Make or refurbish compost bins ready for the next season. Plant fruit such as raspberries and fruit trees.

Joining the Vegan-Organic Network is an excellent move for the vegan-organic gardener and for anyone interested in animal rights and the environment; the twice-yearly VON magazine is packed with helpful information. Write to: VON 80 Annable Rd Lower Bredbury Stockport SK6 2DF phone 0845 223 5232 (local rate, 10am to 8pm) or email Vegan-Organic Network is busily working on a network of market gardens where commercial growers will be shown the benefits of using stockfree organic methods, so that truly cruelty free food can be available everywhere. See the list of stockfree organic growers all over the world at Visit the VON website and join online at

For free copies of our Dying for the white stuff leaflet please e-mail or phone 0121 523 1735/6.


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Updated diaries and events information can be viewed at This information has been provided by the event organisers.

n noVember 2010

n december 2010

World Vegan Month 1 to 30 November

East and Central Africa Veg Congress Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 December Nairobi, Kenya.

The Vegan Society AGM Saturday 20 November Carr’s Lane Church Centre, Birmingham B4 7SX. Doors open 11 am. The Vegan Society’s new film, Making the Connection, will be shown at 11.30 and repeated at half hour intervals until 1.30. There will be a Local Contacts’ meeting at midday. Lunch will be available from midday to 1.30. The formal proceedings will be from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm. The building must be vacated by 5 pm. AGM documents will be posted to all members 3 weeks before the AGM (if you haven’t received yours, please contact The Vegan society Office immediately). Only Vegan Society members, supporter members and those appointed as proxies are entitled to attend the AGM. 2nd Paris Vegan Day Festival Saturday 28 November 11 am – 11.30 pm La Bellevilloise, Place Boyer, 75020 Paris

Animal Aid’s Christmas Fayre Sunday 5 December, 10am until 5pm Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London, W8. Stalls from charities, campaign groups and ethical traders. 01732 364546 Middle East Veg Congress Monday 6 to Tuesday 7 December Dubai International Convention Centre, UAE.

n June 2011 13th International Vegan Festival Saturday 4 to Sunday 12 June Hotel Elimar, Rincon de la Victoria, Malaga, Spain.

Get ready for Christmas and New Year with our Little Black Dress Juice Feast Enjoy a 4 day long weekend being pampered in our lovely retreat in Pays de la Loire, France. 3rd – 6th December 2010 Using the beneficial power of wheatgrass, juice feasting and smoothies shed those unwanted pounds before the festive season. Daily schedule will include optional sauna, yoga, guided mediation, creative writing, nutritional classes and lots of opportunities for chilling out, walking and reading curled up in front of the log fires. Additional bookings are available for 1-21 Coaching, Thought Field Therapy, LaStone Therapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology and Reiki. By the time you go home, your mind and body will feel rehydrated, rejuvenated and relaxed ready for the party season. For prices, details of accommodation contact Dawn Campbell, Living Foods Practitioner on e-mail: The Vegan l Winter 2010


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VeGan SocieTy local con THE VEGAN SOCIETY LOCAL CONTACTS Get in touch with vegans near you - for information, socialising, mutual support and more. Our Local Contacts will be glad to hear from you. Local Contacts are Vegan Society members who volunteer as 'points of contact' for vegans. Some Contacts run local groups, as listed here, many of which hold regular activities – please contact them to find out more. Veg*n = vegan and/or vegetarian If emails and phone numbers are not convenient for you please write to us at the office and we can pass your message on. Please include an SAE.


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onTacTS & GrouPS

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liSTinGS PATRONS Freya Dinshah Maneka Gandhi Rebecca Hall Dr Michael Klaper Moby Gordon Newman Cor Nouws Wendy Turner-Webster Benjamin Zephaniah

COUNCIL Philip Bickley (Nutrition and Health Spokesperson) Alex Claridge (Treasurer) Vanessa Clarke (International Coordinator and Information Consultant) Matthew Cole (Vice-Chair and Information Consultant) Catriona Gold Karen Morgan Graham Neale George Rodger (Chair and Information Consultant)

STAFF PR/Media Officer Amanda Baker Office Manager / Finance Officer Blaine Cannon Head of Business Development George Gill Advocacy Officer Rebecca Henderson Education Officer Rob Jackson Information Officer Sammy Keetley Head of Information Services Rosamund Raha Information Officer Charley Roberts Information Assistant Zoe Smith Trademark Assistant Daniel Therkelsen Sales and Membership Assistant Mike Tomkins

Once you’ve been a Full Member of The Vegan Society for six months, why not ask Rob ( about becoming a Local Contact? Local Contacts are not official representatives of The Vegan Society, and their levels of activity and knowledge vary according to individual circumstances.


