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January/February issue
Local business news, features & information
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Reducing the environmental footprint in our city
by Heather Grummett
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eMERGE Guelph recently announced the eMERGE Efficient Home Visit to help citizens lighten their environmental impact and trigger positive actions across the city. Previously known as Net Zero City, eMERGE Guelph is an innovative collaboration between the City of Guelph, Guelph Hydro Electric Systems Inc., Union Gas, Guelph Environmental Leadership, Transition Guelph, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Project Neutral, the University of Guelph, Sustainable Solutions Group, Elora Centre for Environmental Excellence, and Guelph’s Community Wellbeing Initiative. The partners believe it is time to begin working together, across different sectors, toward the common goal of a more efficient, profitable and vibrant community. Those goals include transforming the city toward a net zero environmental impact in the areas of energy, water, transportation, waste and food. It’s a focus in-step with Guelph’s Community Energy Initiative, which was endorsed by councillors in 2007. The Initiative addresses all aspects of energy including efficiency, supply, distribution and transportation across all sectors. The targets of the Plan focus on 50% less energy use per capita and 60% less Green House Gas emissions per capita by 2031. These targets are in-line with the City’s expected population growth to 175,000 persons within the next 17 years. The Efficient Home Visit is the first of a number of comprehensive services that eMERGE will be rolling out to reach every Guelph neighbourhood and report on efficiency at the community level. Following a successful pilot that ended in March 2012, the home visit service has expanded to help homeowners or renters achieve energy, water
At the official recognition sign unveiling, the Rotary Club of Guelph presented the fourth of five donations totalling $180,800 to the Guelph General Hospital Medical Education Centre. The Medical Education Centre focuses on medical students and graduates completing residencies. Pictured are Jim Wadleigh, Rotary Club of Guelph President, presenting to Suzanne Bone, Guelph General Hospital Foundation President and CEO. See page 3 for more details.
and waste reductions while enhancing alternative transportation and sustainable food choices, and inspiring green renovations in and around the home. When homeowners book a free onehour consultation, an on-site expert evaluates the home room by room. Participants receive practical tips, resources and incentives to assist with making green changes to their home. A complimentary retrofit package includes the installation of free energy and water efficient devices as needed, including high efficiency showerheads, faucet aerators, hot water pipe insulation and CFL bulbs. Plus residents receive details on how to start their own projects and find out about upcoming skill building workshops. Each visit equals a savings of $80 to $200 per home annually. Previous green promotions have included a multi-residential retrofit blitz, the delivery of 16,000 conservation kits and 40,000 CFL bulbs across the city, plus a citywide action workshop. “Our previous projects had
significant results,” says Glynis Logue, Director of Engagement and Implementation with eMERGE. “Guelph already has a strong culture of conservation. Keeping citizens engaged long-term is the challenge we are hoping to overcome with these high impact events.” Beginning in February, eMERGE Guelph will be collaborating with the Guelph Remax offices. Remax is supporting a rapid roll-out of 300 Efficient Home Visits over a three month timeframe, providing sellers with a one-hour consultation. Homebuyers will purchase with the knowledge that their new home has environmentally conscious benefits and each new homeowner will receive a package including tips on how to be sustainable, and important information about Guelph as a green community. Remax agents will also provide literature at their open houses on the advantages of buying and selling a green home. “Each individual conservation effort is vital to a healthy community," says
Wayne Galliher, Water Conservation Project Manager for the City of Guelph. “The eMERGE Efficient Home Visit offers a great complement to other successful City conservation initiatives by evaluating your home’s specific energy and water footprint and identifying practical ways to reduce your resource use and save money.” Moving forward eMERGE has plans for pilot projects with other local businesses, schools and churches. Guelph Hydro Electric Systems Inc. is one partner who will soon be distributing information in their bills promoting the eMERGE Efficient Home Visit. “Our goal is to remove barriers to help residents access knowledge and the inspiration to motive them into action,” adds Logue. Another program from eMERGE Guelph is Transition Streets, which promotes bringing neighbours together to get better acquainted, while learning collaboratively how to save money, reduce environmental footprints, and work together to create – continued on pg 3
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Business of Downtown Guelph’s Shrinking Footprints
downtownguelph.com BIA and talks with government by Marty Williams, Executive Director, Downtown Guelph Business Association The Downtown Guelph Business Deputy Minister, and several senior certain way because I have deterAssociation was created as a people from other ministries. We mined that it is otherwise unsafe Business Improvement Area (BIA) had decision makers in the room and a violation of my human more than 40 years ago. In 2014 who had accepted the five priorities rights. But that is, in effect, what Ontario has almost 300 BIAs repre- that we were asking for help on. happens at the HRTO: individuals senting 55,000 businesses. Those The Minister of Economic are allowed to contend that places organizations have a combined Development, Trade and which are not accessible in a budget of $40,000,000 to spend on Employment, Eric Hoskins, was particular way diminish them, and keeping “main street” vital. BIAs all genial and clearly well briefed. He are able to collect damages because run and sponsor events and activi- let us know from the get-go that of it. ties, beautify with banners and our list of priorities seemed reason- I explained how in Guelph small flowers and Christmas lights, and able, and that he was confident we businesses had been arbitrarily sinwork every day to improve the civic could find solutions. He also invit- gled out and threatened, how peorealm by making it more economi- ed us to use concrete examples ple had been negatively impacted, cally, socially and culturally vibrant. from our Downtowns and Main how it has (collectively) cost I am proud to be a part of the Streets, saying it would help them Downtown Guelph hundreds of BIA movement, and proud to rep- get a better sense of what the situa- thousands of dollars in time and resent Guelph as a Board member tion was. And so I did. legal fees simply because the HRTO of the Ontario Business When it was my turn, I spoke on allows individuals to equate human Improvement Area Association the negative economic impact a rights with particular aspects of (OBIAA). We have been very suc- subjective view of Accessibility has accessibility. The cost to individual cessful lately in our efforts to had in Guelph, specifically how the small businesses is serious; for engage the Provincial Government Access for Ontarian with downtowns collectively it could be on issues of common concern. Disabilities Act (AODA) conflicts devastating. The chill it casts could Premier Wynne was in attendance with the Human Rights Tribunal of be felt across the province: if busiat our 2013 Conference in Toronto, Ontario (HRTO). I began by saying nesses fear that they will be and pledged to work with us to what I have said whenever we dis- required to be fully accessible or find ways to help us accomplish cuss this problem: there isn’t a sin- face the consequences of the HRTO our mandates. She assured us that gle business or building owner I we could see a hollowing out of she understood the value of our have ever spoken to that isn’t in historic downtowns across the work, and committed to helping us favour of a more accessible province. do more and to do better. And in Ontario. We all want people with The solution I proposed to the the time since the conference we mobility and other impairments Minister is to remove the resolution have exchanged letters leading up and issues to be able to move about of this from the realm of Human to a meeting this month with the more freely than they currently do, Rights and come up with an objecMinistry of Economic we