Visit Venice Fall 2013

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Visit Venice Fall 2013

on cover Rudolf Stingel





Events: ART / EXHIBITIONS --LEONARDO DA VINCI. THE UNIVERSAL MAN Until December 1st, 2013 Gallerie dell’Accademia

A unique chance to see Leonardo’s drawings at the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice This extraordinary exhibition includes a


staggering 52 drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci which is on show from 29 August 2013 at the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice. Thanks to the exhibition LEONARDO DA VINCI. THE UNIVERSAL MAN, the first of its kind for thirty years, the last was back in 1980, the public at the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice will have the chance to admire an entire collection of exceptionally rare works by the Master which have been preserved in the Cabinet of Drawings at the Gallerie dell’Accademia since 1822, consisting of 25 graphic works which are not usually shown to the public. These will be exhibited alongside another 27 prestigious works on loan from Italian museums such as the Royal Library of Turin, the Uffizi in Florence and the National Gallery of Parma, as well as from important European collections: the Royal Collection Trust Windsor Castle, the British Museum in London, the Louvre and the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. This is a unique opportunity not to be missed. The drawings must remain stored in special air-conditioned cellars for a long time before and after exposure to the public. This is a rule that must be adhered to in order to preserve such precious and fragile masterpieces.

The works on display include the Vitruvian Man, Dancing Women, the Portrait of a Woman in Profile in Windsor, Sketches for The Battle of Anghiari, Studies on Weaponry and preparatory sketches for great masterpieces like the Last Supper, the Nativity and Christ Carrying the Cross. --Rudolf Stingel From 7th April to 31st December 2013 Palazzo Grassi – François Pinault Foundation



works between New York and Merano, where he was born. His work has been at the centre of one-man exhibitions in many international institutions. The project is part of a programme of monographs of great contemporary artists, opened in April 2012 with Urs Fischer (“Madame Fisscher”), and presented in alternative and addition to the thematic exhibitions of the François Pinault Foundation collection. The “Rudolf Stingel” exhibition will stay open in Palazzo Grassi until 31st December 2013, for the duration of the 55th Biennial of Contemporary Art: for the occasion, there will also be a new exhibition in Punta della Dogana from 31st May 2013. --ROY LICHTESTEIN SCULPTOR Until November 23th, 2013 Vedova Founation

Organised by the artist himself - with the coordination of Elena Geuna - the exhibition dedicated to Rudolf Stingel, opening 5th April 2013, will extend throughout the building’s entire exhibitive area, involving entrance hall and the first and second floors. It will be the first time that the entire museum area is dedicated to a single artist. Rudolf Stingel, born in 1956, lives and

Open until 23 November 2013, at the Magazzini del Sale (Salt Warehouses) in Zattere in Venice, home of the Vedova Foundation, is the exhibition Roy Lichtenstein – Sculptor. For the first time in Italy over 45 pieces from one of the geniuses of American Pop Art, including drawings, collages, maquettes, models and sculptures in bronze. Characteristic of Lichtenstein‘s work is its rendering as “two-dimensional” like a painting, to flatten the volume as would

happen in a collage. From this come the ceramic figures which, starting from a two-dimensional source, paper, are organised into three-dimensions to form a head or a stack of cups or an explosion. Similar procedures bring to life his ”profile” sculptures from 1976 and up until his death in 1997, where the depth and shadows of the object are put on the same plane, as if they were crushed and compressed onto a single surface. Opening Hours 10.30 am – 6 pm Closed Tuesdays Full Ticket 12 € --HOKUSAI. THE GREAT WAVE Until November 3, 2013 Museum of Oriental Art

The famous colour print The Great Wave Of Kanagawa by Hokusai is on display for the first time at the Museum of Oriental Art in Venice



