Volume 8 Issue 3

Page 82


The Entertainment Capital of the World Written by Don Logay


as Vegas is a cultural phenomenon and a city like no other. It began pretty much by accident – maybe even a fluke – when early explorer, John Charles Fremont, who was charting the Wild West for the U.S. Government in the mid-1800’s camped one night by a spring the natives called “Las Vegas.” He noted it on his map of the area and in the years that followed, pioneering settlers heading West purchased these government maps and, in turn, always included “Las Vegas” as a place to stop and camp when going through this desolate region. Today and about 180-years later, millions of tourists from all over the world continue to seek 82 | VEGASLEGALMAGAZINE.COM

out Fremont’s famous “watering hole” for fun, relaxation and entertainment. Las Vegas is a prime example of the classic bandwagon effect, whereby “vast numbers of individuals continue to increase exponentially, behaving in a certain way just because other individuals are doing that same certain something,” resulting in soaring popularity and yes – a cultural phenomenon. “What Happens Here, Stays Here” The opening of Bugsy Siegal’s fabulous Flamingo Hotel and Casino in late 1946 was an acknowledged “turning point” that ushered in today’s 4.2 miles of spectacular properties offering the world’s absolute best in lavish

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