VENAKKI 2014 EVOO Portfolio

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Malaga Mill Located in the town of Ardales, Malaga and founded in 1999, this independent family owned and operated traditional mill, is here all Ultra-Premium products are artisan handcrafted in small batches, one by one, without automatic machinery, handcrafted to perfection by Master Artisan Jay Venakki. All farming is done in high altitude and low density olive tree fields, exceptional soil quality and an excellent climate. The Extra Virgin Olive Oil is produced exclusively with olive fruits of our area, namely our own crops in the Guadalteba and adjacent private farms under the influence of the mountain range of Ronda and of Sierra de las Nieves (Natural Park), perfect environmental conditions. The annual average production is of 1 to 5.000 bottles per product. This is a Luxury Food product that caters to connoisseurs and the most discerning of customers that demand uncompromising perfection.

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The Facilities


Cordoba Mill Located in the town of Montilla, Cordoba and founded in 1979 is the result of the initiative of a private group of farmers and winemakers. This cooperative farming and winemaking focus on the production of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Wine aiming to offer superior quality at affordable prices. With almost 40 years trajectory and with over 1.600 members, who cultivate their fields under supervision and knowledgeable technical support of cooperative technical and management team, we achieve outstanding quality crops that are then transformed into superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil by combining both technology and a deep respect for traditions and skills. The cooperative further allows us to combine quality with the capacity answer the demand of our distributors worldwide. The annual average production is of 1.000.000 liters of superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil.


The Facilities



The Processes

Quality Process


Quality Standards:

Elected as BEST EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL in the province of Malaga for three times, in the seasons 2003/2004, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. (Written accreditations may be supplied upon request).

We bottle exclusively superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Our demanding Standard Procedures guarantee the best quality and we are able to guarantee year after year, a acidity level that may vary (most times due to climatological reasons) between 0,1% and a maximum of 0,3%. Very bellow the maximum 0,8% maximum permitted for Extra Virgin Olive Oil according to the International Olive Oil Council. Origin: The olive Oil is elaborated exclusively with olive fruits of our area, namely our own crops in the Guadalteba and adjacent private farms under the influence of the mountain range of Ronda and of Sierra de las Nieves (Natural Park).

2003 / 2004 Award

Type of crops: All our crops come from own low density fields of olive oil tree and of our trusted private independent farmers and are result of a natural and traditional agriculture. Although every effort to maintain traditions and skills is made, we are in process of Ecological Certification, and therefore we do not designate our products as ecological, but as natural and traditional. Natural methods: Our olive Oil It contains no preservatives, no solvents and no chemical additives. Furthermore, every effort is made during the production process to assure the absence of both artificial production enhancers and other chemical products.

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2008 / 2009 Award

2007 / 2008 Award

E V O O . 1 2 : + 2 :

Production process, step by step. Our Standard Procedure determines that the raw material is only of the highest quality and originates form the Fruit of the Olive tree (Olea europaea). It must furthermore present the following characteristics: ‡ 5HFROOHFWHG H[FOXVLYHO\ IURP WKH WUHH DQG QHYHU IRUP WKH IORRU ‡ 2SWLPXP GHJUHH RI PDWXUDWLRQ DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH W\SH RI 2OLYH Oil to be prooduced. ‡ $OO PHFKDQLVPV RI UHFROOHFWLRQ DUH HLWKHU PDQXDO IRU RXU 8/75$ 35(0,80 and or with mechanical help (never automated systems) but respectful with the tree and the fruit, for our

Premium Selecti on and Private Collection.



