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Bolivarian Government of Venezuela

Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Office of The Deputy Minister for Africa


Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Kenya Concurrent to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia

Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Environment programme (UNEP)and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat).


VOL. 2: ISSUE. 24 27th June 2016

Nations of the world expressed categorical support to the Government of President Nicolas Maduro Broad international support

Many countries of Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe expressed their overwhelming support to the Government of President Nicolas Maduro Moros and his proposal for a national dialogue, within the framework of the 32 ordinary session of the UN Human Rights Council.

The Permanent Representative of Venezuela at the United Nations-Geneva, Ambassador Jorge Valero, said that despite the foreign attacks on the participatory and leading democracy that exists in our country, there are numerous and increasing demonstrations of support to the Bolivarian Government in the world.

In a statement issued Thursday in Geneva, a diversity of countries demanded "full respect for the sovereignty of Venezuela, in accordance with the universal principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of States, the self-determination of peoples and the right to exercise the constitutional, political, economic and social system that sovereign nations have given themselves".

He pointed out that the countries that signed this Declaration reiterated the need to respect - with no restrictions-, the inalienable right of every State to choose its political, economic, social and cultural system as an essential condition to ensure the peaceful coexistence of Nations and to consolidate peace.

This important document was signed, among others, by China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria, Uganda, Belarus, Eritrea, Viet Nam, Sudan, Iran, Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Laos, as well as countries that make up ALBA, such as Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador and Nicaragua.

In the approved Declaration States manifest emphatically: "We support the constitutional Government of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, NicolĂĄs Maduro Moros, in his commitment to preserve peace and guarantee the democratic institutions of the country, and in his determination to ensure the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Venezuela".

These Nations are part of the Group of countries that make up the Like Minded Group, which is an active part of the UN Human Rights Council, based in Geneva.

Inside this Issue!

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Nations of the world expressed

If the Bolivarian Revolution in

Promoting the Unknown about Africa:

categorical support to the Government

Venezuela would not have existed we

Uganda scientists make herbal

of President Nicolas Maduro

would have 88% of human poverty

anti-malarial drug

The Declaration stresses that dialogue is the best and most legitimate way to solve political differences that may arise in sovereign nations, and calls on all political actors in Venezuela to participate in this dialogue in order to overcome the differences and join forces for the sake of the socio-economic development of the country. Support for efforts of UNASUR and former Presidents The statement supported "any initiative that will lead to the peaceful resolution of political differences in Venezuela, such as the national dialogue proposed by President Nicolas Maduro, backed by UNASUR, and counting on the valuable assistance of former Presidents José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of Spain, Leonel Fernandez, of Dominican Republic, and Martín Torrijos, of Panama, aimed at maintaining the peace and unity of the Venezuelan people". The Governments that signed the statement call on those who hold multilateral responsibilities to comply with the rules that regulate their actions. "We encourage the high authorities of multilateral and regional organizations, to fulfil their functions with due adherence to the principles of independence, impartiality and transparency and of non-interference in the internal affairs of States, in accordance with the provisions governing their mandates", emphasizes the Declaration.

Support for sovereignty and condemnation of violence The signatories of the Declaration "condemn any initiative which might disturb the peace and democratic stability of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and threaten its sovereignty". And state categorically that "the right to determine the country's future belongs exclusively to the people of Venezuela, acting on the basis of respect for the Constitution and national legislation”. The important Declaration signed by countries of high importance in world affairs is a call to all the responsible members of the international community to refrain from any form of interference in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Diplomacy of peace Ambassador Jorge Valero stressed that the approved statement is of great historical significance, "because it makes it clear that even though there are countries that promote interventionism and seek to destroy the Bolivarian democracy, there are also Nations with significant impact on World Affairs advocating for peace, dialogue and respect for the self-determination of peoples, such as those that signed this document". "Venezuela has war mongering and interventionist opponents, but it is not alone. ”She has the support of friendly countries of great strength and influence in the concert of Nations and which are members of the Human Rights Council, of the Security Council and of an emerging block such as the Bric", said the diplomat. "Venezuela does not have atomic weapons. Its weapons are international justice and solidarity among Nations. And the most powerful weapon our Country has is the diplomacy of peace that seeks the fraternity among the human species", underlined the Bolivarian diplomat. 2

If the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela would not have existed we would have 88% of human poverty

The Vice President of Planning and Knowledge, Ricardo Menendez, said on Thursday that if the Bolivarian Revolution would not have existed during these three years of economic warfare in Venezuela we would have 88% poverty. During the Forum ´Statistics an instrument of Government´ held at Central Park Cultural Center in Caracas, he stressed that the social missions of the national government "are a retaining wall and protection of society". He stressed that during the Revolution, 31 wage increases have been implemented to contain inflationary dynamics affecting the country. Extreme poverty by income decreased from 9.5% to 9.3%.

no social indicator would have endured that. Work indicators would have been shattered and we have in these three years the lowest unemployment rate in 20 years data," he said. Menendez also spoke about the need of generating new indicators to implement public policies consistent with a moment of historical transformation in the Venezuelan society. In that regard, he noted that currently there are indicators that became "asymptotic in their behaviour and cannot account for what is happening." He acknowledged that the Government has taken into consideration the impact of the economic war and inflationary effects.

"Probably some countries of the world would not have endured 30 days of the three years that we have been enduring; no social indicator would have endured


Promoting the Unknown about Africa

Uganda scientists make herbal anti-malarial drug

Minister for Science and Innovation Elioda Tumwesigye, displays some of the anti-malarial drug last week.

Ugandan scientists have developed a drug from natural herbs that can cure malaria in about three days. According to a study released by the scientists, the drug, DEI Anti-malaria, can kill malaria-causing parasites within the human body using its natural compounds extracted from plants.

Findings from the laboratory tests have been submitted to the National Drug Authority and have been assigned a notification number THA218. The prototype of the drug is packaged in terms of capsules for adults and a powdered substance to be taken by children as syrup.

The lead-investigator, Dr Patrick Ogwang, a pharmacist and lecturer at Mbarara University of Science and Technology, said laboratory tests have proved that the drug is safe and efficacious.

Mr Matthias Magoola, the managing director of DEI Group of Companies, who owns the drug formula, said the drug will help tame malaria which is responsible for about 50 per cent of illness on the African continent.

“Parasites were got from malaria patients in Mulago Hospital and subjected to the drug in the laboratory. They were all killed by the compounds of the drug,” Dr Ogwang said.

Speaking at the launch of the study findings in Kampala on Tuesday, Dr Elioda Tumwesigye, the Minister of Science and Innovation, said he will support the scientists to acquire patents and develop the herbal drug further.

“It was also tested on mice and killed all the parasites without being toxic to body organs like the liver, kidney and bone marrow,” he added.

“The drug still needs to go through all stages of drug development before it is approved for mass production and use,” Dr Tumwesigye said. Ms Florence Nakacwa, the head of drug assessment at NDA, said they are yet to approve the drug.

Dr Ogwang said that despite modern medicines contributing greatly to the containment of malaria, they are greatly limited by high cost and vulnerability to parasites resistance thus the need for an African solution.

She added that if a drug is to be approved, it must meet the labeling requirements; all clinical trials and the production factory must be inspected and accredited by NDA.

He said the natural traditional medicinal formula has been in use for more than 40 years, treating all forms of malaria, including plasmoduim falciparum resistant variant.

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