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Bolivarian Government of Venezuela

Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Office of The Deputy Minister for Africa


Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Kenya Concurrent to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia

Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Environment programme (UNEP)and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat).


VOL. 2: ISSUE. 25 4th July 2016


COMMUNIQUÉ The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects the interventionist statements of the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, issued yesterday in the framework of the Summit of North American Leaders held in Ottawa. It is unacceptable the interventionist obsession of the US government, which also considers Venezuela a threat to the security and foreign policy of the US, it aims to educate the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on key elements of its institutional life. It completely contradictory and illogical that the Venezuelan government is urged to disrespect the rule of law with the sole purpose of satisfying anti-democratic interests of the Venezuelan opposition. It also highlights the double standard of its policy on human rights to abusively request the release of politicians who have committed criminal offenses and extreme destabilizing violence, while keeping the world's oldest political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, who is serving an unjust sentence in the US for the simple act of longing for the independence of their country. Venezuela denounces before the international community that the national policy has been infiltrated by agents at the service of power centers in the US, educated, trained and equipped for political, economic and social destabilization of Venezuela, affecting the right to peace and development the Venezuelan people. Such agents have committed crimes of all kinds encouraged to overthrow the legitimate and constitutional government of Venezuela and disturbing the peace of the nation. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ratifies its inalienable right to self-determination and non-intervention in the internal affairs of our country, in the absolute certainty that we will never abide by orders from any empire; and the willingness to hold bilateral diplomatic relations of respect for the sovereign equality of States, and to the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter. Caracas, 30th June, 2016

Inside this Issue!

Pg 1. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela communiqué rejecting Obama’s interventionist statements.

Pg 1. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela communiqué condemns the terrorist attack at the airport in Istanbul.

Pg 3. Petrocaribe commemorates 11 years of energy integration and social development of the people

Pg 4. Venezuela: A socialist state in the big boys’ backyard?

Pg 5. Promoting the Unknown about Africa: Choppers - Made in Tanzania


COMMUNIQUÉ The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Moros, on behalf of the people and the Venezuelan government strongly condemns the terrorist attack at the airport in Istanbul, which occurred yesterday, and extends its condolences and solidarity to the government of Turkey, the Turkish people and especially to the families and friends of the dozens of victims of this terrible and condemnable act. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects terrorism in all its forms, and calls for action to prevent the causes of this phenomenon that subjects whole peoples to fear and violence, massively denying them access to their basic human rights. The government of Venezuela reiterates its call to the international community to address urgently the causes of this phenomenon, in order to prevent access by terrorist groups and violent extremes to sources of funding, training and logistical endowment. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms the principles of the Bolivarian diplomacy of peace in the strict respect for international law for the peaceful coexistence of nations, free of hatred and intolerance. Caracas, 29th June, 2016



Petrocaribe Energy for Union




Petrocaribe commemorates 11 years

of energy integration and social development of the people The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, celebrated this Wednesday the 11 years of the creation of Petrocaribe, a regional integration mechanism that allows for the integral development and solidarity of the Caribbean countries. The Head of State stressed that Petrocaribe is one of the legacies "of agreements and forms of regional cooperation and integration" created by President Hugo Chavez. The president recalled that on the 29th June, 2005 Petrocaribe was born as part of the First Energy Meeting of Heads of State and Government of the Caribbean, held in Puerto La Cruz, with the initial subscription of 14 countries in the region. "This mechanism of energy and social regional integration allows for the integral development and solidarity of the Caribbean countries, which we have been promoting with the aim to further enhance the capabilities we have in oil, gasified and petrochemical materials, but also covers cultural, technological, educational exchange among others, " he stressed.

Petrocaribe in 11 years has driven the economic and social transformation of the people of the nations that comprise it. This mechanism has strengthened a new favorable equitable and fair exchange scheme, among the nations of the Caribbean region, to ensure regular access to energy resources. The agency coordinates and articulates the policies of energy, including oil and its derivatives, gas, electricity and their efficient use, technological cooperation, training, energy infrastructure development, and harnessing alternative sources such as wind and solar power. It is currently composed of 19 countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Surinam and Venezuela.


Tanzanian journalist in solidarity with Venezuela

Venezuela: A socialist state in the big boys’ backyard?

“Since 2005, Venezuela has provided ‘heating oil’ through subsidies for low income communities in the United States, thanks to our company, CITGO. This contribution has helped tens of thousands of American citizens survive in harsh conditions, giving them relief and necessary support in times of need; ‘‘evidencing how solidarity can create powerful alliances across borders…” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in a letter to the people of the United States. Those following world news broadcast by global TV news networks have seen reports of shortages of basic goods which have hit and hurt Venezuela in the intervening period and right now a referendum is in the offing in which Venezuelans will decide whether to keep or fire their President, Nicolas Maduro Moros. President Maduro, a successor of the late socialist President Hugo Chavez has followed the same socialist political line of his predecessor, who literally put his country on the annals of fame by pursuing a socialist agenda like that of Castro’s Cuba. If one were to go by the quotation at the launch of this perspective, one would form the impression that this Latin American country is far from a poor country; it is oil rich. If it has been able to provide American people with “heating oil”, via its publicly owned company how then does it find itself in the current situation of shortages everywhere? It was not until I came across a document on the Internet by the Venezuelan leader who had written an open letter to the people of the United States. Follow the letter with me: “ The histories of our people have been connected since the beginning of our struggles for freedom. Francisco de Miranda,” a Venezuelan hero, met George Washington and Thomas Jefferson during the first few years of the United States as an independent nation. “They discussed about ideals such as liberty and justice, which were fundamental concepts in our struggle for independence. We share the idea that 6 freedom and independence are fundamental elements for the development of our nations.” “But since 2005, Venezuela has provided ‘‘heating oil’’ through subsidies for low income communities in the United States, thanks to our company CITGO. This contribution has helped tens of thousands of American citizens survive in harsh conditions, giving them relief and necessary support in times of need, evidencing how solidarity can create powerful alliances across border.” Going by President Maduro’s statement you have just sampled, one is at a loss on what has happened to Venezuela to suffer crippling shortages we see relayed globally on television and people lining up for this and that of basic needs.

