The Irish Vegetarian 141

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ISSUE 141 | €2.50



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GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD IN IRELAND An insight to the trails, tasks and experiences

sr r b r b b b b q . ORGANIC GROWER

An interview with Kerry-based Jessica Hamilton


The unsighted importance of corn within our food


A review of the established Dublin restaurant, including recipes for Buckwheat Galette

& Roast Parsnip Cake from two of their chefs.

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Meetups held in Café Rotunda, Delhi O’Deli & Jo‘Burger, along with a visit to the Lebanese restaurant Umi Falafel.




Vegetarian Society of Ireland

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2 Editorial - Issue 143, Advertising 3 Contents - VSI merchandise advert 4 VSI news - World Vegetarian Day 5 Vegetarian and Vegan Group Listings 6-7 Article - Growing Our Own Food In Ireland 8-9 Interview - Jessica Hamilton, Organic Grower 10 Article - Farm Fresh Fantasy 11 Article - Farm Fresh Fantasy part2 & Article - Viva 12 Article - Viva Amazing Amazon Victory part2 13 Review - Cornucopia 14 Recipe - Yummy Baked Granola 15 Recipe - Buckwheat Galette

e hope you enjoy the latest issue of The Irish Vegetarian. We have exciting seasonal recipes from two of the chefs in Cornucopia, along with a delicious granola dish. If you have been thinking about growing your own food, you are sure to enjoy the articles by Bronwyn Slater, Gemma Sidney and Jessica Hamilton. We also have a review of a new vegetarian restaurant in Dublin: Umi Falafel. It is a member of the VSI’s discount scheme, so remember to bring your card along if you’re popping in. Stepping outside of the capital, we have a feature on new group Meath Veggies. It is always nice to see new local groups starting up. We welcome your comments on the magazine and anything you would like to share about vegetarianism in general. We were delighted to receive much positive feedback on the last issue, and are grateful to Aileen Power for her guest editing work and to all our volunteers. We plan to introduce a letters page so if you are feeling inspired please get in touch by emailing Happy reading!

The Irish Vegetarian Magazine

ISSUE 143: THEME AND DEADLINE The theme for Issue 143 of The Irish Vegetarian is environmental vegetarianism: environmental impact of a meat-based diet. We invite you to contribute articles or interviews around this topic. Please send your proposal to by 9 March 2014. The deadline for receipt of articles is 23 March 2014. ADVERTISING with The Irish Vegetarian Magazine 1/8 page ... €20 1/4 page ... €35 1/2 page ... €60 Full page ... €100 Small adverts of up to 20 words €10 (Small adverts are free to members) submit queries on advertising & artwork to Views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent policies and/or views of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland, its committee and/or its members.

The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

Vegetarian Society of Ireland

16 Recipe - Buckwheat Galette part2 - Roast Parsnip Cake 17 Recipe - Roast Parsnip Cake part2 - Meetup - Jo’Burger 18 Review - Cafe Rotuna Meetup 19 Reviews - Stand-Up For Real Food & Review - Delhi O’Deli 20 Review - Umi Falafai 21 Reviews - Trip To Trim Meetup & Meath Veggies Group 22 Review - Meath Veggies Group part2 Advert - Dublin Food Co-Op

23 VSI information aims, committee, volunteering, definitions, membership application form

24 Membership Discount Directory



1 Raven Books | Louisa Cameron, proprietor of Raven Books (Blackrock), was in attendance selling a selection of books related to vegetarianism. 2 Cake | This cake, made by Helen Divine, was a big hit at Lurve’s vegan food stand. 3 Tea Stand | Mairead volunteered at the VSI’s tea and coffee stand. 4 Talk | Malgorzata Desmond, MSc, a dietician who is currently doing PhD research on the health effects of vegan diets in children at the Institute of Child Health, University College London, gave a talk entitled “A balanced diet for vegetarians and vegans”. 2 Photogragh by KATY FALKINGHAM

1 Photogragh by SANJA BLAZIC

Vegetarian Society of Ireland would like to thank T2013.heeveryone who contributed to World Vegetarian Day If you would like to get involved with next year’s event please email

5 Vegetarian and Vegan Group LISTINGS Clare Veg Group Email: Website: Facebook: Cork Vegans, Raw Vegans and Vegetarians Regularly meet up to socialise and to discuss and promote vegan issues. Website: Galway Vegetarian Group Usually meet on the first Thursday of every month in Massimo’s Pub, William Street West, Galway City at 8pm. Contact Paul Campbell on 085 6872088. Email: Website: GalwayVegetarians And Vegans



Kerry Vegans, Raw Vegans and Veggies Hoping to connect vegans in Kerry and anyone else interested in the vegan lifestyle.

VSI STAND AT ART OF LIVING EVENT By Grace Hillis At World Vegetarian Day we were invited by Art of Living to have an information stand at their forthcoming event called “An Evening of Wisdom”. It took place in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Blanchardstown in October. Committee members Sarah Allen and Grace Hillis represented the VSI for an hour before the event started. We enjoyed talking to the people who were arriving to hear the words of Swami Jyothirmayah Ji; a healer from India. There was excitement in the air when Swami Jyothirmayah Ji arrived. We were unable to stay on for the talk (due to packing The Irish Vegetarian the next day!) but very much enjoyed the experience.

Kilkenny Vegetarian Group Organises “No Meat and Greets” where vegetarians and vegans bring their favourite dishes to share with others. Omnivores welcome but no meat please! Email: Laois Vegetarian Group An opportunity for people to discuss issues relating to living a veggie lifestyle and offer support to each other. All are welcome: young, old, families and singles. Website: Meath Veggies A page for vegetarians, vegans, and those trying to reduce meat from their diet, based in Meath. We will be organising a Supper Club and events, local to Trim and Athboy that will be about good food, company, exchanging information in a friendly environment. Website:

VSI WEBSITE | The committee would like to apologise for the website being deactivated for a time. This was due to it being hacked. Please note that no credit card information is stored on the site, so there was no risk in that regard. The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

Vegetarian Society of Ireland c/o Dublin Food Co-op 12 Newmarket Dublin 8


Is your local group missing? Email and we’ll include it. If you’d like to create a group in your area let us know. We can help with leaflets and publicity.

