Bolivarian Government of Venezuela
Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs,Office of the Deputy Minister for Africa
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Kenya Concurrent to Rwanda,Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia
Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Environment programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat). Vol. 3: Issue 13, 3rd April, 2017
Angel Falls is a waterfall in Venezuela. It is the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall, with a height of 979 meters and a plunge of 807 meters
Stop the Aggression
Inside This Issue 1. Poster
2. Communique
3. The Organic Law of Protection for Children ...
4. Public schools in Venezuela ...
5. Promoting the unknown about Africa
Jamhuri Bolivariana ya Venezuela Ubalozi nchini Kenya KAULI Jamhuri Bolivariana ya Venezuela inalaani vikali hatua ya serikali za ukanda za mrengo wa kulia kwa kukosa kuvumiliana na pia kuendeleza ubeberu na unyanyasaji wa nchi zingine, zikiongozwa na Idara ya Nchi ya Marekani na vituo vyake vya mamlaka kwa kunuia kusambaratisha utawala wa sheria katika nchi ya Venezuela na utaratibu wa kikatiba yakitumia njia za uwongo na fedheha. Serikali hizi ambazo zilianzisha muungano wa kuingilia maswala ya ndani ya nchi zingine bado hazijakubali kwamba mipango yao mibaya dhidi ya Venezuela imeshindwa, ushindi ambao ulipatikana saa chache awali, katika shirika la Muungano wa mataifa ya Amerikani, ambalo kiongozi wake Luis Almagro alijaribu kulazimisha kupitia ukiukaji ulio wazi wa sheria za nchi na kimataifa. Wameanzisha kampeni kali dhidi ya Venezuela baada ya kuambulia patupu katika nia yao ya kuingilia mambo ya ndani ya nchi ya Venezuela. Motisha yao ni kulipiza kisasi na itikadi za kisiasa za kutovumiliana dhidi ya demokrasia timamu ya Venezuela na mfumo wa haki za kibinadamu ambao unawashughulikia raia wote. Haikubaliki kabisa, bila msingi wowote wa kisheria kwamba mataifa mengine yaanze kuingilia mambo ya mataifa mengine ambayo yako huru. Operesheni zao dhidi ya nchi ya Venezuela azikubaliki kamwe. Serikali ambazo zina mazoea za ukiukaji wa haki za binadamu, ambazo hutumia nguvu kukandamiza upinzani, ambazo hutaka mapinduzi dhidi ya wapiga kura,ambazo huleta mateso na mauaji kwa viongozi na waandishi wa habari, ambazo hukuza na husababisha taabu na umaskini ya kushangaza ndizo sasa zinahukumu Venezuela kupitia pia makampuni ya nguvu ya kimataifa. Ni uongo kwamba mapinduzi yametekelezwa katika nchi ya Venezuela. Kinyume na hayo, taasisi za Venezuela zimechukua hatua zote za kisheria zinazokubaliwa ili kusimamisha mapinduzi ambayo wabunge wa upinzani waliazimia kutekeleza na ambao wamedharau waziwazi maamuzi ya Mahakama ya juu ya Jamhuri. Jamhuri ya Venezuela inakataa kabisa matendo haya mabaya ambayo yanafanywa na muungano wa serikali ya mrengo wa kulia, kutoa msaada kwa upinzani ili uweze kupigana na serikali kuu. Wakati huo huo, Jamhuri ya Venezuela intangaza kwamba itatumia nguvu za kisiasa na za kidiplomasia ambazo zinakubaliwa na sheria ya nchi ya Venezuela na ya kimataifa ili kuzuia utekelezaji wa mipango dhidi ya utulivu na amani katika nchi yetu. "Ni sawa kwamba nchi ya Venezuela ipambane dhidi ya Uhispania kama pia vile inaweza kupambana na ulimwengu woteâ€?. Barua ya "Mkombozi" SimĂłn BolĂvar kwa ajenti wa Marekani, Mheshimiwa Irvine, Oktoba mwaka wa 1818.
Caracas, 30 Machi 2017
The Organic Law for Protection of Children and adolescents was initiated 17 years ago
1st April 2000, 17 years ago, Commander Hugo Chรกvez enacted the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (LOPNA for its acronym in Spanish), a strict law that protects the fundamental rights of the children of the country. LOPNA was initiated to regulate the duties and responsibilities related to the care and protection of children and adolescents, in order to foster a culture of respect for their rights.
recreation and culture, protection and security, free participation and development.
It is based on the International Convention on the Rights of children that was established on 20th November 1989, whose purpose was to transform needs into rights.
Each right embodied in the law which contains 685 articles entails a specific duty. Among those laws that children and adolescents must meet are: respecting and obeying their parents and guardians as long as their orders do not violate their rights and guarantees or contravene the legal system; respecting the rights and guarantees of others; fulfilling their educational obligations; Honoring the country and its symbols; respecting the diversity of consciousness, thought, religion and cultures; They should preserve the environment.
