The Irish Vegetarian 143

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Cruelty Free Cosmetics Gardening World Vegetarian Day Media Roundup Recipes & lots more!

Vegetarian Society of Ireland Aims of the Society

Our constitutional aims are to advance education, and to promote the positive aspects of vegetarianism in relation to health, animal welfare and environmental issues. We also aim to create more awareness of the organisation, and to inform the people of Ireland about vegetarianism. We aim to co-operate with other organisations which promote the fundamental ideals of vegetarianism. The VSI supports both vegetarian and vegan aims.


The committee of the VSI are elected annually and volunteer their time. We hold monthly meetings to ensure the vegetarian voice for Ireland is being listened to. Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Researcher Treasurer &Membership Secretary PRO

Maureen O’Sullivan Grace Hillis Sarah Allen Martin O’Reilly Mary Minihane  Louisa Moss


We are always looking for people to help out. If you can lend a hand from time to time please email with your contact details.


The Vegetarian Society of Ireland defines a vegetarian as one who does not consume meat, fish or fowl and who aims to avoid the use and consumption of battery hen eggs and slaughterhouse by-products in food, clothing, cosmetic and household products. A vegan is one who adopts a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms veganism refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce - including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey and their derivatives. Abhorrence of the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming is probably the most common reason for the adoption of veganism but many people are drawn to it for other reasons including ones related to health, ecology, sustainability, and/or spirituality. Views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent policies and/or views of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland, its committee and/or its members.


The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143


Vegetarian Society of Ireland Information......................................................................................................2 Editorial, Thanks.............................................................................................................................................4 Vegetarian and Vegan Group Listings.............................................................................................................5 Deciphering Darwin’s Nightmare...................................................................................................................6 Media Roundup...............................................................................................................................................8 My Gardening Year.........................................................................................................................................10 VSI Membership Application Form..............................................................................................................11 World Vegetarian Day Photos.......................................................................................................................12 World Vegetarian Day 2014: Some legal matters for vegetarians and vegans to consider...........................13 Spelt Salad with Grilled Vegetables Recipe..................................................................................................15 Vegans Poem.................................................................................................................................................15 Raw Road Tripping Round the Republic......................................................................................................16 Maureen’s Bean, potato and luxury pepper shepherd-less pie......................................................................18 Meetup Reviews............................................................................................................................................19 Vegetarian for Life........................................................................................................................................20 Climate Change and Agriculture..................................................................................................................22 Cruelty Free Cosmetics................................................................................................................................23 VSI Members’ Discount List........................................................................................................................24

Falling Fruit Project by Berni Brannick

This is a project to harvest the seasonal glut of local fruit (apples, pears, plums, nuts, etc.) and to give it to charities that cater for those in need. Each year much fruit goes unpicked. ‘Falling Fruit’ is a team of volunteers who pick the fruit and distribute it to local charities. We are ever in need of help to find good quantities of fruit – fruit farms, city gardens, private orchards, elderly neighbours who cannot collect or use all the fruit themselves, community gardens, public parks (some of which have sweet (edible) chestnut trees), etc. The idea for the project came to me from the UK. I heard about a group of people cycling around the London area collecting fruit from gardens and distributing it. You can see a short video of a similar project in Manchester by putting Youtube Abundance Manchester into your search engine. There is a very well organised network also in the UK involved in this venture - Gleaning Network UK. According to their website (FeedBack), it coordinates volunteers, local farmers and food redistribution charities in order to salvage the thousands of tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables that are wasted on UK farms every year, and direct this fresh, nutritious food to people in need.

fruit to good use. We have had in Ireland the ‘Feeding the 5000’ project which was a great success, and the awareness of food waste is growing. We would be very grateful for any help in finding good sources of surplus unpicked fruit or nuts. If you can help with this project contact Berni at 086 2134897. For small quantities of surplus fruit in your own garden I would suggest putting it in a box at your front gate with a sign to say ‘Help Yourself’! You may find also that birds eat some of them on the trees and animals eat some of the windfalls! In addition to her work in Spiritual Science, Berni Brannick is a proponent of the Sharing/Gift Economy through (formerly the Freeconomy Community), Dublin Favour Exchange and Sharing Ireland. She is currently in the process of setting up a local sharing group (Dublin 3 and 9) which could become a model for other areas of the city and the country. She is strong supporter of vegetarianism (vegetarian for twenty-four years) and sustainable holistic living.

I am developing a similar project here in Ireland. I have contacted the Gleaning Network UK to learn more about setting this up in this country. I have been in contact with and they have agreed to link us with charities who can collect and put the The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

© Marcin Starzyk



Dear members and friends, The Irish Vegetarian is changing! The magazine originated as a newsletter and has been going in one form or other since 1978. The very first edition can be viewed on our website: It has been a great pleasure to work on it with our small team of volunteers and we are so grateful to everyone who has contributed to the magazine in any way, shape or form and to everyone who has purchased it, and to the libraries and retail outlets who have stocked it. The magazine was a way of giving back to our wonderful members; the other big incentive to join being the discount scheme. We hope though that people recognise the value of joining as a way of contributing to progressing vegetarianism in Ireland. However recently we have been noticing the rise and rise of electronic media. Email newsletters can be passed around much more easily than paper copies and they are also so much less expensive to produce and circulate. We do recognize that some members do like to have something in paper to read so we have decided to change the magazine into an Annual that we will do once a year in paper and circulate as before. However going forward we are going to put our energies into the world of electronic media with a new regular Vegetarian email newsletter which will be available to everyone and so will bring the message of vegetarianism to more people in Ireland than ever before! So please enjoy this last issue of The Irish Vegetarian, highlights of which include an account of a Raw Vegan Road Trip, Cruelty Free Cosmetics and news from World Vegetarian Day, and please watch for our new regular email newsletter in your Inbox in the very near future. We also hope to see you at one or more VSI events during the year so do come along! With best wishes,



A big thank you to our volunteers & contributors! Contributors: Berni Brannick, Sarah Burnham, Roberta Garziano, Jessica Hamilton, Miren-Maialen Samper, Mary Minihane, James O’Donovan, Fiona O’Keeffe, Maureen O’Sullivan, Michael O’Sullivan, Carolina Sánchez-Hervás, Annie Sutton, Amanda Woodvine Typesetting & Design: Sarah Brady, Marcin Starkyk Editors: Grace Hillis, Jessica Meaney, Louisa Moss Proofreading: Grace Hillis, Maureen O’Sullivan, Gemma Sidney Packing & Distribution: Sarah Allen, Eithne Brew, Grace Hillis, Mary Minihine, David Robert, Eilís Scully Cover: Photograph © Shutterstock Unless otherwise stated, all photos © Shutterstock

Photo © Marcin Starzyk

Vegetarian Society of Ireland

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

Vegetarian and Vegan Group Listings Clare Veg Group Email: Website: Facebook: Cork Vegans, Raw Vegans and Vegetarians Regularly meet up to socialise and to discuss and promote vegan issues. Email: Website: Galway Vegetarian Group Usually meet on the first Thursday of every month in Massimo’s Pub, William Street West, Galway City at 8pm. Contact Paul Campbell on 085 6872088. Email: Website: GalwayVegetariansAndVegans Kerry Vegans, Raw Vegans and Veggies Hoping to connect vegans in Kerry and anyone else interested in the vegan lifestyle. Website: groups/454762484576907 Kilkenny Vegetarian Group Organises “No Meat and Greets” where vegetarians and vegans bring their favourite dishes to share with others. Omnivores welcome but no meat please! Email: Laois Vegetarian Group An opportunity for people to discuss issues relating to living a veggie lifestyle and offer support to each other. All are welcome: young, old, families and singles. Email: Website: messages/boards/thread/17871992 Meath Veggies

A page for vegetarians, vegans, and those trying to reduce meat from their diet, based in Meath. We will

be organising a Supper Club and events, local to Trim

and Athboy that will be about good food, company, exchanging information in a friendly environment. Website: The Belfast Veg Heads The Belfast Veg Heads is a Group for Vegans and Vegetarians living in Belfast and elsewhere in Ireland to meet, network, exchange ideas and info, and make new friends and hang out. Is your local group missing? Email socials@ and we’ll include it in our promotions. If you’d like to create a group in your area let us know. We can help with leaflets and publicity. The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

© Miren-Maialen Samper

Vegetarian Society of Ireland c/o Dublin Food Co-op 12 Newmarket Dublin 8

VSI - Dublin Meetup Group Meet at least once a month in various Dublin city centre locations. To participate in this group join (free) and then become a member of the group. Contact: Sarah B (Organiser), via Website: VEGAN SOCIAL AND LOCAL GROUPS Galway Vegan Foodies Group For vegans and aspiring vegans living in and around Galway who love to eat! Website: Vegan Ireland Vegan Ireland regularly sends newsletters by email with details of their latest activities, including meetups and information stands. Email: Website: Vegan Sligo Bringing the vegan lifestyle to Sligo. Email: Website:

A vegetarian in the Waterford area would like to arrange a social event for fellow vegetarians/vegans in a child-friendly environment. If you are interested please contact and we will pass your details on.