This famous woodblock print by Hokusai known as the GREAT WAVE will be shown for the first time in Venice at the Ca’ Pesaro Museum of Oriental Art from 8 September to 3 November 2013. Copies of this multicoloured woodblock print are in many European collections of Japanese art and this one, in particular, among the most refined, has been lent by the Oriental Museum Chiossone in Genoa and will be on display for the first time along with a series of 36 views of Mount Fuji. Alongside the Great Wave the exhibition also features a plaster model of the Hokusai’s masterpiece from the Anteros Tactile Museum of Ancient and Modern Painting, Francesco Cavazza Institute for the Blind in Bologna, to allow for tactile exploration of the work by all visitors. This event will also be an occasion to present 24 printed books by Hokusai and his students to the public for the first time in collaboration with the Museum of Oriental Art, the Department of Asian and Mediterranean African Studies at the Università Ca’ Foscari, and the Art Research Center at the Ritsumeikan University of Kyoto, which led to the digital and photographic cataloguing of this collection of 727 woodblock prints- for a total of 860 images and 276 books – for a grand total of 12,200 images ñ which are kept in storage at the Museum of Oriental Art in Venice.

--DENATURED HONEYBEES + MURANO by Judi Harvest Until Novembre 23, 2013 Scola dei Tiraoro e Battioro The exhibition DENATURED: Honeybees + Murano is committed to raising awareness of a global threat to nature and a local threat to heritage. The intention is to achieve this goal by foregrounding the shared beauty and utility of honey and glass. The exhibition will engage two locations: the exhibition site, which is the Scola dei Battioro e Tiraoro in the

center of Venice on the Grand Canal, and the glass factories and adjacent fields in Murano. In March 2013, beehives and a bee-friendly garden will be installed in an existing field of indigenous wildflowers in Murano on the grounds of the Linea Ariana glass factory. These hives will remain in place and be cared for by lo-



cal beekeepers, hopefully in perpetuity. The experiences of the beekeepers will be documented in photographs, statements, and ephemera. These items are displayed as a component of the exhibition. At the core of DENATURED: Honeybees + Murano is an installation comprising 90 hand-made Murano glass vessels. Each will be a unique form. Forty-five of the vessels will be filled with honey harvested in the Veneto (and Murano, once the hives are thriving). --VENICE BIENNALE 55th International Art Exhibition Il Palazzo Enciclopedico 1st June – 24th November 2013 This festival will take place from 1st June to 24th November 2013 in the Gardens and the Arsenal (preview 29th, 30th and 31st May 2013), as well as in various places around Venice. It is entitled “Il palazzo enciclopedico” (The Encyclopaedic Palace), after Marino Auriti’s 1955 project that patented an imaginary museum containing all of humanity’s knowledge, bringing together the biggest discoveries of humankind, from the wheel to the satellite. As Massimiliano Gioni, new curator of the Art Sector of the Biennial, explained, “today, deluged as we are by information, the attempts to structure knowledge into omni-comprehensive systems seems even more necessary and even

more desperate. The 55th International Art Exhibition will explore these flights of imagination in an exhibition that – as Auriti’s Palazzo Enciclopedico –combines works of contemporary art and historical findings, discovered objects and artefacts.” --Henry Hargreaves - No Seconds Comfort food and Photography Until November 24th, 2013 San Servolo Island At the Museum of Madness of San Servolo Island in the Venice Lagoon is open until November 24th, 2013, the first



Richard Avedon. No Seconds Comfort Food and Photography is an unexpected exhibition journey that begins with the “Deep Fried Gadgets” series to culminate, through “ Band Riders” and the choices of the pop stars, in a reflection on food and imprisonment with “ No Seconds”, famous shots dedicated to the last supper of the American sentenced to Death. Free Entry How to arrive to San Servolo: The island is easily reached with the public transport system of ACTV using line 20 from San Zaccaria, monument stop (it may takes 10 minutes). --Venini - Martinuzzi 1925/1931 Until Decembre 1st, 2013 Cini Foundation

European solo exhibit of the New Zealander photographer, famous for his research on photography and food Henry Hargreaves. He has since established himself as a full time photographer known for fun, creative, provocative and memorable images. Henry found himself modeling for the world’s most prestigious fashion houses and working with such photography icons as Stephen Meisel, Mario Testino, and the late

In Venice the second exhibition dedicated to the history of the Venini glassware at Cini Foundation