If such were excellent relations between the two countries in the Americas what is it that has provoked sore relations? Is it the prospect of a country in the neighbourhood wanting to pursue an ideology, which is socialism - certainly poles apart from what is pursued in the United States? According to President Maduro in his letter to the people of the United States: Incredibly, the United States government has declared our country a threat to its national security and foreign policy. “In a disproportionate action, the Obama Administration issued a ‘National Emergency’ declaring Venezuela a threat to its national security via his Executive Order of 15th September 2015 imposing sanctions,” writes President Maduro. He adds: “This unilateral and aggressive measure taken by the United States Government against our country is not only unfounded and in violation of basic principles of sovereignty and self determination under international law has also been unanimously rejected by all 33 nations of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and the 12 member states of the Union of South American nations.” Wound up President Maduro in his letter to American people: “In the name of our long-term friendship, we alert our American brothers and sisters of the illegal aggression committed by your government on your behalf. We will not allow our friendship with the people of the United States to be affected by these groundless sanctions against our country.” “Venezuela is not a threat, but a hope. Independence or nothing.” For us in Tanzania especially those in the elderly generation reading these lines that were around in this country in the late seventies and eighties, immediately after the war with Ugandan dictator Iddi Amin, this country also expected widespread shortages of basic goods similar to those being experienced by Venezuelans. That war, to rid us of an eccentric dictator across the border emptied our treasury. But it was a good opportunity for imperialist powers to bring us to our knees to turn away from our socialist path then. That was impossible during the leadership of Mwalimu Nyerere then. For Dr Nyerere was his own man; not the level of a leader who would forget his shoes in haste once beckoned by the big boys of this world to visit them! This is the way I see it in so far as the predicament of Venezuela’s Maduro is concerned. For the powers that be in this world today, for a leader to be his own man is a huge problem to them. They need leaders in the Third World who would stay deeply in their pocket, taking order at their whims and pleasure! Surely Venezuela is not a threat, but constitutes hope. For Venezuelans, it is independence or nothing. Venceremos!


Promoting the Unknown about Africa

Choppers - Made in Tanzania

The helicopter is currently 50 per cent complete and features the popular gasolinepowered VW flat engine on board. The motors, manufactured by Volkswagen in Germany, are the same used to make the ‘Robinson’ helicopters in the United States.

TANZANIA has started to build its own helicopters in a project that will see the first batch of such choppers taking into the sky sometimes in 2018. Already, the prototype model, a two-seater aircraft is in its final stages of completion at the Mechanical and Engineering Department of the Arusha Technical College, which runs a fully-fledged factory producing various forms of machinery, including a prototype motor vehicle and a number of industrial engines. But it is the Tanzanian-made new helicopter that seems to be turning heads here; “We are complementing President Magufuli’s industrialisation policy in pioneering the first locally made helicopters that will be available to ordinary residents at affordable prices,” explained the man behind the ATC chopper project, Engineer Abdi Mjema. The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ms Maimuna Tarishi, who also toured the project over the weekend seemed surprised at the development and wanted to know when exactly the chopper will hit the skies. “We are contacting the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA) for the permission to fly the chopper for trials,” said Engineer Mjema. He assured the PS that the future of the ‘affordable,’ chopper -- to ease the country’s transport woes -- is approaching. “The Tanzania-made helicopters will fly before 2020 -- and specifically 2018, which is two years from now,” he added. The idea was hatched two months ago by two engineers at the Arusha Technical College; Engineer Adisai Msongole, now serving as the ATC Bursar, and Engineer Abdi Mjema. The chassis as well as airframe for the pioneer chopper is ready -- complete with a mounted flat engine.

“Once we get the aviation authority approval, we shall complete the most sensitive part of the helicopter -- mounting the main rotor.This should be ready in threeweek’s time,” said Eng Mjema, adding that Arusha will set history as the first region to fly the first-ever Tanzanian manufactured helicopter in July 2016. With a nonpressurised cabin, the Prototype ATC helicopter has a flying ceiling of 400 feet for starters, taking into consideration that Arusha is already at a higher altitude. But the flying height is set to increase with more complete and accomplished models. Most commercial choppers can fly up to 8,000 feet above sea level. On how many choppers the college can manufacture in a year once the project gets a nod from higher authorities, Eng Mjema said that depended on demand.“But with serious work we can roll out up to 20 such helicopters in a year,” boasted the engineer. The Rector of Arusha Technical College, Dr Richard Masika, had previously stated that, ATC was moving from being an ordinary college of technical, engineering and technological training towards becoming a fully-fledged factory, which will deal in vehicle and heavy machinery repair and manufacturing. Next August ATC will be completing the first phase of Kikuletwa Hydropower Station Project and training centre setup, through which the college is going to churn electricity and hold training at the site based in Kilimanjaro Region.

“We had initially intended the two-seater helicopter to be used for surveillance, rescue and agricultural purposes. However, as the project takes shape, we may increase the airframes to carry more people for serious transportation,” said the engineer.

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