Deciphering Darwin’s Nightmare:

A Political, Economic and Environmental Analysis of the Nile Perch Industry in Tanzania By Carolina Sánchez-Hervás 21/08/2014

However, much of this profit is kept in the pockets of those at the top of the global value chain, while the Tanzanian fishermen are kept in poverty.

The film Darwin’s Nightmare illustrates the frightening reality of the Nile perch fishing industry in Tanzania. Seafood is one of the most traded food commodities in the world, and developing countries make up more than 50 per cent of the global fish trade by value (Aksoy and Beghin 12). Agricultural globalisation has brought wealth to many, while others have remained in extreme poverty. Pop culture influences of CocaCola paraphernalia along the poverty-stricken dirt roads contrast the stark differences between the rich and poor, and show the impact of globalization in the most remote villages. The globalization of the Nile perch fishing industry in Tanzania has had political, economic, and environmental consequences. At first, developing countries lost ground in agriculture because they imported cheap grain from the US and Europe, but “In six following the second food regime, these countries months, expanded their agricultural there are sector with non-traditional forty-five exports, such as seafood (Friedmann and McMichael to fifty 103). Seafood is price elastic. deaths So the quantity demanded is from HIV/ a function of the price; thus as price goes up, the demand AIDS” will go down, and vice versa. With such a large supply of Nile perch, sellers can offer it at a lower price, which increases the profit margin. 6

In Tanzania, many of the workers are transient because of disease. In six months, there are fortyfive to fifty deaths from HIV/AIDS in a village of 390 people, which is almost thirteen per cent of the total population (Darwin’s Nightmare). Without a permanent work force, Tanzania’s labour will continue in a cycle of poverty. Moreover, a sick work force means less productivity and less capability to meet the phytosanitary standards required by importing countries.

Politics of Fishing There are political and environmental challenges to achieving the phytosanitary standards. Lake Victoria borders Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. Currently there are very few restrictions, if any, on who may fish, and few measures to control fishing mortality. So it has been difficult to establish fishing limits (Aksoy and Beghin 282). Since all three countries use this common resource, negotiating rules that they will each follow is difficult. Uganda illegally uses poisons to stun the fish and bring them up to the surface, which makes it easier to gather them. The EU has consequently imposed a ban on fish exports from Uganda (Ibid. 282). Because the lake is a common resource, poison used by Uganda will also affect catch from Tanzania and Kenya, which could also affect their trade relationship with the EU. For example, in 1997 two people died in Spain after eating fish contaminated with salmonella. The fish had been imported from a Ugandan firm. Spain imposed a ban on Nile perch from East Africa, and several other EU member states followed suit, leading the entire EU to impose a ban (Mitullah 21). Even though the fish came from Uganda, they came from the same source as Kenya and Tanzania’s fish, so from the EU’s perspective, the freshwater fish coming from East Africa were all deemed unsafe, and the ban affected all countries (Ibid. The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

21). Other environmental concerns include fish processing plants which dump raw, untreated waste into the rivers and lakes where the fish are harvested (Mitullah 282). Despite the environmental consequences, many Tanzanians depend on the Nile perch industry for their livelihoods. Since the seventies, the trend in price has been against sellers of raw materials “The Nile and in favour of the perch industry sellers of manufactured goods (Mitullah 477). in Tanzania is Dimond, a factory unsustainable” owner in Tanzania explains “People are totally dependent on the fish around Lake Victoria” (Darwin’s Nightmare). Nile perch were introduced forty or fifty years ago, and before the sixties there were plenty of other fish in the ecosystem. However, because it is an invasive species it has eliminated all other fish in Lake Victoria, its primary habitat. Nile perch production is now a multi-billion dollar industry.

Farmland Potential In addition to Nile perch, Tanzania is rich in uncultivated land, and both foreign and domestic investors have been looking to Africa for new investments (Deininger and Byerlee xxx). Tanzania cultivates less than one hectare of land per rural person, and attains less than twenty-five per cent of potential output (Ibid. xxxvii). While foreign investment can create dependence, it can also help develop this untouched land, create infrastructure and create industries that provide employment for locals, boosting the domestic economy. Tanzania could then focus on producing more plant-based foods that are nutrient rich, such as sweet potatoes. However, in order to attract foreign capital, Tanzania must resolve its political conflicts over land rights and strengthen its land laws, which undermine investment incentives (Ibid xxx). Aquaculture is a new industry that can be lucrative for investors, and currently Tanzania has a large supply of fish. However, aquaculture can also be very input intensive and can exhaust fish stocks very quickly. Tanzania would be better off focusing its vast amounts of land resources on producing more fruit and vegetable crops, which are more sustainable for the future. Foreign investment can help create sustainable methods of production that will maximize crop yields and simultaneously preserve the land. Tanzania is currently the second largest producer of sweet potato in East Africa (FAOSTAT 2012). These tubers are great sources of Vitamin A and are nutrient-dense. According to WHO estimates, 670,000 children currently die from Vitamin A deficiency every year, which The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

contributes to blindness and compromises the immune system (Black et al. 253). Creating a diversified agriculture system will introduce nutrient rich foods into the food system, which can help improve the overall health of the population. The Nile perch industry in Tanzania is unsustainable. The intensity of the fishing is detrimental to the natural ecosystem, and is a short-term solution. Learning sustainable agriculture methods will preserve the ecosystem and provide the population with nutritious foods that they can afford; unlike the fish, which is too costly for the majority of Tanzanians to purchase. Eventually the lake will be depleted of all species including the Nile perch due to over fishing and cannibalism among the Nile perch (who eat their own young) making this industry very precarious (Darwin’s Nightmare). Globalization does not wait for anyone, and once Tanzania’s resources are depleted, the European companies will move on to another country, untroubled, but Tanzania will be left with a gaping hole in its economy, more food insecurity, and environmental destruction. By creating a diversified economy with a variety of crops, the fishermen can seek other forms of employment, which are safer and benefit the land, the health of the population, and the local economy. Carolina is a food and lifestyle consultant and helps people around the world achieve healthier lifestyles through plantbased nutrition. She graduated from NYU’s Food Studies MA program. Her website is

Works Cited Aksoy, M. Ataman, and John Beghin. “Global Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries.” The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank (2005): n. pag. Black et al. “Maternal and Child undernutrition: global and regional exposures and health consequences.” The Lancet, 371. 2008. Web. Aug 2014. Darwin’s Nightmare. Dir. Hubert Sauper. Mille et Une, 2004. Film. Deininger, Klaus, and Derek Byerlee. Rising Global Interest in Farmland. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 2011. Print. FAOSTAT, Février. (2012). Statistical Database (online). www. Friedmann, Harriet, and Philip McMichael. “Agriculture and the State System.” Sociologia Ruralis 29.2 (1989): 93-117. Print. Mitullah, Winne. Lake Victoria’s Nile Perch Cluster: Institutions, Politics, and Joint Action. Web.