are all committed to doing tive standard. We need to go buildDevelopment, Trade and everything we reasonably can to ing by building across the province Employment as part of their “Open educate ourselves and our employ- to see where–within economic realfor Business” initiative. (An exam- ees about service standards and ity–we can make improvements to ple can be found at being appropriately helpful. But we accessibility. Come up with a plan, http://www.ontario.ca/businesshave a problem. We have, in a timeline, and a program to assist and-economy/ontario-open-busi- Guelph, a built form that is over small businesses. We can then let ness-ontarios-business-sector-strat- 150 years old. Many of our compeople with concerns know that we egy-small-business) mercial spaces will never become are doing what’s possible and realisWhen I heard that the OBIAA accessible to the modern standard. tic to improve accessibility. We can, Board was going to meet with folks Unless we tear it all down and start I believe, make Ontario more accesfrom the Provincial Government, I over, we will always fall short of sible without putting this burden was skeptical. I was worried that it somebody’s definition of accessibil- on historic downtowns alone. might just be a bit of window ity. As I said, the Minister thought it dressing, that we’d have a chance to And that’s the crux of the prob- was a reasonable and sensible idea express our concerns to some mid- lem: we can’t let individuals decide and he committed to “report back level bureaucrats who would take what it means to be accessible. with solutions” within 60 days. It our presentation and file it away There has to be an objective stan- would be a great relief for and call that consultation. So I was dard–just as there is with, for exam- Downtown Guelph and downpleasantly surprised when we ple, food safety regulations. I don’t towns across Ontario if we can get a once-and-for-all resolution on arrived to find that we would be get to walk into a restaurant and this issue. Stay tuned. speaking with the Minister, the demand that they handle food a
January 2014 page 2
The Scots exported frugality to Canada and Guelph, founded by Scots, has always been frugal with its use of resources. Whether it is because of our Scottish roots or our environmental community leanings–Guelph has been making quite a name for ourselves in our planning and implementing the Community Energy Initiative (CEI). The best part of what Guelph is accomplishing is that the CEI started with leadership from City Hall, it is community driven from the planning to the execution. In fact, we are on track to reaching the Lloyd Longfield goal of our community energy initiative to use 50% less energy and 60% less greenhouse President gas emissions than we did in 2006, with 50% population growth, by 2031. In the first six years of the Community Energy Initiative, Guelph has increased its population by 22% and decreased per capita energy use by 26%. Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by 18%. The “community” part of the Community Energy Initiative is really what sets us apart. From the residential side we saw a grass roots organization, Guelph Environmental Leadership delivering 16,000 energy savings kits door to door. At the same time through Guelph Hydro, the Guelph Chamber of Commerce was promoting Power Savings Blitz to small businesses, with 40% of Guelph’s small businesses taking advantage of the energy savings programs to date. Large energy users have been working with Guelph Hydro and now also with Innovation Guelph to take advantage of provincial programs for larger businesses. Retailers have helped to distribute low flush toilets to over 2,000 consumers as City of Guelph employees distribute rebate coupons. Innovation Guelph is also working with businesses and researchers who are developing alternate energy applications. Looking on the rooftops, last year 190 solar installations generated four million kilowatt hours of emission-free electricity. The solar capacity of 5.5 megawatts now installed in Guelph is equivalent to 985 out of a target of 1,000 solar rooftops by 2020 as set out in the Guelph Community Energy Initiative. And there are way more applications awaiting approval. Guelph is one of few communities in Canada that was not set up to take its drinking water from a lake or river, but from wells drilled into the ground. Countries like China, Israel, and Brazil have come to Guelph in search of our knowledge of water supply and treatment. We may be different than other Canadian cities, but it is surprising how similar we are to Beijing, Bethlehem, or Brasilia. In the world, 97% of our water is salt water. Of the remaining 3%, one third is ground water, two thirds icecaps and glaciers and a fraction, 0.3%, is surface water. You start to see Guelph’s expertise in managing ground water supply become makes us very interesting to most of the world. Another thing that sets us apart is Guelph’s solid waste master plan led by City Hall and driven by the community. The leadership shown by the City in instituting waste diversion goals puts Guelph into a rare field to start with. But going from 30% diversion to 68% diversion within the first 5 years of a 25 year program really turns heads in our direction. Waste is expensive to generate, store, collect, and treat. Guelph residents and businesses again are moving the needle way past what is considered normal in other communities. Yes, sorting waste is a bit of a chore. No, the same cart solution does not work everywhere. An investment in storage carts and collection trucks has been made, and the cost of picking up waste has gone down. Many businesses are heading toward “zero waste”, while residents at the same time are reducing on their end. Not many communities in North America have been able to pull this off as well. Downtown we have seen the start of Guelph’s District Energy plan, with pipes going under the ground on MacDonnell and boilers going onto the roof of the Sleeman Centre, led by Union Gas and Guelph Hydro. The Community Energy Initiative was developed by a Consortium that included the City; Union Gas; Guelph Hydro; business and industry representatives; the University of Guelph; school boards; and Chamber of Commerce, with the assistance of international energy expert Peter Garforth. The City of Guelph sets policy and promotes environmental stewardship at all levels, including new building construction. Guelph Hydro shows other utilities in Ontario new ways of monitoring and controlling energy. Guelph’s businesses and residents work side by side to reduce our impact on the environment. The University of Guelph has led the way in environmental studies, and is now one of the four pillars of The Better Planet Project. Guelph’s schools teach students the benefits of environmental stewardship. The Guelph Chamber of Commerce has been advocating for, connecting to, and educating businesses on the benefits of the Community Energy Initiative, as well as providing feedback to the City from the business community. Guelph has a lot to be proud of when it comes to what we are doing to shrink our footprint.
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Rotary Club of Guelph Medical Education Centre In 2009, The Rotary Club of Guelph made a $180,800 pledge to support the creation of a Medical Education Centre, primarily for medical students, at Guelph General Hospital. As studies have shown that students often stay where they learn, the goal of this project is to help ensure all of us have a physician when we need one. GGH has students through the McMaster Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine’s Waterloo Regional Campus. But, until the Rotary Club of Guelph Medical Education Centre, there wasn’t proper space for them. Rotary support helped build and equip learning facilities including a student lounge, on-call sleep rooms, a fully equipped video conference room, teaching aids, furnishings and equipment. The Rotary Club of Guelph recently presented GGH with the fourth of five donations cheques for the Medical Education Centre. “We areso grateful for the Rotary Club of Guelph’s continued support” said Foundation CEO Suzanne Bone.“There’s no question we’re competing with other communities for physicians. We know Guelph offers much as a vibrant community. Having fantastic learning facilities gives us another advantage when it comes to bringing new physicians to Guelph.”
Retire in Style Show March 21,11:30 am - 3:00 pm Drop by the Evergreen Seniors Community Centre at 683 Woolwich St. for the Retire in Style Show. Open to the public, this information show is perfect for those who are newly retired, thinking about retiring or looking to assist their parents with retirement. Local area businesses and not for profit agencies who serve the older adult population will offer details on services available. For more details call 519-823-1291.
