Enervite productmanual (engels)

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Equipe Enervit manuals Bike

Training, diet and supplements. Before, during and after sport.

Science in Nutrition

Table of Contents Sporting spirit is positive energy for improvement. For over 30 years, Equipe Enervit has worked alongside numerous champions, but also alongside sportsmen of all levels, competing for pleasure and for their personal wellbeing. Through its work in the field, Enervit has acquired unique expertise regarding proper nutrition and supplement regimes. To stay healthy now and in the future, physical activity, especially aerobic activity, such as running, cycling, walking, cross-country skiing and such like, is certainly very useful. But even greater advantages are obtained if sports activities are combined with a healthy diet. For example, it is best to restrict consumption of certain fats (such as hydrogenated fats, abundant in margarines and in certain bakery products; saturated fats, rich in foods derived from land mammals‌), excessively sugary drinks (such as colas, orangeades, ready prepared tea drinks‌), carbohydrates which are digested and absorbed rapidly (bread, rice, potatoes, breakfast cereals‌) and alcoholic beverages. It is also appropriate to habitually eat foods which certainly do some good, such as raw and cooked vegetables, but also fresh seasonal fruit. It is also very useful to regularly take Omega 3, in liquid or capsule form. Finally, if you happen to be a few pounds overweight, you might consider adopting the Zone, a dietary strategy allowing the attainment of maximum wellbeing, but also - when necessary - to loose weight without losing muscle mass, benefiting from maximum efficiency.

Training and Strategy

pag. 4

Energy according to Enervit

pag. 8

Thirst according to Enervit

pag. 12

Recovery according to Enervit

pag. 16

Science in Nutrition


The main types of training for cyclists in collaboration with Mapei Sport and Equipe Enervit To prepare for a marathon or long-distance race, an increasing number of athletes rely on highly trained coaches and increasingly sophisticated nutritional tables. Depending on the season, the demands of the athlete and the goals established, the training sessions for this type of specialisation have different levels of intensity and difficulty. Dietary supplements must be specific, capable of helping training and optimal recovery and of obtaining the maximum possible benefits from the work invested. The main types of training and the supplements recommended for cycling events are listed below.



Sessions of usually less than 2 hours, over a flat course at a gentle pace. This is the least demanding of the training sessions. This usually precedes or follows competition day, or follows on from a block of two or three days of higher workload. Recommended supplements: Thirst Only water, or when the climate is hot and humid and the duration exceeds 1 hour and 30 minutes, sip Enervit G Sport dissolved in a water bottle.

Strength training session (SFR or other strength exercises) A session usually lasting between 2 hours and 30 minutes (amateurs) and 4 hours (advanced athletes), involving climbs known as “aerobic endurance” or “strength endurance” (SFR = 5-8 repetitions normally lasting between 3 minutes and 5 minutes, in high gear pedalling slowly, e.g. 40-50 strokes/minute), or standing starts or repeated climbs lasting a few seconds at maximum or near maximum intensity. SFRs are performed throughout the entire year (usually twice per week during winter training and once per week afterwards). Recommended supplements: Energy One Enervitene Sport Gel before training. Thirst Sips of Enervit G Sport during the session. Recovery For recovery, one dose of Enervit R2 Sport is recommended within one hour of finishing the training session.

Training at a regular pace (i.e. with intensity constantly below the anaerobic threshold) These are sessions which, depending on the duration, the volume of work at moderate pace (i.e. 20-30 bpm below the anaerobic threshold) on the flat and/or uphill, is aimed at generally improving aerobic quality and/or specific adaptation to pedalling uphill (in this case, they involve climbing for several tens of minutes). The maximum duration is usually 70-80% of that for the same cyclist training to handle “distance”. Recommended supplements: Energy Eat one Power Sport bar in two halves during the session (Power Sport Double Use is useful in this case). Thirst Drink small sips of Enervit G Sport during the session.

“Distance” training In this type of session, the cyclist struggles over distances further than they normally ride in weekly training; in any case the reference is usually race distance. Sometimes they include a considerable amount of work uphill and/or at threshold. Recommended supplements: Energy Eat one Power Sport or Power Sport Competition bar in two halves. In the second half of the training, it is appropriate to take in liquid carbohydrates such as Enervitene Sport Gel or Enervitene Cheer Pack. Thirst Enervit G Sport in a bottle of water during the training, with the possible addition of Enervit Maltodextrin Sport to be sipped. Recovery For recovery, take one dose of Enervit R2 Sport within one hour of finishing training.


