Dec Business Venture 2013

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St. Joseph’s Health Centre Adult Day Program staff and participants are hoping that generous members of the community will help St. Joe’s purchase a new bus in 2014. Seniors depend on the bus to get to and from the programs safely. The programs help seniors maintain their independence and prevent premature admission to long-term care. The old bus is nearing its last days. (supplied photo)

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St. Joseph’s seeking help to keep the wheels of its bus on the road by Barbara Macrae MakingMoney




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St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation is looking for community help to get its bus back on the road before winter sets in the new year. “The bus is used to get our participants back and forth to St. Joseph’s Adult Day Program,” says Mary DuQuesnay, President and CEO, St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation. “Without the bus, frail seniors in our community could be going without the important services they need.” The bus is a vital element in St. Joseph’s nationally recognized Adult Day Programs which each day welcome seniors who are still living in the community. At St. Joseph’s they participate in stimulating activities and enjoy the many benefits of socializing with their peers–people who remember the same things they do and who have lived and are living similar experiences. Research indicates that, given the choice, most seniors want to stay in their own homes rather than enter long-term care but modern life can make it difficult for them to maintain their independence. Not all families can be close at hand to have daily con-

tact with their elderly family members and some seniors don’t have a family at all. Family members themselves can be keeping a lot of balls in the air– the demands of work coupled with the needs of growing families–so they can’t provide care and company during the day for their aging parents or grandparents. The fear of falling on slippery sidewalks or steps can restrict seniors’ mobility and reduce their opportunities to take part in community life which, in turn, can lead to loneliness and depression, significant barriers to healthy, active living. “The St. Joseph’s bus drivers escort their passengers from the bus right to their front doors,” says DuQuesnay. “The drivers are key members of the Day Program team. They know their passengers’ names as well as their unique needs–what makes them comfortable or anxious or what makes them laugh. And the passengers have the comfort of seeing their drivers’ familiar faces every day.” If the schedule has to change to accommodate someone who needs more time to get ready, the St. Joseph’s service can give them the flexibility

their passengers need. The drivers are also there to ensure that the participants get into their homes safely and if no one answers the door in the morning as expected or if there are changes in the routine, they follow through to make sure all is okay and if it’s not, they connect with the right person who can provide appropriate help. But, according to DuQuesnay, the St. Joseph’s bus is fast approaching its final days. “Although it passed its last safety inspection we need to act now to get a new bus in place so that families dependent on St. Joseph’s Adult Day Program will be able to get their loved ones to and from this crucial service,” she says. St. Joseph’s Adult Day Programs help seniors stay active and involved–crucial factors in maintaining good physical and mental health. Participants cook, enjoy music, art and discussions together–activities that provide focus and meaning. They welcome guest speakers or share their knowledge with each other. They also participate in gentle exercise and outings into the community that keep their minds and spirits engaged.

One component of the programs is especially designed to benefit participants living with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia who still reside at home. The Adult Day Programs not only help participants stay active but they also give caregivers, many of whom are spouses, the opportunity for some respite and relief from the 24/7 demands of care. Joan Cameron’s husband Don was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease in 2007. “As you can imagine, it presented challenges for both of us and many days were not easy,” she says. “But when Don started attending St. Joseph’s Adult Day Program–we call it the Social Club–our lives changed for the better almost right away.” Don was introduced into a stimulating social environment that presented many recreational and leisure opportunities suited to his needs and choices, she says. The program has also helped Cameron cope with the demands of care that she has shouldered. The program resource workers listen to her concerns, –continued on page 3

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