Cycle and
도시인의 새 친구
바쁜 도시 생활에 익숙해져버린 강원도
지쳐가는 것이 아닌가 싶다. 특히 한국은
디자인, 음악, 그림, 사진 그리고 사람들과
태생인 나에게 아날로그적인 삶을 외치는
어느 나라보다 고속성장을 해오며 권력과
친해질 생각이다. 장고끝에 2009년 시작한
목소리가 조금씩 크게 들려온다. 도시에서의
돈이라는 획일적 목표를 향해 질주하는 동안
벨로시티즌을 통해 세상의 변화 속에서 나의
복잡한 인간관계와 오염된 환경에 대한
우리가 간과해온 정신적 그림자는 더욱 커진
구상을 실현시키려면 그래야만 하기도 하다.
반성이 필요함을 공감하면서도 아직은
것이 아닐까 생각하게 된다. 삼천리 자전거. 나는 이 이름이 아직도
아날로그적인 삶이 사치인 듯 보여지고
다행히도 바쁘게 살아 온 시간을
정겹고 좋다. 그 3000이라는 마크도 아직
성찰하고자 하는 마음들이 점점 한국에서도
눈에 선할 정도로 한 때 모든 사람들에게
지난 몇 년도 즐겁고 기쁜 소식보다는
많아지는 것 같다. 제주도 올레길을 홀로
친숙한 브랜드였다. 안타깝게도 서울
먹고 살기 힘들다는 한숨이 더 많던 시간이
걷는 서울에서 온 아주머니를 보면서 그러한
올림픽이후 마이카 붐이 불면서 자전거는 그
아니었나 싶다. 이제는 시끄러울 정도로
변화를 느낀다. 나 자신도 무언가 마음의
후 20년 이상 한국에서 존재감이 사라졌다.
9시 뉴스를 통해 익숙해진 용어들. 아직
패러다임이 바뀌어야 함을 강하게 느끼고
모두들 새로운 자동차를 뽐내며 씽씽 도심을
불안한 세계경제, 한반도 군사위기, 부동산
있다. 나 자신과 세상을 다르게 바라보며
달렸다. 부의 상징이 되버린 자동차의
경기 지속 하락, 자영업 경기 하락, 청년
새로운 가치를 만들어낼 수 있는 새로운
뜸에서 자전거는 설 자리가 없었다. 그러나
취업난 심화, 물가 상승 등등. 잘 나가는
마음판을 원하는 것이다. 그래서 세상에
만고의 진리는 세상은 변한다는 것이
대기업에 근무하는 내 또래 사람들을 만나도
대해 또 다른 새로운 시각을 가진 책, 건축,
아닌가. 그런데 운 좋게도 지금 내 눈 앞에서
나와는 거리감이 느껴진다.
이제는 퇴사이후의 삶에 대한 고민이 점점
A New Buddy of Citizens A Bike
It seems we had more hard times than happy times to live on last a few years. And maybe most of us are getting sick of a buzz of many gloomy words broadcasted on prime time news such as world economic crisis, military conflict in Korean peninsula, slow-down of real estates, sluggish small businesses, high unemployment rate of young people, world wide inflation and so on. The friends even working at prosperous conglomerates are so worried about their future after quitting. Living
변화를 목도하고 있다. 아직 서울 도심에서
더 커지고 있다. 거대자본과 대량생산이
자전거 타기가 위험하지만 이제 강아지와
촉발한 소비시대를 사는 현대 도시인들의
함께 양재천에서 자전거 타기를 즐기는
마음은 풍요와 편리함 속에서도 조금씩
모습을 종종 볼 수 있게 되었다. 나 역시
The voices for a slow lifestyle are getting louder little by little around me nowadays. I’m already so used to hectic living in cities even though I was born in Kangwon Province, the most rural one in South Korea. I think a slow lifestyle is wonderful especially considering the complicated human relationships and polluted nature environment in urban areas but it still looks unaffordable and out of reach to me.
도심의 찻집, 공원, 한옥촌, 갤러리, 박물관을 자전거로 둘러 다니며 즐기는 여유있고 마음씨 따뜻한 도시인으로 변모해갈 것이다.
Tony Yang
벨로시티즌 대표
President, Velocitizen
through the consumption era generated by huge capital and mass production system, we have been enjoying affluence and convenience but at the same time have been getting tired little by little due to the speed and competition in the system. Especially the historical economy recovery and development Koreans have achieved last a few decades has been making them pursue only power and money and disregard their mental shadow, I think. It is fortunate that the trend that more and more Koreans are looking back on their past lives has been growing up in South Korea since 2007. An old lady from Seoul walking alone on olle track in Jeju Island made me feel the change and also the desire of paradigm shift of my mind, which will be a new
base for generating new values for the future. So, I’m planning to meet books, designs, musics, photos, architectures and persons that have different point of views on the world for securing my new mindset, which I think will be a must for realizing my business of Velocitizen started in 2009. Samchuly bike (three thousand mile bike). It still sounds lovely to me. The Korean bike brand used to be as familiar to Koreans as its logo of 3000 is still fresh in my mind. The my car boom after Seoul Olympic Games in 1988 demolished the presence of cycling in South Korea for over 20 years. All people loved to drive new cars on paved urban roads boastfully. However, fortunately the truth that the world keeps changing is getting realized in front of me now. It is still risky to pedal a bike on general paved roads in Seoul but it can be observed that some people enjoy cycling with their pets along Yangjae stream. Now, I am imagining that I am slowly riding a bike around parks, coffee shops, galleries, museums, Han-ock villages (Korean traditional house villages) in Seoul with a heart of warmness and leisure.