V Meetup Welcome all vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists, fruitarians, (and any kind of plant eater!) from Northern Ireland. Website: Northern-Ireland-Vegetarian-Vegan/ VSI - Dublin Meetup Group Meet at least once a month in various Dublin city centre locations. To participate in this group join (free) and then become a member of the group. Contact: Sarah B (Organiser), via Website: VEGAN SOCIAL AND LOCAL GROUPS Galway Vegan Foodies Group For vegans and aspiring vegans living in and around Galway who love to eat! Website: Vegan Ireland Vegan Ireland regularly sends newsletters by email with details of their latest activities, including meetups and information stands. Email: Website: Vegan Sligo Bringing the vegan lifestyle to Sligo. Email: Website:




Growing our own food in Ireland


any of us have often wondered how much of the food we eat is actually grown in Ireland, or which of our foods could possibly be grown here? There are a number of reasons why we might consider this question. One reason is food miles – the amount of energy required to transport our food here by land, sea and air. Another reason is that we might like to try growing our own edibles at home or in an allotment. Knowing that our food has been produced in our own locality, whether by ourselves or a crop farmer, gives us a feeling of self-reliance. What are the crops which will (and do) grow well here in Ireland? Fruits such as apples, pears, cherries, plums, apricots, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, loganberries, gooseberries and elderberries all do quite well here. Walnuts, chestnuts, cobnuts and hazelnuts will also grow quite well in Ireland, depending on the type of soil and location. A wide variety of vegetables are also grown here. In fact, there are few vegetables in our regular daily diet which will not grow in Ireland. Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and lettuce all do well, as do root vegetables such as potatoes, swede, onions, shallots, garlic, carrots, parsnips, radishes and beetroot. New cultivars of sweet potatoes now mean that they can be grown in the cooler climate of Ireland. celery, mushrooms, aubergines, asparagus, artichoke, fennel, peppers, courgettes, leek, rhubarb, tomatoes and cucumbers can all be grown in the Irish climate, although some vegetables like peppers and aubergines might benefit from the protection of a polytunnel or greenhouse. There are many different varieties of each type of vegetable, some of which will grow better

by BRONWYN SLATER outdoors while others do better indoors (in a polytunnel or greenhouse), so it is a case of choosing a suitable variety before you plant. Cereals and grains such as wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt are all grown successfully in Ireland. Sweetcorn, millet and buckwheat will also grow here. Pulses such as peas, broad beans, mangetout, french beans and runner beans will all do well here, as will pumpkin, flax and hemp. The main reason why certain edible plants will not do well here is because they need a warmer climate. Fruits such as bananas, coconuts, dates, oranges, pineapples, limes, lemons, peaches and avocados cannot be grown here. Lemon trees will, however, grow here indoors and in greenhouses. Melons have been grown recently in the UK in polytunnels due to the warmer weather that was experienced. Any tropical fruit could be grown indoors or in a greenhouse. However, the heating requirement would make them an expensive and impractical crop to grow. Many vegetarians love lentils, chickpeas and tofu (which is made from soya beans). Unfortunately, all three require a warm climate; as do kidney, mung and cannellini beans. Nuts that will not do well here include brazils, cashews, almonds and peanuts, as well as sunflower, sesame and chia seeds, and grains such as rice. It appears that quinoa, normally grown in South America, could also be grown in Ireland. Brown Envelope Seeds, a small company based in County Cork, have had good success in growing this plant. The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

Bronwyn Slater is the Cork Local Contact for the Vegan Society UK. Website: Email: It looks like international trade is still necessary if we want to continue enjoying our tropical fruits and soya products. However, as a friend of mine from the Vegan Society UK recently pointed out, you can make a virtually complete diet with potatoes, wheat, broad beans, kale, carrots, flax seed and hazelnuts, plus a B12 supplement. So, from a self-sufficiency point of view this is good news. If all this is giving you the urge to start your own gardening project, you might want to consider the type of fertiliser you use. Commercial plant fertilisers contain chemicals which can harm the environment by contaminating rivers and groundwater. Organic fertilisers, on the other hand, may often contain animal by-products such as blood, bone meal, fish meal and animal manures. This can be a problem for vegetarians and vegans. So, what are the options? Seaweed is an excellent plant fertiliser, and for those who do not live near coastal areas it can be bought from garden centres. Using your own composted garden waste is another option. This can consist of fruit and vegetable scraps, grass, nettles and other plant matter. Tree leaves, comfrey (an important herb used in gardening) and green manures are also useful. Green manures are plants which are grown specifically for the purpose of increasing the fertility of the soil. Examples include peas, beans, buckwheat, rye and clovers. There are many online resources for those interested in vegan organic growing. Check out Plants for a Future (, Vegan Organic Network (www. and Vegan Organic Growing in Ireland (on Facebook).


Happy Gardening!

7 The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

This year, the freezers are full with sweet corn, sprouting broccoli, sauces made from the excess beefsteak tomatoes, beans, and Brussels sprouts - however I still have eight plants in the patch that will produce throughout the winter.






When we saw the lovely photos Brownyn sent in that were taken by Jessica Hamilton, we just had to find out more about this organic grower. How long have you been growing vegetables for? About four years; I first helped my Dad who grew potatoes, cabbage, and swedes for the family. Where did you learn about growing vegetables? Trial and error really; I read lots of books but you have to be hands-on to learn. I also learnt from my grandmother who was always into gardening. What about slugs? Slugs are not really a problem for me. I sew most of the seeds in modules which give the young plants a chance to get going and develop a good root system. When they are then planted out, they are already strong and generally too big to be badly damaged by slugs or mice. Keeping the area tidy really makes a difference; if grass and undergrowth is allowed to grow around the vegetables, then it provides an ideal habitat for slugs that will then come out at night and potentially devastate young plants. Bigger plantscan take a bit of a beating though and bounce back. Caterpillars were more of a problem this year with the warm sunny weather.

What kind of vegetables would you recommend for first-time growers? Radishes, lettuce, turnips, and carrots are easy to grow but can take their time to mature. Tomatoes, although they can grow quite big (depending on the variety), are very satisfying to grow for the beginner as they take less time to produce a crop. Once they get going nothing beats seeing them turn from green to red. Cucumbers are also good to begin with. It all depends on what you like to eat and how much space you have. But even in an apartment, windowsills can act as mini greenhouses and growing plants in pots is often more successful then out in open ground. You can have more control over their growth but they need to be watered carefully and maintained. All my tomatoes - bar three beefsteaks which were spare and I threw into the outdoor plot were grown in containers. The beefsteak tomatoes, for example, grow very well in 10 litre buckets filled with compost and fed every week once they started forming fruits. On the other hand, the “red robin” cherry tomatoes grew in anything from window boxes to old welly boots. For people who like salads try spring onions and lettuce. Do you have home-grown vegetables all year round? Yes and I store or freeze as much as possible. The potatoes from last year kept us going all winter and into the start of this summer even though summer 2012 was a bad year for most crops because of the high rain fall and lack of sunshine.

