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The Guelph & District Human Resources Professionals Association recently held the 2013 Employer of Distinction Awards where Ceramic Decor was recognized in the small employer category. Pictured are left to right: Stefanie Bradley, GDHRPA President; Lynda Bentley, Angel Inglis, and Jacquie Rivard from Guelph Ceramic Décor; Sandra Casarin, GDHRPA committee member; Brenda Key, Guelph Ceramic Décor; Crystal Dunlop, GDHRPA Public Relations Director; and Kim Currie, Guelph Ceramic Décor. For additional photos and coverage of the awards please see page 10.
Guelph residents petition proposed cell tower by Heather Grummett
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To date, over 300 Guelph residents have signed petitions opposing a proposed 16-metre-high Bell Mobility antenna tower at 235 Starwood Drive in Guelph. Located in a residential neighbourhood, the tower would also be adjacent to two schools. A Rogers wireless pole extension has also been proposed on the house-lined Auden Road, which is in the same area. Under the City’s Telecommunications Tower and/or Antenna Policy, Bell was not required to notify residents of the tower. Regulated through Industry Canada, cell towers and antennae only fall under the jurisdiction of the City of Guelph if they are over 16.6 metres. The federal organization does not require public notification or consultation of the proposed tower, or the additional antenna on the Roger’s extension. Not only are local residents concerned about their property value, the addition of the tower raises many health concerns regarding the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) which is emitted from cell towers, base stations, antennas and transmitters. A local resident, who asked not to be named, spearheaded the petitions. She has developed an electrosensitivity and suffers from headaches, tinnitus, difficulty sleeping, vertigo, eye irritation, anxiety, and heart palpitations
caused by exposure to EMR. In Canada, the safety guidelines for devices that produce radiofrequency fields (RF) are set out in what is commonly called Health Canada's Safety Code 6. The exposure limit guidelines were developed in 1979 and have been updated since, however, several concerns have been raised about the parameters of the guidelines. Concerns are centred around the guidelines being based only on the thermal effects of microwave radiation–not on non-thermal effects. Therefore predicting the level at which flesh bakes, not taking into account the health effects on brain waves or neurological systems. The Royal Society of Canada’s Expert Panel on Potential Health Risks from Wireless Telecommunication Devices conducted a detailed review of RF fields. In a report update Recent Advances In Research On Radiofrequency Fields And Health: 2001-2003, the authoritative reviews concluded that there is no clear evidence of adverse health effects associated with RF fields, although the report does support the need for further research to clarify the possible associations between RF fields and adverse health outcomes. Many red flags have been raised over conflict-of-interest concerns regarding
several members of the panel chosen by the Royal Society of Canada. In 2012, Frank Clegg, the former president of Microsoft Canada established Canadians for Safe Technology, a notfor-profit, volunteer-based coalition and leading website that informs Canadians and their policy makers about the dangers of exposure to unsafe levels of radiation. The organization is pushing for a proper review of Safety Code 6 by an independent and unbiased panel of researchers and scientists. “My biggest concern is that the health issues are not being properly taken into consideration in regards to Safety Code 6,” says local resident Tracey Manton. “If people were aware of the health risks, I believe they would be opposed to more towers being erected in the City and be more concerned that they are being subjected to EMR.” Over seven towers have gone up in her neighbourhood this month. EMR is the same radiation that is emitted from cell phones, Wi-Fi, cordless phones, Smart Meters, microwaves, wireless appliances and baby monitors. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified radio frequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcino-
genic (Group 2B) based on an increased risk of brain cancer–putting it in the same category as lead and DDT. In October of the same year, Health Canada issued a cell phone use warning for children under 18, since radiation from cell phones and other sources penetrates deeper into the heads of children. In 2012, 29 independent scientists and health experts from around the world prepared an updated BioInitiative Report. It covers approximately 1800 new studies that outline bioeffects and adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields and wireless technologies. An International EMF Project established by WHO works to further assess health and environmental effects of exposure to electric and magnetic fields. The main aim is to initiate and co-ordinate research worldwide to produce a well-founded response to public concerns. Information on the organization’s website states that the large number of studies which suggest that electromagnetic fields are harmless receive little if any coverage, and states that science cannot provide a guarantee of absolute safety yet but the development of research is overall reassuring. A letter sent from the Director of Industry Canada to – Cont’d page 5
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