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February/March 2015
Inside: Activity & Events Guide
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Local Business News–Activities & Events
Chamber welcomes CEO
News from the editor…
by Heather Grummett
ventureguelph.ca elcome to our first issues of the year for VentureGuelph.ca (formerly Business Venture) and the Activity and Events Guide. You may have noticed our new masthead, which now reflects our website, VentureGuelph.ca. Our two separate publications will now be delivered under one banner: VentureGuelph.ca. Published six times per year, our readers and our advertisers will now benefit from two additional issues of the Activity and Events Guide, while getting exposure to a new audience of readers through the current business to business delivery by Canada Post of six issues of VentureGuelph.ca. VentureGuelph.ca (formerly Business Venture) continues to focus on what’s happening in our business community by providing regular columns from local business professionals, and informative articles and profiles on business achievement and more. The Activity & Events Guide is a communityfocused publication with information on local events such as festivals, shows, sporting events, arts and culture events, as well as children’s activities. The A&E Guide also features interesting articles on nutrition and healthy lifestyles, fundraising activities and volunteer information. “Venture Guelph Publications continues to offer more for less,” says Mike Baker, Publisher for Venture
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Venture Guelph Publications Ltd.
Kithio Mwanzia, President and CEO Guelph Chamber of Commerce The Guelph Chamber of Commerce recently welcomed Kithio Mwanzia as the new President and CEO of the organization. With a background in communications and government relations, working as a management professional he has developed a thorough knowledge of member driven organizations having worked with the St. Catharines–Thorold Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce. “Chamber organizations play an important role within a community,” says Kithio Mwanzia, the new President and CEO for the Guelph Chamber of Commerce. “I enjoy the chance to be in a role where you can connect businesses, and advocate for the membership, while providing services.” Prior to joining the Guelph Chamber, Mwanzia served as the Interim Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce (GNCC), after working as the GNCC Director of Policy and
Government Relations where he oversaw the public affairs, advocacy and government relations portfolio. “Guelph is at the cusp of being an economic powerhouse,” adds Mwanzia. “A recent Credit Union of Ontario report shows the projected numbers are high when it comes to growth in the creation of jobs, and the demand for new housing. I chose Guelph because I wanted to be part of filing out that picture - building robust employment opportunities by helping to create a synergy within the
Events Guide
Guelph Publications Ltd. “By branding our publications with our website, our readers are encouraged to visit us online where they can now take advantage of our news feed with up-to-date press releases, plus also find a full calendar of local events posted by groups and organizations within our community.” We will continue to upload digital copies of each publication online at www.ventureguelph.ca and on our Facebook page, as well as through digital links on Twitter and LinkedIn. Both publications continue to be delivered door-todoor throughout Guelph, and are available for pickup and/or viewing at over 300 drop sites including City facilities, doctor’s offices and more. The Activity and Events Guide will now join the VentureGuelph.ca delivery schedule with Canada Post mailing to all businesses in Guelph, Fergus, Elora and Rockwood. We always welcome your business news, story ideas and upcoming fundraising information–email us at infoventure@golden.net. Visit our website to submit your events or view the events calendar. Simply click on the “Submit Event” icon on our homepage. Heather Grummett, Editor Venture Guelph Publications Ltd.
business community and beyond.” With 850 members, the Guelph Chamber of Commerce offers professional development opportunities through various seminars, workshops, Lunch & Learns and Business After 5 events. Over 70 annual networking events allow members to connect, whether through tradeshows, an annual golf tournament, or monthly pub nights. Additional member benefits include group insurance plans, discounts on merchant services, and member-
to-member discounts. With an advocacy background, representing the voice of business is important to the new CEO. “Guelph is a wonderful place to live and do business,” says Mwanzia. “I am interested to see how we can help to make it easier for businesses to do business. What people strategy do we have? How are we cultivating new citizens to the area with our business culture? How are we connecting the business community to the Universities and Colleges? How are –cont’d on page 4
240 Victoria Rd. N., Guelph, ON N1H 6K9 (519) 822-0160 Toll Free: 1-800-263-1032
519-824-1595 Independently owned and operated. Truly local. Mike Baker, Publisher New mailing address:
31A-328 Speedvale Ave., East, Suite 150, Guelph ON N1E 0J4
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