The Vegan l Winter 2010

Chief Executive Officer Nigel Winter Volunteers Dean Bracher Irene Dudley Neil Raha Ian Roberts Stephen Walsh (Nutrition and Health Spokesperson)

VEGANISM may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms it refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce — including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey, and their derivatives. Abhorrence of the cruel practices inherent in an agricultural system based on the abuse of animals is probably the single most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are drawn to it for health, ecological, resource, spiritual and other reasons. If you would like more information on veganism a free Information Pack is available from the Vegan Society. THE VEGAN SOCIETY was formed in England in November 1944 by a group of vegetarians who had recognised the ethical compromises implicit in lactovegetarianism (ie dairy dependent). Today, the Society continues to highlight the breaking of the strong maternal bond between the cow and her new-born calf within just four days; the dairy cow’s proneness to lameness and mastitis; her subjection to an intensive cycle of pregnancy and lactation; our unnatural and unhealthy taste for cows’ milk; and the deoxygenation of river water through contamination with cattle slurry. If you are already a vegan or vegan sympathiser, please support the Society and help increase its influence by joining. Increased membership means more resources to educate and inform.

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claSSifiedS (uk) holidayS


holidayS abroad Pyrenean mountain village in southern France. Enjoy our vegan B&B. Phone Karen or Matthew on 00 33 56166 9195

Sign up for FREE! www.VeggieVision

Adopt A Goat for Christmas

Search using our StarMatch, SoulMatch, SelectMatch, and SensualMatch options. Voice chat, personality match anonymous phone 2 phone text messaging. The best dating technology – sign up for FREE dating, confidence tips and free members only competitions. Select fellow veggies or not - the choice is yours. Quote Vegansoc50 when you first sign for a 50% discount!

deVon In July 2011 The Lodge will have been running for 10 years in Grenada offering a totally Vegan environment. The Owners, Mark and Mary, have been Vegan for 25 years and their aim is for fellow Vegans, and those who wish to experience a plantbased diet, to enjoy and feel safe that all on offer at The Lodge is completely Vegan. In celebration of this 10 year landmark Mark and Mary are offering 10% off all stays at The Lodge from 01 January 2011 until 30 June 2012. For more information


orGaniSaTionS The Christian Vegetarian Association UK (CVAUK) promotes a plant based way of life as it represents good, responsible Christian Stewardship for all God’s creation. For further information on our work or to join us visit or

The ideal gift for the person who has everything. We take into care those who have suffered from neglect, abuse and abandonment. Providing a loving home for the rest of their days Buttercup Sanctuary for goats, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4JU Tel: (01622) 746410 Registered Charity: 1099627

“Jesus was a vegetarian”

NEW FOREST - The Barn Vegan Guest House. En Suite rooms, evening meals. Perfect for walking/cycling etc 023 8029 2531 or


Old stone self-catering Farmhouse, 2 large bedrooms, sleeps 6, 2 bathrooms, large living area. €600 per week; organic vegetables available from owners.


adVerTiSemenTS To be SubmiTTed by 14 January 2011 for incluSion in The SPrinG 2011 iSSue of The VeGan conTacT: 0121 523 1733

diScounT card

waleS people

Donald Watson House 21 Hylton Street Hockley Birmingham B18 6HJ



Tel: 0845 45 88244 Fax: 0121 523 1749

The VeGan diScounT card

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claSSifiedS noTiceS


NOTICE Salad Light brand spray Caesar Dressing Please note that this product’s label claims that the product is Vegetarian and Vegan. However, since it contains egg yolk as emulsifier, it is not a Vegan product This mistake was most unfortunately done at graphic design stage and was not picked up by our labelling approval procedure. We apologise most sincerely for this mistake and offer to refund people who purchased this product which displays the erroneous information on the label if they would write to us or e-mail us giving us the batch number of the bottle concerned. We will include 50p for the cost of writing to us. We are disposing of the existing labels and are reprinting corrected labels for new productions of this product.

inTerneT SerViceS

Fred Key Managing Director MH Foods Please e-mail:

adVerTiSemenTS To be SubmiTTed by 14 January 2011 for incluSion in The SPrinG 2011 iSSue of The VeGan conTacT: 0121 523 1733

Divine Frog Web Services. Vegan standards compliant website design, development, implementation, maintenance, email, domain name registration, hosting and eco-hosting. FREE website health check for your current site.

diScounT card

This card entitles the bearer to discounts at a range of outlets, restaurants and hotels. A full list of discounts is available from The Vegan Society.





CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE: Advertisements are accepted subject to their satisfying the condition that the products advertised are entirely free from ingredients derived from animals; that neither products nor ingredients have been tested on animals; and that the content of such ads does not promote, or appear to promote, the use of non-vegan commodities. Books, records, tapes, etc. mentioned in advertisements should not contain any material contrary to vegan principles. Advertisements may be accepted from catering establishments that are not run on exclusively vegan lines, provided that vegan meals are available and that the wording of such ads reflects this.

WILL POWER Vegans have it. We rely on will power even though we’ve been doing it for over 60 years. Leaving a charity a donation in your will is an excellent way to continue to provide support. You will be helping to secure our future - for people, animals and the environment. We are an educational charity and since 1944 have promoted a healthful, compassionate lifestyle, encouraging the growth of veganism worldwide. It is only with the help of people like you that we can continue to succeed. Please phone 0845 45 88244 (local rate) and request our free will and legacy pack. It’s that easy. Thank you for all your help The Vegan Society

The Vegan Society trademark is the authentic international standard for vegan products. Our logo provides an easy and trusted way to promote your cruelty-free goods and services to the growing number of vegans in the UK and worldwide. Trademark holders benefit from instant recognition, promotion in The Vegan magazine, discounted advertising rates, and a listing on the Vegan Society website. It’s good for you, good for the Vegan Society, and good for vegans.


