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August/September 2015
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Business Venture
Inside: Activity & Events Guide
Ann Caine passes reigns of directorship
Speedvale Ave. Ave. W W., ., GUELPH Gordon Gordon St., GUELPH Stone Road Mall, GUELPH Alma St., ROCKWOOD
by Heather Grummett
Sunrise–33 years of changing lives and empowering youth
1 lyon avenue, guelph 519.766.0001
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Venture Guelph Publications Ltd.
Ann Caine, Board of Directors President lenges, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, traumatic brain for Sunrise Therapeutic Riding and injury and emotional trauma. Learning Centre, with Sunrise CEO Caine founded Sunrise after loosing Rob Vandebelt. her husband at a very young age, when the ponies they cared for helped her As you walk the grounds at Sunrise children to cope with the tragedy. “ It Therapeutic Riding and Learning was a very emotional time for my chilCentre with founder Ann Caine, you dren and I witnessed the amazing role can feel the care and love behind the organization. As the children flow from that animals can play as therapy,” said the Sunrise Founder. one activity to another Ann stops to Having been involved in therapeutic hug and greet many of them, all riding in England she created the chariby name. Recognizing the uniqueness of chil- ty in Guelph in 1982 on a part time dren with special needs, Sunrise offers a basis. She began with five children with viable alternative to traditional therapy. disabilities, the family ponies, one horse For over 33 years, Sunrise has provided that was borrowed from owners of the riding therapy and recreation for chil- riding facility, who also donated space dren and youth with a range of special for the program during their off hours. Today the organization runs year needs including autism, visual and hearing impairments, intellectual chal- round and has over 100 riders per week
and over 265 volunteers participate in everything from programs, to committees and office work. The 102-acre farm, purchased in 1996, has an indoor arena and houses 22 horses, four miniature horses and one donkey. Over the years various grants have allowed Sunrise to expand the barn, to build a pavilion, play centre, and frog pond for the children to enjoy. The summer camp program has been running 23 years. The integrated camp blends children with and without disabilities. Approximately 50 children attend the camp daily throughout July and August. In Farm Discovery Camp, for those five to eight years old, campers participate in the care of the donkey and miniature horses, while also taking part in nature programs, swimming, crafts,
sports, and drama. The Riding Camp is for ages eight to teens and includes riding lessons in the arena, plus gives the opportunity to explore the beautiful trails on horseback. Campers learn about horses and their care through daily stable management lessons and related hands-on activities. A full tack room is designed to provide easy access to all ability levels and teaches participants how to care for the horses and the equipment. Equine topics include grooming, feeding, bedding and horse health. The Leader-In-Training program is designed to give young people aged 13 and up experience working with children and training in leadership skills. Students are also chosen as Junior Leaders to help assist –cont’d on page 4
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519-824-1595 Independently owned and operated. Truly local. Mike Baker, Publisher New mailing address:
31A-328 Speedvale Ave., East, Suite 150, Guelph ON N1E 0J4
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