Environmental footprint continued from page 1 positive and long-term environmental and social change within their neighbourhood. Transition Streets is a seven month commitment, where neighbours meet once per month. A manuel with topics is provided for each meeting, encouraging discussions on energy challenges, rebates, and solutions; as well as concerns surrounding water, food, transportation, and waste. Participants report back at the end of the term on potential issues and solutions for a positive impact. From there neighbours may consider moving forward with a Neighbourhood Retrofit Plan which helps makes large scale changes to a neighbourhood with eMERGE Guelph removing the potential barriers, by buying and distributing efficient devices in bulk. Examples of the projects may include a bulk purchase of low flow toilets for every home on the street, changing old thermostats for new programmable ones, tree
plantings on all boulevards, or a bulk purchase of public transit passes. "We are fortunate to have such a dedicated group of citizens in our midst who are willing to serve as ‘wayshowers’--conserving resources in their own homes, connecting with their neighbours and sharing information to help the community learn how to live lighter and live richer--one household, one street, one neighbourhood at a time," says Sandy Manners, Director, Corporate Communications, Guelph Hydro Inc. Through the pilot programs, at the end of 2011, enough water had been saved to fill 11 Olympic-sized swimming pools, electricity was saved as comparable with taking 18 homes off the grid each year, and green house gases were reduced equivalent to planting 532 trees each year. As eMERGE programs move forward and more residents become involved, the saving potential for Guelph is remarkable. For more information visit www.emergeguelph.ca.
Inspired employees grow bottom line by Janet Roy We hire employees for their fit, education, skills and experience, often with an expectation of mutual future investment. It is widely agreed that employee engagement inspires innovation, quality customer service, creative solutions to unique challenges, and ultimately drives your bottom line in an upward trajectory. Those who value employee engagement as a critical factor in driving revenue are often seeking ways to “engage” their employees. To improve engagement, job satisfaction, productivity and ultimately the bottom line, consider the impact of including your employees in the creation of their workspaces. Many organizations recognize the impact of their employees’ working environment through ergonomics and health and safety standards. There are also those who have raised the stakes by soliciting their employees’ feedback and taken steps to change their physical working environment while being able to reduce overhead and remain flexible to current and future needs. We congratulate Manulife for rethinking their
office space as shared in an article by Tara Perkins in the Globe & Mail on Monday, December 30, 2013. In brief, the success of business growth of the future supports a culture focused on results, empowering employee engagement, and keeps real estate (ownership and/or lease) costs contained with possibilities for reduction. Identified were; • Well-lit space • Smaller workstations allows more workstations, open space and scaling up and down with contract employees seamlessly • Space to collaborate - Modern coffee/lunch shop incorporated as natural gathering place. Many companies providing healthy catering choices for lunch convenience. -More office space dedicated to meeting rooms available for conferencing and meeting–available for short-term private space focus when required by an individual. • Standardize look in all office and production
spaces so employee can work and have knowledge of office spaces regionally and globally. Every location is set up the same. • Workforce is mobile both working from home, clients’ office and within their own workstations promoting flexibility The changes reflect conscious decisions based on collaboration and consideration of an evolving business flexible to adapt to a fluctuating economy by allowing scaling up and down as needed. Onboarding of new and contract personnel becomes easier. Everyone has space to collaborate, visually everyone is equal, all locations standardized and physical flexibility promotes innovation, results focused environment and all are walking the talk. For more information visit www.premiumhrsolutions.com or call 519-8242428.
Unique program uncovers corporate potential Are you looking for a creative way to improve team dynamics and leadership within your company? Combining expert leadership training with innovative hands-on workshops in a beautiful venue, “UnbridleYour Potential” is a truly unique professional leadership development program. “UnbridleYour Potential” integrates well-trained horses into experiential group learning opportunities. Each exercise is designed to provide participants with a fresh perspective and greater insight into their own leadership style, team dynamics, personal goals and pathways to achievement. Program facilitator Vicki Dickson of VELOCITYworks, has over twenty years of management experience, an advanced degree in Human Resources (CHRP) and certification in both Effective Intelligence and Self Management. Ms. Dickson has been leading highly successful professional development programs since 2005, after formally studying the practice of using horses for leadership training in Michigan. Her clients have included OMAFRA, the University of Guelph and a number of companies within the pharmaceutical industry. Why use horses to teach leadership skills? Horses are herd animals and they look to a leader to provide some pretty clear direction. If you are unclear or not authentic, or they misread your signals and have confusion over what you are asking of them, then they will not cooperate. In each herd, there is a hierarchy. When someone new enters their world, they innately look for characteristics that tell them if they are a leader to be trusted, in much the same way as when a new manager enters the work team. “UnbridleYour Potential” represents a new partnership between VELOCITYworks and Sunrise
Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre, a worldclass therapeutic riding and instructor training centre located 10 minutes from Guelph, near the 401. Sunrise staff provide support to each team of delegates as they work to achieve common goals during experiential learning activities. Delegates participate in a review following each leadership coaching session. Catered lunch is provided in Sunrise’s beautiful century stone farmhouse overlooking pastureland and gardens. As part of the program, each participant also receives a personalized Leadership Profile, helping them to identify their own leadership style, personal strengths and management goals. Consider sending your middle or top management staff to one of the Spring 2014 “Unbridle Your Potential” management training workshops Tuesday, May 6 or Tuesday, May 27. These clinics will be designed to specifically address the goals of the participants or, if you are sending a team of managers from your company, the exercises will be tailored to help meet your corporate goals. For registration information please contact Ann Caine, Sunrise Executive Director, at 519-837-0558 x25 or ann@sunrise-therapeutic.ca, or visit www.sunrise-therapeutic.ca (under Programs).
GUELPH ON N1H 3X7 TEL.: 837-3111 http://www.weiler.ca January 2014 page 3
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The Ontario Municipal and School Board Elections take place in Guelph on Monday, October 27, 2014. Election candidates running for Mayor are Karen Farbridge, Cam Guthrie, John Legere, and Nicholas Ross. For more voter information and candidate listings visit http://vote.wpengine.com/ While all Mayor candidates were contacted prior to our publication date, we did not receive information for all candidates by our press time.
Candidate John Legere is an established business owner who has lived in Guelph for twelve years with his spouse and three children. “As a mayoral candidate,should I be elected,my intent is to change the way that we govern ourselves. It is my objective to introduce a truly representative government.We have the ability to be able to govern ourselves,and to give voice to our needs.As mayor,I would vote simply based on the input of the majority,” says Legere. “Currently,we get to vote our representatives into power every four years,and we hope that they do what we want.Let’s consider the possibility of the ability to vote on everything that we want to. We would have a truly representative government.We would have a government where the majority of opinion would rule the day.Just imagine! Guelph could be the place to introduce Canada to a truly representative form of government.I am thankful for living in the City of Guelph,and the ability to represent you.” Visit mayority.ca for more information.