The Processes

2XU 6WDQGDUG 3URFHGXUH GHWHUPLQHV WKDW WKH -XLFH (ODERUDWLRQ PXVW present the following characteristics: ‡ 7KH SURFHVV IRU WKH H[WUDFWLRQ RI 2OLYH 2LO LV H[FOXVLYHO\ E\ PHFKDQLFDO PHDQV RI ILUVW FROG H[WUDFWLRQ ‡ %DVHG RQ RLO H[WUDFWLRQ E\ PHFKDQLFDO SURFHGXUHV ZH guarantee no thermal alterations and no more treatments than washing, decanting, centrifugation and filtering. ‡ 2XU PHWKRG RI ROLYH RLO H[WUDFWLRQ XVHV D GHFDQWHU WR VHSDUDWH all the phases by centrifugation. In this method the olives are crushed to a fine paste. This is done by a hammer crusher; this SDVWH WKHQ JRHV WR WKHQ PDOD[DWLRQ IRU WR PLQXWHV LQ RUGHU to allow the small olive droplets to agglomerate. The aromas are FUHDWHG LQ WKHVH WZR VWHSV WKURXJK WKH DFWLRQ RI IUXLW HQ]\PHV ‡ $IWHUZDUGV WKH SDVWH LV SXPSHG LQ WR DQ LQGXVWULDO GHFDQWHU ZKHUH WKH SKDVHV ZLOO EH VHSDUDWHG &ROG ZDWHU LV DGGHG WR IDFLOLWDWH WKH H[WUDFWLRQ SURFHVV ZLWK WKH SDVWH ‡ 7KH GHFDQWHU DOORZV WKH SKDVHV WR EH UHDGLO\ VHSDUDWHG according to their different densities (solids > vegetation water > oil). Inside the decanters rotating conical drum there is a coil that rotates a few rpm slower, pushing the solid materials out of the system. The separated oil and vegetation water are then rerun through a vertical centrifuge that will separate the small quantity of vegetation water still contained in oil and vice versa. ‡ 7KH ORZHU SKDVHV LQ WKH 2LO GHFDQWHU WKH PRUH JXDUDQWHH IRU the preservation of the polyphenols, therefore a two phases oil decanter was implemented as an attempt to guarantee and preserving this nectar of youth, even if sacrificing part of its H[WUDFWLRQ FDSDELOLW\ EXW LW XVHV OHVV DGGHG ZDWHU WKXV UHGXFLQJ the phenol washing. ‡ 7KH ROLYH SDVWH LV VHSDUDWHG LQWR WZR SKDVHV RLO DQG ZHW SRPDFH 7KLV W\SH RI GHFDQWHU LQVWHDG RI KDYLQJ WKUHH H[LWV RLO ZDWHU DQG VROLGV KDV RQO\ WZR 7KH ZDWHU LV H[SHOOHG E\ WKH GHFDQWHU FRLO WRJHWKHU ZLWK WKH SRPDFH :H GR QRW ERWWOH pomace oils)



How does Become

GOOD EXTRAORDINARY It all starts with a dream followed by good quality soil, exceptional climate and a combination of tradition & skills with boutique mountain farming. A natural and traditional agriculture with no pesticides, no chemical enhancements and low density olive tree fields; allowing the tree roots to absorb more and better nutrients, creating richer and flavorful fruits. One year of hard work, caring and nurturing soil and tree fields, culminates in the decision of the optimum moment for recollection. We do this by walking our fields, and selecting each tree individually, one by one, whose fruits have reached the desired maturity. For this EARLY HASVEST, the olives are recollected in a very early stage of ripeness with extremely low fat content. This method requires a much higher quantity of fruits to extract the Extra Virgin Olive Oil but it does produce an exceptionally rare high content of polyphenols (natural anti-oxidants) and in some cases up to ten times higher than green tea. The olives are handpicked, always from the tree and never from the floor, transported in small crates, ensuring the integrity of each olive and that these reach the mill promptly; which contributes to give birth to a very low acidity and superior freshness. In addition to the health and nutritional benefits, the flavor has a very unique character with a greener color and intense and pungent taste. This is an ancient art, not conducive to high production volume, but we deeply focused on every detail of the process to ensure we bring out the very best in each olive and thus creating superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil for our most discerning of customers.