To Special Guests for a New Urban
도시마다 나름의 색깔과 느낌이 있기는 하지만 현대화된 도시에서 연상되는 전형적인 모습에는 아마도 고층빌딩과 자동차가 들어가지 않을까 싶다. 자동차경우 기술의 발전으로 보다 다양한 차종과 편의장치를 누릴 수 있게 되었고 자동차 메이커 사이의 경쟁은 도시인들의 눈과 귀를 빼앗기 위해 치열하게 광고를 한다. 하지만 몇 년전부터 자동차 중심의 도시 이동문화를 도보와 자전거와 같은 인간 중심적인 이동문화와 균형을 가질 수 있도록 전환하려는 움직임이 서울을 포함하여 세계 주요 도시에서 진행되고 있고 이로 인한 것인지는 몰라도 자전거에 대한 관심도 보다 증가하고 있다. 신호대기 중인 고급 외제 승용차를 탄 아가씨의 시선이 자전거 탄 사람들을 향하는 것은 그러한 관심을 증빙하는 재밌는 현상일 것이다. 아마도 그 아가씨는 자전거의 세계가 자동차 보다 오래되고 다양하며 심오할 수 있다는 것을 아직 모를 지도 모른다. 나 역시도 자전거의 세계에 점점 눈을 떠가고 있지만 그 심오한 역사성과 다양성은 늪처럼 나를 빠져들게 하고 그 늪은 나에게 두려움보다는 설레임으로 다가오고 있다. 그런 아가씨를 다시 마주친다면 자전거의 과거와 현재를 볼 수 있는 책 두 권을 넌지시 추천해주고 싶다. Bicycle: The History (2006), Velo: Bicycle Culture and Design (2010).
Skyscrapers and automobiles are probably a typical image of modern cities around the world, even though each city has its own color based on its tradition. Especially thanks to rapid development of automobiles, we can enjoy various kinds of cars with much more conveniences. The competition among car makers world wide is captivating urbanites’ eyes and ears through fabulous advertisements. However, from a few years ago major cities world wide including Seoul have been trying to balance automobile transportation culture and human walking and pedaling culture, which seems to be increasing the interests of urbanites in bikes. It is a good evidence of the rising interest that a pretty woman in a luxurious BMW 525 stopping in front of a pedestrian crossing turns her curious gaze to passing-by cyclists. I think she is probably ignorant about a bike world, which has older and more various history than an automobile world. My eyes are also opening to the wide bike world gradually and its variety is leading me into the world deeper with a flutter. If I will come across such a girl again, I could throw in a memo written with these books of the past and present of bikes. Bicycle: The History (2006), Velo: Bicycle Culture and Design (2010).
Cycle 7
T200 Championship50 Single Speed / Flip Flop (16T Freewheel / 16T Fixed Cog) Reynolds 531 Mg-Mo Double Butted Frame (Cooper Green) Brooks B15 Swallow Saddle (Brown), Brooks Leather Grip Tapes (Brown) Sturmey Archer Crankset (44T / 165mm) Sturmey Archer HBT & Formula TH-51 hub, Mavic Open Sport rims (700c) Sun Race Sealed Cartridge, Tektro R538 Calipers / T720 Levers S: 52cm / M: 57cm / L: 61cm, Weight: 9.45 kg
Following up their strong heritage in motor racing, Cooper has expanded its brand to two wheelers in 2010. T200 Championship50 is a classic racing bike for commemorating 50 years since the Cooper Car Company won F1 World Championship Victory of 1960. Cooper chose Reynolds 531 tubes (The tubes are limitedly reproduced for its 110th anniversary of Reynolds and were a choice of 27 winners at Tour de France from the 1930s to the 1980s.), Brooks, Sturmey Archer for Championship50. Wallpaper Design Award approved T200 Championship50 in 2010 thanks to its simple, elegant, and timeless design with its high performance.
T100 SPA Single Speed / Flip Flop (16T Freewheel / 16T Fixed Cog) Reynolds 520 Cr-Mo Double Butted Frame (High Polish Chrome) Brooks B15 Swallow Saddle (Green), Brooks Leather Grip Tapes (Green) Cooper Track Handlebar (Mustache Type), Sturmey Archer Crankset (42T / 165mm) Formula TH-50 & TH-51 hub, Alex R475 rims (700c) Sun Race Sealed Cartridge, Tektro R530 Calipers / T720 Levers XS: 48cm / S: 52cm / M: 57cm / L: 61cm, Weight: 9.95 kg
T100 Spa is a chrome racing bike. The polished chrome finish makes you be able to see the whites of your eyes in it and top of the range components all combine to make a bike that’s a real head turner. Green colored Brooks bar tape (mustache type) and Swallow saddle make the polished chrome body unique and brilliant. It’s not all about the looks though; T100 Spa is a great ride as well. A lightweight frame and sharp handling make it easy to keep under control with comfort and smoothness.
T200 Reims is a classic road bikes for leisure and light touring with a 5 speed internal gear based on the inspiration of the classic lightweight steel racing bike of the 60s just like Championship50. The naturally calm and stable handling doesn’t prevent it from feeling alive and responsive. It’s a lovely, fluid, easy going ride that rewards smooth inputs with surprising pace and long haul comfort. It’s. T200 Reims hugely satisfies the eye and the body – it rewards discernment in both with a simply beauty and a great ride.
T200 REIMS Five Speed (Internal Gear) Reynolds 531 Mg-Mo Steel Frame (Classic Cream) Brooks B15 Swallow Saddle (Brown), Brooks Leather Grip Tapes (Brown) Sturmey Archer Crankset (44T / 165mm), Sturmey Archer HBT & S-RF5 hub Mavic Open Sport rims (700c), Sun Race Sealed Cartridge Tektro R538 Calipers / T720 Levers S: 52cm / M: 57cm / L: 61cm ,Weight: 9.60 kg
The T250 Aintree is the first ladies’ bike in Cooper line-up, but like its brothers it is essentially a handsome new model masquerading as a lovely old one. Some of the retro touches are pleasing like the Brooks leather saddle and handlebar tape. There are five secret gears in the hub on the back wheel. Hub gears are low-maintenance, so are perfect for jobbing cyclists, as is the chain guard, which protects your calves from the bike’s oiliest bits.
T250 Aintree Five Speed (Internal Gear) Reynolds 531 Mg-Mo Steel Frame (Sloping Top Tube / Powder Blue) Brooks Team Professional S Saddle (Black). Brooks Leather Grip Tapes (Black) Sturmey Archer Crankset (44T / 165mm), Sturmey Archer HBT & S-RF5 hub Mavic Open Sport rims (700c), Sun Race Sealed Cartridge Tektro R538 Calipers / T720 Levers, Stainless Steel Chain Guard XS: 48cm / S: 52cm / M: 57cm, Weight: 9.60 kg
With the aggressive styling of a track bike, T100 Sebring feels solid and is great for city life with their low maintenance and practicality. Its bullhorn handlebar gives extra hand positions for extra comfort. Its 165mm crankset prevents a toe overlap. The Sebring sliver color looks also fabulous.