Media Roundup Radio interviews LMFM Louisa Moss, PRO of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland, was on the Late Lunch show on LMFM, shortly before Christmas talking to presenter Gerard Kelly about catering for vegan and vegetarian guests at Christmas dinner. This is an outline of what Louisa said: So you have everyone home for Christmas and horror of horror, with vegetarianism on the increase, one of your guests turns out to be vegetarian or even worse, vegan! What does this mean and how can you adapt Christmas dinner to include them? Christmas dinner is something everyone worries about (especially the turkeys!) and we want it to be perfect and memorable. Turkey and ham are such key traditional foods for this time of year, but it doesn’t have to be too difficult to include a veggie option in your Christmas meal. First thing is to find out what your veggie guest eats and if they include dairy or eggs in their diet. If you are having a starter, like soup, the main thing is to ensure that you use a vegetable stock and not chicken or beef. If your guests are dairy-free too then avoiding adding milk, cream or butter is important. Main course Christmas dinner always contains lots of veg and you can just replace the turkey with something like a tasty cashew nut roast (my favourite is a Rose Elliott recipe that we’ve been using for years), but what about the hidden animal fats lurking? For example, cook roast potatoes separately and in a vegetable oil, don’t add turkey fat or juice to the gravy, make sure stuffing is veggie friendly by using vegetable fat. Dessert wise, traditionally Christmas pudding would have been made with beef suet although many recipes now have replaced this with vegetable suet or butter. This would be fine for vegetarians. Brandy butter is also fine. For vegans, you might want to make sure you have some vegan cream, custard or ice-cream to accompany a vegan pudding (incidentally, most of the puddings on Lidl’s shelves last year were suitable for vegans).

Good Morning Vegetarian (Day!) Maureen O’Sullivan, Chairperson of the VSI, was on Good Morning Dublin, 8

on Dublin City FM, on World Vegetarian Day (Wednesday, 1st October). She was interviewed about the VSI, health, animal cruelty and about her own vegetarianism. She talked about our World Vegetarian Day event, the speakers and businesses at it, and also the VSI’s annual vegan bake sale (held in April each year), The Irish Vegetarian and the VSI’s discount scheme.

Other news: VSI Chairperson made fellow at Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics Maureen O’Sullivan has recently been made a fellow at the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. This is an independent centre which was set up by Rev. Prof Andrew Linzey and aims to put “ethical concern for animals on the intellectual agenda”. Its aims include creating an interdisciplinary global network of like-minded academics to advance this. Maureen was offered a fellowship to recognise her contributions from her involvement in the VSI as well as being an academic. She attended their first summer school in July which was on religion and animals. There were over sixty speakers over three days and all the food served was vegan (and delicious!). The position of animals in many different religions was explored and a more positive attitude towards them emerged than what you might expect. Whilst many religions do not ban meat eating, factory farming would be unlikely to be sanctioned and human beings are expected to treat the world we live in and all the animals in it with respect. Several religions such as Buddhism and Jainism do require better treatment of animals and we are obliged to consider them as sentient beings like ourselves. Maureen is planning to put in a paper for next year’s event and has already had a review article on legal aspects of the reintroduction of extinct species (this is an extended book review) accepted for the Journal of Animal Ethics, which will be published next year. Here’s the link to the journal: http://www.

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

Pandora’s Box: Talk on May 27 2014 by Maureen O’Sullivan In May, I was invited to give a talk at Pandora’s Box, by ‘New and Not so New’ in Dublin, Ireland’s biggest Meet-up group. I chose a title of “Meat eating at the species barrier café” about how ambiguously we treat different animals, depending on whether they are companions or they reside on farms. Since the biotechnological age is now upon us, it may no longer be possible to separate these two categories so easily into our neat, if illogical, division of animals into “eatables” and those which we refrain from eating because we enjoy their company. Sheep may be engineered to have human livers: the former goes into the food chain while the latter can be used in transplantation. Hybrid beings and chimeras exist in a world of commodification of artificial molecular structures. The talk gets into uncomfortable terrain around how we classify human beings and acknowledges that we have not always extended full human rights to all people. Aborigines were first included in the Australian census in 1967 and women, children and those with intellectual disabilities are not always regarded as equal either in the eyes of the law or in practice. Various theories have been relied on to justify ill-treatment such as non-possession of the soul, a lack of reason or a perception that some beings do not suffer. We do not consume human flesh, however, because it is considered to be taboo in most cultures. However, biotechnological machinations where human genes have been engineered into crops such as corn might also blur this dichotomy. We are faced with choices of either extending the ambit of human rights to embrace non-human animals or else restricting rights so that only a privileged few benefit from the full panoply. There are various projects and court cases pending around the world to extend a limited number of human rights to primates and cetaceans may also benefit from any movement this regard. The rights of genetically engineered beings are an ethical minefield when one comes to consider The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

what rights they could claim. Property rights can be facilitated through guardianship arrangements but the rights to marry and to receive an education or, indeed, the right to life itself remain currently undecided. The talk took about 30 minutes, there were a few questions and the ambience was very pleasant and friendly. Other talks given at the event were “Taoism and the Tao Te Ching” by Karl Burke and “Crisis in the arts or a new Renaissance” by Caoimhghin O’Croidheain. There were approximately 45-50 audience members including 5 from the VSI.

Maureen goes Dutch! Maureen O’Sullivan was interviewed for Leven (meaning “life”), the magazine of the Dutch Vegetarian Association, as part of its series on vegetarianism in Europe. The types of questions featured included the number of vegetarians and vegans in Dublin, the availability of meat substitutes in supermarkets, ease of eating out in restaurants, national dishes suitable for vegetarians, and recommendations for vegetarian tourists. It also covered the Vegetarian Society of Ireland and other like-minded organisations in Ireland, along with some information about Maureen herself!

Image Copyright Leven magazine


My Gardening Year with Jessica Hamilton

Last year I started a blog on my gardening adventures, As well as people being able to follow my progress, I try to share tips that people can use in the garden. They also have the option to subscribe, which sends them an email when I update my blog. Just like in 2013, the weather was fantastic for growing in 2014. It was only the start of October that I pulled up the last of my beef tomato plants that were growing outside! Last year, I only had my two pop-up greenhouses like I did the year before, and despite them being small for the amount of produce I grew, they did the job well and are a good solution for people who don’t have space for a tunnel/glass house. One thing to note is that they must be placed in a sheltered area or secured down very firmly - they aren’t called blowaways for nothing! I didn’t secure one of mine once and woke up the next morning to find it smashed after a night of gales. Thankfully it was at the start of the season so I was able to restart and get back to where I was quite quickly. For the Season of 2015, I am planning on buying a Polytunnel. Not only will this give me much more undercover space to grow tender crops, it will also give me the chance to experiment with crops that grow best in Ireland under glass (melons for example). I had great success with my sweetcorn again last year and I am particularly pleased with a variety called “sweetcorn fiesta”, which produces the most beautifully m u l t i coloured cobs. They are more for ornamental purposes than for eating but they are apparently great for popcorn. I didn’t have any success last year but I suspect it was something to do with them not being dried for long enough or picked slightly too soon. I have already started planning for this year’s 10

season of growing and will be buying my seeds shortly for the year. I’m keen to experiment with the more unusual varieties as well as sticking with a lot of the same. I also grew an old heritage variety of beetroot called chioggia, which was super easy to grow and they tasted great. They also look fantastic when cut open and the amazing pattern is revealed. I also added some feathered additions to my garden. As well as providing eggs, they give a free slug clearing and soil enriching service! I’ve kept birds before and couldn’t wait to have them pottering around again. I originally started with the 6 hens but then a friend was looking for homes for her ducks and I decided to take them on, too. Sweet peppers also did very well last year. I didn’t have enough space in the pop-up so once they were flowering, I put them on the sunniest windowsill in the house and apart from watering and a feeding once a fortnight, let them do their thing. I didn’t grow large pumpkins last year as I opted for a mini variety called ‘munckin’. They are very cute looking, almost too cute to eat, but they have a nice sweet nutty taste to them and are great roasted whole, or stuffed, or in soups. Courgettes also did very well last year, too well if that’s possible - one minute you have a tiny courgette

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

growing and the next you forget about it for 24 hours and it’s a huge marrow! I mainly grew a yellow variety called ‘goldrush’ but I also had one or two plants of the classic green coloured courgettes (‘ambassador’). Both were very prolific and gave no problems. I had quite a lot of blackcurrants so I had a go at jam making, and made a few jars of blackcurrant and apple jam. I think perhaps I am most proud of my onions. They’re a red variety called ‘red barron’ which I grew from seeds rather than from sets. I planted them in January/February and then kept potting them on until they were ready to be planted out in April or so. They were much bigger than the ones I grew from sets.