The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

There are also almost 20 pumpkins in the shed which ripened in the October sun this year, which will keep well over the winter for soups and breads. I have just set broad beans which will give an early harvest next spring. They are very hardy and grow better in cooler weather. In addition I recently planted some kale which I’ll keep undercover and use as baby leaves. Overall, this year was very productive; I grew aubergines, broad and French beans, and about 30 plants of a mix of cherry, regular, and beefsteak tomatoes. The cablese didn’t do well and bolted (ran to seed) because of the heat but I still got a few decent heads; many of the cauliflower bolted as well. The purple sprouting broccoli is just starting to come into its prime now and will produce over the winter. I also grew leeks, spring onions, carrots, parsnips - thankfully I had no problems with carrot fly - cabbages, garlic, onions, beetroot, celery, sweet corn - both large cobs and “baby corn” -, lots of strawberries and blackcurrants, Swedes, turnips, radishes, spinach, pumpkins, butternut squash and rhubarb. The cucumber plants that were grown both in the greenhouse and outside did very well. I also grew Swiss chards “bright lights”, which is a beautiful variety, adds such colour and doesn’t taste bad either. I have already pretty much planned my layout and varieties for next season. I am planning on doing a lot more sweet corn, as it was a lot more experimental this year, and more tomatoes. I’m going to try different coloured varieties of tomatoes apart from the usual red or yellow. More squashes, some of the more decorative varieties, different coloured carrots, purple ones especially, purple cauliflowers and more sweet peppers but maybe only one chilli plant as it is not really used except for a homemade insect repellent.

Photograghs by JESSICA HAMILTON 1 Pumpkin and cinnamon muffins & Pumpkin and banana loaf.

Where in the country are you? North Kerry, by the coast so wind can sometimes be a problem. The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141




he supermarket is a powerhouse with no seasons, no shopping restrictions, and an abnormal amount of variety. This abundance of season-less food is nothing short of an illusion; in fact, there are only a small number of companies and crops involved. If you were to follow most of this food back to its source, you would consistently find yourself returning to an enormous cornfield. Roughly 80 million acres of land in America and 9.5 million hectares in the EU, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service crop production is devoted to this adaptable wonder. The variety of food products available in our supermarkets is really just several different configurations of one component – namely, corn. As American food author Michael Pollan put it in the journal Smithsonian in 2006: “There are some 45,000 items in the average American supermarket, and more than a quarter of them contain corn.” There are many reasons why corn is the dominant ingredient in our food. Corn is a grass that is native to Central America, and is one of the few domesticated plants that can produce a substantial amount of organic matter, which can then be converted into calories. Corn has also been genetically engineered to withstand the use of pesticides; these modifications, according to Doug Gurian-Sherman at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), allow corn to be grown closer together, and produce a higher yield than ever before. The adaptability of corn has led to a seamless integration into the industrialised food system. Dr Charles Benbrook, who works on agricultural policy, science and regulatory issues, claims that companies like Monsanto have genetically modified seeds enabling the plant to withstand massive amounts of pesticides and powerful herbicides that they also produce. What’s more, Pollan, writing in the New York Times in July 2002, reported that the American government has also subsidised corn, essentially paying farmers to overproduce and drive down prices: “The average bushel of corn (56 pounds) sells for about $2 today; it costs farmers more than $3 to grow it.”

At first, I really didn’t understand why this subsidy even existed. If corn has been modified to grow taller, faster, closer, and produce more than ever before, why, then, do farmers still need government assistance to grow it? Then I found out what this subsidy really is. It’s not for the farmers at all. It’s just a form of the dole for the plant itself and all the economic interests that benefit from its overproduction: the processors, factory farms, and the soft drink and snack makers that rely on cheap and plentiful corn. You see, the reason corn is king is the plants triumph over the industrialised food system and the plant’s strategic allies who are not the farmers, but influential corporate institutions such as Tyson and Coca-Cola. Corn is the secret ingredient in everything from the sweet in your soda, to your bread, fruit juice, ketchup, hamburger patties, salad dressings, cough syrups, batteries, and vitamin C. These different configurations of corn are commonly listed as high-fructose corn syrup, mono- and di-glycerides, dextrin, maltodextrin, dextrose (glucose), fructose, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sorbitol, and starch. In this way, all these ingredients on food labels contain heavily processed corn. Corn is also fed to animals, regardless of their actual nutritional needs. The Feed Ingredients Catalog report by the American global food-processing company Archer Daniels Midland contends it is the main feed ingredient for cows, pigs, chickens, and is even being introduced into fish feed, consequently producing a fatty corn fed product. This predominantly corn diet is counter intuitive. Cattle, for instance, have evolved to consume grass, but the introduction of corn as a main feed ingredient has led to the need for farmers to administer previously unnecessary antibiotics. One might ask: why we are feeding these animals corn? “Because it’s the cheapest thing you can feed any animal,” according to Pollan, “thanks to federal subsidies.” This genetic engineering is not just limited to corn, fish and meat. It has extended to potatoes, sugar beets, soybeans, cottonseed oil, canola or rapeseed oils, tomatoes, rice, and squash. All these crops are grown on a massive scale in an industrial setting – a monoculture practice of producing one single enormous crop. This practice is not only detrimental to the environment, it also strips to the nutrients away from the soil as well as limiting species biodiversity. The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

Our food is picked while it is still green, Pollan reminds us, shipped hundreds of miles (exacerbating our food’s dependence on fossil fuels), and force-ripened with ethylene gas. We have become so far removed from our food that we don’t know what’s in it, how it is made, or the social and environmental effects of making it. A deliberate divide has been placed between consumers and where their food is coming from. Our food is genetically modified, injected with hormones, sprayed with toxins, and ripened with gasses. The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) label this process ‘Delayed Ripening Technology.’ The reality of the industrialised food system is that it is a factory, not a farm. The utopian imagery of rolling green prairies and happy cows has been replaced with factory-like production on a massive scale. This is exactly why we must make the shift from factory framing to local food production. We must farm in ways that don’t compromise the environment, animals, and our health. The ability to know what’s in our food, how it’s produced, and where it comes from is something consumers have the power to control. Every time you purchase something, you are supporting the way in which that item is produced and enabling that practice to continue.