As a Guelph resident,Cam Guthrie knows that Guelph is a good city.After all,his family first arrived in Guelph in 1919.But he also knows Guelph could be better. As a Ward 4 City Councillor,Guthrie fulfilled his election promises of increasing communication, accountability and transparency.By encouraging more commercial and employment opportunities.And by always watching out for "the pennies at City Hall--because they’re your pennies". “And I delivered,” Guthrie stated when he officially announced his run for the mayor’s seat.He also talked about the number of people who,proud of some of the city’s accomplishments,told him the city could do better. After seeing the city audit results–which revealed millions in overtime costs–property tax increases repeatedly above CPI,and shortfalls in areas of customer service,Guthrie knew Guelph could do better than continue to embrace the status quo. Instead of using taxpayers as a personal ATM to cover the cost of pet projects,Guthrie proposes a focus on improving core services to the City of Guelph.He remains open to all prospects,including involvement from the private sector in delivering some of those services. During his announcement to run for mayor,Guthrie promised to “start the journey toward fiscal responsibility,respect for taxpayers hard earned money,less government waste and a renewed openness to business. “Because a better Guelph makes our lives better,” he concluded. Join him at www.abetterguelph.ca or on Twitter at @abetterguelph.
In announcing her plans to run for re-election in early January,Mayor Karen Farbridge pledged to continue to implement strategies to attract the best possible investment and jobs to Guelph. “We have developed a winning formula–one that balances a commitment to the economic,environmental, social and cultural health of our community.Progressive businesses continue to choose Guelph as their home because it is a great place to live as well as do business,” said Farbridge in her remarks to about 75 supporters gathered at City Hall. Farbridge,who has served three terms as Mayor since 2000,says there have been many successes during her leadership including the creation of more than 7,000 jobs in the community since 2006, attracting and supporting new or growing businesses such as Canadian Solar and Hitachi,recent completion of the Laird interchange providing more convenient access to several business and industrial parks,and the Downtown Investment Strategy,which attracted $85 million in private investment to the area. She says there are still more thoughtfully-developed strategies about to come on board to further strengthen Guelph’s appeal to employers and business owners,such as the Guelph Innovation District and implementation of Wellbeing Guelph–an initiative that promotes the best quality of life for residents through collaboration and partnership rather than increased spending. “I am looking forward to engaging with voters during the election. The input will frame my platform and define my leadership for the next term,” said Farbridge. Visit www.karenfarbridge.com for more details.
Message from the publisher Welcome to our first issue of Business Venture 2014. Whether your fiscal year-end matches the calendar or not, January is often a time when business owners evaluate the previous year’s successes and shortfalls. Did we hit our goals and what will our new goals be? Is it a year to stay on course, or is it time for change? Someone told me recently that in the grand scheme of things, running a business isn’t an overly complicated undertaking; however, actually running a business can be a very difficult task. Often the day-to-day operations are interrupted with red tape and procedures from the banks, all levels of government, or for us–Canada Post. Sometimes the focus spent U of Guelph–50 Years of Building a Better Planet Students have curated this special exhibit highlighting some of the most outstanding and intriguing contributions the University has made to changing lives and improving life both in our community and around the world. The exhibit, organized by students in U of G’s Museum Project courses, will be on display at the Guelph Civic Museum from early January until the anniversary celebrations in June. The unique thematic presentation, interactive kiosks and experiential opportunities will be sure to delight all visitors. Better Planet Lecture Series Experts from the University of Guelph explore themes related to the Better Planet Project: environment, health, community, and food. 7pm, admission by donation.
February 13 Dr. David Ma, Omega-3 Acids and Breast Cancer Prevention
March 13 Dr. Evan Fraser, Associate Professor; Canada Research Chair in Global Human Security, Population Growth, High Energy Prices, Climate Change and the Challenge of Feeding Nine Billion
April 10 Dr. Maurice Nelischer, Director for Sustainability, Gown in Town: How the Campus and Community Interact
on these additional details often makes you loose sight of why you are in business in the first place. Regardless of the sector, as an owner of an independent business we all have things that sometimes ‘get in the way’. It is how we deal with it that determines the amount of time spent and the effects on us and our business. Personally, at Venture Guelph Publications Ltd., we celebrated some great success in 2013, as Business Venture celebrated a 20th anniversary. We also partnered with the Guelph Arts Council and the Downtown Guelph Business Association on the Arts Guelph publication. Plus, we continue our partnership with the Guelph & District Association of REALTORS®, working
together to create their independent publication Real Estate Update. Venture Guelph Publications Ltd. continues to be a flagship for local business. Our Activity and Events Guide continues to strive–we introduced an online calendar of events, and our online publications continue to raise awareness for our writers and advertisers. Guelph is a community with a great selection of unique independent businesses. I would like to wish you great success in hitting your goals for 2014.
Mike Baker Publisher (venture@golden.net)
2014–The opinions and stories that appear in the columns of Business Venture are for information purposes only. Statements and opinions within the pages of Business Venture are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher, advertisers or Venture Guelph Publications Ltd.
519-824-1595 Mike Baker, Publisher venture@golden.net www.ventureguelph.ca 2 Quebec Street unit 232 Guelph Ontario This issue: 12 pages without inserts. View it on-line at: ventureguelph.ca Printed by McLaren Press Graphics Ltd.
Media release
Mompreneurs open doors in support of Lakeside Hope House Guelph Mompreneurs Everyday Living Show March 1, 2014
with a surprise Superhero and Princess, free face painting and balloon creations, an edible activity by The Cake Engineer and a free Guelph Mompreneurs is thrilled to host their kids play and craft area sponsored by second showcase featuring Free Family Fun Momstown. Children’s entertainment for members of the community. This will be provided throughout the day by year’s showcase presented by Guelph Kricket n Krew, which includes two Mompreneurs, takes place Saturday March 1, magic shows! 2014 from 10am to 4pm at Guelph Place “I am truly grateful and genuinely moved Banquet Hall, 492 Michener Rd., Guelph. by all the support Mompreneurs have Admission is free with a donation to the received here in Guelph,” says Tessa, Hope House, and the first 100 attendees licensed owner of Guelph Mompreneur will receive a free swag bag stocked with gifts Showcase Group Inc. “This year we are and goodies from local business. excited to support Lakeside Hope This Spring showcase features the House with our fundraising efforts, talents of over 40 local mom-owned and are also happy to be able to support our businesses, as well as businesses within our community. It’s wonderful when we community, selling and educating the can bring the community together in Guelph community about their products or support of such great organizations. service. Doors open at 10 am with a full schedule of fun events planned throughout the day including a meet and greet January 2014 page 4
VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture ventureguelph.ca
Show Highlights: • Cupcake decorating and workshop with the Cake Engineer • Main stage entertainment throughout the day • Great shopping with over 40 local small businesses Guelph Mompreneurs Group is a branch of the MOMpreneur Showcase Group Inc., a national network that supports, educates, and empowers Canadian moms in business. Owned and operated by Tessa Kampen, the Guelph Mompreneurs was created to help small business owners get the word out to the community about their unique and flourishing businesses. For more information on the Guelph Mompreneur Showcase, visit http://www.guelphmompreneurs.com/
