MEET THE INCUMBENT - Rhonda Forsberg Family Court, Department G
In April 2019, Rhonda was honored to be selected by the
Governor of Nevada to serve as Judge of Family Court, Department G. Rhonda was selected from a field of 11 attorneys that went through the Judicial Selection Commission process. Since taking the bench she has worked hard to ensure that all litigants are respected and have the opportunity to have their positions heard. She understands that people need their cases resolved so they can begin to heal and move on with their lives. Judge Forsberg loves serving the residents of Clark County to assist them through some of the most difficult times in their lives. Prior to being appointed as Judge of Department G, Judge Forsberg served as a pro tem judge for domestic violence/TPO and family discovery court. She has also served on several committees to improve the family court system; the Bench/Bar Committee, the Court Technology Committee, the Settlement Master’s Program, a judge for the Truancy Diversion Program, and was appointed as the chairperson for the Outsource Provider List Committee.
Rhonda believes in helping the community. During college she found time to volunteer with Salt Lake Rape Recovery Center. Rhonda assisted victims of sexual assault. In addition, Rhonda has served on the Board of Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth, has devoted many hours of pro bono work assisting children in abuse and neglect cases, and the Ask A Lawyer program as well as other cases assigned by Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. The majority of family cases in Nevada are filed in proper person by parties who cannot afford counsel. Understanding that the majority of cases that would appear before her would be parties representing themselves, Rhonda accepted an appointment as court appointed counsel in juvenile dependency court, representing low income parents. Serving low income parties has broadened her knowledge and empathy which has been an asset as a judicial official.
Judge Forsberg has been endorsed by the International Association of Firefighters Local 1908, Nevada Law Enforcement Coalition, Southern Nevada Central Labor Council, Service She is the youngest of five children, and the first of her family to Employees International Union (SEIU) 1107, Clark County attend college. Rhonda was a non-traditional student. Rhonda Prosecutors Association, IBEW Local 357, International Alliance obtained a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Theatrical Stage Employees 720, Nevada Republican Club, of Utah in 1995, while working fulltime and raising a family. Southern Nevada Buildings Trades Union, Teamsters Local Rhonda was grateful that UNLV’s law school offered a night 631, Teamsters Local 986, Women’s Democratic Club, Culinary program that allowed her to complete her law degree while Workers Union Local 226, Bartenders & Beverage Dispensers working full time. She completed her law degree from UNLV’s Union Local 165, Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Local 88, and Nevada Veterans Association. William S. Boyd School of Law in 2005. Rhonda’s legal career began with working for Radford J. Smith, Chartered. Rhonda opened her own law firm in 2008. Rhonda handled all types of family cases including divorce, custody, child support, adoptions, guardianship, TPO’s, juvenile delinquency and juvenile dependency.
Though Judge Forsberg loves her legal career, her greatest achievement is raising two daughters that are successful, productive members of society and being the grandmother to two amazing grandsons.