The exhibition Napoleone Martinuzzi. Venini 1925-1931, curated by Marino Barovier, will open to the public on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice on September 8th, 2013. It is the second exhibition dedicated to the history of the Venini glassware company promoted by Le Stanze del Vetro, a long-term cultural initiative launched by Fondazione Giorgio Cini and Pentagram Stiftung, devoted to the study and the promotion of the art of glassmaking in the twentieth century. During the period of his collaboration with Paolo Venini, Martinuzzi designed beautiful objects whose shapes are inspired by classical design, but through the use of innovative techniques and of glass paste. The exhibition Napoleone Martinuzzi. Venini 1925 – 1931 traces his whole production chronologically: from the elegant transparent blown glass to the works with an unprecedented opaque texture, from the experimentations with pulegoso glass (a semiopaque or translucent glass with a rough surface due to tiny bubbles that form by using special ingredients) to pieces with intense and compact colours. There are about 200 works on display, covering the most significant glass production of the ingenious sculptor from Murano.



--SEGUSO. Art Glass 1031 - 1973 From May 18th to September 29th 2013 Glass Museum, Murano This exhibition results from long research by Belgian scholar Marc Heiremans, an expert in the history of contemporary Murano glass, into one of the

finest glass makers of the 20th century: “Seguso Vetri d’Arte”. Through a selection of masterpieces, it examines the evolution of a family business, a ‘dynasty’ specialising in working glass that made a vital contribution to the development of this art during the 20th century. The family forge, in whichAntonio Seguso, his son Archimede and his grandchildren work, became a company in the early 1930s during a period of great innovation, experimentation and manufacturing design. Covering a chronological period ranging from the creation of the company to the period in which the members of the family separate, stimulated to try different, independent roads, the exhibition traces out the fundamental artistic

contribution made by this famous glass maker. --Tapies. The Gaze of the artist From June 1st to November 24th 2013 Palazzo Fortuny Antoni Tàpies’ ‘gaze’, his way of perceiving things, of looking around himself without limits of time and space, in a striving for answers about the universe, human nature, art, the mystery of life. A year after the deathof the brilliant Catalan artist (Barcelona, 1923-2012), a key exponent of international informal art, the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and Vervoordt Foundation pay tribute to him through a fascinating exhibition aiming to reveal the profound essence of the art produced by this major figure in 20th century art. The exhibition will include key works by the great artist himself, together with a group of works from his own collection and those of some of the most noted contemporary artists, invited specifically to explore the themes and ideas of Tàpies’ art. --Ileana Sonnabend Collection at Ca’ Pesaro Museum From June 1st, 2013 The Ca’ Pesaro Museum in Venice is proud to present the Ileana Sonnabend Collection



As of June 1 2013, the Ca’ Pesaro Museum in Venice will feature works from the Ileana Sonnabend Collection. These include an extraordinary range of works representing the various movements of the early to mid 20th century, including NeoDada, Pop Art, Minimalism, Arte Povera, Conceptualism and Neo Expressionism, as well as contemporary photographic art. Ileana Sonnabend was one of the greatest and most influential promoters of the arts of the second half of the 20th century who, with true pioneering spirit, made American art recognised in Europe and European art in America. At the exhibition you can admire acclaimed masterpieces like Figure 8 by

Cannaregio 1333, Venezia Tel +39.041.717355 Fax +39.041.714361

Hotel Arcadia is delighted to offer you a fine stay in this magical city. The setting is a splendid 17th century palace that harks back to the magnificent and aristocratic age of bygone Venice, but the atmosphere is one of a welcoming hotel de charme with elegant, refined taste. The result is Hotel Arcadia, a perfect blend of East and West, contemporary colour and period details.