T100 Monza has an aggressive styling of a track bike, combining confident, sharp handling with comfort and smoothness. So, the bike is quick and agile based on the real zing of a quality steel frame. T100 Monza has the same specifications with T100 Sebring except the color (Monza Blue) and the flat handlebar.
T100 Monza
Single Speed / Flip Flop (16T Freewheel / 16T Fixed Cog) Reynolds 520 Cr-Mo Steel Frame (Sebring Silver) Brooks B15 Swallow Saddle (Black) Sturmey Archer Crankset (42T / 165mm) Formula TH-50 & TH-51 Hub. Alex R475 rims (700c) Sun Race Sealed Cartridge. Tektro R530 Calipers / T720 Levers XS: 48cm / S: 52cm / M: 57cm / L: 61cm, Weight: 9.95 kg
the same as T100 SEBRING spec
T100 Zandvoort comes with 3 speed Sturmey Archer with gear change twist grip and has the other same specifications with T100 Monza. The 3 speed gear gives the Zandvoort much more of a mile-eating ability and makes us to cope with most inclines and high enough to spin along at a decent pace. Color: Gun Metal. Weight: 10.0 kg
T100 ZANDVOORT the same as T100 SEBRING spec
T250 Oporto and so forth Cooper is planning to keep launching new models like T250 Oporto along with its premium accessories in 2011. T250 Oporto will be a premium urban street bike with luggage carriers and fenders. It will be launched along with Cooper bags in April 2011 and followed by T300, T350, and T400, which will be introduced at Euro Bike in 2011.
Cooper Bags Designed by Ally Capellino Using Columbus steel tubing and S-and-S couplings Gravel Racer can be easily disassembled and packed into their signature waxed canvas and leather carrying case
Strada frame is traditionally built, hand crafted cycle frames, exquisitely produced in a small workshop near Treviso, Italy, employing age old artisan techniques to create a masterpiece in Italian steel like Dedacciai Zero Replica HTS. The frame is beautifully made with liberal amounts of hard chrome and engraving. The frame has a 130mm rear space and is amazingly light, at just over 1700g for a 55cm frame, forks and a Campagnolo record headset.
Strada Frame Hand Crafted in Treviso, Italy Dedacciai Zero Replica HTS (Tuscan Cream) Vertical Dropout with a 130mm Rear Space English Type BB
Dedacciai Zero Replica HTS Dedacciai Zero Replica HTS is the top class tubes among its new generation Zero Replica tube series. Outstanding technical characteristics, unequalled to-date its category thanks to its special quality of steel employed and developed by Dedacciai. It is now possible to manufacture incredibly light, high performance frames. This is an alloy steel frame HSLA (High Strength Low Alloy) high-resistance, micro-alloyed which offers superior mechanical characteristics with maximum strength which can reach 1400 N/mm²thanks to its special thermal treatments. The specific chemical combination prevents brittleness and selfhardening phenomena which can take place in the cooling-down phase following frame assembly. The presence of low percentages of carbon, elements of magnesium, chrome, molybdenum and vanadium guarantee weld ability and pliability. These are two fundamental characteristics which allow the material to mould into the desired forms and dimensions.
Pista Frame Hand Crafted in Treviso, Italy Dedacciai Zero Replica HTS (Tuscan Cream) Horizontal Dropout with a 120mm Rear Space and Straight Forks English Type BB
This Dromarti road bike is the first built one in South Korea by mainly using Campagnolo classic parts. It took about three months to gather suitable silver tone parts and assemble them. Wine color is used for highlighting the bike. In a couple of months, two new complete versions of Dromarti are considered to be built up with: (1) Dromarti Strada frame plus Campagnolo 10 speed Chorus groupset with Brooks Swallow saddle and tape (Brown), (2) Dromarti Pista frame plus a Rolf Prima P-Town silver wheelset, a Paul Components silver crankset with Brooks saddle and tape (Brown).
Dromarti Strada Frame + Campagnolo Classic Parts Dromarti Strada Frame (49cm), Campagnolo Chorus 8 Speed Groupset Crankset (170mm), Front and Rear Derailleur, Brake Lever Set, Brake Front and Rear Caliper Aero Seatpost, Campagnolo Record Headset, Campagnolo Record Bottom Bracket (English Type) Campagnolo Record Cassette (12T ~ 23T), Campagnolo Record Chain Campagnolo Scirocco Wheelset (Silver), Campagnolo Ergopower Cables and Casings San Marco Super Corsa World Champion Saddle, Nitto Classic Handlebar, Deda Handle-bar Tape (Wine) TA Classic Pedals, IRIS Classic Kevlar Tires
Sรถgreni Classic The Sรถgreni classic bicycle - also called the Louisiana model - is an elegant simplistic model. All parts are made at a workshop of Sรถgreni, which means this bike is so unique and special. In 2008, Sรถgreni collaborated with Georg Jensen, a world famous Danish design house where inspired artisans were encouraged to carry on the tradition of mixing expert craftsmanship with forward-thinking design in Denmark. The bike for George Jensen was almost based on this model.
수년 전부터 친환경 웰빙의 트렌드는 전 세계적인 범위로 거의 모든 산업영역에 영향을 미치며 신사업 아이디어들을 쏟아내고 있다. 누적된 환경문제의 해결이 글로벌 과제로 부상하고 산업화 과정을 거쳐오며 지친 사람들의 마음과 몸이 절묘한 타이밍에 교차하면서 거스를 수 없는 대세로
굳어지고 있다. 이러한 트렌드는 자전거 사용이 생활화된 영국과 독일 그리고 일본 등의 선진국에서도 도심에서의 자전거 이용을 정책적으로 권장하면서 새로운 자전거 관련 신규업체들이 출현하며 기존에 없던 새로운 도심형 자전거 관련 제품들을 출시하고 있다. 벨로시티즌이 제공하는 대부분의 Urban Cycling 제품들 또한 최근 2, 3년 전에 설립된 신생회사들의 제품들이다. 하지만 쉽게 쓰고 버리는 인스턴트 제품이 아닌 오랫동안 사용하며 정을 줄 수 있는 timeless items들을 제공하고자 하였다. 몇 년 전부터 일고 있는 복고풍 유행도 자전거 시장에 영향을 미쳐 클래식 스타일의 자전거와 액세서리도 증가할 것으로 예상된다. 이렇게 보다 다양하고 개성 넘치는 자전거 문화가 형성되어 가는 과정을 지켜보는 것도 매우 흥미로운 일이 될 것 같다.