On 29th August 1990, the Adoption Law of the Convention on the Rights of children was promulgated in Venezuela in order to provide social and legal protection for children and adolescents. In 2007, the law was reformed with the objective of rethinking the country's institutional structure in protecting children and adolescents.
LOPNA also promotes the Education of Indigenous Children and Adolescents, obliges the State to guarantee all indigenous children and adolescents educational plans, it also plans programs that promote the respect and conservation of their own cultural life, their language and access to knowledge generated by their own group or culture.
In this way, the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents is given the status of an Autonomous Institute, to strengthen the national governing system with a management entity and with an executive capacity. It reviews the website of the Autonomous National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (IDENA for its acronym in spanish).
This law - based on the proposals of the people affected, protects all Venezuelans under 18 years of age from discrimination, and for this the State has the obligation to apply and Promote policies for the integral protection of their fundamental rights, such as identity. Likewise, the State must ensure policies, programs and appropriate assistance so that families can adequately assume their responsibilities, duties and rights under equal conditions as it is noted in article 5.
The reform gives new rights to children and introduces for the first time the word love in a legal text. Among the consecrated guarantees are the rights to life, health, social security, protection in cases of armed conflict, education, access to information, preservation of identity, name and nationality, the right of not being separated from their parents, freedom of thought, conscience and religion,
With the introduction of this law, decades of legal orphan hood and neglect for the rights of children is left behind.
Public schools in Venezuela to have free internet access In that sense, he highlighted the program implemented by the National Government for free distribution of more than 6 million Canaima computers to students from primary up to the university in order to complement and facilitate their teaching processes. Social plan is recognized by the United Nations as one of the policies of educational inclusion with greater impact that generates quality in education.
The country's public schools and universities will now have direct and free access to the Internet, Venezuelan Vice President Tareck El Aissami reported on Wednesday 28th March, 2017 during the inauguration of the Venezuela Digital 2017 meeting in the José Félix Ribas room of the Teresa Carreño Theater in Caracas.
"We must be proud of how we have managed to be at the forefront of communication and information, and above all by guaranteeing access to internet, we have a lot to be proud of with regards to digital revolution” he said.
He explained that the National Executive has approved resources for public and private operators to provide this free service to schools in the country in order to strengthen and make it easy for people to access the internet. This policy was started by the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, and has been continuously strengthened during the Bolivarian Revolution.
The vice president stressed the incursion of digital media in public life and recalled that it was in 2010 when Commander Hugo Chavez called upon the country to go to battle in social networks and to lead by example he activated his Twitter account: @chavezcandanga.
Vice President Aissami also highlighted the advances made by Infocenters (instruments of access to technology in favor of communities of the country) within the policies of democratization of internet access to educate and empower the people in management of digital platforms and in the field of education.
"Chávez was a light and he still is. He forced us to penetrate the networks, to fight there, to understand these new phenomena, and as a result Venezuela has managed today to put itself at the forefront and hence has made it possible for the revolution to provide access to internet," he said.
Construction of Kenya’s 0.8 Billion Shilling 132kV Menengai - Solio Substation
Power from the Menengai Substation will be transmitted to Solio Substation, 12.6km away. The substation includes the construction of a 132kV substation at Menengai, extension of the bay in the existing Soilo substation and transmission line infrastructure connecting the two. Future plans are to evacuate 400MW via 400kV lines at the substation
Sitting on a raft foundation on the floor of the caldera in the Menengai crater, the Menengai - Solio Substation is 80% complete and tower erection at 70% Completion. The construction, which kicked off in April 2014 is to see the setting-up of a 132kV substation to harness power from the recent geothermal exploration at the crater. The Geothermal Development Company, GDC has signed a power purchase agreement with 3 IPPs who will covert the steam power to electrical energy which will then be added to the national grid. A total of 105MW will be produced from the geothermal energy .The Menengai substation will transmit the power to Solio Substation, 12.6 km away. Future plans are to increase the substation's capacity from 132kV to 400kV since steam output will rise to 400MW as more explorations are developed inside the crater. This is KETRACO's first project that is geared towards the evacuation of steam power from the Menengai Crater.
CHALLENGES As mentioned earlier, the substation rests on a raft foundation that was designed due to the nature of the soil inside the crater. The Menengai crater was once an active volcano and hence the soil structure has many cavities and fault lines cutting across the whole site upto 3 meters deep. The civil engineers designed this raft foundation which is to act as a separator membrane and hence form a stable and continuos foundation for all equipment and support structures on site. The station will be completed in May 2016 and was fully funded by the Government of Kenya at a tune of Ksh. 0.8 Billion.
KETRACO plans to increase the stations's capacity to 400kV to meet growing demands.