Ways to Eliminate the Dandruff from your Hair
Itching, dandruff, dryness - many people have problems with the scalp. The causes of irritation can be very different and anti-dandruff shampoos are not always useful. To find a suitable therapy, the correct diagnosis is first needed. If you want to eliminate dandruff permanently, we give you some practical tips to get rid of it, and you can wear a real punch. Several reasons can cause the appearance of dandruff; that is, the skin of the scalp is shed. We can take as typical examples that can cause dandruff, the use of a shampoo inappropriate for our hair type, stress or the appearance of a fungus. Luckily we can follow a series of steps to eliminate dandruff that does not require too much effort, we will also be preventing the occurrence of hair problems derived from dandruff and in a short time, we will see results. The methods described here are effortless to perform. If you put them into practice, you will see results in a short period. Are you ready to make dandruff stop being a problem? What is the real cause of dandruff? The real cause of your problem with dandruff is the fungus that looks like yeast that stays firm on your scalp and feeds on the oils in your skin. In people who have this condition, the skin usually dissolves more quickly, unlike other people who do not have dandruff. This occurs mainly due to the fungus that uses enzymes called lipases, to metabolize the skin
oils that create the so-called oleic acid. Acids penetrate your skin and also activate the shedding of skin cells. The fungus in your hair skin will multiply and invade more quickly if you have an imbalance in your way of feeding. Although you will treat it with different remedies, adequate care and a sufficient supply of B vitamins, zinc, and fatty foods are still needed. Some more factors that cause dandruff on the scalp and these include: •
Yeast. People who are sensitive to yeast are likely to have scalp dandruff and especially during winter. However, during the summer, this condition improves since there is UVA light that counteracts the yeast, which decreases the chances of contracting dandruff.
Dry Skin. People with dry skin are also at risk of getting dandruff, especially during the winter season due to cold air.
Insufficient shampoo This results in an accumulation of oil and dead skin cells that cause dandruff. Shampooing is a scalp cleansing mechanism to prevent oil buildup.
Skin disorders and other conditions can also cause dandruff. People with psoriasis and eczema are prone to scalp dandruff.
Some diseases, such as strokes and heart attacks, also contribute to dandruff because they weaken a person's immune system.
The reaction to hair or other skincare products, especially those that irritate the skin, can also result in dandruff. Relationship between dandruff and acne Acne refers to the pimples that occur mainly on the forehead, where dandruff is the cause. Both dandruff and acne are related in one way or another, and their development is attributed to oil glands on skin reagents. As a result of dandruff, some of the factors that contribute to acne, such as skin shedding and bacteria overgrowth, arise. Acne medication can also be used to cure dandruff, for example, salicylic acid. In addition to this, acne caused by dandruff can be cured if dandruff heals first. Acne caused by dandruff appears on the forehead, and this can be a bit embarrassing. Therefore it is essential to cure dandruff to cure acne as well.
Prevent the appearance of dandruff Preventing the appearance of dandruff, you will also be preventing other scalp problems, and even your hair will be more careful, will have better health and its appearance will be much better. •
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Use organic anti-dandruff shampoos. One highly recommended is the organic shampoo that contains chrysalis extract, since it can prevent the appearance of dandruff and has regenerative properties that will benefit the recovery of our scalp. Wash the hair with warm water and finish the rinse with cold water; this will cause the circulation to activate and close the pores of the scalp delaying the appearance of dandruff. Avoid using lacquers, hair wax or gel fixative. If you need to use it on a particular occasion, do it, but do not abuse too much of this type of product. Brush your hair often, in this way you will prevent the fungus that causes the appearance of dandruff from staying in your head and activate the circulation of your scalp. Lead a healthy life. Take care of your diet and spend some time practicing exercise, this will help release the stress that we accumulate during the day, and that can be one of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff. Avoid stress as this weakens the immune system and increases the likelihood of disease and dandruff as well. Carefully choose to style products, such as styling gels and hair wax. This is to prevent the scalp from becoming very oily, as it can accumulate with skin cells and cause dandruff. The regular shampoo helps clean the skin and, therefore, regulates the amount of oil in the scalp. Conclusion Do you have dandruff on your hair? Then, the article comprises some of the simple ways through which you can get rid of dandruff. Also, if you are searching for the best antidandruff shampoo. Then, Yougee Cosmorganic offers the best anti-dandruff shampoo, which is free from chemical ingredients and helps in eliminating dandruff. Reference link : https://www.apsense.com/article/ways-to-eliminate-the-dandruff-fromyour-hair.html