Bolivarian Government of Venezuela
Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Office of The Deputy Minister for Africa
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Kenya Concurrent to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia
Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Environment programme (UNEP)and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat).
VOL. 2: ISSUE. 22 13th June 2016
Pg 1. Respect the dignity and sovereignty of Venezuela
Pg 2. Venezuelan Social movements raise their voices at the OAS in defense of the Homeland
Pg 2. 5th extraordinary meeting of the Political Council of ALBA-TCP
Pg 4. Robeilys Peinado won two gold medals in a week
Venezuelan Social movements raise their voices at the OAS in defense of the Homeland
Organizations and Social Movements of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela are present in Santo Domingo, to participate in the 46th Ordinary Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) and request respect for self-determination of people, their sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of each nation.
country such as FAO and UNESCO, which have acknowledged great achievements on food security and education.�
On behalf of the people and government of Venezuela, "we come to demand respect for the inter-American system such as the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; we demand respect against the ignorance expressed by the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, who in open rebellion to the rules that guide his powers, has committed excesses of his functions to undermine the will of the people and against a legitimately constituted government." said Fernando Bello, representing FUNDALATIN.
"We are here in order to record with the Organization of American States, the permanent harassment, economic, political and media warfare that takes place in Venezuela and has as its objective and political weapon, the women."
Another social organization present in the Dominican Republic is the Gender Foundation with Class represented by Ms. Gisela Gimenez, who noted that Venezuela lives a constant siege against women.
GimĂŠnez highlighted the lack of basic necessities, personal hygiene, as well as inputs needed for child support, which are "hidden because there is a plot of an economic nature to prevent easy access to them." She also noted as imperative to acknowledge those women who are victims of guarimbas and terrorist acts perpetrated by the Venezuelan opposition.
Fernando Bello referred to the report presented by Mr. Luis Almagro that he described as "biased" and devoid of legal bases and sources, not just official but also of Organizations and Social Movements.
Meanwhile, German Carrero on behalf of Victims of guarimbas, talked about the international media attack that the Bolivarian Homeland is experiencing, motive for which he will request the international organization to "listen to the voice of the true victims, 43 dead and 872 wounded as a result of that call for violence made by the Venezuelan opposition in 2014 ".
"This document is based on reckless accusations made by political parties without legitimate representation of the Venezuelan people and also cites official sources of the inter-American system or international mechanisms accredited to the 2 12th June, 2016
Special Declaration in support of democratic institutionality, dialogue and peace in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
The Foreign Ministers of the member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), on the occasion of the 5th Special Meeting of ALBA-TCP Political Council, held in Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on June 8th 2016. Considering the commitment of the Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, to the unconditional defense of peace and the democratic constitutional institutions of the Republic in its determination to guarantee the human rights of the Venezuelan people; Restating the need to fully respect the inalienable right of all States to choose their political, economic, social and cultural system as an essential requirement to assure the peaceful coexistence among nations and consolidate Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, as formally proclaimed in the Second Summit of CELAC, celebrated in Havana on January, 2014; Recognizing dialogue as a conciliatory method, and a legitimate and appropriate instrument for settling the internal conflict of the member States; Taking into account the illegitimate attempt to apply the Democratic Charter against Venezuela by the OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro, with the purpose of fostering an intervention against the constitutional government of this country; We express that: 1. - We demand total respect for the sovereignty of Venezuela, emphasizing the principles of noninterference, self-determination and the right to exercise the constitutional, political, economic and social system achieved by its people. 2. - We support the Constitutional Government of President Nicolás Maduro Moros in its perseverance to preserve peace and guarantee the democratic institutions in his country.
3.- We endorse the initiative for national dialogue, proposed by President Nicolás Maduro under the auspices of UNASUR and the participation of former presidents José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero from Spain, Leonel Fernández from the Dominican Republic and Martín Torrijos from Panama, at the request of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 4. - We reject the behavior of Mr. Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, who, acted contrary to the OAS Charter, which demands independence, impartiality and transparency, has taken an interventionist role in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, potentially creating instability in the said country, and to motivate actors from the Venezuelan opposition to take antidemocratic and violent positions; 5. - We urge the countries represented at the OAS to ensure that the Secretary General of this Organization acts according to the General Rules of Operation of the General Secretariat regarding the exercise of his duties, as provided by Article 113 of its Charter, and therefore calls on the Secretary General to strictly comply with Article 137 of the said rules; 6.- We reject the interventionist European Parliament resolution of June 8th, 2016, against Venezuela and its disrespect for the institutions and the Rule of Law. 7. - We will stay alert against any initiative that threatens the constitutional stability of the sisterly Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and will act in defense of peace and tranquility in our region. 8. - We call on the media not to distort, maipulate or distort the political reality of our countries. 9. - We request the Executive Secretary of ALBA-TCP to ensure this Declaration is submitted to regional and sub regional organizations of integration, and an official document. 8th June, 2016
Robeilys Peinado won two gold medals in a week
The Venezuelan pole vaulter Robeilys Peinado obtained this week two gold medals in sports events celebrated in Hungary and France. The Venezuelan, who is one of the athletes that have prequalified for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, won on Tuesday, 7th June a gold medal for jumping 4.55 meters at the International de Montreuil Meeting, France. Peinado continued the winning streak and on Saturday 11th June she won gold again in the XII Pole Festival held in Budapest, Hungary. In this last competition she obtained the best jump of the competition in her third attempt on jumping 4.56 meters, after two failed tries. With that record she got the best world mark of the season for the youth category. So far this year Peinado has won three gold medals. The first one was won last 25th May when she jumped 4.40 meters in the Dakar World Challenge, in Senegal. Peinado will try to get another gold medal at the World U-20 Athletics to be held in the city of Bydgoszcz, Poland, from the 19th to the 24th July. She will enfilade her pole to climb to the top of the podium in the stadium Krzyszkowiak Zdzisław. Peinado is one of the Venezuelan athletes seeded for Rio 2016. However she must wait until 12th July, the date when the official list of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) will be published. AVN -12/06/2016 - 2:10 pm 12th June, 2016
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