Amazing Amazon Victory! By JULIET GELLATLEY

Juliet Gellatley, founder & director of Viva! on the charity’s success in persuading Amazon to drop foie gras


ucks and geese are extraordinary animals. So extraordinary in fact, that one type of goose can fly higher than Mount Everest! Ducks are no less remarkable, and no one can fail to be moved by their sheer joie de vivre as they take to ponds with limitless gusto. Both are water fowl. They play, feed, swim and do almost everything in water. Now imagine the mindset that robs these magnificent animals of the freedom of an open river, and subjects them to a practice so barbaric that it causes disease in healthy birds. Unfortunately, every year in France, 38 million ducks and geese are caged and forced to ingest an obscene amount of food so that their livers swell painfully up to ten times the normal size. Their diseased livers are then sold as ‘high class’ cuisine: foie gras (literally ‘fatty liver’ in French). This is torture marketed as a delicacy. What the birds go through is forgotten amongst the clinking of glasses filled with fine wine. Other countries also produce foie gras, including Hungary and China. In France ducks now account for around 98 per cent of the birds used in foie gras production. Most are forced into metal cages little bigger than their bodies. They can’t even stretch their wings. Held immobile, birds will suffer the pain and terror of having a metal tube, 20–30 centimetres long, thrust down their throat until it reaches the stomach. Vast quantities of corn are forcibly pumped down the tube. This horrific process can happen up to three times a day. There is no escape and no respite.

Photogragh by Viva! © The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

Sadly, it’s no wonder that as many as one million birds die during this force feeding period in France alone.

Previously, on the UK Amazon Marketplace grocery section there were over a hundred products available to buy containing foie gras. Amazon sold foie gras itself and allowed third-party companies to do so too. Amazon currently prohibits the sale of animal products containing whale or dolphin on its Marketplace. It has now added foie gras to that list. Amazon should be congratulated for taking an ethical lead by delisting foie gras in the UK, but we hope that ethical stance is expanded worldwide. This is a perfect example to show that consumer pressure does work, even with corporate giants. We will be extending our campaign to other online retailers, such as eBay. Recently, footage we took of ducks used for foie-gras in a high-end UK restaurant chain was front page of The Mirror. It showed ducks confined in cages little bigger than their own bodies and force-fed so much grain that their livers expand up to ten times their natural size. Poster by Viva! ©

Although the production of foie gras is essentially banned in the UK and Ireland, the UK imported 192 tonnes of foie gras in 2010, with a value of €3.54 million (the UK imports more French foie gras than Germany, Italy and Holland). Our governments refuse to act, bowing to outdated free trade rules. As ever, it is up to the consumer to take matters into their own hands – and Viva! is right there at the forefront. Viva! has successfully persuaded many local councils and restaurants in the UK to stop selling foie gras. Our latest victory is that retail giant Amazon has now officially prohibited its sale on its British online site. This happened after we presented the company with evidence of the abject suffering caused by foie gras production, and a petition signed by over ten thousand people threatening to withhold custom from Amazon if it continued to sell foie gras. Thousands more Viva!initiated emails and postcards were sent to the company throughout 2013. Viva! also held an online Day of Action encouraging consumers to contact Amazon en masse on Saturday, 9 March 2013. More details at uk/amazon.

It would be illegal to produce foie gras in Britain or Ireland, and its production causes untold suffering to millions of birds every year in France and other countries that produce it. It has to beggar the question why do our governments continue to refuse to ban the importation of foie gras into Britain and Ireland? It makes a mockery of our sovereign animal welfare laws. Viva! is an active campaigning UK vegan charity with a sister group in Poland. It produces masses of free info on everything from saving animals and the planet, to vegan health and nutrition. Viva! campaigns against factory farming, live exports, slaughter and killing wild animals for meat and skin. It also runs education programmes and the online free vegan recipe club www. Viva! also has an online shop and vegan wine Although campaigning in the UK and Poland, Viva! has supporters from Ireland and all over the world. www.

12 The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

Photogragh by GRACE HILLIS




s I was walking down the drizzling streets of Dublin, I stumbled upon a cozy eatery bustling with a diverse crowd of locals in the heart of the city. This wholefood, vegetarian, casual restaurant resembles the house of one’s grandmother: vibrant and comfy, with floral print wallpapers, wooden tables, cushioned benches and the wafting aromas of hearty homemade cuisine. Cornucopia is a charming mix of a traditional restaurant with cafeteria chic. There are two large chalkboards behind the cash register filled with the colorfully drawn daily specials and menu descriptions. Cornucopia’s menu generally consists of any combination of two soups, five main courses, and ten salads, with a selection of desserts that change daily. Cornucopia offers vegan and gluten free dishes, as well as a broad base of vegetarian items. As I stood in line I hastily picked my meal off the board: a leek, cauliflower, and lentil polenta cake on a bed of brown rice topped with tomato, red bell pepper and garlic puree. The main courses come with two salads, which you can pick out of the ten or so options (if you opt not to have salads you will be charged a little less). I decided on a pasta salad with spaghetti, sundried tomatoes, and kalamata olives as well as a potato salad with pickled onions and rocket. I topped off the meal with a glass of the house organic red wine and a dark chocolate and hazelnut brownie sprinkled with a white chocolate garnish for dessert. Once you have purchased your meal, at the end of the cafeteria-style queue, you must acquire to your own water and utensils at the selfservice stations before finding a table. The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141



cornucopia by ROYA MILLER

A new look at Irish cuisine and artisanal food The fare was enjoyable, hearty and well accented; the polenta cake was sweet, savory and flavorful, although I found the stringy texture to be a bit unusual. The salads, though not traditional, were robust and filling. The potato salad was a bit too reliant on the flavor of the pickled onions. As for dessert, the brownie was dark, rich and delightfully accented with homemade whipped cream. This unique vegetarian restaurant was enchanting; the experience was enjoyable, the ambiance comfortable, and the food was delightful. Cornucopia also offers catering and take-out. MasterCard, Visa, and Laser are accepted, and Vegetarian Society of Ireland, Vegan Ireland, senior citizen and student discounts are available, but watch out they do run out of certain items throughout the night. Cornucopia is located at 19 Wicklow Street, Dublin, and is open Monday and Tuesday 8:30-9:00pm; WednesdaySaturday 8:30-10:15pm; Sundays and public holidays noon-9:00pm.



Batter 225 grams of buckwheat flour 550 mls of water Pinch of turmeric 25 mls sunflower oil, also some for frying

Dry Ingredients 8oz/250ml Organic Jumbo Oat Flakes 8oz/250ml Organic Oat Flakes 4oz/125ml Oat Bran 6Tbsp Organic Pumpkin Seeds 6Tbsp Organic Sunflower Seeds 3Tbsp Black Sesame Seeds 4oz/125ml Organic Hazelnuts 4oz/125ml Organic Sultanas


Photogragh by ORLA KEESHAN

150ml Organic Apple Juice 5 Tbsp Organic Maple Syrup 6 Tbsp Sunflower Oil ½ Cinnamon Stick 1 tsp Organic Vanilla Extract


Wet Ingredients

Pinch of salt Dessertspoon of nutritional yeast (optional)

14 Yummy Baked Granola by DENNISE WALDRON

Method 1] Preheat the oven to 1200 C. Fan assisted ovens may need to be turned down by 100. 2] Mix all wet ingredients and leave for flavours to infuse. 3] Mix all dry ingredients together, except the sultanas. 4] Bring the wet ingredients to the boil in a pot. 5] Remove cinnamon stick from the boiled wet ingredients. 6] Gently pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients and mix well, until all the moisture is absorbed. 7] Place in a roasting pan and bake for approximately 45 min to 1 hour, stirring the mixture every 10 minutes. The oats sould have a slightly brown colour but must not be burned. 8] While the granola is still hot add the sultanas and mix in well. 9] When cold, store in an airtight jar for up to two weeks.