Finance Taking retirement incomes–a timing issue Individuals considering retirement–either on a full time basis or on a semi-retired basis–face a number of decisions on what would be the best time to begin taking an income from the assets they accumulated in their various savings plans over their working years. For example, Canada Pension Plan benefits can be taken at any time between the ages of 60 and 70, Old Age Security payments (OAS) can be started between the ages of 65 and 70 and RRSP conversions to a personal retirement income fund can be done at almost any time (mandatory at age 71). In addition to these fund sources many individuals also have non-registered accounts and Tax Free Savings Accounts which can be utilized at any time to supplement income. When it comes to determining when to particiMedia release
Business and Personal by John Moran
pate in government sponsored plans one of the biggest issues is the uncertainty of knowing how long one will live. A case in point would be if a person decided not to take the OAS until age 70 but ended up dying at age 69 he\she would have lost the annual benefits (currently around $6600) for four years and any savings from this income would not be there for the beneficiaries of the estate. The same holds true for CPP benefits. The new consensus is that availability of income from third party sources such as government programs or employer pension plans should be taken sooner rather than later. Drawing from RRSP accounts presents other challenges. The strategy of deferring tax liability by using non-registered savings instead of registered plans can create pitfalls especially once a tax-
payer turns 71, is forced to draw on his RRSP and finds that the additional income has resulted in both higher tax rates and possibly a claw back of OAS benefits and an age exemption reduction. On the other hand taxpayers over 65 with lower incomes may want to withdraw larger RRSP amounts to take advantage of the age exemption they are now entitled to claim. The determination of when to draw on the various income sources will vary for every taxpayer. Consult your financial advisor to ensure your strategy is beneficial for you not the CRA. John Moran BA, EPC, ICIA, Lyon Financial Services Inc. 519-766-0001 or jmoran@lyonfinancial.ca
Ontario AGRICentre 100 Stone Road West, Suite 301, Guelph Telephone: 519.822.4680 Fax: 519.822.1583 Toll-Free: 1.866.658.0092 www.millerthomson.com
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Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment brings discussions to Guelph
As part of a series of roundtables focused on Social Enterprise which recently took place across the province, the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment held a special session to include Ontario’s co-operative enterprises. Held on January 15 in Guelph, the initiative indicates a need and willingness to streamline operations between co-operatives and the Ontario government. Facilitated by Pillar Non-profit Network, the Open For Business roundtables have been designed to help identify pressing issues facing the social enterprise sector (which includes cooperatives, caisse populaires and credit unions) that may prevent them from starting and developing. “By providing a space and the opportunity for open dialogue, we are building the blocks towards a more collaborative relationship
between government and co-operatives which could have a significant and very positive impact on the sector,” notes Mark Ventry, Executive Director of the Ontario Co-operative Association. “This is our chance to get the government’s ear … to make a difference and cut some red tape which is getting in the way of our future growth and success.” Close to 70 participants attended the session held at Innovation Guelph, which included key leaders from Ontario’s larger co-ops and federations, Board chairs, CEOS/Executive Directors and senior management, as well as representatives from other co-ops and social enterprises. Attendees came prepared to discuss the ways in which their organizations interact with government, as well to help identify some practical and resolvable solutions to issues facing co-operatives and credit unions specifically.
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Following the OFB roundtable criteria of “zero cost to government, no new legislation and feasible to implement within 60 days,” some of the key common issues that were identified included: 1. Co-operatives do not have a sole point of contact within the Ontario government to address funding concerns, information flow and general awareness of the co-operative model of business enterprise; 2. Co-operatives are treated differently than other types of business enterprises operating in the same sector; 3. Co-operatives experience a degree of unnecessary ‘red-tape’ within an Ontario government department or Ministry; 4. Some co-operatives cannot provide goods or services to the Ontario government due to its current procurement policies. A summary of co-op related recommendations
is available at www.ontario.coop. These recommendations along with input from the sector at large will be combined with those from the other six roundtables, resulting in up to ten recommendations to be presented to government through a formal OFB process, from which five key priorities will be identified. Ministries will then have two months to address them, explain why they can’t be addressed, or to deliver alternative solutions. Ventry adds,“It is our hope that at least one or two of our priorities will make the top five list… Ontario’s co-operatives have proven themselves as key contributors to the government’s mandate of generating sustainable economic growth and creating jobs. But we do need their support to break down some of the barriers we are facing, impeding the growth and development of co-operative enterprises.”
Guelph Arts Council, Guelph Civic Museum and The City of Guelph present “Wall of Art: Space and Place” The Guelph Arts Council, the Guelph Civic Museum and the City of Guelph are pleased to present the first installment of the “Wall of Art” exhibition series. This exciting new series aims to showcase the breadth of local talent that we have here in Guelph as well as provide artists with a unique opportunity to share their work with a larger audience. The first installment, entitled “Space and Place” will run from Friday, January 10 to Sunday, March 30 at the Guelph Civic Museum (52 Norfolk Street). This show will
feature work from Heather Nagel, Joseph Kratochvil, Susan Bronya Mason, Barabara Shaw, Susan Pulleyblank, Karin Silverstone, Maggie Leighton and Sona Mincoff. The GCM is open daily from 1 pm to 5 pm. These works were selected from over 80 submissions by more than 40 artists. For more information visit www.guelph.ca/museum or contact Tammy Adkin 519-836-1221 ext 2775.
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Pre-arranging one's own funeral is now widely practiced across Canada. Gilbert MacIntyre & Son have been helping individuals and families with funeral prearrangements for almost 80 years. If you would like to make an appointment to discuss prearrangements, please contact us. Or, if you like, you can prearrange your funeral online. You will be asked the same basic questions you would in a one-on-one prearrangement meeting; but within the "comfort" of your own lifestyle. Our experience in dealing with prearranging funerals has lead to the development of the GILBERT MACINTYRE & SON TRUST PLAN for those who wish to pre-pay their funeral expenses.
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The GILBERT MACINTYRE & SON TRUST PLAN retains all the advantages of the pre-arranged funeral, but goes further with respect to the financial advantages. · The GILBERT MACINTYRE & SON TRUST PLAN is hedge against inflation. The cost of the funeral will never increase, no matter how long it is before the funeral services are required. · Pre-payment reduces the financial demands on the survivors. Costs will be paid out of income now, rather than from much needed funds of the estate. · Like a paid-up life insurance policy, this plan is of immediate and far-reaching benefit to survivors.
· Interest on funds held in a GILBERT MACINTYRE & SON TRUST PLAN is tax free. · The GGILBERT MACINTYRE & SON TRUST PLAN may be purchased on a convenient time payment plan. Usually the prearrangment service is entirely paid for by the time it is needed, thereby relieving the family of expense at the time of the funeral. · Money is held in trust and fully refundable any time.
The GILBERT MACINTYRE & SON TRUST PLAN is designed to comply with all regulations under the Funeral Services Act of Ontario and is fully insured.