2014 VENAKKI Media Kit | page 11


ULTRA-PREMIUM | EXTRA VIRGIN Olive Oil THE PROCESS Our EARLY HARVEST Ultra-Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil is obtained by combining tradition & skills and boutique mountain farming; low density trees fields, natural and ecological under the influence of the ideal Mediterranean weather conditions and handpicked olives for obtaining our perfect first cold pressed only of natural decantation, Extra Virgin Olive Oil. THE DIFFERENCE This unique Signature Coupage, taste and aroma is defined by both our unique climate and soil on which the olive trees grow, but also by the moment and methods the olives have been harvested and ground combined with our mastery artisan skills, on assembling the juice of our best varieties, combining them with careful precision, in a very specific proportion to obtain our unique and distinctive flavor. THE FLAVOR Producing as choosing a superior quality first cold pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil can be similar to selecting a good wine, where aromas and texture blends with flavors that are unique, and create very particular characteristics suited for some particular dishes. With tasting notes of intense fruity and slight bitterness with a peppery aftertaste, this is one of most prized true secrets behind our EARLY HARVEST Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

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Early Harvest

THE PACKAGING Our unique EARLY HARVEST has a unique packaging. It is a reflection of the elegant and sophisticated character with flair of audacity of the brand and products. It is also a statement of the commitment to a single standard; excellence. The dark glass of the bottle protects the product from light. The velvet pouch reinforces protection allowing it to rest in silence and tranquility as serves to improve the tactile experience of holding and serving this blend. The new improved poring system and non-refillable valve make it all easier and brings added peace of mind. This culinary masterpiece is then packed in an individual carton case and it is both a subtle sublime expression of good taste.



ULTRA PREMIUM | INFUSION Olive Oil THE PROCESS Our Ultra-Premium Infusion Olive Oil is produced by the traditional method of spice immersion and slow natural cold maceration in our superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained exclusively by cold first pressing method and natural decantation. The unique characteristics of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil, allow perfection in absorbing flavors, aromas and the qualities of spices immersed in it. This is how we produce our signature blends of Infusion Olive Oil. These are handmade in small batches, using the best spices, immersing them into this superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil and allowing a slow and long cold natural maceration process for at least two full months. THE DIFFERENCE Produced by a traditional and apparently simple ancient method of combining superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a long process of cold maceration, and quiet rest at high altitude, with our artisan mastery, giving birth to the superb and perfectly balanced aroma found on all varieties of these Infusion Olive Oil. There are no artificial flavoring, no artificial coloring, no heating applied to speed up the process, we do the things for the right reasons, as nature intended and traditions require. THE FLAVOR The unique flavor Signature Blends are a result of the perfect and precise combination of our superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil with the right choices in selecting only high quality spices and our best kept secret formula used for each batch and maceration procedures. page 16 | 2014 VENAKKI EVOO Portfolio


Basil Leaves

THE PACKAGING Our unique Signature Blend has a unique packaging. It is a reflection of the elegant and sophisticated character with flair of audacity of the brand and products. It is also a statement of the commitment to a single standard: excellence. The dark glass of the bottle protects the product from light. The velvet pouch reinforces protection allowing it to rest in silence and tranquility and serves to improve the tactile experience of holding and serving this blend. The new improved pouring system and non-refillable valve gives both comfort as peace of mind. And finally, we have enclosed it all in a double case, for a subtle sublime expression of good taste.


ULTRA PREMIUM | INFUSION Olive Oil THE PROCESS Our Ultra-Premium Infusion Olive Oil is produced by the traditional method of spice immersion and slow natural cold maceration in our superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained exclusively by cold first pressing method and natural decantation. The unique characteristics of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil, allow perfection in absorbing flavors, aromas and the qualities of spices immersed in it. This is how we produce our signature blends of Infusion Olive Oil. These are handmade in small batches, using the best spices, immersing them into this superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil and allowing a slow and long cold natural maceration process for at least two full months. THE DIFFERENCE Produced by a traditional and apparently simple ancient method of combining superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a long process of cold maceration, and quiet rest at high altitude, with our artisan mastery, giving birth to the superb and perfectly balanced aroma found on all varieties of these Infusion Olive Oil. There are no artificial flavoring, no artificial coloring, no heating applied to speed up the process, we do the things for the right reasons, as nature intended and traditions require. THE FLAVOR The unique flavor Signature Blends are a result of the perfect and precise combination of our superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil with the right choices in selecting only high quality spices and our best kept secret formula used for each batch and maceration procedures. page 18 | 2014 VENAKKI EVOO Portfolio