Vegetarian Society of Ireland Membership Application Form Please complete the following form and return to Membership Secretary, Vegetarian Society of Ireland, C/o Dublin Food Co-Op, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8 or go to our website and join using PayPal. You can also scan and Email the completed form to and make your payment via internet banking to Bank Of Ireland, College Green NSC: 90-00-17 A/c no.: 38239893 BIC: BOFIIE2DXXX IBAN: IE61BOFI90001738239893. (Please include your name in the narrative) NAME & ADDRESS (Block capitals please) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________ Tel.(H): ______________________________________

Beekeeping might be next venture. I’m going to an evening course this weekend to learn as much as I can. At the moment, I already try to encourage bees and butterflies into my garden by planting lots of flowers. Last year I did Marigolds, nasturtiums, huge sunflowers and a wildflower patch. I also have a windbreak made of purple buddleia which is more commonly known as the ‘butterfly bush’. Bee populations have declined greatly in recent years and as I like to keep my garden ‘au natural’, I’d eventually like to have a hive in my garden - more on that next time! Even when the 2014 growing season was basically over for most, I tried to still tip away over the winter with small salad crops. I think the best thing for autumn/winter gardening is to plan ahead for spring/summer. For example, you can plant kales and cabbages in autumn, overwinter broad beans, grow enough leeks, onions, beetroot, potatoes carrots, parsnips and more to store for winter use. You can also use the remaining winter time to do all the planning for your garden layout, seed buying and any pruning that needs to be done.

Mobile: ______________________________________ Membership Number (if renewing) _______________

I wish to become a member of the VSI. I am in sympathy with the aims of the Society and declare that while I remain a member I will not knowingly consume the flesh of animals (meat, fish, fowl) as food, and I will aim to avoid the use and consumption of battery hen eggs and slaughterhouse by-products. _______________________________ OR, I wish to become an Associate Member of the VSI. While I cannot yet practice vegetarianism at all times, I am in sympathy with the aims of the Society and would like to support it’s work. ____________________________

SIGNATURE ______________ DATE ___________ Choose one of the following subscriptions: Under 18 annual….€10 Adult annual.….€20 Couples.….€35 Lifetime membership….€300 Donation: €10 €20 €50 €100 Total amount enclosed € ______

Photos: Copyright Jessica Hamilton

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

Would you like to volunteer to help the society Yes____No____ Maybe later____ 11

h t 8 2 r e b m e t p e S n li b - Du WorldVegetarian Day At World Vegetarian Day 2014, â‚Ź1102.78 was raised for the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. Thank you to everyone. We hope you enjoyed the day. Thanks to our sponsors: Bia Beauty, Cornucopia, The Happy Pear and Kelkin. We hope to see you all next year!

Photos Š Miren-Maialen Samper


The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

World Vegetarian Day 2014: Some legal matters for vegetarians and vegans to consider.

Address by Maureen O’Sullivan at World Vegetarian Day Introduction My talk on World Vegetarian Day centred around a variety of legal issues that might be of interest to vegetarians and vegans in terms of their rights. A number of sources, including the Irish Constitution, the European Convention on Human Rights, decisions from the European Court of Human Rights, UK law and EU law were referred to and below you can read the hodge podge of laws which may avail us in various situations.

and observance. 2. Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interest of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

The Irish Constitution

UK Law

The Irish Constitution was the first legal instrument considered and the relevant part is Article 44 and what it has to say about the right to practice one’s religion. Vegetarianism could potentially be classified as a religion within the Constitution or more specifically it could be seen as a dietary practice associated with a religion, if such was the case. This is an uncertain area of the law as there is no precedent. The fact that our society is now very multicultural and pluralist means that this provision is now likely to be interpreted quite broadly. It could apply in cases where vegetarian students do not wish to cook meat dishes for state examinations or in school. It might also apply in cases of a lack of provision of vegetarian or vegan food in public bodies such as hospitals or prisons. However, I do believe that public sector workers such as nurses tend to be very helpful and more than a handful are vegetarian or vegan themselves. The Equality Acts also prohibit discrimination on nine grounds, including religion which may be deemed to include ethical beliefs.

In the UK ethical beliefs have been found to include veganism in H v the United Kingdom [1992]16 EHRR CD 44. Environmentalism has also been recognised in Grainger plc v Nicholson [2010] IRLR 4 and this might have tangential importance if the reason for the individual’s veganism or vegetarianism is for environmental reasons. The Grainger plc v Nicholson case held that the belief in climate change is a protected one and ruled in favour of Mr Nicholson, who believed he had been made redundant due to his views on climate change.

European Convention on Human Rights Another legal instrument that can be relied upon is the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 9 which provides the following: 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

European Court of Human Rights There is also some case law from the European Court of Human Rights which has permitted prisoners to claim compensation where they were not provided with vegetarian food. In Jakobski v Poland (7/12/2010), the prison’s failure to provide vegetarian meals for an inmate who was a Buddhist infringed his right to manifest his religion. This case is of interest also because vegetarianism is not an essential component of Buddhism. Nonetheless, a violation of Article 9 was found. In this case it was noted that the dietary requirements for other religious groups are respected. This right is not absolute, however and the courts weigh up issues such as costs and inconvenience. Jakobski received €3,000 as compensation. In another case, Vartic v Romania (ECHR, Dec. 17, 2013) a Buddhist prison inmate’s rights of religion and conscience under Article 9 were infringed when Romanian officials refused to 13

provide him with a vegetarian diet. He received compensation of €3,200.

Religious versus secular practices and beliefs. Other matters for consideration may include whether we have belief systems that are offended by the practices of others. In an increasingly pluralist society, we may experience some changing attitudes towards competing rights. These may include practices which we consider to be excessively cruel such as other religions’ ritual slaughter of certain animals in the preparation of halal or kosher meat. We may have to have extensive public deliberation, debate and negotiation on such issues so that we all come to air our views and hopefully modify abhorrent practices. If this were achievable, would we then be able to challenge secular slaughter practices which involve private or state sponsored slaughter houses? The difference lies in the fact that religious practices are sometimes protected under constitutional provisions – meaning that what is perceived as cruel by some citizens may be defended by others who argue for a religious justification - which do not extend necessarily to secular practices which are not premised on a belief system. With an extension of some human rights to animals, could animals themselves be brought within the scope of protection of religion in some form? Pope Francis has recently stirred some controversy by seeming to suggest that there may be a place in the afterlife for animals. This may mean that we have less justification for killing them for our own needs. If religions deem animals to have a worth in their own right and they are not in the world just to serve human ends, religious apathy about their treatment may be challenged. If we can extend legal personhood to companies, as has been a longstanding practice and more recently to rivers (referring to the Whanganui River in New Zealand), can we logically deny the extension of separate legal personhood to animals? It would seem illogical not to extend such rights, given that companies are inanimate and rivers, whilst living in a sense, are not sentient in the same way that animals are.

Matters arising from EU law One further legal matter which could do with some clarity is the need for clear definitions for vegetarian and vegan from the EU. A new law Regulation 1169/2011 - obliges the Commission to adopt implementing acts to ensure that information relating to the suitability of foods to vegetarians or vegans is not misleading, ambiguous or confusing for the consumer. This labelling does not relate to mandatory information that is provided and only 14

applies where the information supplied is done on a voluntary basis. Some of the relevant excerpts from this regulation are as follows: “CHAPTER V, VOLUNTARY FOOD INFORMATION, Article 36, Applicable requirements: 1. Where food information referred to in Articles 9 and 10 is provided on a voluntary basis, such information shall comply with the requirements laid down in Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter IV.

Maureen O’Sullivan with Deirdre McCafferty, owner and proprietor of Cornucopia 3. The Commission shall adopt implementing acts on the application of the requirements referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article to the following voluntary food information: Article 36(3)(b) information related to suitability of a food for vegetarians or vegans: “At present, there is no deadline in place for the labelling of suitable foods and definitions of the two terms still have to be drawn up.”

