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New quad bike regulations



Quad bikes or also known as ATV’s are an easy and common use of transport for all farmers and operators and have long been a consistent issue with regards to safety.

3 IN the first six months of 2020, 14 people, including three children, have died in quad bike-related accidents in Australia.

Quad Bike Safety Standard took effect on October 11, 2020.

3 IT is important for all quad bike owners to comply with the safety standard.

According to the Farmsafe Australia Safer Farms Report, quad bikes are the most common agent of injury in each of the last 10 years and have been the most common agent of fatality on the farm in all but four years. In the first six months of 2020, 14 people, including three children, have died in quad bikerelated accidents in Australia. This is why the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has introduced a Quad Bike Safety Standard, which took effect on October 11, 2020, and continues further into a second stage on October 11 in 2021.

The safety standard sets out the requirements for new quad bikes and imported second-hand quad bikes. It is intended to:

• Improve information for consumers (through a hang tag, warning for operators and additional information in the manual) from October 11, 2020 • Improve the design of quad bikes (through requiring quad bikes to meet certain requirements in the US or European Standard) from October 11, 2020 • Improve the design of general use quad bikes to reduce the likelihood of a rollover incident occurring (through stability requirements) and to mitigate the harm if a rollover does occur (through operator protection devices) October 11, 2021. The safety standard does not apply to currently owned and second-hand quad bikes to allow the existing quad bike fleet to gradually upgrade to quad bikes that meet the safety standard over time.

From October 11, 2020, all new and imported second-hand quad bikes are required to:

1 Meet the specified requirements of the US or the European standard for quad bikes. 2 Have a permanent rollover warning label affixed so that when the quad bike is used, it will be clearly visible and legible. 3 Provide information in the owner’s manual or information handbook on the risk of rollover. 4 Be tested for lateral static stability and display the angle at which the quad bike tips on to two wheels on a hang tag at the point of sale. 5 Have a spark arrestor that conforms to the Australian Standard AS 1019-2000 or the US Standard 5100-1d.

Check. Compare. Take Care • A Quad bar; When buying a new quad bike, make sure you look out for three important things: 1. Check for a permanent rollover warning label on the quad bike that tells you of situations that • A device of a type that offers the same, or better, level of protection for operators from the risk of serious injury or death as a result of being crushed or pinned in the event of a rollover. increase the risk of rollover. At this stage, youth and sports

It details how to avoid quad bikes are not required to 2. situations when a rollover can happen. Check that the owner’s manual covers these Quad bikes are the most common agent of injury on farm in the past be fitted with an OPD due to the lack of testing of aftermarket OPDs designed for these categories. 3. risks as well. Check for a yellow hang 10 years. General use quad bikes must also meet minimum tag on every quad bike. It static stability requirements. shows the angle the model They must be able to achieve the began to tip onto two wheels. The following minimum stability levels: higher the number, the more stable the quad bike. • Lateral roll stability — a minimum tilt table ratio of 0.55; Quad Bike Safety Regulations • Front and rear longitudinal pitch from 20211 From October 11, 2021, general use stability — a minimum tilt table ratio of 0.8. quad bikes must have an Operator It is important for all quad bike owners Protection Device (OPD) fitted or to comply with the safety standard. integrated into its design to help protect Otherwise, the supplier may be in breach riders from the risk of death or serious of the Australian Consumer Law, which injury as a result of being crushed or can result in fines and penalties. pinned in the event of a rollover. A general use quad bike must have MORE INFORMATION one of the following devices fitted or integrated into its design: • An ATV Lifeguard; Maree Gooch, phone 0402 611 290, email info@safefarms.net.au or go to www.safefarms.net.au

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