International Women’s Day March 6, 5:30 to 9:00 pm Guelph Wellington Business Enterprise Centre in partnership with Innovation Guelph, and community partners including Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis; Guelph Women in Networking; Company of Women; The Guelph Zonta Group and Federation of University Women have put together an amazing event to celebrate the achievements of women in business for International Women’s Day. The event held at Cutten Field’s Country Club, will feature keynote speaker Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year Award winner, Barbara Stegemann. As a best selling author and seasoned businesswoman,
Barbara has been delivering talks and providing strategy for decades to advance socially conscious goals. Her fearless pitch on CBC’s Dragons’ Den made her the first woman from Atlantic Canada to land venture capital. Tickets are $65 or a table of eight for $500. Wine and appetizers will be available. Guests will also enjoy a musical performance by Celtic harpist Sharlene Wallace. Register by February 25 at guelphwomen.eventbrite.ca
Should I buy a house now or wait until I have more money saved? Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation (CMHC) has some interesting statistics available on home purchases. It normally takes people nine to 14 months to decide to move. However, once someone has decided to move, they normally act promptly when they see a house they’d like to buy. The majority of first-time homebuyers consult a mortgage broker when arranging their mortgage financing. So at The Mortgage Centre we see a lot of first-time homebuyers! One of the most common questions I get is, “Should I wait to buy a home until I have more money saved?” I think that good job stability and credit history are almost more important that having a significant down payment on a house. Job stability will give you the financial means to pay for the home expenses. Mortgage lenders are now conservative to whom they lend to. A good credit history is mandatory if you’re putting less than 20% as a down payment on your first house. And your credit history proves you can pay your financial obligations on time. A home purchase is likely the largest financial purchase you will make in your life. As a mortgage professional, I’m programmed to take the financial approach. I’ve included a table to help explain why it makes sense for first-time homebuyers to purchase now, rather than wait another year for a greater down payment. Here’s the rational on buying a house now
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versus waiting a year for a greater down payment. Most first-time homebuyers can purchase a decent condo or home for the price of $280,000. With $14,000 as a down payment (5%) the monthly mortgage payment will be approximately $1365. Home prices are slated to go up in the next year. The average price increase over the last 40 years has been approximately 6% in Guelph. However, I’ll be conservative and estimate that home prices will increase by 4% in the next year. Assuming that mortgage rates increase by 0.75% in the year, the same house that you can buy today for $280,000 will be worth $291,200. This same purchase in the future will require another $560 more as a 5% down payment. The monthly mortgage payment will now be $1408 per month, because of the increase in mortgage rates for the future. In a year, the same house will cost $43 more per month in payments and an extra $560 more in a down payment. In order to circumvent this issue, the borrower would need to put 10% as a down payment to get a similar mortgage payment. They will need to save an additional $15,100 more in a year, or about $1260 more per month over 12 months. If you don’t have the 5% as a down payment, some good mortgage lenders are still offering mortgages with no-down payments. Waiting another year to buy your first home Media release
Nestlé Waters Canada, Canada’s marketshareleading manufacturer and distributor of healthy beverage choices, today announced that it has donated bottled water with a suggested retail value of $147,896 to Speroway, a charitable organization based in Guelph that provides food, healthcare and education across Canada and around the world. About 42,324 cases of Nestlé Pure Life Natural Spring Water and Nestlé Pure Life Natures Blends were provided this week to Speroway for distribution to needy individuals and organizations across Canada. “We are extremely grateful to Nestlé Waters Canada for this sizable donation of bottled water,” said David Peck, Vice President, Speroway. “Through the generosity of beverage producers One day only! Friday, March 21
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Please contact Sandra if you have any questions about buying your first home, at 519-763-3900 ext. 1001 or at lastovic.s@mortgagecentre.com.
Buy now or wait – the hazards of market timing and waiting to buy your first house
Base Scenario
Scenario 1: Home prices stay the same Interest rates increase by 0.75%
Scenario 2: Home prices increase by 4% Interest rates increase by 0.75%
Scenario 3: Home prices decrease by 2% Interest rates increase by 0.5%
Home Price
Down payment
Interest Rate
Current rate 3.5%
Monthly Mortgage Payment
In each scenario, if you decide to wait for a year to buy your first home, you’ll pay more per month for your mortgage. If you have three to five percent of a down payment saved, and have good job stability and credit you can likely qualify for a mortgage! Why wait?
Company donates bottled water to assist those in need
by Sandra Lastovic
can be costly. If you have good credit and job stability, be proactive with your financial future and purchase a home. More and more individuals are buying homes as single people too!
like Nestlé Waters, Speroway is able to deliver much needed provisions to children and their families every day of the year. The Nestlé Waters donation will help to ensure that those in need in our communities across Canada this winter are properly hydrated.” Since opening its doors in 2004, Speroway (formerly FTC Canada) has made it a priority to ensure donations are used for the benefit of atrisk children and communities. From Northern Ontario to Central America, Africa and Asia, Speroway is attempting to make a difference in the world today. Speroway supports and empowers communities in Canada and around the world without discrimination by providing food, healthcare and education with Christian love, compassion and integrity.
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423 Woolwich St., Guelph, ON N1H 3X3 Phone: (519) 821-2763 Fax: (519) 821-2770 Email: info@vanharten.com www.vanharten.com January 2014 page 6
VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture ventureguelph.ca
The International Baccalaureate is coming to Bishop Macdonell by Richard Olson, Vice Principal, Bishop Macdonell Catholic High School The International Baccalaurate (IB) Diploma Students write external exams in six subject Programme (DP) is coming to Bishop Macdonell areas at the conclusion of their course of study. Catholic High School in South Guelph. The Successful students earn the Ontario Secondary school is currently in its second year of candidacy School Diploma (OSSD) and the IB Diploma. and anticipates full authorization from IB There are approximately 76 schools currently International for September 2015. This means offering the International Baccalaureate DP in that current grade 9 students will be the first Ontario. Bishop Macdonell will be the first cohort eligible for the Diploma Program. Catholic high school in the Wellington District to The IB Diploma Program is a two-year academ- offer the IB Diploma Programme. Because all ic program of study that students complete over publically-funded secondary schools are open their grade 11 and 12 years. An IB education chal- access in the province, both Catholics and nonlenges students with a demanding curriculum Catholics are welcome to apply to the prothat focuses on critical thinking, problem solving, gramme. collaboration and higher-order thinking skills. Principal Holly Conway sees the International The IB Diploma is internationally recognized Baccalaureate as an excellent addition to the proand respected by business leaders, universities, gramming currently offered at Bishop and other post-secondary destinations. It is recog- Macdonell.“We honour all pathways and the dignized by over 1800 universities and colleges nity of all learners,” says Conway.“The IB worldwide who actively recruit IB students, and Diploma Programme is good for both students who offer advanced placement and scholarships and teachers. It offers engaging and challenging that are accessible only to IB students. curricula that fosters global-mindedness, and
seeks to develop the whole person: body, mind, and spirit.” Bishop Macdonell currently offers Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs that lead to apprenticeships in the trades, as well as college and university programs. Some graduates enter the workforce immediately while others are supported through community living agencies. With the addition of the IB Diploma Programme, students will now have access to post-secondary institutions around the world because students are externally assessed based on published global standards. Historically, Bishop Macdonell has always had a large cohort of graduates who seek university as a post-secondary destination. With the addition of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, the school expects to build on its tradition of academic excellence that is bolstered by athletic, artistic and community service opportunities.“The profile if the IB learner and
New accessibility requirements for Ontario employers The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA”) imposes significant obligations on Ontario employers. The wide-reaching legislation applies to any public, private and non-profit organization that “provides goods, services or facilities to the public or other third parties” and has at least one employee in Ontario. The AODA has three main components: information and communication standards; employment accessibility standards; and, transportation standards. While the full impact of the legislation is beyond the scope of this article, the employment standards component of AODA requires that employers: notify prospective employees and the public about the availability of accommodation for those with disabilities during the recruitment processes; advise successful applicants of the employer’s policies for accommodating employees with disabilities; provide accessible formats and communication supports if requested; have a procedure to develop individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities; develop and document a return-to-work process; and, consider the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities during performance management, career development and during any redevelopment process.