Conclusion The disparate bits of information on rights which can be claimed by vegetarians and vegans on various fronts suggest that we may need a legal instrument which gives us recognition as a community or communities and brings certainty to what those rights are and how they can be enforced. Chief amongst the matters which concern me personally is that food which claims to be vegan does not contain animal products and that if I find myself in any form of state care, that my dietary needs are protected as if they were akin to my right to worship.

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143


Spelt Salad with Grilled Vegetables by Roberta Garziano



by Michael O’Sullivan

Vegans eat their Greens, like beans And peas, without The need of meat,

Ingredients for 3/4 people: ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻

300 gr of spelt 750 ml salted water 2 courgettes 2 aubergines 15 cherry tomatoes 50 gr of rocket salad lemon juice (1.5 squeezed lemons) 3 spoons of extra virgin olive oil 4/5 mint leaves 100 gr of grated feta (optional)

Spelt is a very healthy high-protein grain, similar to quinoa or cous cous, and can work as a great substitute to your pasta dishes. I am Italian and spelt is a very common and super cheap ingredient in Italy but in Amsterdam, where I am currently based, was up until now a very expensive hipster choice. Last week though I was very thrilled when I saw it shining in the shelves of Albert Heijn (the equivalent to SuperValu in Ireland) for only 3 bucks! Following up on my enthusiasm, I am sharing a very simple salad recipe, which has become one of my favourite lunchbox treats.


☻☻ Slice the courgettes and aubergines across into chunky half-moons and grill them in a preheated oven at 200° for about 30 minutes. ☻☻ Chop the cherry tomatoes in small pieces and combine everything in a bowl, add rocket salad, salt, pepper and stir well. ☻☻ Place the spelt and salted water in a wok and bring to boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for roughly ten minutes or until water is absorbed. Stir occasionally. ☻☻ For al dente spelt, stick to the ten minutes cooking time. Dress with olive oil, lemon juice, season with mint leaves, and toss with the veggies in the wok. ☻☻ Serve at room temperature. If you are a cheese lover, then you will enjoy a bit of grated feta on top of your dish. Enjoy :)

Eating sweeter Seeds of other Edens, even Bulgur Wheat, Seasoned treats From dreams to Feast on needn’t Even have some cheese, And with menus, Within reason, People do seem Keen to please! So with pizzas They do vegan And with Eastern And Chinese, So you get Religious Freedom When a creed Is your cuisine Seaweed also Feeds a vegan But it’s really Good, it seems, And with peaceful Deeper meanings, Veganism’s More than Meals!

Photo: Copyright Roberta Garziano

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143


Raw Road Tripping Round the Republic Mary Minihane and Maureen O’Sullivan set out from the True Capital [Editor’s note: that is debatable!], determined to sample some of the raw vegan vittels on offer in the east of the country over World Vegetarian Day weekend at the end of September. The first stop was at the Happy Pear in Co. Wicklow where neither of us had been before. I like raw food but eat mainly cooked and Mary is all raw (only in the sense of what she eats! – this is not a memoir!). I had a lovely bean dish with some salad while Mary enjoyed a hearty fruit salad, leaving enough room not only to devour her own dessert but most of mine as well. There were several raw chocolate desserts and while I buy into the raw mantra that a little

Blazing Salads - Photo © Grave Hillis


goes along way, when chocolates taste this good my brain might be satisfied but my taste buds

scream for more. Mary and I nearly had a scuffle over the healthy Twix bar – a twist on Twix – which is vegan but probably not raw! I knew that I wouldn’t come out the better of a scrap with our raw wonder-woman, so I ceded early. Anyhow, she was driving and my thumbs have seen better days… Later that evening we went to Cornucopia where we ate three meals over the weekend. As usual, the food was absolutely delicious with plenty of raw offerings available including soups, salads, juices and desserts. What is great is that many comfort food dishes which are usually off the menu for me are

being veganised, although vegetarians will also find plenty of fare to tickle their taste buds. Cornucopia

also now has a fridge where you can purchase healthy juices and vegan cheeses – a veritable vegetarian, vegan and raw vegan foodie heaven in the centre of Dublin. Our next foray into raw in the capital was at the Dublin Co-Op on Saturday morning. We stopped at a raw food stall called Raw Delights where the owner sells a variety of flaxseed and nut crackers, chocolates and desserts. We decided to get some of the chocolate and strawberry raw vegan tortes to take away and there wasn’t a crumb left! On a more recent visit, I’ve also tried the crackers and they are to die for. We dined at Cornucopia again Saturday evening with some friends/VSI committee members and next day, which was World Vegetarian Day, was busy. I got some food from Nicola who has a stall in the Dublin Co-Op and she does several raw options. Later that evening we headed back to Cornucopia for a Sea Shepherd Ireland fundraising dinner. They had taken a stand for WVD and one of the captains, Peter Hammarstedt from Sea Shepherd Global, gave an excellent talk during the day. We had a choice of soup, main and dessert, along with wine or a soft drink. The staff happily indulged Mary’s raw habits, even though there was a set menu. She had soup, salad and a raspberry and white chocolate cake. The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

The staff were charming and the food was gorgeous. On Monday, we dropped by Blazing Salads for a mid-morning snack where we indulged in a takeaway from their salad bar. We then left Dublin and headed for Healthy Habits Café in Wicklow town. This was a virgin visit for us both. Mary is an excellent navigator and we located the café, parked nearby on a very scenic hill with vistas over the whole bay. The café has an outdoor courtyard with tables and chairs but we opted to stay inside. The food on offer is varied and enticing. You have a choice of pizza or a wrap and Mary got both but ended up taking the wrap to go and ate it later as the meal was so satisfying. I had the pizza which was really rich and tasty. There is a wide variety of desserts which truly tickle the taste buds. The food leaves you really satisfied, is healthy, appetising and pleasing to the eye. I had a blueberry cashew cake with nut cream and thankfully they also serve coffee. Mary had an apple crumble which was very moreish. The meal was very good value, especially when you consider the time spent in preparation and dehydration. After lunch, we ambled over to the shop where I purchased a spiraliser to make raw spaghetti and I also got hold of Veronica O’Reilly’s book, “Raw in a Cold Climate” which has some very interesting and do-able recipes. Healthy Habits Café The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

Cornucopia - Photo © Grace Hillis

also have an online shop where you can purchase equipment and food essential to the raw lifestyle. We finally left, having chatted with some friendly locals who were regular patrons of the café. We went for a walk along the beautiful headland and then made our way back to the car where we headed for home. Next time we’ll have something to say about the raw scene in Cork.



Maureen’s Bean, potato & luxury pepper shepherd-less pie


mixture is beginning to stick.

☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻

4. Add the tomato puree, chutney and the beans. Mix and season, adding some herbs such as dried oregano if desired. You can also add some smoked paprika which will give it an intense

1 red onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, chopped 2 medium sized tomatoes, chopped ½ red pepper, chopped 1 can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed 1 tbsp tomato puree 1 tsp tomato chutney 2 medium sized potatoes, boiled and mashed 1 large carrot, boiled and mashed ½ small jar of Spanish peppers – preferably pimientos de piquillo (available in good delis) but as these are very expensive, other jarred peppers will do ☻☻ Dried oregano ☻☻ Smoked paprika ☻☻ Olive oil

Method: 1. Heat a glug of the oil in a heavy based frying pan on a lowish heat. Toss in a piece of your chopped onion and when it’s started to sizzle, add the onion and 2 of the chopped garlic cloves. Allow to soften and brown slightly. 2. Add the chopped tomatoes and fry for a few minutes till the tomatoes start to break down. 3. Add the chopped red pepper and fry for a few minutes more, adding a little water if the 18


5. Allow to cool and transfer to a casserole dish. 6. Fry the remaining clove of garlic and mix in the mashed potato and carrot. You can add some soya milk or olive oil to this mixture. Season. Spread over the bean mix. 7. Top with strips of the jarred pepper and some of its oil and pop into an oven at around 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Serving suggestions If you want to make good use of the oven, pop a chopped mixture of the following vegetables into a large casserole dish: aubergine, courgette, onion, cherry tomatoes halved, green pepper, French beans and black olives. Either spray with a one calorie spray or else drizzle with some sunflower oil. Season and sprinkle with herbs of your choice. Pop in the oven a little before your shepherd-less pie and serve with some well-washed rocket, capers and grated carrot salad for a truly delicious and nutritious meal. Recipe Maureen O’Sullivan. Photo © Claire Loader

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

MEETUP REVIEWS Cornucopia Vegan BBQ Miren-Maialen Samper

Over the summer, I was excited to attend an unusual event – a vegan BBQ hoedown! The hoedown was hosted by Cornucopia and it was held in the Dublin Food Co-op. I knew about 10 people at the event, including a number of

gear for the occasion and it was lovely to see the different outfits! There was music from ‘The Greasy Coat Stringband’ and some dancing too – it was a hoedown after all! It was a very enjoyable evening with live music and it was great to chat with so many interesting and friendly people. Thanks to Cornucopia and Dublin Food Co-op, the staff, volunteers and musicians.