“Drain” or recovery day

Strategy •

The thirty years of experience gained by Equipe Enervit, alongside sportsmen of all levels, suggests that our bodies have different physiological needs in these three different situations: before, during or after physical activity, in accordance with a specific strategy.

Medium duration training, with specific stints at or above the anaerobic threshold These are sessions with sections to be ridden at moderate pace and sections to be handled at anaerobic threshold intensity, over the flat or uphill. These “at threshold” sections usually last from a minimum of approx. 3 minutes, up to 10 minutes or more. The training session usually has a total of 15 minutes work at the anaerobic threshold (less developed athletes), up to 45-60 minutes at threshold (more developed athletes). The aim is to raise the power corresponding to the anaerobic threshold and the specific stamina at this intensity. Recommended supplements: Energy One Enervitene Sport Gel before training. Thirst Enervit G Sport in a bottle of water during the training, with the possible addition of Enervit Maltodextrin Sport to be sipped. Recovery One dose of Enervit R1 Sport is recommended immediately after training for recovery from exertion lasting less than 2 hours, or R2 Sport when the session has been longer than 2 hours.



During physical activity it is important to provide energy in order to prolong autonomy and, at the same time, reduce fatigue. All this while trying to avoid rapid increases in glycaemia. Ideal energy integration may be achieved by consuming mixtures of fructose and maltodextrins, such as the ingredients in liquid, gel, tablet or bar supplements, to be taken in amounts proportional to the level of physical activity. Very recent research has shown that the mixture of fructose and maltodextrins is more effectively used by the body under stress compared to maltodextrins or glucose alone, thus allowing greater savings of muscle glycogen stores.



Energy according to Enervit


Before and during sport

This is a range of highly digestible energy bars with protein, minerals and vitamins, capable of providing energy immediately and continuously over the course of physical exercise, thanks to the presence of fructose and maltodextrins and thanks to the low percentage of fat.

Power Sport Superior quality, highly digestible energy bar (with less than 5% fat) promoting muscle efficiency and reducing muscle fatigue (with 18% protein); “traditional� nourishment, responding to the needs of the sportsman. Made with carbohydrates (fructose and maltodextrins) with different assimilation rates, it is capable of providing energy rapidly and in a regulated manner throughout exercise. It also contains mineral salts: including potassium and magnesium.

Equipe Enervit recommends Consuming half a bar every 60 minutes with a sip of water during races or longer training sessions.

Power Sport Competition A bar developed for race use thanks to the carbohydrates with regulated assimilation, capable of providing long-term energy. Besides creatine, it is also rich in branched chain aminoacids, protein and mineral salts (potassium and magnesium).

Equipe Enervit recommends

Enervitene range

During sport

This is a range of rapidly assimilated energy supplements, consisting of carbohydrates (fructose, maltodextrins and glucose) capable of providing the energy required to overcome the more intense stages of a race in a few minutes. Indeed, the innovative Enervitene formula allows energy load and carbohydrate absorption to be measured, guaranteeing precise regulation of glycaemia.

Enervitene Sport Gel Ideal during intermediate phases of exertion (one minipack every hour) because, thanks to the gel format, it can provide both energy for immediate use, and energy to be used over longer periods of time. According to certain researchers, branched chain aminoacids (BCAA) have been shown to be capable of reducing the sensation of fatigue.

Equipe Enervit recommends

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Taking one minipack before the competition or more intense training sessions, and then every 50-70 minutes during the main stages of the race.


Power Sport range

Enervitene Cheer Pack The liquid format makes it ideal at times of maximum exertion since it is easily assimilable and acts in just a few minutes.

Equipe Enervit recommends Taking one cheer pack towards the end of the race, or half a pack every 40-60 minutes.

Consuming half a bar every 60 minutes with a sip of water during races or longer training sessions.

Enervit GT

During sport

These are highly digestible energy tablets, made with carbohydrates (fructose and maltodextrins) with different assimilation rates, capable of providing energy rapidly and continuously throughout exercise. Enervit GT also contains vitamins (B1, B2, PP and C) particularly useful in exploiting carbohydrates and for metabolic efficiency in general during exercise. They also contain mineral salts; including potassium and magnesium.

Equipe Enervit recommends Chewing one Enervit GT tablet, or allowing it to dissolve in the mouth, every 20 minutes.



In situations where large quantities of sweat are produced, particular attention must be paid to fluid-electrolyte balance, especially if the athlete is involved in intense sporting activities; fluid-electrolyte supplements may be useful for this purpose before and during training or racing, especially if they are isotonic or slightly hypotonic. Firstly, these drinks must replace lost fluids, then the salts lost through sweating and only then replace the energy. During long training sessions, especially when climatic conditions cause intense sweating, it is important to drink small sips frequently (every 15-20 minutes) in an attempt to prevent thirst.



