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April/May issue
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University of Guelph celebrates 50 years of changing lives and improving life by Heather Grummett
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Special events will take place throughout the year, as 2014 marks the 50th anniversary for the University of Guelph. While the University celebrates fifty years, the establishment’s history dates back as far as October 1, 1873, when the Government of Ontario purchased 550 acres of land from F. W. Stone near Guelph, for the purpose of establishing a School of Agriculture. As the first institute on the University of Guelph campus, the first classes were held at the Ontario School of Agriculture on May 1, 1874, which was later renamed Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) in 1880. During this time, Adelaide Hunter Hoodless was a prominent figure in local and national women's organizations. She helped found the National Council of the YMCA, the Victorian Order of Nurses, the National Council of Women of Canada, and is considered to be the founder of the Women's Institutes that spread across Canada and around the world. On one of her many tours and speaking engagements, Hoodless met OAC president James Mills. Mills and Hoodless shared a common vision for a school of advanced learning in domestic science for young rural women. They approached industrialist Sir William Macdonald to provide private funds to establish Macdonald Institute on the OAC campus and build the adjoining Macdonald Hall residence. Macdonald Institute opened in September 1903, and offered a variety
Downtown merchants, property owners, and members of the Board of Directors met for the Downtown Guelph Business Association’s spring membership meeting, held at the eBar on April 8. Pictured l to r: Anna Nguyen, Giant Goat Web Development; Scott Williams, Guelph-Wellington Business Enterprise Centre; Kevin Polach, Capistrano; and Marty Williams, Executive Director for the Downtown Guelph Business Association.
of programs, including a diploma in domestic science, a two-year Housekeeping Certificate and many three-month short courses. It trained prospective domestic science teachers, who then took their education to the countryside and farms. Continued success led to a four-year Macdonald Institute degree program in 1948 in affiliation with the University of Toronto. The Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph is North America's oldest veterinary college. It was moved to the Guelph campus in 1922, after beginning in Toronto in 1862 as a private institution. It became affiliated with the University of Toronto in 1919, teaching future veterinarians in an era that relied heavily on horses for transportation. In 1962, the Ontario Agricultural College, Macdonald Institute, and the Ontario Veterinary College were integrated into three Federated Colleges with a dean for each college and a Board of Regents. On May 8, 1964, the
University of Guelph Act was passed by the Ontario Legislature, bringing the three founding colleges together as a single institution. Wellington College, with faculties of arts, social science and physical and biological science was added as the fourth college. Today the University of Guelph continues to educate with many of the same principals used by Adelaide Hunter Hoodless. She cared deeply about engagement and considered it important to teach people to care about their neighbourhoods and their environment. “As we celebrate our first fifty years, the University of Guelph has been recognized as the world’s most caring university. That caring is the legacy of Adelaide Hunter Hoodless, and it is our future,” says Alastair Summerlee, University of Guelph President, 2003 to 2014. Both current students and alumni share a profound sense of social responsibility, a desire for local volunteerism, a concern for international
development, and an obligation to address global issues. The university community focuses on a dedication to cultivating the essentials for quality of life–water, food, environment, animal and human health, community, commerce, culture and learning. The University is ranked as one of Canada’s top comprehensive universities with a commitment to student learning and innovative research. Today it is made up of seven different colleges, including the College of Arts, College of Biological Science, College of Business & Economics, College of Physical & Engineering Science, College of Social & Applied Human Sciences, Ontario Agricultural College and the Ontario Veterinary College. Additional satellite campuses and research stations fall under the university umbrella, as well as the University of Guelph-Humber. The College of Business & Economics was recently renamed from the previous title of the College of Management and –continued on page 4
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