Staple Foods

Sarah Burnham Staple Foods began as a small food bar in Merchant’s Arch in 2013. One year later it moved to Crowbar on Curved St. (Temple Bar, Dublin 2); a much larger premises with a larger menu. Staple Foods offers salads and juices with a focus on two particular diets: paleo or caveman style eating (which includes meat) and the vegan diet.

members of the VSI Dublin Meet-up Group. The admission fee was €25. There were several dishes prepared for the occasion and we got to try them all. ♠♠ Tofu marinated in a Korean BBQ sauce ♠♠ Seasoned & basted grilled summer vegetable skewers ♠♠ North Carolina style red slaw ♠♠ Organic greens with a poppy seed dressing ♠♠ Home pickled red onion and cucumber ♠♠ Shredded smoked tofu ♠♠ Grilled corn-on-the-cob ♠♠ Arún Bakery breads

On Sunday 16th November thirteen members of the Meetup group went to check out their weekend brunch menu. Everyone enjoyed the selection of dishes on offer; our plates were full of colour and the food was bursting with flavour. The vegan salads on offer included aubergine and almond kofte with a Choban salad of cucumber and mint; falafel plate with root veg slaw, hummus, toasted nuts and a baby leaf salad; Mexican street food salad with toasted corn and black beans; quinoa tabbouleh with roasted mix root vegetables. The vegan sides available were roasted sweet potatoes, raw courgette spaghetti, and bread with guacamole and hummus dips. Drinks-wise, cold pressed juices were freshly prepared on site and a selection of loose leaf teas

The dessert was very good: summer berry cobbler, smothered with vanilla cashew nut cream and chilli chocolate sauce. I particularly enjoyed the tofu and the North Carolina style red slaw. There was also wine available for an extra charge, with a raffle ticket included in the price! Cornucopia’s vegan chef James Burke gave an educational talk and explained how to get the BBQ-ed best from tempeh, tofu and summer vegetables. He introduced us to some new ways of adding great smoky flavours to your homemade salads and sauces and referred to his experience as a chef in North Carolina. Fancy dress was optional and there was a competition and prizes for the best dressed! Many people donned their denims and cowboy/cowgirl The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

and coffees (with either organic dairy, soy or almond milk) were also available. Photos © Miren-Maialen Samper & Sarah Burnham


vegetarian for life

Catering for Older Vegetarians and Vegans Made Easy with New Guide by Amanda Woodvine, Director, Vegetarian for Life

Vegetarian for Life (VfL) launched in 2008, and is dedicated to improving the quality of life for older vegetarians and vegans. A lady with dementia inspired the trustees to set up the charity. She had been a vegan for most of her life and active in the animal rights movement, even running her own charity. However when she developed dementia and went into care in her late 80s or 90s, the care home felt it was acceptable to give her meat to eat because she “would not know any different”. Unfortunately she had no relatives to fight her corner. As well as creating caterer training courses to help put this right, the charity has developed a range of publications. These include a guide to cooking on a budget to help those who are newly retired, a healthy living handbook with easy meals for one, and nutritional guidelines. VfL can also help with grants to help older vegetarians and vegans with independent living – funding stairlifts and mobility scooters, for example. The charity’s newest publication is aimed at those who cater for older people – and is primarily for use in care homes. It is also useful for lunch clubs, home support, and inspection and monitoring purposes, as well as for older vegetarians and their relatives and friends. The guide was sent to every care home in the UK to mark National Vegetarian Week 2014, and has really sparked membership of VfL’s UK List – an online directory of around 800 care homes that agree to cater well and ethically for older vegetarians and vegans.

Getting the balance right Vegetarian meals need to be balanced, both in protein and other nutrients, and this is particularly important for older adults. Unfortunately, many cooks do not know how to best cater for their growing number of vegetarian and vegan residents, who now make up around one quarter of the UK care home population. The new guide gives a good insight into their dietary requirements, providing delicious recipes, menu planning advice, addressing common misconceptions, and with information on health and nutrition to help provide truly balanced and varied meals. Here are VfL’s top tips for busy cooks: ♠♠ In a typical week’s menu, try to include a good mixture of: o Root vegetables o Pulses (peas, beans, lentils) 20

o Meat substitutes (soya protein, tofu and Quorn*) o Green vegetables o Salads and other vegetables o Nuts and seeds o Fruit – fresh and dried o Cheese*, milk* and other dairy products* or vegan versions of these o Bread o Eggs* o Rice and pasta *not for vegans ♠♠ A vegetarian dish may be enjoyed by your meateaters. Variety is good for everybody. ♠♠ Many recipes can be modified to produce a vegetarian alternative with little extra work. Substitute mushrooms or mock meats for ham in quiche lorraine; use soya mince, Quorn or lentils in cottage pie; use vegan fats or vegetarian mincemeat. ♠♠ Some older vegetarians and vegans avoid vegetarian ‘alternatives’ to meat – preferring food that does not ‘pretend’ to be something else. So, again, please communicate. ♠♠ Make full use of your freezer. Make larger quantities and freeze extra portions to save time on another day. ♠♠ Check out vegetarian and vegan alternatives from wholesalers. The range is increasing and improving by the day. You can search for up-to-date supermarket vegetarian and vegan lines via: www.mysupermarket. Catering for older vegetarians and vegans is available free of charge from Vegetarian for Life, 83 Ducie Street, Manchester M1 2JQ. Telephone 0161 445 8064 or email More details and a pdf download of the booklet are available on our website: Vegetarians and vegans are a lot easier to cater for now than 20 years ago. There are so many products widely available and easy to prepare. Vegetarianism is now much more mainstream and the health benefits of a good veggie diet are well recognised. So, caterers should expect to see more and more relatively healthy, older vegetarians and vegans – and please do their best to keep them that way! Here are a couple of recipes taken from Catering for Older Vegetarians and Vegans by Vegetarian for Life.: The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

Vegetarian Society’s Tangy Leek & Ginger Soup Serves 4, Vegan ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻

450g leeks (about 2 medium) 25g vegan margarine 2 small cloves garlic, peeled and crushed 100g potato, peeled and diced 600ml light coloured vegetable stock 5–7 tbsp ginger wine, according to taste 6 tbsp soya cream Salt and pepper to taste, paprika to garnish

1. Remove any tough outer leaves from the leeks and top and tail. Leave as much dark green as possible. Cut horizontally into thin slices, rinse well. 2. Melt the margarine and gently sauté the leeks for

☻☻ 1 large bunch of flat leaf parsley, finely chopped ☻☻ 2 tsp salt plus a very light sprinkling on each layer of the pie ☻☻ ½ tsp black pepper plus a very light sprinkling on each layer of the pie ☻☻ ½ tsp cayenne pepper ☻☻ 1kg frozen or tinned artichoke hearts and/or bottoms, chopped into smallish chunks ☻☻ 300g black or mixed olives, chopped quite fine – enough to enhance the flavours of the other ingredients without taking over ☻☻ 12 large sundried tomatoes, chopped very small with scissors ☻☻ Filo pastry – enough to cover base, middle layer and lid several times ☻☻ Olive oil or a mixture of olive and plain oil for basting the filo pastry 1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC/400ºF/gas mark 6. 2. Heat a little olive oil and sauté the onion until tender. 3. In a separate container, part-blend some of the butterbeans until smooth. Mash the rest with a hand blender – aim for some texture amongst the creamed beans. 4. Add the olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, salt and cayenne. Mix in well. 5. Add the chopped artichoke hearts, olives and sundried tomatoes. Mix in gently. Taste and add more lemon juice/salt/pepper if necessary. 6. Oil a large metal baking dish (about 35cm x 30cm and 3–4 cm deep). Line it with overlapping layers of filo sheets, oiling each layer well. Make sure the sheets overhang the tray so they can be folded back on top of the bake.

minutes until soft, then add the garlic and sauté for a further 30 seconds. Add the potato and stock. Bring to the boil then simmer for about 10 minutes. 3. Remove from the heat and add 4 tbsp ginger wine and the soya cream. Liquidise until smooth, adding more ginger wine and seasoning if needed at the end. 4. Return to the saucepan and gently heat without boiling, stirring all the time. Serve garnished with a sprinkling of paprika.