Eco-wellbeing trend has been spreading over the world and stirring almost industries to find out new business ideas relating to the trend from a few years ago. The cumulative pollution issues of nature environment and the tired minds and bodies due to the speedy industrialization are boosting the trend up to an undefiable mega trend. By support of the trend, even nations like the UK, Germany, Japan etc. where cycling is already pervasive are encouraging more people to ride a bike in urban areas, which is leading new bike related companies to launching new unique and sensuous urban accessories and parts. The urban cycling products Velocitizen is offering are almost made by new businesses established a couple of years ago. Strategically, Velocitizen focused on selecting timeless items which can be used for a long time and be a part of our hearts rather than instant products. It is also expected that retro fashion rising for a few years will make classic bikes and accessories grow gradually. It will be a great fun to see cycle culture get more various and fashionable in South Korea along with the rest of the World.
P-Town Wheel size: 700c, Category: Town / Single Speed Weight: 1595gm set [745gm/850gm] Weight - Eccentric ENO: 1655gm set [745gm/910gm] Spoke Count: Bladed 14F/16R, Rim: 34mm Alloy Clincher Hubs: Flip-Flop Single Speed, Rear Spacing: 120mm and 130mm (130mm also Available with White Industries Eccentric ENO) Weight Tolerance: 85kg, Color: Silver, Black
Named after our neighboring city, Portland, Oregon, the P-town is the wheel we all wanted and couldn’t wait to build. It’s that shininess that’s the first thing you notice about the P-Towns – the polished finish draws your eyes. The other thing you notice is the fact they look so lovely. The next thing you notice is how few spokes are holding them together, a measly 14 on the front and just 16 on the rear, less than half of what most normal bike wheels have. The deep aero section of the rim and the sparse bladed spokes make for a very aerodynamic set of wheels which would be competitive on the track or time trialing and they are remarkably well behaved at speed and don’t suffer too much from side winds as long as you keep your speed up. The rim sidewalls are CNC machined for smooth and consistent braking. The wheels are laced using paired spokes where the left and the right meet at the rim which allows the spokes to neutralize the lateral force of the opposed spoke which makes us achieve exceptionally high spoke tension creating a very strong wheel indeed with less spokes and less material in the rim and therefore less weight. The internal alloy nipples with nylon inserts contribute to clean aerodynamic performance and superior, long-term durability but forget being able to just tighten up a spoke if it was to come loose without having to remove the wheel and tire! Patented, Jacketed Nipple Design™ and Dish Reducing design™ reduce spoke bending loads and rear wheel dish to increase spoke fatigue life.
The Sögreni design concept has always placed attention on the functionality of the product which together with the company’s attention to quality ensures the product’s durability. From the start, Sögreni has known that quality in all aspects of our products is paramount to success. Therefore Sögreni only uses the highest quality materials, parts and production techniques. In fact, Sögreni takes quality so seriously that all our products are to some extent hand crafted and all are individually screened for quality.
Sögreni Light
Sögreni Pedals
Sögreni Bells
Sögreni Trouser Clip
Handmade Long-Lasting Diode Lamp Burning 40 Hours on Each Battery Three Metal Types: Aluminum, Copper, Brass Mounted with either Silicon Straps or with Special Fittings Length: 9 cm
Classic Flat Pedal Color: Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Aluminum Glass blasted
Classic and Simplistic Look Four Metal Types; Stainless Steel, Copper, Brass, Zinc (each material offering distinctive tone variations)
Made of Aluminum and a Silicone Strap Color of Silicone Strap: Black, Transparent
Tommyca was found in June 2005 and the name of Tommyca was given after Mr. Tommyca Freidman – audio industry pioneer, mentor, and a close friend to Eran Schule, its CEO. Tommyca is operating in the outdoor entertainment market providing CE space solutions. The company has launched a bicycle audio system (TCS line) in 2009 as its first category. Eran used to work for 9 years at Altec Lansing USA as a Senior Vice President of Engineering and Manufacturing. He had an active role at Altec Lansing Turn around (2003) as a member of the steering committee, which successfully helped to lead the transformation of the company to a world-class, high technology provider of innovative consumer products.
Tommyca MuShower Music Formats: MP3, WMA, WAV player, Ultra Efficient Class D Amplification Bass Encasement Algorithm for Max Performance, Worldwide Digital FM Tuner, 30 Preset Stations Static-Free and Crystal-Clear Radio Reception, Clear and Powerful Sound Based on 7 Patents Pending Speaker Techs Rain Resistance and Sealed Speaker Enclosures, Mini USB (2.0 High Speed) for Charging and Downloads 6 Preset Equalization Settings, Rechargeable High Performance, Lightweight 1800mA NiMh Batteries 6 Hours of Playback Time (At Medium Level Volume), External Source via 3.5mm Auxiliary Input Internal Memory: 1GB (TCS3100) / 2GB (TCS3200), Color: TCS3100: White or Red / TCS3200: Black, Length: 20.5cm / Weight: 345gram
Be a Part of Seoul
Cooper of London
Outlier of New York
DZR shoes of San Francisco
Outlier firmly believes that the bicycle is the best form of urban transit for the 21st century, and our clothing is designed to make that fact even more true. Your clothing should work as well on a bicycle as it does on the subway or in a car, without shouting to the world “I’m a cyclist.” Outlier is a clothing company first, not a cycling company. But it is a clothing company that designs simple, good looking and hard wearing garments for a world where bikes are a part of your daily life. Its goal is always to produce future classics. Garments that work as well half a century down the road as they do today. They believe in making the highest quality garments possible and they sell them at the best possible prices. They refuse to compromise on quality and ethics. They use the best materials for the job and make sure they meet the highest environmental standards. They keep production values sky high while keeping the work local.
