BUS GAMES These games are designed to help our campers feel more relaxed as they make their way to the camp grounds. Based on English communication and getting to know new people, they make the students feel comfortable and become more prepared for the English immersion camp.
FOREIGN SPORTS At Momenta Kids we choose sports and games that most kids are not familiar with. Not knowing the rules requires a lot of clarification and communication.
CAMP FIRE Campfire is a very popular activity. We roast marshmallows and encourage each team to participate in songs, skits and dances during the campfire activity.
ICE BREAKER GAMES These games are more active and involve more interaction with other participants. Our aim is to help the campers come out of their shells and begin communication with each other.
SCIENCE Momenta Kids has some very cool experiments. It is your job to guess what will happen then present what you discovered.
COMMUNICATION GAMES AND BOARD GAMES Board games are a fantastic way to improve listening and conversation skills. Learning the rules is challenging but also a lot of fun!
ART AND CRAFT In pairs or groups, art and craft is a great time for spontaneous conversation. Discuss and decide what you will make and how you will make it. Take home a souvenir for your family.
MAKE YOUR OWN SUMMER DRINK This is a super fun camp activity involving lots of imagination and cooperation. Choose your ingredients and try to make the most delicious and refreshing summer drink using the ingredients provided.
FREE TIME During free time, group leaders choose a special activity. Campers can choose the activity they are interested in. Bug catching, sports, indoor games. Make your choice
TREASURE HUNT Treasure Hunt is a very challenging activity that requires a lot of discussion and planning. In your teams, you need to follow the hints, find the clues and try to be the first team to find the pirate and discover the treasure. Teamwork is most important!
COURAGE TEST The courage test starts at a really easy level. Don’t worry! You can give up at any time. The activity helps the campers to overcome fears and become braver and more confident. These are important things when it comes to communicating.
Mission Cards
ケイドロ Cops and Robbers Game みんなでする活動 午前:A活動 午後:B活動 夕方:C活動 ✓
Activity Sheet
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
バス内でのコミュニケーションゲー ム オリエンテーション 団体式ゲーム キャンプファイアー ミッションカード 1分スピーチとプレゼンテーション コミュニケーション教室 肝試し 宝探し 沢登 (challenger course のみ) 科学実験 ネーチャーゲーム 工作 修了式
自由時間や 活動A, B, Cの間で可能な活動 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
虫取り 朝の集い・体操 ジェンガ ジャグリング教室 アスレチック プレーホールでスポーツ ジェンガ・ドミノ遊び カードゲーム ボードゲーム 一輪車 ダンスとMusic ケイドロ 森の探検 レストランシミュレーション 病院シミュレーション 寝る前のストーリータイム