Viva!’s Artichoke Heart, Butterbean & Olive Filo Pie Serves 20, Vegan

A creamy, rich pie with a distinctive, delicious taste.

☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻ ☻☻

3 large red onions, chopped fine plus a little olive oil 8 x 400g tins of butterbeans, rinsed and drained OR 1.9kg cooked beans 170ml olive oil 120ml lemon juice

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

7. Spoon half the filling smoothly and evenly on top of the filo base. Sprinkle with a little salt and black pepper. Fold over some of the filo layers, add more oiled filo and repeat the process with the second part of the filling. Finish the pie with more layers of oiled filo. 8. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the oven. Allow to cool a little before slicing into portions. Photos: Copyright Vegetarian Society (UK) & Viva!


Climate Change and Agriculture by James O’Donovan According to the IPCC Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use Changes (AFOLU) are responsible for 25% of global green house gas (GHG) emissions. (1) The EU Comission roadmap calls for an 80% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 and a 20% reduction (relative to 2005) by 2020.(2) Ireland has the second highest per capita emissions in the EU.(2) Irish Agriculture is responsible for 32% of our GHG emissions. (3) Globally agriculture contributes to greenhouse gas increases in four main ways:

• CO2 releases linked to deforestation and degradation • Methane releases from rice cultivation • Methane releases from enteric fermentation in cattle • Nitrous oxide releases from fertilizer application Together, these agricultural processes comprise 54% of methane emissions, roughly 80% of nitrous oxide emissions, and virtually all carbon dioxide emissions tied to land use changes. A 2009 analysis by the World Watch Institute (WWI) showed how current estimates of the impact of agriculture may be an underestimate and it suggests that agriculture could be responsible for as much as 49% of GHG emissions. (4) The main reasons the WWI give supporting their estimate are as follows; (4) • The capacity of different greenhouse gases to trap heat in the atmosphere is described in terms of their global warming potential (GWP), which compares their warming potential to that of CO2 (which has a GWP of 1). The IPCC currently use the GWP with a hundred year time horizon, which gives methane a GWP of 25. However using a twenty year time horizon methane has a GWP of 72. Although methane warms the atmosphere much more strongly than CO2, its halflife in the atmosphere is only about 8 years, versus at least 100 years for CO2. As a result of methane’s short 22

half-life, a significant reduction in livestock raised worldwide would reduce GHGs relatively quickly and at a fraction of the cost compared with measures involving renewable energy and energy efficiency investments. (4) • the IPCC does not count the respiration of farm animals (or farmed fish) in their estimates of greenhouse gas production. • the IPCC does not count the carbon sequestration that would be taking place if the land being used for grass and crops for feed were instead forested. Worldwide 75% of agricultural land is used for livestock production. (6) • the number of animals being farmed is underestimated. A key risk factor for climate change is the growth of the human population, projected to rise roughly 25 percent between 2014 and 2050. In the same period, the FAO projects that the number of livestock worldwide will double (6), so livestockrelated GHG emissions could also double meaning attempts at reducing GHGs in industry would still not prevent further warming. Continuing with farming as usual Ireland will fail to achieve its legally binding climate change objectives. Projections show Ireland already exceeding its EU limit in 2017. Despite this the Department of Agriculture’s strategy document, Food Harvest 2020, outlines the government’s plans to encourage substantial increases in meat, dairy, and fish production. This will significantly increase the GHG emissions and related pollution caused by Irish Agriculture while continuing to prevent environmental and biodiversity restoration. Switching to a plant based diet is an easy, healthy, cost saving solution to this massive crisis. One of the main mitigation measures in the IPCC Summary report (5) is to increase the energy efficiency of our industrial processes. We need to do the same in agriculture. A plant based diet is ten to fifteen times more (energy, water, and land) efficient than meat per calorie of food produced. A plant based diet will free up huge amounts of land that are currently used for grazing livestock and growing animal feed. Globally allowing this land to regenerate as forest could potentially mitigate as much as half of all anthropogenic GHGs.’’ (4) (1) climate-change/united-nations-ipcc-working-group-iii-reportclimate-change-mitigation#sthash.RyqCGYjq.dpuf (2) EPA Irelands Environment 2012 (3) Irish EPA emissionsinventoriesandprojections (4) and%20Climate%20Change.pdf (5) IPCC WG3 AR5 Summary for Policy Makers, October 2014 (6) Livestocks Long Shadow, FAO, 2006

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

Cruelty Free Cosmetics Essential Living with dōTERRA Essential Oils by Fiona O’Keeffe

I saw the VSI had invited contributions about plant based cosmetics and toiletries. I have enjoyed using dōTERRA essential oils for the last while and would like to tell readers about them. I discovered them when I noticed my sister had started to smell really nice (not saying she smelled bad before!) and she was the picture of health and less moody than usual (no offence, sis!). I asked her what she was doing differently and she told me about the oils. They were an integral part of her daily routine and they have become a part of my routine, too. dōTERRA essential oils are classified as CPTG – Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. They have been thoroughly tested to verify both purity and composition and have a wide array of uses both for emotional and physical well-being (it would be great if you could smell them while reading!). dōTERRA oils are sourced from the best locations, for example the lavender is from the South of France, the lemon from Italy and the frankincense from Oman. There are single oils such as Rosemary, Lemon, Oregano, or blended oils such as Breathe, a nourishing mix of peppermint, eucalyptus and thyme created to alleviate respiratory discomfort. I start off my morning with a bottle of peppermint oil, which really gets me boosted up for the day to come. I also gently massage the back of my neck with elevation, a mix of lavender, tangerine and lemon, to keep me upbeat. During the work day, I top up my water bottle with a couple of drops of lemon oil. This act has transformed my water drinking habits; before, I wasn’t drinking enough and now I just want more! As a bonus my hair, skin and energy levels have transformed. In the evening, I use DigestZen after dinner to help my digestion process and I also rub some OnGuard on the soles of my feet. OnGuard is a protective blend with a mixture of wild orange, clove, cinnamon, which is a great oil to naturally protect against colds/flus. A few drops of Serenity, which is a mix of lavender, sandalwood and ylang ylang, ensures that I sleep like a baby! You can take dōTERRA oils topically, aromatically via a diffuser and they are so pure they

can even ingested!


dōTERRA had a stand at World Vegetarian Day this year, and a representative gave a talk. d ō T E R R A operates as a membership scheme which allows you to purchase the oils at 20% - 25% off the retail cost. It also educates you on how to incorporate the essential oils into cooking, household cleaning, etc. Prices vary from €15 upwards for a bottle of Wild Orange (15ml). One drop of Peppermint oil is the equivalent to drinking 27 cups of peppermint tea; the precious oils go a very long way and are a fantastic investment into the health and well-being of you and your loved ones. If you would like to learn more about dōTERRA Essential Oils, come join us for a FREE class in Dublin: February 12th, March 12th, April 16th. To secure your invite email fiona_okeeffe@hotmail. com or call (086) 3381431.

