7 minute read
There’s a lot of online vegan content right now, with shows, podcasts and events growing rapidly. Here’s a round-up of some of the best and freshest online vegan options to tune in to.
The Animal Rights Show
The AR Show is hosted weekly along with side debates and conversations featuring hosts Nella Giatrakou, Wendy McGovern, Tom Gale-Batten and Roger Yates with guest hosts panellists and contributors and a ‘live’ audience that can engage and ask questions. With the work of Tom Regan underpinning this approach to Animal Rights, multiple subjects are discussed in detail by the lively, uplifting and inspiring group albeit with somewhat dry humour at times. Really good shows, warmly recommended, free to access, with subtitles. Really good for discussions on the use of language in advocacy especially.

The Cranky Vegan
Jake Conroy AKA The Cranky Vegan lives up to his name with a regular ‘3 Minute Thursdays’ session every Thursday. Although generally around 10 – 15 minutes, and yet to be 3 minutes, but nonetheless lively, informative and with a wry sense of humour coupled with a somewhat incisive and sometimes icy stare at some of the movement’s more ‘problematic’ individuals and organisations. Never one to shy away from issues, and rarely short of an ironic quip or two, Jake is much valued by many, whilst unsurprisingly disliked by a few. His monthly patreon goes direct to animal sanctuaries too – how cool is that?

Didim Vegfest Turkey Online May 2021
“Back in 2017, we organized our first Vegan Festival named ‘Didim Vegfest and we reached thousands of people around Turkey to share our idea and showed our country that we have another choice. After that we’ve increased our activity and hosted Vegfest 2018 and Vegfest 2019. Every year our festival has grown bigger and stronger. Besides that our municipality made a lot of Vegan friendly decisions like banning phaetons, supporting vegan restaurants, banning animal experiments and so on. Last year, we had to cancel our festival due to pandemic. Now we think that the time has come ! In 2021 May, we’re organizing our festival as Didim Vegfest Online. Our Festival will include panels, workshops, concerts, fashion shows, recipes and much more.”

Crip HumAnimal
Valuable resource for many and growing, Crip HumAnimal focuses on interconnections between ableism and speciesism - ‘’a space to specifically address the interconnections between ableism and speciesism, animality and (dis)ability. A place to highlight stories of disabled vegans, a place to address the ableism in the vegan and animal rights movement.’’ The website and Facebook page are curated by Geertrui Cazaux, and includes some enlightening interviews and excellent book reviews, amongst a host of other valuable resources , and welcomes contributions https://www.facebook.com/criphumanimal

Dale Vince – ZeroCarbonista
Dale is a multitasker, long term vegan, former new age traveller, founder of Ecotricity (sustainable energy suppliers), and chair of vegan football club Forest Green Rovers (Go on Rovers – about to get promoted to League 1 for the first time, and building a new stadium out of wood). Dale has recently published his first book ‘Manifesto’ in conjunction with John Robb, and his regular podcast ‘ZeroCarbonista’ features guests, chats and discourse straight from the Chairman’s mouth. A real insight into the rapidly expanding and always adventurous, hugely successful but often humble world of Dale. Fair Shout Dale, one of the most inspiring & highly achieving characters in the vegan world right now.

Plant Powered Planet Online Magazine
Plant Powered Planet is coming! Our twin magazine, online and free, just like Forca Vegan. The first issue is out May 1st and will focus on health, lifestyle, products, fitness, animal welfare, conservation, global food supply, the environment, agriculture, innovation and solutions to climate change. Plant Powered Planet will have a more mainstream, consumer lifestyle feel to it, whilst still underpinned by a strong ethical vegan position alongside ethical consumer choices and issues surrounding them. A variety of leading vegan individuals achieving on a number of levels will make up the main substance of the editorial content. Plant Powered Planet will also provide us with a platform to get behind small vegan businesses including the Vegan Traders Union and provide support as they emerge from the impact of lockdown and help showcase a number of new vegan products, projects and initiatives to a growing readership.

Vegfest Morocco Website
Launching very shortly, a brand new website www.moroccanvegan.org from the Vegfest Morocco team promises to be a whole new experience for veganism in Morocco. Developed by the constantly inspirational Simohamed Bouhakkaoui, the website follows in the footsteps of the extraordinary achievements of the Vegfest Morocco Online event in July 2020, which saw activists from across the globe joining up for 3 days of online presentations around the vegan theme, celebrating plant based food and featuring speakers from 40 countries, including North Africa and large Arabic speaking audiences, with all talks available in Arabic, French and English, ensuring a truly global mix of vegan communities represented. ‘Moroccan Vegan’ promises to extend that excellent work and continue to promote an animal friendly way of life across the country and beyond.

VGN News
VGN News is an online vegan global news media and podcast service and “is the source for vegan views, politics and pop culture.”
We have quizzes, updates, satirical posts and a petty podcast to keep you entertained and informed across all vegan issues.’’. The podcast features some really interesting guests including Benjamin Zephaniah & Dr Milton Mills, and the facebook page is lively, updated regularly and never short of inspiration, education, uplifting stories and occasionally challenging and uncomfortable content, alongside that all important ingredient ‘pettiness’ . Unmissable.

VegfestUK Online
VegfestUK have spent much of 2020 producing high quality online events with an emphasis on livestream panels with guests from across the globe partaking. An awesome array of content is available free to access on the Vegfest website including live music, comedy and visual arts galleries alongside presentations on health, fitness and Animal Rights as well as a whole array of other aspects of veganism and the plant based lifestyle. Regular contributions from the Plant Based Health Professionals UK, Vegan Business Tribe, V For Life, The Vegan Approach and the fabulous VegfestUK Chat shows hosted by Karin Ridgers from VeggieVision TV ensures a very lively fun and uplifting series of talks, debates, presentations, panels, films and performance. Free at www.vegfest.co.uk

World Day for Laboratory Animals is on April 24th 21, has been held annually since 1979, and commemorates the suffering of animals in laboratories. World Day for Laboratory Animals has been a focal point for educating the public and legislators about animal testing and the alternatives for 40 years.
‘’With your support we are making progress for lab animals: bans on the use of chimpanzees and wild caught monkeys in EU labs; phasing out the capture of wild monkeys to stock the factory farms; phasing out the use of offspring of wild-caught monkeys (prohibited after November 2022); the cosmetics testing ban in the EU; stopping the Colombian hunters trapping owl monkeys for malaria experiments; most airlines refusing to transport monkeys for research; replacement of animals in teaching and restrictions on certain painful experiments across Europe. But thousands of monkeys and dogs are still being subjected to painful safety tests’’

Collective Fashion Justice
Very informative and well informed – Collective Fashion Justice provides whole insights into global fashion. “Our mission is to illuminate the interlinked injustices in fashion supply chains that harm the planet, and human and non-human animals. By uprooting their intertwined harm, we work to create a total ethics fashion system.” Their Facebook page is full of updates around the theme of fashion, solutions based and populated with some excellent social media friendly shares www.facebook.com/collectivefashionjustice and their website is a fantastic resource for these issues, regularly updated and growing.

Vegan Life Magazine: Podcast with Jake Yapp
New kid on the block – the podcast that is – from well established UK vegan publication and winner of multiple awards, Vegan Life Magazine. The podcast features vegan comedian and presenter Jake Yapp. The first episode aired early March. ‘How do I get my Yorkshire pudding to rise?’ - this and other questions vegans were never afraid to ask, but never got an answer to. Join Jake Yapp and guests talking vegan turkey (other meat substitutes) and lots of great veg! If you are adopting a plant-based diet, transitioning, just plain curious or want some delicious food ideas, this is the podcast for you.