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AUG/SEPT 2016 • Local Business News, activities and events
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25th Anniversary for Rotary Club of Guelph-Trillium by Barbara Fisk
1 lyon avenue, guelph 519.766.0001
519-824-2428 Staffing & Recruitment Services
Rotary Club of Guelph-Trillium is celebrating 25 years of outstanding community service! From the first 34 charter members to the 55 strong it is now, these local Rotarians have put Service Above Self. Charted on June 14, 1991, with Peter Moore as Charter President, Guelph-Trillium welcomed female and male members equally, from the beginning, and both have shared equally in the executive and administration of the club. Guelph-Trillium has served the community with a strong combination of community and international commitment throughout its years. Guelph-Trillium is well known in the city for its Signature Event–Ribfest, now in its 19th year! And, always innovative, this year, Guelph-Trillium is trying a new adventure–an April Wine Concert on Aug 25th, as a special Ribfest kickoff! (tickets available It is the monies raised at Ribfest that fund ALL of Guelph-Trillium’s many “inch-deep/mile wide” service projects. Over the 25 years, the club has raised over $1 million, and that money has all been redistributed through the Allocations program to local charities such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Focus on Nature, Women in Crisis, The Children’s Foundation, Hopewell Children’s Homes, Stephanie House, Salvation Army, Sister Christine’s Drop In Centre, Shelldale Community programs, Living With Less, YM/YWCA, high school scholarships, Guelph Youth Orchestra, Wyndham House, Lutherwood, Guelph Library, Alternative Schools, Go Go Grannies for Africa, Action Read, and so many more. As a special 25th anniversary $25,000 legacy, Guelph-Trillium proudly supported Guelph’s newest adventure for youth–the Silvercreek Skatepark. Funds are also directed to International projects including the
Rotary Club of Guelph-Trillium and 1460 CJOY present a Ribfest kickoff concert featuring April Wine and opening act The Kramdens August 25th. Tickets available at
club’s charter project: an orphanage built in Baratnagar, Nepal. It took over three years but the project was finally completed and, since that time, other Rotary Clubs have added a senior’s home (what a great combination of the young and the elderly!), a dairy, vegetable gardens and a community centre. The club has sponsored more projects in other countries including alleviating poor school and living conditions for girls in Uganda, Ghana Medical Help, a Solar Panel Project in Chile, a Computer Lab in Mombassa, school uniforms, meal programs, libraries, a bakery in Brazil, and buying Shelter Boxes that can be sent for immediate disaster relief to support up to a family of 10 for many months! Trillium has been a leader the District in per capita contributions to The Rotary Foundation, the fund-
ing arm of Rotary International. And have proudly led key initiatives towards the World-Wide Polio Eradication Campaign–so close to being completed! However, Rotary is not all about raising and spending money. Yes, Service Above Self is the motto, and the fundamental driver, but Rotarians have a good time doing it! Other Service activities include running monthly Bingos at two senior’s residences, working with Guelph General Hospital on their rising star event, Tour de Guelph, helping seniors on Days of Giving, and more. Members contribute their personal time to many other organizations in the community such as Sunrise Therapeutic Riding Centre, Guelph Hospice, Big Brothers/Sisters, and the Guelph Curling Club. Fellowship was and still is, one of the cornerstones of Rotary and
members enjoy monthly pub nights, car rallies, euchre parties, BBQs, local tours (University fishery, Sleemans, the SA Citadel, new City Hall, etc.), Christmas lights, yard sales, bowl-a-thons, curling, attending concerts & theatre, and sharing travel experiences. One of this year’s upcoming highlights is participating in the 60th Scotland-Canada Curling Fellowship tour! Trillium will host the multi-District banquet in November, where 20 curling Scot Tourists will share –cont’d on page 3
See Centre 4 pages for 2016 pull out Event Program
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