The concept of DZR shoes is for the answer to a simple need – that of balance in life both on and off the bike. DZR shoes combine an SPD compatible midsole with a vulcanized natural rubber outsole and handsome uppers to make for some very appealing urban cycling shoes. DZR was born out of the passion for riding by a couple of experienced designers. Their path stems from a lifetime riding every discipline from dirt to concrete and terrain all over the globe. Their life is the bicycle, they feel at home free riding mountains and ripping through the city streets. They’ve lived in many places and called many cities home – it is with this nomad lifestyle and dedication to product design and development that they introduced what they call DZR.
The Origins of Cooper Bikes Model
1946, Charles and John Cooper formed the Cooper Car Company. Their aim was to produce pure bred racing cars. The first cars to roll off their new production line were the Cooper 500 F3 cars. These little machines powered by 500cc motor cycle engines, went onto a great success, with drivers like Stirling Moss at the wheel.
MONZA (1959. 09. 13) The famous Monza circuit was home to the 1959 Italian Grand Prix. Stirling Moss wins the race in his privately owned Rob Walker Cooper T51. In 1959 The Monza circuit was famous for its high corner banking, a feature that was to disappear in the sixties due to the dangers. SEBRING (1959. 12. 12)
Then Cooper went into F2 with the Cooper Bristol again with drivers like Mike Hawthorn and Fangio, victories followed. It was not long before the company decided Sögreni to have a go at Formula 1, the pinnacle of motorsport. In 1959 and 1960 Cooper won the coveted prize with Jack Brabham becoming F1 champion. Cooper now was regarded as the world largest manufacturer of pure bred racing cars.
Bruce McLaren wins the final Grand Prix of 1959 the United States Grand Prix held at the Sebring circuit. The winning car is the 2.5 T51 Cooper. Jack Brabham makes it a One Two for Cooper’s. It was after this Grand Prix that John Cooper and Jack Braham realized the competition was catching them up .John and Jack designed
A 123 for Cooper’s at the French Grand Prix held at the famous Reims circuit. Again Jack Brabham wins in the Cooper T53. John Cooper enjoyed winning at Reims as the team that had the fastest car won one hundred bottles of France’s finest Champagne! AINTREE (1959. 07. 18) Jack Brabham wins British Grand Prix at Aintree. The car is the 1959 Grand Prix T51 Cooper, chassis number F2-27-59. Today Aintree is famous for its Horse Racing, however Aintree motor racing circuit was the home of British Grand Prix in the early and late 1950’s.
the all new 1960 GP car on the aeroplane on the trip home.
OPORTO (1960. 08. 14)
SPA (1960. 06. 19)
The Portuguese Grand Prix was held at the Oporto circuit. Jack
Just two weeks after the win in Holland, Cooper’s scoop another one two at the legendary Spa circuit in Belgium. Jack Brabham winning with Bruce McLaren second. The Spa circuit today retains
In October 1961 the Mini Cooper was created, the inspirational Mini with Cooper’s tuning expertise. Film stars, rock stars, and even Royalty loved their Mini Cooper. The Mini Cooper S became the car to beat during this time at race circuits, the little cars going on to win the Monte Carlo rally three times (You can see the champion Mini Coopers at the Heritage Motor Center in Gaydon, Warwickshire). After continuing to tune the classic Mini, BMW introduced the new Mini Cooper. It was not long before Mike Cooper and his team created the world fastest Mini, John Cooper Works. Today the story continues with the introduction of Cooper Bikes.
REIMS (1960. 07. 03)
Brabham won his fifth successive Grand Prix in his faithful F2.8.60 T53 Cooper Climax. The victory assured Jack th
some of the awesome features of yesteryear. ZANDVOORT (1960 06. 06) Jack Brabham wins the Dutch Grand Prix in the Lowline T53 Cooper. The new design Cooper was a real force in 1960, the competition struggling to keep with Cooper’s pace. The Zandvoort Grand Prix is famous for it’s proximity to the beach, where sand would often blow in and cover some parts of the circuit.
Outlier of New york
Sögreni of Copenhagen
Outlier firmly believes that the bicycle is the best form of urban transit for the 21st century, and our clothing is designed to make that fact even more true. Your clothing should work as well on a bicycle as it does on the subway or in a car, without shouting to the world “I’m a cyclist.” Outlier is a clothing company first, not a cycling company. But it is a clothing company that designs simple, good looking and hard wearing garments for a world where bikes are a part of your daily life. Its goal is always to produce future classics. Garments that work as well half a century down the road as they do today. They believe in making the highest quality garments possible and they sell them at the best possible prices. They refuse to compromise on quality and ethics. They use the best materials for the job and make sure they meet the highest environmental standards. They keep production values sky high while keeping the work local.
Sögreni was established by Sören Sögreni in 1981, first building a reputation for unique and contemporary designed bicycles. In acknowledgement for his contribution to Danish design he was nominated as Danish designer of the year 2002. Bikes, by virtue of price and durability, permit advanced, timeless, bizarre, but also perfect functionalism, combined with all kinds of crazy notions. This is the concept fundamental and essential to Sögreni; a concept which has proved viable since its introduction to the Danish market in the late ‘70s. In recent years Sögreni has turned their concentration toward the development of bicycle parts, taking advantage of access to new materials and treatments. The result is a bicycle of timeless, though quite modern, design.
요즘 나의 트위터 following 리스트중에 cycle chic이라는 단어를 가진 트위터들이 하나씩 늘고 있다. Chic는 최근 자주 TV에서 사용되는 세련되고 멋지다는 의미의 유행어다. Cycle chic이니 자전거를 타는 멋쟁이라는 뜻일 것이다. 나름 조사를 해보니 그 단어의 발상지는 덴마크 코펜하겐인 듯 하고 현재 이 단어를 사용하는 자전거 커뮤니티들이 영국 런던, 스페인 바르셀로나, 네덜란드 암스테르담, 벨기에, 헝가리 부다페스트, 호주 시드니, 미국 뉴욕으로 번져가고 있다. 이런 자전거타는 멋쟁이가 되려면 자전거와 잘 어울리는 의류나 액세서리들이 함께 있어야만 가능할 것이다. 영국의 cycle chic이라는 상호를 가진 웹스토어를 보면 이러한 자전거 액세서리에 대한 욕구가 창업동기였음을 알 수 있다. 스포츠 중심의 자전거 문화인 한국의 경우 케쥬얼한 차림의 cycle chic이 그리 많지 않지만 최근 자전거에 관심이 많은 차도남과 차도녀들이 생각보다 빨리 늘어나면서 cycle chic은 TV에서도 조만간 언급되는 신조어가 되지 않을까 싶다.
