Weekly Newsletter 34

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Bolivarian Government of Venezuela

Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Office of The Deputy Minister for Africa

Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Kenya Concurrent to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia

Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Environment programme (UNEP)and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (ONU Habitat).


ISSUE. 34, 9th November 2015

Venezuela will deliver to COP 21 in Paris, a "Common Proposal" to determine causes of climate change what can happen if we do not take consciousness; it is something that concerns all" said Rodriguez Speaking to the multistate Telesur, minutes before his speech at the meeting of CELAC on Climate Change.

Ecuador, November 06, 2015. (MPPRE) .- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy RodrĂ­guez said that Venezuela will bring to the next Conference on Climate Change COP 21 -to be held in Paris from November 30th - a common proposal to determine the causes of global warming, which impede the harmonious development between human beings and nature. "What we are discussing here is the existence of the human species. We are debating now the present and future [...], we know that global warming has criminal effects on the environment. There is a scientific consensus on

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She also mentioned the importance of the historical encyclical of Pope Francisco which coincides with many of the doctrines of eco-socialism developed by the Supreme Commander Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution. "What he said is absolutely correct, the result of climate change and the criminal impact it has had on the environment, is closely linked to an immoral, developmental and capitalist model of consumption". She added that rich countries seek to dilute their responsibility. "There is an ecological debt of the rich countries to the poor nations and we now call on the conscience of the developed nations that boast of the capitalist system" Is important to highlight the CELAC meeting, held in Quito, Ecuador, will yield a resolution of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, which will be discussed at the main summit COP 21 in Paris. www.mppre.info

Venezuela will deliver to COP 21 in Paris, a "Common Proposal" to determine causes of climate change Pg2. UNICEF, venezuela sign plan for 2015-2019 to protect Children's Rights Pg3. Salvador and Brazil social movements reject right-wing violence against Venezuela Pg4. Kenya hopes to leverage on nuclear energy by 2022.

UNICEF, Venezuela sign plan for 2015-2019 to protect children's rights Caracas, 04 Nov. AVN.- Venezuela, represented by Ombudsman Tarek William Saab, and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), represented by Kiyomi Kawaguchi in the country, signed on Monday a work plan to be implemented over a four-year period to strengthen national child protection and welfare systems. This new plan, signed at the Ombudsman's office in Caracas, includes five specific objectives, among which will be to implement protective measures against child molestation, reduce violence in vulnerable sectors, ensure strict application of violence prohibition in all environments and disseminate sufficient information to communities on the violence issue, says a press release. To assess the progress of this new project, a new meeting with a team already formed, will be held in order to promote these actions in neighborhoods and communities. With the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, various legal texts have been promoted to protect the rights of children and adolescents. An example of this is the enactment of the Organic Law for the

Protection of Children and Adolescents (Lopna), signed in 2000, which protects the fundamental rights of children in the country. Among the guarantees are the rights to life, health, social security, protection in situations of armed conflict, education, access to information, recreation and culture, protection and security, freedom of participation and development. Lopna also promotes the education of indigenous children and adolescents and requires the State to ensure that all indigenous children and adolescents have access to education plans and programs that promote respect and preservation of their own culture, language and access to knowledge created by their own group or culture. www.avn.info.ve


Salvador and Brazil social movements reject right-wing violence against Venezuela Caracas, 05 Nov. AVN.- On October 31, social movements, political organizations, intellectuals, political leaders, academics and journalists from Brazil and El Salvador expressed their opposition to the aggressions of the right-wing against Venezuela, with the aim of destabilizing the government headed by Nicolas Maduro. Both countries signed statements refusing the recent attacks against the Bolivarian Revolution by the international right, which have been intensified ahead of parliamentary elections on December 6, 2015. In this regard, the social movements of Brazil gave their support to the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela, only electoral arbiter, "as responsible, sovereign and impartial institution representing the will of the Venezuelan people expressed in the popular vote." In the document signed by these organizations, they also expressed their opposition to the recent interventionist statements by the head of U.S. Southern Command, General John Kelly, that "come to confirm the complaints made by the Bolivarian Government about US interference in Venezuelan affairs." For its part, the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) of El Salvador did the same via a statement denouncing the attacks and lies that international media have spread against the Venezuelan government figures.

