The "Vegi-Service AG, Vegusto" user's logo

Vegi-Service AG, Vegusto

Neukirch, Switzerland

(scroll down for the English text) Die Vegi-Service AG entwickelt und vertreibt ausschliesslich 100% pflanzliche, vegane Nahrungsmittel. Unsere Vegusto-Linie umfasst über 50 Produkte und bietet allen, die ohne tierische Produkte wie z.B. Fleisch oder auch ohne Käse leben wollen, eine ebenbürtige ebenbürtige pflanzliche Alternative. ------------------------- Company overview: The Vegi-Service AG develops and provides exclusively vegetable food, which is suited for vegetarians, vegans and alike for people following a low cholesterol diet or being allergic to cow milk. The vegusto product rage of over 50 homemade products is a peer vegetable alternative for people who want or must live without animal products such as cheese or meat.


vegusto Publisher Publications - Issuu