Nutritional Information Organic ingredients are the best for the following reasons: The organic products taste better. They are left to ripen for longer on the plant. They are not intensively grown to absorb excess water, making their nutritional value higher.

Filling 3 leeks topped, tailed, rinsed and thinly sliced 250 grams of button mushrooms, washed and halved 150 grams of grated smoked tofu 50 grams of silken tofu 30 mls of tamari 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic Dessertspoon of sesame oil 50 mls mirin Level dessertspoon of sugar or apple concentrate Rounded dessertspoon of Dijon mustard Toppings 1 packet of vacuum packed beetroot 30 mls soy milk Tsp of chopped dill 200 grams of silken tofu Zest of 1 lime Dessertspoon of capers 50 grams soaked, strained and toasted walnut Seasoning

Recipe from Tony Keogh, Cornucopia’s head chef

Oats, especially Oat Bran: Lowers cholesterol.

by TONY KEOGH Smoked tofu, leek and button mushroomfilled buckwheat galette with beetroot purée, toasted walnuts and caper cream.

Batter Add the water, oil, salt, turmeric and yeast to a wide mixing bowl. Slowly sieve in the buckwheat flour and whisk to combine. The mixture should not be too viscous. If it is, add a little more water. Set the batter aside. Filling Add 25 mls of sunflower oil to a heavy wide based saucepan and slowly heat it up. When it begins to sizzle, add the leeks and stir briskly. After 30 seconds or so, add the garlic, mirin, tamari, sweetener and smoked paprika. Lower the heat and leave the mixture to simmer until the leeks are softened and any excess liquid has evaporated. Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Coat the mushrooms with a drop of oil and a pinch of salt, before spreading them out on a parchment lined oven tray. Bake them for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, add the smoked tofu to the leek mixture. Mash the silken tofu and mustard into a purée with the back of a spoon and stir this into the leek mixture along with the now cooked mushrooms. Adjust the seasoning.

Pumpkin Seeds: High in Zinc and contain more Iron than most other seeds. Sunflower Seeds: Rich in Vitamin E, essential for healthy skin and circulation. Sesame Seeds: Lubricates the intestines, and so relieves constipation. The action of black sesame seed is stronger than that of the tan variety. Hazelnuts: Rich source of protein and fat, and should be consumed in small quantities. Replace sultanas with raisins, chopped up dried apricots or mixed berries, if desired. The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

15 buckwheat galette

The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141


buckwheat galette continued Toppings Beetroot: using a hand-held blender purée the beetroot, soy milk and dill together with a pinch of salt and set aside. Caper cream: using a hand-held blender, blend the tofu, capers and lime with a pinch of salt and set aside. Walnuts: toast the soaked and strained walnuts on a parchment lined tray for about eight minutes. Set aside.

Preparation and assembly Heat a crêpe pan over a high heat until it is very hot. Moisten the pan using an oil-dipped kitchen towel. Ladle 100 mls of the liquid into the pan and swirl quickly around to coat it. Set the pan down and allow the first side to cook. This is evident when the edges of the galette begin to separate from the side of the pan, and the mixture, rather than resembling a liquid, appears as a more solid mass. It should take no more than a minute. Flip the crêpe over and let it cook for a further 30 seconds or so on the other side. Repeat with the remaining batter. Fill half of each galette circle with the tofu mixture, fold them and then fold them again so they are now a quarter of their original size. Place them on a parchment lined tray and trickle over some of the beetroot sauce. Warm them through in the oven and serve, one or two to a plate, with a dollop of caper lime cream, some toasted walnuts and a handful of winter greens



Roast parsnip, coconut and whiskey cake with spiced walnut crumb and whiskey lemon sauce

Heat the oven to 180°C. Peel, top and tail the parsnips. Place them on a roasting tray along with the coconut oil, cover with tinfoil and place in the oven. After 35 minutes, remove the tinfoil, add 50g of the agave syrup and continue roasting for 10 minutes. Remove and set aside. To make the base: Using baking paper, line the bottom of a cheesecake tin and lightly oil the sides with a little sunflower oil. Reserve 10g of the walnuts. Place the first six dry ingredients for the base into a food processor. Pulse for 30 seconds, and then add the agave syrup and margarine and process the mixture for another 30 seconds until it resembles wet breadcrumbs. Spread this mixture into the prepared cheesecake tin. Press down until it is evenly distributed, and bake in the oven at 180°C for 10 minutes. If the sides of the base have shrunk slightly, patch them up with the reserved walnuts and set aside. To make the filling: Place the creamed coconut, soy milk, 150g of agave syrup and salt in a pan over a very low heat. Stir occasionally until the coconut has melted. Add this mixture along with the roasted parsnip, whiskey and corn flour into a food processor and pulse to completely purée the mixture. Pour this mixture over the precooked base. Return this to the oven and bake at 180°C for 35 minutes until the top has lightly browned and the filling has set. Leave aside to cool before unmoulding and serving. The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

Ingredients [Makes eight slices]

Photogragh by WESLEY SWEENEY

Photogragh by ORLA KEESHAN



Base 130g finely ground walnuts 50g jumbo oatflakes 20g rice flour ¼ tsp ground ginger ¼ tsp ground cinnamon 1/8 tsp sea salt 50g agave syrup 60g sunflower margarine

Filling 3 medium parsnips (400g) 1 tbsp coconut oil (10g) 200g packet of creamed coconut 200ml soy milk 200g (50g + 150g) agave syrup 1/8 tsp sea salt 30g corn flour 120ml whiskey

Whiskey lemon sauce 130g agave syrup Juice of one lemon (15ml) 1 whole clove 30g sunflower margarine 30ml whiskey Recipe from James DeBurca, Cornucopia’s vegan chef

For the sauce: Place all the ingredients except the whiskey in a small saucepan and bring to the boil over a medium heat. Reduce to a simmer for 15 minutes and cook until the sauce achieves a syrupy consistency. Remove from the heat, add the whiskey and stir. Be careful as this may sizzle and foam slightly. Remove the whole clove. Serve the individual slices of cake with a little sauce trickled over.