Jasper Johns (1959), and Interior (Combine painting) (1956), Payload (1962) and Kite (1963) by Robert Rauschenberg, an artist that Ileana, together with Leo Castelli and Alan Solomon, brought to the Venice Biennale in 1964. In addition to these masters are the great exponents of the various forms of Pop Art which Ileana Sonnabend helped bring to the fore well before the current classifications: the form associated with Abstract Expressionism – there are two stunning works by Jim Dine, and Roast Beef (1961) by Claes Oldenburg – and the current form associated with the culture of the media, with various works by Roy Lichtenstein, including Little Aloha (1962), as well as Balcony (1961) by James Rosenquist, Still life #45 and Seascape #4 by Tom Wesselmann and, above all, an incredible core of eight works by Andy Warhol, not least Nine Jackies (1964) and Triple Rauschenberg and Campbell’s Soup Can (Turkey Noodle), both of 1962. Opening hours: from 10 am to 6 pm (ticket office 10am–5pm). Closed on Monday TICKETS - Entrance with museum ticket: Full price: 10 euro

--Anthony Caro. Sculptures From June 1st to October 27th 2013 Museo Correr, Venezia The splendid rooms of the Museo Correr will be the setting for the first major Italian retrospective dedicated to one of the greatest of living sculptors: Sir Anthony Caro (New Malden, Surrey, 1924). The versatile British artist, who has made an important mark in the history of art since the 1960s, has radically “revolutionised” his art. After a strictly figurative beginning, under the influence of his teacher, Henry Moore, he drifted away from sculptural tradition to create revolutionary assemblages, welded and bolted together, painted in bright colours and positioned on the floor within the viewer’s space; these were abstract works but rich in ideal content. This new, fascinating sculptural language established him as a key figure in the development of 20th century sculpture alongside David Smith, Mark Di Suvero and Richard Serra.



--THE AVANT-GARDES OF FIN-DESIÈCLE PARIS: Signac, Bonnard, Redon September 28, 2013 – January 6, 2014 Guggenheim Collection

lotton, and Odilon Redon.

The exhibition The Avant-gardes of Finde-Siècle Paris: Signac, Bonnard, Redon, and their Contemporaries focuses on the avant-gardes of the late nineteenth century, with special attention paid to the Neo-Impressionist, Nabi, and Symbolist movements. Curated by Vivien Greene, Curator, 19th- and Early 20th-Century Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, the exhibition includes approximately 100 paintings, drawings, and prints.

from April 1st to October 31st 10 am – 7 pm (ticket office 10 am – 6 pm)

The fin de siècle in Paris was a time of political upheaval and cultural transformation. Mirroring the many facets of an anxious, unsettled era, this period saw a spectrum of artistic movements. By the late 1880s, a generation of artists had emerged that included Neo-Impressionists, the Nabis, and Symbolists. Their subject matter remained largely that of their still-active Impressionist antecedents: landscapes, the modern city, leisure-time activities, although these were joined by introspective scenes and fantastical visions. Concentrating on the activities of these movements, the exhibition explores certain artists in depth: Paul Signac, Maximilien Luce, Maurice Denis, Pierre Bonnard, Félix Val-

--ROYAL PALACE - Imperial Apartments in St.Mark Square Re- open after restoration Correr Museum

from November 1st to March 31st

10 am – 5 pm (ticket office 10 am – 4 pm) Sissi’s myth is commemorated in Venice with the inauguration and the opening to the public of the rooms reserved to the Princess Sissi in the Imperial Apartments of the Royal Palace in Venice, in S. Mark’s Square, after a restoration of nine estraordinary spaces. Princess Sissi sojourned for 38 days in the Imperial Apartments in the Royal Palace, in occasion of her first visit in Venice in 1856, the visit recalled in the fourth episode of the famous film by Ernest Mirischka. Then, Elisabeth chose Venice to live after the death of her

daughter Sofia, between October 1861 and May 1862. The nine rooms now opened to the public, give back to light decorations by Giuseppe Borsato, ornamentations by Giovanni Rossi, golden stuccos. New tapestries have been collocated in the rooms, close to the original ones, expressly realized and donated by Rubelli – Venice. To recall the original atmosphere, precious fittings dated to the Napoleonic period and in Imperial style have been collocated in the Apartments. Come back to life the Empress’ Audience Room and the Studio, the Empress’ bedroom with its delightful boudoir and the Antechamber. The Empress’s Bathroom is personalized by a decoration representing “The Goddess protecting the Arts“, with a face recalling the beautiful Empress. Also, of great impact for richness of decorations, tapestries and furnishings, the “public” spaces,as the Dining -room for week-day launches,the Lombardy-Venetia Throne Room and the Oval Room. MUSIC, THEATRE, DANCE --57th International Festival of Contemporary Music From 4 to 13 October 2013 On 4 October 2013, the International Festival of Contemporary Music of the