Thirst according to Enervit


Enervit Sport Drink

During sport

This is an isotonic drink with mineral salts, expecially recommended for restoring physiological fluid-electrolyte balance, altered by intense sweating of mineral saltsphysical activity and sport. Thanks to the 6% carbohydrate, it is capable of providing energy before and during exertion.

Equipe Enervit recommends Drinking a sip of Enervit Sport Drink every 15-20 minutes during sporting activities.

This is a slightly sparkling, isotonic drink with mineral salts, expecially recommended for restoring physiological fluid-electrolyte balance, altered by intense sweating as a result of physical activity and practicing sports. Thanks to the 6% carbohydrate, it is capable of providing energy before and during exertion.

Equipe Enervit recommends Drinking a sip of Enervit Sparkling Sport Drink every 15-20 minutes during sporting activities.

Enervit G

During and after sport

This is an instant drink with mineral salts. It provides energy through a mixture of carbohydrates (fructose, maltodextrins and glucose), but also provides mineral salts (potassium and magnesium) and vitamins (B group vitamins and vitamin PP are the most useful for those who burn a lot of energy). Two scoops or two sachets of Enervit G (equal to 30 g) dissolved in 500 ml of water allow the preparation of a very pleasant drink (contains real dehydrated fruit juice!) which is isotonic, thus easily digestible, even under stress.

Equipe Enervit recommends With increasing temperature it is recommended to reduce the quantity of salts to be dissolved in a bottle. Just one scoop in 500 ml of water is best. It is important to drink a sip every 15-20 minutes.

To be dissolved in a drinking bottle


Enervit Sparkling Sport Drink

Practicing sport in the open air, in the unpolluted nature, is a privilege we must defend and share with all other sportsmen. For this reason, we ask you DO NOT DISPOSE of any waste, including the packaging for your supplements, in the environment.



Recovery according to Enervit Recovery following physical exertion is an important time in the life of a sportsman, knowing how essential it is to quickly resolve all the energy, muscular and psychophysical problems that can occur following demanding and strenuous exercise, from racing or training. The fundamental aspects of recovery are: REHYDRATION: PROVIDING FLUIDS AND MINERAL SALTS Proper mineral salt integration can restore what has been lost through sweating.

RECOVERY OF ENERGY RESERVES To speed up muscle glycogen recovery after training or racing, it is essential to consume high glycaemic index carbohydrates, such as sucrose and maltodextrins. If consumption is delayed by two hours, muscle glycogen resynthesis is reduced by 45%.



RECOVERY OF MUSCLE EFFICIENCY Hormonal changes occur over the course of physical activity: catabolic hormones (cortisol) are increased and anabolic hormones (GH and testosterone) are reduced. BCAAs can reduce the production of catabolic hormones and stimulate the synthesis of anabolic hormones. In addition BCAAs can stimulate post-exercise protein synthesis, reducing muscle damage.

Enervit R2 Sport

After sport

This orange flavour drink is ideal when exertion is demanding and prolonged, even lasting over two hours. The energy preparation contains rapidly assimilable, high glycaemic index carShake bohydrates (dextrose, sucrose, maltodextrins), branched in a flask chain aminoacids, glutamine, potassium and magnesium, carbonate and bicarbonate to neutralise muscle acidity as a result of intense exertion, vitamins C and E and standardised sugar cane extract with specific antioxidant action.

Equipe Enervit recommends For optimal recovery, it is essential to drink Enervit R2 Sport within half an hour of exertion. One 50 g sachet or three scoops of R2 Sport should be vigorously shaken in a drinking bottle containing 250 ml of water.

During racing or training do not forget to wear your helmet THIGHT FASTENED.

Beside satisfying specific needs related to their performance, sportsmen can benefit by very useful products to keep an excellent physical status, although these products are not directly concerned to the sport activity.

Enervit Potassium Magnesium Precious mineral salts are lost through intense sweating when engaging in sports activities, especially during the summer. Take one sachet of Enervit Potassium Magnesium, containing real orange juice, to simply and pleasantly replace them.

Enervit Omega 3 Complex Staying healthy with full mental and physical capacity can be difficult to achieve, also as a result of stress, which training and intense physical exertion in general tend to increase. The Enervit Omega 3 Complex special formula, with coenzyme Q10 and antioxidant polycosanols, can contribute towards reducing mental fatigue and improving reaction times in individuals engaged in physical activity.

www.enervitsport.com 18


Codice 66099 - 03/2009 - Rev. n. 01 del 04/03/2009.

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