This cake appears on the front cover of the magazine

The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141




rganised by Grace, Jo’Burger in Rathmines proved to be a great place for our Vegetarian Meetup on a Saturday evening. All the dishes in Jo’Burger were organic – including the juices and cola. Twelve of us attended the dinner and most of us had a veggie burger. We all shared bush fries and sweet potato fries. The venue had a cool atmosphere and the menus were very original; being made with recycled material (old comic annuals). The feedback from the group was positive: excellent table service, a great selection of veggie burgers for both vegetarians and vegans and very tasty food. Jo’Burger is hugely popular in the area and it was packed on the night in question. They kindly reserved a round table for us at the back and we had a nice chat there. After the meal, the group left the restaurant and went to Toast and three extra people joined us. As always it was a very enjoyable evening and it was great to chat with the members of the Meetup group.

Photogragh by SARAH BURNHAM




19 Delhi O’Deli Restaurant





afé Rotana at Portobello is a little restaurant that I have passed by on many occasions and always thought “I must try that place”! So thanks to Jacob organising for the group to go there, I finally went inside this lovely Lebanese café and tried it for myself. Rotana is not strictly a vegetarian restaurant, but there are plenty of vegetarian and vegan options on the menu. In fact there are so many options, that most of us went for the “Mezze” which allowed us to sample a huge variety of dishes. The “Mezze” consisted of a variety of hot and cold specialities, all presented on one big plate, and served with endless amounts of Lebanese flatbread. It featured some really good aubergine purees - smoky “Moutabal” and spicy “Baba Ganoujh” that were a hit with everyone. There were tasty vine leaves “Warak Inab” stuffed with rice, parsley and tomato and lovely flaky pastries “Fayater Spinach”, which as the name suggests, were stuffed with spinach and onion. Also featured was a really good version of one of my all time favourites – Falafel, which were served with a light tahini dressing and also some excellent Hummus. The Mezze would be enough on its own for one person; I ordered the smaller one and still could not finish it! This may be due to the fact that we also ordered Tabouleh on the side, and were given lots of “Potato Harah” - potatoes cooked with garlic, pepper and coriander. These were exceptional, and probably the reason I couldn’t finish my main! At €13.90 and €17.90, the mezze are good value. They did feature some items that contained cheese, but the staff were really helpful and substituted these items to make it vegan friendly.


A Lovely Lebanese by the Locks Aside from Mezze, there was a Falafel Sandwich on the menu that one of our party had and thoroughly enjoyed and we also sampled the “Manakeesh Satar”. Rotana does not sell alcohol but allows customers to bring their own and pay a small corkage fee. This made for a very inexpensive evening! After the meal some people had dessert and some of us had Lebanese Coffee – similar to Turkish coffee and flavoured with cardamom. I loved the coffee but didn’t have dessert. I felt that this was the only area where Rotana fell down; there was no choice for vegans (other than fruit) for dessert, as all the pastries contained honey. But given that this is not a vegetarian restaurant, I suppose that would be normal! A couple of the lads ordered a Shisha when dinner was over. However, as these have to be smoked outside on the terrace, they then cancelled it! We were having a good time and they felt that it would be a bit unsociable to break up the group! Overall Café Rotana is good value, tasty food and offers friendly service. We had a nice evening, even if some were a little disappointed by the absence of a Belly Dancer! This was a good starting point for the conversation that flowed all evening! I will be back!

The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141



ood Revolution Day on 19 May is a chance for people around the world to come together in their local communities to enjoy and learn more about food. More information on the event – which is organised by the Jamie Oliver Foundation – may be found at... An email suggestion received from a member of the public about this special day provided a good opportunity for the Vegetarian Society of Ireland to hold an event to mark this day, to show how healthy a vegetarian or a vegan diet can be. Instead of the original idea of a picnic in Stephen’s Green Park, due to unsuitable weather conditions our little group finally met for lunch in front of Cornucopia restaurant for some delicious meals and salads. In relation to the theme of the day; after the lunch, Grace, Martin and I chose to go to Temple Bar Food Market to have a look at the stalls from local producers and buy some fresh food. This market takes place every Saturday in Meeting House Square and includes stalls selling organic fresh fruit and vegetables. It is a nice place to go to that can give good ideas about organic and natural food and help to show the way to a healthier diet. The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141


t was my first time being both at Delhi O’Deli, and also at a Vegetarian Meetup. I was a little early, but found fellow companions to chat with at our reserved tables. I had met Sarah, Grace, Fergal and Ian before at the Vegan Ireland social meetings, and thought it my turn to pay a visit to one of the Meetups of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. Sarah, who organised the evening, was great at making everyone feel comfortable, and she put me at my ease straight away, making me forget that this was my first time to be there. The restaurant itself was small, clean and spacious, with plenty of light and a very friendly atmosphere. Their menu has an extensive vegetarian and vegan food list to choose from, with many gluten free options. The price of the dishes are very reasonable, and there is also a buffet self-service counter. The staff were very friendly, advising everyone on what to eat, and my meal was very tasty. The time seemed to fly by, with everyone enjoying themselves, and eight o’clock - the time the restaurant closed - came very quickly. I was a little sad leaving this group with whom I had found a lot in common, but Sarah came to the table and suggested that we could go on to a pub to continue our conversations there. So Bridget, Ian and myself were joined by Maureen and Jacob, and together we went to TP Smith’s Bar; a short walk from the restaurant. It was a delightful evening, and as I walked back to my car I thought, I will definitely be returning for more vegetarian meetups in the future.



Photogragh by SARAH BURNHAM




Nothing could have kept me from high tailing it to Umi Falafel, 13 Dame Street that very day. I was not disappointed. The café is situated almost opposite the Olympia Theatre. All the food is freshly prepared on the premises to traditional family recipes of the owner. The staff members are friendly and courteous. Nobody looked at me as if I had two heads when I asked which dishes were vegan. I had lentil soup, which was absolutely delicious. If I worked in the city centre that soup would certainly be a weekly lunch choice. There are a number of different falafel sandwiches on offer, the Palestinian – (falafel, tomato, cucumber, chili sauce and hummus in a pitta pocket), the Lebanese – (with falafel, tomato, tahini sauce and pickles in a Lebanese flat bread wrap) to mention just two. I had the Lebanese which could not be faulted. There are also lots of dips and salads on offer hummus, baba ghanoush etc. I also had a portion of hummus which is probably the best I have ever tasted. No more supermarket hummus for me after that experience! Prices are very affordable I’m happy to report. All in all my visit to Umi Falafel was a great experience and I am looking forward to many an enjoyable meal. there. For those of you who are not familiar with traditional Arab food, falafel is a deepfried ball made from ground chickpeas, fava beans, or both. Believe me, one trip to Umi Falafel and you will be hooked!