Ref:SDG 011


The Vegan l Winter 2010

For more information on the trademark, contact George Gill on (0121) 5231733 or email You can also read about the trademark on our website at

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I wish to become a member and support the work of the Vegan Society. I wish to renew my membership. Membership No. (if known)......................................................................

Name:................................................................................Address:.......................................................................................... Postcode:........................................Tel:..........................................................Email:.................................................................. Date of Birth: (for security purposes)........../.........../..........Occupation:..................................................................................... Please tick this box if you adhere to a vegan diet. This entitles you to voting rights in the Society’s elections if aged 18+. Please treat my membership subscription as Gift Aid. I have paid UK income or capital gains tax equal to the amount the Society reclaims. My income is less than £8000 per year and I qualify for the low income discount of 33%.*

A copy of the Society’s rules (Memo & Articles of Association) can be viewed on our website or at our office. Alternatively you may buy

I wish to enrol other members of my household for an additional £7 each.**

a copy for £5.

Please give full names of additional members and specify if dietary vegan and / or under 18. (If more than four additional members please attach separate sheet.)

Membership Individual £21 * Low-income £14 ** Add £7 per additional household member Under 18 years old £7 Memo & Articles of Association £5 Overseas: Europe +£5 / Rest of World +£7 Payment may be made by credit card, sterling International money order or sterling cheque drawn on a British bank.

Donation Total:


How to pay Cheque / PO payable to The Vegan Society Credit / Debit card (enter details below) Direct Debit (phone for details) Website: Please debit my Visa / Mastercard Access / Visa Delta / Connect / Switch Solo card number

ccccccccccccccccc cc Name on card:.........................................................................Signature:.................................................................. Today’s date........./........./.......Start date:......../........Expiry date......../........Switch Issue No.:.....................

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croSSword Kate Sweeney & Vega

quick croSSword set by Kate Sweeney Across 7 Centre of an artichoke (5) 9 Wild marjoram (7) 10 Devices used in cider or cheese-making (7) 11 May be brown, white or caster (5) 12 Type of field where 20 Down is grown (5) 13 Flax (7) 15 Strong-scented plant cultivated for its edible root (7) 18 Seaweed (5) 19 Indian millet, sorghum (5) 21 Spanish rice dishes (7) 23 This might make coffee or ice (7) 24 Short tubes of pasta (5) Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 12 14 16 17 18 20 22

Quick prize

Fried piece of potato (4) Pale purple herb (8) Small bit of food (6) Add flavour to (6) Spicy quality (in East Anglia) (4) Oatmeal dish (8) Appetising (5) Thin, round, fried Indian flatbreads (8) Aubergine (US) (8) B vitamin (6) Pungent seasoning (6) Consumed (3,2) Basmati, perhaps (4) _ _ _ _ ginger (4)

cryPTic croSSword set by Vega

Cryptic prize

Please se nd it solu tions (by e-mail to post or the addre ss on pag along wit e 1) h your na me and p address b ostal y 15 Dece mber 201 0. The prize for both crossword be a bea s will utiful gif t box of products vegan supplied by Lush: www.lush

Across 7 For starters give us another vegan appetiser - fruit! (5) 9 Joyce book uses sly intrigue, typical of romanised eponymous hero on Odyssey. (7) 10 Higher Kingdom consumed small 12 down (7) 11 Weeds cultivated as edible tuber (5) 12 Encrypted CD hides poem (5) 13 Drew ale out on the sheltered side of Caribbean island group (7) 15 Crams in nonsensical anti-vegan attitude featured in The Vegan (7) 18 Swiss beat soundly by church on a road (5) 19 Enamel one bowl containing fruit (5) 21 Plums, an unorthodox means of getting a tan (7) 23 Declamatory elegy intermittently yields English or Dutch component of wood (3,4) 24 Praise virtue of charge on old flames we hear (5)


The Vegan l Winter 2010

3 4

Solutions to the summer crosswords (Quick:left/Cryptic:right) Winner of Autumn cryptic crossword: Peter Minns

Down 1 Excited by silver own goal (4) 2 Mainwaring: “Don’t tell him your name...! “ Ian? Or pale purple shrub. (8)

See 22 Byron’s abandonment by Reagan before Haggard’s dominatrix is middle name for featured (vegan?) poet - not Ozymandias (6) 5 I will shortly, you hear, Man? (4) 6 Sca Fell finished - climbed up (8) 8 Requested as royal journalist (5) 12 Long green salad fruit provided by coppers given honour before king (8) 14 A graduate organised two thirds of the South American food plant (8) 16 Pay no attention to gin sling before second half (6) 17 Smiled about having been sent up the garden path (6) 18 Ocean going craft? Not normally. (5) 20 Butter bean capital of South America? (4) 22,3 Grow Vegan plant cover formed using plastic ploy rising fast about peacekeepers (10)

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