our own Catholic graduate expectations are very congruent,” says school IB Coordinator and vice principal, Richard Olson. In the global village of the 21st century, Bishop Macdonell will soon be offering its students the opportunity to compete and contribute as international citizens who demonstrate care and compassion for a world that is often divided by cultural misunderstandings. As Principal Conway observes, “The mission statements of our Catholic district and the IB organization converge here. Let’s set the bar high for our students because they will meet and even exceed our expectations. Hard work yields excellent results.”
by Evan Campbell
The Act imposes staggered deadlines for compliance depending on whether the organization is a public or private sector employer, or whether the employer is classified as large (50 or more employees), or small (50 or less employees). The above-noted employment standards requirements must be met by January 1, 2014 for large public sector organizations; January 1, 2015 for small public sector organizations; January 1, 2016 for large private sector organizations; and, January 1, 2017 for small private sector organizations. However, the deadline to file the Customer Service Accessibility Compliance Report and provide individualized workplace emergency response plans to those with disabilities has already passed for organizations with 20 or more employees. The Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Enforcement has the power to conduct workplace audits and can impose significant fines for non-compliance. As such, employers should undertake a full review of workplace policies to ensure compliance within the required deadlines. Evan Campbell is an Associate in the Guelph office of Miller Thomson LLP working in the areas of employment law and litigation. Contact him at 519-780-4634 or ecampbell@millerthomson.com
Winter Leather Sale at Pioneer Furniture LeatherCraft is an award-winning manufacturer of top-quality leather furniture. We believe that great design must be paired with great quality. Your furniture is an investment that should last a lifetime. Our mission is to bring both quality and design into Canadian homes. LeatherCraft is a 100% Canadian company, located in Toronto, Ontario. All of our sofas are manufactured locally, and are individually hand-cut and custom upholstered. LeatherCraft products include a limited lifetime warranty and feature top-quality construction with hardwood frames and using only top-grain leather. Leather Crafter is just one of many leather sofa’s offered during this winter sales. See in store displays. Pioneer furniture also offers a large display of locally-crafted sold wood bedroom and dining room suites, reclining furniture and Canadian-made sofas and chairs, upholstered from a huge selection of beautiful fabrics and luxurious leathers. A pioneer in the furniture retail industry, we’ve been in business since 1923 and are one of Guelph's oldest family-run businesses.
Made in Canada
Feel the Luxury of Leather Winter Leather Sale Leather Sofa’s Starting at $1,399
January 2014 page 7
VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture ventureguelph.ca
Is your team prepared for success? by Tony Roy The best way to ensure you and your team are geared for success now or at any time is to ensure they are skilled to meet the goals and challenges at hand. Not sure how to incorporate a continuous education process for you or your team’s development? Here is a 10-step process to figure out how to make that work: 1.Establish your business goals and objectives for the next 90 days. 2.Identify the key behaviors that you or your team will need to demonstrate to achieve or exceed those goals. 3.List the skills a person would need to demonstrate those behaviors exceedingly well. 4.Grade you and your team on a scale of 1-10 as to how well you display those skills.
5.Consider any area you scored less than an eight as a training opportunity and prioritize them so the most relevant areas to your business success have your focus. 6.Determine three options for education or training in the needed areas. 7.Select the option that will help you achieve your goal with the greatest return on investment. 8.Remember to explain the expectations of enhanced performance to anyone you educate and to build some fun into the process. 9.Monitor your results and schedule activities people can use to continue improving upon what they learned. 10.Make sure you and your team schedule learning time into your calendar.If it isn’t scheduled,it isn’t likely to happen.
Internet health and wellness
Guelph Women in Networking - offering building blocks to help create a business and life plan that works for you Guelph Women in Networking (GWIN) is an organization dedicated to promoting the success of women by providing education, fostering relationships and giving back to the community. A membership of over 45 women meets for dinner on the first Tuesday of each month at Springfield Country Club. Members have time to network, and professional keynote speakers present topics that address both business and personal development issues. Members encompass all age ranges and include entrepreneurs, women from corporate communities, and those looking to start a business. Individual networking coffee dates are encouraged within the membership to build deeper businesses connections. With the common theme of women in business, everyone benefits from the support of like-minded individuals. Each year GWIN offers one $1,000.00 scholarship to one female college or university student from Wellington County. Recipients are women who have completed a minimum of one year of study–who strive for academic excellence, show responsibility and leadership, are involved in their local and scholastic community, and are working
One definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over, but expecting different results. If you have one of the many businesses that skip over the steps outlined above, consider employing this approach to drive new behaviors–you’ll have new results that you can consider “A Job Well Done”. Tony Roy is a Certified Business Coach for ActionCOACH. 519-729-0033 or tonyroy@actioncoach.com
towards a career that will advocate, promote, or enhance the success of women. GWIN supports various charities each year through special fundraisers, including a Christmas Charity Event where 100% of the proceeds go to charity, as well as an annual GWIN Ladies Golf Tournament and Silent Auction Fundraiser, where over 10% of the funds raised are donated. In December the GWIN penny auction raised $1300 for Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis. Watch for more details to come on GWIN’s murder mystery fundraiser this June. The organization also collaborates on a variety of community events including the upcoming International Women’s Day event at Innovation Guelph on March 6. (see page 6) GWIN advocates the success of women in business by committing its members to support each other in their business, personal and professional development. Women interesting in joining GWIN can choose from both full year or half year memberships. Guests are welcome to attend a trial meeting for a non-member price. For more details visit www.gwin.ca
by Anna Bartolomucci The Internet is a very powerful tool, which many use for medical information. Use this information wisely and do not believe everything you read. Some studies have shown the average Google search has a 40% accuracy rate. Most importantly, remember that the Internet is not intended to replace your doctor. When researching a health topic, also research the source. Insure you are using credible sites. The Internet can help you to prepare questions to bring to your doctor. It can also help to better understand the treatments or tests your doctor has ordered for you. The Internet can help you be pro-active in dealing with your illness or condition. There are exercises that help arthritis sufferers, diet options that will lower cholesterol, programs to help smokers quit, and the list goes on. There are support groups that can be accessed both in-person or on-line for almost every illness or condition. Beware of promises for a quick diagnosis. Filling in a few blanks with twenty words or less to tell someone (who may or may not be a doctor) your symptoms may not yield accurate results. Consider that they are not actually seeing you; they do not know what you may have failed to mention, your overall health or your family history. They have
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nothing to lose if they are wrong at your expense. Beware of sites that promote options or treatments that are not credible, are not yet approved, or are not medically sound. Sites that are selling hope in the form of a “quick cure” pill or elixir and sound too good to be true usually are too good to be true. The Internet provides access to a wealth of information and as Dr. Harlan Weinberg states,“It is a tool, but you still need to have someone doing the critical medical thinking. Your Internet is not going to provide you that”. Dr. Weinberg researched this topic for 3 ½ years and is the Head of Critical Care at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco, New York. Avoid becoming a “cyberchondriac” by balancing credible Internet information with reasonable medical advice. Don’t go looking for the worstcase scenario. Use online information as a tool to educate yourself. Government sites, reputable clinics or journals, condition specific sites or sites that offer pro-active information are most reliable. The Internet is becoming a big part of a total health care strategy so use it strategically. Anna Bartolomucci at WellServe Health Care Management, a division of Wellpoint Health Corp. 519-837-3896 Ext. 17
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Treatment and Case Management, to Prevention and Compliance. Our services help corporate clients become With over three decades of multi-sector experience in Occupational Health and Medicine, Wellpoint has earned the trust of the many companies and individuals that have been served.