Make Your Own Body Scrub by Annie Sutton

You only need a few basic ingredients and from there you can get as adventurous as you want! You will need: ♠♠ White and/or brown sugar ♠♠ oil (my favourites are olive and coconut) ♠♠ a natural fragrance such as vanilla essence or lemon juice. Here are a few of my personal favourite combinations:

Brown Sugar Bliss:

1 cup of brown sugar 1/2 cup of white sugar 2 tbsps of vanilla essence or extract 1 cup of olive oil

Lovely Lemon:

1 1/2 cups of white sugar 1 cup of olive oil 4 tbsps of freshly squeezed lemon juice

Essential Oils Photos Copyright doTERRA corp


The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

Vegetarian Society of Ireland members: why not avail of one of these great discounts with your Vegetarian Society of Ireland Membership Card?

Member Discount Scheme

Active Balance Clinic, 6 Gurteen Park, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 is offering discount to VSI members for selected complementary health treatments. Contact Tomas Ronan for more info. Tel. 0872711215 [10% discount] An Bhean Feasa Health Shop, Unit 1, Clifden Court, Bridge Street, Clifden, Co. Galway. Tel. 095 30671, Email: info@, www. [5% discount]

Cornucopia Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow, St., Dublin 2, [10% Newtownpark Clinic, 7 Rockville Road, discount] Blackrock, Co Dublin Ciara Murphy MH Ir RGN (Master Herbalist and Colon Therapist) D.A.F. Clinic, Lancashire, 17 Inglewood Rd, is offering 10% discount on all treatments, Rainford, St Helens, Lancashire, WA11 7QL. consultations and workshops. Tel: 01 210 8489 Email: or Tel: +44 1744 884173 / +44 7050 396611 [25% off Chiropody / Podiatry / Auricular Therapy / Quay Co-op, 24 Sullivans Quay, Cork www. Reflexology (Merseyside & Manchester) & 50% [10% discount in the shops] on vegetarian and vegan nutritional therapy and profiling (by post, fax & email)] Umi Falafal, 13 Dame Street, Dublin 2 VSI member discount: 15%, Umi Falafal is Delhi O’Deli, 12 Moore Street, Dublin 1. The a 100% vegetarian restaurant (with plenty of first Indian fast food (also known as “street vegan options) in Dublin city centre. They food”) & Indian vegetarian restaurant in Ireland. serve a selection of falafal sandwiches, salads, Tel. (01) 872 9129 [10% wholesome soups and Mezze. Umi Falafal is discount] currently open midday to 10pm.

Anahata Healing, Desert, Clonakilty, Co. Cork (Lomi Lomi Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Holistic and Aromatherapy Massage, Reflexology, Ear Candling, Sound Healing, Baby Massage Classes, Reiki Treatments and Attunements). Tel. Angela: 087 2030869 www. Dónall na Gealaí, Gift Shop, Claregate St., [10% discount] Kildare Town (books, CDs, essential oils, candles & crystals). Tel: 045 533634. www. Arusha Fair Trade,, [10% discount] online gift store (fairly traded gifts including jewellery, bags, home accessories & children’s Down to Earth **NEW** items.) Email 73 South Great Georges Street mentioning the VSI in the subject line, and Dublin 2. They supply a comprehensive range you will get a discount code by return. [10% of health food supplements, vitamins, organic discount] foods and aromatherapy oils. 10% discount (cash) & 5% discount (card payments)}] Au Natural, Payne’s Lane (at Irishtown) Athlone 0906487663, A Healthfood shop specialising in Flying Baby Cake Company, An exclusively quality vitamin and herbal supplements, organic gluten free bakery, all products are vegetarian and natural skincare products and specialist and any orders can be easily adapted to be vegan foods. Offers 10% reduction for members too. They are a scratch bakery and make cakes and cupcakes for all occasions. Tel: 08573737 Ballymaloe House, Shanagarry, Co. Cork. 29 www. (021) 4652531 [10% off [5% discount on vegetarian dishes] orders] Be Organic, fresh, local, seasonal organic fruit & vegetables + 100s other sustainably farmed organic products delivered direct to your door. Tel: 01 8385552. [5% discount] Blazing Salads, 42 Drury St, Dublin 2. Discount can only be availed of at their Drury Street premises and can not be availed of in conjunction with any other offer (such as inhouse promotions and the loyalty card scheme). [15% discount] Bubble Tea Paradise Healthy Café, 3 Rutland St Limerick 061 211 072. Cafe offering bubble teas and fresh juices and smoothies. Baked goods, a salad bar, gluten-free crepes, and vegan breakfast. Offers 10% discount to members. Clare Island Retreat Centre, Ballytoohey, Clare Island, Co Mayo. Tel: 087 2621832. www. or [10% discount on yoga and vegetarian cooking courses at the Clare Island retreat centre] Cocoa Bean Artisan Chocolates Company, Limerick. Tel: 087 7594820 www. [discount on application] Cork Acupuncture Clinic, 50 Cornmarket Street (Above Dervish), Cork City (run by Caroline Dwyer (Bowles), a dedicated and caring acupuncturist). Tel Caroline: 087 2516528. [10% off Acupuncture treatments]


Satyma. 3 Royal Parade, Killaloe 061622751. Natural medicine centre and health store specializing in ayurveda, herbalism, homeopathy, and nutrition. Sells a large range of organic spices, herbs, and supplements. Hosts Ayurvedic, Hatha Yoga, Vegetarian Cooking and other workshops. Offers 10% discount to members. Small Changes.Smallchanges is an online shop and store based in Gorey Co Wexford and offers real alternatives to the Ethical Consumer at an affordable price. They offer a 10% discount to members in both the shop and on online purchases.

Sunyata Retreat Centre, Snata, Sixmilebridge, Co Clare. Tel: 061 367-073. A spacious haven outside the bustle of modern life, Sunyata is perfectly situated for relaxation, meditation, and contemplation. Freelance translator, Patricia Tricker MCIL Cert [10% discount Ed (FE), working into English from French, on retreats and Mindfulness Based Stress German, Italian & Spanish specializing in Reduction] economics, finance, accountancy, company law & archaeology. Tel/fax: +44 1677 450176 The Happy Pear, Church Road, Greystones, Co. or email [10% Wicklow (natural food market with an organic discount] and non-organic produce section, a dried goods section, a world-class smoothie bar, café and Govinda’s 18 Merrion Row, Dublin restaurant). Tel: 01-2873655. http://www. 2 and Govinda’s 4 Aungier Street, Dublin 2 are great places to drop in for [5% discount] lunch or a takeaway. [10% discount applies in both restaurants, The Hopsack, Health food store, Swan Centre, discount not applicable in the Middle Abbey St Rathmines, Dublin 6. Tel/fax 01- 4960399. restaurant] Proprietor: Erica Murray. [5% discount] Greenway Emporium, Market Yard, Bridge Street, Boyle, Co Roscommon. Health foods, The Phoenix Restaurant and B&B, Castlemaine, natural toiletries, baby care products, music, Co. Kerry. oils, plus Fair Trade and ethically-traded. Tel: [10% discount] 071 9664090 [10% off all purchases over €20]. Tivydale Shoes **NEW** Ireland’s importer and distributor of VSI member discount: £10.00 per order Vitamineral GreenTM [20% discount] Vegan shoes, boots and sandles. Enter the discount code Lake Isle Retreats, Inish Rath Island, Upper vgnsoc into the checkout coupon Lough Erne, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 9GN. (Short Breaks, Workshops in vegetarian Traditional Shivam Yoga, Lantern Centre, 17 cookery, meditation and yoga). Tel: 086 Synge Street, Dublin 8, Tel: 087 2034762 1608108. [10% discount] Email: VSI member discount: 10% discount Moher House B+B, Drummin, Westport, www. Adalberto Salles Mollica (Beto) has 16 years of [10% discount] experience with Shivam Yoga and 10 years with Ayurvedic Massage. Nature’s Gold, Healthfood Store, 1 Killincarrig Well and Good, Health Food Store, Coolbawn, Road, Greystones, Co Wicklow. Tel: 01 Midleton, Co Cork. Tel: 021 4633499 [5% 2876301[10% discount] discount]

The Irish Vegetarian - Issue 143

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