Meath Veggies and the Meath Veggie Supper Club



ecently, the Vegetarian Society of Ireland - Dublin Meetup Group made a trip to Trim, to visit Trim Castle and then went for a special veggie meal in Khan Spices in the afternoon. Despite the somewhat cantankerous weather the castle tour was fantastic. Trim Castle sits by the River Boyne in the middle of the heritage town of Trim and it is the largest Norman castle in Ireland; construction of the castle began in 1172 by the De Lacy family and it took over a thirty years to complete. It is a beautiful and imposing structure; it is little wonder that it was chosen for location shooting of the film ‘Braveheart’, amongst others. The tour lasted for about an hour, the highlight for me was standing on the roof, taking in the views of the beautiful surrounding area. Following the castle tour, our group made for Khan Spices, a nearby local Indian restaurant. Nasser Khan, the owner, had prepared a special vegan buffet for our group including a great choice of starters and mains. Celtic chocolates of Summerhill, County Meath sponsored our event with some delicious dairy free chocolates. Thank you Celtic Chocolates, and everyone who attended for making it a fantastic day!

Umi Falafel is now part of the VSI discount scheme where there is 15% off for members on production of their membership card, although the discount is not applicable with lunch meals. The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

Photogragh by LOUISA MOSS



unny how things go full circle. Back in the 80s much of my generation was forced to emigrate due to lack of employment opportunities here in Ireland. I seem to recall that Ireland, Dublin in particular, was not such a great place to live back then so it was easier to leave than it must be for those forced to leave now. I headed for the bright lights of London and loved every minute of the years I lived there – mostly. During my time in London I worked for three different companies – all Lebanese strangely enough. It will come as no surprise, therefore, to learn that I was very quickly introduced to the delights of Lebanese cuisine. I have loved Middle Eastern food ever since, not least because it is very vegetarian and vegan friendly without adaptation. London in those days was packed full of every type of restaurant and there was no shortage of Lebanese restaurants to satisfy my taste buds. Naturally I loved my occasional trips back to Dublin to visit my family but dining out was a disaster for me. Back then the normal ‘vegetarian’ fare, even in the top hotel restaurants, was a plate of boiled vegetables. These days we are all spoiled for choice with wonderful restaurants everywhere. Sadly vegetarian restaurants are still pretty thin on the ground and it was very disappointing to see Café Fresh and Juice leave the market. I was overjoyed a couple of weeks ago when I heard that we had a new vegetarian restaurant in town and that the cuisine was Lebanese.

choc brownie

Photogragh by VINNY JONES

umi falafel

A Middle Eastern Experience waiting for you


The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141



he Meath Veggie Group came about after a discussion by a few veggie friends, who felt it was about time that they got some veggie folk together for chats, support and the occasional night out. The Supper Club was the result of one of these chats! The first event went ahead on Friday 2nd August in The Loft Restaurant, Navan, and was attended by 11 veggies. The Loft Restaurant designed a menu with four choices of starters, main course and an amazing Raw Vegan Chocolate Torte for dessert! Well done head-chef, Aidan Cosgrove and restaurant manager Paddy Stapleton, it was yummy! We were really lucky that Dee from Dee’s Wholefood spotted our group on Facebook and gave a packet of her vegan sausages for each person attending the event. Many thanks Dee; they are delicious! I was thoroughly delighted to see that both the tofu dish and the raw chocolate torte had remained on The Loft evening menu when I returned a couple of weeks later and I know they carried a veg*n main every lunchtime. * Our second supper was in the Knightsbrook Hotel in Trim. Again, we had a set menu priced at €18 for three courses with complimentary tea and coffee, choice of four starters, four mains and two desserts. It was really good and was attended by 26 people. Kevin Li, Restaurant Manager was extremely helpful and interested in designing a veg*n menu and the restaurant and kitchen staff really did a fantastic job. Exciting news for the group is that LMFM DJ, Gerry Kelly, is going veggie for a month. Louisa Moss of the Meath Veggie Group will be mentoring him both on and off air during this time. Who knows, maybe it will be a life changing event for Gerry! We hope he will attend one of our Supper Club events.


23 141 | about us AIMS OF THE SOCIETY

Photogragh by LOUISA MOSS

gnocci with polenta crisps and wild mushrooms The restaurants that the Meath Veggies visit are given feedback on all of their dishes and menu so that they know what works and what doesn’t for their veggie diners; they will also be given a Meath Veggie restaurant rating. We plan to have a monthly Supper Club event and hope to travel the County raising awareness of veg*n dietary requirements with the goal of making it easier for veg*ns to dine out in Meath. Meath Veggies are also organising foraging events with Meath Eco tours and some get-togethers for veg*n families. We hope to have a Sunday Lunch in Sonairte’s vegetarian Sunflower Cafe in the not too distant future. Also, we would like to have a monthly information stand in either Trim or Navan to help spread the word and to give some advice on adopting a veggie diet and lifestyle

Meath Veggies have also been promoting the Vegetarian Society of Ireland and local coffee shop, An Tromán, of Market Street, Trim, is now offering a 10% discount to VSI members. They do a great soya latte and have a daily veggie and gluten free special, so if you are in the area and fancy a coffee, give them a shout! The Vegetarian Society of Ireland’s magazine is now stocked at Tobin’s Newsagent on Haggard Street, Trim. None of these events are for profit they are all organised by volunteers as a true labour of love. If you are interested in coming along to an event or organising one for the group, please get in touch with us on 086 7338162 or via our Facebook page

Our constitutional aims are to advance education, and to promote the positive aspects of vegetarianism in relation to both health and environmental issues. We also aim to create more awareness of the organization, and to inform the people of Ireland about vegetarianism. We aim to co-operate with other organizations which promote the fundamental ideals of vegetarianism. The VSI supports both vegetarian and vegan aims.

Magazine Credits


Issue 139 Packing & Distribution Eithne Brew

Chairperson | Maureen O’Sullivan

Issue 140 Proofreading, Packing & Distribution Eilis Scully, Eithne Brew Gemma Sidney, Grace Hillis Martin O’Reilly, Maureen O’Sullivan Sarah Burnham, Sarah Allen.

The committee of the VSI are elected annually and volunteer their time. We hold monthly meetings to ensure the vegetarian voice for Ireland is being listened to.

Researcher | Martin O’Reilly Treasurer & Membership Secretary | Eithne Brew Secretary | Sarah Allen

Looking forward to meeting you!