"The attacks reflect a comprehensive strategy of international right to affect legislative elections on December 6 and influence the results and the political process initiated by Hugo Chavez," said the FMLN, quoted by Prensa Latina. "It is noteworthy that this destabilization plan is aimed not only against Venezuela but also against the process of integration of our America, and against the progressive governments we have made by implementing plans and programs to improve the quality of life of our peoples," says the statement. These allegations also joined the Salvadoran network Solidarity with Venezuela, which ratified "absolute support for the Venezuelan people and government of Nicolas Maduro." "Given the success of the Bolivarian Diplomacy of Peace, as the progressive normalization of the border situation with Colombia or Venezuela's re-election in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (UN), the imperial right has attacked the Bolivarian Government with slanders," says the text. www.avn.info.ve


Promoting the Unknown Africa Kenya will have nuclear energy in the next seven years, The First Lady hosted a successful 9th Stop Breast, Cervical and Prostrate Cancer (SCCA) conference in Nairobi in July this year. In his brief to the First Lady, Prof. Abdulrazak said the risk of getting cancer in Kenya before age 75 stands at 14 per cent while the risk of dying from the disease is estimated at 12 per cent.

This is according to the newly appointed Director for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Professor Shaukat Abdulrazak. Nuclear energy is used in developing countries to treat cancer through radiation medicine, radiotherapy and chemotherapy although adopting a health lifestyle is billed the best preventive measure against the killer disease. It is estimated that the annual incidence of Cancer in Kenya currently stands at 28,000 cases and the annual mortality by the disease at 22,000.Cancer is now ranked the third cause of death among Kenyans after infectious and cardiovascular diseases. Over 60 per cent of those affected by cancer are below the age of 70 years. According to the regional cancer registry at KEMRI, about 80 per cent of reported cases of cancer are diagnosed at advanced stages, when very little can be achieved in terms of curative treatment.Poorly structured referral facilities, inadequate diagnostic facilities, inadequate screening services and low awareness of cancer symptoms have been singled as the key obstacles to the battle against the disease. First Lady Margaret Kenyatta on Tuesday held extensive discussions with the newly appointed Professor Abdulrazak over the ravages of cancer in the country. The professor, who is also the Vice Chancellor of Umma University (Mombasa) and Director of Medical Services Dr. Nicholas Muraguri had paid a courtesy call on the First Lady whom they briefed on the cancer situation in the country. The First Lady is the current chairperson of the Forum of African First Ladies and spouses against Breast, Cervical and Prostrate Cancer.

He said the few available cancer specialists are only concentrated in a few health facilities in Nairobi. “Cancer research in Kenya is not commensurate with the magnitude of the problem basically due to inadequate funding and training facilities in cancer research”, said Prof. Abdulrazak. He said IAEA has been working for more than 40 years to bring radiotherapy and nuclear medicine programmes to over 100 countries.“The need for radiotherapy is very high in developing countries. Less than 40 per cent of patients in the developing world who need this live-saving treatment can access it today”, he said. Prof. Abdulrazak underlined the need for the country to invest in infrastructure development in medical facilities and training adding Kenya should be the African hub for medical tourism which India is now generating millions of dollars from. Dr Muraguri said the ministry of Health is currently mapping the entire country over the causes of cancer in the region. Marsabit and Meru areas have been given priority in this regard following increased cases of cancer. He said Nairobi and Moi Universities will start the training of the first batch of oncologists who will be expected to graduate in the next 5-7 years. More centres of training will also be rolled out in other regions to ensure the country has adequate specialists over cancer. The First Lady asked Kenyans to adopt health lifestyles including physical exercises and eat more traditional foodstuff as compared to highly processed foods associated with some diseases. She said Kenya will mark a major milestone when nuclear energy becomes available in the war against cancer.



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