Australia continues to produce superb, health sustaining fresh produce.
VegNET IEO Update
Winter 2020
fter an all-round, tough end to 2019, the promise of a new year rejuvenated all who were touched by the magical, golden rays of summer sunshine. As drought-stricken Farmers finally got a little rain and the amazing men and women, who eventually tamed the beast of Mother Nature’s fury of fire, were released from duty; we all breathed a little easier as we faced a new day on this big, beautiful brown land of ours. That was until 2020 stood up, stretched, cracked its knuckles and said — “Hang on a sec, here…hold my Corona!”. With 2020 trying its best to out-do its predecessor, it makes me proud to be part of an industry that a) refuses to curl up in a corner and cry and b) continues to produce superb, health sustaining fresh produce to feed a nation in need. While being a Grower in today’s ‘COVID New World’ isn’t all rainbows and lollipops; whether you’re
WA Grower WINTER 2020
Vietnamese, Croatian or generationally Australian, you adhere to the virtues synonymous with the beloved ‘Aussie Battler’.
An insurmountable ability to improvise, survive and a hint of the anti-authoritarian is what pushes these great men and women to continue providing for their neighbours, communities and country. It is human nature to adapt to change… and adapt we have! The Benchmarking Project, headed by Bryn, has broken through the constraints of isolation and onto the digital stage, with participant’s personal consultations being presented via Zoom. With the support of our own brilliant Bryn and the team at PlanFarm, the reluctance of some to enter the ‘Age of Technology’ has fallen by the wayside, as business and financial insights were passed on from afar. As someone who is more comfortable with a shovel than a keyboard, I commend the efforts of all involved! Melissa the ‘Labour Scheme Hurricane’ seems to be gaining more speed as the days pass. Her wealth of knowledge has been put to good use in assisting with the Food Alliance WA
joint initiative, Jobs in WA Food and Ag — job seeker information service. With the closure of state and regional borders and many primary industries amping up for pre-harvest and harvest ‘GO TIME’, Melissa has been working tirelessly to ensure employers have healthy, reliable staff on-hand and job seekers are prepared for employment. This has allowed all primary industries to safeguard their ability to provide produce whether meat, grains, fruit or veg to the community that supports them. With the home front covered, Manus continues to be our eagle-eyed export expert! He’s been in constant contact with international freight forwarders, national facilitators and exporters from across multiple states. With updates on the who/what/when/where and most importantly ‘how much’ changing almost on the daily, he has somehow kept his finger on the export pulse, produced a webinar on issues affecting freight and still managed to be (in my opinion) one of the best ‘Home School Principals’ our state has ever seen! I tip my hat to those who are educating the next generation, while working full-time from home! A seamless example of humanity’s capacity to adapt, is our very own QA Coordinator. Without flinching he has kept the food safety ball rolling.