Cyclechic was born out of frustration with the lack of stylish cycling accessories on the market. I had cycled in London for a year or so and whilst I loved the elegance of breezing though the streets on two wheels I was constantly frustrated by cycling’s overridingly geeky image. To me cycling has always been a practical, ladylike way to get around but I knew it was a geeky pursuit that required a heavy layer of Lycra and polyester. This was largely down to the manner of the accessories/ clothing on the market. I searched high and low for items that would fit in with a modern woman’s wardrobe and that would enhance one’s cycling style rather than leave you crying in shame. We hope to keep pushing people’s perceptions of cycling and encourage more women to take to wheels by providing products and advice that make sense to the modern woman. - Caz Nicklin at Cycle Chic in London
ABUS is a German company offering personal protection and security for their property whether at home, work or on the road. ABUS has locks, helmets, bike bags in their mobile security category and has a full line-up of bicycle helmets even for children. Among various helmets they have, Urban-1 is its representative urban helmet awarded by Reddot Design in 2009 thanks to its compact design, ultra light weight, and multi functions. It is also good for sporting riders for MTB or road cycles because of its light weight and enough venting.
Urban-1 In-Mold Technology to Bond the Shell to the EPS foam Zoom Adjustment System for Perfect fit and Exact Adjustment Air Streaming Channel with 15 Openings and 6 Vents Built-in LED Tail Light and Rear Reflector Soft and Comfortable Straps and Paddings Easy-Care Surface Gumming, Front Fly net / Detachable Visor Color: Black, Logo Grey, Titanium Grey, Tweed Red, Shiny Red, Yellow Weight: 265gram (M) / 285gram (L) / 300gram (XL)
Abe and Tyler were grappling with the challenge of how they could ride our bikes to work and show up looking crisp, fresh and clean. There is something so amazing about the feeling of riding over the bridges and through city in the morning. Of course there is nothing ruder than the realization that you just can’t do it today. Some client meeting, some chance of rain, some date that night that leaves you realizing you can’t bike, and your heart sinks. They hated that feeling and they started looking for the clothes that would liberate us from that constraint. They still hadn’t met but both of them were looking for the same thing. And when they couldn’t find it, both of them started figuring out how to make it and OUTLIER was born. After launching various kinds of urban cycling wears for over three years, OUTLIER is getting known world wide about classically tailored garments made with the best technical fabrics around. Clothing that looks great no matter where you are in the day, riding to work, meeting with clients, or out on the town.
57 71
Waxed Cotton Caps
Super 100s Caps
Spring Storm Caps
This cap is designed to fit solid, look great and age to perfection, made in collaboration with master milliner Victor Osborne ( Not just another flimsy cycling cap, but a premium garment that is wind proof, water resistant and ready for those crisp morning rides season after season. Made in New York City from waxed cotton. Color: Black, Tan, Blue, Green, Crimson Red. Size: S / M / L. Victor Osborne, 27. A Fashion Institute of Technology graduate, he has worked under various accessories designers, among them esteemed milliner Eugenia Kim. He started his own line in 2005 in New York.
Made in collaboration with our friend and master milliner Victor Osborne and designed with the highest attention to detail. These caps are all made from Super 100s or better, which means they will have similar performance qualities to our premium merinos. Perfect for riding across town and still looking refined and sophisticated on your next date. Cut and sewn in New York City. Color: Bluish Grey, Deep Charcoal. Size: S / M / L.
Made from a beautiful waterproof and breathable Loro Piana wool that flawless combines form and function. The form has been tweaked just slightly from last years Summer Storms as we continue to seek perfection. With any luck this is a cap you’ll be able to give to your grandkids someday. Made in New York City for style and quality. Color: Blue, Olive. Size: S / M / L.
Tailor made for the slack triathlete, bike to the beach, swim a little and then get busy in the beer hall, all without changing your shorts. Pack light, move quick, and enjoy those long days in the perfect pair of shorts. It’s summertime, time to enjoy the good life. Made in New York City with Swiss fabric. Color: Slate Gray, Black, Burgundy and Mid-Gray.
Summer Shorts Schoeller Dryskin Extreme fabric with self-cleaning nanosphere treatment 80% Nylon, 10% Polyester, 10% Elastane Midweight doubleweave twill: 240g per square meter Medium cut: 8� inseam, belt loops, internal draw cord, and mesh pocket inserts Very high breathability, Decent water resistance, High dirt resistance High coffee and wine resistance, Mild grease resistance 4 way stretch, High durability
The Life & Times of the G9 Harrington Jacket Baracuta Jackets are one of Britain’s greatest contributions to menswear. The G9 is the original Harrington jacket, much copied but the definitive is only made by Baracuta. We’ve been dressing icons & legends in our G9 jacket since 1937, from McQueen, Elvis & Sinatra to Liam Gallagher and Daniel Craig. In addition to the legendary G9 Jacket, Baracuta has been launching a variety of casual wears like G7 James cycling jacket
G7 James Cycling Jacket 100% Polyester Original Fraser Tartan Mesh at Yoke Taped Seam Waterproof Construction Baracuta Tonal Chest Embroidery 2 Front Entry Zip Pockets & Baracuta Branded Studs Color: Bright Red
The bag you carry says almost as much about you as what you put in it, so you had better choose carefully. Mission Workshop is one of the best places to start. Mission Workshop has lived and breathed bags for over a decade and function always leads form. Their bags are made in Colorado, featuring laptop-sized pockets, water-resistant urethane coated zippers, rugged internal frame, and a removable waist belt (optional). This bag is perfect for both everyday use and traveling. It has a sleeve that holds a notebook perfectly and expands to keep your 4 day trip to a carry on size.
