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Executive Officer’s Report


Horticulture House 103 Outram Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005 p: (08) 9481 0834 e: admin@wapotatoes.com.au w: todatoes.com.au Simon Moltoni, Chief Executive Officer m: 0447 141 752 e: simon@wapotatoes.com.au Morena Perdec, Finance & Admin Manager e: morena@wapotatoes.com.au Georgia Thomas, Project Manager e: georgia@wapotatoes.com.au


Committee 2019–20

Vaughan Carter Busselton Chairperson Colin Ayres Albany Deputy Chairperson Glen Ryan Pemberton Secretary Gary Bendotti Pemberton Treasurer Patrick Fox Scott River Bronwyn Fox Dandaragan Christian deHaan Manjimup m: 0417 092 505

m: 0428 451 014

m: 0428 827 126

m: 0427 569 903

m: 0499 887 202 m: 0427 447 412 m: 0429 436 361

Elected Members

Representing the Ware Fresh sector: Vaughan Carter, Christian de Haan, Glen Ryan and Bronwyn Fox Representing the Seed sector: Colin Aryes Representing the Export sector: Patrick Fox Representing the Processing sector: Gary Bendotti

Fee-for-service charge 2020–21

Processing potatoes — local and export $6.00/t Seed potatoes — local and export $150/ha Ware (fresh) potatoes — local $8.00/t Ware (fresh) potatoes — export $6.00/t Ware (fresh) potatoes — marketing $2.50/t

Projects approved 2020–21

Part funding for PGA $310,500 Delivery of Registered Seed Potato $96,000 Certification Schemes & Virus Testing Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd) surveillance of the Seed Scheme Part Funding for Export Development Project $100,000 SmartSpud™ System $16,000

WA Potatoes Executive Officer’s Report


Another year is nearly over and what a year it’s been! No one could have foreseen how 2020 would become such a historical year for all the wrong reasons.

Here in Western Australia, and Australia more broadly, we have long understood that isolation can be a double-edged sword for industry. Distance from markets has been offset by low disease incursions. In the case of COVID-19 our isolation has absolutely been our saviour. Whilst there are areas of the economy that have been severely affected, we have been able to live our lives with relative freedom by comparison to nearly every other country on earth. As time goes on new medical treatments, including vaccines, should help the world adjust and hopefully return to somewhere near normal.

Spring is proving to be very mild with significant rainfall in all the growing regions. This has helped top up any unfilled dams and give irrigators a reprieve. Very welcome indeed. Crops have improved as we move away from the effects of the winter storms and we look forward to a summer of improved returns. It‘s concerning to see the recent biosecurity incursion in NSW. The Serpentine Leaf Miner is a pest that ranks in the top 10 on the biosecurity hit list. With such a wide host list and being very mobile this pest may prove difficult to manage. Unfortunately attempts to manage Leaf Miner in other countries has seen it develop significant resistance to some chemical options. Work is being done at the national level on the way forward with this pest. PGA will keep growers informed on all progress in this space. Keep an eye on your inbox. Over recent months there has been discussion between various state-based industry bodies and the private sector across all industry sectors, seed fresh and processing, on the potential to create a new potato only Peak Industry body. A plan has been developed to examine what this body could look like and what resources would be required to manage the organisation. The PGA Committee of Management has agreed that WA should participate in these discussions. The PGA will keep growers informed as this proposal develops.

We have recently taken delivery of the ‘SmartSpud™’. Morena, Georgia and I are familiarising ourselves with this tool that should prove to be of great benefit to our supply chain. Please contact the office if you wish to use the SmartSpud™ on your equipment. This project has the potential to further increase the quality of our potatoes and reduce waste and downgrades right through the supply chain. A big thank you to Morena and Georgia for their efforts during this challenging year. I wish all our members a Merry Christmas and a happy and profitable New Year!

MORE INFORMATION Contact Simon Moltoni on 0447 141 752 or email simon@wapotatoes.com.au

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