Black Pepper & Fennel

THE PACKAGING Our unique Signature Blend has a unique packaging. It is a reflection of the elegant and sophisticated character with flair of audacity of the brand and products. It is also a statement of the commitment to a single standard: excellence. The dark glass of the bottle protects the product from light. The velvet pouch reinforces protection allowing it to rest in silence and tranquility and serves to improve the tactile experience of holding and serving this blend. The new improved pouring system and non-refillable valve gives both comfort as peace of mind. And finally, we have enclosed it all in a double case, for a subtle sublime expression of good taste.


ULTRA PREMIUM | INFUSION Olive Oil THE PROCESS Our Ultra-Premium Infusion Olive Oil is produced by the traditional method of spice immersion and slow natural cold maceration in our superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained exclusively by cold first pressing method and natural decantation. The unique characteristics of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil, allow perfection in absorbing flavors, aromas and the qualities of spices immersed in it. This is how we produce our signature blends of Infusion Olive Oil. These are handmade in small batches, using the best spices, immersing them into this superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil and allowing a slow and long cold natural maceration process for at least two full months. THE DIFFERENCE Produced by a traditional and apparently simple ancient method of combining superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a long process of cold maceration, and quiet rest at high altitude, with our artisan mastery, giving birth to the superb and perfectly balanced aroma found on all varieties of these Infusion Olive Oil. There are no artificial flavoring, no artificial coloring, no heating applied to speed up the process, we do the things for the right reasons, as nature intended and traditions require. THE FLAVOR The unique flavor Signature Blends are a result of the perfect and precise combination of our superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil with the right choices in selecting only high quality spices and our best kept secret formula used for each batch and maceration procedures. page 20 | 2014 VENAKKI EVOO Portfolio


Chili & Garlic

THE PACKAGING Our unique Signature Blend has a unique packaging. It is a reflection of the elegant and sophisticated character with flair of audacity of the brand and products. It is also a statement of the commitment to a single standard: excellence. The dark glass of the bottle protects the product from light. The velvet pouch reinforces protection allowing it to rest in silence and tranquility and serves to improve the tactile experience of holding and serving this blend. The new improved pouring system and non-refillable valve gives both comfort as peace of mind. And finally, we have enclosed it all in a double case, for a subtle sublime expression of good taste.


ULTRA PREMIUM | INFUSION Olive Oil THE PROCESS Our Ultra-Premium Infusion Olive Oil is produced by the traditional method of spice immersion and slow natural cold maceration in our superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained exclusively by cold first pressing method and natural decantation. The unique characteristics of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil, allow perfection in absorbing flavors, aromas and the qualities of spices immersed in it. This is how we produce our signature blends of Infusion Olive Oil. These are handmade in small batches, using the best spices, immersing them into this superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil and allowing a slow and long cold natural maceration process for at least two full months. THE DIFFERENCE Produced by a traditional and apparently simple ancient method of combining superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a long process of cold maceration, and quiet rest at high altitude, with our artisan mastery, giving birth to the superb and perfectly balanced aroma found on all varieties of these Infusion Olive Oil. There are no artificial flavoring, no artificial coloring, no heating applied to speed up the process, we do the things for the right reasons, as nature intended and traditions require. THE FLAVOR The unique flavor Signature Blends are a result of the perfect and precise combination of our superior quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil with the right choices in selecting only high quality spices and our best kept secret formula used for each batch and maceration procedures. page 22 | 2014 VENAKKI EVOO Portfolio


Garlic & Bay Leaves

THE PACKAGING Our unique Signature Blend has a unique packaging. It is a reflection of the elegant and sophisticated character with flair of audacity of the brand and products. It is also a statement of the commitment to a single standard: excellence. The dark glass of the bottle protects the product from light. The velvet pouch reinforces protection allowing it to rest in silence and tranquility and serves to improve the tactile experience of holding and serving this blend. The new improved pouring system and non-refillable valve gives both comfort as peace of mind. And finally, we have enclosed it all in a double case, for a subtle sublime expression of good taste.


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