Webmaster | Martin O’Sullivan

*Sadly, at the time of writing the Loft had closed. We hope it will be up and running again in the near future

Ordinary Committee Member | Juliana Pereira

Magazine Cordinator | Grace Hillis Honorary Ordinary Committee Member | Louisa Moss


We are always looking for people to help out. If you can lend a hand from time to time please email with your contact details.


The Vegetarian Society of Ireland defines a vegetarian as one who does not consume meat, fish or fowl and who aims to avoid the use and consumption of battery hen eggs and slaughterhouse by-products in food, clothing, cosmetic and household products. A vegan is one who adopts a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms veganism refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce - including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey and their derivatives. Abhorrence of the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming is probably the most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are drawn to it for health, ecological, resource, spiritual and other reasons.

Issue 141 Writing Brownyn Slater, Denise Waldron Eithne Brew, Gemma Sidney Grace Hillis, James DeBurca Jill O’Neill, Juliet Gellatley Miren Maialen Samper, Roya Miller Tony Keogh, Rod Chichignoud. Proofreading Gemma Sidney, Grace Hillis Martin O’Reilly, Maureen O’Sullivan Naganivetha Thiyagarajah. Cover photo credit Orla Keeshan | Design Danny King @ 1129Design. Dublin

22 The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141


member discount directory Active Balance Clinic, Family Resource Centre, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10, offers discount on selected complementary health treatments. Contact Tomas Ronan for more info. Tel. 0872711215 [10% discount] An Bhean Feasa Health Shop, Unit 1, Clifden Court, Bridge Street, Clifden, Co. Galway. Tel. 095 30671, Email:, [5% discount] Anahata Healing, Desert, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. Lomi Lomi Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Holistic and Aromatherapy Massage, Reflexology, Ear Candling, Sound Healing, Baby Massage Classes, Reiki Treatments and Attunements. Tel. Angela: 087 2030869 [10% discount] Arusha Fair Trade, fair trade gifts of jewellery, bags, home accessories & children’s items. Email info@arushafairtrade. com mentioning the VSI in the subject line, for discount code. [10% discount] Ballymaloe House, Shanagarry, Co. Cork. (021) 4652531 [10% off vegetarian dishes] Be Organic, fresh, local, seasonal organic fruit & vegetables and other sustainably-farmed organic products delivered direct to your door. Tel: 01 8385552. [5% discount] Blazing Salads, 42 Drury St, Dublin 2. Discount available at Drury Street premises. Not applicable with any other offer (in-house promotions and the loyalty card scheme). www. [15% discount] Clare Island Retreat Centre, Ballytoohey, Clare Island, Co Mayo. Tel: 087 2621832. or [10% discount on yoga and vegetarian cooking courses] Cocoa Bean Artisan Chocolates Company, Limerick. 087 7594820 [inquire for discount] Cork Acupuncture Clinic, 50 Cornmarket Street (above Dervish), Cork City. Caroline Dwyer (Bowles), dedicated and caring acupuncturist). Tel Caroline: 0872516528. [10% off Acupuncture treatments] Cornucopia Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow, St., Dublin 2, [10% discount] D.A.F. Clinic, 17 Inglewood Rd, Rainford, St Helens, Lancashire, WA11 7QL. Email: or Tel: +44 1744 884173 [25% off Chiropody / Podiatry / Auricular Therapy / Reflexology (Merseyside & Manchester)] [50% on vegetarian and vegan nutritional therapy & profiling by post, fax & email)] Delhi O’Deli, 12 Moore Street, Dublin 1. Indian street food and vegetarian restaurant. Tel. (01) 872 9129 www. [10% discount] Dónall na Gealaí, Gift Shop, Claregate St., Kildare Town (books, CDs, essential oils, candles & crystals). Tel: 045 533634. [10% discount] Flying Baby Cake Company. Gluten-free bakery. All products are vegetarian and any orders can be easily adapted to be vegan. Cakes and cupcakes for all occasions. Tel: 0857373729 [5% discount on orders]

VSI members get discounts on everything from gifts to lunch to retreats. Remember to show your card!

The Italian School of Cooking, Unit C4, City Link Business Park, Old Naas Road, Dublin 12. Offering special €35 rate to VSI members on cooking courses (over 50% discount!). All courses have vegetarian option. Call Giuseppe (01) 460 8800 Freelance translator, Patricia Tricker MCIL Cert Ed (FE), working into English from French, German , Italian & Spanish specializing in economics, finance, accountancy, company law & archaeology. Tel/fax: +44 1677 450176 or email [10% discount] Govindas, 4 Aungier Street, Dublin 2. Vegetarian restaurants. [10% discount in Aungier Street restaurant only, not applicable in the Middle Abbey St restaurant] Greenway Emporium, Market Yard, Bridge Street, Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Run by a family of vegetarians, the shop has a range of health foods, natural toiletries, baby care products, relaxing music, organic aromatherapy oils, plus Fair Trade and ethically-traded. Tel: 071 9664090 [10% off all purchases over €20]., Ireland’s importer and distributor of Vitamineral GreenTM [20% discount] Lake Isle Retreats, Inish Rath Island, Upper Lough Erne, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 9GN. Short Breaks, Workshops in vegetarian cookery, meditation and yoga. Tel: 086 1608108. www. [10% discount] Lurve Vegan Café, 11 Fownes Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. [10% discount] Moher House B+B, Drummin, Westport, www.moherhousewestport. com [10% discount for members] Nature’s Gold, Healthfood Store, 1 Killincarrig Road, Greystones, Co Wicklow. Tel: 01 2876301 [10% discount] Newtownpark Clinic, 7 Rockville Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Ciara Murphy MH Ir RGN (Master Herbalist and Colon Therapist) 10% discount on all treatments, consultations and workshops. Tel: 01 210 8489 Quay Co-op, 24 Sullivans Quay, Cork City; Main Street, Ballincollig; and Main Street, Carrigaline, Cork [10% discount in the shops] Sunyata Retreat Centre, Snata, Sixmilebridge, Co Clare. Tel: 061 367-073. A spacious haven outside the bustle of modern life, Sunyata is perfectly situated for relaxation, meditation, and contemplation. [10% discount on retreats and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction] The Happy Pear, Church Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow. Natural food market with organic and non-organic produce, dried goods, a world-class smoothie bar, café and restaurant. Tel: 01-2873655. [5% discount] The Hopsack, Health food store, Swan Centre, Rathmines, Dublin 6. Tel/fax 01- 4960399. [5% discount] The Phoenix Restaurant and B&B, Castlemaine, Co. Kerry. [10%discount] Well and Good, Health Food Store, Coolbawn, Midleton, Co Cork. Tel: 021 4633499 [5% discount] The Irish Vegetarian – Issue 141

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