Mission Workshop Roll-top Backpack An Expandable Main Cargo Compartment Laptop-Sized Pockets Water-Resistant Urethane Coated Zippers A Rugged Internal Frame Front Accessory Pockets A Removable Waist Belt (Optional) Size: Vandal (L), Rambler (M)
Mission Workshop Messenger Bag A Weatherproof Roll-top Main Compartment An External Laptop Compartment with Water-Resistant Urethane Coated Zippers Quick-Access Outboard Cargo Pockets Detachable Cross-Chest Stabilizer A Padded Wide Shoulder Strap for One-Handed Strap Adjustment All Swappable Shoulder for Left or Right Shoulder Configurations Size: Shed (L), Rummy (M), Monty (S)
Rondel Shoes
Orion Waterproof Jacket
Bosun Merino Wool Jacket
SPD compatible shoes Full grain leather Variable-flex nylon inner shank Strategic stiffness for power transfer 600 luminosity reflective badge Retainer plugs & replacement cleat plate included Size: EU 41 ~ 47
A Slim-fit, Seam-Sealed, Waterproof Jacket cut for Life on the Bike Fully Taped Waterproof / Breathable Shell, 4-way Stretch Schoeller c_change™ Fabric Internal iPod Pocket, External Cell Phone Pocket, Front-Zipped Hand Pockets Touring-Style Zippered Rear Pocket, Removable Snap-off Hood Cut Slightly Longer in the Back, Articulated Sleeves for Riding Pit-zip Ventilation, Made at Arcteryx Factory in Canada
Perfect for Spring Mornings Layers Nicely with the Orion Waterproof Shell New Zealand Merino Wool, External Cell Phone Pocket Touring-Style Zippered Rear Pocket, Cut Slightly Longer in the Back Internal iPod Pocket, Tweave™ Reinforced Shoulders and Elbows. Layers Perfectly with Orion Rain Jacket Made in Canada
This carrying case has 29 X 29 inch dimensions, which ensure that the bike can be checked onto airplanes with no oversized baggage fee. In addition to bikes, Freeman also makes products for the traveler – hats, clothing, leather goods and bike accessories. Committed to USA manufacturing and sustainable materials, Freeman Transport strives to reduce the impact their lifestyles have on the world.
Freeman Transport Waxed Canvas and Leather Bike Bag
Freeman Transport Bike Saddle Bag
This bag is an option for Freeman Transport bikes like Gravel Racer. It shows the business motive of Freeman Transport along with the bikes with couplers. So, it’s designed for carrying disassembled bikes for overseas traveling and made with waxed canvas and leather by Billykirk, a famous leather maker in Philadelphia.
Enough for a Mini Pump, Levers, Tube etc Inside Additional Pocket for Important Things and a Clip for Your Keys Outside Additional Zippered Pocket Made with Waxed Cotton Canvas and Black Leather Color: Black or OD Green Made by Billykirk, a Famous Leather Maker in Philadelphia
Chris and Kirk formed the company in 1999. When they were beginning our initial designs and concepts they wanted to keep the designs simple and let the organic qualities of the leather speak for it self. The leather they use is hand treated with natural oils and beeswax so that over time the patina that the leather achieves is beautiful. They have never been a company that follows fads; instead they just try and design stuff they like. They are not distracted by anything the world’s marketing machine is currently pumping out. They had some great experiences collaborating with various companies like Levis, Vans Vault, Hollander & Lexer, Earnest Sewn, Freeman Transport etc. They would like to continue doing more of these collaborations.
Freeman Single Straps
Freeman Single Straps
Designed for our Version of the Track Classic Fit like a Glove and Endurable for Tons of Power and Control Made Dull Silver Hardware Oiled 10oz Latigo Leather and Built for Life Color: Black, Brown Made by Billykirk in Pennsylvania
Designed for our Gravel Racer Perfect for any Commuter and Strong Enough for the Traditional Racer Made with Dull Silver Hardware Oiled 10oz Latigo Leather and Built for Life Color: Black, Brown Made by Billykirk in Pennsylvania
Marresi Marresi is an Italian cycling shoes company, which is a rare one to make real classic leather cycling shoes in the world. They have three versions of the classic leather cycling shoes: Race for a road cycling cleat, Sportivo for an SPD cleat, and Storica for a toe clip pedal. Each version has black and brown color.
Dromarti Shoes Classic Handmade Leather Cycle Shoes Very Rare and Stylish Shoes Beautiful Stitching Perforations for Ventilation Made with Soft High Quality Italian Leather Produced in Small Quantities by Marresi in Italy
La Grande Mitt
Gara Rosso
Individually Handmade from Soft Nappa Leather A Reinforced Slim Padded Palm A Hand Crochet Back An Adjustable Closing Strap A Handmade Leather Storage Pouch Color: Cognac, Black Made in England
The Ultimate Road Mitt for Serious Cyclists An Unrivalled Comfort and Control A Reinforced Slim Padded Palm An Adjustable Closing Strap Only 100 Pairs Made Color: Red Made in England
DZR Shoes The concept of DZR shoes is for the answer to a simple need – that of balance in life both on and off the bike. DZR shoes combine an SPD compatible midsole with a vulcanized natural rubber outsole and handsome uppers to make for some very appealing urban cycling shoes. DZR was born out of the passion for riding by a couple of experienced designers. Their path stems from a lifetime riding every discipline from dirt to concrete and terrain all over the globe. Their life is the bicycle, they feel at home free riding mountains and ripping through the city streets. They’ve lived in many places and called many cities home – it is with this nomad lifestyle and dedication to product design and development that they introduced what they call DZR.