Great Spaces At the Guelph Golf and Curling Club, our professional function spaces demonstrate our commitment to delivering extraordinary meetings and events. Our Waverly Room and Heritage Room offer flexible room configuration and set up, as well as integrated and fully supported audio visual systems complete with Wi-Fi and conference call ability all at no extra charge. Culinary Excellence From a simple continental breakfast to a formal dinner, our hospitality and banquet staff take immense pride in providing you and your attendees with a creative and exceptional dining experience. Our team will work with you to tailor a menu solution that will impress, while adhering to your budget. At the Guelph Golf and Conference Centre we truly believe that our people represent our competitive advantage. And we believe that you deserve a Great partner during the intricate process of crafting a meeting or event. From planning to closing remarks, you’ll feel confident knowing that you are supported by an entire team of meeting professionals fully vested in your success Open for Lunch Mon. - Fri. 11 am - 3 pm; Tgif Friday nights 5 pm - 11 pm; Open for Breakfast and lunch Sundays 8 am - 3 pm. Winter Hours of Operation:
Monday: 11 am - 11 pm Tuesday - Thursday: 11 am - 3 pm Friday: 11 am - 10 pm Saturday: Closed for Functions Sunday: 8 am - 3 pm .
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TGCC.ca January 2014 page 8
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VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture ventureguelph.ca
University of Guelph names eighth President and Vice-Chancellor Following an international search, the University of Guelph has appointed Prof. Franco Vaccarino as the University’s eighth president and vice-chancellor. He will succeed President Alastair Summerlee effective August 15, 2014. The announcement was made recently by Dick Freeborough, chair of the University’s Board of Governors. Vaccarino is currently principal of the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) and vice-president at the University of Toronto, a position he has held since 2007. “We had an outstanding slate of candidates from Canada and abroad,” said Freeborough, who also chaired the Presidential Selection Committee. “Professor Vaccarino has had a distinguished academic career and a proven record in organizational leadership. He is a remarkable scholar and educator as well as an accomplished administrator. He has an entrepreneurial spirit, a powerful sense of community and a profound commitment to societal engagement. He clearly has what it takes to lead the University in the years to come.” Vaccarino helped UTSC to grow in size and stature, drawing faculty and students to emerging areas of study and innovative
experiential learning opportunities. He also led a strategic planning process that provided a strong framework for campus plans and has helped position UTSC as a key intellectual and cultural hub in the eastern Greater Toronto Area. Among other positions at U of T, he has served as chair of the Department of Psychology; graduate chair of the tri-campus Graduate Department of Psychology; and head of the Department of Psychiatry’s neuroscience program. He also served as executive vice-president (programs) and vicepresident (research) at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and as vice-president and director of research, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, both in Toronto. Speaking of his appointment at Guelph, Vaccarino said, “I am extremely proud and humbled to be given the honour, privilege and trust to lead this University. Working with a strong community of faculty, students, staff, administrators, board members and alumni, I look forward to building upon U of G’s strengths and further developing and promoting its potential for excellence, particularly in food, health, environment and communities.” A widely published and internationally recognized researcher,
College RoyalTM celebrates 90 years With the theme of "90 Years of Royalty", this March will mark the 90-year anniversary for the University of Guelph’s College RoyalTM event. The Open House Weekend, running March 15 and 16, will kick-off with a cake cutting and speeches during the opening ceremonies. A historical exhibit will also be on display with a look at College Royal over the past 90 years. College Royal is the largest student run open house in North America. Founded in 1925 it began as a livestock show for the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) and currently encompasses all Colleges of the University of Guelph with thousands of visitors enjoying the diverse selection of events each year. A twelve-day series of student events also precedes the open house weekend. Both self-guided tours and student and faculty-led programs show visitors campus life behind closed doors. Main attractions include the Square Dance Competition, Livestock Shows, and the Cat and Dog Shows.
by Heather Grummett
Over 40 specialized areas of the campus are open to the public including, the Food Science Building, the greenhouses, Alexander Hall, the Athletics Centre, Gryphon Sports Centre, the Landscape Architecture Building, Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC), the Science Complex and War Memorial Hall. Visit the OVC primary healthcare centre for a behind the scenes look at a veterinary hospital and what happens when your pet goes to the vet. Kids are encouraged to bring a stuffed animal and participate in “teddy’s visit to the vet”. Go behind the scenes and explore the many displays and exhibits presented by clubs, colleges and classes of U of G. Experience the information gained by a degree or diploma, or get inspired by the fascinating facts and activities that groups have to offer. Doors are open to the Athletics Department, College of Biological Sciences, College of Physics and Engineering Science,
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Vaccarino has received major awards from leading research and scientific organizations, including the former Medical Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. His prominence in the field was recognized by the World Health Organization in his role as the principal editor of its Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence report. His studies of the neurobiology of stress and motivation are considered a model for bridging the neural and behavioural sciences. He holds a B.Sc. from the University of Toronto and a M.Sc. and a PhD in psychology from McGill University. “I know that the U of G community will join me in welcoming Professor Vaccarino to campus,” Summerlee said. “He is coming to an incredible place. We have an amazing team of people here at Guelph, and we all share in every success and challenge. Caring for this place and its people is imbedded in our culture.” Summerlee will leave office in June as U of G’s longest-serving president. In 2003, he became the first internal candidate to be named president. During his tenure, Summerlee has been commended for his leadership, and his contributions have been recognized by a number of national and international awards.
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, Ontario Agricultural College, and the College of Management and Economics. New to College RoyalTM this year is the Town and Gown Chili Chow Down event. Known as Canada’s food university, the University of Guelph has developed enhanced varieties of beans, tomatoes, peppers and onions. Using these locally grown ingredients, the University will challenge participating downtown restaurants to prepare chili for a cook-off. For a small donation, College RoyalTM visitors will be able to sample a selection of chilis and vote for the best recipes in a mix of categories: best vegetarian, spiciest chili, most unique recipe, best presentation, people’s choice, etc. The event takes place at 1:00 pm on March 15. For more information visit http://www.collegeroyalsociety.com
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GRAND OPENING Saturday, February 1st - 12pm - 5pm
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Tel: 519-822-3017 Fax: 519-822-0960 Email: info@guelphhydro.com Subject to additional terms and conditions found at saveonenergy.ca. Subject to change without notice. Funded by the Ontario Power Authority and offered by Guelph Hydro Electric Systems Inc. A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OMOfficial Mark of the Ontario Power Authority. Used under licence.
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