Venice Biennale gets underway. The 57th International Festival of Contemporary Music, organised by the Biennale, will be held in Venice from 4 to 13 October 2013. There will be two spectacular long-awaited performances: Stockhausen’s Helicopter String

Quartet, performed by Arditti at 1500 meters above sea level amid the propeller rollers of 4 helicopters, and Glorious Percussion by Sofija Gubaidulina with the Orchestra of Teatro la Fenice and Percussions de Strasbourg. On schedule also are interesting events dedicated to space and voice: you will hear 3D sound thanks to WFS technology, “musica della materia” (music of material) with tools created by Luca Congedo, and the vocal acrobatics of David Moss, Le Cris de Paris, and Neue Vocalsolisten. The programme also includes great soloists, including Christophe Desjardins, Francesco D’Orazio, and the younger Marco Fusi, Michele Marelli, Daniele Roccato. There will be orchestras, both prestigious and recently-acclaimed ensembles; concerts theatrically integrating electronics, voice and video with the /nu/thing group whose playlist includes

the animated shorts by Usavich, which demonstrate – alongside mainstays Stockhausen and Berio – how many new names there are from younger generations that testify to the vitality of today’s music. For the Music Festival show schedule, go to the official website here TICKETS Ticket pre-sales are already open: spectators from all over Italy can reserve a place at the Festival dates by calling the call centre on (+39 899 666 805 / 892 424) or by visiting one of the Vivaticket outlets spread throughout Italy. Prices from € 5 to € 20.



SPORT AND FOLKLORE --VENICEMARATHON October 27, 2013 The Venice Marathon is an all-round sporting event. Besides the 42 km race from Stra to Venice, important exhibitions are also being organised, as well as other interesting events, which will take place alongside the marathon, such as Exposport and Animalamaratona. THE COURSE of the Venicemarathon The race starts in Stra (a small town approximately 25 km west of Venice), at the beginning of the Riviera del Brenta, a beautiful area close to the canal where the rich and noble Venetians built their holiday homes in the eighteenth century.

The finish line is located in the historical centre of Venice, in Riva Sette Martiri. The first part of the course, along the Riviera del Brenta, runs through a setting rich in history, culture and landscapes, characterised by numerous Venetian residential houses on the riverside. The marathon goes through the centre of Marghera and Mestre, and then runs for a further 2 km inside the San Giuliano Park, reaching Venice via the Ponte della Libertà (a flat straight road nearly 4 km long). The athletes run alongside the Giudecca Canal to Punta della Dogana, where they cross the Grand Canal on a pontoon bridge, built specifically for the marathon. After passing through St. Mark’s square (high water permitting ...), by the Campanile and Palazzo Ducale, the marathon reaches its finish line located in Riva Sette Martiri. --FEAST OF MADONNA DELL SALUTE Basilica della Salute The Festa della Salute is probably the least “touristy” of the Venetian festivities and evokes strong religious feelings among the city’s inhabitants. The holiday is, like the Redentore, in memory of another bout of pestilence, which lasted for two years from 1630-31, and the subsequent vow by the Doge to obtain the intercession of the Virgin



Mary. Even today, thousands of inhabitants cross the votive bridge and reach the majestic Salute Church to visit the main altar of the imposing Salute Church on November 21 and to give thanks.

Responsabile di Redazione: Tania Danieli Design e Layout: Claudia Fragiacomo Srl Sede operativa: Via Guglielmo Pepe, 142 Sede legale: Via Ancona, 17 30172 Mestre (Ve) P.I. e C.F. 03378670271 Tel +39 0415384485 Fax +39 0418622028



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