DWER online responding to your licensing needs 3 THE Water Online portal links your usage automatically to our water licensing software.
he Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has been busy responding to your licensing needs.
In the past 12 months we have seen a 70% reduction in the backlog of water license applications across the PerthPeel regions including the Swan-Avon. The department’s Swan-Avon Manager Don Cummins said the department has been working hard on service delivery under a risk-based approach, supported by increased staffing. “Improving workflows of the regional licensing programs ensures that low risk applications are assessed in a timely manner, allowing our officers time to focus on complex and more time consuming applications,” Mr Cummins said.
“The department increased resourcing of this business area, with new staff brought in and assigned to manage the high volume of applications received. “We have set performance targets for licensing staff to achieve. “We have also improved reporting to better understand and communicate the status of applications.”
WA Grower WINTER 2020
Deadlines continue for the rollout of metering across the State.
3 THE department has recently published new procedure documents to guide licensing and permit applications.
By the end of this year, all licenses with an annual water entitlement of 10,000kL/yr or more need to have meters installed.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic response, the department is open for business, Executive Director Regional Delivery Paul Brown said, with compliance and enforcement activities still being undertaken.
Meter installation guides and guidance on how to integrate your meter installation details and reporting online is available via the Water Online portal. Under the metering regulations most licensees are required to record a meter reading at the end of each month and submit these readings annually. The Water Online portal links your usage automatically to our water licensing software to ensure your submissions are recorded, reviewed and actioned by the department appropriately.
“Statutory obligations remain in place, including water and environmental licence conditions and other regulatory responsibilities,” Mr Brown said. “It is recommended that all licence, permit and other approval holders create and adopt a business continuity plan to help meet their statutory responsibilities. “Social distancing measures mean face-to-face meetings are minimised for most business needs.