How To Avoid A Workplace Lawsuit, Audit Or Investigation During This “Interesting Time” Midway Through 2022 By: Adam D. Kemper, Managing Partner of The Workplace Law Firm, PLLC
as prices are at historically high levels, inflation is impacting pricing in many areas and industries, people are still getting sick from COVID-19, and many products are noticeably unavailable due to supply chain and product shortages. Welcome to the midway point of 2022. When coupled with all of the adjustments made to recruit and retain workers during a time noted for historic levels of employee resignations (also known as “The Great Resignation”), employers are left with tremendous challenges to overcome in the coming days.
Employees feel that they have leverage in this climate as they can simply bounce around from companies who offer them the “better deal.” Many such employees also see no perceived downside to pursuing a claim against their employers after they speak to lawyers who offer to take a case for them against their employers for no up-front fee. Additionally, during this political regime, governmental agencies have been active with the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) having increased resources to address “worker protection” activities and also having