Design for a just city

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4.2 REFLECTION ON THE JUST CITY INDEX FOR ROTTERDAM With the use of the Just City Index and its value-based indicators, one can create a customized framework that supports designing for spatial justice for an urban context. However, by reflecting on the masterclass there are a few points to keep in mind to ensure the most effective use of this methodology and create sociospatial justice for the city of Rotterdam.

Firstly, the Just City Index is a methodology for a more inclusive and effective design process. It is not to a mere participatory tool alone. But instead a means to negotiate between different communities and also a reflective lens for designers and decision makers to work with. Griffin describes the methodology as emerging from her own experiences as an urban planner and designer in segregated American cities. This framework is the collaborative result of her work with the Just City Lab at Harvard so that other designers, decision makers, educators and researchers have the benefit of viewing their work through a ‘just’ lens and developing their own just processes that will result in equitable and inclusive cities for everyone. It is also important that the use of the term ‘communities’ should not be limited to civil society but inclusive of various stakeholders in the development of the urban realm. This includes the public sector or the municipality, the business sector, institutions and NGOs who are communities in their own right. And while the masterclass chose a testing ground of four neighbourhoods in the city of Rotterdam to use the indicators of the Just City, it should be noted that it can transcend the scale of the neighbourhood. The index can be used in the process of designing objects, buildings, neighbourhoods or urban systems that can have a positive impact on the justice in the city.

What does justice mean for the city of Rotterdam?

Rotterdam is often described as a very diverse city. The city’s name is synonymous as home to over 170 nationalities. However, this diversity does not automatically imply inclusivity. Vera Bauman responsible for the WIJ-samenleving (WE-society), a programme initiated by the Mayor of Rotterdam to address the conflicts that often arise from diverse communities,


explains that while a map showing Rotterdam’s ethnic diversity is varied, an overlay showing average incomes of families will show that there is a lot of poverty amongst minority groups. She further notes that the debate around ‘Zwarte Piet’, a prominent figure in the Sinterclass event, is also a reflection of the lack of sensitivity towards the history of ethnic minorities in the country. The proZwarte Piet movement sheds a light on some colonial biases that have still remained in society and is now a constant source of conflict amongst communities. But Bauman says that key to this conflict is negotiation. The municipality of Rotterdam is slowly reducing the dominance of black-face make-up in official festivities by negotiating between Platform Rutu, a group representing the interests of the Afro-Caribbean community and the Rotterdam Studenten Corps, a prominent organizer for the Sinterklaas festivities. Bauman says that using the value-based indicators of the Just City Index like ‘Compassion’ is an alternative lens to help different groups to come to the same table and negotiate their differences to result in collaborative design and development. But negotiation is not easy. Value-based conversations are complex with so many differences in cultures, economic and educational levels with contrasting value-sets. In a conversation with Roy Geurs from the municipality, he describes that terms like ‘Empowerment’ may differ rather dramatically between a middle-class white Dutch family and a lower-income family from a non-western background. Bauman explains that while Western societies value individuality, democracy and free speech, non-western societies often value community or family more. This difference can cause conflict. Conflict that can be manipulated by political parties. The only way that a city like Rotterdam that can truly be inclusive is by


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