Dinner With Rover (Sample)

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Share breakfast, dinner or lunch with your canine friend Delicious, healthy recipes for you and your dog

Tried and tested by Rambo and his friends

Save money by cooking good dog food in bulk Full of fun and flavour

A truly unique recipe book!

D i n n e r w i t h Rover

£9.99 UK • $19.95 US

Helena Paton-Ayre is an art historian, graphic designer, and experimental chef. This, her second book, came about as a result of her rescued dog Rambo’s hysterical excitement when she cooked treats for him, and the book’s depth increased when she read the chemical contents list of commercial dog food, and decided not to feed it to her best friend any more. Helena – who was born in Split, Dalmatia – lives in what could be described as Baja Canada, in Vancouver, surrounded by mountains and cooled in the summer by Pacific breezes. Her husband and recipe taster, Iain, is an author and photographer who contributed pictures and stories in return for treats and having his ears scratched. The origin of Dinner with Rover was an earlier book idea, 101 Dalmatian Recipes, which everybody believed was about food for dogs: Helena thought that a dog food recipe book was a good idea, and in any case, nobody knows where Dalmatia is. More from Hubble and Hattie:

D og R elax relaxed dogs


relaxed owners

ISBN 978-1-845843-13-7

Sabina Pilguj



01/09/2010 09:54


9 781845 843137

Helena Paton-Ayre


Sharing consciously healthy food with family and friends is very important: now you can include your canine friends without poisoning them. This book is not a bowl of dry pellets: it’s practical, interesting and fun, and features over forty recipes full of colour, flavour and goodness, personally taste-tested by Rambo and his pals. Mouth-watering colour photos of these delicious dishes are accompanied by anecdotes and funny tales about our faithful companions. The more serious side of the book warns against those foods that you should not feed to your dog, and takes a good look at dubious commercial dog ’food,’ how it’s produced, and what goes into it. Veterinary expertise ensures that all of the recipes contain the very finest ingredients that you can feed to your best friend.

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Dinner With Rover (Sample) by Veloce Publishing - Issuu