EU 41 ~ 47
EU 41 ~ 47
EU 37 ~ 41
EU 37 ~ 41
EU 41 ~ 47
EU 41 ~ 47
EU 37 ~ 41
Bandee is a simple solution for overfilled pockets and chaotic handbags. Especially it is good for urban cyclists because it is a simple crossing pocket for small everyday items for short travel. This bag is awarded from Reddot Design in 2008 thanks to its simple solution.
bandee A Solution for Overfilled Pockets and Chaotic Handbags A Simple Crossing Pocket for Small Everyday Items Reddot Design Award 2008 Color: Black, Blue, Red, Light Grey, Dark Grey, Light Green, Pink Sizes: Small / Large
Our Partners, 자전거에 대한 사랑과 열정, 새로운 자전거
Cooper Bikes
Rolf Prima
Mission Workshop
문화에 대한 선견지명과 용기, 그리고 그 결과로
Works House, Station Road, East Preston, West Sussex, BN16 3AA, UK Tel. +44 (0) 1903 774498
780 Bailey Hill Rd., Ste. 2 Eugene, OR 97402, USA Tel. +1 888 308 7700
40 Rondel Place, San Francisco, Ca 94103, USA Tel. +1 415 864 7225
Milano, Italy Tel. +39 347 393 9179
새롭게 잉태한 아름다운 제품들을 공급하는
친구들에게 진심어린 박수를 보냅니다.
From the bottom of my heart, I applaud my partners or friends for their love and passion to bikes, their foresight and courage for new urban cycling culture, and their beautiful products born out of their creative minds and efforts.
Dromarti 29 Littleheath Lane Cobham, Surrey, KT11 2QN, UK Tel. +44 (0)1372 800792
DUNNING Paul Component Engineering
11204 Midway Chico, CA 95928, USA Tel. +1 530-345-4371
London Shop Number 9 Shorts Gardens Seven Dials District Covent Gardens, London WC2H 9AT, UK Tel. +44 (0)1405 782 893
Fairfield, CT 06825, USA
DZR Shoes
402 Graham Ave. PMB 200 Brooklyn, NY 11211, USA Tel. +1 347 688 5435
PO Box 1144, 380 Hamilton Ave Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA Tel. +1 415 683 7287
ABUS Sögreni Sankt Peder Stræde 30A 1453 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel. +45 33 12 78 79 Freeman Transport Post Office Box 7966 Missoula, MT 59807, USA Tel. +1 406 578 1330
August Bremicker Sönhe KG Altenhofer Weg 25 58300 Wetter, Deutschland Tel. +49 2335 6340
675 Cochrane Drive, Suite 100 Markham, ON, L3R OB8, Canada Tel. +1 905 305 7665 Wheelmen & Co.
bandee: zionskirchstr.69 10119 Berlin, Deutschland Tel. +49 30 28031009
맺음말 몇 년 전에 샀던 사진가 윤광준님의 생활명품산책이라는 책을 다시 보았다. 고가의 니콘 F3 카메라, 쿼드 34•405-2 앰프에서부터 저렴한 지포 라이터와 빅토리녹스 나이프까지 작가가 직접 사용하고 있는 제품 중 마음깊이 정이 든 18가지의 물건들을 작가의 소소한 일상과 함께 거리감없이 소개하고 있다. 아마도 진정한 명품의 가치는 저렇게 일상에서 나와 깊이 정이 들어가며 나의 삶을 더욱 품격있게 연출해주면서 발현하는 것이 아닌가 싶다. 물건의 품격과 그 품격을 알아보는 사람의 인격이 일상에서 편안하게 만나는 모습일 것이다. 지나친 명품에 대한 사회적 동경이 나로 하여금 거부감이 들게도 하지만 한편으로는 장인정신으로 이어온 명품의 오랜 전통과 예술적 감성을 볼 때면 그 문화적 자산에 부러움과 존경심이 드는 것이 사실이다. 유명 명품의 경우 그 깊은 전통에 현대적 마케팅이 환상적으로 결합되어 더욱 빛을 내고 있고 이러한 근대 전통과 현대 마케팅의 시너지는 벨로시티즌이 추구하는 사업방향과도 크게 다르지 않다. 그러한 맥락에서 기능적 우수성뿐 아니라 예술적인 감각을 가진 자전거 제품들을 한국의 cycle chic들에게 소개하기 위해서는 그 전달수단도 그에 어울려야 할 것 같았다. 본 소개책자는 부족하나마 그러한 노력의 시작이다. 중요한 것은 이 작은 첫 발이 벨로시티즌이 추구하는 가치들을 향해 있다는 것이다. 시대의 변화를 읽는 지혜의 눈, 성실과 열린 마음에 기반한 창의적 경영, 기업 내부와 사회적 책임에 소홀하지 않는 도덕성. 벨로시티즌이 소개드리는 브랜드들을 일상생활속에서 자기 것으로 즐기는 한국 cycle chic들의 만족을 통해 벨로시티즌의 가치가 차곡차곡 실현되어 한국적 정서가 담긴 자전거 관련 명품을 만드는 수준까지 이르기를 바란다.
Epilogue I read through ‘my daily prestige goods’ again, a book written by Yoon, Kwang Joon, a Korean photographer. He wrote down his daily lives related with his lovely eighteen products from Nikon F3 film camera and Quad 34(405-2 amplifier to Zippo Lighters and Victorinox knives. I thought the value of luxury brands was realized through being loved and used in daily lives, which probably is a natural daily meeting between the prestige of goods and the personality of persons who can see premium quality of the goods. The over-longing for prestige products in South Korea makes me have some aversion about the goods. However, on the other hand, the old tradition and artistic feel of luxury goods, which have been handed down with artisan’s spirit and are catching the hearts and eyes of global people, make me feel envy and respect for them. Especially, the fantastic synergy between their tradition and modern marketing is in a similar direction I would like to take for Velocitizen. Accordingly, I thought that cycling goods with artistic sense as well as a high performance should have their apt delivery system. This collection book is a part of it, even though it’s just a first step, which importantly is towards the values of Velocitizen: art of long view on changing trends of the world, creative management based on sincerity and open mind, responsibility for society. I hope Velocitizen will grow up to making prestige cycling goods with a Korean feel and its growth will be achieved step by step by support of satisfaction of cycle chics who enjoy the daily brands Velocitizen presents.
발행인 그래픽 디자인 일러스트레이션 서체 종이재질 인쇄소
양도열 (Tony Yang) 박병주 김소라 SM 신신명조 10, Minion Pro, Baskerville BT, Baskerville Italic BT, Baskerville Bold BT 표지 : 스코트랜드 220g, 내지 : 앙상블 백색 130g 프린테크
Cycle and