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Arts charities win big with Oak Tree Project by Doug MacMillan
Community of Hearts Lifelong Learning Centre was recently presented with $6,000 in cash prizes as the selected charity during The Oak Tree Project’s community fundraising competition. Pictured are Will Mactaggart, Director of Wealth Management for The Mactaggart Team - Richardson GMP Ltd (left), with Mayor Cam Guthrie and the members of the winning charity team, Community of Hearts. Photo: Dave Peleschak Design and Photography
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Several local charities shared more than $33,000 in cash donations at September’s finale of The Oak Tree Project, a community fundraising initiative spearheaded by local investment advisors The Mactaggart Team. The big winner? Community of Hearts Lifelong Learning Centre, a social network and skills training organization for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The charity left with more than $6,000 in cash prizes–along with dozens of compelling personal stories about their work written by their supporters. “We asked participating charities to share how a cash donation would help them build a stronger community through arts-based programming,” says Will Mactaggart, the lead on The Oak Tree Project. “Creative expression is something we’re passionate about. Not only have studies shown that arts programming can have a positive impact on the development of local communities and social networks, but also strengthening these roots will benefit future generations. Participating in art activities helps us to gain the tools necessary for understanding the human experience, adapting to and respecting others’ ways of thinking and working, developing creative problemsolving skills and communicating thoughts and ideas in many different ways.” Eighteen charities participated in the three-month competition, collecting online stories from supporters over the summer. Each story counted as a nomination, and the six organizations that collected the most online stories were invited to the finale to pitch their projects to judges and the audience of 210 supporters. The creative talks occasionally had the crowd wiping their eyes and the grand prize winner of $5,000 was awarded to Community of Hearts, which also netted another $1,000 as winner of the special Judges’ prize. Their idea on how $5,000 would benefit their work? A 10-week program to create large community murals exploring the theme of overcoming barriers. Participants will work in teams with professional local artists, and members of the wider community
will be invited to participate as well. Other big winners included Better Beginnings, Better Futures, awarded the $1,000 people’s choice award along with a finalist prize of $2,000. Four other finalists–Focus on Nature, Guelph Concert Band, Hospice Wellington and Murals of Hope–took home $2,000 each. “In fact, nobody went home empty-handed: each of the 18 participating charities left with a donation”, says Mactaggart. The money was provided by his business, matching gifts from other community businesses and sponsors, as well as donations made by guests at the finale event. “One of the best aspects of this project has been how many of our business partners and clients have so willingly contributed to the “pot” of winnings. They light up when we tell them about The Oak Tree Project, and many ask how they can get involved. It’s one of the many reasons we spend time with clients and colleagues talking not just about their investments, but about the things that matter to them, and to us,” says Mike Hryn, investment advisor and partner on The Mactaggart Team. “This truly is a community effort: we provide the engine, but the fuel is our clients, associates, in-kind sponsors, 210 guests at the finale and more than 1,200 online supporters who all contribute,” says Hryn. “We are grateful to everyone who has supported us to make the 2015 Project such a great success.” The Oak Tree Project was started in 2014 as a way of engaging the community in The Mactaggart Team’s corporate giving program. Each year, charities are invited to submit an idea based on a particular theme, and a call to the community helps generate stories, which serve as votes.
“As investment advisors, we’ve learned that the secret to building a family’s wealth and legacy lies not just in having an in-depth knowledge of the market and opportunities, but by spending time understanding our clients,” says Mactaggart. “We’re good listeners, first and foremost,” says Mike Hryn.“We aren’t interested in plugging someone into a formula, and would rather earn our clients’ trust by listening before we lead. We’ll ask a lot of questions, because we know only they are aware of your unique situation and needs–today, and as they prepare for the future and whatever it may bring: education, family events, retirement, wealth transfer and philanthropy.” “This project is an extension of that philosophy– we give back by listening to our community.” Sponsors of The Oak Tree Project included: Adrian Raso, AGF Investments Inc., The Art Gallery of Guelph, Boarding House Arts, Bridgehouse Asset Managers, CI Investments, Dave Peleschak Design and Photography, Dynamic Funds, Franklin Templeton Investments Corp., The Letter M Marketing, Richardson GMP Ltd., Palmer Audio, Pearl Street Communications, Picton Mahoney Asset Management, Polar Securities Inc., Premier Impressions Ltd., Rosmar Drywall, Savour the Season, Sorbara Law and Trez Capital. The judging panel included Cam Guthrie, Claire Hefferon, Chris Willard, Dawn Owen, Ella Pauls, Jeff DeRuyter, Kirk Roberts, Kithio Mwanzia, Marty Williams and Renann Isaacs. For more information visit www.oaktreeguelph.ca or contact Will Mactaggart, at The Mactaggart Team Richardson GMP Limited, 519-827-2906 or Will.Mactaggart@RichardsonGMP.com
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